The RECORD, Summer 2020

Page 10

Technology, worship arts, and hanging out with excellence By Carla Morris

“I think they would’ve succeeded no matter where they were,” he says of his classmates.



Since his arrival at Peoples Church, Jordan has designed a new portion of its audio system and addressed the challenge of integrating new and old components. The church’s auditorium seats 2,000 and often accommodates concerts and theatrical productions in addition to worship. Jordan

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Jordan’s appreciation for excellent working relationships began long before Peoples Church entered his life. Those seeds were planted at GU when he learned and worked alongside others who also loved what they did and loved doing it well.

He’s right. Graduates of GU’s Music Industry Studies and Worship Arts programs consistently and quickly find work in their fields. Jordan landed his job with People’s Church last fall, before formally completing his studies at GU in January. He made at least half a dozen trips to Fresno by air that semester, juggling job responsibilities with coursework.

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Passionate, hard-working, excellent at what they do, good people to be around—Jordan James ’20 values his colleagues who assist with worship arts at Peoples Church in Fresno, California. Each week Jordan, audio director at the megachurch, and his crew apply their expertise in technology, music, and lighting to serve about 4,000 attendees.

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