Museum Tusculanum Danish Golden Age Catalogue

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The Danish Golden Age Danish golden age studies & texts from golden age denmark published by Museum Tusculanum Press In collaboration with The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre University of Copenhagen and other selected titles on philosophy, religion, and art from 19th century Denmark




The Isolated Self

Following the Cultured Public’s Chosen One

Brian K. Soderquist On the Concept of Irony is a foun­ dational text that established some of Kierkegaard’s most im­ portant ideas on the self. Soder­ quist shows how Kierkegaard’s concept of irony is crucial to un­ derstanding his pivotal thoughts on selfhood.

Danish Golden Age Studies (ISSN: 1903–3338)


Vol. 1 2013 · 247 p. · pb (forthcoming paperback edition) Isbn 978-87-635-4065-0 Retail DKK 200 · € 27 Online DKK 160 · € 21

Following the Cultured Public’s Chosen One Why Martensen Mattered to Kierkegaard

Curtis L. Thompson The case is here argued that Kier­ kegaard followed Martensen’s intellectual development very closely and that Martensen’s shifting theological agenda in fact notably shaped the evolving agenda of Kierkegaard’s own developing religious thought.

Vol. 4 2008 · 216 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-1097-4 Retail DKK 250 · € 34 Online DKK 200 · € 27

Positivity and Dialectic

Johan Ludvig Heiberg

Robert Leslie Horn

Jon Stewart (ed.)

A special target of the polemics of Kierkegaard is the attempts of the Danish theologian Hans Lassen Martensen to bend the Hegelian philosophical method to his own theological purpos­ es. Positivity and Dialectic traces Martensen’s theological meth­ od through four stages in the period which is pertinent for the study of Kierkegaard, the years 1833–1850.

Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791– 1860) was a leading cultural figure of the Golden Age. This volume is a collection of articles dedicated to illustrating as many different dimensions of Johan Ludvig Heiberg’s thought and intellectual activity as possible.

Vol. 2 2013 · 246 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3089-7 Retail DKK 250 · € 34 Online DKK 200 · € 27

Vol. 5 2008 · 457 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-1096-7 Retail DKK 350 · € 47 Online DKK 280 · € 38

A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark (Tome I–III) Jon Stewart

A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark Tome I

C.A. Reitzel

Jon Stewart While Kierkegaard’s polemic with the Danish Hegelians is a well-known part of his philosophical agenda, the actual texts and ideas of these thinkers have received little attention in their own right. This work demonstrates that this largely overlooked tradition of Hegel reception played a profound and indeed constitutive role in many aspects of Golden Age culture and brought into its orbit most of the main figures from the period.

Tome I Tome II Vol. 3 2007 · 650 p. · hb 2007 · 795 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3086-6 978-87-635-3101-6 Retail DKK 400 · € 54 DKK 500 · € 67 Online DKK 320 · € 43 DKK 400 · € 54

Tome III Forthcoming

Hans Lassen Martensen: Theologian, Philosopher and Social Critic Hans Lassen Martensen Edited by Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart (ed.)

Vol. 6 2012 · 369 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3169-6 Retail DKK 350 · € 47 Online DKK 280 · € 38

The Heibergs and the Theater

Women of the Danish Golden Age

Jon Stewart (ed.)

Katalin Nun

Johan Ludvig Heiberg is the most famous theater critic of the Danish Golden Age. But, as the articles in this volume show, Heiberg’s lifelong occupation with theater was closely tied to his far-reaching philosophical and political interests.

Offering a panorama of per­ sonalities, literary texts, theater performances, artworks, and sociopolitical debates, Women of the Danish Golden Age is a rich appreciation of the importance of women to Denmark’s cultural life during one of its most flour­ ishing periods.

Vol. 7 2013 · 316 p. · hb Isbn 978-87-635-3897-8 Retail DKK 298 · € 40 Online DKK 238 · € 32

Vol. 9 2013 · 200 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3913-5 Retail DKK 198 · € 27 Online DKK 158 · € 21

Forthcoming titles in this series Vol. 9

Vol. 10

The Crisis of the Danish Golden Age

The Master of the “Thief Language”

Heiberg, Martensen and Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard’s Hidden Satire of Heiberg in Repetition

J on S tewart

M a d s S o hl J e sse n


Danish Golden Age Studies (ISSN: 1903–3338)

It is unfortunate that to international research Hans Lassen Martensen (1808–1884) was known for many years only as a central figure in Kierkegaard’s attack on the Danish State Church. In the past few decades there has, however, been a renewed appreciation for Martensen as an important thinker in his own right. The present anthology attempts to bring together the works of the leading scholars responsible for this recent surge of interest.

Heiberg’s On the Significance of Philosophy for the Present Age and other texts

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Introductory Lecture to the Course and Other Texts HEIBERG’s Logic

Texts from Golden Age Denmark (ISSN: 1903–3346)


Jon Stewart (ed. and trans.) Kierkegaard was in a critical dis­ cussion more often with Danish authors influenced by Hegel, such as Johan Ludvig Heiberg, than with Hegel himself. But many works on the issue in the secondary literature have presupposed Kierkegaard’s immediate relation to Hegel and neglected the move­ ment of Danish Hegelianism. One of the reasons for this may be the lack of translations of figures like Heiberg. In this volume the English reader will be able to follow a Danish debate about Hegel’s philosophy and judge for him- or herself what relation it has to Kier­ kegaard’s thought.

Vol. 1 2005 · 467 p. · hb Isbn 978-87-635-3084-2 Retail DKK 350 · € 47 Online DKK 280 · € 38

Jon Stewart (ed. and trans) This volume features Johan Ludvig Heiberg’s most extensive treatment of logic, namely, his Outline of the Philosophy of Philosophy or Speculative Logic (1832). This work follows closely Hegel’s main statement on the subject, the Science of Logic. Heiberg’s text foreshadows a number of later Danish discussions about issues related to Hegel’s logic, for example the question of a presuppositionless beginning, mediation, movement in logic, the validity of the law of excluded middle, and finally the relation of philosophy to religion.

Vol. 2 2006 · 387 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3091-0 Retail DKK 325 · € 44 Online DKK 260 · € 34

Heiberg’s Introductory Lecture to the Logic Course and Other Texts

HEIBERG’s Introductory Lecture to the Logic Course and Other Texts



Heiberg’s Speculative Logic and Other Texts

Edited and Translated by Jon Stewart

Edited and Translated by Jon Stewart

C.A. Reitzel

C.A. Reitzel

Jon Stewart (ed. and trans.) This volume features the Introductory Lecture to Vol. 3 2007 · 334 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3085-9 the Logic Course (1835), which is one of the clearest Retail DKK 275 · € 37 statements of Heiberg’s Hegelian idealism. Hei­ Online DKK 220 · € 29 berg makes a case for the primacy of philosophy over, for example, religion or the natural sciences by appealing to a theory of categories. In this work Heiberg also treats philosophy of language and aesthetics, and the work contains his appeal to “the demand of the age,” which Kierkegaard satirized in works such as Stages on Life’s Way.

08-08-2007 21:16:43

Heiberg’s Contingency Regarded from the Point of View of Logic and Other Texts Jon Stewart (ed. and trans.) This volume features Heiberg’s Contingency Regarded from the Point of View of Logic (1825), which represents a pseudo-Hegelian account of the categories of contingency and necessity. In “Nemesis: A Popular-Philosophical Investigation,” Heiberg attempts to demonstrate that even though we no longer believe in Nemesis as a goddess who controls our lives, we often make use of the concept of nemesis without knowing it. This volume also includes other philosophical and literary articles, primarily from Heiberg’s journal, Kjøbenhavns flyvende Post.

Vol. 4 2008 · 457 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-1099-8 Retail DKK 350 · € 47 Online DKK 280 · € 38

Mynster’s Rationalism, Supernaturalism and the Debate about Mediation Jon Stewart (ed. and trans.)

Vol. 5 2009 · 683 p. · hb Isbn 978-87-635-3096-5 Retail DKK 550 · € 74 Online DKK 440 · € 59

Jon Stewart (ed. and trans.) The poet and philosopher Johan Ludvig Heiberg published the first issue of his review Perseus, Journal for the Speculative Idea in 1837 as a part of his campaign to convert his contemporaries to Hegel’s philosophical system. The review was widely read and discussed among Danish stu­ dents and intellectuals of the time and it was reviewed by the philosopher F. C. Sibbern and satirized by Søren Kierkegaard in his Prefaces. Heiberg’s Perseus represents a landmark in Golden Age culture.

Vol. 6 2011 · 416 p. · hb ISBN 978-87-635-3170-2 Retail DKK 350 · € 47 Online DKK 280 · € 38

Forthcoming titles in this series Vol. 7

Vol. 9

Sibbern’s Remarks and Investigations Primarily Concerning Hegel’s Philosophy

P.M. Møller’s “Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Immortality” and Other Texts

J on S tewart

F i n n G r e da l J e n se n J o n S t e wa rt

Vol. 8

Vol. 10

Hans Christian Andersen’s Only a Fiddler

Heiberg’s New Poems and Other Texts

K atali n N u n J o n S tewart

J o n S t e wa rt


Texts from Golden Age Denmark (ISSN: 1903–3346)

G. W. F. Hegel’s philosophy reached Denmark in the mid1820s and resulted in a con­ troversy initiated by the article “Rationalism, Supernaturalism” by the theologian Jakob Peter Mynster. In this article he at­ tacked Hegel’s criticism of the law of excluded middle. The poet Johan Ludvig Heiberg and the theologian Hans Lassen Martensen then came to Hegel’s defense. The philosopher Frederik Christian Sibbern also took part in the debate, and Kierkegaard’s critical discussions of mediation were significantly in­ fluenced by these debates. The present volume includes the main texts in this controversy.

Heiberg’s Perseus and Other Texts

Søren Kierkegaard Literature 1956–2006: A Bibliography

Litterære pasregimer: Bevægelseskontrol og identifikation i europæisk litteratur 1725–1875

Aage Jørgensen

Jesper Gulddal

2009 ∙ 651 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3028-6 retail price: DKK 550 / € 74 · online price: DKK 440 / € 59

Selected Titles from 19th Century Denmark


2008 ∙ 411 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-0573-4 Tidlig Moderne, vol. 5 · ISSN 1901-9912 retail price: DKK 348 / € 47 · online price: DKK 278 / € 37


i Dan

Tänkarens mångfald: Nutida perspektiv på Søren Kierkegaard Lone Koldtoft, Jan Holmgaard & Jon Stewart (eds.)

2005 ∙ 328 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-0379-2 Centrum för Danmarksstudier, vol. 9 · ISSN 1651-775X retail price: DKK 275 / € 37 · online price: DKK 220 / € 29

Formationer i europæisk romantik h edis


Marie-Louise Svane

2003 ∙ 286 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-804-9 Teori og æstetik, vol. 15 · ISSN 0908-8865 retail price: DKK 248 / €33 · online price: DKK 198 / €27


i Dan

Ironiens tænker, tænkningens ironi: Kierkegaard læst retorisk Jacob Bøggild

2002 ∙ 288 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-734-9 Teori og æstetik, vol. 12 · ISSN 0908-8865 retail price: DKK 248 / € 33 · online price: DKK 198 / € 27



Det venskabelige bombardement: København 1807 som historisk begivenhed og national myte Rasmus Glenthøj & Jens Rahbek Rasmussen (eds.)

2007 ∙ 275 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-0737-0 retail price: DKK 248 / €33 · online price: DKK 198 / €27


i Dan

Naturens tankelæser: En biografi om Hans Christian Ørsted Dan Ch. Christensen

2009 ∙ 1210 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-2524-4 retail price: DKK 498 / € 67 · online price: DKK 398 / € 53


i Dan

1848 – det mærkelige år Claus Bjørn (ed.)

1998 ∙ 160 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-514-7 retail price: DKK 198 / € 27 · online price: DKK 158 / € 21


i Dan

Blik paa Poesiens Historie N. F. S. Grundtvig

1985 ∙ 128 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-88073-69-0 UJDS-Studier, vol. 3 · ISSN 0109-2804 retail price: DKK 75 / € 10 · online price: DKK 60 / € 8



Breve mellem front og hjem Mogens Weitemeyer

1994 ∙ 124 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-284-9 retail price: DKK 65 / € 9 · online price: DKK 52 / € 7


i Dan

Grundtvig: Nyckeln till det danska? Hanne Sanders & Ole Vind (eds.)

2003 ∙ 303 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-897-1 Centrum för Danmarksstudier, vol. 1 · ISSN 1651-775X retail price: DKK 275 / € 37 · online price: DKK 220 / € 29

The Triumph of Art at Thorvaldsens Museum: ‘Løve’ in Copenhagen John G. W. Henderson h

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Hans Brøchners breve til Julie Thomsen fra årene 1846–47 og 1849 Carl Henrik Koch & Vibeke Koch (eds.)

2013 ∙ 163 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-3975-3 retail price: DKK 148 / € 20 · online price: DKK 118 / € 16

ish Dan

Konturer: Skulptur- og dødsbilleder fra guldalderlitteraturen Sanders , Karin

1997 ∙ 262 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-338-9 retail price: DKK 249 / € 33 · online price: DKK 199 / € 27


i Dan

2005 ∙ 120 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-0132-3 retail price: DKK 250 / € 34 · online price: DKK 200 / € 27

Bertel Thorvaldsen: A Daguerreotype Portrait 1840 Marie Louise Berner

2005 ∙ 138 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-911-4 retail price: DKK 198 / € 27 · online price: DKK 158 / € 21

Hegels skeptiske vej til den absolutte viden: En analyse af Phänomenologie des Geistes Jørgen Huggler

1999 ∙ 363 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-528-4 retail price: DKK 298 / € 40 · online price: DKK 238 / € 32


i Dan

Philosophy on the Border

Robin May Schott & Kirsten Klercke (eds.)

Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd: Patriotisk diskurs og militære reformer i Danmark i det sene 1700-tal

2007 ∙ 228 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-0503-1 retail price: DKK 198 / € 27 · online price: DKK 158 / € 21

Tine Damsholt

For the Health of the Enslaved: Slaves, Medicine and Power in the Danish West Indies, 1803–1848

2000 ∙ 369 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-642-7 Etnologiske Studier · ISSN 1398-8980 retail price: DKK 278 / €37 · online price: DKK 222 / €30


i Dan

Niklas Thode Jensen

På fædrelandets alter: National identitet og patriotisme hos det danske borgerskab 1807–1814

2012 ∙ 352 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-3171-9 retail price: DKK 400 / € 54 · online price: DKK 320 / € 43

Rasmus Glenthøj

Friedrich Schlegel og hermenutikken: Fragmenter af en teori om forståelsen Jesper Gulddal

2003 ∙ 119 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-837-7 Teori og Æstetik, vol. 14 · ISSN 0908-8865 retail price: DKK 148 / € 20 · online price: DKK 118 / € 16


i Dan

2007 ∙ 195 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-635-0450-8 retail price: DKK 198 / € 27 · online price: DKK 158 / € 21


i Dan

Brudstykker af en selvbiografi: En eventyrers og straffefanges erindringer fra København, London, Island og Tasmanien, med refleksioner over ret, straf, fængsler, deportation og kolonisering Jørgen Jürgensen/ Jørgen Jensen & Marie Friis Kelstrup (trans.) 2006 ∙ 253 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-0456-0 retail price: DKK 275 / € 37 · online price: DKK 220 / € 29


i Dan



D 2005 ∙ 338 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-738-7 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 28 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 298 / €40 · online price: DKK 238 / €32

J. P. E. Hartmann og hans kreds. Bind 4: En komponistfamilies breve 1780–1900 Inger Sørensen (ed.)

Thomas Lyngby


i Dan

Horneman: En kunstnerslægt Inger Sørensen

2011 ∙ 397 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3740-7 retail price: DKK 298 / € 40 · online price: DKK 238 / € 32

Kirsten Dreyer (ed.)

Inger Sørensen (ed.)

ish Dan

H. C. Andersens brevveksling med Lucie og B. S. Ingemann Kirsten Dreyer (ed.)

ish Dan

H. C. Andersens brevveksling med Signe Læssøe og hendes kreds: En dokumentarisk fremstilling udgivet med indledning og kommentarer Kirsten Dreyer (ed.)


i Dan

H. C. Andersen og Jonas Collin den yngre: En brevveksling 1855– 1875 Kirsten Dreyer (ed.)



Johan Nicolai Madvigs dannelsestanker: En kritisk humanist i den danske romantik Jesper Eckhardt Larsen



D 2002 ∙ 150 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-757-8 Studier fra Sprog- og Oldtidsforskning, vol. 337 · ISSN 0107-9212 retail price: DKK 148 / € 20 · online price: DKK 118 / € 16 Hertuger: At synes og at være i Augustenborg 1700-1850



D 2011 ∙ 166 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3741-4 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 40 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 198 / € 27 · online price: DKK 158 / € 21

Niels W. Gade og hans europæiske kreds: En brevveksling 1836– 1891 Inger Sørensen



D 2009 ∙ 1660 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-2577-0 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 36 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 750 / € 100 · online price: DKK 600 / € 80 Abildgaard: Kunstneren mellem oprørerne Patrick Kragelund

1999 ∙ 750 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-510-9 retail price: DKK 550 / € 74 · online price: DKK 299 / € 40


i Dan

100 Danish Poems: From the Medieval Period to the Present Day Thomas Bredsdorff & Anne-Marie Mai (eds.) / John Irons (trans.) 2011 ∙ 368 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3128-3 retail price: DKK 250 / € 34 · online price: DKK 200 / € 27

Erindringssteder i Danmark: Monumenter, mindesmærker og mødesteder Inge Adriansen

2010 ∙ 516 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3173-3 Etnologiske Studier, vol. 14 · ISSN 1398-8980 retail price: DKK 475 / € 64 · online price: DKK 380 / € 51


i Dan

Den tomme stat: Angst og ansvar i dansk politik 1848–1864

Mikkel Venborg Pedersen

2005 ∙ 300 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-0191-0 Etnologiske Studier, vol. 11 · ISSN 1398-8980 retail price: DKK 298 / € 40 · online price: DKK 238 / € 32


i Dan

Et venskab: C. F. E. Hornemans korrespondance med Edvard Grieg 1863–1898

Kamma Rahbeks brevveksling med Chr. Molbech

2001 ∙ 327 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-669-4 retail price: DKK 298 / € 40 · online price: DKK 238 / € 32



D 2002 ∙ 620 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-719-6 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 17 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 300 / € 40 · online price: DKK 240 / € 32

Den sentimentale patriotisme: Slaget på Reden og H. C. Knudsens patriotiske handlinger

2005 ∙ 646 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-986-2 retail price: DKK 450 / € 60 · online price: DKK 360 / € 48



D 1999 ∙ 1835 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-515-4 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 17 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 650 / € 87 · online price: DKK 520 / € 70

Hans Vammen



2011 ∙ 388 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-3802-2 retail price: DKK 375 / € 50 · online price: DKK 300 / € 40


i Dan


Selected Titles from 19th Century Denmark

Inger Sørensen (ed.)

Mads Mordhorst & Jes Fabricius Møller

1998 ∙ 606 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-471-3 retail price: DKK 538 / € 72 · online price: DKK 430 / € 58


i Dan

J. P. E. Hartmann og hans kreds. Bind 1–3: En komponistfamilies breve 1780–1900

Historikeren Caspar Paludan-Müller

1994 ∙ 939 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-245-0 Danish Humanist Texts and Studies, vol. 6 · ISSN 0105-8746 retail price: DKK 540 / € 72 · online price: DKK 432 / € 58

2009 ∙ 206 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-635-2599-2 retail price: DKK 248 / € 33 · online price: DKK 198 / € 27


Ida Haugsted

2001 ∙ 160 p. ∙ pb · ISBN 978-87-7289-691-5 retail price: DKK 175 / € 23 · online price: DKK 140 / € 19

Mikkel Venborg Pedersen

i Dan

Tryllehaven Tivoli 1993 ∙ 244 p. ∙ hb · ISBN 978-87-7289-238-2 retail price: DKK 300 / € 40 · online price: DKK 200 / € 27

I søvnens favn: Om søvn og sovevaner på landet 1600–1850

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