GRREAT Times Fall2021

Page 14

3 Ingredients You NEVER Want to See In

by Justin Palmer (Paws Project TM)


hen it comes to choosing the right dog treats, you might find yourself feeling lost looking down the aisle at your local pet supply store. Or maybe you’re browsing the web all day, looking for the perfect snack for your pup. Wherever you find yourself, you’re probably being bombarded with information regarding one important factor: ingredients. What goes into your dog’s body has a huge impact on their health and well-being, so looking at ingredients is something you should take seriously. While there are a lot of ingredients that are both delicious and healthy, there are others


that should be avoided at all costs. No matter what kind of treats you buy and where you get them, make sure these three ingredients aren’t inside.


because they are high in carbohydrates. Fillers like these add substance to a food that typically lacks appropriate protein, fat and other nutrients.


Corn, Wheat & Soy

Meat Meals & By-Products

We’ve lumped these together because they’re fairly interchangeable. These are all fillers, which means they add a lot of calories and fiber, making your dog feel full without any nutritional value. In fact, some of these ingredients are actually harmful to pets. Dogs are not designed to digest these grains and many are allergic to them. These ingredients also contribute to obesity and diabetes

These might sound healthy because they come from meat, but they are not exactly what you’d expect. Meat meals and by-products are essentially the leftovers of animals slaughtered for human consumption. When an animal is processed for humans, the lean muscle meat is butchered and created into human-grade food. What’s left is the bones, blood, beaks, feet, etc. that go into pet foods. Expired meats


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