Greene County 2017 Annual Report

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2017 Greene County Annual Report

Greene County MU Extension Council

This publication is available for purchase on Create or ISBN-13: 978-1542485982 ISBN-10: 1542485983

Greene County Extension Center Located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909

Annual report designed and edited by David Burton, civic communication specialist for MU Extension in southwest Missouri and county program director in Greene County. 3



Demographics of Fiscal Year Contacts ……………………………………


Letter from the Council ……………………………………………………


Letter from Vice Chancellor of Extension and Engagement ……………...


Continuing Education Impacts …………………………………………….


Honor Roll for Greene County Extension …………………………………


Donors to 2017 Friends of Extension Campaign …………………………..


Financial Statement for 2017 ……………………………………………...


Scorecard for Greene County Extension ………………………………….


Great Game of Business …….……………………………………………..


Greene County Extension Staff ……………………………………………


Regional Extension Staff Serving County …………………………………


Greene County Extension Council ………….……………………………..


Agriculture and Environment Program Highlights ………………………..


Business and Community Development Program Highlights …………….


Youth and Families Program Highlights ………………………………….


Health and Safety Program Highlights ……………………………………


How to Connect ……………………………………………………………


Service to the Community Our county team worked at Ozarks Food Harvest as part of the United Way Day of Caring this summer. During one afternoon we sorted and packed 10897 pounds of food which equals 9081 meals. This is one example of projects we do together to build teamwork but also to remind us of our mission to serve the residents of Greene County. Those efforts are outlined in this annual report along with the impacts of our educational programs. If you are not familiar with the MU Extension program then make it a goal to learn about our programming this next year


GREENE COUNTY CONTACTS Over 48,496 Residents Reached During 2017 Jan. 1, 2017 to Dec. 31, 2017

Health and Safety (1)

Agriculture and Business and Environment Community (2) Development

Youth and Families

County TOTAL

Direct Contacts at Programs Held in Greene County Number of Events 222 42 Contacts in County 17229 1127

28 925

18 400

310 19681

Contacts From Other County Individual Contacts

181 46

58 0

890 231

Direct Contacts at Programs Held by County Specialists in Other Counties Number of Events 9 51 8 Contact in County 114 246 62

14 711

82 1133

Contacts From Other County




Indirect Contacts for Program Event Areas by County Specialists Number of Events 114 50 16 Contact in County 18892 3859 4466

2 234

182 27451

Contacts From Other County Total Events Total Contacts in County Total Contacts

33 4

618 181








345 36239 36519

143 5413 9898

52 5499 14725

34 1345 1836

574 48496 62978

(1) Includes Family Nutrition Education efforts with school children in county. (2) Includes Master Gardener and Master Naturalists programs. ** Report based on the "County Contact Summary" produced from our MyExtension.


2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Telephone: (417) 881-8909 Email: Internet:


January 16, 2018 Dear Greene County Commissioners and Residents: This annual report highlights the successes of MU Greene County Extension and gives a glimpse of our financial situation during 2017. We continue to operate our local office using a combination of funding from the Greene County Commission, student and soil test fees, and monies raised with our Friends of Greene County Extension campaign. The Master Naturalists program, Master Gardener chapter and county 4-H clubs and 4-H Leader’s Council raise funds for their programs and events. By working with county residents and other organizations — like Greene County Farm Bureau, Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District — we have been able to leverage the investment of specialists made here by the University of Missouri to create real impacts for our county. Those impacts are outlined in this annual report. Here are a few new highlights. 

Donors have made it possible for specialists and staff to set a new record for the number of county residents reached in one year. See our demographic chart on page 5 for details!

Donations have made it possible to create a new and exciting program (EXCCEL) for the development of community-minded leaders in western Greene County. We have 12 participants this year and are investing nearly $3,000 in this program which has the potential to make a tremendous long-term impact on western Greene County.

Donors have supported our nutrition training for families and children as well as efforts to expand local food production and programs to keep local agriculture viable.

Your donations have helped to support programming efforts to aid communities in developing a vision for the 21st Century.

Donations made it possible to expand our “Salute to Century Farms” event and honor five families who are operating a farm that has stayed in the same family for over 100 years.

We want to thank the County Commissioners for their support of Greene County Extension in 2017. We look forward to financial improvements and program expansion in the coming years. Submitted by

Moran Ash

Council Secretary

Joe Crim

Council Chairman


OFFICE OF VICE CHANCELLOR FOR EXTENSION 108 Whitten Hall Columbia, Mo. 65211 Phone: 573-882-7477 January 5, 2018 Dear County Commissioners and Friends of MU Extension: For much of the past year, MU Extension was focused on a long-overdue assessment of statewide needs and a deep look at how we respond to these needs with programs and resources. We crisscrossed the state to gather input from 42 community conversations with 1,200 people and reviewed analysis and recommendations from a range of external experts. As a result, MU Extension is working on a variety of changes in the interest of providing better university engagement with your communities. We are steadfast in our resolve to help local communities and the state meet grand challenges associated with economic opportunity, educational excellence and healthy futures. These challenges reflect what Missourians from every corner of the state told us they were most concerned about. As you read your county’s annual MU Extension report, I believe you will be pleased to see the results that have been accomplished through county-based University of Missouri faculty. These faculty members work in response to input received from local extension councils. At the state level, local MU Extension efforts really add up. Though we have long known extension funds were leveraged, an independent review revealed that MU Extension created more than $945 million dollars of public value from the $80 million it received from federal, state, county, grant and contract partners. A public value ratio exceeding 11:1 even surprised us. As we go about implementing changes based on the recently completed needs assessment and review of our organization, I am confident that our ability to create value at the local level will be even greater. I encourage you to read the attached annual report from your MU Extension county center to gain an understanding of how MU Extension has worked this past year to serve your community.

Your support of MU Extension and your efforts in your community is appreciated. Sincerely,

Marshall Stewart, Ed.D. Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement PS: We are proud of our continuing education efforts statewide and on the next page you will see how many residents of Greene County accessed this educational option for training. 7

CONTINUING EDUCAITON A number of unique outreach programs originate from the University of Missouri and reach residents of Greene County on very specific topics. These continuing education examples and impacts for the year are listed below. In 2017, 1127 county residents accessed these resources.

Fire & Rescue Training Institute

MU Extension’s Fire and Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI) provides continuing education and training to Missouri’s fire service and emergency response personnel. The institute has a direct impact on the well-being of Missouri’s 29,000 firefighters. Courses prepare firefighters for medical emergencies, hazardous materials response and disaster preparedness and mitigation, as well as fires. During FY2017, 367 enrollments in MUFRTI programs came from Greene County residents.

Law Enforcement Training Institute

Law Enforcement Training Institute (LETI) br ings pr ofessional tr aining to law enforcement officers and a wide spectrum of other criminal justice and public safety professionals. LETI provided advanced animal cruelty investigations training and conducted 17 armed intruder/personal safety presentations to extension personnel and council members. In Greene County, 58 public safety personnel participated in LETI programs in 2017.

Missouri Training Institute (MTI)

The Missouri Training Institute provides continuing education, customdesigned training programs and consulting services for business and industry, public and nonprofit organizations and educational institutions. Training programs include subjects in human resource management, supervision, management, leadership, team building and other business-related topics. In FY2017, 70 enrollments came from Greene County.

Office of Continuing Medical Education

Office of Continuing Medical Education and Physician Lifelong Learning CME/PLL serves both MU Extension and the MU School of Medicine by educating physicians and other health care professionals and enhancing the standard of health care to improve the health of the people of Missouri and beyond through health education, wellness promotion and health care quality improvement/performance improvement initiatives. In FY2017, 33 enrollments came from Greene County.

Labor Education

The MU Extension Labor Education Program works with members and leaders of workplace-based organizations across Missouri to help them develop skills to contribute to their organizations, act effectively in the workplace, and be informed participants in their communities. During FY2017, 58 persons from Greene County accessed this training.

MU’s Nursing Outreach and Distance Education

Keeping Missouri nurses up to date with the knowledge and skills they need to provide care and fully participate in the state’s health care efforts is a primary goal for Nursing Outreach. Nursing Outreach serves a predominantly rural health care audience with high-quality, affordable continuing education programs. In FY2017, 29 persons from Greene County accessed this training.

MU’s Conference Office

The MU Conference Office provides full-service meeting management for a variety of noncredit educational programs and conferences. Whether a meeting is hosted on campus or anywhere in the world, the office’s professional staff provides assistance to create the best learning environment for participants. During FY2017, 539 registrations came from Greene County residents. 8

Our 2017 Honor Roll Honorees

Lane McConnell

Where are you from originally? I was raised on my family’s Douglas County cattle farm in Drury, Mo., and grew up showing registered Charolais and Angus cattle. I graduated from Mountain Grove High School in 2000.

Family: Husband, Charlie and children, Caston and Cora. The family now resides in Branson.

What do you enjoy about Greene County? Greene County is very diverse, being home to the city of Springfield, but surrounded by rural communities. There is a wealth of farms, businesses, and community that form a very unique synergy in Greene County that is exciting to be apart of.

Education: Graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, with a major in Agricultural Education, Leadership and Communications and a minor in Agricultural Economics.

How have you worked with MU Extension over the years? I have worked with MU Extension for over 10 years on various projects. This includes my time at the Missouri Department of Agriculture on organizing and presenting statewide workshops on farm marketing, local foods and business development, to my years with Farmers Market of the Ozarks on working to create a local food system in our region and assisting growers in education and marketing. I am thankful for MU Extension and the important resources and services they provide our farmers and community!

Job Experience:  Marketing Specialist and Local Foods Program Manager for Missouri Department of Agriculture.  Started Farmers Market of the Ozarks and served as Market Manager and Executive Director. The market grew to over 100 vendors in one year and has been name the Top 6th Farmers Market in the Country.  Has created Grassland Farms with brother, parents and husband. Family farm produces pastured-raised chicken and pork and working toward hydroponic greenhouse production.  AgriComm Services, which is my ag marketing consulting business; I write grants, present on various agricultural topics and workshops and develop marketing plans for clients.

What do you wish other people knew about MU Extension? MU Extension provides a HUGE impact on our community in so many ways. From agriculture and economic development to food and nutrition, its one of the pillar organizations in this region. Agriculture is one Missouri's top industries, as our state is a leader in beef production, hogs and turkeys, and MU Extension plays a vital role in providing producers across our state with education on new technology, marketing, and business development, not to mention the various community services it offers to residents.

What are your hobbies and interests? I enjoy spending time on the family farm, fishing, hunting, traveling, hiking, gardening, cooking, coaching youth sports and photography. I support and participate in local food projects to better serve our farmers in producing and marketing their goods to the public. 9

Our 2017 Honor Roll Honorees

Katie Keith

What are your hobbies and interests? I love to garden so naturally I love being here. I also love kayaking, new recipes, traveling and photographing flowers and landscapes.

Family: Husband Daniel and two children. I also have two beagles and a deer Chihuahua.

Where are you from originally? I am from Knoxville, Tenn., but moved here from Pine Mountain, Georgia.

Education: My master’s and bachelor’s degrees are both in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My concentration was initially in business, but after interning at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, I shifted my focus on public gardens where my course work included collection management (like a library or museum), exhibit building, youth education, human resources, and nonprofit business.

What do you enjoy most about Greene County? The people here are great. We have many fantastic volunteers. I enjoy the wide-open spaces and big skies. I have seen the better sunrises and sunsets in southwest Missouri than any other place I’ve lived or visited. How many years have you been at the Botanical Center? Eight years in April 2018. What has been your involvement with MU Extension? The Greene County Extension office is located within the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center. Extension is such a crucial partner for the parks department as we rely heavily on master gardeners as volunteers in the hotline and maintaining gardens in the park. We work collaboratively on marketing and cross promoting and providing a unique place for MU Extension to host many of their programs. If MU Extension is successful, so should we be at the Botanical Center and surrounding park and gardens. I have served on the Greene County Extension Council for four years.

Job Experience:  Currently the Coordinator of the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center.  Former Interpretive Horticulturist at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. What do you enjoy most about your job? I love that it is always changing. I like the seasons of the different gardens we have here. I count myself among the fortunate few who find a dream job based on my studies and skills. After working at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, I discovered that I had a heart for connecting people with nature. I didn’t know how blessed I was to grow up in the shadow of the Smoky Mountains and with parents who loved traveling and the outdoors. I am for the people and kids who may never leave the city, but want to see the world through garden design and plant selection that attracts wildlife to the park.

What do you wish other people knew about MU Extension? We are so fortunate to have so many qualified specialists providing programming in our community and leading people to research-based, best practices in health, land management and home economics.


PAST HONOR ROLL RECEIPENTS 2016 Honorees Lisa Bakerink - Friends of the Garden RoseAnn Bentley —former Commissioner Tom Huff —Farm Bureau

2008 Mark Bernskoetter — Master Gardeners Gail Driskell– 4-H Leader Dr. Judith Gonzales & Julie Humphrey– nutrition

2015 Ryan Squibb — media and 4-H Parish Witt — 4-H shooting sports Ben Faqua — Soils projects

2007 Vickie Maples—4-H Foundation/volunteer Johnny Davis—long time council member Billy Claiborn—4-H Foundation/volunteer

2014 Janice Perry — 4-H dairy camp Missy Sanford — Master Gardener Morris Westfall — KWTO 2013 Barbara St Clair — Master Gardeners Angela Jenkins — Food Policy Council Mark Green — NRCS Conservation 2012 Anson Elliott—MSU Jay Garrott - Drury 2011 Cindi Boston—Pregnancy Care Center Major & Marthe Close— Botanical Center 2010 Lewis Miller—KWTO Jodi Adams—Parks 2009 Andy Busch — Master Gardener Julie Williams– 4-H Liz Ricci

2006 Jackie Warfel—volunteer Sherry Kelley– 4-H Jerome Rader—Master Gardeners 2005 Barbara Lucks—council Carl Allison—council Richard Lawless—council 2004 Jeannie Duffey-Library Darrell Decker-commission

1998 Marla Calico and Mary Quinn—Ozark Empire Fair 1997 Lyndon Irwin Doyle Jones 1996 Aaron & Jenny Owen 1995 Ray Pursley Virgil Sapp 1994 No record 1993 Don Sissel Pat Henderson 1992 Dennis Grisham

1991 Vern Hart and Tom Trtan 1990 Max King and Leon Medlin

2003 Mary Ann Mauss—4-H Carol Conway—literacy

1989 David Sears & Joyce Mismer

2002 J. D. Fielden

1988 Larry Jones and Ann Mobley

2001 Jean Ryan– council Rex & Faith Ann Kirby

1987 Verna Litton Joan Hoyer

2000 Barbara Isenhouer Jean Wilder

1983 Johnny Davis Leaders Honor Roll

Leaders Honor Roll program is intended to honor outstanding University of Missouri Extension community leaders and partners who have excelled in supporting or coteaching named programs.

1999 John Domeny Shirley Gott


2017 Financial Records


2017 DONORS TO GREENE COUNTY EXTENSION Tony & Carolyn Ahart Carl Allison Fran Anderson Cindy Arrowood Morgan Ash Eric & Elaine Atkinson Garrett Baker Lisa Bakerink Harold Bender Harold & Darlene Bengsch Sharon Beshore Maggie Black Glen, Blake Earnest Bohner Wm. & Betty Breshears Cyril & Gerre Brown David & Stacey Burton Ramona Burton Patsy Burton Marla Calico Susan Cardwell William Carras Keith & Kim Chaffin Herschel & Doris Chudomelka Bob Cirtin Billy Claiborn Marthe & Major Close Joe Crim

Johnny Davis Teresa Davis George Deatz Gale & Becky Edwards Karen Fulton James Garton Michael & Karen Gesling Earnie & LouAnn Giddens Ruth Grant Marvin L Green Larry C Gustafson Greene County Farm Bureau David & Linda Hall Ann Hall Julia Harkreader Marjorie Harris David Hazelrigg Paul & Doris Hungerford John & Gail Hurley David Jones Gaylen & Dedra Jones Liz Kawazoe Katie Keith William & Jeanne Kohlberg Ann Kynion

Legacy Bank Peter Longley Don & Carol Loveland Susan Lowry Barbara Lucks Richard & Sara Luke James Mauldin Sally McCune Kelly McGowan Curtis & Sarah Millsap Steven Montgomery Susan Moran Dale & Yvonne Nixon Minuen Odom Greg & Jennifer Peterson Matthew & Ellen Placzek Mary Powell Howard Schwartz Keith & Jennifer Seiwert Debbie Siler Matthew Simpson Teresa Sims Virginia Snyder Norm & Jackie

Sowell Steve & Pam Squibb James Stacy Earl Steinert Mike & Lori Suter Stephen & Sally Taylor Jim & Janice Uchtman Randy & Linda Underwood Melanie Wasson Susan K Wheeler Jason Whitesell Raymond Williams Cheryl & Garland Willis Gail Wright Tiger Express Wash Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy Store RDW Family Fund Community Foundation of the Ozarks Wendys/Hamra Enterprises Mid-Missouri Bank Old Missouri Bank FCS Financial Fair Grove Veterinary

Donating to Greene County Extension is as Easy As: 1. Donate online at by mail or in person.

2. Stay connected with

Greene County Extension on social media, by email and/ or in service as a volunteer.

3. Enjoy making a difference in the lives of 45,000 county residents annually. University of Missouri Extension in Greene County

Located inside the Botanical Center at 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email: | Online at 13

GREENE COUNTY EXTENSION FINANCIALS 2017 Income & Expense Financial Report

Understanding Our Financial Report

(Unrestricted & Restricted Income and Expenses) Income

By law, the Greene County MU Extension office must publish our annual Income and Expense Financial Report for all of our restricted and unrestricted accounts. The most important thing to remember about this report is that it includes monies from everything we do the accounting on which includes grants and accounts for our Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists chapters. Each of those accounts have large sums of income and expenses that are not part of the operational budget for our office. (For example, all of the “miscellaneous income noted in the report is from a transfer of the Master Gardener checking account from outside of our office to an internal account). These accounts are kept in restricted funds and can only be spent for their intended purposes. None of them generate any sort of profit toward the operation of our office. However the end result is that it sometimes makes our annual financial report look like we have finished they year with a big profit. We value these accounts and grants because they do make additional programing possible but they also make the financial reporting more complicated. While we do have a goal of operating our office in the black, this is not the best report for showing how the council and staff are doing in meeting that goal. This year you will also find what we call our “financial scoreboard” for 2017 printed on the next page. This scorecard only takes in to account our budgeted monies for the operation of our office and local programs. We consider this chart to be the most accurate in showing the true financial health of our office.

Jan - Dec 17

0100 · Student Fees


0210 · County Appropriations


0300 · Misc Income


0400 · Gift/Grants/Contracts


0900 · Resales/Educ Services Fees


1500 · University Program Funds


Total Income



2700 · Persnnl Serv - Salaries & Wag


2800 · Payroll Expenses


3100 · Travel


3600 · Postage


3700 · Telephone Serv - Local


3900 · Advertising


4700 · Publishing/Printing


5100 · Supplies/Services


5200 · Professional Development


5600· Professional Services


6400 · Other Contract Services


6800 · Insurance


6999 · Uncategorized Expenses


7010 · Extension Council Exp


7100 · Soil Test Expenses


7200 · Publications for Resale


7300 · Repairs/Maintenance


7400 · 4-H Special Support


7700 · Furniture/Equipment


7999 · Fee Generation Distribution

22,212.72 131,278.24

Total Expense


Net Income

Balance Sheet Dec. 31, 2017

ASSETS Checking TOTAL ASSETS 12/31/16

$107,765.41 $107,764.41

EQUITY Retained Earnings Net Income ________TOTAL EQUITY 12/31/16__

$ 97,781.64 $ 8,410.46 $106,192.10

Total Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY:

$ 1,572.31 $107,765.41

University of Missouri Extension programs in Greene County are funded by county, state and federal appropriations. The Greene County Commission provides local extension funding for office expenses, clerical salaries and travel expenses of specialists who conduct programs in Greene County. The Springfield-Greene County Park Board provides our office and classroom space in the Botanical Center. The University of Missouri provides salaries and benefits for professional and para-professional staff members headquartered in Greene County. This includes training expenses, postage, staff communications and computer equipment costs and maintenance.



2017 Financial Scorecard The Greene County Extension Council began playing the Great Game of Business in April of 2015. The Council has a business plan and a budget in place as part of our high-involvement planning. During 2017, our team emphasis was on increasing attendance in fee-based classes and improving our profit margin by reducing expenses and increasing sponsorships. The scorecard eliminates transactions made in the 5000 (Restricted Fund) Accounts so that only budgeted items under the full control of the council and staff are shown in the report. Our goal was to finish in the black (which we did) but we also want to spend the monies we receive to conduct excellent and impactful programs.

2017 Income & Expense Scorecard Council/Office Budgeted Items

Income 0100 · Student Fees 0210 · County Appropriations 0400 · Gift/Grants/Contracts 0900 · Resales/Educ Services Fees 1500 · University Program Funds Total Income Expense 2700 · Persnnl Serv - Salaries & Wag 2800 · Payroll Expenses 3100 · Travel 3600 · Postage 3700 · Telephone Serv - Local 3900 · Advertising 4700 · Publishing/Printing 5100 · Supplies/Services 5600· Professional Services 6400 · Other Contract Services 6800 · Insurance 6999 · Uncategorized Expenses 7010 · Extension Council Exp 7100 · Soil Test Expenses 7200 · Publications for Resale 7300 · Repairs/Maintenance 7700 · Furniture/Equipment 7910 Endowment 7999 · Fee Generation Distribution Total Expense Net Income


Jan - Dec 17 24,964.38 44,000.00 15,767.49 10,564.26 4,951.78 $100,247.91

29,538.25 12,797.66 8,050.23 2,385.73 244.76 5,595.41 3,759.71 8,268.69 619.00 2,343.83 450.00 5.00 254.00 4,104.50 2,561.80 3,072.37 1,104.41 4,000.00 10,126.94 $99,282.29 $965.62

GREAT GAME OF BUSINESS Raising Beef on Small Acreages Oct. 16 EXPENSES Speakers mileage Copies Parks Food/Catering Online enrollment fee Office administration fee Print and Facebook ads INCOME Online enrollments In-person enrollments MDBA Sponsorship Kuntz Book Sponsorship MidMissouri Bank

Quantity Cost Per 2 0.51 100 0.1 65 10 58 $ 1.82

$ $ $ $ $ 2 75 $ Expenses SUB TOTAL $ 58 7

$16.32 $15.00

TOTAL Revenue generation to campus *NET PROFIT


Total 61.20 80.00 650.00 105.56 152.66 150.00 1,199.42 $946.56 $105.00 $100.00 $75.00 $300.00 $1,526.56 $200.00 $127.14

Program Scorecards Greene County MU Extension hosted a “Raising Beef on Small Acreages” event on Oct. 16 at the Botanical Center. The chart at right is an accounting of the finances for that program. It is shared here as an example of the scorecards we complete for every program as part of the planning process. Scorecards for all of our 2017 programs can be found on our county extension website.


Great Game of Business 2017 Hall of Fame These individuals have been named to the Great Game of Business Hall of Fame in honor of their outstanding performance in the individual scored game during 2017. GGOB includes financial education, techniques that improve teamwork, and improved communication with staff and volunteers. GGOB games and “stakes in the outcome” do get staff and volunteers involved and moving in the same direction and addressing the same concerns.

Katie Keith — In her fourth term, Katie finished first in our individualized scored game by volunteering in support of MU Extension. Ann Hall

Ann Hall — As a council member, she earned this honor by working in support of local programs and finishing second in our scored game based on activity. Morgan Ash — As council secretary, she finished third in our individualized scored game by volunteering in support of MU Extension. Shown below is our updated financial scorecard located in the office managers office.


Morgan Ash

Katie Keith

2017 Council and Staff



Jeff Barber

Housing and design Joined —2006

Renette Wardlow Human Development Joined —1990

Theresa Fossett FNEP Director Joined —2000

David Burton

Civic communication Joined — 2001

Maggie Black

Nutrition Associate Joined —2008

Dr. Pam Duitsman

Horticulture Educator Joined — 2013

Nutrition Specialist Joined —2009

Randi Williams

Cindy Edmonson

Office Support Asst. 3 Joined —2011

Administrative Asst. Joined —2015

Sherri Hull

Kelly McGowan

Becky Roark

Nutrition Associate Joined —2004

Greene County Extension

Marty Wood

Nutrition Associate Joined —2000

Office Support Asst. 4 Joined —1990

Jenni Nevatt

Nutrition Associate Joined —2010

Family Nutrition Education Program

Office located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center

2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. Tel: 417-886-2059

2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Call the office to inquire about nutrition education.



Andy McCorkill

4-H Youth specialist Headquartered in Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102 Email:

Livestock specialist Headquartered in Dallas County Tel: (417) 345-7551 Email:

Tim Schnakenberg

Patrick Byers

Agronomy specialist Headquartered in Stone County Tel: (417) 357-6812 Email:

Horticulture Specialist Headquartered in Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044 Email:

Bob Schultheis

Jim Spencer Jr.

Natural Resources Engineering Spec. Headquartered in Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044 Email:

Agriculture Business Specialist Headquartered in Christian County Tel: (417) 3581-3558 Email:

Mary Sebade

Reagan Bluel

Amy Patillo

Eldon Cole

Nutrition Specialist Headquartered in Dallas County Tel: (417) 345-7551 Email:

Dairy Specialist Headquartered in Barry County Tel: (417) 847-3161 Email:

Community Development Specialist Headquartered in Christian County Tel: (417) 581-3558 E-mail:

Livestock specialist Headquartered in Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102 Email:

Lindsey Stevenson

Jill Scheidt

Nutrition Specialist Headquartered in Barton County Tel: (417) 682-3579 E-mail:

Agronomy Specialist Headquartered in Barton County Tel: (417) 682-3579 E-mail:

Southwest Region Directors Office 3003 E. Chestnut Expressway, Suite 200, Springfield, Mo. Jay Chism, Regional Dir ector E-mail: Sarah Grubaugh, Administr ative Assistant Email: 20

| Tel: (417) 865-0707

2017 COUNTY EXTENSION COUNCIL First Tony Morgan Lisa Joseph James Tyler Ann Kent David E.A. Katie Michael Peter Eric Samantha Kip Jason Harold Johnny Joseph Jordon Ron Rebekah

Last Ahart Ash Bankerink Crim Garton Gunlock Hall John Johnson Keith Klem Longley Morris Mosier Thompson Whitesell Bengsch Davis Hoffman Miller Peabody Presley

City Springfield Springfield Springfield Springfield Strafford Ash Grove Springfield Springfield Springfield Billings Bois D'Arc Springfield Springfield Willard Springfield Springfield Springfield Ash Grove Springfield Ash Grove Republic Springfield

St Zip A/E Office 65809 Elec MO Member MO 65803 Elec Secretary MO 65802 Elec Treasurer MO 65802 Elec Chair MO 65757 Elec Member MO 65604 Elec Member MO 65804 Elec Member MO 65807 Elec Member MO 65804 Elec Member MO 65610 Elec Member MO 65612 Elec Member MO 65808 Elec Member MO 65803 Elec Member MO 65781 Elec Member MO 65803 Elec Member MO 65810 Elec Vice Chair MO 65802 County Member MO 65604 Farm Bureau Member MO 65803 City of Springfield Member MO 65604 MFA Member MO 65738 City of Republic Member MO 65803 4H Youth Member

Year Ends 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2018 2017 2018 2017 2017 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 App App App App App App

Winning 2018 COUNCIL CANDIDATES (8 open seats for 2 year term) Larry G. Adams Rogersville MO 65742 Morgan Ash Springfield MO 65803 Greg Boehne Springfield MO 65804 Karen Dowdy Willard MO 65781 Ann Hall Springfield MO 65804 David E. A. Johnson Springfield MO 65810 One year term Chris Schulze Springfield MO 65804 Samuel Snider Willard MO 65781 City of Willard appointee Rick Stenberg Willard MO 65781 Brandon Hebbert Springfield Mo 65804

A complete list of the current council along with contact information can be found on the Greene County Extension website.

Role of the Council:    

Work with extension specialists to provide the county educational program Manage finances of local extension operations Provide personnel to carry out extension activities Elect and organize the local extension council

Council typically meets the last Monday of the month at 12 noon. See the website to confirm dates. 21

EXTENSION COUNCIL University of Missouri System President Visits Springfield President Choi made his first outreach visit to Springfield to meet with various stakeholder groups to discuss collaboration and partnership opportunities and share his broad vision for research, education and infrastructure for the University. Thank you to MU School of Medicine partners, Mercy Hospital Springfield and CoxHealth for the tours of the centers affiliated with the Springfield Clinical Campus; the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce for holding an investors lunch with the Springfield Business Development Corporation; Missouri State University for the tour of IDEA Commons; SRC Electrical for teaching The Great Game of Business and showing how it is in play at your plant; and to the Greene County MU Extension Council for a tour of Springfield Botanical Gardens at Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park and for hosting an informative, engaging day in southwest Missouri.

President Choi meeting Master Gardener volunteers in the hotline room and workroom as well as Kelly McGowan. Below, meeting with former curators and key alumni and touring SRC to learn about the Great Game of Business.


EXTENSION COUNCIL Four Represent Greene County Extension at Legislative Day Council members Joe Crim and Ann Hall represented Greene County Extension in Jefferson City at the 43rd Annual University of Missouri Legislative Day on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist, and David Burton, civic communication specialist, joined in the fun as well. The delegation was able to meet with four local representatives to express thanks for their support of University of Missouri Extension and to also discuss local MU Extension programs. Nearly 500 volunteers attending this year’s legislative day. Photo 1: delegation with Repr esentative Elijah Haahr. District 134, Springfield. Photo 2: delegation with Repr esentative Jeffrey Messenger. District 130, Republic and western Greene County. Photo 3: delegation with Repr esentative Crystal Quade, District 132, central Springfield. Photo 4: delegation with Repr esentative Sonya Anderson. District 131, northern Greene County.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 4

Photo 3 23

2017 Program Highlights for Greene County MU Extension


AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Crutcher Family Represents Greene County as State Fair Farm Family

One hundred twelve of Missouri’s 114 counties were represented this year, with two counties still dealing with the aftermath of the recent flooding in southern Missouri. The event showcases the impact Missouri Farm Families have on the economy and heritage of the state. “These families are involved in agriculture activities in their communities, and are active participants in local outreach and extension,” said Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe. “As the showcase for Missouri agriculture, the Missouri State Fair is most certainly the appropriate place to celebrate these families.”

Matthew and Amanda Crutcher and their children Lucas and Rayanne were among the families honored during the 59th annual Missouri Farm Family Day, Aug. 14 at the Missouri State Fair. The Crutcher family was selected as the Greene County Missouri Farm Family by the Greene County Extension Council and local Farm Bureau. Each year, the fair sets aside a day to recognize farm families from across the state who are active in their communities, involved in agriculture, and/or participate in local outreach and extension programs such as 4-H or FFA. The Crutcher family operate a farm near Fair Grove where Matthew Crutcher is also the FFA advisor at the high school. The annual event is sponsored by five partner agencies: the Missouri Farm Bureau, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Missouri State Fair and Commissioners, the UniGreene County State Fair Farm Family Matthew and Amanda Cr utcher versity of Missouri and their children Lucas and Rayanne with Ted Sheppard, Missouri State Fair College of Agriculture, Commissioner; Jack Magruder, Missouri State Fair Commissioner; Miss Natalie Food and Natural Re- Ayers, 2017 Missouri State Fair Queen; Todd Hays, Missouri Farm Bureau sources, and Universi- Board of Director’s Vice President; Christine Chinn, Director, Missouri Departty of Missouri Exten- ment of Agriculture; Rob Kallenbach, Assistant Dean MU CAFNR and Blake Naughton, Associate Vice Chancellor for MU Extension and Engagement. sion. 25

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT 94th Ag Production Conference Draws 102 Attendees Greene County MU Extension’s annual Agriculture Production Conference and Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Meeting drew 102 attendees on March 21 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. One of the featured speakers, Dr. Tim Evans, discovered audience members had lots of questions about dead cattle after his presentation (at right). Sponsors for this event include Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District, Legacy Bank and Trust of Rogersville, Main Street Feeds, Larson Farm and Home, FCS Financial, Old Missouri Bank, Greene County Farm Bureau, Debra Corner with Missouri Farm Bureau Insurance, Springfield Livestock Market and the Greene County Commission. Tim Schnakenberg, agronomy specialist, helps to organize this annual event.



Farm Tour Near Ash Grove Shows What Alfalfa Do For You Good hay does not have to come over the state line. That was the message at the recent MU Extension Alfalfa Tour held at the Ash Grove farm of Rick and Justin Williams, in Greene County. Greene County is in the heart of Missouri agriculture territory, said MU Extension agronomy specialist Tim Schnakenberg. The county’s rolling hills and large livestock numbers create a strong market for quality alfalfa. Schnakenberg works with producers to help them decide whether to grow or buy hay. According to the latest U.S. census data, the county had $41 million market value of agricultural products sold in 2012, with 83 percent of that from livestock sales. It is 18th in the state in beef production and 19th in milk production. It ranks 11th in forage production and second in the number of horses. Nearly 50 percent of the farmland in the county is pastureland. He said growers with hay equipment see a better return on investment with alfalfa than with fescue. However, growing alfalfa takes planning. “You have to prepare for alfalfa,” Schnakenberg said. “You don’t wake up one morning and decide you want to plant alfalfa.” Justin Williams, host for the alfalfa tour, is one of the young Ozark producers who turned to alfalfa to meet demand from area livestock and horse producers. He touts the strong nutritional value of alfalfa over fescue. Alfalfa also produces more tonnage per acre than fescue. Alfalfa yields more than 4 tons of dry matter per acre in the Greene County area. Fescue makes 1.5 - 2 tons. Williams learned how to produce high-quality alfalfa with the help of MU Extension. He shared tips with more than 40 attendees at the tour. Fertility and cutting management top the list of tips. He cuts hay no shorter than 3 inches and lets it lie overnight. On the second day, he rakes the hay at daylight. When his tractor tires get wet during raking, he knows it is too wet to rake. He does not use inverters to flip hay because each pass causes hay stems to lose leaves and nutrition. He does not cut past frost when alfalfa becomes dormant.

He looks for birds in his fields. Their presence implies alfalfa weevils. Alfalfa also is susceptible to potato leafhopper some years. Williams plants with a no-till drill in the fall, but says alfalfa offers flexible planting times. He plants 20 pounds of coated seeds in one direction. Coated seeds cost more but survive better. Sixty percent of alfalfa seedlings die the first year, said Schnakenberg. Established stands have been known to produce 10-14 years when conditions are good and management is conducive to alfalfa. Williams said he has worked with extension specialists to improve the return on investment on hay he sells. Know your market, he says. He has found that small square bales sell better to sheep, goat and horse owners. Feedlots favor big bales. The tour was made possible by a sponsorship from Mid-Missouri Bank.



Century Farms Event Honors Five Families The Greene County Extension Council threw a party and 96 people attended on Sept. 25 at the Round Barn Event Center near Ash Grove. A live auction raised over $1,300 and entertainment was provided by singer Judy Domney. But the highlight of the evening was the opportunity to honor five new Century Farms in Greene County. Four of them were in attendance to pick up their fence sign and pose for a photo with County Council chair Joe Crim and County Commissioner Harold Bengsch. Jesse and Margaret Abney of Willard, farm started by George W. Kime, grandfather in 1902. Photo 4 Wesley and Annette Corlett of Willard, started by Joseph A. Renshaw, great-grandfather in 1846. Photo 2. Wayne and Crystal Fortner of Willard, farm started by Sidney Fortner, grandfather in 1915. Photo 1. Lewis and Shelly Smith of Willard, farm started by Luther Wiley, greatgrandfather, in 1895 Photo 3 Also honored was Jim Killingsworth of Ash Grove, farm started in 1917.

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 1 Photo 4



SUCCESS STORY: Century Farms Event We practice principles of the “Great Game love free space or entertainment; need ticket of Business” in the Greene County MU Extensponsors for honored families. sion office for three years now to teach council  Location, location, location: our event locamembers and staff to make decisions about our tion is unique and well known in the county. operations as if they owned the business. One principle of The Great Game is to seek Execution of the event involves all staff and to “turn losers into winners.” “With the Centuall council members Event attendees have great ry Farm program, we had a program that was a things to say about this annual program.. financial loser on the local level for a number of  “This is my single favorite MU Extension years. With some effort, it has turned in to our event of the entire year. Hands down.” largest single money-maker of the year,” said  “When I think of extension and agriculture I David Burton, county program director for think of this event. I’ve come every year and Greene County MU Extension. will continue to do so. It is that important.” Staff re-imagined the event with several goals in mind using the Great Game of Business:  “As one of the honored farms I want to say that we felt honored by this special event.”  What is the main goal? Pr ofitable event.  “This is the only extension event I have ever  What is a secondary goal? Incr ease our invited friends to and everyone enjoys it.” visibility in the county and recognize farms in a way that they feel honored.  “To me, this is exactly the type of events extension should be doing. Excellent job.”  How can this be a team effort? Ever y council and staff members must understand the financials behind this program to look for efficients. In doing so, they can better understand how Year Attend Expenses Revenue Farms Location Profit their involve2003 22 $ 124.00 $0 2 Council picnic ($124) ment can help the organiza2004 24 $ 105.00 $0 2 Council picnic ($105) tion or specific 2005 18 $ 165.00 $0 2 Council picnic ($165) programs.

Impact of Century Farms Event

Planning begins in February with the pursuit of eligible Century Farms.  Financial planning begins in May after we have farms to honor. We then pursue sponsors, entertainment, venue.  Media sponsorships are important; would

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

28 22 23 24 28 32 34 38 126 112 95 98

$ 145.00 $ 115.00 $ 120.00 $ 135.00 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 $ 178.00 $ 255.00 $ 1,675.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,725.00 $ 2,985.00


$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,250.00 $2,835.00 $2,785.00 $4,873.00

3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 5 4 5

Council picnic Council picnic Council picnic Council picnic OE Fair OE Fair OE Fair OE Fair Round Barn Round Barn Round Barn Round Barn

($145) ($115) ($120) ($135) ($75) ($85) ($178) ($255) $2,575 $985 $1,060 $1,888 $0


Our Agriculture Events Pack in a Crowd; Thank Our Sponsors Alfalfa tour

94th Ag Production Conference

Spring Forage Conference

Private Pesticide Applicator Training


Integrity Home Care + Hospice is the first new “presenting sponsor” for Greene County MU Extension in several years thanks to the efforts of Greene County Extension Council member and volunteer Kent John. “Being a presenting sponsor for our programs offers a unique opportunity at the reasonable price of $2,000 for 12 months,” said David Burton, country program director for Greene County. “This is an excellent marketing opportunity that brings recognition to the sponsor and support to the local extension office.” Presenting sponsors are listed on the ads, media releases and promotions of the major programs offering by Greene County Extension during the year. Burton explains that many businesses sponsor individual programs or events to target specific audiences at a smaller price. “The presenting sponsor package helps the extension office with event planning and marketing but it also gives the sponsor access to the thousands of people we reach during the year with our marketing,” said Burton. Current presenting sponsors include Integrity Home Care and Hospice, Greene County Commission, Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Springfield-Greene County Park Board.

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT SUCCESS STORY: Greene County Farm Bureau Funds Visits by Extension Specialists to Greene County Farms

During 2015, MU Extension specialists made only 14 visits to Greene County farming operations because of limited funds. “With our limited budget there have been times when we have had to say no to requests to have one of our livestock, agronomy, horticulture or ag business specialists visit a Greene County farm to offer educational assistance,” said David Burton, county program director for Greene County Extension. “We are excited about the Greene County Farm Bureau approved a renewal of this partnership because we know the donation of $1,500 to the Greene County value of those visits to local farmers, producers, Extension Council on Jan. 9, 2017, to fund and landowners.” consulting and advising visits by University of During 2017, farm visits addressed concerns Missouri Extension specialists to Greene County related to livestock, soybeans and corn, forage, farms during 2017. hay, alfalfa, timber, fruit production, commercial Each farm visit will be followed up with a produce, high tunnel construction, pests, cattle letter to each agriculture operation visited letting theft, cattle pens, Show-Me Select program, farm them know about MU Extension and the mileage planning, and more. funding from Greene County Farm Bureau. Many times a farmer’s question to an MU “Greene County Farm Bureau supports Extension specialist can be resolved by telephone, farmers, and we see this as a way to partner with but there are times a site visit is the best option. MU Extension and get real-time answers to local “In recent years, I have had to refrain from farmers for problems they are having,” said Tom making several farm visits in Greene County Huff, president of the Greene County Farm because of funding concerns. That left some Bureau Board. concerns unresolved. So This particular this sponsorship is great partnership is unique in for everyone involved, Missouri according to especially farm owners in Huff.  92 farm visits for a variety of reasons. Greene County,” said Tim “MU Extension and  3,160 total miles travelled Schnakenberg, agronomy Farm Bureau have  Used $1,616 in mileage dollars specialist with MU historically had strong ties statewide. This county We sent follow-up letters to all individu- Extension. Answering the partnership is one more als getting services and asked for comquestions of local example of how the two ments. Here are two testimonials. landowners and producers organizations work helps add to the value of together to support local “Patrick Byer’s recommendations at my greenhouse operation saved us thousands agriculture in Greene farmers,” said Huff. of dollars in lost product not just this year County. During 2016, MU Extension specialists made but next.” 76 farm visits in Greene County for consulting and “I made changes to my alfalfa planting this year based on Tim’s recommendaadvisement thanks to tions, and my yield increased 20% and so funding from Greene did the quality. Both of those many more County Farm Bureau.

2017 Farm Visits

money in the pocket of this farm family.” 31

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Blueberry School Attracts 75 Although they are a challenging crop to produce, blueberries are in high demand for many Missouri markets and offer a huge potential for Missouri farmers according to Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist with University of Missouri Extension. The Missouri Blueberry School was held March 1718 at Missouri State University’s Darr School of Agriculture Bond Building in Springfield. The school featured educational sessions and a tour of innovative blueberry farms. The keynote speaker was Dr. Bill Cline of North Carolina State University. Attendees learned about all aspects of profitable commercial blueberry production. Attendees used the skills gained at the conference to improve blueberry production practices, specifically in the areas of culture, pest management, and marketing. Farmers established new blueberry plantings. How does this work make Greene County and Missouri better? Blueberries can be a part of a profitable farming operation. Profitable farmers help build the strength of rural economies. Consumers benefit from an enhanced supply of locally grown blueberries.



2nd Commission Ag Tour Draws Record Crowd The 2nd Annual County Commissioners Ag Tour was held Friday, Oct. 27 in Greene County and had 29 individuals in attendance. This is an opportunity to educate elected officials, county department heads and legislators about agriculture in the county, how it contributes to the economy, how partnerships serve the agriculture community, and to highlight some of the most sustainable examples of agriculture in our county. Agricultural, forestry and related industries in Greene County had an economic contribution of $3.4 billion in sales, according to the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s 2016 Economic Contributions of Agriculture and Forestry study. Stop #1: Commissioner Lincoln Hough explained how he has worked with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District to fund improvements on his farm. Stop #2: At the Sunshine Valley Farm, owner Jan Wooten showed tour participants a hoop house which allows her to expand the growing season and a portion of her apple orchard. Stop #3: Lunch and conver sation with Craig von Foerster and his wife Tamara, owners of Harvest, who shared the struggles of a restaurant sourcing food locally. Stop #4: Ozar ks Food Har vest farm where Alexa Poindexter told how the organization and its volunteers have used raised beds and hoop houses

Stop #1

Stop #2

Stop #3 33

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT are used to grow produce for over 200 food pantries and organizations in 28 counties. Stop #5: Feemster Dairy in north Springfield where Jordan Feemster showed tour participants around his family dairy which was started by his dad in 1944. “I believe milking for a livStop #4 Stop #5 ing is an inherited will focus on agriculture in the western insanity,� said Jordan Feemster. The 2018 Commissioners Ag Tour will take place in October and portion of the county.


AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Raising Cattle on Small Acreages Workshop

Pesticide Applicator Training Sixty-eight individuals received their private pesticide application license through the Greene County Extension office this year. A majority of them attended a spring applicator workshop but others came to the office and watched a three-hour video dealing with safety and the proper application of pesticides before getting their application. This service is provided by all county extension offices as part of the licenses provided by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

University of Missouri Extension, the Greene County Extension Council, and Mid-Missouri Bank offered a “Raising Cattle on Small Acreages” workshop Oct. 16 at the Botanical Center in Springfield. The topic of raising cattle on tracts of 5 to 20 acres has become more common as residential growth as spread into rural areas. Zoning laws typically allow for some cattle, but there are things to consider if you want to be successful or even profitable. This fall workshop drew 78 individuals interested in learning more about raising cattle on small acreages (20 acres or less). Among those that completed the class survey, 100 percent said they gained new knowledge that would help the with raising cattle.

Topics that were addressed included an overview of pasture management, how to evaluate soil health, grazing management and hay in winter months, and how to make a small operation selfsufficient. Our livestock specialist provided instruction on cattle health, crossbreeding/animal selection, record keeping, facilities, nutrition, marketing, and health. One attendee on their survey said: “Great workshop on a topic that could probably be addressed several more times. Extension workshops always provide quality and affordable information on important agriculture topics. Thanks.”


AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT McGowan Leads Butterfly House Tours for Season

Through a partnership with Friends of the Garden, Parks and the Botanical Center, and MU Extension, Kelly McGowan, horticulture educator in Greene County will be leading tours of the Dr. Bill Roston Native Butterfly House in 2017. These tours are mainly for school age children and help to facilitate a love and appreciation of nature, compliment classroom science curriculum and get kids outdoors.

Consultation at Great Circle (Boys and Girls Town) In 2016, Kelly McGowan had the pleasure of consulting on a new project at the Great Circle, formerly known as the Boys and Girls Town of Springfield. This organization works with local youth who are going through mental health issues, behavioral issues and other serious problems that often require interventions above and beyond basic medical services. John Deere Reman, a local company specializing in rebuilding engines, adopted Great Circle as a community outreach project this year and wanted to put in raised beds for the youth who used the services of this organization. I worked with them on soil recommendations and plant selections that would be easy and productive for first time gardeners. The project was a success and the kids enjoyed tending the gardens. They also used the food they grew in some cooking classes. When asked to evaluate their favorite projects in 2016, the kids said this was their favorite! In 2017, thanks to continued support from John Deere Reman, the project was expanded with more raised beds. Cool season vegetables will be added to extend the growing season. Kelly continues to consult on these gardens. 36


First Tomato Festival Leaves Room to Grow

Garlic Festival Addresses Common Questions

In July, staff at the local extension office hosted a tomatoe festival to education members of the public on the growing and using of Ozark grown tomatoes. Associated Wholesale Grocers was an important sponsor or partner for the event. A total of 76 residents attended the event which included two lectures and a sampling of various tomato recipes. Some varieties of tomatoes were also for sale. Participants said they planned to take what they had learned to grow tomatoes or grow more tomatoes in the coming growing season. Why is this program important to Greene County? Because when local residents grow food they purchase local supplies for planting but also save grocery money that they spend on other necessary items. Plans are underway to expand next year’s event to included vendors, hands on learning, and displays.

Our third garlic festival drew 41 individuals from throughout the region that were interested in learning about growing and using garlic. A variety of garlic types were available for sale at the event. Patrick Byers taught on the selection of garlic and the growing of up. Pam Duitsman addressed the nutritional qualities of garlic. In the post-event survey, participants said they planned to take what they had learned to grow garlic in the coming season. Why is this program important to Greene County? When local residents grow food they purchase local supplies for planting and save grocery money that they spend on other necessary items. This festival began as a way to address the numerous inquiries our office receives about growing garlic. Next year’s event will include hands-on learning as well as a larger variety of garlic, additional educators and some vendors.

Southwest Regional Master Gardener Field Day Aug. 19 Kelly McGowan, horticulture educator in Greene County and Robert Balek, horticulture specialist in Jasper County hosted a regional Master Gardener field day on Saturday, Aug. 19 at the Springfield Botanical Gardens. Forty area Master Gardeners attended the regional training. The purpose of this field day is to provide education and networking for Master Gardeners in southwest Missouri. The field day included education in the hosta garden which is shown at right. 37


Springfield Community Garden Tour On Friday, May 19 Kelly McGowan, organized a Springfield Community Garden tour to showcase community gardens coordinated by Master Gardeners of Greene County members. About 30 Master Gardeners attended the tour. Featured gardens included: Fairbanks Community and Market Garden, 1126 N. Br oadway Ave. Spr ingfield This garden began in 2014 as the plot-based Fairbanks Community Garden. With support from Master Gardener Alexa Poindexter, this garden has been reworked into the SCG Market Garden to model sustainable agriculture practices and to produce fresh, local food for Zone 1 residents. Kelly McGowan and Patrick Byers partner on a grant project through NACD and Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District to provide educational programs at the Fairbanks.

Delaware Community Garden, 1523 E. Stanfor d Springfield, sits on the site of the home of Craig Wood and also the horrible death of Hailey Owens. Master Gardener Jean Ackley took over the operation and has built a garden, but also a healing place for neighbors.

East Stanford Neighborhood Garden is located at Schweitzer United Methodist Church, 2747 E. Sunshine St. Springfield. Established in fall of

2014 by Master Gardener member Ken Bass and others at the church. The garden serves people from the Oak Grove neighborhood and the Burmese refugee community in Springfield.

Wesley United Methodist Church Community Garden, 922 W. Republic Rd. Springfield. Established in the fall of 2015 by Master Gardener member Carl Redmon and others at the church. The first growing season was 2016 with nearly 3,000 lbs of produce donated to local food pantries

“Ask a Gardener” Effort Successful

Master Gardener volunteers, Ann Kynion, Catherine Banks, Kelly McGowan, and Barbara Ingalsbe, worked the Q&A phone lines Tuesday, Sept. 26 at KY3 from 4:00 to 6:30 pm taking gardening calls from the public. "We were on during KSPR’s 4 pm newscast and also on KY3’s 5 and 6 pm newscast,” said Kelly McGowan, horticulture educator. “We had about 100 calls.” 38


Master Gardener Hotline Volunteers Handle 900 calls

When you have blackspot on your tomato plants and bugs on your roses, who are you going to call? During the 2017 growing season, over 900 individuals facing similar issues decided to call the Master Gardeners Hotline for answers. The gardening hotline is located inside the Springfield Botanical Center. Trained volunteers in University of Missouri Extension’s Master Gardeners of Greene County program operate the hotline room. During 2017, the volunteers answered over 900 gardening questions. Those 905 calls came in from 26 different counties from around the state of Missouri. The total number of calls for the year was down when compared to past years. In 2011, the hotline received 1612 calls. During 2016, the hotline received 1111 calls. The lowest number of calls came in 2015 with 769. Detailed hotline records since 2011 show 5352 of the total 7952 phone calls received at the hotline have come from residents of Greene County. “Weather and pest events have an impact on the total number of calls received,” said Kelly McGowan, horticulture educator with MU Extension and chapter coordinator. “For example, a late killing freeze around Easter one year generated lots of calls from concerned gardeners.”

According to the caller database maintained by volunteers, the most common questions this year included plant and tree identification, disease and insect issues, weed issues, vegetable and flower gardening, and just about everything in between. “Extension provides monthly training for the hotline volunteers on common topics or concerns that may be coming up in addition to their regular Master Gardener training,” said McGowan. Members of the public with gardening questions can take advantage of this free service by calling 417-874-2963 or emailing pictures and questions to There is no charge for this service which is provided by the Master Gardeners of Greene County and the Greene County MU Extension Council. “Master Gardeners in Greene County are one of the few chapters in the state to host a hotline,” said McGowan. The Master Gardener Hotline is a designated representative of the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center with the Sentinel Plant Network, a USDA-sponsored collaboration of the American Public Gardens Association and National Plant Diagnostic Network. 39

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Hotline and Advanced Training Our Master Gardener Hotline answers over 2000 home garden questions a year and is staffed by volunteer members of our Master Gardener organization. To stay current on relevant issues, MU Extension specialists and others offer Master Gardeners advanced training on topics like building rock retaining walls. Kelly McGowan also provides monthly training for the hotline volunteers to share current research and local horticulture issues. One of the topics this month was tent caterpillars.

Advanced Training Rock Retaining Wall Workshop hosted by Master Gardeners of Greene County on 4/5/17

2017 Master Gardener Class has 47 Graduates The 2017 Master Gardener Core Training class organized by Kelly McGowan, horticulture educator with MU Extension, had 47 graduates. The 10-week course covers all types of topics related to home gardening, lawn care, tree card, and flowers. Once students graduate they must give back to the community 30 hours of volunteer service with Master Gardeners in order to remain a chapter member. The chapter in Greene County has over 320 members and volunteers maintain the demonstration garden near the Botanical Center plus additional projects.

The Master Gardener Core Training Class of 2017 concluded on 4/11/17 with 47 participants completing the class. Congratulations to the new class and welcome to the chapter! 40

AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Number of Greene County Residents Served

Total Hours of Collective Participation in 2017

What Did They Learn?

What Action Did They Take?

How Does This Work Make Greene County and Missouri Better?

270 horticulture soil test reports were prepared by Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist.

270 hours

Soil test reports outline soil chemical characteristics, and also include management recommendations.

Soil test clients used the reports to plan fertility management, and to apply only needed fertilizers. Clients saved money by reducing unneeded fertilizer.

The proper use of fertilizers reduces the problems associated with fertilizer movement away from target areas, which impacts water and soil quality.

94 volunteers belonging to the Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist Chapter provided 7849 hours of volunteer service. The chapter is under the supervision of Patrick Byers.

Last year, members turned in more than 8919 hours of service and education.

Information on responsible stewardship of the natural environment in Greene County.

Improved environmental practices on properties.

Preservation and enhancement of the natural environment leads to enhanced quality of life, reductions in environmental problems, and enhanced appreciation of the qualities that make the region a great place to visit and to live.

17 farmers and gardeners attended two High Tunnel workshops held in Greene County and taught by Patrick Byers.

306 hours

Farmers learned how profitably produce specialty crops in high tunnels, and how to construct the structure

Farmers used the skills gained at the workshop to get started in specialty crop production in high tunnels, and to expand and refine already existing production.

Protected culture (high tunnels, greenhouses) of specialty crops offers huge potential to expand production and enhance profitability for farmers in Wright county. Profitable farmers help build the strength of rural economies.


AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Number of Greene County Residents Served

Total Hours of Collective Participation in 2017

What Did They Learn?

What Action Did They Take?

How Does This Work Make Greene County and Missouri Better?

9 Greene County residents attended the Winter Production Conference held in Joplin and taught by Patrick Byers.

144 hours

Farmers learned how to expand fruit and vegetable production and sales to 12 months.

Farmers used the skills develop 12-month production of fruits and vegetables. Area farmers markets benefited from an enhanced supply of crops during the winter months.

Winter production can be a part of a profitable farm. Profitable farmers help build the strength of rural economies. Consumers benefit from an enhanced supply of locally grown fruits/vegetables, during the winter.

10 Greene County residents attended the Missouri Tomato Conference, held in Joplin and taught by Patrick Byers

160 hours

Farmers learned about all aspects of profitable commercial tomato production.

Farmers used the skills gained at the conference to improve tomato production practices, in the areas of tomato culture, pest management, and marketing.

Tomatoes are the leading commercial vegetable crop. Profitable farmers help build the strength of rural economies. Consumers benefit from an enhanced supply of locally grown tomatoes.

17 farmers and gardeners attended a garlic field day held in Greene County

289 hours

Farmers learned garlic production techniques

Farmers adopted production practices demonstrated at the field day

Garlic can be a part of a profitable farming operation. Profitable farmers help build the strength of rural economies. Consumers benefit from an enhanced supply of locally grown garlic.

261 Greene County residents participated in home horticulture events on grafting, seed saving, and advanced trainings

522 hours

Home gardeners learned useful skills that enhance enjoyment of gardening and improve selfesteem.

Home gardeners adopted science -based gardening practices.

Participants reported improved selfesteem and a sense of accomplishment after the workshops that enhance the quality of life for residents.


BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Give Ozarks Campaign Nets $2,858, Increases Awareness for Extension, and Results in a Spirit Award for Efforts The Greene County Extension Council missed its goal of $5,000 but will use the $2,858 donations it did receive from 31 donors to expand the annual Century Farm program held in September during the 3rd Annual Give Ozarks Day on May 9. This year, Greene County Extension also partnered with Springfield-Greene County Parks, Friends of the Garden and the Friends of GrayCampbell Farmstead to host special events all day at the Springfield Botanical Gardens. Council chair Joe Crim and Harold Bender played music in the park for two hours as part of the special events. The partners also worked together to collect nearly $600 at the gate on May 9 and one of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks “Spirit Awards” for an additional $250. “We also saw over 800 cars enter the park that day. Every visitor received information about Give Ozarks and the organizations that make this a great park so creating awareness was a big part of our day too,” said David Burton. This year, 220 agencies participated in Give Ozarks and raised over $1.3 million.

Arts and Cultural History Program Brings Tourism Leaders from Missouri to Springfield May 12 The “Economic Development Through Art and Cultural Heritage Tourism” training May 12 at the Springfield Botanical Center was a great success by any measure. Nearly 40 attended with the majority being from here in the Ozarks representing communities and activities that help drive local tourism. Leaders of the Missouri Arts Council, Missouri Humanities Council, and Missouri Tourism Board all attended along with leaders from the visitors bureaus for Joplin and Springfield. Of those attending, 92% said they had learned information that would help them improve their current festival or event and 98% said they had learned something that would help them launch a new effort. MU Extension is now working to get this training online so even more people can be reached. The result should be better and bigger festivals which mean more visitors spending dollars locally on gas, food, etc. Sam Hamra and Wendy’s Restaurants provided the food which made this event affordable. 43

BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SUCCESS STORY: News Service Impacts Over 10,000 Since the first few months of the regional news service in 2001 and until now, David Burton has set goals for the growth and reach of the program as well as the impact it makes. “The Southwest Region News Service is really a team project involving specialists in southwest Missouri. The more specialists that are engaged with it, the greater our reach and readership,” said Burton.

them. Based on annual surveying of online readers, 92 percent of subscribers to the news service consistently say they have learned something new from the weekly content and 87 percent say they have done something differently as a result of what they read. Some of these changes have significant public and community impacts ranging from the starting of new businesses, adoption of farm practices that improve profitability and changes in eating habits to reduce obesity.


One goal has to been to annually grow our subscriber base and even with changes to distribution, that goal has been achieved. A second goal has been to have more than 50% of the readers rate our quality as high and that goal continues to be met. A third goal is for the news service to work as a tool of civic engagement and based on surveying that is the case for a majority of readers. The fourth and final goal is for this news service to educate the public about MU Extension programs for a majority of readers and I have never failed to meet that goal.

Subscribers and story outreach YEAR Subscribers % growth # Stories 2001 44 64 2002 104 236% 310 2003 226 217% 372 2004 406 180% 391 2005 1001 247% 400 2006 1556 155% 405 2007 4255 273% 412 2008 4887 115% 418 2009 5562 114% 426 2010 6522 117% 432 2011 7321 112% 421 2012 8104 111% 426 2013 8224 101% 424 2014 8442 103% 418 2015 9245 110% 581 2016 9554 103% 625 2017 10244 107% 491 2018

When you support the Southwest Region News Service, over 200,000 southwest Missouri residents are reached every week with researchbased MU Extension information. Participants in the program gain information on issues impacting our communities, families, farms, homes and businesses. This information leads to changed behaviors, community action and the adoption of research-based methods to address various needs. The long-term stated goal of this program has been to make residents of this region more knowledgeable on specific topics that interest

Annual impact Study Questions Question 1 Has your knowledge of MU Extension increased in the past year because of this news service ? YEAR # Answering 2017 312

Yes 88%


Maybe 10%

2% 44

Question 3 Has information from Extension in this news service caused you to do anything differently? Yes 62%

No 23%

Maybe 15%


EXCCEL #2: Ash Grove


The new EXCCEL leadership Our second EXCCEL class is in the books. On Sept. program offered by University of Missouri Extension and the Greene 28 the team traveled to Ash Grove and learned more about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats County Commonwealth began in for that community. The Ash Grove Public Library was a August of 2017. Those involved great host and Mama Loca's provided an excellent meal. have all rated it as a success and Thanks to our special guest who spoke about Ash the team was able to meet with Grove: Joyce Brooks and Deanna Monnig from the Ash community leaders and develop Grove Food Pantry; Dr. Aaron Gerla, the Superintendent interesting SWOT charts for the at Ash Grove; Mary Ann Dixon, director of the Ash communities of Ash Grove, RepubGrove Sunshine Center; and Ramona Burton, local histo- lic and Willard. EXCCEL members have also written and published rian and retired librarian. Lots of good ideas were discussed, including the ag- monthly editorials in the Greene County Commonwealth. The editoing population of volunteers in the community and the rial on page 42 is an example of difficulty of attracting young families to town. Some of those published during 2017. the key ideas generated by the group included the need for a volunteer development recruitment, changes to local zoning to allow for building and expansion, expanded city and school communication, attracting youth back to Ash Grove, growing population growth and better code enforcement.

A portion of the EXCCEL team members.

Team member Karen Dowdy of Willard visits with Ash Grove Superintendent

Team members Ryan Squibb and Tina Horn cast their votes on ideas. 45

BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EXCCEL Team Meets in Willard and Gathers Input The new EXCCEL leadership program offered by University of Missouri Extension and the Greene County Commonwealth is underway, and the third team meeting was held on Oct. 19 at the Willard Branch Library. Ten team members traveled to Willard and learned more about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for that community. Special guests included Brad Gray, city administrator; Kendal Cook, past president of the Chamber of Commerce and local banker; Whitney Burrell, communications director for the Willard School District; Samuel Snider, Willard city council member; and Jennifer Lankford, owner of Pillbox Pharmacy. Some of the ideas discussed with the group

included infrastructure hurdles in the community; making the school, city and fire district “one Willard;� maintaining district growth of four percent a year; and why there are restrictions on building in the fly zone around the airport. The group came away with agreement that infrastructure challenges for Willard, especially regarding the need for a sewer connection for the Meadows and Villa Park area, are holding back growth and development. But there is also an energy to move forward and using existing resources and partnerships to develop a plan and vision for the community. Community leaders are especially excited about the Frisco Trail stops in downtown, the veterans day parade planned in Willard and a national bike ride that will be stopping in Willard next summer.

Kendall Cook, Mid-Missouri Bank branch manager in Willard, discusses the challenges and strengths of the city with the EXCCEL team.

Willard City Administrator Brad Gray points out the boundaries of the city, fire district and school district. 46


For the City of Ash Grove as Identified by Exccel Team

Written by A.J. McCall The lack of youth staying in Ash Grove after graduation, or returning after college, is a growing issue in the community. I experienced this first hand, when my friends and fellow classmates graduated high school, left Ash Grove for college or work, and never returned. Ash Grove has little to offer for young families and individuals. There is a limited job market and lack of middle class housing in the community. This is deterring the younger generation from returning to the city and greatly limiting new families who are trying establish in the area. There is a limited housing market in Ash Grove. Of the houses available, the majority are rental houses. This is not appealing to young families and individuals looking to get established because most are searching for homes to purchase. One factor in this lack of housing is that the city is landlocked. There are farms and family land surrounding the town leaving no room for expansion or new housing developments. If the housing situation does not improve, there will continue to be a lack of youth returning to the city and young families will choose to establish in other towns. The continued decrease of youth in the city will cause the community (and school district) to suffer. One potential solution is for the town to buy land north/northeast of Hwy 160 for a housing development. The land could be divided into plots and sold to individuals or developers. From there, new homes would be built and individuals and families would be able to move in. Better housing options would have a positive domino effect on the community. New houses would lead to more members in the community, higher enrollment in schools and new businesses. For the housing market to increase there has to be a mindset change in the community. Community members and officials must be open to change and expansion. The second step is the task of obtaining land for building. The city must decide if purchasing land is an investment they can afford or if encouraging developers to come in and buy the land is a better option. Regardless of the route taken, to increase the number of youth returning to and settling in the area, the housing market in Ash Grove must be addressed. 47

Community Strengths:         

Available senior services Access to OATS Bus Community loves the school Strong churches Care to Learn supported One to one technology in school Drug issues have improved Food pantry Supportive community

Community Weaknesses:      

Funding of services School enrollment decline City is landlocked for building Volunteers are older Shortage of jobs in town Decline in young families

Community Opportunities:          

Volunteer opportunities Face to face prevention program National bike trail Backpack program Historic town center Jobs for teens Seed money launches projects Heritage tourism Rendezvous Days Developer for a subdivision

Community Threats:         

Declining agency funding for Sunshine Center Lack of volunteers School enrollment is down Charger schools / virtual schools Social media – stop rumors Aging community Lots of rentals /lack of places to build 3-4 bedroom houses Zoning laws are restrictive Shortage of local jobs


Mizzou Alternative Break Brings 12 Students to Springfield for Service Projects A dozen University of Missouri students travelled from Columbia to Springfield on Oct. 27 to devote their weekend to service. Student leaders Dana Key and Ali Farhadi organized the service group. Team members included Kayla Borcherding, Taylor Bourland, Faith Groenke, ilinca Maria, Tucker Murphy, Emily Roiger, Xiu Han, Makayla Looney, Roxana Avalos, and Brooke Sievers. The students started their first evening in Springfield by working the Boo Bash at the Pat Jones YMCA in south Springfield. This children’s costume event included inflatables, hayrides, games, prizes Mizzou Students Kayla Borcherding, Taylor Bourland, Faith and 12 volunteers from Mizzou. Groenke, ilinca Maria, Tucker Murphy, Emily Roiger, Xiu Han, Makayla Looney, Roxana Avalos, Brooke Sievers, Dana According to Julie Oeser, cenKey (site leader), Ali Farhadi (site leader), and David Burton, ter executive with the YMCA, the county program director for MU Extension. students were an asset. “Anytime there is a student group coming from MU as part of this program we would be glad to work with them. They were great,” said Oeser. On Saturday, the students when to the Habitat for Humanity housing development in north Springfield and worked on a project arranged by Aaron Norrick, volunteer coordinator of Habitat. The students 48

BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT spent the day fully painting the interior of a house. During the morning they applied primer, in the afternoon they painted walls and the ceiling. On Sunday, the students did cleanup and other work at Dickerson Park Zoo. These volunteers are participants in Mizzou Alternative Breaks, a program in which groups of students perform service in communities in the U.S. and abroad. Since 2014, MAB has partnered with MU Extension to send students on weekend trips within Missouri. With a presence in each of the state’s 114 counties, MU Extension is able to help volunteers identify needs and connect with service providers and community resources. “Having a dozen university students from Mizzou in town doing service, learning about Springfield, and learning about Greene County MU Extension was educational and a lot of fun,” said David Burton, civic communication specialist with MU Extension in Greene County. Mizzou Alternative Breaks started in 1991 as a small student organization. Last year, MAB sent more than 1,800 participants on 158 trips, making it one of the largest university alternative breaks programs in the country. Initially focused on service opportunities during the week of spring break, MAB now has Thanksgiving, winter, spring and early summer trips in addition to the in-state weekend trips. While the weekend trips represent a smaller time commitment, they are in some ways more challenging. Weekend site leaders (like Dana Key and Ali Farhadi) have to find the service sites themselves. They are also responsible for arranging lodging and attending to other details. “These students have been very independent and proactive and organized,” said Burton. “For the youth from Mizzou to come here and be engaged with our community is truly a blessing. It’s exactly what we need more of in our community.” Students also enjoyed making a connection with the local MU Extension office and its county program director. “Dana and I were so appreciative of the kindness we experienced in Springfield from everyone that we met and talked to. Springfield is truly a wonderful place to be,” said Farhadi. For more information about Mizzou Alternative Breaks, visit More photos at muextension417/albums/72157688511409544

Online at


Page 49


Impacting Zone 1 the Extension Way The city of Springfield has an initiative to address poverty in the poorest area of the city. Zone 1 is in the northwest portion of the city. The mission of this effort is to “create a sustained system for lifting people out of poverty by creating an environment whereby neighbors from throughout the community work together to address challenges and create opportunities.” Greene County MU Extension specialists and affiliated programs (Family Nutrition Education Program, Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, Regional Food Council and more) are active in Zone 1 offering assistance and teaching special nutrition, gardening and business classes. Here are a few examples from 2017. 

ing procedures. He will pr epar e community garden training curriculum used to train leadership and volunteers, provide food safety trainings and do site evaluations of potential community garden sites. He will also be evaluating existing gardens with the view of reducing food safety risks. Over the next three years Byers will also evaluate garden operations with an emphasis on produce harvest, handling and delivery. 

Tom Watkins Neighborhood Association partnered with Spr ingfield Par ks and Rec, Community Partnership of the Ozarks, and the Family Nutrition Education Program to offer a series of basic cooking classes to tweens/teens.

Several Master Gardeners are very involved with teaching and working at the community gardens near the Fairbanks.

MU Extension specialists Patrick Byers and Kelly McGowan have helped to deliver gardening related classes to Zone 1 residents at the Fair- Urban Sustainability Class at the Fairbanks banks, in addition to wor king Due to grant funding by the National Association of Conservaon a high tunnel project. tion Districts (NACD) and the Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District, MU Extension specialists Patrick Byers Regular nutrition programs and Kelly McGowan delivered a gardening related classes to for children and adults. This Zone 1 residents at the Fairbanks, a community center project includes programs done at Vicdedicated to lifting people out of poverty. Classes have includtory Mission and Hovey House. ed Soil Health, Growing Vegetables for Home Gardeners and a high tunnel installation and workshop. Several Master Gardeners are very involved with teaching and working at the community gardens near the Fairbanks.

Small Bites Cooking Classes at Fairbanks: Pam Duitsman is working with Jenni Nevatt and our Family Nutrition Program Educators to implement nutrition and experiential cooking education to families.

Thanks to a newly approved grant, Patrick Byers will be supporting efforts by Springfield Community Gardens food safety and community garden certification of operat50

BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MU Extensions business development work in Greene County is done in partnership with the Small Business Development and Technical Center located at Missouri State University.

Greene County SBTDC Impact FY 2017 Sales Increase PTAC Awards Number of PTAC Awards New Businesses Starts Jobs Created Jobs Retained Total Capitalization Clients/Companies Receiving Business Counseling Training Event Attendees

$41,941,847.00 $19,519,769.00 186 3 309 538 $2,822,006.00 168 400

Number of Greene County Residents Served Business development program specialists and business counselors with MU Extension and the Missouri Small Business & Technology Development Centers, Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, Missouri Environmental Program, Missouri Career Options Project, and the Missouri Market Development program served 168 Greene County residents and their companies with business start-up and management counseling, and other assistance. Participants and clients include:  Small business owners in the service, construction and retail industries  Prospective entrepreneurs  Non-profit organizations  Displaced workers

How This Work Makes Greene County and Missouri Better?

405 North Jefferson Avenue Springfield, Mo Phone: 417-837-2617

Allen Waldo

Procurement Technical Assistance Small Business Development Center Tel: (417) 837-2612

Chrystal Irons

Director Small Business Development Center Tel: (417) 581-3558

Sandra Smart-Winegar

Successful businesses promote growth and Business Development Specialist stability in the local and state economy. Small Business Development Center Missouri’s small businesses are a diverse group Tel: (417) 837-2617 that continues to make Missouri productive. In assisting owners and managers of those businesses, MU Extension contributes to a economic development through growth in jobs, sales, innovation, technology development and commercialization. When you support MU Extension’s Business Development Program, enterprising Missourians receive information and training to start, run and expand businesses. This increased business activity creates jobs, increases consumer demand, promotes economic development and generates much needed tax revenue. 51


4-H'ers Learn to be Soil Health Super Sleuths

“These 4-H members will grow up as responsible stewards of the soil,” Nathan says. “If they can understand the concepts learned in this project, they will practice them and remember them.” 4-H’ers learn through videos and handson activities. They learn to evaluate soil quality through visual inspections and physical and chemical tests. Missouri 4-H’s Ag Innovator Teen Teacher Team is available to provide training at special events. Team members include Lora Wright of Greene County and Mattie Cobban of Greene.

Missouri 4-H’ers are joining 4-H’ers across the nation in the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience, sponsored by the National 4-H Council and Monsanto. This year’s Ag Innovators Experience, called the Healthy Soils CSI (Carbon Soil Investigation) Challenge, helps 4-H’ers in third through eighth grade learn how modern agricultural practices can improve soil health, says University of Missouri Extension 4-H specialist Shane Potter. The program also supports 4-H’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) efforts. The program teaches 4-H’ers the whys and hows of improving soil quality. They also learn to conduct a variety of soil tests. Manjula Nathan, director of the MU Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory, says this new 4-H project will raise muchneeded awareness of the importance of soil health. This will have long-term benefits whether these young people become involved in agriculture, owners of hobby vineyards or homeowners with lawns.

Rebekah Presley is First Youth Representative on County Extension Council Rebekah Presley (15) is a member of the Shooting Stars 4-H Club. “This is my second year in 4-H. When I began, honestly, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My club, Shooting Stars, is new and the first club that was begun specifically for special needs and homeschooled children. I serve as treasurer and on the fundraising and finance committees.” She is a member of the 4-H teen council and this year also became the first student member of the county extension council. “I was intrigued when I heard that the extension office was looking for a teenage representative and that it would be a good fit for a homeschooler. I have enjoyed learning more about the extension office and how I can be more involved in the 4-H community. 52

Rebekah Presley

YOUTH AND FAMILY Regional Cake Wars

Greene County 4-H for 2017:

Fourteen teams entered in the regional 4H cake wars at the Ozark Empire Fair. Teams had 10 minutes to decorate their cake. Everyone had the same supplies and the theme was "Summer's biggest party." Special thanks to Missouri State Representative Sonya Murray Anderson (shown here with other Greene County teams) for joining in the fun. Funds raised from this event go to the Greene County 4-H Foundation.

  

233 members in 4-H clubs 152 volunteers 125 youth participating in Ag Venture Day camps

First at State 4-H Public Speaking Contest Congratulations Mikayla Peterson for placing first at the Missouri State 4-H Horse Public Speaking Contest in the Demo/ Illustrated Talk division!! She advances to the Eastern 4-H Nationals this November in Kentucky. We are so proud of your hard work!

New Greene County 4-H Leaders Council Officers The newly selected Greene County 4-H Leaders Council officers for 2017-2018 year are:  John Waterman, secretary;  Gail Driskell, treasurer;  Jennifer Peterson, Vice President;  Jim Sontheimer, President.



Participating youth in the 2017 Personal Presentations Day

Personal Presentations Day at Livestock Center Personal Presentation day was held in April at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. Two members of the Greene County Extension Council served as judges (Kent John and Tyler Gunlock) and club and project leaders also worked to make the event possible. Student demonstrations were given in horse knowledge, public speaking, prepared speeches, extemporaneous speaking, technology assisted speaking, dramatic interpretation and humorous interpretation. Some students participated in the fashion revue and also showed their projects in arts and crafts, beef, cake decorating, clothing, dog, foods, horse, photography poultry, shooting sports and swine. The Lucky 11 Club hosted the event and high performers earned a trip to Regional Achievement Day. Many events also earn opportunities to participate at state contests, Ozark Empire Fair and Missouri State Fair.

Karla Deaver, the 4-H youth specialists serving Greene County, reviews scorecards and forms at the personal presentations day. 54

YOUTH AND FAMILY Republic Girls Bless Others with their 4-H Fair Pig

Robotics Fun with 4-H U.S. Cellular Store Manager Nathan Piper shows Greene County 4-H Club students Kodi Burdick and Kaitlyn Darling how to build a fitness-tracking device as part of the National 4-H Council’s National Youth Science Day on Oct. 3. The event was held at the Botanical Center. Several other U.S. Cellular associates also volunteered .

HIGH POINT—Joe Fielden traveling High Point Livestock Trophy to highest point club showing livestock at the Greene County Fair - Lucky 11

Kayleigh Kirk (12) and her sister Jadyn Kirk (9) of Republic are members of the Sac River 4H club. Their project for the year was raising pigs to show at the 4H Fair. When the fair was over the hogs were butchered and the girls generously donated the 304.6 lbs of meat to People Helping People in Republic.

Horse Show Honors: 4-H'ers from the Horsin' Around and Sac River Stablemates 4-H club show their honors from the 2017 Missouri State Fair 4-H Horse Show. 55

YOUTH AND FAMILY Horse Bowl Team 10th at Nationals

Congratulations to our Missouri 4-H Horse Bowl team for placing 10th at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup. Congratulations also to the rest of our Missouri contestants. They represented Missouri well. Mattie Cobban, Jean Cobban, Abrie Burkhart, Cara Driskell, Dawn Dee O'Connor, and Karla Deaver

Greene County Volunteer Billy Claiborn Inducted into Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame

Week fundraiser in partnership with the Springfield Livestock Market. Throughout his service, he has helped generate substantial funds for Greene County 4-H. The Missouri 4-H Foundation recognizes individuals who have created a legacy of service to 4-H by honoring them with membership in the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame

“Making the best better” for generations of Missouri 4-H’ers, Billy Claiborn was inducted into the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame on Aug. 19 at State Fair Community College in Sedalia. He was among 46 inductees from 37 counties establishing a legacy totaling 1,085 years of service to 4-H. Billy Claiborn has served the Greene County 4-H program for 20 years as a Greene County 4-H Foundation trustee and County Extension Council leader. He currently serves as treasurer of the Foundation. Billy helped establish the annual Cake and Pie Auction fundraiser as well as the National 4-H 56

YOUTH AND FAMILY their food comes from and discuss how foods 125 Youth Dig into Food, get from farm to plate,” said Deaver. Farming with Ag-Venture Ag-Venture Day Camps is a joint venture of Ozark Empire Fair, Missouri State University Day Camps at Fair Darr School of Agriculture, and University of Missouri Extension.

Day camps were offered again this year at the Ozark Empire Fair to help children connect with the food they eat. “Dig Into Ag-Venture” camps (for children ages 3 to 12) ran from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. With pre-registration, one child ticket and one adult ticket were mailed out. Enrollment numbers were up for this year. “The camps are designed to help children learn about food and how it is produced,” said Karla Deaver, 4-H youth development specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “These camps give children an opportunity to experience the fair and have fun while learning about the food they eat in a new way.” The program was held at the Darr and Wheeler Metals Ag Facility. Topics included beef and dairy cattle (July 28), sheep and goats (July 29), swine (Aug. 1), grains (Aug. 2), bees and honey (Aug. 3), poultry (Aug. 4), and fruits and vegetables (Aug. 5). There will be no camp on Thursday, July 27, Sunday, July 30 or Monday, July 31. “The children got an in-depth look at where Ag Venture campers are building no-till planters during grains camp with Mattie Cobban.


YOUTH AND FAMILY Stay Strong, Healthy a Success at Greene County Senior Centers

falling and ways to prevent falls. If additional Senior Citizen’s Service grant funds are secured more Stay Strong, Stay Healthy classes will be held in Greene County. The plan is to offer the advanced class in Republic and the basic class Rogersville and Strafford. These classes will begin in February. I also participated in two trainings this month to teach a curriculum called Skills Up and the other is Helping People Cope with Grief and Loss. One day per week will be dedicated to the Skills Up program. Workshops on grief and loss are being planned.

Four Stay Strong, Stay Healthy courses funded by the Greene County Senior Citizen's Grant Fund have come to a close. Sixty-one, Greene County, senior citizen, residents at the Republic, Ash Grove, Northview and Southside senior citizen's centers benefitted by participating in the sixteen session program. All participants were assessed at the beginning of each program and reassessed at the end of the program. All participants showed some improvement in strength, balance and flexibility. Ninety-Seven percent of those who completed the post survey said that they feel physically stronger; ninety-one percent said that they now have more energy. When asked how the program improved their life, one participant said, "It allowed me to socialize with other people and I learned new skills." Another person said, "Great program and instructor." Another shared, "I can now walk up steps and carry things." Some of the other direct quotes by participants include: "I have more strength and better balance," "I'm more flexible and I enjoyed the interaction with others, "I have a better attitude about exercise," "I am moving better, not so many aches and pains in my arms and legs." "This is a great program and I'm glad that it was available at the Republic Senior Center, “I like to exercise with others and I feel much better." "The leader was great." "I can now turn my head enough to look behind me when in backing my car," "I can clean my floors now; I couldn't do that before taking this class." When asked what could be improved about the program many said, "I wish it would never end." The post survey showed that the areas of greatest concern among senior citizens is going up and down stairs and falling. A workshop was held at the Republic Senior Center on Four ladies from the Northview Senior Center making exercise Dec. 22 to address fears of fun with Stay Strong, Stay Healthy. 58

YOUTH AND FAMILY Some of the responses on how they feel since the beginning the course include:  “I seem to have more stamina.”  “I feel a little stronger.”  “I had a hard time with some of the exercises at first but now they are much easier.”  “I am gaining more confidence and I’m not as afraid that I might fall.”  “I now have more energy to get things done around the house.”  “My legs do not feel as stiff as they did when I wasn’t exercising. The classes in Strafford and Republic are being funded through the Senior Citizen Fund approved by and paid for by Greene County taxpayers several years ago.

Program in Stafford is Leading to Improvements Among Participants Pictured are some of the participants of the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy class held at the Strafford Senior Center. The group is small, eight participants, but the women love being in the class and beginning to report positive changes after just six sessions. The participants said that they decided to join the Stay Strong, Stay Healthy  “Because my arms are so weak.”  “I need to build more strength in my body.”  “To spend time with the other ladies and to better myself.”  “My doctor said that I need more exercises,”  “I need to work on becoming more limber,” and  “I see improvement in my strength already.


HEALTH AND SAFETY Drury University students Design Commercial Street's Future with Extension Help

sustaining eco-friendly community, and incorporating more green space and pedestrian features, In September, the students unveiled some of their ideas at a special open house on CStreet. Another event was held Oct. 3 with other events to come.

Commercial Street has come a long way in recent years. And, there is a lot of excitement from individuals wanting to see it go even further. Helping design the future for this historic district are students at Drury University's Hammons School of Architecture. They receive organizational help and planning education from Jeff Barber with MU Extension. The department has worked on similar projects like this in the past, each time focusing on a small part of the area. The students are learning about the tools and techniques that will help them in their careers. At the same time, Commercial Street merchants and residents are benefiting from their infusion of ideas. This year, students are studying ways to incorporate and improve, like the Jefferson Avenue Footbridge and Frisco Lane. Other proposals include making the district a self-


Jeff Barber also worked with students at Drury University to complete three major projects and one of them involves the Hazelwood Cemetery in Springfield.  The cemetery — located at 1642 E. Semi -nole, Springfield — is celebrating 150 years in October 2017.  Purchased in 1867, originally 80 acres; with 18 acres sold to Fed Government for the National Cemetery, and 2 acres sold to Temple of Israel for a Jewish Cemetery, northwest of Hazelwood.  Now at 60 acres, it is the largest cityowned cemetery in the state with over 44,000 grave spaces.


HEALTH AND SAFETY HERO Program Launching in Greene County to Finance Home Energy Improvements

cy improvements across more than 150 Missouri homes. With the addition of Greene County and the cities of Nixa and Ozark in Christian County, one-third of all Missourians now have access to the HERO Program. The HERO Program is available to Missouri communities that join the Missouri Clean Energy District (MCED) and addresses a problem conventional financing products have not solved. Homeowners interested in applying for HERO financing or who want to learn more should visit online.

Nearly 100,000 households in Greene County, along with 25,000 homeowners in the Christian County communities of Nixa and Ozark, now have access to an innovative form of home energy and efficiency financing. The HERO Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program enables homeowners to make energy improvements and to pay for them over time through their property tax bills. HERO financing payments may have tax benefits, and many homeowners see immediate savings on energy bills by investing in efficiency or renewable energy upgrades. HERO, which stands for Home Energy Renovation Opportunity, is the largest residential PACE program in the United States and has already helped tens of thousands of homeowners lower energy bills by replacing HVAC systems, upgrading windows and doors, adding insulation, going solar, and more. KOLR did a recent story on HERO and interviewed Jeff Barber “By stimulating home to help explain the impact of the program. renovation activity, the HERO Program increases demand for contractor services, creates clean-energy jobs and local economic growth,� said Jeff Barber, a housing and environmental design specialist with University of Missouri Extension. Since the program first launched in Jackson County in September, it has financed more than $2 million in energy and efficien-



Nutrition Outreach Effort at Ozark Empire Fair Showcases MU Extension’s New “Eat Smart on the Go Food Demo Truck” Nutrition Program Associates from both the Southwest and West Central regions have been out at the Ozark Empire Fair with their new Eat Smart on the Go food demo truck. This truck moves across the state providing people the opportunity to watch a demonstration of and then sample healthy recipes. In addition to the food demo truck, NPAs will be having cooking demonstrations on the Ozark Empire Fair cooking stage every weekday throughout the duration of the fair.



Nutrition Impact Report for Greene County STATEWIDE IMPACT

Schools Served

Family Nutrition Program (FNP) brought $9,681,129 in federal funds to the state of Missouri. These funds were used to provide nutrition education to 838,295 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients and eligible citizens of Missouri. There were 3,831,270 educational contacts. This year we had 3,064,781 indirect educational contacts. Indirect contacts are reached through newsletters, health fairs, food pantries and the Show Me Nutrition help line. WHAT IS LEARNED Participants in FNP become more aware of nutrition, make healthier meal and snack choices, eat breakfast more often, are more willing to try new foods, increase their physical activity and in general make healthier food choices. Those who practice healthy eating and activity behaviors are more likely to enjoy a high quality of life as an adult and into old age. A healthy labor force is critical to attracting and keeping jobs in Missouri. In addition, this important programming effort serves to reduce healthcare costs over the participant’s lifetime, saving taxpayers money in reduced public healthcare benefits and insurance premiums. GREENE COUNTY NUMBERS During 2017, University of Missouri Extension nutrition associates served 4,740 youth and 24,563 adults through schools, community groups and agencies in Greene County. That means 29,303 of the 3.8 million contacts statewide were participants that reside in Greene County. Sherri Hull, Marty Wood and Becky Family Nutrition Roark were the Education Program nutrition asso2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 ciates in the Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. county during Tel: 417-886-2059 2017. The new year brings the retirement of Becky and the hiring of two new nutrition associates as well as a renewed emphasis on serving the schools in the county with the highest concentration of low-income students. 63

Schofield Elementary Campbell Small Wonders Early Childhood Center Tampa Head Start Stewart Head Start Grant Head Start Fair Grove Head Start Boyd Elementary Carver Middle School Ash Grove Elementary Meadowbrook Head Start Holland Elementary Horrace Mann Elementary McGregor Elementary Jeffries Elementary Parkview High School Weaver Elementary Sequiota Elementary Shady Dell Early Childhood Cnt Freemont Elementary Bingham Elementary Bois D’Arc Elementary Walnut Grove Elementary Westport Elementary Willard North Elementary York Elementary Willard South Elementary Sweeney Elementary Logan Rogersville Elementary McCulloch Elementary Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool, Inc. Robberson Elementary West Chestnut Head Start

During 2017, 4,740 youth and 24,563 adults were served through schools, community groups and agencies in Greene County.

HEALTH AND SAFETY SUCCESS STORIES From Nutrition Program Associate, Sherri Hull: A teacher, whose daughter I have in second grade at another school, approached me. She said that her daughter had come home after our vegetable lesson and announced that she now liked red peppers because of our taste test! The teacher said the young girl usually wasn’t willing to try new foods at home but now agreed that she would be more willing to try new foods for her parents! From Nutrition Program Associate, Martha Wood A student wrote: “Since taking your class on shopping to save money I have started implementing the weekly meal planning. It was not easy in the beginning just like you said. But I want my family to eat healthier so I have been sticking with it. And you were right it has been getting easier each time I do it. It has even helped me to plan for taking my lunch to work. It does save me money. I don’t have any wasted food and we use up all of the produce.” From Nutrition Program Associate, Becky Roark: The Central Assembly of God church in Springfield hosts a food pantry one Saturday morning a month. I have a display and recipes set up and talk to the people after they have signed in and before they go “shopping” for their food. One of the regulars came up to me said that she really likes our recipes because they don’t “cost my family a fortune to make but they all really like the food.” Happy Retirement Jay Chism, regional director, recognized Becky Roark on Dec. 4 upon her retirement from MU Extension. 64

Community Agencies

Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks Boys & Girls Club of Springfield, Musgrave and Stalnaker Unit Weller Community Four Square “Living Hope” Food Pantry Pregnancy Care Center Victory Mission – Family Ministry SW Center for Independent Living Jordan Valley Health Center Willard Community Food Pantry St. Joseph Catholic - Springfield Southside Senior Center People Helping People Alternative Opportunities American Red Cross ARC – Newport, Sagamont, Sherman Ash Grove Food Pantry Crosslines - Springfield Boys & Girls Club Springfield Community Center Bridges for Youth Burrell Center – CSTAR & ACSU & Start Living Center City Christian Outreach Central Assembly of God Central Christian Church Springfield Park Board Strafford Senior Center Developmental Center of the Ozarks Strafford Sr. Center Family Violence Center Southwest Missouri Indian Center Footsteps Grow to Know Greater Springfield Farmer’s Market Greene Co. Food Stamp Office Hand Extended Ministry Isabel’s House Stillwell Columns Northview Senior Center Harter House - Strafford Parenting Life Skills Center Pathways United Methodist Regional Girls Shelter Salvation Army Hovey House Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) Springfield Housing Authority Ash Grove Senior Center

HEALTH AND SAFETY "Reading the Nutrition Facts Label" Program Demonstrated During Extension Council Meeting Three members of University of Missouri Extension’s Family Nutrition Education Program demonstrated one of their many adult classes during the Greene County Extension Council Meeting on Monday, Nov. 27 at the Springfield Botanical Center. Members of the Greene County Extension Council served as the students and joined in on the learning. This presentation explored how to read nutrition fact labels to help you make better nutritional choices. Council members said they learned something new with this program offered by University of Missouri Extension Family Nutrition Education Program Nutrition Educators Marty Wood, Becky Roark and Sherri Hull. The program was similar to the class they teach on this subject to other adult groups. The three nutrition educators also addressed upcoming changes to nutrition labels as well as how to tell how many calories or vitamins are in each labeled food item.


HEALTH AND SAFETY 70 People Learn Safe Food Preservation in Greene County Nutrition specialists Lindsey Stevenson and Mary Sebade taught three food preservation classes at Metro Appliances during June. Evaluations of the program were very high and 95% of attendees had no canning experience.


HEALTH AND SAFETY Second Annual Springfield Public Schools Jr. Chef Competition

Twelve teams of students in grades 3-8 showed off their creativity and skills on tacos! Ingredients were purchased when all the Jr. Chefs and their coaches loaded into buses for a trip to the Farmers Market of the Ozarks the morning of the event. The teams were encouraged to think “seasonal”, and to incorporate local seasonal produce into their dishes. Each team composed original recipes for guest judges, and were tasked to think about taste and flavors in recipe development/ preparation, and appearance of the final produce. “Wellness” was key. They were asked to use healthy and nutritious ingredients. No pre-prepared ingredients were allowed. They had one hour to complete the preparation of their meal. The event was held at Hickory Hills Elementary/ Middle School. Judges will award teams in the following categories: Best Use of Local Food; Best Presentation; Best Recipe and Taste; Best Team Spirit. This was a great way to continue the SPS Farm to School tradition



Iron Chef Competition Over 80 youth chef participants engaged in The 5th Annual Iron Chef Battle of the Swag Salad, forming 20 teams that competed to learn and hone culinary skills, methods of healthy recipe creation and meal preparation & creativity. The competition called for the most creative, deliciously healthful, made from scratch “artistically composed salad� innovation, and called participants to think beyond lettuce and take salad to the next level with veggies, fruits, grains, legumes, pasta, greens, herbs, spices, dressings/sauces and more. Top teams from the grades 4-6 and Master Chef grade category were featured on OzarksLive! TV show making their recipes. The goal of the event is to inspire students to become connected to their food, acquire valuable lifetime culinary skills, encourage cooking with friends/family and learn how to develop flavors in different and in a healthy way. A parent coach was allowed to assist each team. Over 200 community members came to support the event, taste test recipes, and encourage the students. As part of this Healthy Lifestyle Initiative MU Extension program, Pam works with communities to form partnerships to help develop healthy communities with policies and environments that support access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activities. The IronChef event was held with children K-12, to in-


crease awareness of where food comes from; how to handle food safely; and how to prepare healthy tasty food.

HEALTH AND SAFETY Snapshot of Springfield’s Farm to School Initiative: Positive Impact and Positive Outcomes Abound Childhood obesity and the lack of good food access has been a growing problem for communities in southwest Missouri according to Dr. Pam Duitsman, nutrition specialist, University of Missouri Extension. Since 2009, the Springfield R-12 School District (SPS) has been working with community partners to find ways to connect kids with healthy food. Efforts have been made to introduce fresh, local food and educational experiences into the average school day. “Grants received through the USDA Farm to School Initiative in 2014 and 2016 have provided support for SPS to initiate a Farm-toschool (F2S) program to incorporate fresh, local produce into school meals,” said Duitsman. The goals of F2S are to improve student health by providing a variety of fresh, nutritious food options; provide hands-on nutrition education based on local food systems; and support the local food system and economy by providing connections with community farms.

rated into the school cafeteria, participation in school meal programs increases by an average of 9.3 percent,” said Duitsman. Positive benefits of F2S initiatives extend to teachers. They become more conscious of healthy dietary behaviors. Foodservice staff members become more interested in developing seasonal recipes and new uses for local foods. Parents of school children report healthy changes in shopping, cooking and talking about healthy eating. “The best news is that parents also report that their children are making improved food choices long-term. Farmers report that F2S programs provide opportunities for improved business and improve cooperation between schools, farms and the community food system,” said Duitsman. “All of these positive impacts of F2S have been happening in SPS for some time.” Since January of 2016, the Farm to School Leadership Team has been assisting with the implementation of the District’s efforts to provide local foods to all SPS students and to provide hands-on learning experiences for students and families. “We were encouraged to learn that the Southwest Region of Missouri will benefit from a third USDA grant to support F2S Continued on next page

F2S HAS POSITIVE IMPACT According to Duitsman, research shows Farm-to-School programs increase student’s consumption of fruits and vegetables, and their understanding of the seasonality of produce, sustainable agriculture, and growing cycles. “Students show an improved attitude toward eating healthy, and actually select healthier foods on their own. When local fresh food is incorpo69


Construction progress at the Springfield Community Gardens high tunnel workshop, 5.12.17

efforts through June of 2019, and will expand to Taney County,” said Duitsman. AMAZING OUTCOMES OF F2S Here are examples of the outcomes achieved since the implementation of the grant. 

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Implementation/sustainability of school gardens have increased and strengthened through technical assistance. Focused train-the-trainer sessions have been offered for SPS teachers. Outdoor classroom/gardening curriculum has been integrated in teacher instruction. Cooperative agreements developed with Springfield Community Gardens. Nine Tower Gardens are being used in classrooms. The first ever SPS Junior Chef Competition offered innovative educational experiences and tremendous behavioral impacts for students and their families. Fresh, local fruits and vegetables were introduced into the school cafeteria at four

summer school sites during a pilot implementation phase, and local food was purchased for all 54 SPS schools the following fall semester. SPS Nutrition Services is currently working with Springfield Grocer and future food hubs to implement a system for purchasing large quantities of local food. Teams of students are taking on the challenge of implementing and sustaining the gardens at their respective school sites.

The continuing goal of SPS F2S is to help all citizens, including our littlest Missourians, develop healthy, life-long eating habits, while also supporting our family farmers and our local economy.


HEALTH AND SAFETY Farm to School Programs are a Win for Everybody Communities, schools, farmers and food producers, public health workers and University of Missouri Extension are working together in Southwest Missouri to implement Farm to School programs. “Farm to school programs work to improve the connection communities have to fresh, local food, and local food producers,” said Dr. Pam Duitsman, nutrition and health education specialist with University of Missouri Extension. Students are also participating in educational learning activities related to agriculture, food, health, and nutrition. In many schools, school gardens offer students hands-on experiences to grow their own food. “Community partners in Southwest Missouri have joined the effort, with the intention of empowering children and their families to make informed food choices while also strengthening the local economy and helping to build more resilient communities,” said Duitsman. WINNING EXAMPLES Farm to School programs are a win for everybody. Here are a few examples. Economic Impacts: Recent research highlights the positive economic impact that Farm to School programs have on local communities. For every job created by school districts purchasing local foods, additional economic activity creates another 1.67 jobs. Each dollar invested in farm to school stimulates an additional $1.40-$2.60 of local economic activity, in one study resulting in $1.4 million overall for the state. Farmers and Food Producers: The increased purchases from local producers and processors supports jobs and local earnings. “Schools offer a very stable

Sherwood Garden Tour - Mrs. Howard and Dr. Hagerman’s 4th & 5th Grade Students: Callee Tompkins, Emma Frans, David Tanona, Maddie Hampton, Abby Winegard

market opportunity for farmers,” said Duitsman. Student healthy behaviors: Resear ch has shown a significant improvement for healthy behaviors in children from kindergarten through twelfth grade in Farm to School programs. School Food Service: Schools that incr ease the fruits and vegetables they offer have students are much more likely to participate in school meals, which generates increased revenues for schools through their meal programs. Student Education: Far m to school programs increase knowledge of agriculture, gardening, healthy eating, nutrition, growing cycles, local food, seasonality, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) concepts and language arts in Children from K-12. Overall academic achievement improves in K-12 settings. Adults: The impact of Far m to School programs extends to the educators and parents. Teachers show positive changes in healthy eating and lifestyles. Parents show increased knowledge of local agriculture and of healthier behaviors such as increased fruit and vegetable consumption. “Adults who participated in gardening at a young age are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables, try new produce, prepare meals at home, shop for healthy and local foods, and make healthier purchases,” said Duitsman.


HEALTH AND SAFETY Hollister and Springfield Catholic Schools Working Together as Part of New Farm to School Grant

community partners.” Farmers, communities, and children all reap benefits when more schools begin to source more foods locally and teach children about food, farming, and nutrition. The interaction leads to improved public health, economic development, and education. Local investments in the farm to school program will provide the needed resources to develop strategies that support local food sourcing at schools and to invest in school kitchen infrastructure. In addition, the grant will be used to increase the purchase and consumption of locally grown fresh food, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. There will also be training for farmers and food service workers in food safety. Also, the grant helps to make the creation of school gardens and manage greenhouses possible along with the implementation of nutrition education and garden-based curriculum in the schools. “Farm to school programs help provide new marketing opportunities for farmers and develop healthier meals and eating habits for schoolchildren,” said Dr. Patillo.

The Hollister R-V School District and Springfield Catholic Schools are now working together to increase local food procurement for school meal programs and to expand educational activities on agriculture and gardening by participating in a new two-year farm to school grant. The Taney County Health Department was one of 65 recipients chosen from more than 300 applicants to receive the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service Farm to School grant. The program provides support and technical assistance to develop a sustainable farm to school community. The goal of the USDA Farm to School program is to serve no less than 20 percent local products in school lunch programs and to deliver it within 48 hours of harvest. Dr. Amy Patillo, a University of Missouri Extension community development specialist, is serving as the coordinator of this farm to school grant program. “Ensuring that kids have access to healthy and locally produced food helps instill healthy eating habits and agricultural literacy in the next generation, while also supporting the local farming economy,” said Dr. Patillo. “This grant will be used for training and technical assistance, planning, developing school gardens, developing partnerships, and implementing farm to school programs in collaboration with Greenhouse at Springfield Catholic receives a blessing. 72

HEALTH AND SAFETY Community Partnerships of Ozarks Food Collaborative

Diabetes, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

As a member of the Food Collaborative, MU Extension partnered to conduct the “Meet Your Market” Educational Fair at Jordan Valley Community Health Center in Springfield. The event focused on providing resources and education to attendees about Double-Up-Food-Bucks – which is a program that allows and encourages USDA’s SNAP (Supplemental Assistance Program) participants to maximize their money at local farmers markets. Representatives from Greater Springfield Farmers’ Market, Farmers Market of the Ozarks, and C-Street City Market were onsite to share information about their markets and offer a taste of local produce. Representatives of the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, City of Springfield, Ozarks Food Harvest and University of Missouri Extension were present and provided information and education on food preservation and storage, gardening, recipes, cooking methods, and transportation options to the markets.


Pam taught 24 classes in Springfield in 2017, with 176 participants. More classes start this month, and are scheduled throughout 2018. Smith Glynn Callaway Clinic and the CoxHealth Surgery Center in Springfield are the sites in Greene County where Pam is teaching her current classes. The cost of these series is covered by a grant from CDC, and participants learn: techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation; appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance; appropriate use of medications; communicating effectively with health professionals; nutrition; and how to evaluate new treatments. For the Diabetes class, participants learn how to: manage symptoms of diabetes; communicate effectively with your health care team; plan menus; keep your blood sugar in check; and get more out of life. Outcomes from past participants include:  Improvement of health outcomes and reduction of health care utilization  Decreased activity limitations and depression symptoms  Improved communication with health care provider  Improvements in quality of life, fatigue and sleep problems  Improvements in pain and shortness of breath  A significant improvement in ER visits and hospitalization


“Live and Learn”

Extension TV (KOLR–TV 10)

County’s Extension Website

The Ground Up (KOLR–TV 10)

“Reaching Out Report”

Call the Master Gardener Hotline at 874-2963 for answers (March—Oct).

Read David Burton’s column in the weekly newspaper in Republic, Mo.

Watch specialists two Mondays per month during the 11 a.m. news on KOLR-TV10

The website had over 34,000 visitors in 2017. ( Monthly newsletter for Greene County Extension available at

The local horticulture specialist is on KOLRTV10 every Thursday at 11 a.m.

Facebook: Become a Fan

Find the Greene County Extension Council on Facebook along with Master Gardeners of Greene County and MUExtension417.

YouTube Channel

Visit to see the regular video updates and reports.

Library Publications

Informational brochures are available at the Library Center and the Library Station.

“Ask a Master Gardener”

Answers to lawn and garden questions in the News-Leader every Sunday.

“Agriculture in the Ozarks”

Every Sunday, read David Burton’s column, in the business section of News-Leader.

Greene County Extension Center Located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave. Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909

"Equal opportunity is and shall be provided to all participants in Extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the armed forces of the United States of America." 74

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