The RECORD, Fall 2011

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Social Media Redefining the Way We Work, Play and Learn






Greenville College Lifetime Connections


s I travel and speak with alumni, Greenville College graduates repeatedly want to talk about lifetime connections. One such circle of connections was established in 1939, more than six decades before the debut of Facebook, when eight young women at Greenville College began a written conversation that lasted 67 years. It involved a system of letter writing called a round robin. Like Internet messaging, blogs, and wall posts, the correspondence connected these women through moves, marriages and career changes. It kept the friendships they formed at Greenville College strong even though their lives led them to distant places like Alaska, China and the Philippines. Ruby Schlosser ’40, now 93 years old, recalled how a classmate’s decision to leave school sparked the idea for the network. “What started it was that one of the girls couldn’t come back. She didn’t have enough money. Still, she wanted to hear from her friends.” Ruby’s classmate Rachel Ulrich ’40 set up the round robin by listing the friends who would write letters and the order in which they would write them. She began the round by composing a letter that told about news in her life and sent the update to correspondent number two. That friend added her own news to Rachel’s letter and sent both messages to correspondent number three. Once the ever-lengthening letter made its way through the circle of all eight correspondents, Rachel, as network administrator, would begin a new round of letters. As the years passed, the bonds strengthened among the Greenville College friends. The round robin correspondence did more, however, than cement friendships. “It was a spiritual fellowship, too,” said Ruby, “We helped each other through crisis times.” In addition to connecting via written communication, the round robin women reunited in person at Greenville College homecoming events. Ruby remained committed to the round robin fellowship throughout her 37 years as a missionary to China and the Philippines. She was not the only correspondent from China, however. An infant abandoned outside of a city gate in China ended up in the care of missionary Edith Jones. Jones adopted the child, En Ying Zhou (Lora), who eventually migrated to the US, attended Greenville College and became a round robin member. Today, at 97 years old and with a lifetime of missionary work behind her, Lora lives in China and keeps in touch with Ruby’s family. As evident by Ruby’s round robin, networking among Greenville College friends and alumni began long before today’s technology. Friends now stay connected through a variety of social media networks. No longer do they wait months for mail from the post office. Instead, they send email and Facebook messages, and even write blogs for all of their fellow graduates to read. Through these methods of connection, members of the Greenville College community encourage each other in their Christian faith, share burdens, and reminisce about their college days. Regardless of the vehicle of communication, friendships established at Greenville College constitute some of the many lifelong blessings afforded to each graduating class. Thanking God for all the Greenville College connections throughout the ages,

Larry Linamen, President


FALL 2011

ON THE COVER: Social media websites have put a new face on social interaction, including the way we shop, learn, gather information, seek help, and find others with similar interests. Over 200,000,000 blogs now populate the Internet with 34% of today’s bloggers posting opinions about products and brands. Facebook reports 60 million daily status updates from users, and 80% of companies say they use social media to recruit new employees. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Greenville College by the Office of College Advancement, Greenville College, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: (618) 664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 102, No. 3. EDITOR: Walter Fenton ’84 MANAGING EDITOR: Carla Morris ’77 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Kaity Teer ’10 GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Pancho Eppard ’00 PHOTOGRAPHY: Pancho Eppard ’00 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Brianne Cook ’05 WRITERS: Kaity Teer ’10, Carla Morris ’77 Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville College.




A mix of old and new media from ham radio to YouTube tells the story of an out-of-this world broadcast and the user-friendly technology that made it possible.


Is online learning inferior to traditional classroom learning? Is it easier? Learn the realities about “e-learning,” an increasingly popular choice for traditional and nontraditional students.


A grandson introduces his grandfather to Facebook and paves the way for joyful connections and serious reflections on the responsible use of social media.


Ten years ago, online job boards revolutionized the way companies recruit employees. Now, employers and job seekers alike look to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to meet their respective needs. Use these tips to leverage social media in your job search.



What’s the Use? How Social Media Works For Us . . . . . 4

Campus News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Social Media: The Game Changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Faculty News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Online Learning Fitness Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

From Crisis to College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Is It Safe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FALL 2011


Social Media Goes To School By Carla Morris

“Do you see rainbows in space?” “Does your sense of smell change in space?” “Will you have problems with your muscles when you return to Earth?” Greenville Elementary School students asked these questions of astronaut Paolo Nespoli during his visit with them this past May. Nespoli responded to them, not from the school gymnasium where they assembled, but from the International Space Station as it orbited the earth.

“What do you do with your garbage?” “Does time feel different in space?” 2

FALL 2011


he sixteen fourth graders, all licensed ham radio operators, interviewed Nespoli with the help of their instructors and mentors from the Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC). Assistant Professor Deloy Cole ’84, director of the digital media program at Greenville College and department chair, helped to broadcast the conversation live on the Internet and alert others to the event by integrating a variety of social media tools, a skill he helps his digital media students master through class assignments and projects.

• OVARC embedded the video in its website and placed a link to the video in its e-newsletter. • Two other local amateur radio websites and Ham Radio Nation’s social networking website all placed links to the video on their sites. Cole is quick to point out that anyone with an Internet connection and a camera can broadcast live videos easily with Ustream. In fact, a video camera isn’t even necessary. An application that pairs a smartphone with an Internet connection can yield similar results. The user-friendliness of sites like Ustream has helped to drive social media’s explosive popularity. Simply put, today’s social media tools make it easy for us to connect with friends, family, and people with similar interests, like amateur radio. It’s so easy that “everybody’s doing it.” Consider this data from Erik Qualman’s book Socialnomics: • Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year.

Greenville Elementary School Ham Radio Club members are shown with their mentors from the Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club.

Because the space station continually moves around the earth, there was only a ten-minute window of opportunity for talk between Nespoli and the students. Cole successfully captured those ten minutes with a video camera. He streamed the live video feed from the camera through his computer to, a website that enables users to broadcast real time video. Cole’s live video made it possible for parents and grandparents to watch the children through their home computers. A chat feature on Ustream also enabled the remote viewers to talk with each other about the earth-to-space dialogue as it unfolded. “Hey, that’s my son!” “This is great.” “Thanks for doing this!” About 150 people watched the live video of students talking with Nespoli. Since then, the event has continued to find a growing audience online, both from persons who view Cole’s raw video and from those who view an edited version produced by OVARC member Mark Seale. • Cole and Seale placed videos of the event on their respective Facebook pages and invited their friends to view it. • Cole placed the video on YouTube.

Astronaut Paolo Nespoli

• If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s third largest. • Every minute YouTube users add 24 hours of video to the site. • YouTube is now the second largest search engine in the world. Socialnomics also tells us that 25% of search results for the World’s top 20 largest brands lead to user-generated content like blogs, videos, and consumer recommendations. Clearly, social media puts a new face on the way consumers make buying decisions and the way vendors must sell. Yesterday’s marketing lesson was that companies simply needed to use social media. Today’s marketing lesson is that effective communication integrates a variety of social media. “Frankly,” says Cole, “If you are a marketing person or in public relations and you don’t know how to use Facebook and Twitter, you’re just not going to make it.” Cole teaches a class called Digital Integration Experience that gives students practice in using social media to effectively communicate with a variety of audiences. “We put the students out on campus with an HD flip camera and have them each follow a group,” explains Cole. “It may be the volleyball team. It may be the choir. Somebody follows chapel. The students are required to build the online community for that group. They use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube videos and blogs.” In essence, the students serve as publicists for their assigned groups. Since the class began, Greenville College’s FALL 2011


posted videos on YouTube have grown from 20 to over 300. Cole points to the success of the College’s volleyball team in its use of social media. “They now have over 2,400 followers, over twice the size of our undergraduate population. Their coach, Tom Ackerman, is totally plugged in. They just got back from the Dominican Republic. Every single day they were blogging; they were taking pictures.” The impact? “Players are attending and participating at GC because of the team’s Facebook page,” says Cole. In a world where people increasingly rely on social media for information, those of us who provide information will find it necessary not only to integrate various social media, but also to discover and adopt emerging media technologies. In the case of the young ham radio operators at Greenville Elementary School, for example, we can be sure that they will someday recall the technology that brought their broadcast to a wider audience as cumbersome and old. They may joke about the sluggish rate at which the story spread and the few people who accessed it. For today though, they can log on to the Internet and replay the historic moment many times over to experience again the excitement of hearing Paolo Nespoli say, “I can hear you loud and clear.” Thanks to Deloy Cole and the work of OVARC members, we can hear him, too.

What’s the Use?

How Social Media Works For Us Dewayne Neeley ’98 turns to Twitter for up-to-the-minute information on world events. “On some levels,” he says, “Twitter is the best way to learn about very current events and also about what ‘real’ people are saying about what’s going on.” By joining various groups on LinkedIn, Patrick Provart ’91 connects with people who share his professional interests. He says, “LinkedIn allowed an unemployed friend of mine to connect through me to a recruiter seeking his skills, thus benefiting both.” Professor Brian Hartley ’79 blogged during his sabbatical to keep family, friends, alumni, and students informed of his activities. “It gave me a way of keeping in touch and responding to their questions and insights.” Check out blogs. to view blogs from GC students and athletes. Tracy Lee (Marrinan ’00) Sievers used Facebook to plan a family trip from her Montana home to Florida. By sharing with friends the planned date and place of each stop along the way, she received many invitations for overnight stays. “Seeing old college friends and meeting their families made it the best vacation ever.” Current student and digital media major Michael Trieb ’13 says, “YouTube is good for prospective students to see what kind of videos GC students are making.” Blakely Woessner ’11 describes watching video clips of last year’s Vespers services, “God moved so heavily during those Thursday night services and it blesses me so much to be able to revisit those moments.”

Deloy Cole, center, made it possible for parents of Greenville Elementary School students to watch from their home computers as their children made contact with the International Space Station.

Visit to hear the conversation between

Greenville Elementary School students and Paolo Nespoli. In addition to teaching digital media, Deloy Cole has served on

various mission trips with college students. “I strive to create

media that will encourage other people to become involved in missions as well.”


FALL 2011

Greenville College librarian Georgann Kurtz-Shaw ‘81 looks to Wikipedia for “quick answers, definitions, movie synopses, and sometimes for its bibliographies.” When it comes to research though, she tells students to verify the accuracy of its information, just as they should for other sources. Greenville College posts photos of college happenings on Flikr, including pictures of athletic events, AgapeFest, the All College Hike, commencement, and more. Jered Schneider ’10 uses Foursquare to tell his friends what he is up to. He likes the discounts businesses offer for frequent check-ins. Users can compete to receive free breadsticks at Pizza Hut and free coffee at Starbucks.


When Graduate Assistant Football Coach TJ Gaylord ’08 was recruited to play football at Greenville


College, the program’s website was static, offering only a game schedule, a roster, and a team picture. “I couldn’t find any information on what it would actually be like to play for Greenville,” he said.

ine seasons later, the website broadcasts dynamic content to a wide audience of recruits, players, parents, fans, and alumni. The site integrates original videos, a regularly updated blog, and other social media. “Now it is completely different,” Gaylord says, “We want people to know what is going on with the program at all times.” Just as the coaches spend time analyzing game footage and writing plays, they also implement a strategy for social media. Led by Head Coach Ordell Walker, they set specific objectives to guide their communications. Gaylord explains, “Our goal for each type of social media is to use it appropriately. These are different tools that require different strategies.” The focal point of the football team’s online presence is its blog,, which is updated regularly, even during the offseason. The blog’s title builds on the name of the team’s spiritual development program, Every Man a Panther (EMAP). Blog posts are promoted through Facebook and Twitter,

as are the videos that the coaches create and share on YouTube. During the season, fans can expect to see at least four videos each week: a highlight film from the previous week’s game, a player spotlight video, and mid-week and post-game interviews with Coach Walker. Twitter provides behind-thescene information about the program and allows coaches to deliver live scoring updates during games. When the team travels, the coaches check-in to the hotels, restaurants, and schools they visit on FourSquare, a smart phone application that allows users to indicate their current location. These efforts energize players and fans alike. Alumni continue to feel connected to the program after they leave Greenville. Parents who live out-of-state enjoy the regular updates, especially if they are unable to travel to see their sons play. Players thrive on the constant communication between coaches, players, and fans. The program has garnered national attention for its strategic use of social media from the premier news site for Division III football, Pat Coleman,

executive editor-in-chief, commended the football program for its skillful use of social media. Coleman said, “They have done the best of any Division III football team at publicizing themselves through social media, especially on Facebook and Twitter. I have been really impressed. The blog posts and videos that they’ve produced have been the biggest contributors to that. The videos are informative and clever. It’s basically great original content that connects the fan base to their football team.” Gaylord says, “Our content is good because we have a great group of guys who do the right thing and play good football. It’s easy to promote them.” At the start of the 2011 season, the sneak peek video that revealed the team’s new uniforms received over 2,000 views in just one week, doubling the program record for the number of views the Panthers have received for a single video. Following conference championship wins in 2009 and 2010, the Panthers are off to a great start this year both on the field and online. FALL 2011


An Easy ‘A’ and Other Myths About Online Learning By Vickie Cook

Ben is a college sophomore. He doesn’t remember a world where Google wasn’t a verb and Wikipedia wasn’t the first place to go for information. He texts his friends from a phone he bought on and instantly uploads photos for them to see on Facebook. He shops on eBay and Craigslist and, thanks to a slide show he saw on, knows how to identify poison sumac. He discovered Greenville College by clicking on a link. If he takes American History online this summer he can keep his job during the day and still hang out with friends at night . . . or can he?


t Greenville College, online learning keeps students like Ben engaged in the College while living at home during the summer, traveling abroad, and participating in service activities that take them away from the classroom. For our adult learners, like Ann, online courses provide access to Greenville College at times when jobs, families, and church and community commitments make it impossible for them to be in class at a set time. Myths about online learning abound, however. Ben and Ann need to know the facts before embracing or rejecting the online option. Let’s explore some of the more popular myths about online learning.


FALL 2011

Detours along life’s way prevented Ann from finishing her degree. With news that her employer will now help her pay for tuition, she has dusted off her dreams of returning to school. Online learning sounds convenient but lonely for this busy extravert who thrives on interaction. Ann loved the lively classroom discussions generated by her professors long ago and worries that, after a full day of work, she will not be motivated to simply read text off a computer screen.

Taking a class online is easier than taking the same class face-to-face. The truth is that online learners must be motivated and self-directed. They must be able to initiate communication in order to ask questions and receive clarification from their professors. Online learners must be able to read and write well to succeed in the online learning environment. Additionally, they must be very organized in their approach to completing coursework. Students like Ben and Ann should talk to an advisor to determine if online classes are appropriate for them. MYTH 1

MYTH 2 Students can complete their online classwork whenever they want to complete it. This myth

may be the basis for Ben’s decision to try an online class without planning time to do the work, but it will cause certain failure if he believes it. All Greenville College classes have a specific beginning and ending date. Assignments have clearly identified due dates. Students are required to make adequate progress throughout the course to earn a passing grade. MYTH 3 Online classes don’t have “real” professors. It is true that some colleges and universities offer many online classes that are taught by adjunct faculty who are not engaged in the “brick and mortar” institution. But, at Greenville College, this is a myth. Most of our online classes are taught by our full-time faculty or by our

faithful adjunct faculty who also teach face-to-face classes. Occasionally we seek distant experts to teach specialized courses. Some of them are Greenville College alumni, others have gone through the same rigorous hiring process that we use on campus when hiring adjunct faculty. MYTH 4 Students who take online classes are on their own; there is no one to support them. Greenville College has created an Online Learning Team that supports both faculty and students. Our instructional designer helps faculty determine how to appropriately present and effectively teach content. Our online program coordinator helps students with understanding how to best learn online. When a student experiences challenges in learning, the coordinator provides resources and suggestions to help the student succeed.

Students don’t get to know other students or their professors in online classes. As someone who values interaction, Ann will be glad to know that instructors of online classes use special technologies and strategies to engage learners. They consult with our Online Learning Team to determine the best way to build learning communities within each class. Some professors have noted that they come to know their students more deeply in their online classes than they do in their face-to-face classes. Building community is just as important in an online class as it is when students reach out to their friends on Facebook. And, just as they build relationships with others through social networks, they build relationships with professors and students online. Shy students often say that they actually get MYTH 5

to know their fellow students and faculty members more fully because they feel more comfortable participating in online discussions. MYTH 6 Subjects like faith and learning don’t work in an online format. At Greenville College, faculty work together with the Online Learning Team to plan ways to integrate faith into the learning process. Professors often pray with and for their students and often enter into thoughtful discussions about topics of faith and how it affects all aspects of life. MYTH 7 Online discussions are intimidating. Online classroom discussions often take the form of written comments posted to a discussion board. This allows both the professor and the student to think about a response in deeper ways prior to sharing thoughts. Often students who do not feel comfortable speaking up in class find that having additional time to think about a question or issue and craft a written response, improves their ability to participate in the discussion. In an online class, all voices are heard.

For online students, the “Greenville College experience” is just as much a reality as it is for students in face-toface classes. It is no myth that they find faculty who care for them, challenge their thinking, and help them to apply what they learn in life-changing ways. Regardless of physical location, the student remains at the center of the Greenville College experience. The essence of Greenville College remains a positive influence on generations of students.

Vickie Cook is the dean of the School of Education and director of Online Learning at Greenville College. “I love the service aspect of my job,” says Vickie. “Education, especially when provided from a Christian


Greenville College’s online program is two years old. Here’s a snapshot of the program’s growth.


Fall 2009 – 38 students Summer 2011 – 406 students


Fall 2009 – 12 Summer 2011 – 35 undergraduate and

23 graduate courses

3 CREDITS EARNED Fall 2009 – 98 credits

Summer 2011 – 2,814 credits

ADDITIONAL FACTS: Residence of online learners in 2011 – 31 states and

British Columbia The cost of an online learning software license – about

$80,000 annually

perspective, does truly change lives.” FALL 2011


From Crisis to College

Online Learning Fitness Guide By Rhonda Gregory

One woman makes online learning her first step to recovery “I graduated from high school almost 30 years ago, but since I grew up in a home where the word ‘college’ was never mentioned, I assumed college was for other people,” reflects Saundra Irish Hoover, a current student in Greenville College’s Organizational Leadership program. “The only option I thought I had was to get married,” she explains. And marry, she did. In 2003, however, Saundra found her life in a tailspin when her 24-year marriage unraveled. Years of dedication to the full-time parenting of two children left her on the threshold of divorce with a meager employment history. “The first thing you need to do,” her attorney advised, “is to go to school and get an education.” I wouldn’t even know how to walk through the front door of a college, Saundra thought. Thanks to online learning, Saundra found a welcome back door. “Thank God for the Internet,” she says. Saundra’s basic computer skills carried her through that first course, but it was not easy. All at once she had Saundra Irish to adjust to a new way of Hoover plans learning and the difficulty of on a May 2012 college material. “It felt like graduation. taking three classes instead of one,” she says, “But in the end, the result was worth it.” Today, Saundra talks with ease about discussion boards, peer reviews, and online learning communities. She upgraded her computer skills and eventually earned all of her general education credits online. Saundra is now halfway through the Organizational Leadership program and takes her classes online. “You have to like being on the computer and you have to be able to make yourself do it,” she advises. “You have to be very organized. You have to be able to turn off the TV, go in the other room, or go to the library. You have to be disciplined enough to say, ‘This comes first. No matter what else I have going, I have to do this.’” What pleasant surprises has Saundra encountered along the way? “My grades,” she exclaims. “I’m doing much better than I ever expected!”


FALL 2011


hether you are a fulltime student athlete on the road, a busy working adult, or a parent working within the home, online learning offers a convenient way to expand your education. If this is something you are considering for the first time, however, think carefully about the commitment it requires. Online courses will challenge you with a variety of independent and cooperative learning experiences, but don’t expect them to be easy. They are often more difficult than traditional classes, because they require greater self-discipline. As an online student, you can expect to devote about three hours of work per week per credit hour enrolled. The following questions can help you determine if online learning is right for you.

Do I look forward to learning technological skills that are new to me?

Do I have regular access to a computer with high-speed Internet connection?

Am I comfortable asking questions when I need clarification?

Am I comfortable with keyboarding? Do I regularly use email?

Do I know how to create, save, and organize files on my computer?

Am I familiar with using a web browser to find information?

Do I know how to download files from the Internet?

If I lose Internet access or have a computer problem, do I find a way to fix it? Do I have another computer available to me as a backup?

Am I able to check into my online class daily for information and announcements? Am I self-motivated and organized? Can I work independently?

Do I manage my time well? Am I able to communicate well with others in writing? Am I comfortable using reading and writing as my primary means of learning? Do I avoid procrastination when it comes to schoolwork and deadlines?

Am I able to dedicate six to nine hours per week to an online class? Am I comfortable sharing and discussing my ideas with classmates? Do I have a dedicated location where I can study regularly? If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you are a strong candidate for online learning!

GC’s Online Learning Program Coordinator Rhonda Gregory ’10 has

supported students in their learning since 2006. “Students are my focus

and my motivation. I love being able to help them reach their educational goals and dreams.”

facebook fascination


An Octogenarian’s Tale By Rich Stephens

ne day when I returned to my computer to read emails, I noticed something on the screen called Facebook. What is that? I had barely learned to negotiate emails, and here was something new – at least to me. This was a couple summers ago. My grandson was staying with me then, so I asked him, “Austin, what is Facebook?” He said, “Papa, it can be a good thing, and I put YOU on it today!” “Where did you get my picture?” I asked. “Oh, I found it in your computer.” “Oh,” I replied, “Wonder who put it in there, because I certainly didn’t.” I am on Facebook, I mused and wondered what that meant. So, now in my 80th year, what do I think of social media like Facebook? Is it a good thing? A bad thing? A so-so thing? Yes, to all of the above. It depends on what we do with it. Here is the problem with Facebook: like other modern social media, it is not easy to control. At times, it seems to have a mind of its own. Yet, when handled rightly, it can strengthen community. How I love it when I receive a Facebook message from my family or Greenville College alumni, or when I see how they have been in communication with others on Facebook. Facebook brings a smile to

me when I see alumni communicating with each other about their children. Facebook can help us connect and renew relationships, and I so enjoy reconnecting with alumni. Recently, I heard from the “Pranksters Six,” who rented academic regalia and joined the processional of faculty for convocation. Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn was our speaker that year, thanks to his connections with our own Ish Smith. Some of you will recall that these brave pranksters marched at the end of the procession and right up onto the platform. They invited us all to join them in singing the song of the morning – “Take Me Out To The Ballgame.” After leading us in song, they turned and welcomed Mr. Kuhn by presenting him with an old cast model of a human head from the art department. They announced that the college had commissioned it just for Mr. Kuhn. Yes, I heard from one of them via Facebook. I reminded him that some few weeks after the convocation service I had visited their house and complimented them on the prank. As I was leaving, I turned and said, “And, one more thing: You all will be paying for this prank for the rest of your lives, because I (and other presidents) will come calling for major gifts to

our beloved GC.” Perhaps it’s time for me to post a Facebook message that invites them back to campus as a group for a visit! I also love it when my grandson, Judson, and I talk with each other via Skype. Wow, to be able to see and hear him and, thereby, shrink the miles between us. Skype brings us together in “almost-being-reallypresent” ways, and my spirit is renewed during such times. While it cannot replace actual visits with each other, it is far less expensive than travel and helps keep Papa, grown children, and “grands” close. Modern social media will continue to change the way we communicate. No doubt Skype and Facebook will prove increasingly useful to the way GC connects with people in the future. While we must be on our guard against the downsides to social media, we dare not miss the opportunities these tools present for us to rekindle relationships and support each other. Let us use them to connect with family, build community, and reunite with long lost alumni and friends. Let us use them to help each other by communicating job opportunities and recommending churches. Let us use them to keep up with campus events, share the GC spirit, and support today’s students just as yesterday’s alumni supported us.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Rich Stephens ’53 served as Greenville College’s 8th president. During his administration the College installed its first institutional computer, which filled an entire classroom in the west end of lower Hogue Hall. The computer promised far more than it delivered according to Stephens, and yet would be no match today for a modest laptop that sells for $300. FALL 2011


Associate Dean Patrick Miller explains how a LinkedIn profile is just one tool on the career-networking site. LinkedIn also provides a way for job seekers to meet with hiring managers and join groups of professionals with similar interests.


FALL 2011

Networking Your Way To A New Job By Patrick Miller

At a recent gathering of career development professionals, six human resource directors for major St. Louis companies were asked about their use of social media in the hiring process. All six indicated that their hiring managers informally review applicants’ Facebook sites. Four indicated that LinkedIn is their preferred method to advertise positions and recruit candidates. Their responses indicate the degree to which businesses today use social media to make better-informed hiring decisions.


or as long as job seekers have sought personal interviews with potential employers, the adage “It’s not what you know, but who you know” has held true. Many of us look back on the jobs we have held throughout our working lives and see how the opportunities grew out of relationships. Job seekers today effectively use the relationships they maintain through social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, to network with potential employers, learn of anticipated openings, and enhance their cover letters and resumes. The job seeker’s goal remains the same, to secure a personal interview with an employer. The tools, however, have changed. Here are some tips for incorporating social media into your job search. First, take some time to review the public content you have already posted on social media sites. Is your LinkedIn profile complete

and current? Do you still have an outdated MySpace page? Do your Facebook pages accurately reflect the person you are inviting potential employers to get to know? You may choose to update the information on your public profiles, close them or make them private. Most people’s social media pages naturally highlight the casual, informal, friend-and-family parts of their lives. Take the time to complete the picture of who you are by including your professional life as well. Review your photos, likes, connections, and links from an employer’s perspective. Once you update your information, choose how you will use your social media sites. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. LinkedIn is the most appropriate way for a job seeker to network with hiring managers and employers via social media. Join the groups of professional organizations and

employers in your field. Browse the jobs recommended by LinkedIn that match your profile. Reach out to individuals who work at companies and organizations you would like to work for. Ask your connections to help you network. Contact a business’s human resource office and ask how the company uses LinkedIn in its hiring process. You may also include a link to your LinkedIn profile in your contact information on your cover letter and resume. Facebook is not geared toward job searches, though you may use Facebook to learn information about a company or organization through its page. Facebook is most useful for informally networking with your “friends” to learn about the organizations they work for, people they know, and opportunities they are aware of. Twitter’s greatest use to your job search lies in its ability to provide you with current job postings. FALL 2011


I use LinkedIn to stay connected with colleagues in the cyber security and energy industries in which I work. I have found it to be the best platform for maintaining industry relationships, understanding industry trends, recruiting, and staying connected with former colleagues. Building and maintaining a professional network should be an essential priority in any field of endeavor. Christopher Peters ’91, VP, Critical Infrastructure Protection

Search Twitter’s main page for employment opportunities and identify feeds that regularly post jobs that interest you. By following these feeds, you will receive tweets advertising the latest job opportunities.

Ten years ago, online job boards like allowed people to learn of job opportunities more easily. In the same way, social media sites today make it easier for job seekers and employers to get to know each other more quickly.

The most important thing to remember about the role of social media sites in the job search is this: They are tools to assist you in securing a personal interview.

A FEW OTHER TIPS FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH. • Google yourself to find out what information exists online

about you. If the information is inaccurate, contact the poster or use a service like to make changes. • Create an online portfolio that showcases your talents, skills and experience. Post documents, images and videos that show potential employers how you use the skills they seek. • Use the specific language and terms you find in a business’s job posting in your cover letter, resume and online application. Many businesses use keyword scanning software to prioritize applicants for review. If you fail to describe your work history and experience using their words, you may not make the cut, despite your qualifications.

Suggested Resources JobWeb is an online resource maintained by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. It provides a wide variety of articles related to job searches for recent college graduates. It also contains a job board and many examples of cover letters and resumes. It is located at

What Color is Your Parachute, by Richard Bolles, is a classic and frequently updated best selling guide to managing all aspects of a job search. Whether you are a recent graduate or making a midlife career change, this book will guide you through the process. It is available at most major bookstores. The official

web site for the book is The Job Hunting Handbook, by Harry Dahlstrom, is a short, helpful guide to the job search. It will walk you through a search from start to finish with practical guides and tips throughout. It is available at or for free with a visit to the Greenville College Office of Leadership and Life Calling. Visit the Greenville College Office of Leadership and Life Calling website at www. for a variety of job search resources and opportunities. Its newest addition, a job board called LinkUp, automatically pulls employment opportunities from companies’ websites.

Associate Dean for Leadership & Life Calling Patrick Miller ’99 received his master’s degree in higher

education from Geneva College. He is pursuing a master of divinity degree at George Fox University. “I love

that everyday I get to help students see and live the unique lives of leadership that God is calling them to live.”


FALL 2011

Is It Safe? WHAT POSES THE GREATEST SECURITY THREAT ONLINE? “Malware,” says Younker. You can download malicious computer programs unknowingly when you download other files and programs from the Internet, especially from unreliable sources. This “malware” can collect information about the web sites you visit, track keystrokes to capture passwords, or inhibit the regular functions of your computer. Be sure to use anti-malware programs and schedule regular scans to ensure your computer is clean.

IS MY PASSWORD STRONG ENOUGH? Passwords are the locks and keys that protect your online security. Although it may be easier to remember just one password for all your accounts, instead keep at least three or four different passwords. Strong passwords employ a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces whenever possible. Password strength also increases with the number of characters used. Try not to use actual words, because these kinds of passwords are more susceptible to dictionary attacks. Instead, use a phrase that includes spaces between words and punctuation, such as “Sieze_the_day!” Or, take letters and numbers from a favorite song lyric. For example, a strong password derived from “Take Me Out to the Ballgame!” could be “Tmo2tb!” This combination of letters, numbers, and punctuation seems random, yet it is easy to recall.

HOW CAN I AVOID GETTING HOOKED BY A PHISHING SCAM? Phishing is a type of scam that targets your personal information. Scammers use bait to lure you into providing information like usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers. For example, if a phishing scam

“The Internet is the Wild, Wild, West – full of both opportunity and risk,” says Assistant Director of Information Technology Rick Murphy. He and Director of Information Technology Paul Younker answered our questions about how to make smart decisions in the untamed territories of this online frontier. has compromised your friend’s email account, then you might receive an email from a scammer in the guise of your friend describing a personal crisis and asking for immediate financial assistance. Other phishing attempts may take the form of an email from an unknown financial institution urging you to take immediate action to avoid fees or protect your credit score, or a link to a website that looks legitimate, but asks for sensitive information. To avoid being caught in the nefarious nets of a phishing scheme, Younker suggests listening to your intuition. “If something doesn’t feel right,” he says, “it probably poses a real threat to your Internet security.” If the email is from a friend, study it for aberrations in word choice or grammar. Does it sound like your friend? Confirm the request through a personal phone call. If the request is from an institution, remember that legitimate businesses and organizations never ask for sensitive information through email or websites, especially in unsolicited messages or pop-ups.

WHAT PERSONAL INFORMATION CAN I SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES? Only provide personal information that you are comfortable sharing publicly. You can adjust privacy settings to determine what information is displayed on your public profile. You can hide details that you are required to provide in order to create an account. Rick Murphy recommends reviewing the information on your profiles frequently, because privacy settings for social media sites can change without warning. Also, think twice about the content of your posts. For example, do not post specific details about vacations or business trips if you are not selective about your Facebook friends or Twitter followers. This could leave your home vulnerable to invasion and theft. When creating passwords for your accounts, do not draw from content you have posted in your profile. If your dog’s name, your wife’s maiden name, or your anniversary date can be found on your profile, posts, or comments, do not use these details in your password.

WHEN IS IT SAFE TO MAKE PURCHASES ONLINE? First evaluate whether a website represents a reputable business or seller. If the company is well-known or if you have an established business relationship with the seller, then you can feel comfortable making purchases through their website. Before you enter your credit card information, check the site’s security. Look to the URL in your web browser; if it begins with “https,” then it is probably a secure site. A locked padlock in the bottom right corner of the browser also indicates that a site is secure. You can limit risks by using PayPal or a dedicated credit card for Internet purchases. Also, do not make online transactions using the public Internet offered at coffee shops or other public spaces. If your home uses a Wi-Fi network, ensure that it is password-protected. FALL 2011


Homecoming Highlights SOMETHING NEW Back to School

On Friday, you can take a seat with today’s students to hear lectures, join in discussions, and learn something new! This back to school opportunity makes select classes open for alumni participation.

2011 Homecoming Schedule FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 9:30 am

Homecoming Chapel Whitlock Music Center

10:30 am

Back to School for Alumni Various classroom locations

4 pm

School Spirit Parade

Tap your feet to GC’s pep band as you lunch with family and friends under tents set up at the John M. Strahl Athletic Complex. After the meal, stay to watch Panther football and soccer teams compete, or return to campus via one of the shuttles that will be available throughout the day.

7 pm

Women’s Volleyball v. MacMurray H.J. Long Gymnasium

7 pm

Alumni Open House All alumni are welcome to come visit with friends at the Watson & Bonnie Tidball Alumni House & Welcome Center, 402 E. College Ave.

Take a Field Trip

7:30 pm

Choir Concert Whitlock Music Center

Saturday Tailgate Luncheon

What blends beauty with energy efficiency and showcases innovative recycling like the reuse of old bleachers from H.J. Long Gymnasium? It’s the White Environmental Education Center just minutes north of town. You won’t want to miss this open house on Saturday afternoon between 2 and 4 pm.


Continental Breakfast, Panther 5K, Children’s Fun Run Hogue Hall lawn

7-7:45 am

Panther 5K Road Race Registration

8 am

Panther 5K Road Race*

8:40 am

Children’s Fun Run Scott Field

9 am

Men’s Alumni Soccer Game Soccer Field

Cheer on students, alumni, faculty, and staff as they race through the streets of Greenville in a show of athletic prowess. The Greenville College mascot and cheerleading squad will cheer on young runners (children 10 years and younger) during the Children’s Fun Run. All alumni are welcome to join us on Hogue Hall lawn for a complimentary continental breakfast.

9 am

Women’s Alumni Volleyball Game H.J. Long Gymnasium

9 am

Greenville College Choir 85th Anniversary Reunion Whitlock Music Center

11 am

Women’s Alumni Basketball Game H.J. Long Gymnasium

Alumni Dinner

11 am

Women’s Alumni Soccer Game Soccer Field

11:30 am

Class Reunion Luncheons – Classes of 1961, 1971, 1986, 2001 and 2006-2011 Strahl Athletic Complex

12 noon

Tailgate Luncheon* Strahl Athletic Complex

1 pm

Women’s Soccer v. MacMurray Soccer Field

1 pm

Football v. MacMurray Football Field

3 pm

Men’s Soccer v. MacMurray Soccer Field

5-7 pm

Alumni Dinner* Armington Center

7 pm

Men’s Alumni Basketball Game H.J. Long Gymnasium

8 pm

Informal Gatherings – Classes of ’61, ’71, ’86, ’01, and ’06-’11 Various locations


Help us revive this tradition! Don your orange and black on Friday afternoon to applaud the Panther marching band, athletes, alumni honorees and a host of other groups that will step off at 4 pm for a school spirit parade.

Homecoming Breakfast and Panther 5K

Join us as we honor three very special recipients of this year’s alumni awards, recognize reunion classes, and induct members of the 50th Class Reunion into the Wilson T. Hogue Society. Childcare is available.

SING, SING, SING! Greenville College Choir 85th Anniversary Reunion

If choir was a part of your Greenville College experience, come out to enjoy great fellowship, refreshments, and singing on Saturday at 9 am. The 85th Anniversary Reunion Choir will bring together choir alumni and select members of the current GC Choir to sing at the Alumni Dinner on Saturday evening and for morning worship at the Greenville Free Methodist Church on Sunday, October 16.

10 am-Noon Greenville College Summer Research Experience Snyder Hall-Room 103

* Tickets required


FALL 2011

Meet Our New Staff At Homecoming The newest members of Greenville College’s advancement office and alumni relations team are not new to Greenville College. As alumni, they are honored to take part in bringing you Homecoming 2011.


For more than six years, Tim and his wife, Rachel (Krober ’04), have lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area where Tim worked with Fidelity Investments serving the Private Client Group in estate, tax and financial planning. He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and holds a master’s degree in finance from the University of North Texas. Tim will work with donors at leadership levels, consulting with them about how to maximize their philanthropic ambitions within their overall financial plans. Tim and Rachel have a two-year-old daughter, Brooke, and are expecting their second child in January. “It is great to again be a member of the Greenville College community!” says Tim. “I look forward to working with our generous alumni base in furthering the mission and ministry of Greenville College.”

Kaity (Chapman ’10) Teer, STAFF WRITING SPECIALIST

Kaity graduated summa cum laude with degrees in English and social work. She received the President’s Citation, the Enoch E. Holtwick Literary Award, and the Elva McAllaster Senior Citation for Outstanding Achievement within the English Major. Before joining the advancement and alumni team, she secured a grant for and directed a pilot summer reading program at The Simple Room, a local non-profit for youth. Kaity is married to Austin Teer ’11, a programmer in the IT department. “I have a profound respect for the written word,” she says, “and it is a privilege to write about a place and people that are so meaningful to me.”


Carla comes to Greenville College from the greater Chicago area where she authored marketing and training materials for sales professionals and helped to produce online learning for businesses like Time Warner Cable, Andersen Windows, and Graybar. She holds a master’s degree in education from Oregon State University and is married to Charles Morris ’77. They are the parents of three grown children including two Greenville College graduates. “Greenville College has always been the backdrop for great stories, many that involve growth, faith, and life-changing relationships,” says Carla. “I’m happy to help others discover those stories.” FALL 2011




Read the full stories at

Over $17,000 Raised To Assist StudentAthletes

Twenty-Three Spring Student-Athletes Named Academic All-SLIAC Twenty-three Greenville College student-athletes were named to the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SLIAC) All-Academic Team. The recipients were varsity members of Greenville’s baseball, softball, men’s tennis, women’s tennis, men’s track and field, and women’s track and field squads for the Spring 2011 season. Selection criteria for this distinction include a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average. Six of the students recognized were also recipients of the honor this past fall or winter. They are Cole Prins, Ethan Ford, Evan Teiwes, Michelle Sutton, Ross Baker, and Trevor Thompson.

Michelle Sutton ’10 and 22 other GC athletes were named to the SLIAC All-Academic Team.

Kids on Campus Greenville College hosted hundreds of grade school, middle school and high school students for athletic and music camps this summer. The young campers brought energy and excitement to football and soccer fields, basketball and volleyball courts, and Whitlock Music Center. More than 200 young participants in the Panther Basketball Academy joined GC coaches, studentcoaches, and camp volunteers in praise and worship each night, an experience that sets the basketball camp apart from other camps in the area. Also, drum majors, choral students, and garage band musicians performed for a standing-room only crowd of family and friends at the conclusion of Greenville College’s first ever music camp.

Nearly 100 golfers and over 65 sponsors took part in the 17th Annual Panther Pride Golf Scramble on June 10. Together, they set an all-time scramble fundraising record by bringing in over $17,000. All of the funds raised at the event directly benefit about 350 Greenville College student-athletes. As NCAA Division III competitors, these students do not receive athletic financial aid or athletic scholarships.

China Program Moving Ahead David Yan joins the student development team at Greenville College as Director of Intensive English Learning Student Services. He will establish and develop a program to help Chinese students improve their English, become familiar with the U.S. culture, and succeed academically. “David is passionate about campus ministry,” says Vice President and Dean of Students Norm Hall. “He has been associated with three universities in the Indianapolis area – University of Indianapolis, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and Butler University. He also assisted in developing a focused international ministry


FALL 2011

between First Chinese Free Methodist Church and the University of Indianapolis. As a member of that church, he led campus ministries, served as youth group leader, and served on the church’s board of administration. He hopes to use his gifts, skills and experience to promote Christ on campus as he serves at Greenville College.” David received his bachelor’s degree from The University of Indianapolis, studying at its campuses both in the US and Athens, Greece. He also received a master’s degree from Indiana University’s School of Informatics – Media Arts and Science.


Faculty News In his new book, Artist Scholar, to be published this month, author Jim Daichendt discusses the art of Jacob Amundson, Greenville College instructor of art and digital media. Professor of Digital Media Jessa Wilcoxen coordinated portfolio review sessions in which 50 professional designers reviewed 130 senior students’ portfolios at the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Student Conference at Maryville University in St. Louis. Jessa also was elected the AIGA St. Louis Education Chair. AIGA is a professional design organization. Assistant

Jessa Wilcoxen and Greenville College students at the AIGA Student Conference that Wilcoxen helped to produce.

Professor of Art Sharon Grimes presented a paper in March at a conference for the Mid-American College Art Association in St. Louis.

Professor Ivan Filby

Professor of Management Ivan Filby was commended for outstanding service as a reviewer for the 2011 Academy of International Business Annual Conference held this past June in Nagoya, Japan. Associate Professor of Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice Greg Pennington received his Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision from Regent University, Virginia. His dissertation was entitled, “The Convergent

Validity of Four Measures of Faith Development.” Professor of Sociology Greg Sanders chaired a session and presented a paper on “Politics, American Values, and Civility” at the Illinois Sociological Association’s annual meeting. Two familiar faces have recently been named deans at Greenville College. Brian Reinhard has been named assistant dean of the School of Education. He received his Ph.D. in higher education from St. Louis University and most recently served at Greenville College as an assistant professor of Spanish and head softball coach. Reinhard’s experience includes over 12 years of teaching and coaching at Greenville College and 14 years of teaching in public schools. Associate Professor of English S. Bradley Shaw has been named Greenville College’s new dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. Shaw previously chaired the English department and directed the general education and honors programs. Twice named a Fulbright Scholar, Shaw has also lectured throughout Europe. He currently serves as the humanities editor for the journal Christian Scholar’s Review and is editing a special edition of that journal on “Faith and Film.” He has lectured dozens of times at conferences and other colleges and universities. Biology instructor Bob Rinella conducted wetland and endangered species surveys for the FutureGen project, the world’s first near-zero emissions, coal-fueled power plant. The project is headed by the US Department of Energy and an alliance of US and foreign governments and private corporations. Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion Kent Dunnington examines the nature of addiction in his book Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice, which was published in July as part of InterVarsity Press’s Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology series. Dunnington draws on the work of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas to present an alternative to the dominant models for understanding addiction. The book has received excellent editorial reviews. Stanley Hauerwas of the Duke Divinity School commended it, saying, “Few are able to combine philosophical analysis with theological insight, but Dunnington has done it in a manner that helps us better understand the nature of addiction and why it is so prevalent in our time . . . I suspect in a short amount of time, this book will be viewed as something of a classic in the field.” FALL 2011



Alumni News What’s New With You? Submit your information online at

40s Melvin Schaper ’45 thanks the Greenville College community for prayers in the loss of his wife, Carol Joy (Firkins) Schaper. Carol died last November, the day after their 62nd wedding anniversary. Melvin and Carol served together as missionaries in Grenada and founded the St. John’s Christian Secondary School. Melvin returned to Grenada for several months earlier this year to enjoy the tropical weather. He writes, “God has certainly been good to me in recuperating and readjusting.” Marietta J. Kaiser ’48 continues to enjoy her life in Greenville, SC, where she has lived for over 36 years. She regularly sees her six children who live close by. “Wish I could see all of the class of ’48,” she writes. 28 Meredith Ln, Greenville, SC 29607.

60s Jacqueline Kelsey ’63 recently published an inspirational book entitled Beneath the Tall Black Door: Four Seasons on River Street. Its true stories reveal how the healing touch of nature has helped people discover joy in grief, balance work with leisure, say “no” to negative influences, have faith to heal, and confirm intuitive leads for career change. To learn more, go to To correspond with Jacqueline or share your own nature experiences, send an email to Rev. Lael Dixon ’63 retired after many years of service as a chaplain to the Provena United Samaritans Medical Center and the Illiana VA Medical Center. Lael received the Free Methodist Chaplain Service Medallion for his outstanding, exemplary, and faithful service to VA staff, wounded warriors, patients suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse recovery veterans and their families, and chapel volunteers and their congregations. Only 10 chaplains in the past 30 years have received this award.


FALL 2011

Mel Starr ’64 will have a book released in the UK this October and in the US next February. Unhallowed Ground, a medieval mystery, is the fourth chronicle of Hugh de Singleton, surgeon. To learn more, go to www. 5490 Phiant St, Schoolcraft, MI 49087. Dwight Samuelson ’65 retired this past July after working for 45 years as a sales professional in the printing industry. 1007 Brookfield Rd, Rockford, IL 61107. Rev. George F. Adam Sr. ’69 retired from 33 years of active, full-time ministry that included nine years in the Free Methodist Church and 24 years in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. 1191 Homestead Dr, Findley, OH 45840.

70s Robert E. Hall ’71 retired after teaching 39 years. For the last 25 years, Robert taught at Cabarrus County School in Concord, NC. He will continue to teach part time at Montreat College and hopes to spend more time with his three grandchildren. Carl Aten ’72 retired after 22 years of service as the park manager at Red Hills State Park. Under Aten’s leadership, the park underwent various improvements that include the renovation of the Trace Inn, accommodations for horse shows, a renovated arena, horse camping area, riding and walking trails, bridge repairs and campground renovations. “I treasure the untold number of friendships that have developed over these years,” said Aten. Brenda (Vaughn ’78) Boyd retired in May after 33 years teaching in the primary grades at Easton, Winchester, and South Jacksonville schools, all in Illinois. Brenda looks forward to spending more time with family, traveling, singing, working in her garden, participating in church activities, and working at Boyd Music Store, a family owned and operated business. “Thank you, G.C., for providing a great education in my field,” writes Brenda. “I loved teaching children and enjoyed sharing

my knowledge with many local college students throughout the years.” 5 Millwood Manor, Jacksonville, IL 62650-6442. Julia Lawrence ’79 works for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Office of Legal Services. She formerly worked for nearly seven years at the Office of the Attorney General Workers’ Compensation Bureau. She is glad for the opportunity to assist in protecting Illinois’ natural resources. 72 Brookside Place, Springfield, IL 62704. Mary Cunningham ’79 was ordained Elder in Full Connection in the United Methodist Church. She is currently beginning her second year serving as pastor of the Virden First and Girard United Methodist Churches. 211 South Church Street, Virden, IL 62690. mary_

80s Mary “Moe” Livingston ’82 retired after teaching 28 years for the Arlington Independent School District, Arlington, TX. Phillip A. Dean, M.D. ’83 practices colorectal surgery in Saginaw, MI, and is CEO of an outpatient endoscopy clinic. David Young ’87, senior scientist at the National Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL), partnered with two others to develop a solar cell device that R&D Magazine named one of its top 100 inventions of the year. An independent judging panel and the editors of R&D Magazine select winners of the R&D 100 Awards. R&D Magazine serves research scientists, engineers, and other technical staff members at high tech industrial companies and public and private laboratories around the world.

90s Dianah Kuhl-Troemel ’94 will relocate to Greenville, IL with her husband, Ted, and children, Nate Troemel and Trey Kuhl. Ted has retired from the army after 22 years of service. During their years at Fort Irwin, CA, Dianah provided massage therapy to military personnel and their families. She also worked with professional athletes. She hopes to continue practicing massage therapy in Bond County. To keep up to date on Dianah’s relocation, visit 410 E Winter Ave, Greenville, IL 62246.

the reason they come to school. Joseph was also recently awarded a scholarship to pursue a doctorate degree in education at Taft University. 2159 Burberry Way, Sacramento, CA, 95835. Steve Moore ’02 accepted a position as the assistant women’s soccer coach at the University of Central Arkansas (NCAA Division I) in Conway, AR. Steve formerly served as head women’s soccer coach at Bethany College (NAIA) in Lindsborg, KS. Steve has relocated to Conway along with his wife, Ali, and daughter, Madelyn. 13B Sherry Dr, Conway, AR 72032.

David ’98 and Natalie Thompson, a son, William Rock Thompson, born June 12, 2011. Rock joins his brother, Shepherd, who is 20 months old. David is the regional director of development at Duke Law School, and Natalie is CEO of Saltar Consulting LLC,

Melissa (Boyce ’04) married Shawn Willis on February 16, 2008, in Sparta, IL. The couple moved to Ackley, IA, in January 2011 when Shawn accepted the call to pastor Faith PCA Church and West Friesland PCA Church of Ackley. 12341 110th St, Ackley, IA 50601.

John Massena ’99 completed a master’s in theology degree with honors at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis. His thesis was titled, “The Curious Case of Isaac, Son of Abraham: An Examination Into the Passivity of a Patriarch.” John’s wife, Mary (Rittenger ’01), LCSW, gave the commencement address for the 2011 graduating class at the Saint Louis University School of Social Work.

Jennifer (Alig ’04) Hanon serves as the associate director of international admissions at Concordia University in Wisconsin. She writes, “I value my experience at GC!”

Jason ’99 and Joy (Bates ’00) Palmer have lived in Shelbyville, IL for 11 years. Jason teaches 8th grade history and coaches cross-country and track at Moulton Middle School. Jason also serves as youth pastor at the Shelbyville First United Methodist Church. 518 N Walnut, Shelbyville, IL 62565 jppalmer1@

Marcy (Dowdy ’00) Nicoson is a social worker for the Rantoul City School District. P.O. Box 238, Fithian, IL 61844.

Josh Stillwell ’05 graduated in May from Washington University in St. Louis with a master’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in business administration. John and his wife, Michelle, will relocate to St. Paul, MN. 7355 Lindell Ave, St. Louis, MO 63130.

Tracy Lee (Marrinan ’00) and Timothy Sievers ’00, a son, Asher Declan, born February 7. Asher joins his big sisters, Ainsley Hayes and Arabella Joy. 99 Vista Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901.

Melissa (Kuelker ’06) Holt gave birth to a son, Christian, in March. Christian joins his brother, Christopher, age four, and sister, Christine, age 21 months. Melissa’s husband, James, is in the Army Reserves, and Melissa works at Walmart. 119 South Elm St, Greenville, IL 62246.

Joseph Clark ’01 was named instructor of the year at the 3rd Annual California Voices Film Premiere. He is a regional occupational program instructor for the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and works with at-risk students in grades 9-12. His multimedia sound engineering class gives students handson experiences in recording, synchronizing, mixing and reproducing music, voices and sound effects. Many students say this class is

Jonathan Miller ’02 graduated from Harvard Law School in May 2011 and will work as a law clerk for Judge William Ray Price of the Missouri Supreme Court beginning in August. 416A E State St, Jefferson City, MO.

Jenna (James ’08) Battleson works as an early education program aid at Greenville Elementary School. She and her husband, Keith, are expecting the birth of their first child, a son, in September. Kevin ’08 and Katelyn (Wolfe ’08) Kirchner, a son, Ezekiel Temias, born April 17, 2011. Katelyn writes, “We are so happy and blessed to have our first child!” Garrett Stephens ’08 attends graduate school at Colorado State University. 3500 Rolling Green Dr, L-47, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Angela (Gunther ’09) married Blake Ferando on May 28, 2011. Angela works as a staff accountant at the Illinois District Council in Carlinville, IL. 131 Dorset Court Apartment #18, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Carrie Crumrin ’09 served as a missionary with the Evangelical Free Church of America’s Crisis Response in New Orleans for one year. She will return for a second year. Kayla (Miller ’09) married Zack Zobrist. 3901 Battleground Ave, Apt 44, Greensboro, NC 27410. Micah ’10 and Stephanie (Houser ’10) Chapman, a son, Nolan Johnathan, on March 3. Micah works for Roberts Wesleyan College as sports information director. He will complete his master’s in sport management from West Virginia University in August. 12 Comhill Terrace, Apt 1, Rochester, NY 14608, Joel ’10 married Kimberly (Reddell ’10) Robinson on June 4, 2011, in Mesa, AZ. 4050 E Cactus Rd, Unit 207, Phoenix, AZ 85032. Matthew ’11 and Stephanie (Hoffman ’11) Ellis were married in Columbia, IL, on June 11. 3542 Reichert Ln, Columbia, IL 62236. FALL 2011




Erick ’04 and Bekki (Juenger ’03) Ewaskowitz married in 2004. They have two children, fouryear-old Noah and two-year-old William. Erik is the lead pastor at Resolution Church, a church plant in Oswego, IL. 5313 Rt 34, Oswego, IL 60543.

Dane ’07 and Mallory (Lamb ’07) Sample, a son, Reed Allen Sample, born December 2, 2010. 5609 Devonshire, St. Louis, MO 63109.


In Memory Rachel (Ulrich ’40) Lingren Thiessen died on June 8 in Mission Viejo, CA. She was 93. Rachel was a retired Los Angeles Unified School District elementary school teacher. During her Greenville College years she helped to organize a round robin letter-writing group whose members stayed in touch through correspondence for 67 years. Rachel was a strong believer in Jesus and set a godly example for all who were touched by her grace. In her later years, she enjoyed reading and conversing with neighbors and friends. Ray Heisey ’54 died May 20 at age 79. Professor Emeritus and Director Emeritus of Communication Studies at Kent State University, Ray was recognized as one of the major intellectual contributors to the area of intercultural communication. Many of the research and teaching assignments initiated during his tenure at Kent State brought colleagues and students together in collaboration with scholars and students from the Far East, Middle East, Europe, and North America. Ray was a prolific author and editor whose publications encompassed cultural diversity and various topics in communication, genealogy, and history. He traveled extensively and filled several international teaching and administrative posts. Ray received an honorary professorship from Beijing University of Self-Study for his work in international communication and was awarded the Kent State University President’s Medal for 30 years of outstanding service.

Letters to the Editor

David W. Schroer ’70, age 61, a longtime resident of Wheaton, IL, died on June 14 at home. David worked for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois in Chicago as a counselor. He was a member of Evangel Baptist Church in Wheaton and loved working with children and families. He also found joy being outside in God’s creation of rocks, trees and water. David is survived by his wife, Carole (Whitaker ’70) Schroer. Rev. Thomas F. Brown ’71 died on October 21, 2010, after a battle with brain cancer. Tom pastored churches in the Wabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church for 33 years. He also served as a hospice chaplain. Tom had a pastor’s heart. He loved sharing Jesus and studying God’s Word. He and his college sweetheart, Diana (Mathews ’71) Brown would have been married 40 years last December. Linda R. (Schroeder ’72) Laumann, age 61, died on July 13. Linda completed a master’s degree in education from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and taught for more than 30 years, mostly in Milton, WI schools. She also served as advisor for the high school law club, which placed first in many competitions under her leadership. She started the girls basketball program at the high school and served as its coach. She enjoyed exercise and running in 5K and 10K races. Her faith in Jesus was paramount in her life. Barbara (Finger ’76) Cranston, age 56, died on May 31. Barbara graduated with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, cum laude, and later completed a master’s degree in education at the University of Illinois. She and her husband, Dr. Robert E. Cranston ’77, were married almost 34 years. For the last 15 years, Barbara taught

I like the theme of the latest issue of The RECORD and found the articles to be both interesting and thought provoking. I particularly like the announcement that The RECORD will be issued four times per year. Good job. Keep it up. —Larry Sayler, Associate Professor of Management, Greenville College I confess, usually The RECORD is a quick browse for me. Your Summer 2011 issue, however, was anything but. The KJV cover stories and graphics combined to make a compelling read, one I took time to savor. It was well-paced, even fun at times, and a great way to showcase the knowledge of both present and former professors. Kudos! —Marcia Gruver Doyle, Editorial Director, Construction Division Randall-Reilly Received The RECORD. The articles were very scholarly and nice but I sure would have liked further articles about the college itself. —Tracy Lee Sievers ’00


FALL 2011

physical education, Spanish and kindergarten at Judah Christian school in Champaign. She served on the worship committee and as church pianist in the Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church. She enjoyed gardening, going for walks, playing the piano, and singing. John M. Thomas, former pipe organ instructor at Greenville College, died at age 81 on June 2. In addition to teaching organ, John taught strings and directed the girls’ glee club. Alumni may remember him accompanying the combined college and community chorus for performances of Handel’s Messiah. He was certified by the American Guild of Organists, completed his undergraduate work at Southwestern College in Kansas, and completed a graduate degree at Wichita State University. He also studied at the University of Illinois and Washington University. John was professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point where he taught for 37 years. Guy Chase, former professor at Greenville College, died at age 56 on August 18 after valiantly battling cancer. He taught art history and served as department chair and coordinator of the two-dimensional art program. He also designed Greenville College’s computer and graphic design curriculum and later helped to set up a similar program at Bethel College, his alma mater.

Thank you for another outstanding issue of The RECORD! The KJV theme and articles were thought provoking and witty. The design and layout were professional looking and attractive. —Jeff Wilson, Professor of Music, Greenville College As an alumnus of Greenville College I regularly read The RECORD with appreciation. However the issue I have just received compels me to write with great gratitude and commendation. [The] opening letter not only conveys a great respect for the King James Version of the Bible but also a high view of Scripture. As one who also holds a high view of Scripture I am filled with joy and gratitude to see this message. —Daniel H. Smith, Chancellor, Emmaus Bible College

In the Dominican Republic, GC’s volleyball team led a volleyball clinic for children in Santiago and served a local church with cleaning, painting, planting trees and landscaping.

Your click improves their serve. When you click on “Give to GC,” you help students integrate their classroom learning with acts of service. Last year, GC’s women’s soccer team helped to clean up a St. Louis neighborhood in the aftermath of a tornado, pre-dental students provided treatment to needy children, and accounting students helped low-income families prepare and file tax returns. You can give to The Fund For Educational Excellence online or by calling 618-664-6508. FALL 2011






Shown here at their 50th class reunion in 1990, these classmates also celebrated half a century of social networking.


Read the full story on the inside front cover

October 14-15, 2011

Pre-register by October 1 to ensure speedy registration. 22

FALL 2011

Look inside for Homecoming 2011 preview.

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