CRRS New Acquisitions – January 2018 Title: Biblia, dat is: de gantsche H. Schrifture : vervattende alle de Canonyke Boecken des Oudē en des Nieuwen Testaments Author: door last der Hoogh Mogende heeren Staten Generael vande Vereenigde Nederl. en volgens 't Besluÿt vande Synode Nationael, gehouden tot Dordrecht, inde Iaren 1618. ende 1619 ; uyt de oorspronckelycke talen in onse nederlandsche tale getrouwelyck over-geset ; ende vande druck fouten en nus-stellingen, die in den eersten druk gevonden worden (door gemeene ordre der Nederlandsche Kercken) verbetert. Call Number: BS224 1657 ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: Dutch / Nederlands Description: Victoria University Library copy bound mid-18th-century Scottish black morocco, double gilt fillets within a hound's tooth border, with large ornamental corner pieces built up from small tools, spine gilt in compartments, gilt edges. Victoria University Library also copy has inscription on fly-leaf "Mr. Alexr Kennedy Minis. of Paisley to Mr. Stephen Gavin Mercht. Dalkeith, 18th may 1760'. As well, Victoria University Library copy lacks Apocrypha. Title: Écrire la bible en français au moyen âge et à la renaissance Author: sous la direction de Véronique Ferrer et Jean-René Valette Call Number: BS447.5 .F8 E34 2017 ISBN: 9782600047708 Language: French / Français Title: Netherlandish sculpture of the 16th century : Zestiende-eeuwse beeldhouwkunst uit de Nederlanden Author: editors, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Frits Scholten, Joanna Woodall. Call Number: NB635 .N48 2017 ISBN: 9789004360730 Description: "One of the principal arts in the Low Countries during the 16th century, sculpture was an important vehicle for supporting the social, religious and political interests of the church, the court, the cities and the nobility. The period saw the transition from an exuberant Gothic to a classicizing Renaissance style, a transformation in which sculpture assumed a leading role. In addition, statues were central to the cult of saints and commonly triggered iconophobia, which flared so spectacularly in the Beeldenstorm of 1566 and later riots. The essays in this volume cover a wide range of sculptural forms in the Low Countries, such as choir stalls, sacrament houses, carved altarpieces, funerary monuments, mantelpieces and small-scale cabinet sculptures. Issues of function, meaning, patronage and reception are central to these contributions, offering the most complete and accurate overview of the subject to date." Title: C. Crispi Sallvstii de conivratione Catilinae historia : Eiusdem de bello Iugurthino. Portij Latronis declamatio contra L. Catilinam. M.T. Ciceronis orationes quatuor in L. Catilinam. C. Crispi Sallustii in M.T. Ciceronem inuectiua. M.T. Ciceronis responsio. Fragmenta quædam ex libris historiarum C. Crispi Sallustij : cum flosculorum Sallustianorum, & rerum notatu dignarum indicibus. Author: Sallust Call Number: PA6653 .A4 1529 ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: Latin Description: Victoria University Library copy bound in contemporary calf, blindstamped with heads of mythological figures and foliage, as well as 'C. SALUSTI V' on front cover. Victoria University Library copy also bound with: Glareanus, Henricus. In C. Crispi Sallvsti historici clarissimi. Basileae : [Apud And. Cratandrum], 1538. Victoria University Library copy has signatures and ms annotations of five SwissGerman students.
Title: Hvmanae salvtis monvmenta Author: B. Ariæ Montani stvdio constrvcta et decantata Call Number: PA8457 .A4 H8 1572a ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: Latin Description: Victoria University Library copy bound in contemporary polished vellum over thin paper boards, covers bordered with a single gilt rule, oval wreath tilt at centres, spine double gilt ruled in compartments with fleurons gilt at centres, all edges gilt. Victoria University Library copy also has a handcoloured engraved bookplate depicting an African slave of Pierre de Maridat de Serrières, along with his ex libris on the front endpaper. Title: La pantagrueline prognostication : fac-similé de l'édition princeps de 1532 d'aprés l'exemplaire unique de la Bibliothèque Nationale Author: Pierre-Paul Plan Call Number: PQ1683 .P8 1922 ISBN: n/a Language: French / Français Description: Tire a 122 exemplaires dont 12 sur grand papier velin de hollande numerotes de 1 a 12 et 110 sur papier de fil verge numerotes de 13 a 122". Victoria University Library copy is no 24 of 110 numbered copies. Title: In C. Crispi Sallvstii historici clarissimi : quæ adhuc extant historiarum fragmenta / Author: Henrici Glareani Heluetij annotationes ; cum priuilegio Cæsareo in annos sex. Call Number: XX(11516424.2) ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: Latin Description: Contains notes on Sallust's Bellum Catilinae (pages 7-31) and Bellum Iugurthinum (pages 32-88), and on the spurious "Oratio Sallustii in Ciceronem" and "Oratio Ciceronis in Sallustium" (pages 88-95). Victoria University Library copy bound with: Sallust. C. Crispi Sallvstii de conivratione Catilinae historia. Title: La vie quotidienne des Cathares du Languedoc au XIIIe siècle Author: René Nelli Call Number: XX(11516561.2) ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: French / Français
CRRS New Acquisitions – February 2018 Title: In via in saecula : la Bibbia di Marco Polo tra Europa e Cina = 万里路数百年 : 联结中欧的马可波罗圣经. Wan li lu shu bai nian : lian jie zhong ou de Make Boluo sheng jing. Author: Biblioteca medicea laurenziana; Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII di Bologna Call Number: ND3355.5 .B486 I5 2012 ISBN: 9788812001040 Language: Italian and Chinese (Testo in Italiano e cinese) Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Terpstra, Nicholas. Title: Isokratous aranta = Isocrates Graecolatinus, postremò recognitus / Author: Hieronymo VVolfio interprete ; cum eiusdem argumentus, marginum annotationibus, vita autoris, & indice accurato Call Number: PA4216 .A2 1567 v.2 ISBN: n/a Language: Latin Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Pfaff, Larry. Title: The ship of virtuous ladies / Author: Symphorien Champier ; edited and translated by Todd W. Reeser. Call Number: PQ1553 .C45 N4313 2018 ISBN: 9780866985857 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: Mirtilla : a pastoral / Author: Isabella Andreini ; edited by Valeria Finucci ; translated by Julia Kisacky. Call Number: PQ4562 .A72 M5713 2018 ISBN: 9780866985888 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: Witness, warning, and prophecy : Quaker women's writing, 1655-1700 Author: edited by Teresa Feroli and Margaret Olofson Thickstun Call Number: PR120 .Q34 W58 2018 ISBN: 9780866985840 Description: The forty texts collected in this volume offer a small but representative sample of Quaker women’s tremendous literary output between 1655 and 1700. They include examples of key Quaker literary genres — proclamations, directives, warnings, sufferings, testimonies, polemic, pleas for toleration — and showcase a range of literary styles and voices, from eloquent poetry to legal analyses of English canon and civil law. In their varied responses to the core Quaker belief in the indwelling Spirit, these women left a rich literary legacy of an early countercultural movement. Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: The De subtilitate of Girolamo Cardano Author: edited by John M. Forrester ; with an introduction by John Henry and John M. Forrester Call Number: Q155 .C3713 2013 ISBN: 9780866984843 Description: 2 volumes. Gift to Victoria University Library. Renaissance & Reformation Journal Title: Juanelo Turriano, de Cremona a la Corte : formación y red social de un ingenio del Renacimiento Author: Cristiano Zanetti ; [coordinación Daniel Crespo Delgado]. Call Number: TA140 .T87 Z25 2015 ISBN: 9788494269554 Language: Spanish / Español Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Eisenbichler, Konrad.
Title: El índice de libros prohibidos y expurgados de la Inquisición Española (1551-1819) : evolución y contenido Author: por Jesús Martínez de Bujanda ; con la asistencia de Marcella Richter Call Number: Z1020.2 .B85 2016 ISBN: 9788422018827 Language: Spanish / Español Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Renaissance & Reformation Journal.
CRRS New Acquisitions – March 2018 Title: Renaissance encyclopaedism : studies in curiosity and ambition Author: edited by W. Scott Blanchard and Andrea Severi Call Number: AE1 .R46 2018 ISBN: 9780772721891 Title: Dialogus de adoratione / Author: Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola ; a cura e con un saggio di Alessia Cantarino Call Number: BR115 .A8 P53 2017 ISBN: 9788822265333 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Original text in Latin with Italian translation; introduction in Italian Title: Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century : urban perspectives Author: edited by Ethan Matt Kavaler, Anne-Laure Van Bruaene Call Number: HT145 .N4 N46 2017 ISBN: 9782503575827 Description: A selection of essays by an international group of historians and art historians on the rich urban culture of the sixteenth-century Low Countries. The authors of this volume examine various fields of cultural discourse in the Netherlands of the sixteenth century: the political, commercial, religious, artistic, and sensory domains, and less obviously metaphysical properties like time and space. What defined the Low Countries were not its borders and its territories but its cities, and their economies dominated political relations. A dense network of large cities and small towns developed hand in hand with a broad range of textile and luxury industries. In Antwerp, culture was commerce: its art and printing industries catered to much of the Western world and, at the same time, carved a confident self-image celebrating the liberal arts as a means of social and self-improvement. Antwerp is omnipresent in this book, with essays on its painting, printing, politics, and public festivals. But other cities such as Bruges, Leuven, and Leiden also figure prominently. It was precisely the interconnectedness of urban centers, large, middle and small, rather than their autonomous character, that defined civic culture in the Low Countries. Among the topics treated are differing notions of urban topography, the dialogue between city and court, issues of censorship, and the sensory and psychological response to texts and images. Title: The Anne Boleyn music book (Royal College of Music MS 1070): facsimile with introduction Author: by Thomas Schmidt and David Skinner; with Katja Airaksinen-Monier Call Number: ML96.4 .A65 2017 ISBN: 9781907647062 Format: Score Description: A full-colour reproduction of Royal College of Music MS 1070, a book of vocal music thought to have been owned by Anne Boleyn. Contains works by Josquin Desprez, Jean Mouton, Antoine de Févin, Loyset Compère, Antoine Brume, Pierrequin de Therache, Mathieu Gascongne, Claudin de Sermisy, and Jacob Obrecht. Title: Der Mansfelder Kreuzigungs-Altar (1518/20) : Bildquelle als Spiegel der Reformation : Unterzeichnung und sichtbare Malerei Author: Sabine und Rüdiger Maier Call Number: ND588 .D675 A65 2018 ISBN: 9783795432683 Language: German / Deutsch Description (auf Deutsch): Dank der Macro-Infrarot-Reflektographie wird die Unterzeichnung von Bildern sichtbar, die Aufschluss über den meist unbekannten Werkprozess eröffnet. Diesbezügliche Untersuchungen wurden an dem Hans Döring zugeschriebenen Kreuzigungs-Altar (1518/20) in Schloss-
Mansfeld und an seinem Elisabet-Francke-Epitaph (Eisleben, 1517) vorgenommen. Döring verwendete Vorlagen, wobei er sich in kopierender oder auch freier Motivumsetzung der zeitgenössischen Graphik beidseitig der Alpen bediente. Auch der Einfluss Dürers und Cranachs zeigt sich bei Döring in einer Durchdringung beider Schulen. Als Referenz für das Werk Dörings wurden die mit HD monogrammierten Grafen- Porträts (Schloss Laubach) herangezogen. Seine Darstellungen zeigen eine deutliche Individualisierung der Frömmigkeit, wobei die reformatorische Sichtweise im Zentrum der Bildaussage steht. Title: I marmi / Author: Anton Francesco Doni ; edizione critica e commento a cura di Carlo Alberto Girotto e Giovanna Rizzarelli ; premessa di Giovanna Rizzarelli Call Number: PQ4621.D5 M3 2017 ISBN: 9788822262233 Language: Italian / Italiano Title: Caroli ClvsI Atrebatis, Impp. Cæss. Avgg. Maximiliani. II Rvdolphi. II. Aulæ quondam familiaris, Rariorvm plantarvm historia : Quæ accesserint, proxima pagina docebit Author: Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609, author Call Number: QK41 .C586 1601 ISBN: n/a (rare book) Language: Latin Description: Victoria University Library copy lacks engraved portrait of author, and 18 unnumbered pages at end ("Altera appendix ad rariorum plantarum historiam"). Engraved title page. Title within ornamental border; some decorated initials and tail-pieces; vignettes on some added title-pages. Gift to Victoria University Library. Hoeniger, David.
CRRS New Acquisitions – April 2018 Title: Theologie und Antisemitismus : das Beispiel Martin Luthers Author: Andreas Pangritz Call Number: BR333.5 .J4 P364 2017 ISBN: 9783631733653 Language: German / Deutsch Description: (auf Deutsch): Martin Luthers Judenfeindschaft ist berüchtigt. Ihr Zusammenhang mit zentralen Themen seiner Theologie ist jedoch umstritten. Die Antisemitismusforschung wiederum hat sich bisher nur wenig für theologische Wurzeln der Judenfeindschaft interessiert. Die Untersuchung führt beide Perspektiven zusammen: Luthers Schrift «Von den Juden und ihren Lügen» (1543) wird nicht nur im Blick auf die darin zum Ausdruck kommende Judenfeindschaft analysiert, sondern auch auf ihren theologischen Gehalt hin befragt. Dadurch verschärft sich das Problem: Der Antisemitismus ist im Zentrum der Theologie des Reformators verankert, in der Christologie und in der Rechtfertigungslehre. Diese Erkenntnis führt zu einer Sicht auf Luthers Theologie, in der diese selbst zum Problem wird.
Title: Per una storia della Compagnia di San Paolo (1563-1853) / Author: a cura di Walter E. Crivellin e Bruno Signorelli Call Number: BX814 .C65535 P47 2004 ISBN: 9788888284040 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: Beata civitas : pubblica pietà e devozioni private nella Siena del '300 / Author: a cura di Anna Benvenuti e Pierantonio Piatti Call Number: BX1548 .S5 B43 2016 ISBN: 9788884507334 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: The Italian Renaissance : a zest for life / Author: edited by Michel Jeanneret and Nicolas Ducimetière ; translated by Viviane Lowe Call Number: CB361 .I826 2017 ISBN: 9781781884454 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Jeanneret, Michel.
Title: Pietro Bembo : a life in laurels and scarlet / Author: Marco Faini ; translated by Viviane Lowe Call Number: PQ4608 .F3513 2017 ISBN: 9781781884416 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Jeanneret, Michel.
CRRS New Acquisitions – May 2018 Title: Istoria della venerabilissima Compagnia della fede catolica, sotto l'invocazione di San Paolo, nell'augusta città di Torino / Author: Emanuele Tesauro ; a cura di Anna Cantaluppi Call Number: BX814 .V46 T47 2003 ISBN: 9788888284033 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: Women's speaking justified : and other pamphlets / Author: Margaret Fell ; edited by Jane Donawerth and Rebecca M. Lush Call Number: BX7795 .F425 A25 2018 ISBN: 9780866985956 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Margaret Fell (1614–1702), one of the co-founders of the Society of Friends and a religious activist, was a prolific writer and distributor of Quaker pamphlets. This volume offers eight texts that span her writing career and represent her range of writing: autobiography, epistle or public letter, examination or record of a trial, letter to the king, and argument for women’s preaching. These selections also document Fell’s contributions to Friends’ theology, exemplify seventeenth-century women’s English-language literacy, illustrate Fell’s theories of biblical reading, and exhibit the common qualities of Quaker rhetoric.
Title: The historical archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo / Author: compiled and edited by Anna Cantaluppi ; translator: David Milne Call Number: CD5982 .A7213 2008 ISBN: 9788888284088 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: I "censi" presso la Compagnia di San Paolo nei secoli XVIII e XIX / Author: Paola Giordano Call Number: HG3754.5 .I8 G56 1997 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: Le figlie della Compagnia : Casa del soccorso, Opera del deposito, Educatorio duchessa Isabella fra età moderna e contemporanea / Author: a cura di Anna Cantaluppi, Walter E. Crivellin e Bruno Signorelli Call Number: LC2122 .F54 2011 ISBN: 9788888284095 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: Il laudario "illuminati" e la costellazione assisiate / Author: Angela Maria Terruggia, Francesco Santucci, Gina Scentoni, Daniele Sini ; con un saggio di Mara Nerbano. Call Number: [Victoria University CRRS – Library Use Large] BX814 .F73 T47 2017 ISBN: 9788888661322 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies. Includes facsimile reproduction of manuscript 705 Laudario Illuminati with transcription. Text in Italian, documents in Latin or Italian.
Title: Collected works of Erasmus / Author: [editorial board, William Barker al.]; Volume 18 translated by Charles Fantazzi, annotated by James M. Estes. Call Number: PA8502 .E5 1974 v.18 ISBN: 9781487501990 Description: Volume 18. The correspondence of Erasmus, letters 2472 to 2634, April 1531-March 1532. Victoria University Library stack copies are catalogued separately by title; CRRS copies are classified together but catalogued separately by title. The aim of the Collected Works of Erasmus is to make available an accurate, readable English text of Erasmus’ correspondence and his other principal writings in an edition of 89 volumes. Erasmus was one of the architects of modern thought and his works reflect a vast range of interests including history, theology, the classics, social theory, education, political theory, literature, and the history of ideas. His letters remain the single most important source for the intellectual history of the Renaissance and Reformation. In the words of Lisa Jardine, "the Toronto Erasmus project is a magnificent achievement."
Title: The buffoons : a ridiculous comedy : a bilingual edition / Author: Margherita Costa ; edited and translated by Sara E. Díaz and Jessica Goethals. Call Number: PQ4621 .C74 B9413 2018 ISBN: 9780866987462 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. This translation makes The Buffoons, the first female-authored comedy printed in Italy, available to Anglophone readers for the first time. Published in 1641, this burlesque play depicts the mismatched sexual desires of a prince and princess. Although set in northern Africa, the comedy satirizes the Florentine court of Grand Duke Ferdinando II de’ Medici, one of Costa’s several elite patrons. By featuring the clownish antics of an unconventional cast of dwarfs, hunchbacks, and buffoons, it reflects the bizarre appetites and grotesque entertainments of the day. Ribald puns and commedia dell’arte-inspired slapstick abound, presenting the reader with a comic alternative to decorous women’s writing in early modern Italy.
Title: Teaching early modern English literature from the archives / Author: edited by Heidi Brayman Hackel and Ian Frederick Moulton Call Number: PR421 .T4 2015 ISBN: 9781603291552
Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Renaissance and Reformation Journal. The availability of digital editions of early modern works brings a wealth of exciting archival and primary source materials into the classroom. But electronic archives can be overwhelming and hard to use, for teachers and students alike, and digitization can distort or omit information about texts. Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives places traditional and electronic archives in conversation, outlines practical methods for incorporating them into the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and addresses the theoretical issues involved in studying them. The volume discusses a range of physical and virtual archives from 1473 to 1700 that are useful in the teaching of early modern literature--both major sources and rich collections that are less known (including affordable or free options for those with limited institutional resources). Although the volume focuses on English literature and culture, essays discuss a wide range of comparative approaches involving Latin, French, Spanish, German, and early American texts and explain how to incorporate visual materials, ballads, domestic treatises, atlases, music, and historical documents into the teaching of literature.
CRRS New Acquisitions – June 2018 Title: Confraternite in Trentino e a Riva del Garda / Author: a cura di Emanuele Curzel, Marina Garbellotti, Maria Clara Rossi. Call Number: BX808.5 .I8 C633 2016 ISBN: 9788883149405 Language: Italian / Italiano Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: CXXII reglas de hermandades y cofradías andaluzas : siglos XVI y XVII / Author: Silvia María Pérez González (dir.) ; Juan Carlos Arboleda Goldaracena (coord.). Call Number: BX808.5 .S7 C89 2017 ISBN: 9788417066161 Language: Spanish / Español Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Society for Confraternity Studies.
Title: Du catholicisme romain au christianisme évangélique : réponse au R. P. Louis Bouyer / Author: Pasteur Pierre Fath ; préface de Monsieur le Pasteur Pierre Bourguet. Call Number: BX4668 .B675 F3 1957 ISBN: n/a Language: French / Français Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Kushner, Eva.
Title: The tragedy of Antigone, 1631 / Author: Thomas May ; edited by Matteo Pangallo Call Number: PR2709 .M3 T73 2016 ISBN: 9781526113917 Description: "This edition of 'The tragedy of Antigone' (1631) was prepared by Matteo Pangallo and checked by H.R. Woudhuysen. The Society is grateful to the Beinecke Library, Yale University for permission to reproduce its copy (Ih M451 631T)"--Unnumbered page v. Title: The Twice chang'd friar / Author: [edition prepared by Siobhan Keenan and checked by John Jowett]. Call Number: PR3291 .A1 T85 2017 ISBN: 9781526113924 Description: An Italianate city comedy based on a tale from Boccaccio's Decameron. It tells the story of Albert, a friar who seduces Lisetta, a beautiful Venetian merchant's wife by persuading her that he is the incarnation of Cupid. Albert's plot is eventually uncovered by Lisetta's brothers, whom he escapes by disguising himself in a bear's skin. The play is a fascinating example of an amateur manuscript drama, of interest to all scholars and students of early modern drama.
CRRS New Acquisitions - July 2018 Title: La Saincte Bible : nouuellement translatée de Latin en Francois, selon l'edition Latine, dernierement imprimée à Louuain : reueuë, corrigée, & approuuée par gens sçauants, à ce deputez. A chascun chapitre sont adiouxtez les Sommaires, contenants la matiere du dict chapitre, les Concordances, & aucunes apostilles aux marges. Author: N/A Call Number: BS230 1550 ISBN: N/A Language: French Description: Victoria University Library copy is contemporary blind tooled calf over wooden boards; brass latches present but lacking clasps.Victoria University Library copy has original owner's manuscript note preserved and bound in before the title. Jesuit inscription and date 1629 in unknown hand on title page.
Title: The English Bible in the early modern world / Author: edited by Robert Armstrong, and Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin Call Number: BS455 .E55 2018 ISBN: 9004347925, 9789004347922 Language: English Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title: Selected philosophical, scientific, and autobiographical writings / Author: Marie-Geneviève-Charlotte Thiroux d'Arconville ; edited and translated by Julie Candler Hayes Call Number: DC131.9 .T47 A25 2018 ISBN: 0866985786, 9780866985789, Language: English Description: Includes bibliographical references and index. Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. 2018/07/11.
Title: Utopia / Author: Thomas More ; translated by Ralph Robynson, 1556 ; edited with an introduction by David Harris Sacks. Call Number: HX810.5 .E54 1999a ISBN: N/A Language: English Description: Translated from the Latin. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title: Nomenclator: omnium rerum propria nomina variis linguis explicata indicans : multo quĂ m antea emendatior ac locupletior / Author: Hadrianus Junius Call Number: PA2364 .J85 1583 ISBN: N/A Language: Latin Description: Dictionary
Title: Poems and fancies : with The animal parliament / Author: Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle ; edited by Brandie R. Siegried. Call Number: PR3605 .N2 A6 2018 ISBN: 086698593X, 9780866985932 Language: English Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. 2018/07/11. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Title: Johann Froben, printer of Basel : a biographical profile and catalogue of his editions / Author: Valentina Sebastiani Call Number: Z232 .F925 S43 2018 ISBN:900436031X, 9789004360310 Language: English Description: Valentina Sebastiani offers a comprehensive account of the life and printing production of Froben, a major representative of early modern Europe's most refined printing traditions. Some five centuries after they first appeared in print, Sebastiani provides a bibliography of the 329 Froben editions published in Basel between 1491 and 1527 (including an analysis of some 2,500 copies held in more than twenty-five libraries worldwide), listing the paratextual and visual elements that distinguish Froben's books as well as economic, technical, and editorial details related to their production and distribution. Sebastiani's study sheds new light on Froben's family and career, his involvement in the editing and publication of Erasmus's works, and the strategies he adopted to market them successfully.
CRRS New Acquisitions - August 2018
Title: L'arciconfraternita della Santissima Vergine d'Itria in Cagliari : profilo storico 1607-1700 / Author: Cesare Masala Call Number: BX814 .A78 M28 2013 ISBN: 9788890870811, 8890870818 Language:Italian Description: Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Gift to Victoria University Library. Confraternitas Journal. Title: Erasmus and his books / Author: Egbertus van Gulik ; translated by J.C. Grayson ; edited by James K. McConica and Johannes Trapman. Call Number: PA8518 .G85 2018 ISBN: 080203876X, 9780802038760 Language: English, translated from Dutch Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Title: Oratio pro M Tullio Cicerone contra des Erasmum, 1531 : Adversus des Erasmi Roterod : dialogum Ciceronianum oratio secunda, 1537 / Author: Giulio Cesare Scaligero Call Number: PA8575 .S3 A3 1999 ISBN: 2600003363 Language: Text in Latin, translations and annotations in French. Description: Includes bibliographical references (pages [389]-436) and index. Title: Latin poetry / Author: Ludovico Ariosto ; edited and translated by Dennis Looney and D. Mark Possanza. Call Number: PQ4581 .A7 2018 ISBN: 0674977173, 9780674977174 Language: Texts in Latin with English translations on facing pages ; introduction and notes in English. Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
CRRS New Acquisitions – September 2018 Title: In difesa della "dolce libertà" : l'assedio di Firenze (1529-1530) / Author: Alessandro Cecchi Call Number: DG738.13 .C43 2018 ISBN: 9788822265593 Language: Italy Description: Includes bibliographical references (pages 263-277) and index.
Title: Hadriani Iunii Hornani medici animadversoru[m] libri sex, omnigenae lectionis thesaurus, in quibus infiniti pene autorum loci corriguntur & declarantur, nunc primum & nati, & in lucem aediti. Eiusdem De Coma Commentarium quo haud scio an quicquam extet in eo genere uel eruditius uel locupletius, siue historiarum cognitionem, siue lectionis multifariae divitias spectes Author: Hadrianus Junius Call Number: PA6141 .A2 J8 1556 ISBN: N/A Language: Latin Description: This first edition contains two treaties by Dutch physician Hadrianus Junius (Adriaen de Jonghe). The first work, Animadversa, is a collection of philological annotations on classical literature presented in six books. The second, De Coma Commentarium is a commentary on hair dealing with regional costumes, cutting, styles, historical significance, health, and hygiene. This is the earliest text listed in the Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek dealing with hair.
Title: La Farmacia granducale di Firenze / Author: Giovanni Piccardi Call Number: RS67 .I82 F57 2018 ISBN: 9788822265661 : Language: Italy Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
CRRS New Acquisitions – October 2018 Title: Jßlich-Bergische Kirchenpolitik am Ausganage des Mittelalters und in der Reformationszeit. Vol. 1, Urkunden und Akten, 1400-1553 / Author: Otto R. Redlich Call Number: BR857 .J8 J84 2018 ISBN: 9781390115451 Language: German Description: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Title: In the Sultan's Realm : two Venetian Ambassadorial Reports on the Early Modern Ottoman Empire / Author: Translated and Edited by Eric R Dursteler. Call Number: DG676.97 .T9 I5 2018 ISBN: 0772721912, 9780772721914 Language: English Description: "The final reports, or relazioni, of Venice's ambassadors are among the most noted historical documents produced in the early modern era. At the end of their service, all Venetian diplomats were expected to deliver a detailed report to the Senate of their service and an assessment of the polity to which they had been posted. Because of their incisive political analysis and rich ethnographic detail, the reports of Venice's highly experienced diplomats were greatly valued in their own day, and have been extensively used by scholars since their presentation. The two documents translated in this volume are excellent examples of these final reports, here translated in their entirety for the first time. They provide a detailed snapshot into the Ottoman Empire and its relations with Venice at a time of transition for both of these Mediterranean powers."-"The relazioni translated in this volume draw on several archival documents: The 1609 report by Ottaviano Bon is based on the copy in the Collegio Relazioni series of the Archivio di stato di Venezia. The 1590 report by Lorenzo Bernardo is based on copies in the same Collegio Relazioni series in Venice, and in the Codici Barberini Latini at the Vatican Library. Both reports were published for the first time in Italian in Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris's important collection, Relazioni di ambasciatori veneti al Senato, which was the chief source for the present edition."--
Title: The Renovation of Paintings in Tuscany, 1250-1500 / Author: Cathleen Hoeniger Call Number: ND619 .T9 H64 1995 ISBN: 0521461545 Language: English Description: xiv, 186 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of colour plates : illustrations (some colour) ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (pages 173-181) and index.
Title: Plutarchi Chaeronei philosophi, historicĂque clarissimi Opuscula moralia : quorum catalogum sequentis paginae facie secunda reperies. Author: Plutarch Call Number: PA4373 .M7 1542 ISBN: N/A Language: Latin Description: Victoria University Library copy has previous handwritten ownership marks.
Title: Performance and theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / Author: Edited by Mark Cruse. Call Number: PN2171 .P47 2018 ISBN: 2503579876, 9782503579870 Language: English Description: This volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the world-making role of theater and performance in medieval and early modern European societies. This volume is a contribution to the cross-cultural study of theater and performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The studies gathered here examine material from Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. Underlying all of these essays is the understanding that performance shapes reality ? that in all of the cultural contexts included here, performance opened a space in which patrons, rulers, writers, painters, spectators, and readers could see themselves or their societies differently, and thereby could assume different identities or construct alternative communities. Addressing confession and private devotion, urban theater and pageantry, royal legitimacy and religious debate, and a wide range of genres and media, this volume offers a panoramic mosaic of the world-making role of theater and performance in medieval and early modern European societies.
November 2018 - New Acquisitions Title: Die poorte oft dore des eewighen leuens, : inhoudende seer schoone oeffeninghen vanden leuen ende lijden ons Heeren Jesu Christi, ghedeelt op elcke[n] dach uander weken mit uren ende tijden. Ende is een deuoet boercken seer profijtelijck voor alle goetwillighe menschen, gheestelijcke ende weerlijcke die begheerte hebben inden wech der duechden voorts te gacne, ende die supuere ende onbeulecte voetstappen ons salichmakere Jesu Christi nae te volghen. Author: Catholic Church Call Number: ND3363 .A1 P6 1551 ISBN: N/A Language: Dutch Description: [104] pages : illustrations ; 16 cm (8vo)
CRRS New Acquisitions - December 2018
Title: Saturni ephemerides, sive, Tabula historico-chronologica : containing, a chronological series or succession of the foure monarchyes, with an abridgment of the annual memorable passages in them : as also, a succession of the kings and rulers over most kingdomes and estates of the world, with a breife chorographical description of them, & theyre seueral storyes epitomized, with a compend of the history of the Chvrch of God from the creation: the times of the patriarchs, Fathers, doctors, & other famous & learned men ... : lastly, An appendix of the plantation and encrease of religion in this monarchy of Britayne: the tymes of foundation of bques. in England and Wales, with a chronological succession of the bpps there, & a breife relation of theyre acts, &c. / Author: Henry Isaacson Londoner Call Number: D11 .I83 1633 Title: P. Virgilii Maronis Opera / interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus Soc. Jesu. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Author: Virgil Call Number: PA6801 .A2 1682 Language: Latin Description: "Vita incerto auctore, quem aliqui Donatum falso putant.": pages [9]-[16] of preliminaries. Colophon, page 866: Ex typographia Dionysii Thierry, 1682. Engraved frontispiece ("L. Cossin scut.") depicting Arion and the dolphin, and above the arms of the Dauphin. First edition published 1675. Includes index. Title: Epistole aliquot illustriū virorum ad Erasmum Roterodamum, & huius ad illos : Index Epistola Petri Aegidii Antuerpiani ad clarissimũ virũ D. Gasparum Halmalum ... Author: Desiderius Erasmus Call Number: PA8511 .A22 1516 Language: Latin Description: Rare book. Colophon, leaf i3v, reads: "Imprimebat Louanii Theodoricus Martinus Alustensis. Anno domini Millesimo Quingentesimo Decimosexto Mense Octobri. Cum gratia & priuilegio." Edited by Pierre Gillis (Petrus Aegidius); first edition of this collection, containing 18 new letters of Erasmus & 3 reprinted. Editor's prefatory letter dated 26 September 1516 (sexto Calendas Octobres. An. M.D. XVI.).
Title: Women's household drama: Loves victorie, A pastorall, and The concealed fansyes Author: Mary Wroth, Jane Cavendish, and Elizabeth Brackley Editors: Marta Straznicky and Sara Mueller Call Number: PR2399 .W7 L69 2018
ISBN: 0866986022, 0866987495, 9780866986021, 9780866987493 Language: English Description: "Three plays belonging to a rich and vibrant tradition of household drama that involved early modern English women as patrons, spectators, performers, and readers, also affording opportunities for playwriting and dramatic design not available in commercial theater until the late 1660s."