Teresa Colomer - Presentació bolonya

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Catalan Children’s Literature research has been pioneering in its context It is a focal point in international research

It is a focal point in international training

It is part of an ecosystem of webs and reading promotion institutions

1. The beginnings of research and training in Children’s Literature

Book selec@on and promo@on The libraries 1915. The first European Library School

1918. Children’s sec@on

1921. School circula@ng libraries

Book selec@on and promo@on. The schools

Historic approach to Children’s Literature

Children’s Literature as literature? Children’s Literature as a means to learn about folklore and fantasy

Fades Fadas Hadas Maitagarriak

2. Research at the University

A Catalan research network (1999-­‐2006) First Children’s Literature University Research Network in Spain

that compiles the evolu@on of this field of study during the second half of the XX Century I.  The book for children and youngsters: a new cultural product II.  The XX Century Society and the Catalan Children’s Literature School society The society of consumerism and informa@on The technology, image and media society The crea@on of an academic community

History and folklore

A significant change

Specific subjects

3. Research of the last decade

Grup de Recerca en Etnopoè@ca de les Illes Balears

University research team

A focus on interna@onal research * Par@cipa@on in interna@onal research projects

* The crea@on of the European Network of Picturebook Research

* Bringing in new talents

General studies

Readings for young people

Hipertextuality and digital literature

Publishing houses .

Digital Children's Literature

PhD works Readers' responses

Picture Books

A focus on interna@onal training

Cultura, lectura i literatura per a infants i joves

Prescripció lectora

on learning about images

Hadas Fades Fadas Maitagarriak University of Glasgow; Aarhus University; University of Tilburg; Autonomous University of Barcelona; University of Bri@sh Columbia, Vancouver

An ecosystem of webs and specialised publica@ons

Ins@tu@ons that support research and promo@on of children’s literature

Reading promo@on programmes and fairs

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