The RECORD Fall 2023

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Forever Transformed, Forever Grateful The Personal Touch The Ride, A Surprising Sabbath for the Soul A Game-Changer Good Things on the Horizon City on a Hill Rise Up 101 Campus News

Chief Development Officer Brad Warren Chief Philanthropy Officer Scott Giffen ’99 Executive Director of Advancement Evan Abla Director of Advancement Brett Brannon ’97 Director of Athletics Advancement Johnny Garvilla Manager of Advancement Services Matthew Young Manager of the Annual Fund Brianne Hair ’05 Major Gift Officer Coordinator Jen Liss ’97 Development Officer Pat Bond ’62 Director of Alumni & Church Relations Dewayne Neeley ’98 Coordinator of Advancement and Alumni Engagement Tina (Martin ’90) Watterson Chief Economic Development and Innovation Officer Breck Nelson Managing Editor & Writer Julia Roat-Abla Writer & Photographer Dave Bell Contributing Writer Carla Morris Contributing Writer Minh Doh Graphic Designer Carol Pérez Contributing Graphic Designer Megan Chapman Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education.

Alumni News In Memory

“Thank you for giving me the GU experience and the opportunity to discover the difference within me.” Sports Management major Jalen Franz ’24, cross-country athlete, GSGA member, Pursuit Worship band, and grateful recipient of donor-funded scholarships. 2

THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published two times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Advancement, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: 618-664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 114, No. 1. Greenville University online: Email: Send address corrections, correspondence, and alumni updates to the Office of Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email


Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University.

I’m blessed!

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