Chapter Seven The Ghost of Irony in Kierkegaard’s Authorship The aim of this study is to offer an interpretation of On the Concept of Irony which focuses on Kierkegaard’s conception of irony as an existential position or worldview. Because much recent research has mined On the Concept of Irony in search of Kierkegaard’s contribution to a theory of literary irony, the focus of this study departs in many respects from those of its immediate predecessors. Most importantly, I suggest that Kierkegaard’s analysis of irony is centered on existential consequences associated with it. Since critics in Kierkegaard’s time had already noted that his analysis of irony is as much an investigation of ethics as it is aesthetics, this reading returns to an earlier understanding of irony and it is my hope that it brings to the fore some of the issues implicit in On the Concept of Irony that have been neglected. Although the focus of this study is On the Concept of Irony, I am also hopeful that the results of this research can be used as a point of departure for future studies of Kierkegaard’s other works. In particular, I would like to suggest that an existential reading of On the Concept of Irony underscores themes that recur throughout the authorship, including problems like finding meaningful practical guidelines in the finite world, closing oneself off from relationships with the other, and opening oneself to a divine power. For this reason, I think that the results of this analysis of On the Concept of Irony can be helpful in interpreting Kierkegaard’s corpus. In this concluding chapter, I present both an overview of the results of this study and offer examples of how these findings can contribute to Kierkegaard studies in general. In section one, I summarize what I take to be the essential arguments in each chapter, focusing on the implicit existential movements of irony. In section two of this chapter, I turn my attention to other works, including Either/Or, and some that might not seem to be directly related to On the Concept of Irony, including