1 minute read
Reflect on your own habits and develop a proposal to improve them and make them healthier.
Let’s investigate how we can improve our habits to take care of our nutrition function. Follow these steps:
Step 1. Copy and complete the table in your notebook.
Ideal healthy habits
Different habits
Which habits that you have learned are different from the ones that you already have?
Similar habits
Which habits that you have learned are similar or the same as the ones that you already have?
Habits in your daily life
Different habits
What habits of daily life are different from those that you have learned?
Step 2. Look at the differences between your current habits and your ideal habits. Write a proposal with at least five ways to improve your habits.
Step 3. In a big group, what advice can you give to someone to take care of his/her body? hOw hAVE I
1 Copy the table in your notebook and rate the sentences from 0 to 5.
a) Which of the sentences do you agree and disagree most and why?
b) Are they useful for you?
I know more healthy habits.
I enjoyed learning about the role of nutrition.
I can recommend people to follow health habits.
I am interested in learning more about how to improve my health.
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