2 minute read
How is the process of circulation?
1 Look, listen and read.
The circulatory system is a circuit that distributes nutrients throughout the body and removes waste substances.
Blood circulation
• Blood circulation is the circular path blood takes from the time it leaves the heart to the time it returns to the heart.
• Blood circulation has two circuits: the pulmonary and the general circulation.
Pulmonary circulation
It connects the heart with the lungs. Blood leaves the heart loaded with carbon dioxide and reaches the lungs where it is released and loaded with oxygen and returns to the heart.
General circulation
It connects the heart with the rest of the body’s organs. It is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen and removing waste products and carbon dioxide from the cells.
Heartbeat is the continuous relaxing and contracting of the heart.
Tips For A Healthy Circulatory System
• Do moderate physical exercise every day.
• Avoid consuming food rich in fats and sugars.
• Drinking water.
• Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption.
• Avoid stressful situations and get adequate sleep.
• Maintain an appropriate weight.
Heart relaxes and fills with blood coming from veins.
Heart contracts and pushes blood into arteries, to the rest of the body.
2 heart blood arteries veins a) It pumps blood around the body. b) They carry blood from the heart to the rest of your body. c) They carry blood from the rest of your body to the heart. d) It is a red liquid that carries nutrients and oxygen. a) veins b) arteries c) lungs
Read the labels and match them to the correct sentence.
3 When the heart contracts, the … push blood to the rest of the body.
4 Explain the differences between veins and arteries using your own words.
Arteries are useful because they carry blood…
Your turn!
1 Do you know how to take your pulse? Where can you take your pulse on your body?
Step 1. In pairs, ask your classmate to sit down and relax. Count the number of pulses for one minute.
Step 2. Then ask your classmate to move or run for a minute. Count again the number of pulses.
Is your pulse the same when you are relaxed and moving? Is your hearbeat slow? Why?
Our circulatory system works non-stop throughout our lives and we can help to keep it in good condition.
How is the process of eliminating waste?
1 Look, listen and read.
The excretory system cleans the blood of waste products through urine or sweat. It eliminates them from your body.

Tips For A Healthy Excretory System
• Drink plenty of water.
• Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
• Do not take painkillers without prescription.
• Do not hold urine in the bladder longer than necessary.
• Maintain good personal hygiene.
Remember that our body has other systems for eliminating waste substances:
• The sweat glands in the skin remove substances through sweat.
• The digestive system removes waste products from digestion in the form of faeces.
• The respiratory system removes carbon dioxide.
2 Order the letters and say the correct organ from the excretory system.
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3 Read and answer the questions.
a) What organ filters the blood?
b) Where is urine stored?
c) What part of the human body expels the urine?
4 List the waste products of the human body and the organ responsible for their expulsion.
In the digestion process we remove waste substances…
1 As you have studied, we remove water from our body in the form of urine and sweat. We also absorb water when we eat food.
Look at the table and answer the questions.
a) Which food has the highest water content? Which one has the lowest?
b) Group food according to the NOVA classification and compare their water content.
c) Do you think that eating unprocessed food can be beneficial for your digestive system? Why?
Getting rid of waste is as important as getting nutrients. Fortunately, there are habits that help us to take care of this function as well.