The RECORD 2023 Winter President's Report

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Good Fruit from Good Soil

A tradition of innovation yields a sustainable future


Robert Bastian ’74

Venessa Brown ’83

Tyler Campo ’06

Howard Costley, Jr. ’74

D. Keith Cowart


Sandra Boileau ’61

Patricia Burd ’61

Jay Burgess

James Claussen ’59

David Colgan ’64

Michael Coling


Mack Bean ’94

Lisa Blake ’98

Margaret Boivin ’10

Thomas Clark ’63

Dave Dahlbeck ’97

Rebecca Decesaro ’74

Cathy (Nolan ’87)


Mark Dwomoh ’07

Dan Denbo ’76

Steven Ellsworth ’80

Valerie Gin ’82

Jerry Hood ’82

Karen Longman

Robert Cranston ’77

Dennis Fenton

Lloyd Ganton ’60

Yoshio Gotoh ’63

Duane Hood ’56

Pearson Miller

Jeff Finley ’96

Alan Gaffner ’76

Michael Gonzalez ’20

Dwight Gregory ’68

John Heater ’01

Nathan Hood ’15

Jared Martin ’07

Toni Mathews ’79

Joel McCreary ’99

ON THE COVER: Donors helped plant the seeds at GU that led Will Sunderland ‘21 to pursue his master’s degree in mental health counseling at Purdue University while working as a counselor leading Batterer’s Intervention Groups for the Center for Nonviolence. As a student, Will’s experiences paved the way for what he is doing today. His time as an Assistant Resident Director (ARD) mentoring RAs and modeling and teaching character for male residents on campus instilled in him a heart to serve. Will says, “GU cultivated in me a heart for serving others, especially those overlooked or rejected. Being mentored by caring men inspired me to teach men to establish their own character. At the Center, we teach about non-violence and how they can use it in their lives. My counseling program and my job reaffirm that people and relationships are the most important things in life.” Thank you for giving!

THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published three times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Advancement, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: 618-664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 114, No. 1. Greenville University online:


Send address corrections, correspondence, and alumni updates to the Office of Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email

Holley Maher

Douglas Newton

Steve Olson ’03

Hugo Perez

B. Elliott Renfroe

Wayne Neeley

Wesley Phillips ’58

Ernest Ross Jr. ’52

J. Richard Schien ’62

Marjorie Smith ’56

Rebecca Smith ’68

Samuel Miller ’66

Keli Pennington ’16

Nathan Potts ’18

Jaime Quesada ’22

Amber Reynolds ’13

Merce Roach ’02

Mark Rose ’76

Carl Salz ’01

Randy Sands ’90

Dennis Spencer ’75

Kathleen Turpin ’91

Melissa Westover ’84

Mark Whitlock ’75

Donald Wolf ’65

Kendell Stephens ’80

Barry Swanson ’77

Craig Tidball ’76

Kenzie Schwab ’21

John Straeter ’01

Ward Sussenbach ’66

Kathy Taylor ’89

Toye Watts ’01

Rebecca Weinhandl ’74

Janet Wise ’83

John Young II ’94

Chief Philanthropy Officer Scott Giffen ’99

Executive Director of Advancement Operations Evan Abla

Director of Advancement Brett Brannon ’97

Director of Athletics Advancement Johnny Garvilla

Manager of Advancement Services Matthew Young

Manager of the Annual Fund Brianne Hair ’05

Major Gift Officer Coordinator Jen Liss ’97

Director of Campaigns Heather Edwards

Development Officer Pat Bond ’62

Director of Alumni & Church Relations Dewayne

Neeley ’98

Manager of Alumni & Church Relations Tina (Martin ’90) Watterson

Chief Economic Development and Innovation Officer Breck Nelson

Managing Editor & Writer Julia Roat-Abla

Contributing Editor & Writer Sarah Thomack

Writer & Photographer Dave Bell

Graphic Designer Scott Brown

Contributing Graphic Designer Aris Hogan ‘22

Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University.

Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education.


“I am thriving here on campus through leadership opportunities and I’m figuring out my place in this world. Thank you!”
- Chelsey Reese ’24, elementary education and ministry minor and recipient of the Presidential Scholarship THANK YOU

1,000 DAY Action Plan

If you are familiar with Jesus’ parable of the sower, you know what happened when that last handful of seeds fell on the good soil.

“Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” (Matthew 13:8).

rich mix of soil for seeds to be planted. It is a longstanding faithfulness rooted in the principles of Free Methodism breaking new ground through perseverance and innovation. And today, financially, spiritually, and educationally, the GU community is thriving.

I believe this is because the Greenville University community is confident and clear in our commitment to character and service. When I took office, I implemented a 1,000-Day Action Plan centered around our mission of empowering students for lives of character and service. It’s been a part of who we are from the ground up. Character and service inform our financial stability and identity alignment which we pursue in innovative, immersive, and interconnected ways.

You are a vital part of who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we are headed. As we look out across the landscape, GU is ready to yield an incredible harvest for its students.

Continuously working the soil can exhaust it of its essential resources—like water and nutrients. Fields that produce a steady harvest year in and year out are a testament to generations of love for the land.

Farmer and poet Wendell Berry says, “The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community because without proper care for it we can have no life.”

Greenville University has been tending to our soil for over 130 years. Today, GU has prepared an exceptionally

Alumni, friends of GU, faculty, leadership, staff, and students, thank you for cultivating GU’s good soil through your stewardship, prayers, and faithfulness.

From the ground up: ready to yield an incredible harvest


When NASCAR driver Ross Chastain entered the final lap in a recent race at the Martinsville Speedway in Ridgeway, Virginia, he was in 10th place. But that wasn’t good enough for Chastain; he needed to pick up several places to qualify for the post-season championship race. Rejecting conventional strategies, he veered to the outside of the track, slammed the accelerator to the floor, and rode the wall through the final two turns of the race–gaining considerable speed and overtaking five cars before crossing the finish line. His unprecedented strategy earned him a spot in the championship race.

Similarly, the momentum surrounding Greenville University’s recent success is due in no small part to President Suzanne Davis and the GU leadership team. Davis has established a reputation as someone willing to take risks and go against the grain of what’s traditionally been done in higher education. And that has allowed GU to maneuver through challenges when other schools are struggling.

The next four years are a critical stretch due to the U.S. population’s anticipated “birth dearth” that will start impacting higher education in 2026.

Steve Ellsworth, chair of the GU board’s business affairs committee, notes, “President Davis has her staff moving at a speed on par with a commercial environment. She’s saying that we can’t do things the way we’ve always done them and be successful in this environment. We must innovate to attract more students and create a margin that allows us to advance our mission.”

Davis believes that the University’s strength lies in

its 130-year tradition of innovation. As a smaller institution, GU has the flexibility to lean into possibilities and shift gears quickly. And as one of the core components of Davis’s 1,000-Day Action Plan, financial stability is the chassis on which GU’s experiential learning engine is built.

This innovative “pedal to the metal” approach is resonating with students and donors alike.They are drawn to dynamic organizations that are bucking the trends but also are stable and well-managed. There are significant “victories” in the University’s financial performance—several successful years of fundraising, $15 million raised this past year, a 9% increase in on-campus enrollment, and the launch of new programs (nursing, equine studies, and gymnastics). Projects undertaken by the University through the SMART Experience Institute in Nashville and Dallas, and The Ville businesses in Greenville are also important revenue sources.

“Pursuing alternative revenue will enhance the University’s financial stability,” says CFO Sue Ann Nelson. “That stability is important to support our existing programs and seek future opportunities.”

An innovative spirit is also drawing students who come to GU. Victoria Clark, chief enrollment officer, says, “If a student visits campus, it’s likely that they will choose GU. We frequently hear from parents and students that from the moment they step on the campus they know something is unique about GU. Part of what they are sensing is innovation. We are not afraid to step into the unknown and watch God show up.”

Evan Abla, executive director for advancement operations, sees the same reaction. “When people see the momentum we’re experiencing in enrollment, new programs, and advancement, they get excited. They want to be part of a winning team. And that’s what they see in Greenville University.”

GU has the flexibility to lean into possibilities and shift gears quickly.”

The Well-Equipped Garage

GU’s ability to turn on a dime helps it to run efficiently and sustainably. Students, faculty, and staff are empowered to fulfill GU’s mission. Here are five essential financial tools GU always has in the toolbox.


GU applies for and receives several grants each year from private foundations as well as federal and state sources for areas including safety, research, and service to the community.


Partnerships with organizations, leaders, donors, and businesses in the community generate multiple revenue streams. GU’s SMART Experience Institute and other innovative opportunities provide real-world learning experiences for students and revenues for the University.


Giving events like #GiveGreenville in the spring are just one aspect of donor gifts. Institutional advancement is critical to Christian higher education, so fundraising efforts also include endowments, campaigns, and planned giving. GU uses advisory boards like the Catalyst Fund, Fund for Sciences, and the Choir and Music Fund to support specific departments and projects.


Traditional undergraduate and online graduate/ undergraduate programs are the central source of revenue, bolstered by a full array of traditional undergraduate scholarships that match a student’s needs and strengths.


Financial stability relies upon GU’s leadership team and staff who use each of these revenue-generating tools with expertise and wisdom.


Our success will be marked by our innovation, a hallmark of GU since its founding.


Taking the Lead

Student-led small groups and worship experiences nurture spiritual development on campus

Spiritual development has been an integral part of Greenville University since its founding as a Free Methodist college more than 130 years ago.

Recently, President Suzanne Davis identified spiritual development as a critical area of growth for the University. GU’s new chaplain Keli Pennington helped revamp spiritual growth opportunities such as The Wednesday Experience (TWE), Encounter, and Vespers services. The five central values emphasized in “The Free Methodist Way” were integrated into TWE, in classrooms, and in athletic teams.

“Spiritual development has always been an underlying foundation of a GU education,” Pennington says. “We want it to be more of an explicit part of the students’ experience here. We want to develop people with Christlike character who are involved in service activities across campus and beyond.”

With this renewed focus on spiritual development, students stepped up to take on leadership roles and increased responsibility in small group and worship settings.

Small group Bible study nurtures student leader

Desirae Yost ’23, a sport management and business management major, joined her small group Bible study three years ago, along with other members of the women’s softball team.

“I took a class with professor Jane Bell and really enjoyed it. When I had the opportunity to join a small group, I knew I would enjoy the time with her,” she says.

The group remains strong this year, adding new members. While some small groups are topically based, this group is dedicated to Bible study. Study topics focus on biblical themes such as the Gospel of Mark, attributes of God found in scripture, or prayer. This year, a survey of the Old Testament drew freshman Amara Nelson ’26 to join.

Being a resident assistant has helped me learn how to motivate and encourage others and be there for them in a leadership role.”

- Matt Binion ’24, a biology major and business minor, and recipient of the donor-funded MOSAIC scholarship


Desirae Yost ‘23 Amara Nelson ‘26 Vespers Student Executive Committee: Emily Lefler ‘24, Keagan Bouman ‘23, Leah Brown ‘23, and Antu Castillo ‘24

“I was interested in learning more about the Old Testament. The girls I talked with were immediately friendly and welcoming.”

Desirae also stepped up as a student leader to guide the study topics, organize meetings, and drive discussions. She believes the small group format offers a space to be vulnerable and honest as they apply scripture to their lives.

Bell, an assistant professor of business, views her role as a facilitator and resource. She says, “They are the ones who are actually exploring.” And after meeting consistently with the same students over three years, Bell has witnessed increased maturity in their prayers and analysis of scripture.

The students recognize that the intentional time spent together engaging with scripture and one another has stretched their thinking and encouraged them in relationships beyond the group.

Worship gathering blossoms under student leadership

Vespers, the late-night student-led service at GU, gained momentum this fall with increasing attendance. By the semester’s end, numbers tripled and the student leadership team faced the good “problem” of providing pastoral care to more people.

Planning, organizing, and producing the weekly worship service is the responsibility of the student leadership team. Keagan Bouman ’23 has served on the team for three years and believes that working through First Corinthians has helped everyone navigate the challenges of expanding numbers.

This year’s theme, “We are the Body,” engaged students in exploring unity in diversity. The Vespers student leaders—both domestic and international students—acknowledge that students come to GU with a wide range of perspectives and are at various places in their spiritual journey.

Two small groups flow out of Vespers—a prayer group gathers to pray together before the service and with students at its conclusion. A second group meets after Vespers to continue the conversation with that week’s speaker. This time of reflection helps students process together what they experience in the service.

Keagan is excited about what is ahead, “It’s amazing to see this grow. Both the service and the small groups give us the opportunity to create a stronger community and meet students’ needs.”


Our identity as an institution will be more accurately aligned with the Free Methodist Way.


A weekly meeting to develop a 360° faith: Exploring new, old, near and far practices to encounter Jesus.

The Wednesday Experience

Pastors Javier and Glo Quintana and other guest speakers lead a community-wide worship gathering with follow-up questions for classroom discussion.


A student-led night of worship provides a space for students to encounter the presence of God and connect more deeply with the people around them.

Friday Small Groups

Multiple formation and Bible study groups meet weekly including 15 small groups for any students and 10 small groups associated with athletic teams, scholarship programs, residence hall floors, or clubs.

The James F. and Leona N. Andrews

Endowed Chair for Christian Unity

The chair funds spiritual development activities through residence life, community life events, and special speakers.

Your gifts make it possible for GU students to engage in spiritual development opportunities.

Have in Hand

What do we want GU graduates to have in hand by the end of their time at GU? A degree. A resume. A network.

GU’s focus on ensuring every graduating student enters the world with these three things in hand is a commitment to developing the whole person. It’s more than just landing a job. GU’s experiential learning connects the academic degree, the well-rounded resume of experience, and the supportive network to the ethic of character and service.

As important as participation in clubs, teams, and other campus activities is to a well-rounded resume, GU’s integration of classroom learning with experiential participation sets GU graduates apart. Beyond the transcript, students develop a robust record of their experiences, interests, and skills that connect directly to their careers.

Earning a degree involves advising, scheduling, and mentoring. GU offers services for students to help them stay on track academically, spiritually, mentally, and physically. To ensure students succeed, the offices of Community Life and Student Success recently began using an innovative tool based on data from faculty that helps monitor student progress and intervene faster when they need help.

GU’s network of community residents, business representatives, and GU alumni helps students launch their careers. Community Circles, a collaboration between Career Services and the Alumni Office, is a great example of how tailored the network can be. It fits each student to specific alumni already established in their career.


The Next Good Thing

How a degree, resume, and network is galvanizing one student’s career

Evan McCarty ’23 arrived at GU three years ago ready to play football. Those plans were scrapped due to injury, but Evan quickly resolved to throw his energy into giving back to the GU community he had come to love.

“Here, it’s like an extension of my family. I came here because I liked how close-knit everyone was.”

Because of donor-funded scholarships, Evan continued his studies and became an advocate for GU students. He served on the student senate and now serves on the Greenville Student Government Association. More importantly, Evan embraced the experiential learning aspect of GU. For the past two years, he’s mentored freshmen for an Experience First class. He also took advantage of Community Circles— an alumni mentor network—by participating in mock interviews that allowed him to connect with GU alumni already established in his field of agribusiness.


Our student experience will be shaped by more immersive opportunities across our programs.

Evan exemplifies what GU desires for every student: a degree, a resume, and a network.

The guidance he’s received from professors and professionals has been invaluable. Evan completed his apprenticeship with RP Lumber in Champaign, Illinois, this past summer and will work with Breck Nelson, GU’s chief economic development and innovation officer, as a graduate assistant. Nelson met Evan at the lumber yard and was impressed with his service and work ethic.

“I’ve seen the results of experiential learning in Evan, especially through the confidence he already shows in his field,” Nelson says.

Evan will use the knowledge and skills he gained this summer when he helps manage the construction projects taking place around the GU campus.

“From the first day I stepped on campus, to the moment I walked across the stage with my diploma, experiential learning took those skills I already had and drew them out, honed them, and prepared me for life.”

Thank you for giving back to Greenville and allowing us all to grow here.”





GU community celebrates fruits of our labor with opening weekend.

There was an incredible energy on campus as GU students, faculty, and staff kicked off the new school year with an eventful New Student Orientation (NSO) weekend in August. After two years working through the ups and downs of COVID restrictions and social distancing, the entire GU community prepared to welcome new and returning students to campus.

NSO highlighted GU’s traditions with a spirit of innovation. From the “baggage brigade” helping students move into residence halls, to ceremonial ivy planting and an evening team-building experience, the two-day event marked the start of a year of great things to come.

Thank you for your support and ensuring more years of great things to come at GU!


Our future will be shaped by our interconnectivity to one another, to our communities and to opportunities near and far.



Campaign Steering Commitee


Bob Bastian ’47, Jim ‘59 and Susan ’86 Claussen, Chuck ’74 and Christy ’84 Coates, Pat ’75 and Dan ’76 Denbo, Lucretia ’85 and Bryan ’86 Fink, James ’85 and Sheila Foxworthy, Bob Fry, Kevin ’85 and Leigh ’85 Ganton, Valerie Gin ‘82, Jerry Hood ‘82, Malvin Hubbard ‘16, Charles ’85 and Dana ‘85 McPherson, Tom Morgan ‘60, Linda Myette ’73, George Peters ’92, Jaime Quesada ‘22, Kenzie Schwab ‘21, Craig Tidball ‘76, Ken ’82 and Sally ’83 Trager, Melissa Westover ‘84, Don Wolf ‘65

Engineering Board of Advisors

Mike Aden, Roberta Aden, Mike Childerson, Hyung Choi, Marty Collier ’73, Chase Connor, Jeff Croxell, Jennifer Dorohoff, Michael Dorohoff, Ron Gines ’86, Mark Gunggoll ’75, Michael Hammock, Vlad Ivashyn, Phillip Jacobson ‘91, Kylie Johnson, Bill Knuf, David Leake, Kenneth McDonough, Toni McDonough, Craig McIntyre ’72, Sally McQuaid, Scott Mohnkern ’76, Jeremy Pestle, David Probst, Roger Reeves ’71, Robert “Bob” Rice, Richard Schien ’62, Hugh Siefken ’62, Steve Smith ’98, Julie Tolly, Paul Twichell ’72, Robert Ward, Mark Whitlock ’75, David Young ’87, Dongxue Zhao.

SMART Experience Institutes Board

Michael Bond ’92, Steve Ellsworth ’80, Jerry Gaffner, Jerry Hood ’82, Jessica Ray ’01, Jay Walsh

Experience Institute - Nashville Board

Dan Beck, Lesley Burbridge ’89, Deb Kim, Ryan Lampam, Hugo Perez, Dennis Spencer ’75, Michelle Wright ‘90

Experience Institute - Dallas Board

Valerie Gin ’82, Charles McPherson ’85, Melissa Westover ‘84

Science Advisory Council

Michelle Beumer ’95, Maureen Bourner ’86, Daryl Cox ’76, James Foxworthy ’85, Tim Kratzer ’67, Matthew McCullough ’96, Ken Mudge ’56, Eric Nord, Mark Rose ’76, Scott Smout ’94, Lewis Whaley ’75

Factory Theatre Board

William Ahern, Rich Beans ’85, Chris Borwick ’94, Noel Harnetiaux ’00, Courtney Bailey-Parker, Cecelia Ulmer

Community Circle Volunteers

You can mentor a student, too. Contact to learn more.

Carrie Baker ’18, Tywon Bender ’18, Brooks Burtch ’98, Alexa Campbell ’15, Samantha Cooley ’18, Noah Dir ’20, Carley Fletcher ’15, Chelsea Gilles ’17, Laura Goodnight ’18, DonaKay ‘82 & Mark Hannagan, John Heater ’01, Faith Hohman ’20, KJ Hubbard ’19, Malvin Hubbard ’16, Hannah Krukewitt ‘22, Eddie Lowry ‘90, Adrienne McCollister ’01, Joel McCreary ’99, Dru McLeland ’85, McKinley Miller ’16, Ryan Mulholland ’13, Lloyd Nicks ’14 , Chris Oglesby ’83, Kayce Oglesby ’15, Kelli Page ’86, Tim Pehlke ’03, Nathan Potts ’18, Tim Pryor ’91, Corbin Quinonez ’17, Phil Reedy ’17, Carrie Reece ’05, Mark Rose ’76, Peter Samuelson ‘90, Amanda Shaw ’14, Amy Snyder ’00, Dennis Spencer ’75, Dr. Rick Stephens ‘77, Brent Summers ’92, Dr. Toye Watts ‘01, Mike Wilson ’95, John Young ’94

Thank you for serving.



Recognizing donors who have committed $10,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years.


Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian*

Steve and P.J. Bothwell*^

Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen*^

Phil ‘96 and Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis^

Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo*^

Emeritus Board Member and Spouse*^

Dennis+ and Debbie Fenton*

Ivan and Kathie Filby*

James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy^

Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton*^

Jerry Hood ‘82*^

Don Jones ‘52+*

Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson*

Carole (Hansen ‘63) Miller*

Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore^

Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger*


Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon*

Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Ratta*

Ed Shaffer ‘67*^

Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith^

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer^

Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball*^

Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager*^

Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ronald Turpin*^

Recognizing donors who have committed $5,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years.


Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell*^

Norm and Nancy Edwards^

Ivan and Kathie Filby*

Scott Giffen ‘99*^

Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen*^

Yvi Martin ‘01*^

Carl ‘01 and Emily (Jacob ‘01) Salz*^


Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith*^

Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens*

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer*^

Recognizing donors who have committed $2,500 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for four years.

Kory ‘96 and Tammy Best*^

Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates^

Keith and Pam Cowart*^ Gary ‘87 and Jacqueline Everling*^


Johnny and Kimberley Garvilla^ Ron Pitcher ‘79*^

Recognizing donors of $1,000 or more and young donors of $100 or more based on giving from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022.

GOLD LEVEL $10,000+

Young Alumni $1,000+

Anonymous (8)

Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian

Florence Bogert

Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer+

Jacob Burrell ‘17

Helen (Smith ‘63) Carlson

Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley

Cathy (Nolan ‘87) and Doug Dothager

Sharon Dyer ‘69

Cal Faulkner ‘55+

Scott Giffen ‘99

Carolyn (Bastian ‘71) and Doug Gonyou

Bob Greer+

Cordon Kerns ‘54

Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider

Dan ‘05 and Katrina MBA ‘20 Liss

Irene Lukens ‘48+

Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin

David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin

Glenn McAdam ‘50+

John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall

Jesse Moore ‘51

Tom Morgan ‘60

Nick Morrow ‘17

Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge

Wayne ‘60 and Marilyn Nelson

Mary Gayle (Layloff ’74) Nevinger

Nathan Potts ‘18

Tim and Bev Reeb

Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith

Chuck ‘85 and Rene (Osborne ‘85) Smith

Harold ‘46+ and Ellen (Vore ‘50) Snyder

Marilyn Starr

Terri MBA ‘20 and Paul Sunderland

Todd ‘85 and Sue (Howe ‘85) Tidball

Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell

SILVER LEVEL $5,000-$9,999

Young Alumni $500-$999

Anonymous (2)

Jonathan ‘13 and Renee (Cowser ‘13) Allen

Tom ‘95 and Amy Boileau

Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd

Tyler ‘06, MS ‘12 and Jill Campo

Young ‘58 and Susan Chung

Tom ‘63 and Mary Clark

Dave ‘61 and Carol Crandall

Sarah Crawford ‘99

Nicole (Tucker ‘08) and Sean Crites

Tom ‘69 and Betty Kay (Johnson ‘71)


Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro

Keith Dobrolinsky

Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) Fisher

Jordan ‘10 and Kim (Minshall ‘12) Fred

Valerie Gin ‘82

Warren ‘74 and Gail Hall

Herb Hendricks ‘50

Bramwell ‘99 and Sari (Vespa ‘00) Higgins

Alice Kaiser ‘75

Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp

Marilyn Kasko

Milo ‘56 and Helen (Olson ‘56) Kaufmann

Cheralyn (Gallup ‘66) and Dennis Kendel

Brad Knight

John ‘75 and Carol (Aten ‘75) Knight

Daniel ‘04 and Megan (Vandiver ‘04) Lovell

Holley Maher ‘01

Evelyn (Marston ‘48)+ Mottweiler

Joe Noble ‘56

Kayce Oglesby ‘15

Steve ‘03 and Melissa (Green ‘03) Olson

Whitey and Linda Patton

Chris ‘91 and Susan Peters

Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon

Dave ‘82 and Linda (Billings ‘83) Ramundo

Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72)


Marilyn Richards

Ernie Ross ‘52

Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper

Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken

Evelyn Smout+

Scott ‘94 and Lisa Smout

Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61)


BRONZE LEVEL $2,500-$4,999

Young Alumni $250-$499


William and Sharon Ahern

Sara (Schlink ‘10) and Ben Anderson

James Ballou ‘67+

Donald ‘73 and June Bastian

Zach ‘09 and Lisa Bastian

Jeffrey ‘00 Boele

Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian*

Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover*^

Lew ‘75 and Jennifer Whaley*

Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock^

Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf*^

SueAnn Stroud Wright and Richard Wright^

Todd ‘85 and Sue (Howe ‘85) Tidball^

Tim ‘04 and Rachel (Krober ‘04) Wayman*^

Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock*^

Nathan Potts ‘18^

Karen (Smarr ‘89) and Mike ‘92 Bond

Pat (Hunter ‘62) and Buddy+ Bond

Demetrius Bush ‘15

Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron

Jeremy ‘98 and Jenny Carrell

Terrell and Melinda Carter

Robby Clinton ‘94

Mike and Debbie Coling

Marty ‘73 and Karen (Johnston ‘73) Collier

Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

John Dawdy ‘65

Shirley (Hall ‘56) and John ‘58 Ellis

Esther Fox ‘48

Kay Gaines

Sara Gregory ‘1925+

Chris (Smith ‘79) Gunther

Mary Beth (Wilson ‘90) and Todd Harper

Darlene (Davis ‘78) and Brian ‘79 Hartley

Timothy Hasara

Jeffrey and Susan Hemker

Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy

Jay ‘79 and Janet Kennedy

Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore

Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober

Harold and Linda Laughlin

Al Longtin

Bronwyn Martin

Matt ‘96 and Dawn (Delamarter ‘97)


Beau Meredith ‘04

Glen ‘81 and Sheryl (Kaufmann ‘81) Moore

*To acknowledge young alumni making financial contributions early in their careers, Greenville University has adopted lower gift thresholds for their admittance into its giving societies and clubs. Young alumni are those who have graduated from Greenville University in the last 10 years.

+Deceased *Founding Member^Active giving June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022

Cyndi (Smith) Oglesby ‘85

Marilyn Reinhard ‘76

Elliott and Deborah Renfroe

John Rohrer

Mark ‘76 and Donna Rose

Carl ‘01 and Emily (Jacob ‘01) Salz

Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien

Doris (Long ‘50) Scofield

Steve ‘98 and Karen Smith

Bill ‘60 and Evelyn Smout

Jared Souhrada ‘14

John ‘03 and Amanda (Bristol ‘04) Swanson

Cameron Tanzyus ‘20

Lenora Tomaschke

Robert and Linda Vaught

Denny ‘72 and Cheryl (Hawkins ‘73) Wayman

Rich ‘74 and Becky (Trueblood ‘74) Weinhandl

Michael ‘92 and Amanda (Fuqua ‘94) Wiegand

Carol Wilson ‘81 and Allan Shoultz

Keith ‘89 and Julie (Wimberley ‘94) Winslow

COPPER LEVEL $1,000-$2,499

Young Alumni $100-$249

Anonymous (9)

Evan Abla and Julia Roat-Abla

Roberta MAE ‘20 and Mike Aden

Janet Allison-Seed

Dave ‘66 and Phyllis (Miller ‘66) Altopp

Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl

Joseph and Rebecca Ashbrook

Ross ‘13 and Rosie (Nelson ‘14) Baker

Jeff ‘86 and Cheryl Ball

George and Lisa Barber

Martha Barber

David ‘60 and Avis (Young ‘61) Barnes

Craig Baumberger

Rex ‘75 and Nancy Bennett

Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson

Michelle Beumer ‘95

Mary Sue (Wilkens ‘67) Bishop

Mike ‘67 Bishop

Bryan ‘89 and Carol (Miller ‘89) Blankenship

Geneva (Smith ‘65) and George Blankenship

Jeanne (Fischer ‘65) and John ‘67 Borden

Anne (Dawdy ‘93) and Christopher ‘94 Borwick

Sharon (Burd ‘63) Bowes

Dona Lee (Anderson ‘66) and Earl Breitbarth

Leslie (Tidball ‘84) and Jim Brissenden

Naomi Brown ‘14

Venessa Brown ‘83

Margery (Walters ‘66) and George Browning

Diane (Dykstra ‘76) and Rex Burge

Jay and Shay Burgess

Keith ‘76 and Glenda (Knop ‘76) Burgh

Frances (Starr ‘51) and Stanley ‘62 Busch

Patricia (Wallace ‘55) and Gerald Bushrow

John ‘61 and Myrna Cammin

Jim ‘00 and Catherine MA ‘16 Catanzaro

Lois Catron ‘69

Susan (Bourne ‘68) and Jack ‘69 Chism

Victoria Clark

Paul Condon ‘69

Kraig ‘89 and Kelly Corwin

Dan ‘73 and Marion (Payne ‘74) Crawford

John ‘77 and Merribeth (Bahakel ‘78) Crouch

Greg and Lucia Delamarter

Bill ‘69 and Jean (Siebert ‘71) Dillman

Denny ‘57 and Martha (Fisher ‘57) Donnell

Tad and Catherine Edwards

Russell ‘64 and Mara Eldred

Brian ‘92 and Amy (Althardt ‘96) Ellis

Mike and Dee England

Timothy ‘82 and Valerie Erickson

Erik ‘97 and Marianna Evans

Dave ‘68 and Ann Fairbanks

Vonnie (Melton ‘57) Fansler

Patrick Farmer

Doug ‘86 and Tara (Clark ‘86) Faulkner

Sonja Fehlmann

Walter ‘84 and Eileen (Gifford ‘85) Fenton

Jim and Ruth Finch

Newt ‘59+ and Suzanne (Tilley ‘63) Fink

Bob and Susan Fry

Hayle Gibson ‘14

Carolyn Giffen

Dawn ‘07 and David Gillis

Ron Goldsmith ‘69 and Penny GisselbeckGoldsmith

Laura Goodnight ‘18

Dwight ‘68 and Nina Kay (Oberlink ‘69)


Austin Hable

Dotty Hall ‘60

Patty Hall ‘60

Linda (Whiteside ‘74) and Kenny ‘91 Hampton

Sheila (Walton ‘58) Harrison

Larry ‘71 and Barb (Childs ‘71) Hewitt

James Hockett III


John ‘76 and Beth Holak

Clarice and Robert Hollis

Vlad Ivashyn

Dan and Jan Jensen

Michelle ‘91 and Benjamin ‘93 Johnson

Tom ‘77 and Barbara Johnson

Weyburn ‘49 Johnson+

Gwyn (Jolliff ‘82) Jolliff-Blake and Michael Blake

Sonya Jones ‘96

LaVon (Krober ‘55) Jordahl

Marilyn (Rasche ‘59) Juhlin

Kevin Kauffman

Ruth (Tomaschke ‘82) and Randall Kinnersley

Donald Koch ‘80

Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer

Les ‘69 and Peggy Krober

Sandy (Somerville ‘87) and James Lang

Michael ‘99 and Kasey Laughlin

Ann Leach ‘

Glenn and Cathy Lempa

Mary Lofgren

Robert and Cheryl Loy

John ‘66 and Dorothy (Armstrong ‘68) Lund

Clark ‘64 and Ardyce Main

Lindsey Mao

Barbara (Looney ‘79) Marsh

Julia Mason MAE ‘20

Shirley Matteson ‘79

Ray ‘72 and Karen Maxwell

Jane (Pengelly ‘71) and James McClelland

Vickie (Morgan ‘85) and Mark McFerran

Scott ‘89 and Heather (Holifield ‘93) McGrew

Ed and Judy McMillan

Sarah Moore+

Roy ‘86 and Dawn Mulholland

Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) and Phil ‘75 Myette

Sue (Greenwalt ‘69) and George Neal

Wayne Neeley

Sarah Nelson ‘82

Jo Ann Noble ‘56

Bob Nowlin ‘68

Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page

Tim ‘03 and Elizabeth Pehlke

Keli (Totton ‘16) and Will ‘17 Pennington

Ken ‘68 and Erna Peterson

Cory Pollesch

Keith ‘81 and Donna Probst

Norma (Reeves ‘68) and John Rempe

David ‘66 and Brenda (Foster ‘67) Rice

Rose Roggow ‘61

LaVerne ‘59 and Barbara Ruhberg

David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63)


Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50)


Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus

Kathryn (Anderson ‘86) Scanland

Lois (Knaak ‘57) and Frederic Schadewald

Virginia (Falk ‘59) and Howard ‘60 Schantz

Karen (Burkart ‘87) and Mike ‘88 Schien

Steven and Kae Schmitt

Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth

Val (Morgan ‘85) and Jim Scott

Charlie Shepard

Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle

Doug Sitton

David ‘65 and Janice Smith

Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel

Judy Spivey

Jim ‘52 and Joyce Staff

Jessica Staley ‘21

Debbie (Mollett ‘76) and Rick ‘77 Stephens

Javene (Smith ‘53) and Charles ‘54


Ed Stocking ‘82 and Li-ing Chang

John Straeter ‘01

Aaron Summers

Margaret Summers ‘61

Ling Sun ‘19

Barry ‘77 and Vaun (Hodges ‘77) Swanson

John ‘54 and Elizabeth Taylor

Kathy (Rhoades ‘89) MA ‘17 and Paul ‘03


Tom and Louanne Theiss

Brock Tidball

Esther Tompkins ‘77

Pat Trager

Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian

Brad ‘85 and Mary Wade

Tina (Martin ‘90) and Eric ‘91 Watterson

Missie (Setty ‘97) and Brian Wenrick

Michael White ‘73

Brian ‘94 and Jeresha Wickersham

Brenda (Pierce ‘65) and Ken ‘66 Wiegel

Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson

Darlene (Dohner ‘65) and Eugene Wingert

Ellen (Hart ‘54) Winslow

Glenn ‘86 and Polly (Snowbarger ‘86) Winslow

Karla (Kugler ‘86) and Mark ‘87 Winslow

John Young ‘94

Mary (Kersch ‘70) and Jay ‘73 Young

Adrienne (Allen ‘56) Zahniser

Recognizing women who have committed $500 or more to fund the Almira Circle Women in Leadership Scholarship.


Jan Bastian*^

Sandy (Maxwell ‘61) Boileau*^

Pat (Hunter ‘62) Bond*^

Norma Borgmann ‘70^

Sharon (Burd ‘63) Bowes*^

Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd*^

Mary Clark*^

Nicole (Tucker ‘08) Crites*^

Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis*^

Becky (Whitlock ‘74) Decesaro*^

Pat (Minshall ‘75) Denbo*^

Cathy (Nolan ‘87) Dothager*^

Heather Edwards*^

Judi Ganton*^

Valerie Gin ‘82*^

Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater^

Susan (Hughey ‘73) Hughey-Rasler*^

Marilyn Kasko*^

Beth (Simcoe ‘68) Kilgore*^

Karen Longman*^

Holley Maher ‘01*^

Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin*^

Kathryn (Smith ‘71) Martin*^

Jane (Pengelly ‘71) McClelland*^

Danara Moore*^

Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) Myette*^

Cyndi (Smith) Oglesby ‘85^

Jessica (Ford ‘01) Ray*^

Beckie (Bruce ‘68) Smith*^

Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens*^

Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager*^

Kathy (Stewart ‘91) Turpin*^

Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian*^

Becky (Trueblood ‘74) Weinhandl*^

Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover*^

Amanda (Fuqua ‘94) Wiegand*^

Carol Wilson ‘81*^

Judith (Johnson ‘83) Young*^

11 THE RECORD | 2022 PRESIDENT’S REPORT *Founding Member ^Active giving June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022


Recognizing donors with cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000+. The GU database only records gifts from 1979 and forward.


Don and Esther Jones Family Level Anonymous (4)

Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian

Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen

Harold ‘27+ and Betty+ Cooley

Full Salvation Union

Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+

Don ‘52+ and Esther (Knapp ‘54)+ Jones

Vivien Maves ‘28+

Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw

John+ and Shirley+ Minshall

Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+

Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon

Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley

Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf


Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+

Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian

Mabel (Vinson 1915) Cage+

James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy

Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton

Bob and Patsy+ Greer

Jerry Hood ‘82

Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson

Wayne ‘60 and Marilyn Nelson

Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien

Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith

Harold ‘46+ and Ellen (Vore ‘50) Snyder

Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens

Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76)


Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell

Jake ‘47+ and Maxine (Young ‘47) Whitlock


Anonymous (7)

William and Sharon Ahern

Everett Armington+

I.D. ‘33+ and Elsie (Cobb ‘45)+ Baker

Del ‘53 and Avis (Malan ‘53) Bergen

Vincent Bessey ‘42+


Frances (King ‘40)+ and Grant ‘41+ Black

Dick ‘60 and Sandy (Maxwell ‘61) Boileau

Pat (Hunter ‘62) and Buddy+ Bond

Steve and P.J. Bothwell

Meryle Boughton ‘48+

Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer+

Bob ‘56+ and Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner

Jim+ and Anna+ Brown

Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick

Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd

Jay and Shay Burgess

Harold Burkhardt+

Frank ‘38+ and Mary+ Burson

Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65+ Carlson

Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn

Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+


Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55+ Coates

Mike and Debbie Coling

Larry and Sherry Collett

Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley

Dave ‘61 and Carol Crandall

Barb (Finger ‘76) Cranston+

Bob ‘77 and Tammy Cranston

Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum

John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65)+ Dawdy

Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo

Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman

Frances Dixon ‘44+

Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell

Cal ‘55+ and Anice (Joy ‘55)+ Faulkner

Charlie ‘60+ and Faye (Kelley ‘60) Faulkner

Dennis and Debbie Fenton

Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58+ Fisher

Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+


Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty

Florence Harding+

Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+


Gerauld Hopkins+

Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter

Stan Hughey ‘37+

Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner

Don ‘49+ and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy

Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy

Gene ‘53+ and Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp

Ken ‘49+ and Stella+ Kaufmann

Del Keener

Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns

Paul ‘69 and Shirley (Wolcott ‘71)+ Killinger

Dana King 1921+

Howard+ and Anita+ Krober

Ernest+ and Marion+ Longman

Karen Longman

Jim Mannoia

Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin

David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin

Elva McAllaster ‘44+

Ed and Judy McMillan

Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘67) Meyer

Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck+ Miller

Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller

Robert 1920+ and Lea+ Miller

John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall

Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery

Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore

Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55)+ Moore

Alta Morgan ‘50+

Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan

Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge

Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+

Leroy ‘29+ and Ruth ‘31+ Mullet

George ‘53 and Debra Murphy

Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger

Galen and Ella Peters

Charles ‘24+ and Hazel (Alberts ‘24)+ Peterson

Wes ‘58 and Darlene (Baker ‘58) Phillips

Dorathi Pierre+

Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+

Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher

Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Ratta

Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves

Pearce+ and Bonnie Riggs

Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer

Ernie ‘52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ‘52)+ Ross

Willard Rowland ‘33+

Mary (LaDue 1918)+ and Chester+ Russell

Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders

Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper

Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+

Ed Shaffer ‘67

Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken

Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith

Bob “Ish” ‘57+ and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith

Lynette Smith ‘64+

Chuck ‘37+ and Lois (Miller ‘37)+ Smout

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer

Katie (Warlick 1914)+ and Fred+ Sponsler

Rich ‘53 and Arlene (Greer ‘53)+ Stephens

Barry ‘77 and Vaun (Hodges ‘77) Swanson

Horace Tenney ‘31+

Bonnie (Barber ‘48)+ and Watson ‘49+ Tidball

Tag Tigard+

Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager

Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ronald Turpin

Ian and Alice Van Norman

Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian

Vera Walls+

Tim ‘04 and Rachel (Krober ‘04) Wayman

Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover

Ruth (Snyder ‘45)+ and Glenn+ White

Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock

Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand

Jim and Wilma+ Wilson

Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins

Lynette Workman ‘73+

SueAnn Stroud Wright and Richard Wright

Betty Young ‘50+

Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54)+ Young

Recognizing donors with matured or deferred planned gifts to the University. To include your name in the Ivy Circle, complete a Planned Giving Intention Form. Contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 for more information.

Anonymous (7)

Edward Abbott, Jr. ‘48+

Jody (Kamp ‘82) and Roy ‘85 Abbott

Karen (Bewley ‘74) and Rick ‘75 Adcock

William and Sharon Ahern

Sharon Alger ‘61

Gene ‘58+ and Shirley Alston

Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl

Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson

Leroy+ and Wilma (Stampfler ‘54)+ Autenrieth

Lyle ‘56 and Ruth Babcock

Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam+ BaileyHamblen

Mark ‘83 and Deb (Jackson ‘83) Bailie

Celesta (Coates ‘77) and David Ball

Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+

Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian

Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian

Don+ and Marcella+ Bateman

Dave ‘78 and Nancy (Tullar ‘78) Battleson

Fred+ and Bessie+ Baumberger

Edward+ and Carolyn+ Bennett

Rex ‘75 and Nancy Bennett

Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson

Richard+ and Clarice+ Binder

Carol (Alexander ‘77) and Paul Bither

Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount

Mabel Bock+

Brian ‘58 and Mary-Ellan Bonney

Harry ‘47 and Betty Bonney

Brad ‘77 and Pamela Brail

Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer+

Lewis Britton ‘57+

Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61)

Dorothy Buckingham+

Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick

Jay and Shay Burgess

Keith ‘76 and Glenda (Knop ‘76) Burgh

Tom ‘77 and Mona (Mace ‘77) Busch

Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron

Clair Carey+

Larry ‘82 and Diane Carr

Lois ‘69 and Del+ Catron

Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+


Norma (Bartlow ‘52)+ and Vernon+ Chute

Grace Claussen+

Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen

Merita Claussen ‘84+

Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48


Michael ‘90 and Jarmela Cliff

Rich Cloud ‘70

Pat ‘80 and Cheri Coakley

Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates

Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates

Herb ‘79 and Sheryl (Beard ‘80) Coates

Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55+ Coates

Tad Cooper

Linda Cox ‘69

Wesley Cox ‘39+

Frank ‘36+ and Verle+ Crane

Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston

Sarah Crawford ‘99

John ‘42+ and Evelyn+ Cross

Ralph ‘49+ and Marian Crowell

Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum

Phil+ and Sharon Cullison

Carne ‘43+ and Margery (Tipps ‘43)+ Cunningham

Jay ‘63+ and Margaret (Smith ‘63) Dargan


Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis

Phil ‘96 and Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis

Florine (Kersey ‘36) Dawdy+

Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro

Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo

Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman

Mavis (Dietzman ‘67) and Robert DietzmanSturgis

Brian ‘90 and Amy (Bellen ‘90) Dillow

Lawrence and Betty Ditty

Janise Dixon ‘90

Joseph Douglass ‘31+

Keith ‘64+ and Darleene Dunaway

Stan ‘73 and Myrna (Simpkins ‘73)


Steve ‘73+ and Linda Duneman

Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles

John ‘77 and Nita (Smith ‘77) Edwards

Paul ‘33+ and Naomi+ Ellis

Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis

Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing

Ruth (Barnes ‘1923)+ and James ‘1928+


Dick+ ‘49 and Muriel (Secord ‘49) Fattic

Cal ‘55+ and Anice (Joy ‘55)+ Faulkner

Ivan and Kathie Filby

Lester ‘43+ and Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger

Tim Finley ‘92

Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58+ Fisher

Dale Fisher+

Hank+ and Janet Flores

Ruth (Garretson ‘48)+ and Raymond+ Ford

Rachel (Nowlan ‘35) Fowler+

Esther Fox ‘48

James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy

Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman

Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton

Charles+ and Louise+ George

Stan+ and Kay+ Getz

Scott Giffen ‘99

Harry and Barbara Gigous

Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+


Esther (Savage ‘49)+ and Robert+


Tim ‘77 and Pam (Hogue ‘77) Goodenough

Fred ‘62+ and Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden

Michael ‘72 and Leila (Siedsma ‘73) Gray

Bob and Patsy+ Greer

Robert+ and Opal+ Greer

Sara Gregory ‘25+

Melba Grigg ‘53+

Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves

Wayne ‘37+ and Lorene (Coates ‘40)+ Groves

Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty

Lester Harnetiaux ‘79+

Glenn and Margaret Harper

Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+


Louise Hauth ‘52+

John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04)


Esther (Sportsman ‘32) Heddergott+

Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen

Ruby (Erickson ‘52)+ and Myron ‘53+ Henry

Earl+ and Buelah+ Hensley

Claudine Herrington ‘58+

Winifred Hessler ‘46+

Chris ‘80 and Cynthia Hill

David and Joanna Hoag

Bill ‘85 and Joan (Graham ‘86) Hofer

Cary ‘71 and Tonya (Chilcote ‘73) Holman

Jerry Hood ‘82

Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard

Norman ‘57 and Rena Howell

Greta (Syfert ‘30)+ and Emery+ Howse

Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter

Geneva Huffman

Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+

Clyde Irwin

Martin Janicke

Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner

Roger Johnson ‘51+

Tim ‘85 and Patti (Burbridge ‘87) Johnston

Derrold ‘71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ‘72)


LaVon (Krober ‘55) and Don ‘57+ Jordahl

Don ‘76 and Nanette Kaufmann

Jo Keillor ‘79

Wesley ‘43+ and Evelyn Keller

Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns

Ralph and Nellie Kester

Jim ‘48+ and Iola (Kenworthy ‘49)+ Keys

Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore

Martha (Mills ‘46) and Jay+ Kiser

Joseph and Sharon Kopacz

Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer

Howard+ and Anita+ Krober

Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober

Wendel ‘63+ and Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober

Steve ‘77 and Debbie (Darr ‘77) LaFleur

Jonathan and Mariann Lam

Scott ‘92 and Angela Lefler

Martelle Ley

June (Martin ‘50) Llewellyn

Karen Longman

Jarilyn (Atkinson ‘84) and Terry Louden

Jerry and Barbara Loudermilk

Duane+ and Betty+ Luallen

Fern (Ambrose ‘32) Mack+

Adelle (Sieck ‘28)+ and Edward Mansholt

Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall

David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin

Gary ‘86 and Jill (Skorupa ‘87) Mason

Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews

Vivien Maves ‘28+

Kendall ‘37+ and Mildred (Bentley ‘38)+


Raymond ‘37+ and Ruth (Treyz ‘41)+ Mayhew

Vi (Ormston ‘49)+ and Glenn ‘50 McAdam+

Mark ‘86 and Karla (Goers ‘86) McGinnis

Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson

John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall

Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery

Carol (Lane ‘77) and Larry ‘78 Moore

Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55)+ Moore

Doug ‘87 and Dee Morgan

Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan

Jack ‘47+ and Evelyn (Marston ‘48)


Bill ‘83 and Renate (Reeser ‘86) Moyers

Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge

Dick Mulholland ‘60+

Gary ‘83+ and Susan (Rose ‘83) Mulholland

Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+

Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50+ Mullins

Ray and Ruth Myers

Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) and Phil ‘75 Myette

Phil ‘41+ and Lois+ Myette

Faye (Myers ‘62) and Alden ‘63 Nay

Bob ‘51+ and Helen+ Neece

Arthur ‘26+ and Bernice (Weiler ‘26)+


John Nethercott+

Duane ‘73 and Sharen (Bewley ‘74)


Jo Ann Noble ‘56

William ‘25+ and Elizabeth Norbeck+

Marcella (Vanvolkenburg ‘34)+ and Floyd+


Elvan Olmstead ‘36+

Clarence ‘42+ and Beth (Hampton ‘44)+


Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+

Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page

Ralph and Doris Park

Bill Parker ‘57+

Neil and Jean Parrott

Dan ‘81 and Jill (Vincent ‘82) Parry

Jim ‘67 and Carole (Cox ‘72) Parsons

Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul

Darrold ‘68 and Louise Phillips

Melvin ‘50+ and Joann Phillips

Ron Phillips ‘80

Annabelle (King ‘47)+ and Ned Philpott

Dorathi Pierre+

Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+

Richard ‘55 and Vivian+ Price

Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin+

Teresa Rardin ‘78

Jessica (Ford ‘01) Ray

Fred Reader ‘62

John ‘69+ and Jennifer (Apple ‘70) Reed

Jim ‘54+ and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard

Leona (Stillman ‘42) Rennells+

Ray Rhine ‘53+

Carl ‘43+ and Alice (Fickess ‘44)+ Rice

Jerry ‘74 and Linda (Kratzer ‘77) Rich

Sarah Ridpath+

Roberta Rittenhouse ‘47+

Ron ‘57+ and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart

Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer

Rex ‘64 and Bethel Root

Howard ‘40+ and Mary Loretta (Olmstead ‘40)+ Rose

Rick ‘02 and Katie Russell

Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72)


David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson

Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders

Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders

Larry and Cindy Sayler

Donna Saylor ‘72

Eldon ‘42+ and Florence+ Sayre

Earl ‘53 and Julie (Larson ‘53) Schamehorn

John ‘39+ and Ruby (Tosh ‘40)+ Schlosser

Alex ‘96 Schmidt

Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd

Schoenhals ‘82+

Kathy (Ballinger ‘81) and Kevin ‘82


Cheryl (Logue ‘67)+ and Lawrence Schrock

Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth

Patsy Schutz+

Duane and Dawn Secord

Lewis Seifert+

Leslie ‘64 and Colleen (King ‘65) Sellers

Kevin ‘78 and Ginny Seybold

Janet (Weikert ‘79) and Dale ‘81 Shackley

Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw

Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle

Ruth Short ‘33+

Riker+ and Edith+ Simcoe

Carolyn (Chalfant ‘66) and Jack ‘67 Simpson

Bob “Ish” ‘57+ and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith

Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith

David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith

Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel

Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith

Lynette Smith ‘64+

Ethan+ and Evelyn+ Smout

Helen (Zahniser’41) Zahniser-Snyder+ and Lee Snyder+

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer

Charles and Marge Stavely

Louverne Stephens+

Louis ‘82 and Nancy (Oschwald ‘82) Stewart

Peter ‘85 and Marla (Samuelson ‘86) Stuart

Norm ‘70 and Carol (Turner ‘70) Swanson

Debbie Swearingen ‘78

Louise Tenney ‘31+

Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball

Wallace and Frances+ Tippery

Harry+ and Lenora Tomaschke

Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager

Randall ‘52+ and Phyl (Case ‘52)+ Tucker

Ron ‘72 and Joy (Lowe ‘72) Tucker

Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield

Dallas ‘31+ and Virginia (Howland ‘34)+ Turner

Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ronald Turpin

Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell

Delores (Nuby ‘50)+ and Harry ‘54+ Ulmer

Margaret (Bebermeyer ‘46)+ and Florence


Hayden+ and Joyce+ Van Horn

Mark ‘79 and Linda (Johnson ‘80) VanValin

Carl ‘64+ and Pauletta Vancil

Virginia (Lehr ‘60) Vancil+

Mendal ‘51+ and Kathleen (Willing ‘51)


Chuck ‘62 and Carole (Whitbeck ‘64) Vick

Imogene (Snyder ‘32)+ and Harold+ Vick

Carol (Moore ‘74) and Lonnie Vollintine

Clyde Wait+

Ruby Walker+

Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall

Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) and Lewis+ Walter

Bob+ and Helen (Butts ‘35)+ Warren

Wes ‘43+ and Edna+ Warwick

Sue (Park ‘83) and Arley Watson

Clark Webster+

Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84)


Elizabeth White ‘46

Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock

Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand

Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson

Pam MA ‘13 and Jeff Wilson

Sarah Wilson+

Della Wolcott+

Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins

Chris and Yvonne+ Woods

Ronald and Diana Woodworth

Charles and Mildred Wroblewski

Jerry Yotter ‘70

Betty Young ‘50+



Recognizing donors based on giving from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022. Visit for donors who gave $1 to $249.


Anonymous (3)

Lesta (Knaak ‘59) Barber

Cindy (Letson ‘65) and Howard ‘67 Barnes

James and Alyce Bava

Jimmy Bean ‘02

Dan Beck

Ruth (Finke ‘49) Boone

Norma Borgmann ‘70

Nelda Borror

Don ‘72 and Sandra Bounds

Louise (Deboer ‘69) Bourg

Tom Bracciale

Chris Brooks

Anne (Richardson ‘65) Campbell

Ruth (Davis ‘63) and Ed ‘64 Carey

Eula May (Metz ‘52) Carr

Rob ‘93 and Kelli (Keasling ‘94) Chelberg

Roger Christin ‘72

Katie Cocker ‘01

Kay ‘58 and Ruth Cole

John ‘64 and Jean Culp

Nancy (Chapman ‘77) and Gary Deckman

Philip ‘75 and Laronda DeLong

Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman

Dave ‘82 and Marsha (Dothager ‘85) Disch

Lloyd Donnell ‘48+

Mike ‘81 and Peg Dunleavy

Daniel ‘09 and Tamara (Yoder ‘10)


Van ‘69 and Karen (Schmidt ‘71) Eldridge

Charis (Bastian ‘10) and Ben Ellis

Christy (Brown ‘91) and Brent ‘92 Ellis

Robert Ellsworth

Bill ‘52 and Gloria (Penwell ‘53) Erickson

Laura Evans

Ruth (Brandt ‘51) Farnsworth

David ‘69 and Gloria Figg

Duane ‘65 and Linda (Mollett ‘71) Flowers

Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman

Suzanne Fridenmaker

Dorothy (Fisher ‘51) and Robert Gardner

Justin ‘96 and Sara Gillmar

Duane ‘65 and Gretchen Haines

Edie (Sussenbach ‘62) and Richard Harris

Michael and Tina Hasselbusch

John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04)


Paul ‘72 and Joan (DeBoer ‘72) Heath

Darold ‘62 and Marjorie Hill

Duane ‘56 and Betty Hood

Susan (Hughey ‘73) Hughey-Rasler and Tom Rasler

Tracy Hall ‘85 and Mark Jenner

Matt ‘95 and Rachel Keillor

Walter Kendall ‘53

Ralph and Nellie Kester

Rhonda Koch

Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober

Barbara (Kirkpatrick ‘74) and Phillip Landis

Kristi (Goers ‘86) and Brian Lange

Brad ‘97 and Alison ‘00 Lanter

John Leib ‘82 and Susan (Pennington ‘82)


Karen Longman

Kathryn (Smith ‘71) and John Martin

Andrew ‘66 and Charlene (Swift ‘66) McCallum

Jenny (McCormick ‘93) and Jack McGovern

Michael ‘82 and Sandra (Wiens ‘82) Mick

Doug and Margie Newton

Wendy (Bovee ‘84) and Bryan Nyland

Steven Ogle ‘71

Brian ‘88 and Heather Patton

Beth Peebles ‘69

George ‘92 and Linda (Dillow ‘92) Peters

Warren and Beverley Pettit

Steve ‘74 and Janice Piercy

Jim and Linda Plett

Brent and Lisa Potts

Barbara (Oschwald ‘68) Randolph

Jessica (Ford ‘01) Ray

Davis Redman ‘09

Lisa (Barnes ‘92) Richardson

Barbara (Mason ‘69) and Jonathan ‘70


Charlie ‘55 and Jan (Koch ‘55) Sandbach

Alex ‘96 Schmidt

Sandra (Quantrell ‘66)+ and Roger Shoenhals

Vicki (Stuber ‘75) and Rich ‘78 Schurter

Ruth Anne ‘64 and Richard ‘65 Scott

Nathan Shunk

Jim ‘96 and Cheryl Slone

David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith

Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens

Perry ‘64 and Donna Souzis

Barb (Kerns ‘78) and Guy Steele

Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens

Rich Stephens ‘53

Dale ‘80 and Carol (Finger ‘81) Stewart

Mark and Sheila Thomas

Frank Thompson+

Marcie Tidball ‘96

Dee (Oakes ‘70) and Curt ‘72 Tidball

Carl ‘78 and Jane Tomaschke

Christy (Dashiell ‘10) and Andy ‘11 Traeger

Carol ‘74 and Lonnie Vollintine

Brandon and Eva Weiler

Hal ‘76 and Mary Weise

Ted Wieber III

Dave ‘96 Wilson and Melissa (Copeland ‘99) Copeland-Wilson

Jim Wilson

Mick ‘68 and Michele Wilson

Harry ‘60 and Ruth (Smith ‘62) Winslow

Janet (Jordahl ‘83) and Thomas Wise

Phillip ‘60 and Joyce Wise

Bruce ‘83 and Judith (Johnson ‘83) Young


Anonymous (2)

George ‘69 and Evelyn Adam

Cheryl (Johnson ‘72) and Andy ‘73


Holly (Daniel ‘83) and Andrew Austin

Brandi Ball

Chris Barth

Fluffy (Brooks ‘66) and Charlie ‘67 Baum

Mack ‘94 and Kimberly Bean

Dave and Jane Bell

Mark Biddinger

Lisa (Tomb ‘98) and Jeff Blake

Lona (Timko ‘75) Blake

James Blizzard

Margaret (Busch ‘10) and Michael Boivin

Paula Bridges

David Brown ‘57

Phil and Jan Brown

Andrea Brubaker

Justin Buller ‘09

Doris Burd

Bob ‘65 and Pat (Nesbitt ‘66) Burns

Carolyn (Mangels ‘67) and Frank ‘69


Sid ‘54 and Carolyn Chapman

David ‘70 and Maggie Chi

Michael ‘97 and Megan Coling

Karla (Trager ‘86) and Kurt Conard

Don ‘60 and Marian Coulson

Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston

Mary Lou (Crandall ‘63) and Merle ‘65


Randy ‘80 and Rebecca Cronk

Dave ‘97 and Emily Dahlbeck

Larry ‘70 and Kathie (Marze ‘70) Davis

Kayla Dietz

Aaron (Atlee ‘01) and Kate (Dunigan ‘01)


Taylor Dunnington ‘11

John and Joyce Duvall

Ralph ‘58+ and Yvonne (Gordon ‘59) Eccles

Eleanor (McPherson ‘58) Eisenmann

Carol (Rikli ‘78) and Mike ‘79 Ellsworth

Electa Fairchild

Kathy (Fleming ‘71) and Gary Farnsworth

Charles ‘60 and Elizabeth (Stoltz ‘62) Finley

Tim Finley ‘92

Dan Fisher ‘86

Judith (Anderson ‘71) and Louis Fogleman

Vincent Fromke ‘54

Karen Gines ‘68

Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden

Keith and Laurie Hable

Bruce Hawkins

Lee Ann and Carroll Head

Margene (Schwartz ‘75) Holak

Bill and Sherry Hopkins

Cal ‘84 and Julia Ivers

Bill ‘67 and Loretta (Jones ‘68) Jenkins

David Jenkins

Craig ‘92 and Heidi (Herron ‘92) Johnson

Sylvia (Scott ‘68) Scott-Jones

Sharon (Cronkhite ‘59) and Clyde Kale

Kristian Kaufmann ‘03

John and Ellie Kennedy

Tom ‘73 and Debbie (Wilson ‘73) Kepka

Donald Kidd

Scott King ‘79

Erin (Helmuth ‘00) and Mike Kinzel

Ruth (Kuyt ‘71) and John Klein

Nana (Ford ‘78) and Vance Koenegstein

Kyle ‘02 and Miriam Krober

Laura and Peter LaStrange

Jennifer Leininger

Ray ‘54 and Susan Leitner

Chris Marsh ‘80

Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall

Jared ‘07 and Caitlin Martin

John ‘69 and Judy Martin

Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews

Mike ‘88 and Kimberly McCormick

Don ‘68 and Nancy Meissner

Karen (Sarr ‘69) Mensing

Paul and Debra Merwin

Johnny Miller

Kenneth and Helen Miller

Christopher Modl

Marv ‘60 and Karen Moran

Amber (Johnson ‘04) and Joshua Morris

Jane (Mollhagen ‘79) and Michael Mott

Norma (Randlett ‘49) Mullins

Ray and Ruth Myers

Franki (Eadie ‘97) and Dewayne ‘98 Neeley

Beverly (Fancher ‘66) and Gary Nelson

Greg Ott

Eric Parker

Tina Parker Jacques

Samuel Pederson

Kristin (Keasling ‘92) and Edin Pehilj

Jason Polansky

Ethelyn (Davenport ‘52)+ and Arthur Rasmussen

Jim ‘76 and Mandy (Hanold ‘07) Rathgeb

Marti ‘89 and Lana (Mote ‘90) Reeser

Milan ‘67 and Dorene (Ebel ‘68) Reimer

Greg Render ‘99

Merlyn ‘52 and Virgena Rensberry

Jack Roadman ‘48

Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart

Donita (Gregory ‘70) and Donald Roulsten

Thomas and Janette Schull

Charlotte (Olson ‘56) Seago+

Myra (Selig ‘61) and William Skipwith

Robert “Ish” Smith ‘57+

Joseph Smith ‘56

Preston Smith ‘70

Allison Snyder

Howard ‘62 and Janice Snyder

Jared Souhrada ‘14

Diane (Nolte ‘73) and Terry Spuler

Lynn Stephens

Mary Alice (Poland ‘70) and Larry Stilwell

Paul ‘79 and Beth Stroble

Wilma Tade

Terry Taylor

Anne and Ted Tiernon

Susan Toalson ‘08

Gary ‘68 and Mary Ann (Walden ‘74) Tucker

Jaclyn Johnson-Cross ‘10

Lori (Weyhe ‘81) and Rick Wallington

Diana (Watson ‘59) and William Walter

Stan ‘52 and Betty Walters

Jim ‘84 and Kim (Shaw ‘84) Ward

Sandra Warning

Carole (Brandt ‘68) and David Wills+

Cory Wilson

Paul ‘63 and Connie Wilson

Stephanie (Nolting ‘72) and Larry ‘74


John ‘67 and Carolyn (Rice ‘68)


Michelle (Fink ‘90) and Eric Wright

Joy (Hamilton ‘70) and Michael Ziemann



Recognizing gifts received from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022, honoring the following individuals.

Sharon Bowes

Jack and Pat Burd

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Doris Burd

Jack and Pat Burd

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Jack and Pat Burd

Sharon Bowes

Doris Burd

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Terry Taylor


Suzanne Davis Anonymous

Teresa Holden Anonymous

Bob Johnson

Benjamin and Michelle Johnson

Cole Johnson

Benjamin and Michelle Johnson

Miriam Kamp

Randy and Judy Bennett

Tom Morgan

Kent and Sandy Krober

Rick and Lisa Morgan

Galen Peters Anonymous

George Peters Anonymous

Wes Phillips

Stephen and Carolyn Phelps

Marie Siefken

Joy and Scott Carrington

Recognizing gifts received from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022, in memory of the following individuals.

Aleen Aten

John and Carol Knight

Lola Baker

Suzanne Fridenmaker

Ed Blue

Jim and Catherine Catanzaro

Buddy Bond

Bill and Jean Dillman

Suzanne Fink

Scott Giffen

Craig and Heidi Johnson

Yvi Martin

Boyd and Janet McCracken

Robert Morse

Bud Bowes

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Lynn Carlson

Catherine Zaworski

Bill Cook

Jim and Cheryl Slone

Jerry Edwards

Melissa and Mark Westover

Olga Estevez

Donald Kidd

Primitive Methodist Church International Mission Board

Everett and Jane Sanders

Lisa and Jay South

Newt Fink

Pat Bond

Elizabeth Burton

Carol and Bruce Campbell

Susan and Jack Chism

Glen and Georgene Deardorff

Alan Gaffner

Mary and Lyle Gallivan

Krissy Gorsuch

Beverly and Raymond Herman

Sara and Ralph Hochgrebe

Judith Huss

Meredith Lovett

Gregory and Christine Mercer

Annmarie and Alan Nichter

Cyndi Oglesby

Robert “Ish” Smith+

Anne and Ted Tiernon

Joan Tiernon

Tom and Joy Tiernon

Steven Williams

Michelle and Erc Wright

Dale Fritch

John Straeter

Joan Fritch

John Straeter

Lori Gaffner Anonymous

Alden Management Services

Charlie and Fluffy Baum

Craig Baumberger

Rich and Marty Beans

Mark and Kathy Beatty

Jane and Dave Bell

Paul and Janice Betscher

Sally and Darryl Bolen

Pat Bond

Jo Branscome

Rex and Cindy Catron

Susan and Jack Chism

Christy and Chuck Coates

Mike and Debbie Coling

Becky and Sam Decesaro

Greg and Lucia Delamarter

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Cynthia Essenpreis

Kathy and Gary Farnsworth

Dennis and Deborah Fenton

Forum Extended Care Services

Dick and Jill Franks

C. W. and Edie Gaffner

Val Gin

Jerry and Mary Graber

Brian and Darlene Hartley

Paula and Shannon Hayes

Health Care Council of Illinois

Mike Heath

Heichelbeck Farms

Ken and Marian Jahnssen

Mark Jenner and Tracy Hall

Dan and Jan Jensen

Sonya Jones

LaVon Jordahl

Miriam Kamp

John and Eleanor Kennedy

Eric Lane

Kirk and Melody Langham

Judith Laurent

Kim and Don Lugge

Scott and Braxton Malan

Dale and Carolyn Martin

Pam Masulla

Kyle and Victoria McCarter

Boyd and Janet McCracken

Jerry McFarland

Rick and Sara McPeak

Mark Mitchell

Tom Morgan

Randy Neumann

Edwin and Debra Noggle

Galen and Ella Peters

Janice and James Romack

Steve and Veronica Ross

Roger and Jane Sanders

Brad Shaw and Georgann Kurtz-


Todd and Mary Siebert

Hugh and Marie Siefken

Ish Smith+

Dennis and Jana Spencer

Tom and Louanne Theiss

Patricia Thorp

Eldon and Marilyn Turley

Lida Vieregge

Volunteers for Shimkus

Brad and Mary Wade

John and Penny Wait

Melissa and Mark Westover

Jennifer and Scott Wilson

Ellen Winslow

Don and Virginia Wise

Clarence and Sharon Zimmerman

Shirley Gaffner

Sharon Alger

Doug and Nancy Ambuehl

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Scott Foehner

Mike Heath

Mark Jenner and Tracy Hall

Jo Ann Noble

Jennifer Pazzia

Ruth Wise

Ron Gines

Karen Gines

Tracy Gines

Karen Gines

Wanda Gines

Karen Gines

Jean Hendricks

Herb Hendricks

Dave Holden Anonymous

Dave Johnson Anonymous

Bob and Kathy Alsman

John and Beth Holak

Steve and Janice Piercy

Becky and Rich Weinhandl

Byron and Patsy Wilber

Don Joy

Robbie Joy

Gene Kamp

Randy and Judy Bennett

Kenneth Kaufmann

Charlie and Fluffy Baum

Pat Bond

Tom and Betty Kay Dawdy

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Ish Smith

Glenda and Keith Burgh

Tom and Barbara Johnson

Rich Stephens

Joy and Scott Carrington

Terry Taylor

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Mark Thomas Juliette Nimmons

Leroy and Pat Ellsworth

Mark Jenner and Tracy Hall

LaVon Jordahl

Dale and Carolyn Martin

Emily and Al Moore

Sheryl and Glen Moore

Jo Ann Noble

Hugh and Marie Siefken

Ward Sussenbach

Linda Thoms

Len and Joyce Keillor

Anne Campbell

Violet Knight

John and Carol Knight

Herman and Lola Lehwald

Mary Lofgren

Verla Mayse

Susan and Jack Chism

Glenn and Vi McAdam

Carlene Aliferis

Lisa Aliferis

Jean Craig Flynn

N.J. and Sandra Krebsbach

Thomas and Janette Schull

Richard and Phyllis Terman

Judith McCreary Anonymous

Warren McMullen

Doug and Jo Jo Nelson

Geneva Mohrbacher

Hazel Hamlin

Lin Moore Anonymous

Jeffrey and Jane Chema

Douglas Congdon

Howard and Laurie Costley

Dick and Sheila Dickinson

Ruth Farnsworth

Rosemary Hilsabeck

Donna Hull

Carol Koerner

Dan and Patti Maurer

Robert Miller

Jesse Moore

Sheryl and Glen Moore

Beth Morningstar

Deanna and Bill Mulholland

Wendy and Bryan Nyland

Matt and Judy Osborne

Dave and Linda Ramundo

Mark and Donna Rose

Joyce and Kent Towns

Gerald Wingert

Ellen Winslow

Betty Morgan

Rick and Lisa Morgan

Rick and Cheryl Payne

Marion and Dan Crawford

Darlene Phillips

Suzanne Fink

Jaime Rantanen

Rob and Emily Hager

Jim Reinhard

Dan and Jan Jensen

Jay and Janet Kennedy

Bronwyn Martin

Kelli and Gene Page

Glenn Richardson

Anne Campbell

Mary Richardson

Anne Campbell

Dorothy Riggs


Ronald Robart

Val and Roger Conley

Marion Robart

Morgan Robertson

Connie Schmollinger

Frank Rose

Mark and Donna Rose

Lynette Smith

Jerry Smith and Dottie Fugiel

Joanna Smith

Anne Campbell

Linda Plant

Robert “Ish” Smith


Charlie and Fluffy Baum

Craig Baumberger

Jane and Dave Bell

Phil and Jan Brown

Glenda and Keith Burgh

Bob and Pat Burns

Anne Campbell

Helen Carlson

Susan and Jack Chism

Mike and Debbie Coling

Kurt and Karla Conard

Margaret Dargan

Becky and Sam Decesaro

Greg and Lucia Delamarter

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Kathy and Gary Farnsworth

Walter and Eileen Fenton

Marv and Lillian Fields

Suzanne Fink

Dan Fisher


Duane and Linda Flowers

Alan Gaffner

Karen Gines

Heichelbeck Farms

John and Beth Holak

Cal and Julia Ivers

Mark Jenner and Tracy Hall

Dan and Jan Jensen

Roy and Sandra Johnson

Tom and Barbara Johnson

Robbie Joy

John and Carol Knight

Kent and Sandy Krober

Tina and James Leefers

Dale and Carolyn Martin

Tom Morgan

Randall Neumann

Cyndi Oglesby

Betty Olson

Linda Plant

Steve and Veronica Ross

Hugh and Marie Siefken

Karl and Deb Somerville

Todd and Dawnita Stephens

Hal and Mary Weise

Elliott and Cynthia Wiegand

Ken and Brenda Wiegel

Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Mick and Michele Wilson

Ellen Winslow

Janet and Thomas Wise

Ruth Wise

Arlene Stephens

Anne Campbell

John Strahl

Bob and Pat Burns

June Strahl

Ruth Wise

Rob Stroud

Dick and Sandy Boileau

SueAnn and Richard Wright

Marilynn Taylor

Jack and Pat Burd

Jeffrey and Catherine Davis

Electa Fairchild

Lois Griffith

Kelli and Gene Page

Ruth Pownall

Jennifer Spring

Kathleen Wildi

Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Frank Thompson

Pat Bond

Walter and Eileen Fenton

Alan Gaffner

Susan Hughey-Rasler and Tom Rasler

Jay and Janet Kennedy

John and Carol Knight

Dale and Carolyn Martin

Randall Neumann

Joe Noble

Galen and Ella Peters

Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Watson and Bonnie Tidball

Tom and Mary Clark

Debbie and James O’Rourke

Craig and Sue Tidball

Marcie Tidball

David Wills

Carole Wills

Wilma Wilson

Anne Campbell

Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Leon Winslow

Ellen Winslow

Marvin Zahniser

Adrienne Zahniser

Rosa Zimmerman


John and Carol Knight


Recognizing gifts of at least $100 received from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022. Visit for a complete list of churches that provided matching scholarships for students through GU’s Church Partnership Scholarship Program.

Anonymous (2)

Alden Management Services


Andrews Chair, Greenville University

Assurance, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Company

AVH Ink & Vinyl LLC

Bank of America

Bethel University

Beyers Excavating LLC

Bingham Drilling LLC

Boeing Company

Bond County Health Department

Bond County Realtors

Bradford National Bank

Bruce Unterbrink Construction Inc.

C4 Gun Store LLC

Capri IGA Foodliner

Cardinal Construction & Management Inc.

Christian College Consortium

City of Greenville

CMI General Contractors Inc

Dairy Queen

Daiwa Corporation

DeMoulin Brothers & Company

Dexterity International LLC

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Donnewald Distributing Company

Educational & Institutional Cooperative Services Inc.

Edward Jones

Enertech Global LLC

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

FNB Community Bank

Forum Extended Care Services

Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI

Greenville Family Dentistry

Greenville Free Methodist Church

Greenville Optimist Club

Greenville University

GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund

Health Care Council of Illinois

Hillsboro Free Methodist Church

Hosick Motors Inc.

Hospital Sisters Health System

Indy Stem Camps

J & R Collision Centers

Jewett Roofing Company

Jubilee House

Justin Buller Real Estate

K & J Chevrolet Inc

Kahuna’s Burgers & More

Kauffman Brands

Kerber, Eck & Braeckel LLP

Laack Flooring Innovations Inc.

Los Amigos II Mexican Restaurant

Lu Bobs’ Family Restaurant

Mark L. Burnham, CFP, CLU, ChFC

Meraki Florist

Metro East Partners Inc.

Midland States Bank

Mike’s Tackle World

Morgan Stanley

Mosaic Family Wealth

Naco Printing and Advertising

National Philanthropic Trust


Numed Inc.

Patton & Company P.C.

Piasa Commercial Interiors Inc.

Prepcasts LLC

Primitive Methodist Church International

Mission Board

Purvi Hospitality Inc. SureStay Hotel

Q&M Watersports


Recognizing church partnership gifts received from June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022.


Charity Church, Inc

Christ Church of The Heartland

Coffeen Free Methodist Church

Connect Church of Washington, IL


Dearborn Free Methodist Church

Destiny Pointe Church

Durley Camp and Retreat Center

First Baptist Church of North Terre Haute

First Christian Church of Clinton, IL

Funds initiated from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.

Athletics Baseball Turf Field

Athletics Field House

Athletics Football Turf

CMC Scholarships

COVID Incentive Fund

Drs. Sandra Salguero-Schmidt and Kenneth P. Schmidt


Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving

Seven Oaks Realty

Slatton’s Excavating Inc.

St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

State Farm Companies Foundation

Stombaugh Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.

Super 8 by Wyndham

TD Ameritrade Clearing

The J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Tisch Inc.

True Solutions LLC

True Value/Kaskaskia Supply & Rental

Turley Farms Partnership

U.S. Department of Education

Untamed Tackle

Uppercuts, Ltd.


Wall Real Estate

Ware Inc.


Williams Veterinary Clinic LLC

Fresh Start Community Church of God

Hazel Dell FWB Church

Knox Knolls Free Methodist Church

Lake Road New Hope Bible Church

Mission Hill Baptist Church of Palmyra, MO

Galen and Ella Peters Mathematics Scholarship

Jane Thompson Ellsworth Scholarship Fund

Marian A. Moore, Gaile Moore Sanford, and Florence

Newell Bogert Scholarship

Men’s Gymnastics

Morris Bond Memorial Fund

Orval and Lenita Faulkner Memorial Scholarship Fund

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church

Robinson Free Methodist Church

The Rock Church Centralia

Outdoor Adventure

Robert E. Stroud Endowed Business Scholarship

Steven Ellsworth Scholarship Fund

Twichell Engineering Advancement & Access, Experience Inst. Fund

Women’s Gymnastics



TIER I ($5,000+)

TIER II ($2,500-$4,999)

TIER III ($1,000-$2,499)

Bruce Unterbrink Construction Inc.

Custom Wrenches Inc.

Dairy Queen

TIER IV ($300-$999)

Bond County Health Department

Daum Insurance

Dexterity International LLC

Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Double J Doggie Play N Stay

Educational & Institutional

Cooperative Services Inc.

Daiwa Corporation

J & R Collision Centers

Kauffman Brands

Evergreen Plant Co.

Greenville Family Dentistry

Greenville Optimist Club

Hosick Motors Inc.

Indy Stem Camps

Jubilee House

Kahuna’s Burgers & More

Los Amigos II Mexican Restaurant

Laack Flooring Innovations Inc.

Print Group Inc.

Stombaugh Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.

Lou Fusz Automotive Network

Lu Bobs’ Family Restaurant

Meraki Florist

Metro East Partners Inc.

Naco Printing and Advertising

Piasa Commercial Interiors Inc.

Purvi Hospitality Inc. SureStay


Seven Oaks Realty

Slatton’s Excavating Inc.

Super 8 by Wyndham

Tisch Inc.

Turley Farms Partnership

Wall Real Estate

Ware Inc.


Assurance, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Company GU and GU Homecoming sponsor Bradford National Bank GU, GU Homecoming, the SMART Center, Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble, scholarships, and WGRN sponsor Enertech Global LLC GU, GU Homecoming, SMART Center, and Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble sponsor Mosaic Family Wealth GU, GU Homecoming, Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble, and scholarships sponsor HSHS Holy Family Hospital GU, GU Homecoming


1 Donald ’53 and Kathleen Bastian celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary on December 17, 2022. Donald, a bishop emeritus of the Free Methodist Church, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology from GU (then GC) in 1974. He served as pastor at the Greenville Free Methodist Church from 1961 to 1974. Friends may contact Donald and Kathleen at 1907 Lakeshore Rd West, Mississauga, ON L5J 1J6.


2 Bob Blume ’62 serves as executive director of Man4Man Ministries, an organization working with exoffenders, providing one-on-one guidance, friendships, jobs, and places to learn and grow. In August 2022, Bob received the Sagamore of the Wabash Award, the highest civilian award bestowed by the governor of Indiana for distinguished service to the state. Friends may contact Bob at blume_

3 Mel Starr ’64 dedicated his 15th book Suppression and Suspicion (Lion Fiction, 2022) to retired GU history professor Dan Jensen. Mel presented the book to Dan over Homecoming weekend in October 2022. He noted that Dan was a great influence on his decision to pursue a degree in history and to teach. He indicated he wouldn’t

have become a writer if it wasn’t for Dan’s encouragement.


4 Paul Stroble ’79 recently published a poetry collection, Four Mile (Finishing Line Press, 2022). He also joined the Yale University Alumni Fund Board of Directors for a threeyear term.


5 Patrick Luber ’84 retired at the end of 2022 after teaching art and sculpture in higher education for over 31 years. His artwork has been exhibited in over 160 peer-reviewed and invitational group exhibitions and over 40 solo invitational exhibitions on state, regional, national, and international levels. Patrick’s plans for retirement include finishing a memoir about a lifetime spent in school; continuing to create art; and becoming more involved with charitable organizations.

Scott Blume ’87 now serves as church connection and engagement manager at The Voice of the Martyrs organization, working with churches nationwide.


The Illinois High School Baseball Coaches Association named Todd Hutchinson ’91 to its 2022 Hall of Fame. Todd has coached baseball at Greenville High School for 28 years.

Shannon (Bryant ’93) Prince now serves as a registered nurse since earning an associate degree in nursing in 2021. Shannon reflects: “Being able to help others through the pandemic and beyond has been my pleasure and passion in this season of my life!” Friends may contact Shannon at 2832 E Farm RD 10, Fair Grove, Missouri, 65648.

6 Jason Cannon ’98 started a publishing company, Ibis Books, and in the last year has released multiple books—written both by himself and by other authors. His most recent book, This Above All: How to Live an Artistic Life, hit bestseller status on Amazon. Jason also received a commission to write a one-man show focused on mental health and a cabaret celebrating the music of Stevie Wonder. Contact Jason at or 2349 Hyde Park St, Sarasota, FL 34239.

THANK YOU FOR GIVING | GREENVILLE.EDU 18 What’s New With You? Submit your information online at ALUMNI NEWS
Paul Stroble ’79
5 4
Patrick Luber ’84 Bob Blume ’62 Donald ’53 and Kathleen Bastian
3 2 1
Mel Starr ’64


Jered Schneider ’10 started a new role at Edward Jones headquarters in St. Louis as the team leader of video and broadcast. He leads a team that creates video and live studio broadcast content that is shared internally with the company’s 50,000 employees, and externally with millions of customers across the United States and Canada.

The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society recently published a paper authored by Dustin Swarm ’10, ’18. The paper, “Searching for Outliers in the Chandra Source Catalog,” addresses the challenges astronomers face trying to identify worthwhile targets of study amidst the deluge of information that technology makes available to them. The article draws from his research identifying unusual astronomical objects. The research is supported in part by a fellowship from the University of Iowa where Dustin is a doctoral candidate studying machine learning in x-ray astronomy.

Chris Emanuel ’11 started a new role with marketing agency Momentum Worldwide as an experiential producer.

Steven Schultz ’11 now serves as director, state government affairs for Sage Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company developing life-changing therapies for people with brain disorders.

7 Jeremiah Godby ’13 MBA ’16 recently earned a Ph.D. in organizational leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University. Jeremiah owns G & C Precision Landscapes, LLC, in Forsyth, Illinois, a business he started in 2008.

Miles Williams ’15 earned a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and accepted a position as a visiting assistant professor in data for political research at Denison University. He continues to serve as an associate fellow in statistical methodology with the US General Service Administration’s Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES).

8 Elle Shaw ’16 is a Ph.D. student in physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign studying experimental/observational cosmology. She recently spent a few months in Antarctica with her research collaboration, SPIDER, deploying a cosmic microwave background experiment. SPIDER is a balloon-born telescope looking at the polarization of the oldest light in the universe.

9 Elsie Heckel ’17 serves as project manager and creative coordinator for BAM Marketing Agency of St. Louis. She recently returned to GU to share with marketing students about career options in the field and provide advice on how to prepare for a career in marketing.

Because of generous donors like you, Emily Buratovich ’24 is busy taking advantage of every opportunity by studying abroad in Costa Rica, playing tennis, and majoring in chemistry, math, and Spanish and minoring in physics.

Elle Shaw ’16
8 9
Elsie Heckel ’17
Jason Cannon ’98
Jeremiah Godby ’13 MBA ‘16
Thank you for giving!


Olga (Warner ’49) Penzin, age 101, of Rock Hill, South Carolina, died October 13, 2022. She served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Mexico and the U.S. and as a volunteer guide for the Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JAARS).

Nurse Betty Jane (Imhoff ’52) Freeman, age 96, of Lakeview, Michigan, died August 31, 2022. She enjoyed gardening, singing, traveling, and spending time with family.

Nurse Kathryn (Nigrelli ’52) Stuart, age 95, of Aurora, Ohio, died August 24, 2022. She served as director of nursing at Erie Infants Home and as owner and operator of the Alpine Manor Nursing Home.

Dean Eccles ’54, age 90, of Plainfield, Indiana, died September 22, 2022. Dean sang bass in men’s quartets and in the Greenville choir. In August 2022, he, and wife Ruby (James ’56) celebrated 65 years of marriage.

U.S. Army Veteran H. Layton House, Jr. ’55, age 89, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, passed away August 26, 2022. He served as a stockbroker for over 30 years.

U.S. Army veteran John Coleman ’59, age 88, of Greenville, Illinois, died September 11, 2022. He taught art at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels.

Drew Duncan ’61, age 79, of Sorento, Illinois, died August 25, 2022. He served in the U.S. Army, during the Vietnam War and worked at Granite City Steel for 30 years.

Longtime GU women’s basketball coach

Phyllis Holmes ’61, age 82, of Burlington, Iowa, passed away in 2022. She played basketball as a student, coached Lady Panther basketball for 25 years, and served as the school’s athletic director. She coached several national and international women’s basketball teams and became the first woman elected to head the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics.

Longtime teacher Dorothy (Wolcott ’61) Morgan, age 87, of Indianapolis, Indiana, died September 4, 2022. She and her husband were involved with world missions

through the Free Methodist Church, serving in Venezuela, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Russia.

Retired coach Leslie “Les” Wothke ’61, age 83, of Olathe, Kansas, died November 16, 2022. He played basketball for GU coach John Strahl. He coached basketball for 35 years at high school, NAIA, NCAA Division I and Division II levels, including four years with Lou Henson at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and eight seasons as head coach for Army West Point.

Gary Terry ’62, age 79, of Greenville, Illinois, died August 23, 2022. He served as the Mulberry Grove township road commissioner for 32 years.

Longtime educator and mentor James Bimes ’63, age 81, of Edwardsville, Illinois, died September 16, 2022. In retirement, he worked at Missouri Baptist College, passing on his love of education to a new generation.

Sandra Schoenhals ’66, age 78, of Stanwood, Washington, died August 10, 2022. She served as a teacher and later worked in student services at a community college in Washington.

Innovator and entrepreneur Dave Huseman ’68, age 76, of Lynchburg, Tennessee, died August 10, 2022. He manufactured reclosable deli bags for the grocery industry and founded a wholesale distribution corporation, RD Plastics Inc., in Nashville, Tennessee.

David Rowe ’69, age 75, of Flushing, Michigan, died August 29, 2022. He served as manager of college recruiting and university relations for General Motors/ Delphi. In retirement, David ran a sailboat charter business on Mackinaw Island and participated in several sailing races.

Paul Killinger ’69, age 75, of Spring Arbor, Michigan, formerly of Dunlap, Illinois, died August 1, 2022. He worked as a bank examiner and later as CFO and board chairman at Superior Consolidated Industries for over 30 years. Paul served on the GU Board of Trustees for 25 years. Friends may designate gifts in Paul’s memory to Greenville University.

John Reed ’69, age 75, of Greenville, Illinois, died September 18, 2022. He taught English and coached junior high boys’ basketball for 35 years, earning “Southern Illinois Coach of the Year” honors.

Ritchie Alexander ’71, age 74, of Granite City, Illinois, died November 13, 2022. He taught for over 30 years at schools in the St. Louis area.

Harry Kirk ’71, age 75, of Fillmore, Illinois, died September 22, 2022. He served as a junior high teacher and coach for 35 years. He served as pastor at Liberty Church in Bingham, Illinois, for over 17 years. He and his wife were foster parents for 15 years.

Wayne Snider ’71, age 79, of Dawson, Illinois, died August 16, 2022. He served as a school bus driver for 25 years and worked in manufacturing, the service industry, and owned his own cleaning business.

Kevin Hickey ’75, age 69, of Oakville, Ontario, Canada, died April 9, 2022. He worked with various telecommunication companies for over 40 years.

Robert Funderburk ’98, age 79, of Carlyle, Illinois, died September 19, 2022. He owned and operated restaurants such as the Hi De Ho Restaurant and motel in Carlyle, and Circle B Steakhouse and LuBob’s Family Restaurant in Greenville, Illinois.

Charles McKinney ’03, age 62, of Bentonville, Arkansas, died September 13, 2021. He served in the United States Marine Corps.

Andrew J. Johnson ’19, age 26, of Hillsboro, Missouri, passed away October 8, 2022. Andrew served as a teacher, then as an elementary school counselor.

GU Trustee Emeritus Ian Van Norman, age 86, of Saskatoon, Ontario, died August 23, 2022. A businessman and philanthropist, part of Ian’s work focused on helping others around the world. He and his wife had a heart for Haitians, serving there in many ways over the years including through construction projects and providing help after natural disasters.

This list includes notifications received from 7/1/22 to 11/30/22.


9% On-campus enrollment increase over the 2021-22 schoolyear

14% Increase in traditional undergraduate enrollment for the 2021-22 schoolyear

Student to faculty ratio with 811 traditional undergraduate students


Overall Diversity Rate

Domestic Diversity Rate

88% 16% 11:1

Average student attendance at The Wednesday Experience

30 McAllaster scholars

99 Panther scholars

41 Women In Leadership scholars

28 MOSAIC scholars

35% 630 16

Intercollegiate athletic teams compete in the NCAA, NCCAA, or UMAC conferences

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Coming here opened doors for me and my family. You’ve provided necessary things that I know God has placed here for me.”

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