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From the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies

Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques Edited By Damiano Acciarino Acciarino Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques

This collection offers a set of new readings on the history, meanings, and cultural innovations of the grotesque as defined by various This collection offers a set of new readings on the history, meanings, and cultural current critical innovations of the grotesque as defined by various current critical theories and practheories and practices. Since thefrequently grotesque frequently itself as tices. Since the grotesque manifests itself as striking incongruities,manifests ingenious hybrids, and creative deformities of nature and culture, it is profoundly implistriking incongruities,cated ingenious hybrids, andphilosophical, creative deformities of nature in early modern debates on the theological, and ethical role of images. This consideration serves as the central focus from which the articles in the and culture, it is profoundly implicated in early modern debates on the collection then move outward along different lines of conceptualization, chronology, cultural relevance, place, and site. They cover a wide spectrum of artistic media, from theological, philosophical, and ethical role of images. This consideration prints to drawings, from sculptures to gardens, from paintings to stuccos. As they do this, they engage with, bring together, perspectives writ- collection then serves as the central ersfocus from and which thetheoretical articles infromthe as diverse as Plato and Paleotti, Vitruvius and Vasari, Molanus and Montaigne. travelling a short lines distance fromof Nero’s Domus Aurea to Raphael’s Vatican move outward alongWhether different conceptualization, chronology, logge, or across the ocean from Italy to New Spain, this volume goes further than any previous study historic understanding and, inspectrum so doing, cultural relevance, place, andin defining site.theThey coverof agrotesque wide of artistic providing us with a more nuanced resource for our understanding of an art form media, from prints tooncedrawings, from sculptures to gardens, from paintings viewed as peripheral. to stuccos. As they do this, they engage with, and bring together, theoretical This book offers new readings of the history, meanings, and cultural innovations perspectives from writers as asdiverse as ofPlato and Paleotti, of the grotesque defined by a diversity current critical theories and practices Vitruvius and by solid, enlightening scholarship. The research presented in these essays Vasari, Molanus and isanchored Montaigne. Whether travelling a short distance from not only sound but impressive. Giordano, WayneVatican State University logge, or across the ocean from Nero’s Domus AureaMichael to Raphael’s This is anvolume important study on the ever further more interesting than subject of the idea ofprevious the Italy to New Spain, this goes any study in grotesque throughout the Renaissance. It deserves many readers. David Cast, Bryn Mawr College defining the historic understanding of grotesque and, in so doing, providing us with a more nuanced resource for our understanding of an art form once Damiano Acciarino is Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Università Ca’ Foscari viewed as peripheral. Venezia and at the University of Toronto. He works on Renaissance Antiquarianism. He has published several articles concerning Renaissance grotesques on academic journals, such as Venezia Arte (2016), Storia dell’Arte (2016), Schede Umanistiche (2016), and the monograph Lettere sulle grottesche (1580–1581) (2018), for which he won the 2019 best book prize from the Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History.


1. Between Renaissance and Reformation: Grotesques and the Debate on Images – Damiano Acciarino 2. Grotesques and the Antique. Raphael’s Discovery of the Fourth Style – Alessandra Zamperini CRRS Placeholder 3. “Sense of Nonsense.” A ISBN Theology of GrotesquesVictoria – Dorothea Scholl University of Toronto Morel 4. Laughing with the GrotesquesFPOin the Renaissance University – Philippe 71 Queen’s Park Crescent East 5. Plato’s Stag Goats: Sophistic in Renaissance Grotesques – Clare Lapraik DO NOTHeritage PRINT! CRRS Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K7, Canada Guest 6. Telling Time: Representations of Ruins in Grotesques – Maria Fabricius Hansen 7. Grotesque Poetics. Michel de Montaigne’s Use of Grotesques in De l’Amitié (I:28) – Simon Godart 8. Unwinding the Arabesque: Grotesque Ornament and Modern Meaning – Frances S. Connelly 9. The Logic of Grotesques in Renaissance Art: Marian Figuration at the Limits of Representation – Kathryn Blair Moore 10. Interplay of Grotesques in Giorgio Vasari and Cristofano Gherardi – Liana De Girolami Cheney 11. Old Forms Grow in New Lands: Grotesque Decoration in the Open Chapel at San Luis Obispo (Tlalmanalco, Mexico) – Barnaby Nygren 12. Plants of the Gods and Weird Creatures: The Cryptic Language of Sixteenth-Century Convent Walls in Mexico – Patrizia Granziera 13. “Nocturnal Fowl Disorientated by Sunlight:” Grottesche and Gardens in the Late Sixteenth Century – Luke Morgan 14. Other Bodies and Other Forms: Grotesque Departures in Seventeenth-Century Naples – Maria-Anna Aristova 15. Ridicolosa Rassomiglianza: The Art of Exaggeration in the Carracci’s Caricatures – Veronica M. White 16. Ulisse Aldrovandi. Five Letters on painting – Thomas DePasquale (trans.) 17. Pirro Ligorio. Three Letters on Grotesque Painting – John Garton (trans.) 18. Giambattista Bombelli. Three Letters on grotesques – Sylvia Gaspari (trans.) 19. Egnazio Danti. Letter to Camillo Paleotti – Sylvia Gaspari (trans.) 20. Federico Pendasio. Letter to Giovanni Francesco Arrivabene – Sylvia Gaspari (trans.) 21. Alfonso Chacón [?], Letter to Camillo Paleotti – Sylvia Gaspari (trans.)

Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques Edited by

Damiano Acciarino

597 pages + 153 colour illustrations ISBN 978-0-7727-2195-2 (softcover) ISBN 978-0-7727-2193-8 (e-book) $49.95 (plus applicable taxes and shipping.) Outside Canada, please pay in USD

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Acciarino Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques

Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques Edited By Damiano Acciarino Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques Edited by

Damiano Acciarino


597 pages + 153 colour illustrations ISBN 978-0-7727-2195-2 (softcover) / ISBN 978-0-7727-2193-8 (e-book) $49.95 (plus applicable taxes and shipping.) Outside Canada, please pay in US dollars.

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