News #19 years & growing In this issue: 4 men, 4 bikes, for LIFE, for Greenfleet Let’s celebrate 15 years of making a difference together Greenfleet’s 1st ever forest 15 years with our supporters Why you still need to offset now that there’s a carbon price
Words from our CEO Since 1997, along with individual supporters, hundreds of organisations, from big brands to small businesses and local governments to not-for-profits, have supported Greenfleet by voluntarily offsetting their emissions, offering workplace giving, donating, sponsoring events and publications, or promoting Greenfleet to their own networks. We appreciate the fantastic efforts of these organisations in reducing their emissions, and thank them all for choosing to act on climate change and restore Australian landscapes by planting biodiverse forests with Greenfleet. One organisation stands out for its longterm involvement. Indeed, every single year since 1998, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (Australia) has offset fleet emissions with Greenfleet, and is Greenfleet’s longest continuous corporate supporter.
Nick Capes, Chief Financial Officer of The Walt Disney Company (Australia) says, “We’re proud to be Greenfleet’s longest corporate supporter. Right back in 1998 we saw the potential of the program and we’re proud to have been offsetting our emissions by planting native forests with Greenfleet every year since. It’s a small thing that makes a big difference, and we are pleased to be doing our share to protect the environment with Greenfleet.” But Walt Disney is not our only long-term supporter. All the organisations listed on the right have been part of the Greenfleet program for more than 10 years and we’d like to thank them for their ongoing commitment! A selection of milestones and achievements from supporters is showcased on page 8. Whilst not exhaustive, this timeline will give you an idea of what many of our business supporters have achieved over the past 15 years.
Sara Gipton CEO Greenfleet July 2012
Greenfleet supporters of 10 years or more... Adidem Enterprise Services Bankstown City Council Cennednyss Community City of Melbourne Deakin University Didactic Enterprises D epartment of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Foresight International Groundtruth Mapping Systems La Trobe University LeasePlan Australia McCloud Shoes Millers Moves Monash University OARS Community Transitions Paper Agencies Snap Preston Tait Enterprises Tapala The Guest Partners Charitable Trust XPower
Carbon market update Carbon is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment, with a national carbon price commencing on 1 July 2012. A price on carbon helps value the natural resources used and pollution generated by our lifestyles and businesses, ensuring the sustainability of our society for future generations. Put simply, products and services with lower environmental impacts are priced more favourably than more polluting alternatives. In the lead-up to 1 July, we saw many encouraging stories showcasing innovation by big business to reduce carbon intensity. This illustrates the intended consequences of a carbon price and these businesses are likely to be more sustainable, both economically and environmentally, in the long term. We are confident Australia will conÂtinue to operate with a carbon price into the future, regardless of political machinations to the contrary. Greenfleet is actively preparing for participation in Australia’s mandatory carbon market, having already: R egistered to provide Financial Services in relation to Emission Units with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. R egistered the first Carbon Sequestration and Forestry Rights and Forest Carbon Rights on property title under the Victorian Climate Change Act (2011). A pplied to become a Registered Entity under the Carbon Farming Initiative and opened a Registry Account with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. Grey Shrike-thrush nestled in a Greenfleet forest
4 men, 4 bikes, for LIFE, for Greenfleet
Have you ever dreamt of completing the trip of a lifetime? One that brings you closer to nature and creates unforgettable moments of strength and passion? This is exactly what team LIFE has set out to do. On 1 June 2012, four daring cyclists rode out of Darwin to travel 18,000 kilometres around Australia, and return to Darwin in December. Their goal: an amazing cycling tour around the Australian mainland to raise awareness of climate change and environmental issues and raise funds for Greenfleet. Nick, Tommy, Jimmy and Markus are undertaking this epic trip, the longest any of them have ever contemplated, to raise enough funds to plant 8,000 native trees with Greenfleet.
“We love this lifestyle. We’ll be spending time in new surroundings and experiencing everything nature has to offer. On top of that, we’re doing it for a good cause and protecting what we all find so valuable in the process,” explained Nick Scaife. Greenfleet CEO, Sara Gipton, said “LIFE’s epic adventure is a fantastic way to raise awareness for the environment; and best of all they are using low carbon transport to do so. We’re very pleased to work with them and help make a real difference.” Present to farewell the team, Darwin’s Lord Mayor Katrina Fong Lim said, “It’s great to see such motivation from these four men and I’m very proud they are putting their efforts into such a worthwhile cause. I wish them all the best in their venture.” On their way out of the capital city, the four cyclists also stopped in Palmerston where Mayor Ian Abbott offered some encouragement. “The City of Palmerston is honoured to have the LIFE team drop by our great city, and we’re very proud to support them with a donation of $500 as they take on this mammoth task,” he said. To follow the team’s incredible journey and donate to support the courageous efforts of these inspiring cyclists, simply visit 4
Let’s celebrate 15 years of making a difference together Thank you! As you know, 15 years ago, Greenfleet was launched as the first program in the world to reduce impact of cars and other transport on the climate. Since then, we’ve planted more than 7.5 million native trees to form self-sustaining biodiverse forests across Australia; helped thousands of Australians and organisations reduce their impact on the environment; and together made an important difference in the fight against climate change. We could not have done this without the invaluable support we’ve received along those years from you - our supporters, donors, fundraisers and friends. So thank you very much!
Help celebrate Greenfleet’s 15th birthday: B uy a gift for Greenfleet: make an extra $15 donation to Greenfleet to wish us a happy birthday! B uy a gift offset for someone else and plant more native trees. T hrow a party with some mates to raise some money for Greenfleet! R each out to your friends and family: tell them about your support of Greenfleet and the environment, and the difference it makes to your life. G et your workplace involved through workplace giving or offsetting company emissions. A nd, of course, offset your own emissions with Greenfleet again this year!
Wish us a Happy Birthday We’ve received birthday greetings from friends and supporters all over the country and we were so inspired by their messages that we’re featuring them on our website. Head to to watch!
We’d love to hear from you too! So grab a camera or a smartphone, record a little video clip and send* your birthday message to; we’ll share it with our other supporters.
*By sending a video to Greenfleet, you accept that Greenfleet may use these images or videos (or any reproductions of such images) for any promotion.
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The mature forest stands out today, nestled in the gully line.
’twas a day in October 1997… It was about 20 kilometres northwest of Wonthaggi, Victoria, in October 1997, that it all really started for Greenfleet. That’s when Greenfleet’s first ever planting project took place in the Bass Valley, as a joint operation between Greenfleet, Landcare, Scouts Victoria, Bass Coast Shire, Western Port Water, Edison Mission and Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers. There, across three separate sites, 40,000 native trees were planted on behalf of Greenfleet individual supporters and Deakin University. Until then, the land had been in a bad way. Severe erosion was affecting the banks and the gully in general; landslips and tunnel erosion were rife, having contributed many tonnes of sediment into Western Port and Candowie Reservoir; and decades of grazing had put a lot of pressure on the soil. At his most recent visit, almost 15 years after that initial planting, Greenfleet Forester Eoghan O’Connor was amazed by the growth of the forest.
“When I inspected the sites in May 2012, the trees were in fantastic condition and excelling in the many roles expected of them.
“The trees were reaching 20m tall and their trunks were often exceeding 45cm in diameter. The largest tree exceeded the measuring tape’s length, with a diameter well over 62cm; that’s more than 2m around the trunk! “The Bass River is a short, often high flowing river which can rapidly erode the riverbank. This reduces viable land and increases sediment into Western Port. The Greenfleet planting project has now stabilised the bank. Trees play an important part in maintaining the vast ecology of the river and its surrounds. The forest provides homes and nesting places for birds and some mammals, while also providing an important food source. “The trees have also provided much needed shelter for animal stock. This has added value to already very productive farmland,” he explained. The amazing stories from Greenfleet’s forests over the years always remind us of the difference they make for the environment, for the community and for the climate. Since 1997, we’ve been getting our hands dirty on behalf of thousands of Australians… it’s been 15 years and we’re not ready to stop!
The creek and soil erosion issues have been repaired and the trees are growing at rates greater than expected,” said Eoghan.
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E uropcar starts offsetting emissions associated with staff travel & launches customer donation program
Honda Australia signs up to offset emissions from the Civic Hybrid Foster’s Group Limited signs up to offset their emissions
P enfold Motors Burwood & Audi Centre Doncaster – first to integrate a Greenfleet offset in their car sales C itylink signs up its fleet of vehicles Australian Grand Prix joins Greenfleet to offset its operations’ emissions Greenfleet supporter bankmecu wins Gold Banksia Award with the Go Green Car Loan program
Telstra - 100,000 trees planted within one year of joining Greenfleet bankmecu launches Australia’s first Green Car Loan integrating a Greenfleet offset Holden & Scouts Australia team up with Greenfleet for Murray Darling Rescue SkyBus starts offsetting their bus fleet’s emissions
Telstra establishes the first workplace giving program with Greenfleet
Queensland Government Fleet (Qfleet) offsets emissions from 12,600 vehicles Victorian Government offset the emissions from their fleet
Monash University starts offsetting emissions
W alt Disney Studios Home Entertainment starts offsetting emissions; in 2012 WDSHE remains Greenfleet’s longest continuous corporate supporter
LeasePlan Australia becomes Greenfleet’s Foundation Sponsor Deakin University starts offsetting emissions
15 YE The number of trees quoted here is a reasonable estimate of the number of trees required to be initially planted to sequester the total quantity of carbon purchased and takes into account that not all trees initially planted will survive due to the natural survival rate of trees. Accordingly, trees that do not survive following initial plantation may not necessarily be replanted.
Greenfleet’s commitment to recapture carbon on behalf of our supporters involves the management of native forests across all our planting sites. Greenfleet’s forest pool is forecast to meet its overall carbon commitments to supporters.
To be continued...
W yong Shire Council - 100,000th tree SkyBus support exceeds 50,000 trees planted Telstra’s workplace giving program is nearing 1 million trees (941,373 trees as of June 2012)
ConnectEast starts offsetting emissions associated with their vehicle fleet G reenfleet & Parks Victoria celebrate the International Year of Forests with a community planting day sponsored by Hyundai & the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation bankmecu sponsors Greenfleet’s business breakfast & Sustainable Transport Guide reprint Smartsalary - 100,000th tree A lto Hotel enters the Victorian Tourism Hall of Fame Awards for Excellence in Sustainable Tourism after winning 3 years in a row
A AMI / Suncorp staff raise $5,000 for a Victorian bushfire recovery project; this was matched by AAMI / Suncorp for a total donation of $10,000 Gold Coast City Council and Foster’s Group each reach 100,000th tree Europcar receives World Travel Award - World’s Leading Green Transport Solution Company VACC sponsors the production of Greenfleet’s Sustainable Transport Guide
S martsalary joins Greenfleet - Smartleasing customers offset the impact of car travel D iversified Construction Corporation offsets emissions for Jackson to Moomba Pipeline construction G reenfleet supporter Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses wins Gold Banksia Award
S couts & Greenfleet plant their 1,000,000th tree together Q fleet - 500,000th tree G old Coast City Council joins Greenfleet’s supporter network b ankmecu -100,000th tree S ustainable Fabrics wins UNAA World Environment Day ‘Triple Bottom Line Award’ again
Telstra support exceeds 500,000 native trees planted Monash University - 100,000th tree Wyong Shire Council signs up to offset emissions G reenfleet supporter Sustainable Fabrics wins UNAA World Environment Day Award ‘Triple Bottom Line Award’ & Victorian Premier’s Environmental Award for Small Business Excellence
Tyres with a difference Kumho Tyres has re-affirmed its commitment to the environment with a promotion with Greenfleet. When Ecowing tyres are sold in Australia, Greenfleet will plant native trees on behalf of Kumho Tyres in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. “With its fuel-saving properties and environmentally friendly compound, the Kumho Ecowing tyre is already helping to ‘tread more carefully’,” said Mr Ki Young Kim, Managing Director of Kumho Tyre Australia.
“By teaming up with Greenfleet, Kumho is giving something back to the environment and helping to offset the impact tyres have on it.” Mr Ki Young Kim added, “We are very excited to form this affiliation with Greenfleet because it gives consumers the power to help the environment at the point of sale simply by choosing Kumho. It’s as simple as that - buy Ecowing tyres and Kumho and Greenfleet will take care of the rest.”
AAMI reveals older, female drivers have least impact on environment Greenfleet CEO – Sara Gipton, Greenfleet Director and former CSIRO Low Emission Transport Leader – David Lamb, and VACC’s Senior Manager Technical Services – Bernard Murray, worked with AAMI recently to rank the potential environmental impacts of a selection of driving behaviours. AAMI applied these rankings to responses from their annual survey of more than 3,000 Australian drivers to discover drivers over the age of 50 generally had a lower environmental impact, while 18 – 24 year olds had the greatest impact. Older drivers are more likely to service their car – a major factor ensuring your car is performing efficiently. The best result, achieved by females over the age of 50, was 4.5 out of a possible score of 10. So there’s definitely room to improve for everyone. Sara Gipton says, “Car manufacturers have progressed by leaps and bounds when it comes to reducing the environmental impact of a car. But technology can only take us so far, drivers must take advantage of these improvements to get the greatest benefit.” David Lamb summed things up saying, “Driving smoothly, without braking or accelerating heavily, is key when driving to protect the environment. It can save wear and tear and reduce fuel consumption. Driving smoothly can save as much as 25% on your fuel bills.” 10
For more driving tips visit: Global/Individuals/Transport/Driving_Tips/index.aspx
We'd like to thank the following organisations for supporting Greenfleet
Foundation sponsor:
EcoPrint S U P P L I E S
Visit for more supporters. 11
The question on everyone’s lips... Q) N ow that there’s a ‘carbon tax’, do I still need to offset my car? A) The short answer: YES!
Now for the longer answer...
While this may act as an incentive to reduce fuel use to an extent, any fuel you do use releases greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change - so those emissions still need to be offset.
“Households, on-road business use of light vehicles and the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries will not face a carbon price on the fuel they use.1”
So make sure you do your bit to help tackle climate change:
Transport fuels for light vehicles are not covered by the carbon price, however some industries may see an increase in fuel costs as fuel tax rebates are reduced.
R EDUCE your emissions intensity by driving more efficiently, and
A VOID creating emissions by reducing how much you drive,
O FFSET the remaining emissions by planting native forests with Greenfleet!
Contact Greenfleet Postal address: PO Box 16011 Collins Street West VIC 8007
Worried the ‘carbo n tax’ will cost you lots of extra mo ney? Well, it doesn’t ha ve to... Energy efficiency expe rt Alan Pears offers some helpful tips to save around $10 a we ek on your energy bills, which should offset an y cost increases due to a carbon price at
Keep up-to-date on:
Email: Web: Phone: 1800 032 999
Source: Clean Energy Future website, accessed 1 July 2012
Thank you to Fishprint for donating the printing of this newsletter, using waterless offset technology and non-genetically modified soy ink, on 100% post-consumer recycled paper donated by B.J. Ball Papers. Graphic design by Subgreen Design.