CRRS New Acquisitions – February 2018 Title: In via in saecula : la Bibbia di Marco Polo tra Europa e Cina = 万里路数百年 : 联结中欧的马可波罗圣经. Wan li lu shu bai nian : lian jie zhong ou de Make Boluo sheng jing. Author: Biblioteca medicea laurenziana; Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII di Bologna Call Number: ND3355.5 .B486 I5 2012 ISBN: 9788812001040 Language: Italian and Chinese (Testo in Italiano e cinese) Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Terpstra, Nicholas. Title: Isokratous aranta = Isocrates Graecolatinus, postremò recognitus / Author: Hieronymo VVolfio interprete ; cum eiusdem argumentus, marginum annotationibus, vita autoris, & indice accurato Call Number: PA4216 .A2 1567 v.2 ISBN: n/a Language: Latin Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Pfaff, Larry. Title: The ship of virtuous ladies / Author: Symphorien Champier ; edited and translated by Todd W. Reeser. Call Number: PQ1553 .C45 N4313 2018 ISBN: 9780866985857 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: Mirtilla : a pastoral / Author: Isabella Andreini ; edited by Valeria Finucci ; translated by Julia Kisacky. Call Number: PQ4562 .A72 M5713 2018 ISBN: 9780866985888 Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: Witness, warning, and prophecy : Quaker women's writing, 1655-1700 Author: edited by Teresa Feroli and Margaret Olofson Thickstun Call Number: PR120 .Q34 W58 2018 ISBN: 9780866985840 Description: The forty texts collected in this volume offer a small but representative sample of Quaker women’s tremendous literary output between 1655 and 1700. They include examples of key Quaker literary genres — proclamations, directives, warnings, sufferings, testimonies, polemic, pleas for toleration — and showcase a range of literary styles and voices, from eloquent poetry to legal analyses of English canon and civil law. In their varied responses to the core Quaker belief in the indwelling Spirit, these women left a rich literary legacy of an early countercultural movement. Gift to Victoria University Library. ITER. Title: The De subtilitate of Girolamo Cardano Author: edited by John M. Forrester ; with an introduction by John Henry and John M. Forrester Call Number: Q155 .C3713 2013 ISBN: 9780866984843 Description: 2 volumes. Gift to Victoria University Library. Renaissance & Reformation Journal Title: Juanelo Turriano, de Cremona a la Corte : formación y red social de un ingenio del Renacimiento Author: Cristiano Zanetti ; [coordinación Daniel Crespo Delgado]. Call Number: TA140 .T87 Z25 2015 ISBN: 9788494269554 Language: Spanish / Español Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Eisenbichler, Konrad.
Title: El índice de libros prohibidos y expurgados de la Inquisición Española (1551-1819) : evolución y contenido Author: por Jesús Martínez de Bujanda ; con la asistencia de Marcella Richter Call Number: Z1020.2 .B85 2016 ISBN: 9788422018827 Language: Spanish / Español Description: Gift to Victoria University Library. Renaissance & Reformation Journal.