今日北美(总第68期)by Greatrust Group Canada Inc.

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23 农历七月十三 星期四





蒙特利尔版 第 68 期

依托中 加资源优势 依托中加资源优势 打造高端商务平台 打造高 端商务平台 商务合作: 商务合作 : info@greatrust.ca 荣信官网:www.greatrust.ca

抓紧机会!梅赛德斯奔驰夏季优惠即将结束! 不容错过的2018特惠车型,把握最后机会!





$6, 150首期


* 税项另计


©2018Mer cedesBenzCanadaI nc.Leaseandf i nanceof f er sbasedont he2018GLE4004MATI Car eavai l abl eonl yt hr oughMer cedesBenzFi nanci al Ser vi cesonappr ovedcr edi tf oral i mi t edt i me.* Tot al pr i ceof$68, 612f oradver t i sedvehi cl ei ncl udesMSRPpl usal l appl i cabl edeal erf ees.* * Leaseexampl ebasedon$728permont hf or45mont hswi t hadownpaymentorequi val entt r adeof$6, 150.Fr ei ght / PDIof$2, 345,ai r condi t i oni ngl evyof$100,EHFt i r esof$15,andRDPRM f eeof$52. 49ar edueatsi gni ng.Fi r stmont h’ spaymentpl ussecur i t ydeposi tof$750andappl i cabl et axesdueatl easei ncept i on. ar t i ngat$66, 100.LeaseAPRof2. 9% appl i es.Tot alobl i gat i oni s$42, 172.18, 000km/ yearal l owance( $0. 30/ km f orexcesski l omet r esappl i es) .†Cashcr edi tof$1, 000onl yappl i cabl eont he2018 MSRPst GLE( i ncl udi ngAMG) .Vehi cl el i cence,i nsur ance,r egi st r at i on,andt axesar eext r a.Deal ermayl easeorf i nancef orl ess.Of f er smaychangewi t houtnot i ceandcannotbecombi nedwi t hanyot herof f er s. Seeyouraut hor i zedMer cedesBenzdeal erf ordet ai l sorcal lt heMer cedesBenzCust omerRel at i onsCent r eat18003870100.Of f er sendSept ember3,2018.

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