Council Packet
Formerly known as the “Reaching Out Report,” this is only published when the county extension council meets.
August 2021 * Vol. 14 Issue 7
International Education Trip to Italy
See page 5 for more information about County Engagement Specialist David Burton’s trip to Italy. He used two professional development grants he received two years ago from the University of Missouri on the trip. David landed in Rome, then continued with visits to Venice, Vasto, Bulleno, Moreno, Verona, Florence and finished up in Rome again. When not traveling he was with a team working with contacts in those cities on a series of future music
exchanges, student camps and future educational conferences. Report on page 9.
Greene County Extension Council | Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email:
An equal opportunity/ access/affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.
Greene County COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE Extension Council Pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law: Notice is given: Greene Greg Boehne Chairman
County Extension Council will conduct a public meeting starting at noon, Monday, August 30, 2021, online.
Alex Greiwe Vice-chair
MEETING: Hybrid—in person at Botanical Center but also available via Zoom Online:
Morgan Ash Secretary
Noon —
Lisa Bakerink Treasurer John Russell County Commission Tammy Lowrey Farm Bureau Jordan Miller MFA Samuel Snider City of Willard Jason Buffington City of Battlefield Joseph Hoffman City of Springfield Vacant 4-H Youth member Members at large Scott Smith Chad Courtney Karen Dowdy Chris Schulze Rick Stenberg Larry Adams Ray Meyer Eric Sutton Allison Anbari Christina Hammers Aaron Jones Stephen Snead Mike Lofaro Tiger Ambassador
Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call — Secretary (Establish a Quorum) Consent Agenda Items — Meeting minutes (next page). Financials & bills are provided to council in a separate email for approval.
Staff Reports & Grant Updates: Sherri Hull, Myra Dickensheet, Kelly McGowan, Amy Patillo, Amber Allen and David Burton Old Business /Committee Reports • Mini-Grant forms in the financial package. This months requests: Neighborhood grant requests, Drury partnership, 4-H funding, library hotspots • Commission Ag Tour—Sept. 3 • Century Farm Awards — Sept. 13 New Business for discussion • 2022 County Budget Request Discussion • MOU for juvenile office YPA • New 4-H Specialist begins Sept 15 Educational Presentation that Adds Value to Your Life Guest speaker: Neighboring and Cultural Exchange between Springfield and Italy CLOSED SESSION (if needed): Agenda includes a possible vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to Section 610.021 to discuss issues related to “individually identifiable personnel records.”
Adjourn FUTURE COUNCIL MEETINGS • September 27— Meeting at Botanical Center • October 25 — Meeting at Botanical Center PENDING: Any and all other matters that come before the extension council. Council receives proposals and financials by mail or email. Same information is available to the public on request.
MU Extension is an equal opportunity/ access/affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.
Greene County Extension Council Minutes MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COUNCIL OF GREENE COUNTY Date: Monday, June 28, 2021 Place: Via Zoom Meeting and In Person at: Botanical Center, 2400 South Scenic Avenue, Springfield, MO Attendees: Larry Adams, Allison Anbari, Morgan Ash, Lisa Bakerink, Greg Boehne, Jason Buffington, Karen Dowdy, Alex Greiwe, Christina Hammers, Joseph Hoffman, Aaron Jones, Ray Meyer, Chris Schulze, Samuel Snider, Rick Stenberg and Eric Sutton. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm, by Council Chair, Greg Boehne, who welcomed those in attendance. The pledge of allegiance was said. Secretary Morgan Ash called roll and it was determined that a quorum was present.
driving safely. She has an upcoming daily brain workout program. David Burton has an Agricultural tour scheduled for September 3rd with state legislators invited. August 18th is the next Mizzou Leadership Network luncheon. Old Business: Mini-Grants: There are 2 proposals this month. The first request is for $1,000.00 to cover Master Naturalist Training, specifically covering the costs of activities in the class.
A motion was made by Morgan Ash and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman, to approve the minigrant request for$1,000.00 to cover the costs of class activities for the Master Naturalist training. The motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. The second mini-grant request is for participant fees for a grief education class at Boys and Girls Club.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Karen Dowdy and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to approve the consent agenda items, including the May meeting minutes, the bills and financials. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Samuel Snider and was seconded by Jason (Beau) Buffington, to approve the mini-grant request for participant fees for a grief education class at Boys and Girls Club. The motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
Staff Reports: Kelly McGowan has three research projects ongoing. Garlic will be harvested tomorrow. The lilac and tomato projects are ongoing too. Growing season is keeping her very busy. She was interviewed on KY3 about mosquitoes recently. Amy Patillo is preparing for the in-person workforce summit in Ashland and in Kansas City. She is very busy in preparation with workforce projects. Amber Allen has childcare provider classes at the end of the month. She just finished training in “Keep Their Peace.” This is a program on aging and
Juvenile Office MOU: The MOU is for a liaison and sharing agreement with the Greene County Juvenile Office. Extension is not charged for the salary, but is a party to the MOU. Once the MOU is approved, hiring for the position will begin. There is a target date of Sept. 1 starting date.
A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to approve the MOU with Greene County Juvenile Office. The motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
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Greene County Extension Council Minutes New Business: Stoney Creek Parade: A previous mini-grant approval of $250 will be used this weekend for the kids parage. Century Farms: Four farms will be honored this year at the Missouri Farm Bureau’s annual meeting. The previously approved funds will be used to pay the total of $400 in application fees. Year End Master Gardener Report: There are 280 members and 80 Emeritus Members (over 10 years of service). Over 2,000 pounds of fresh food was donated to food partners. The Lawn and Garden Show was attended last year and the gardening hotline is busy and going in full swing. The online fundraising plant sale was a challenge. Next year the event will return to in-person. Two demonstration gardens are maintained (Water Wise on National Ave. and one at the Botanical Center). The herb garden is maintained in partnership with the Herb Society
and contains medicinal, fragrant and culinary herbs. The vegetable garden is very busy and contains a lot of different ways to grow vegetables. The turf and grass plots illustrate different types of grasses to incorporate into the garden. The next meeting will be held August 30th at noon. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Alex Greiwe, to adjourn the meeting at 12:50 pm. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted by Morgan Ash
We are sold out of printed books. However, you can order books online at Printed and digital books and maps available from vendor. Proceeds still benefit Greene County MU Extension.
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated August 26, 2021
MU Extension Staff Serving Greene County Sherri Hull Nutrition Associate Joined 2008
M. Dickensheet Nutrition Associate Joined 2018
1845 S. National, Ste. 100, Springfield, Mo. Tel: (417) 865-0707
Myrna Stark FNEP Program Manager
Jay Chism, Regional Director, email:
Terri Fossett
Program director Joined 2000
Sarah Grubaugh,
Assistant, email:
Family Nutrition Education Program
2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. F200, Springfield, Tel: 417-886-2059
Karla Deaver
4-H Youth specialist HQ: Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102
Tim Schnakenberg
Southwest Region Directors Office
Andy McCorkill
Patrick Byers
Agronomy specialist HQ: Stone County Tel: (417) 357-6812
Commercial Horticulture HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044
Reagan Bluel
Kyle Whittaker
Dairy Specialist HQ: Barry County Tel: (417) 847-3161
Sarah Havens
Natural Resources specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (573) 458-6260
Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Livestock specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (417) 532-7126
At Missouri State 405 N Jefferson Springfield, MO 417-837-2612 waldoaj@missouri .edu
Ag and Environment HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044
Dr. Pam Duitsman
Community Development HQ: Christian County Tel: (417) 581-3558
Allen Waldo
Contact: • Chrystal Irons • Lance Coffman • Sandra Smart Irons
Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center, 405 N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield | 417-837-2617 |
Online at