Reaching Out Report

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Reaching Out Report Formerly known as the “Reaching Out Report,” this is only published when the county extension council meets.

October 2021 * Vol. 14 / Issue 10

On behalf of the Greene County Commission, Commissioner John Russell presented a proclamation to David Burton, county engagement specialist, during the noon meeting of the Downtown Rotary Club on National Good Neighbor Day, Sept. 28. The proclamation signed by the Commissioners declared Sept. 23Oct. 2 “Good Neighbor Week” in Greene County.

Greene County Extension Council | Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email:

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Greene County Extension Council Minutes MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COUNCIL OF GREENE COUNTY Date: Monday, September 27, 2021 Place: Via Zoom Meeting and In Person at: Botanical Center, 2400 South Scenic Avenue, Springfield, MO Attendees: Morgan Ash, Lisa Bakerink, Greg Boehne, Jason Buffington, Alex Greiwe, Christina Hammers, Joseph Hoffman, Aaron Jones, Ray Meyer, John Russell, Stephen Snead, Rick Stenberg and Sam Snider. The meeting was called to order at 12:05 pm, by Council Chair, Greg Boehne, who welcomed those in attendance. The pledge of allegiance was said. Secretary Morgan Ash called roll and it was determined that a quorum was present. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Ray Meyer and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman, to approve the August meeting minutes, financials and bills. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Staff Reports: Willa Williams, the new 4-H Specialist, is working on a pilot program with Republic and Strafford schools. She is pursuing other projects and relationships too. Amber Allen is working on wrapping up virtual classes associated with a yearlong aging well grant. October 5th is the start date of a 2 times per week for 8 weeks class on Boosting Your Brain. Sherri Hull had a busy summer with famer’s markets, the beginning of school and classes at Life House maternity home. Third, fourth and fifth grade classes at Robberson Elementary School are starting. Myra Dickinsheet has been in classes in local middle schools. Amy Patillo has learned that the hot spot program cannot move forward at this time due to a Covid death

at the library. The grant money will be returned to the Council. There is a new 5-year funded Apiary project working with agricultural veterans. David Burton has 92 participants in the neighborhood leadership academy. There are lots of speaking opportunities relating to National Good Neighbor Week. Old Business: Juvenile Office YPA: The job is posted and the search committee has been formed. Interviews should occur in approximately 30 days. Council Budget: The budget committee has to meet this month. Budget projections are included in the packet. New Business: MOU with Campus: There is an MOU regarding the travel program and the annual commitment. The amount due has increased from $215 per month to $390 per month due to new employees hired and due to increased milage claimed this year. A motion was made by Sam Snider and was seconded by Aaron Jones, to approve the travel MOU with campus. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. MOU with Ridgecrest for Neighboring Catalyst: There is a proposed MOU with Ridgecrest Baptist Church for David Burton’s salary offset with MU. This partnership would provide 10% of David Burton’s salary for educational services and neighboring program with a conference that will be open to the public. A motion was made by John Russell and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to approve the MOU with Ridgecrest Baptist Church regarding

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Greene County Extension Council Minutes the neighboring program and David Burton’s salary offset. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.

attended to learn about commercial agriculture and horticulture. Projects have been coming in under budget and there are still available funds.

A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to approve the MOU for Extension setoff of David Burton’s salary. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Lisa Bakerink and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman, to approve the mini-grant request to fund a once-a-month tour at Millsap Farms. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.

Annual Meeting Change: The council annual meeting will be held at 425 Walnut Street meeting space. It is proposed that the meeting take place during the February regular meeting time at noon. It will be split from the MU Founder’s Day event.

NCRF Mentoring Academy: Amber Allen is a National Council of Family Relations member. She has been paired with a New Hampshire mentor and has created a program called, “Sowing and Growing Hope.” There will be a finished presentation targeting adults and a workbook for the program. She will solicit professional feedback on the material. She plans on obtaining certified family life educator credentials and will submit an article to NCFR and will apply to the organization to be a webinar presenter.

Council Nominations and Elections: Nominations are needed by November for the 2022 election. There are 8 open spots and 3 members can run for re-election. The MFA position is open. The City of Republic appointed position will be open if Lisa Bakerink runs for re-election. The Farm Bureau position is open due to the local manager moving. Mini-Grant Request for Millsap Farms: Kelly McGowan has requested tours once a month for commercial growers and new farmers targeted for farming tours. Forty to sixty people have

The next meeting will be held October 25th at noon, via Zoom and also in-person. The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 pm. Respectfully submitted by Morgan Ash

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Helping Greene County MU Extension Do More, Reach More, Be More! University of Missouri Extension Information Displays Available at:

Springfield Botanical Center | Library Station (N. Kansas) and Library Center (S. Campbell)

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