Z. Jakovčeviс́, Jog Raj, H. Farkaš, S. С́ujiс́, J. Bošnjak-Neumüller and M. Vasiljeviс́ PATENT CO DOO. Vlade Ćetković 1A, 24 211 Misicevo. Republic of Serbia Corresponding author: WMF meets ITALY, 16-18 May 2022, Parma, Italy
OBJETIVE Aflatoxins (AF), zearalenone (ZEN), fumonisins (FB1 and FB2), T-2/HT-2 toxins, ochratoxin A (OTA) and deoxynivalenol (DON) are considered the most economically important mycotoxins in terms of their high prevalence and significant negative effects on animal performance. Among these, DON, a type B trichothecene produced by several Fusarium species that infest maize, wheat, barley, and oats, poses a significant health risk for humans and livestock. Biological degradation of mycotoxins has shown promise because it works under mild and environmentally friendly conditions.
In this study, the DON-degradation capacity of the bacteria Devosia lucknowensis was evaluated using LC-MS/MS.
MATERIALS & METHODS For this research, 5 soil samples were collected from different fields of alfalfa crop and pooled into one sample. The bacteria identified as Devosia lucknowensis by NCIMB (UK) was isolated through an enrichment culture procedure using mineral salts medium and 1 ppm of DON as a sole carbon source.
The DON-degradation capacity of this bacteria was quantified using LC-MS/MS after a 24h incubation period under aerobic conditions at 30°C.
RESULTS D. lucknowensis degraded 100% of the DON in the sample over a 24 h period under aerobic conditions. It was able to degrade DON at pH levels ranging from 6-9 and temperatures ranging from 30-40°C.