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collection The Lungarno Collection Magazine

Florence experience friends Dan Brown Danilo Rea Roberto Koch

N.3 A utumn - W inter I ssue 2013 - 2014

itineraries Florence by Felice Limosani World Cycling Championship Welcome to ‘Inferno’ interviews Massimo Ferragamo Antonio Natali Kerry Kennedy style Cycling Up at the Gallery The Amazing Shoemaker Portrait experience city tips


ph. F I R E N Z E - R O M A - M I L A N O - F O R T E D E I M A R M I - P O R T O R O T O N D O - C O R T I N A D ’A M P E Z Z O w Forte w w. F Adei L I EMarmi, R O s A R TMilano, I . C O M Parigi Firenze,

F I R E N Z E - R O M A - M I L A N O - F O R T E D E I M A R M I - P O R T O R O T O N D O - C O R T I N A D ’A M P E Z Z O w w w. F A L I E R O s A R T I . C O M




F lorence is the city of passage , of flows , of the stream of ages and history , of the flowing of ideas . N othing represents F lorence ’ s double speed , in its constant motion , swinging between the rapidity of genius and the slow pace of beauty , like the silvery waters of the

A rno river running M atteo B imonte )

through the city ( ph .



transformation H ermes ,

the messenger of the gods , wore

winged sandals .


brought precious gifts ,

change and transformation .

F erragamo

S alvatore

knew the myth well : one of his

advertising prints shows

H ermes ’


shoes , another one , a young woman wearing ancient greek sandals .

H ere : a terracotta F erragamo M useum part of the exhibition “T he A mazing S hoemaker � showing until march 2014 statue of

H ermes

at the



Andante Lento T oday ,

the bicycle represents

most genuine spirit .

B ecause ,

T he

F lorence ’ s

everyday style .

all things considered , it is the

fastest means of transport that takes you from place to place and , owing to its small size , it allows you a moment of aesthetic ecstasy in the midst of the day - to - day frenzy

( ph . D ario G arofalo )



Golden era T he B aptistery

is one of the city ’ s

oldest astronomic buildings , it is the place where astronomer and condottiere built , in the year

S trozzo S trozzi 1048, a sundial

that indicated the summer solstice through a hole in the dome .


the thirteenth century ,

the dome was completely occluded

(P h . L orenzo C otrozzi )



Sun experience

S ince 1475, F lorence ’ s D uomo has been home to the world ’ s biggest gnomon , 90 meters - high . U sually a pin , a pole or an obelisk of a sundial , this gnomon is a hole in the wall which , during the summer solstice , projects the image of the solar disk on the floor . A n event for all visitors to enjoy

( ph . D ario G arofalo )



time machine No

less than fifty clocks are

scattered around the sophisticated and soft halls of the

H otel . H anging

C ontinentale

from the walls

or serving as a base for elegant side - tables


each showing the time

in major cities around the world - they are a tribute to the international spirit that pervades this hotel giving onto the

P onte V ecchio



Editorial Timeless by Leonardo Ferragamo

world cyclinG chaMPionshiP Italian team coach Paolo Bettini talks about the gr and event

16 notes About time

40-43 Antonio Natali Beyond time

LUNGARNO COLLECTION 72-73 Portrait stylE A custom-made stay



The skY is the limit The extr aordinar y ter r aces of the Lungar no Collection hotels


clocKs and MEridans The land of time


Dan Brown Dan(te)’s passion


White Iris Beauty Spa Fer r agamo-style r itual

tiMElEss ViEws An ancient love stor y between ear th and men - Tuscany



22-23 Danilo rea Jazz escapes

24-25 roBErto Koch The eyes of photogr aphy

Itinerary 28-31 My florence A special point of view by Felice Limosani

32-35 wElcoME to hEll On the tr ail of the latest thr iller novel by Dan Brown set in Florence

36-37 Treasure hunt in Florence Glitches in Dan Brown’s most recent novel ‘Infer no’




Street Food The best of street food in the hear t of Florence



60-63 CYCLING_UP The new exhibition at the Galler y Hotel Ar t

64-65 thE aMaZinG shoEMaKEr The latest Salvatore Fer r agamo Museum exhibition


Classics with a Twist The Fusion Bar of the Galler y Hotel Ar t

tips 90-91 THE MUST-SEES Florence 2013-2014 events


KERRY KENNEDY I love Florence

TIPS What to do and where to go in Florence and Rome



ZHOU SHICHAO A colorful wor ld

News and Coming Soon Lungar no Collection’s univer se

Hotel Lungarno Florence 73 rooms and suites

Gallery Hotel Art Florence 74 rooms and suites

Stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto the Ponte Vecchio, Hotel Lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including Cocteau and Picasso.

Italy’s fir st design hotel, Galler y Hotel Ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio.

Villa Le Rose Florence 6 bedroom villa Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y Villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.

Portrait Firenze Florence 36 suites

Continentale Florence 43 rooms and suites Over looking the Ponte Vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .

Palazzo C apponi Meetings & Events

PURo suites toscana Tuscany

This 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.

On the Tuscan coast, in the hear t of Maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.

Lungarno Details Florence

Spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio.

The store offer s a stylish selection of home fur nishings, and limited edition items some of which can be found throughout our luxur y hotels.

Portrait Suites Rome 14 suites

Swan Sailing Yacht Mediter r anean & Car ibbean Seas

The finest location in Rome , on Via Condotti, a stone throw away from the Spanish Steps, the Por trait Suites reflect the glamour of life of Salvatore Ferragamo.

Considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld, Swan Solleone and Swan Vir ago offer an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the Mediter r anean Islands and the Car ibbean.

Booking & Info - Lungarno Collection Bor go S.S.Apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar


The Lungarno Collection Magazine N.3 Fall -Winter 2013/2014 editor in chief Matteo Parigi Bini Co-editor in chief Teresa Favi Editorial Director Valeriano Antonioli Managing Editor Cristina Fogliatto, Phillip Haller editor Sabrina Bozzoni, Francesc a Lombardi, ALessandra Luc arelli mila montagni contributors Dan brown, Roberto Koch, Felice limosani, Danilo Rea, Vincenzo VAcc aro photographers Gilberto Benni with leic a m (Cover), Matteo bimonte, Lorenzo Cotrozzi, Mauro Galligani, Dario Garofalo Roberto Koch, ALESSANDRO MOGGI, Miki Nakano, NewPressPhoto, MANUEL SILVESTRI art editors Chiara Bini, Alessandro Patrizi translations TESSA CONTICELLI, karin HONSBERG advertising director Alex Vittorio Lana advertising Ilaria Marini, Alessandra Nardelli publisher Alex Vittorio Lana & Matteo Parigi Bini Issue 3 (legal registration pending)

Gruppo Editoriale

Gruppo Editoriale


c o l l e ct i o n

Timeless ph. Miki Nakano

Leonardo Ferragamo, Founder

F lorence

is a timeless city , constantly evolving , with omnipresent magical dimensions as grand as the city itsself

The myster y of time mar ks this

Florence is a timeless city,

third edition of the Collection

constantly evolving, with

Magazine, exploring its connection

omnipresent magical dimensions

to Florence: from time (slow)

as grand as the city itsself. Ancient

dedicated to the pleasures of taste, and yet so current, providing a good food and products from this

fountain of inspiration for many ...

rich land, to time dedicated to the

including myself.

city of Florence - which, like few other s in the wor ld, offer s endless ar tistic and natural beauty - to time (measured by the fraction of a second), that the par ticipants of the cycling wor ld championship compete against, to race through the streets of our city. But the tr ue essence is, that


ADV Nacci Comunicazione

Florence - Milan - Miami - Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Jakarta - Tel Aviv v i a d e l l a T o r r i c e l l a 2 9 , A n t e l l a - F i r e n z e - I t a l y - - Tel. +39 055 6560324 / 621807


c o l l e ct i o n

About time

Valeriano Antonioli, Editorial Director

‘T he

perception of time ’ which produces magic effects and extraordinary contrasts in F lorence and T uscany , marks the special theme of our third C ollection issue ” It is a jour ney through time , with

when one gets lost in the beauty of

Dan Brown guiding our reader s to

Florentine and Tuscan landscapes,

the discover y of sixteenth-centur y

a beauty that photogr apher Mauro

Florence and its most iconic sights

Galligani br illiantly captured for this

(Palazzo Vecchio, Boboli Gardens),

issue .

as well as of the city’s secret

We also associate time with

places and passageways (the Vasar i

excitement and change for our

Cor r idor!), which our guests have

collection of hotels, as a new gem

the chance to visit through the

will soon be added to the Lungar no

exclusive Infer no tour, or ganized

Collection: the Por trait Firenze. An

by our concier ge . We created this

exclusive luxur y home overlooking

fascinating tour as a way to honor

the Arno River and Ponte Vecchio,

time , the theme that r uns through

where guests will be treated to a

our new Collection Magazine issue .

tr uly unique exper ience . Because , to

Time may pass too fast, quickly,

us, tr ue luxur y means valuing your

slowly, or it may even stop at times,

precious time .


friends Dan Brown Danilo Rea Roberto Koch



D an B rown


F lorence

for the launching event

‘I nferno ’ at P alazzo C apponi , part of the L ungarno C ollection




c o ll e cti o n

Dan(te)’s passion Dan Brown

I was str uck by the Divine Comedy at the age of eighteen and have been dreaming of wr iting a novel inspired by Dante’s wor k ever since . To me , Dante is the “inventor” of the concept of hell. His wor ks, second only to the bible , are like the Mona Lisa: timeless, immor tal wor ks of ar t. Florence is a magical city, so r ich in treasures, ar t and secrets. When I came here for the fir st time with my wife , to find inspir ation for my new novel, Inferno, I enjoyed

D an B rown , A merican author , among his bestselling novels are ‘T he D a V inci C ode ’ and ‘A ngels & D emons ’. H is latest thriller novel , ‘I nferno ’, is set in F lorence

getting lost in the streets and I couldn’t stop thinking that those were the same streets that geniuses such as Machiavelli and Dante had walked. The place that impressed me the most is the Baptister y: when I entered for the fir st time and saw the three-headed demon, I imagined what impact such a wor k of ar t could have had on a per son like Dante . The David and Piazza della Signor ia, the Boboli Gardens and Palazzo Vecchio are a few of the spectacular sights that I used as backdrop for the adventures of my lead char acter Rober t Langdon.



The Divine Comedy. I fell in love with it when I was still a young college student

A city filled with treasures. Love at fir st sight? The Baptister y

You Italians have such a great her itage…do you realize how lucky you are?


The characTer

The man I would like to be? Rober t Langdon, the hero of my novels

The dream book

A wrinkle in time by Madeleine L’Engle . A book that introduced me to the power of imagination


c o ll e cti o n

J a z z e s c a pes Danilo Rea When I was six, I took piano lessons from the neighborhood teacher who said from the outset: “This child should be sent to music college”. If this would have happened, I would now be a classical pianist. Instead, I only attended music college when I was eighteen, after high school. After having followed the official lesson plan, I went on studying piano and, above all, I star ted to improvise . My light bulb moment came when I heard My favour ite

A n extraordinary performance at P alazzo S pini -F eroni for the opening of the F erragamo M useum ’ s bookshop . D anilo R ea , one of I taly ’ s greatest jazz pianists

things, perfor med by John Coltr ane , together with the great Mccoy Tyner. That was exactly what I had been looking for : a lovely melody on top of which two great improviser s had built a mountain. I knew I had found my way. Many year s later, I met Mccoy Tyner and told him: “Whether for the good or the bad, I began playing jazz music thanks to you”.

I was among the fir st in

Italy to take a song and change it. I under stand Jazz as destr uction and reconstr uction, but, as the great Sonny Roniz used to say, in order to make the audience under stand what the improviser is dr iving at, the star ting point must be as familiar as possible . Despite the initial

Plans After the record with Mina and the duet with Gino Paoli, I’m planning some piano recordings. It’s been a long time and I miss it

discoveries The excellent acoustics of Palazzo Spini Feroni’s entr ance hall. I would like to go back to record my next album there

bad reception from the cr itics, I per sisted in going my way (luckily!).


My First time I encountered music at a ver y young age , when I was only two year s old, thanks to a por table recordplayer

curious FacTs “For years we had no piano at home. I have no idea how he managed to do it, but he has never blown a performance!” (Nicky Nicolai, his wife)

O ver his long career , D anilo R ea (A ugust 9, 1957) has performed with some of the greatest

A merican soloist , such as C het B aker , L ee K onitz , J ohn S cofield , J oe L ovano and A rt F arme

R oberto K och , reportage photographer but also founder of

and P resident C ontrasto , I taly ’ s

leading photographic agency



c o ll e cti o n

The eyes of photography Roberto Koch

The day after my gr aduation, I already had a camer a hanging from my neck and shor tly after I star ted the agency Contr asto. The following year s, I managed to combine wor king at the agency and tr aveling the wor ld for my repor tages. I under stood that a photogr apher needs to focus on photogr aphy and I eventually decided

T he ‘I n G iro ’

to solely concentr ate on Contr asto and its revolving univer se . As for the exhibition In Giro, it is a selection of photogr aphs I took whilst following the Giro d’Italia bicycle r ace between

retrospective photo exhibition

G iro D’I talia by R oberto K och showing at the G allery H otel A rt until D ecember , with the cooperation of L eica and C ontrasto about the


1991 and 1995. After a long per iod of tr aveling back and for th between Russia and the United States, I decided to retur n to photogr aphing in Italy and, str angely enough, I star ted with the Giro d’Italia. The giro is a tr ue wor ld of its own and, to put it in the words of Saint-Exupér y, you become responsible for what you have tamed. Ever yone lives together, is on a fir st-name basis and equal ter ms. It’s hard to imagine from the outside . There’s cer tainly some dr ama, but then the giro has always been that way. The effor ts of the r acer s and staff preser ved the r ace intact over all these year s and the passion of the fans and or ganizer s makes the atmosphere tr uly unique . My par t was to pay homage to all that through my photogr aphs.

The sense oF Time I like the idea of slowness, which is the tr ue luxur y of our time . Devoting time to oneself, to the beloved one , to other s

leica The symbol of repor tage photography associated with figures such as Rober t Kapa and Car tier-Bresson (here in the picture). Easy to handle and extremely versatile…


The FirsT love My fir st camer a, a Canon FTQL, after which I have always used Canon and Leica camer as

insPiraTions Sebastiao Salgado, a great communicator through his photogr aphs

i t i n e r a ry Florence Tuscany


ph. Lucia Baldini

A bove : the greenhouse H orticultural garden . B elow : a view of the P alazzo S pini -F erroni ( left ) from V ia de ’ T ornabuoni

of the


Itinerar y


My Florence Felice Limosani

P hoto D ario G arofalo My Florence begins with the fir st light of morning when the city is empty and its beauty intact. I almost always walk or ride my bicycle to the studio in Via Roma and stop in the middle of Ponte Santa Trinità (8, 11) to take in the view of Ponte changes with the seasons and time of day, a thousand color variations that only the presence of water can create . Then there is Via Tornabuoni with Palazzo Ferroni on the right, air y and more elegant than ever. And then Via Strozzi, which leads to Piazza della Repubblica (9). Sometimes I will stop to look at the historical buildings, which intrigue me . They preser ve wonder s and amazement,

ph. Alessandro Moggi

Vecchio (1). It’s never the same and it

Felice Limosani, art director and artist with installations for the U nesco and the M ilan Triennale. Digital storyteller and video artist who premiered at the C annes F ilm F estival

beautiful rooms, breathtaking frescoes and small harmonious cour tyards. Thanks

unmatched in Florence . When I need to

displays are brilliant! There is always an

to my local friends, I am often able to

escape even for just half an hour, I take

idea, a message or ironic reflection that

discover and visit private places that

a shor t walk through San Lorenzo. In Via

goes beyond the exhibit of its creations.

are inaccessible to the public. Other s I

de’ Conti you find Desii (5), two highly

Recently I discovered that Il Caffè

can only imagine when skir ting around

original vintage spaces with a thousand

Florian enlarged its space to make way

the walls of the facades. For lunch I

things carefully selected by Car lo. There

for a par t of the family’s contemporar y

am meeting my par tner Doris at Coco

are three seats on the sidewalk by the

ar t collection. Magnificent! From Plessi

Lezzone to talk about ever ything that

entrance , one white , one red and one

onwards, one seems to be in a different

comes to mind. The atmosphere makes

green. Choosing our colored chair (me , the wor ld... A unique and prodigious city, so

me feel at home , right in my kitchen. A

green one) we simply watch people stroll

rich in “univer sal” stories to make it a

tip for Fridays: they ser ve salt cod with

by. A delightful and necessar y distraction,

spontaneous stage for the upcoming Expo

chickpeas, the best in the wor ld. Talking

that allows me to completely detach and

2015. Recently I edited the exhibition

about food, the restaurant Portofino, going mentally rewind. Often, I will walk along

Nutrire il Pianeta (Nourishing the Planet)

towards Campo di Mar te , is a must-tr y. A

Via Por ta Rossa, to Pampaloni, a historical

for the Milan Triennale open day. The

little off the beaten track, but Leonardo’s

store that sells silverware and porcelain. It

theme of the upcoming exhibition evolves

cooking and the quality of the seafood are

exhibits ver y nice items and the window

around “il cibo” (food) and highlights



Tuscany, especially Florence . This could be an historic oppor tunity to provoke new ways of thinking, about the Renaissance and about beauty. A couple of times a year I will visit the Uffizi, to honor its eternally vibrant riches, even if they belong to the past. It is a tr uly inspiring epicenter. Always different, the exhibits match my mood and present me with stimuli needed that moment. What a combination of stories


and wonder s. I also have a special bond with Palazzo Strozzi (7), as about a year ago I was privileged to create a video

with spatiality, per spectives, stories and

that, like Naples, I’ll never stop loving.

mapping installation, commissioned by

talent. On those walls man speaks about

So when I’m tired and I imagine an ideal

Sole24Ore: Il Sole sui Tetti (The Sun on

beauty, courage and hope for posterity.

place to fall asleep, after sniffing around

the Roofs). I got to map and measure

This brings me back to the project I

ever ything, absolutely ever ything that

the architecture of its internal facades,

mentioned ear lier, Il sole sui tetti, Italian

surrounds me (monuments, piazzas, open

centimeter by centimeter, a tr uly unique

terraces with views and visions, where I

or half closed bar s, foreign languages that

and physical experience . The Florence

detail to my talented and good friends

resound from the street, masterpieces

of the Medici is comprised of gardens

the joy of experiencing the city from up

of ar t that seem gently asleep, immor tal

and the Cascine Park (2) could not be


statues like the Perseus by Benvenuto

left out of this per sonal little guide . It is

Let me finish with a quote by Lucio Dalla

Cellini (4) or the David nearby (6)), I

a “generous” place that the city needs

for my publication, a dear friend from

imagine myself in my room in the tower

to re-appropriate . There is also the

times when we talked about music, food

(10) of the Hotel Lungarno in Florence:

Horticultural garden, beautiful but hidden, and the Tremiti. His original words are:

it is there that I have written so many

with its nineteenth-centur y greenhouse

“... But perhaps my favorite place , after

things and again, it is there that this poor

in cast-iron and glass. Still, my preferred

having moved so many times, the tr ue

little man at times felt like he was of

place is the Salone dei Cinquecento, filled

door step of my hear t, is Florence , a city

impor tance”.










P iazza della R epubblica



F rom top clockwise : H ercules and C acus (P iazza della S ignoria ), the V asari C orridor , the B argello ’ s façade ( detail ), N eptune F ountain in P iazza della S ignoria ( detail ). R ight page : statue of D ante A lighieri opposite the C hurch of S anta C roce

Itinerar y

coll e ct i on

We l c o m e to Hell

On the trail of the latest thriller novel by Dan Brown set in Florence T ext T eresa F avi - P hoto L orenzo C otrozzi

Dan Brown’s latest thr iller novel, Inferno, which was released in May and has already hit number one on best- seller lists throughout the wor ld, is set in the hear t of the oldest par t of Florence , on both sides of the Ponte Vecchio, within a r adius of three square meter s, four at most. The famous ar t and symbology Har vard professor, the hero of Dan Brown’s novels, has given up chasing the Enlightenment thinker s across Rome and Vatican City. He is now in a city he knows perfectly well, as he has been studying Florence’s histor y and its ar tists for quite some time .

A shadow falls from the B adia F iorentina ’ s B ell T ower as the first voices of the market vendors resound from P iazza S an F irenze …

Year s ago, Dan Brown shot a documentar y film in Florence on

be as lucky as Dante? He cer tainly

Por ta Romana, the oldest access

the Blac k Death and his new novel

will, although he too, at a cer tain

point into the city, only to find it

is peppered with references to it.

point, will find himself “within a

blocked. They are forced to find

Professor Langdon r uns through

forest dar k, for the str aightforward

an alter native route and thanks

the city, fights against a ter r ible

pathway had been lost”. With a

to the advice of an ar t student,

enemy and (once again) has to safe

new assistant by his side , - Sienna

they enter the Ar t Institute’s

the wor ld from a dangerous threat.

Brooks, a young Br itish doctor,

building and from there the Boboli

The only way out is to plunge into

whom he meets by chance and

Gardens, where they mingle with

the wor ld of the Divine Comedy,

whose help proves to be invalu-

tour ists to go unnoticed. As they

decipher symbols and disclose

able -, Langdon escapes from death

are caught by a drone , they take

secrets that date back to the age

(more than once), decipher s the

refuge in the Medicean garden’s

of Dante Alighieri. Nine circles of

Map of Hell dr awn by Sandro

most myster ious and bizar re

Hell that keep sinner s of the wor ld

Botticelli and reaches Palazzo

attr action, the Buontalenti Grotto,

entr apped and from which the

Vecchio, where an impor tant clue

made up of three frescoed rooms,

supreme Florentine poet had been

is found. On their way to Palazzo

stalagmites and ancient statues. The

able to get away. Will the Professor

Vecchio, Langdon and Brooks reach

end seems so close . However, as


P iazza


S ignoria

from the

T errace

of the

L oggia


L anzi

in all Dan Brown novels, there is

Brown revealed that his novel

always room for hope and the two

might be adapted into a film.

fugitives in the Vasari Corridor:

Inferno has already been optioned

the enclosed passageway on top of

for a movie and a screenplay is well

Ponte Vecchio, connecting Palazzo

under way.

Pitti and Palazzo Vecchio through

O n the right page : 1. B argello P alace 2. P iazza S an F irenze 3. D ante ’ s deadly mask (P alazzo V ecchio M useum ) 4. A detail of the B attle of M arciano by G iorgio V asari (S alone dei C inquecento ) 5. D ante ’ s H ouse 6. H ercules and C acus (P iazza della S ignoria ) 7. P orta del P aradiso by L orenzo G hiberti (B attistero ) 8. F resco under the D ome of S anta M aria del F iore ( the F lorence C athedral ) 9. T he B adia F iorentina ’ s B ell T ower

the Uffizi Galler y. And here , inside


Palazzo Vecchio, the Easter n wall of

the Lungarno Collection may enjoy

the Salone dei Cinquecento reveals

a tour of all city sights mentioned

one of the keys to the whole affair :

in the book. The package includes

a hidden message , Cerca Trova, at

a three-hour guided tour on the

the top r ight of the painting The

tr ail of lead char acter Rober t

Battle of Marciano by Gior gio Vasar i

Langdon, in search of the secrets

(4). Ever ything still seems covered

hidden in the Divine Comedy and in

in myster y. Will the Professor look

Leonardo da Vinci’s wor ks. Among

through Dante’s death mask (3)?

the including attr actions are the

What do the seven deadly sins

Uffizi Galler y, the Badia Fiorentina’s

have to do with Dante Alighier i’s

Bell Tower (9), Palazzo Vecchio,

circles of hell? You will have to read

Dante’s House (5) and many more

the book to find out. Enjoyment is

sur pr ising sights. The package is

guar anteed.

reser ved for guests staying at one of the Lungar no Collection hotels

CURIOUS FACTS At the launching

in Florence: Hotel Lungar no, Galler y

event in Florence in June , Dan

Hotel Ar t and the Continentale .












ph. Lucia Baldini

A bove : F ountain of N eptune in the B oboli G ardens B elow : S alone dei C inquecento of P alazzo V ecchio



c o llecti o n

Treasure hunt in Florence Historical and artistic glitches in Dan Brown’s most recent novel, ‘Inferno’ T ext V incenzo V accaro *

W ith this issue we inaugurate an

first glaring inconsistency is most

thanks to a careful restor ation. It is

additional column of our magazine ,

likely due to the tr anslation of

now accessible by appointment to

Hidden Florence, a space dedicated

English into Italian.

small, pr ivately booked groups. But

to discover ing secrets and cur iosities

The Fontana della Forc hetta (in

let’s look at the second obvious

in Florence that are rare and

the Italian ver sion), refer s to

er ror.

unknown even to tr ue Florentines .

the Fountain of Neptune in the

Dur ing the chase in the attic of

We proudly collaborate with the

Boboli Gardens, which in reality

Palazzo Vecchio, Vayentha, the

architect and Director of Section

is commonly known to the

killer-centaur who’s task is to

I of the Super intendence of the

Florentines as Fontana del Forcone .

eliminate Professor Langdon,

Environmental and Architectural

Neptune’s tr ident is similar to a

falls into the void dr iven by

Her itage of Florence , V incenzo

pitchfor k, not to a for k.

Sienna Brooks (the protagonist’s


Pitc hfork and fork in English can

companion in the adventure).

As a profound and passionate

both be indicated by the ter m

The disastrous fall tear s through

connoisseur of histor y, ar t and

for k. But if you talk to a Florentine

the wor k of Gior gio Vasar i in

architecture in Florence , V incenzo

about the Fontana del Forcone ,

the centre of the ceiling, The

Vaccaro will guide us in an

he will think that you are talking

Apotheosis of Cosimo I, as if it

unprecedented treasure hunt through

about Neptune in the Boboli

were a canvas. However, all wor ks

stor ies , events and places throughout

Gardens, whereas the Fontana

(including this one) embedded in

the city. Our fir st mission impossible

della Forchetta might indicate that

the vaults of the impressive ceiling

was to find ar tistic and histor ical

you have not yet digested lunch!

of the Salone dei Cinquecento are

er ror s and inconsistencies in Dan

The second inaccuracy instead

made of heavy wooden panels, and

Brown’s latest novel, Inferno. Here is

relates to one of the most

not of canvas. In reality therefore ,

what we lear ned.

spectacular moments of the entire

the weight of a human body falling

novel, the flight of the protagonists

from the tr usses of the attic could

“It only took me two after noons

into the attic of Palazzo Vecchio,

never compromise the ceiling.

to finish the book Inferno. I tr uly

a place unknown to most

Nonetheless, I invite you to read

enjoyed myself, because the stor y

people , that really exists and

this exhilar ating novel, to visit

took me through many of the

extr aordinar ily suppor ts the ceiling

all the locations mentioned, and,

usual places connected to my

of the Salone dei Cinquecento

why not, even the two beautiful

wor k and my passion, but from the

without weighing directly on the

incr iminated sites!”

completely sur pr ising angle of a

roof tr usses of the palazzo. This

*Director of Section I of

gr ipping thr iller. Some of the er ror s

‘wooden roof inside a roof ’ is a

the Super intendence of the

are actually ver y interesting and

tr ue car pentr y wor k of ar t and

Environmental and Architectural

required to car r y the stor y. The

was recently brought back to life

Her itage of Florence.


O utside U ffizi G allery


41 40


c olle c tio n

F rom

the left :

T itian , V enus


C upid ;


C orridor

of the

U ffizi ; S andro B otticelli , S pring ; T he V asari C orridor

B e yo n d time

Antonio Natali reflects on art and the centuries T ext F rancesca L ombardi

“When there is talk about time and ar t, I think of ancient Florence and its relationship with the contempor ar y: of the ar tist David, who at his young age

16 th - century

masterpieces , visions from a past

era and a passionate and courageous


F lorence .

the words of the director of one of the world ’ s greatest museums , the

U ffizi

brought together intellectuals, ar tists, and politicians of the city; of the ear ly year s of the16th centur y, when ar tists of the caliber of Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo and Botticelli wor ked

later, del Sar to was commissioned

were breaking with the past and

here , and opinion for mer s like

for a second lar ge-scale wor k, the

tr aditions. Does moder n-day

Guicciardini and Machiavelli

Journey of the Magi, for which

Florence react the same with

were active . In 1509, at the age

the 17-year-old Rosso Fiorentino

contempor ar y ar t? Vasar i recounts

of only 23, Andrea del Sar to

painted a figure of such beauty,

that when Leonardo retur ned

was commissioned to fresco

that it stood out from the whole

from Milan, the entire city flocked

the Chiostrini dei Voti in the

context painted by Andrea.

to SS Annunziata to admire the

Church of SS. Annunziata,

When talking about Andrea del

drawing of Saint Anne. Do you

depicting the life of Beato Filippo

Sar to, Rosso, and Pontor mo, I

think something like this would

Benuzzi. Ever yone in Florence

always like to stress, that the

happen today?” Our meeting

would pass by, to vener ate the

monks, who gave this ver y young

with Antonio Natali, Director

mir acle dispensing vir gin. When

team the task of frescoing the

of Florence’s most impor tant

Francabigio, Rosso Fiorentino,

Chiostrino, had no idea about

museum and one of the most

and Pontormo wor ked with him

their impact on ar t histor y. That

famous in the wor ld, star ts with

on the big fresco, they had all not

was the Florence of the 16th-

this lashing rebuke . A delightful

yet come of age . Just two year s

centur y and these young ar tists

sword thr ust, followed by an


A ntonio N atali ,

director of the

U ffizi G allery (P h . A lessandro M oggi )

emer sion into the intellectual and

contemporar y star ts necessarily

ar tistic histor y of the Renaissance , through an analysis of the past?

on the right page : the masterpieces

unequalled in histor y (3, 5, 7).

From a knowledge of the past. As,

So today Florence focuses on

and I say this from an ideological

conser ving, understanding and

standpoint, no one can create

re-proposing the past?

without a solid background, gained

Not always. A genuine philological

through studying, obser vation, and

intent should aim at presenting

listening …

the past as it was. But I have seen

Five must-sees to understand the

lots of r uinous effor ts.

real essence of the Uffizi? There’s

At the end of June , the

no str aight answer, as what

Uffizi inaugurated additional

appeals to one’s mind and hear t is

exhibition rooms, almost a gift

highly individual.

to the Florentines. What do they

And your personal route?

represent for you?

Due to my passionate nature , I

The continuity of a philological

am not a Botticelli fanatic . My

and innovative project. The blue

prefer red ar tists are Rosso and

‘Foreign Ar tists’ rooms (2, 9)

Pontor mo, although my favor ite

and the red ‘Moder n Manner ism’

wor ks are not in the Uffizi. I’m

(4) rooms create realistic

thinking of Rosso’s Dead Chr ist

backgrounds, as these wall color s

in Boston and the Deposition in

resemble the tr ibune of Fr ancesco

Volter r a, as well as Pontor mo’s

I. Equally, a green color was

Deposition in Santa Felicita… (1,

chosen for the entr ance and an

6, 8).

P ontormo and ochre yellow for the 17th-centur y R osso F iorentino ; of

the new rooms of the

rooms, inspired by the yellow

U ffizi damasks of noble palaces. So the

43 42

How does the flow of time relate to the Uffizi? The wor ld of the Uffizi is timeless.











P assage

of the sun

on the floor of the

S anta M aria del F iore (T he F lorence C athedral ), J une 28 th , 2013, 1 pm

Itinerar y


From left: Galilei Museum; the Florence Cathedral and Bell Tower by Giotto; Santa Maria Novella; Galileo Galilei’s portrait

T h e l a n d of time

Discovering Florence’s oldest and most curious clocks and meridians T ext T eresa F avi - P hoto D ario G arofalo Did you know that the fir st per son to discer n the regulator y mechanism

F lorence ,

the home of G alileo G alilei ’ s concept of time as a measurable parameter of movement ...

of clocks was Galileo Galilei? Thanks to his intuition, the great scientist made his fir st discover y at the Pisa cathedr al, after obser ving the oscillations of a hanging lanter n. He for mulated and tested the isochronism of the pendulum and later, in 1641, proposed the pendulum

time around city life , the beginning

by the scientist Lorenzo della Volpaia

He produced a rough design, but

and end of the wor king day. The large

and installed in the Sala dei Gigli

never managed to realize it himself.

clock at the base of the tower was

at the Palazzo Vecchio. The clock

Even though the fir st pendulum clock

built in 1353 by the Florentine Nicolò

included a per petual calendar and

was subsequently built in 1657 by the

Ber nardo, whose wor kshop was in a

showed the movements of Jupiter

Dutchman Chr istiaan Huygens, the

street near the cathedr al, since then

and its four satellites, discovered by

mer it of this extr aordinar y invention

called via dell’Or iuolo. The clock

the Tuscan scientist. Unfor tunately

belongs to Florence and its cultur al

had to be adjusted manually until

this amazing astronomical instr ument

renaissance .

the 17th centur y, when, thanks to

disappeared at the end of the 16th

Galileo’s intuition, a long pendulum

centur y. It was rebuilt in 1994 and

was added to the mechanism: the

named Jupiterium. Today it can be

as a mechanism for regulating clocks.

clocKS In Florence the

quintessential clock consisted of three still-functioning clock we admire

admired in the Galilei Museum in

bells (the Mar tinella, the Midday

today is Gior gio Leder le di Augusta’s

Florence in one of the three rooms

Bell, and the Tolling Bell) found in

or iginal ver sion, dating back to 1667.

that illustr ate Galileo’s discover ies

the Tower of Arnolfo sur mounting

In 1510 an extr aordinar y planet clock

for measur ing time . Before enter ing

Palazzo Vecchio,which mar ked the

was built for Lorenzo the Magnificent

the museum, take note of a str ange


A rmillary

sphere ( left ) and meridian ( center ) on the façade of

S anta M aria N ovella

object in front of the entr ance in

the cathedr al dur ing 4 days a year

Piazza dei Giudici. It is actually a

around the summer solstice . The

moder n mer idian, a bronze monolith

Santa Maria Novella church façade

of about 6 meter s, functioning as a

has not one but two astronomical

calendar and displaying time on lines

instr uments, built by the Dominican

of copper attached to the ground.

Ignazio Danti. On the r ight is a

Florence has many mer idians, some

gnomon, the needle of a mer idian,

are ver y old and cur ious…

that casts its shadow to indicate time . On the left is a bronze ar millar y

R ight

MeRiDiAnS A mer idian, or solar

sphere that shows the movement of

clock, is the oldest clock in the wor ld,

the star s around the ear th or the

based on the gauging of the position

sun, and deter mines the days on

of the sun. They are found on facades

which the solstice and equinox fall.

and walls of histor ic buildings all over

But Florence’s most cur ious mer idian

Europe , and Florence is no exception.

is located on Ponte Vecchio, on the

In 1475 the mathematician Paolo

ter r ace in the middle of the br idge

dal Pozzo Toscanelli placed a bronze

next to the bust of Benvenuto Cellini.

tablet with a 5-cm hole beneath the

On the roof of the shop to the

page , clockwise from

windows inside of the cathedr al of T ower of A rnolfo Santa Maria del Fiore. The sun’s r ays on P alazzo V ecchio ; the armillary sphere on the passed through the hole and shone façade of S anta M aria onto the floor of the Cappella della N ovella ; meridian in P iazza Croce . Until today it is possible to dei G iudici ; meridian of P onte V ecchio obser ve the passage of the sun inside the top :


r ight, facing the Ar no, is a crescent moon on a slender column. It is an or thogonal solar clock indicating canonical hour s. Should you ever need to know the time , now you know where to go!


T i m e l e s s views

An ancient love story between earth and men. Tuscany P hoto M auro G alligani



A bove . S iena B elow : vineyards in the


M ontespertoli


A bove : P itigliano B elow : S an G imignano


A bove : V al d ’O rcia B elow : T alamone


A bove : C rete senesi B elow : S orano


a r t s t y l e s to r y Massimo Ferragamo Cycling Up at the Gallery Hotel Art ‘The Amazing Shoemaker’ at the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum Kerry Kennedy Zhou Shichao




F amily portrait C astiglion del B osco


c o llecti o n


Passion, memories, places of the heart, philosophy of life T ext T eresa F avi

Massimo Fer r agamo divides his time between New Yor k, where he lives, Florence , where the company has its headquar ter s, and Montalcino, in the hear t of Sienese Tuscany (amidst

M assimo F erragamo , since 1985 president of F erragamo USA I nc ., responsible for sales and distribution of S alvatore F erragamo products in N orth A merica

scener y that for med the backdrop for The English Patient), where he bought Castiglion del Bosco in 2003, a wine estate that produces Br unello and offer s some of the most atmospher ic and exclusive hotel accommodation in the wor ld. How do you handle the difference

The greatest lesson learnt from your

between the hectic pace of work in

mother and your father.

the company and the peacefulness of

The real lesson of my mother was setting

the Castiglion del Bosco countr yside?

an example . Seeing, as I grew up, how

It’s not possible to have two different

much she devoted her self to wor k to

speeds in your wor king life , whether

substitute the figure of my father in the

we are talking about cities or the

company, without her absence ever being

countr yside . But I have a ver y mar ked

felt at home , was her greatest lesson.

change of rhythm when I go on

As for my father, who I did not know


well because he died when I was three

What is your philosophy of life and

year s old, I clear ly remember a funny


episode , one of the few memor ies I

Never pass your self off for what you

have of him. I must have been about two

are not, otherwise you will disappoint.

and a half when my brother Leonardo

Be honest, sincere , in a word, always

played a mischievous tr ick on me: I r an

tell the tr uth, even when it’s awkward.

off to my father in search of justice ,



c o llecti o n

F rom

left :

S anto S pirito ; L ungarni ;

view of

P onte V ecchio ; C ascine


and my brother tr uly got in trouble . It

played since childhood; I even played for

Castiglion del Bosco is synonymous with

was sweet revenge… (he smiles). Joking

Fiesole in the fir st league . Nowadays, I

luxur y hospitality. What qualities make

apar t, parents are the pr ime source of

only retur n for a few games with fr iends,

the difference in this sector nowadays?

our sense of justice , and we should never

or when I am asked to play for the Italian

Always offer ing something different

for get it.

Fashion Designer s Team. Ever y now and

in ter ms of ser vice and attention for

Your fondest childhood memor y

then I go r allying with vintage car s, the

guests. The wor ld and people’s desires

associated with Florence?

real ones though, like the 4th revival of

are evolving constantly, so you need to

When we were children, we had the

the San Mar ino Rally in my 1975 Lancia

keep up to date and adapt, but above

good for tune to have a lar ge piece of

Str atos, a passion that star ted when my

all, make sure your customer comes

woodland adjoining the house . There

father gave me a red pedal car when I

fir st and the essence of the place is

we r an free , climbed trees, played

was ver y small. The best present of my


soccer. Perhaps that is why I still love

life! I also adore bikes: one of the most

Last year you had a special guest, Paul

soccer matches and am cr azy about the

atmospher ic , but also most tir ing bike

McCartney, who celebrated his 70th

countr yside .

jour neys was the Santiago de Compostela birthday at Castiglion del Bosco. Did

Three places that capture the essence of pilgr im route , 800 kilometer s in 10 days,

you meet?


lots of them uphill! Really exhausting, but

Pr ivacy is ver y impor tant for us, I hope

For someone visiting for the fir st time ,

wor th it.

you can under stand, but I may say that

Piazzale Michelangelo, For te Belvedere ,

On the subject of bikes, an itinerar y in

he is a ver y pleasant per son.

and Piazza della Signor ia. For me ,


Of the Lungarno Collection hotels,

knowing it well, Piazza San Lorenzo with

An easy and fascinating route , and little

which is your favorite?

the Centr al Mar ket, and the Oltr ar no

frequented, even by Florentines: do the

I like them all, and they all have

(the left bank of the Ar no), where , apar t

whole of the Lungar no on the cycle tr ack

distinctive qualities. The Florence ones

from the fact that I have a home there ,

on the r ight bank of the Ar no, going

are concentr ated around Ponte Vecchio:

you can soak up the real spir it of the city.

through the magnificent histor ical Parco

you are in the hear t of the ar t wor ld

In San Frediano and Santo Spir ito you

delle Cascine , and take the unpaved road

and, nowadays, of Florentine life as

meet so many authentic char acter s, even

that flanks the r iver until you ar r ive at

well! And natur ally the Por tr ait Roma,

today, that it’s like being in a theater.

the Parco dei Renai at Lastr a Signa, a

with its extr aordinar y location and its

What is your relationship with sports

really fun place . It is 24 kilometer s in

philosophy of hospitality, which is unique

and speed?

total, but it is flat and in a green setting

in the hotel tr ade and makes guests feel

My great passion is soccer, which I have


as if they are in their own home .


A bove : M assimo as a child with his

W anda and S alvatore F erragamo (A rchive F oto L occhi ) B elow : C astiglion del B osco mother father


H ere and pages 62, 63: I nstallation in V icolo dell ’O ro , part of the ‘C ycling U p ’ project by S imone D’A uria ( photographs by G ilberto B enni with L eica M) R icht page : photographs of R oberto K och ( courtesy of C ontrasto ) on show at the G allery H otel A rt for the ‘I n G iro ’ exhibition , part of the C ycling up project



c o llec t i o n

C y c l i n g _ Up

An interview with Simone D’Auria about the new exhibition at Gallery Hotel Art T ext T eresa F avi

T he G allery H otel A rt

Cyc ling Up is the title of the Exhibition, cur ated by architect

on its reputation as a leading

Simone D’Auria for the World

gallery for contemporary art

Cycling Championship 2013, which will have its headquar ter s


and photography with a new exhibition

in Florence from September 22nd through 29th. A tr ibute to Florence , to its elegance and sophisticated cr aftsmanship, but also to Salvatore Fer r agamo’s legacy and to the city’s war m, Italian-style andinter nationalor iented hospitality. An integr al par t of the Cycling Up ar t project

after year s of captur ing scenes

is the solo exhibition by Rober to

of ever yday life abroad. Ar t,

Koch, In Giro. Par tner ing with Leica,

photogr aphy, Italian genius and

social repor tage photogr apher,

fair play, on show at theGaller y

president and founder of Italy’s

Hotel Ar t from September through

leading photogr aphic agency

December 2013, will create a

Contrasto, Rober to Koch,

unique exper ience for visitor s. In

displays extr aordinar y black and

order to gain insight into this one-

white photogr aphy of the most

of-a-kind project, we met its creator,

exciting Giro d’Italia bicycle

Simone D’Aur ia.

r aces of the nineties. A jour ney

Although the World Cycling

across Italy through fast-changing

Championship 2013 is this project’s

landscapes from a ver y human

star ting point, the exhibition has

and, in par ticular, from a spor ts

a more extensive meaning beyond

fan viewpoint. It is Koch’s ver y

the spor ts event, what is it?

per sonal way of rediscover ing Italy

Based on Leonardo da Vinci’s


concept, that ar t is the fr uit of

from the Duomo and Ponte

science and technology, and playing

Vecchio. The ar t installations,

with the word “Cycling-Up”, we

which I designed for the exhibition,

created ar t installations

influence the viewer’s perception

from a

symbol of ever yday life , the bicycle ,

of the urban space that connects

and combined it with Italian style .

the vicolo with the three exquisite

The exhibition is the result of

hotels of the Lungar no Collection. It

interaction between creatives,

creates cur iosity amongst the media

ar tists and companies. Could you

and, above all, guests and visitor s.

give us more detailed information?

Leica, the world-famous

The idea was to cooper ate with

photography brand, is said to be

leading Italian companies, that

landing in Florence at the same

perfectly represent the Italian

time as the exhibition…

br and ‘Made in Italy’ and stand for

Yes, to round things up, the new

quality and product value , such as

Leica store , which I per sonally

Bottecchia Cycles, manufacturer of

designed, will be opening soon in

the histor ic Gr aziella bike and of

Vicolo dell’Oro. I have wor ked

the most innovative r acing bicycles,

successfully for some time now

on display to the public dur ing the

with Leica and am content

time of the exhibition.

about their par tner ship with the

Tell us about the “vision” behind

Lungar no Collection. This syner gic

the exhibition?

cooper ation will cer tainly add to

The Cycling-Up event is held in

the ar tistic offer ings and ser vices of

Vicolo dell’Oro, only a few steps

both br ands.



Itinerar y


S alvatore F erragamo and his creations in a vintage photograph


(A rchive F oto asas L occhi ) on exhibition asas at the P alazzo as S pini -F eroni sa

63 62



The Amazing Shoemaker Fairy tales take stage at the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum T ext T eresa F avi

It is located inside of the histor ic headquar ter s of the Fer r agamo fashion house and looking author itatively and invitingly on Via Tor nabuoni, Florence’s fashion street par excellence . Situated on the ground floor of the 13thcentur y Palazzo Spini Feroni and encapsulating the extr aordinar y adventure of Salvatore Fer r agamo on the Hollywood-Florence axis between the 20s and the 60s, with 10,000 histor ic models, archive photos, dr awings and patents.We are talking about the Salvatore Ferragamo


exhibition about shoes and shoemaker legends at the F erragamo M useum until M arch 2014

Museum and a fair y tale stor y of a gifted shoemaker, bor n into a peasant family in Ir pinia in

prodigious figure and fair y-tale

contr ibuting with their beautiful

1898, who emigr ated to Amer ica

life of Salvatore Fer r agamo,

stor ies, as well as a musical

and retur ned to Italy, to settle

Stefania Ricci, Sergio Risaliti

piece by composer Luis Bacalov.

in Florence . His unpar alleled

and Luca Scarlini have created

The exhibit also includes a

knowledge and passion of the

an exceptional exhibition,

section devoted to sculptures

foot anatomy allowed him to

Il calzolaio prodigioso (The

and dr awings. There’s a car toon

create his unique and genius

Amazing Shoemaker). Running

str ip by Fr ank Espinosa, inspired

style . As a ser ious designer

till March 2014, the exhibit

by the stor y of Salvatore , and

and knowledgeable engineer,

dr aws inspir ation from the

two shor t films. The film White

he impressed Hollywood star s,

extr aordinar y life of Salvatore

Shoe dr aws on the fir st creation

pr incesses and queens, who

Fer r agamo through fair y tales,

of Salvatore’s childhood, a pair

would flock to the banks of the

myths and legends centered

of white shoes for his sister’s

Ar no from all over the wor ld

around shoes.Additional fair y-

fir st communion, made at night

to entr ust their feet into his

tale moments have been created

in the light of a candle and with

magical hands. To shed light on

by ar tists, such as Hamid Ziar ati,

makeshift tools… the star t of his

the mar velous breadth of the

Michele Mar i and Elisa Biagini,

fair y tale .


ph. Domenico Iuliano

T he E uropean headquarters of the RFK C enter for J ustice and H uman R ights , located in L e M urate , F lorence ’ s ancient former prison



I love Florence

An exclusive meeting with Kerry Kennedy at the Florence office of the RFK Center T ext T eresa F avi

Mrs. Kerr y Kennedy, can you please tell us about the mission of the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights? The Rober t F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights was founded in 1968 by my father’s family and friends to realize my father’s dream of a more just and peaceful wor ld. It’s meaningful to have your Europe offices headquar tered in Florence… Florence is itself a remar kable destination for human rights: it’s the bir thplace of the Renaissance , and the ideas of freedom


F ounded to honor the memory and dream of senator R obert F. K ennedy and presided over his daughter K erry , the RFK C enter for J ustice and H uman R ights has its E uropean office in F lorence

and individualism that grew out of it, and it was the fir st nation to ban the death penalty. How is your family, the Kennedys, tied to Florence? My family has always loved Florence ,

of Florence , the resiliency and charm

but the city gained special meaning for

of its people , and all the living histor y

us in 1966 when my uncle , Senator Ted

it embodies. But no matter how often I

Kennedy, visited by invitation of Gianni

visit, it is never enough. I always long to

Agnelli to help aid the flood relief

come back.

effor ts at the National Central Librar y.

What strikes you about the city each

After he returned we began visiting


Florence altogether as a family. I had

In Florence , there is a constant sense of

a similar honor year s ago when I was

reinvention and innovation grounded in

able to bring my three daughter s to the

ancient values. Anyone who has eaten

city for the fir st time . Now they visit

the wild inventions of Chef Fabio Picchi

regular ly.

at his restaurant, Cibreo, or has seen

How often do you visit the city?

the fabulous fair ytale film based on

I visit Florence as often as I can—both

the life of Salvatore Ferragamo at the

because our European headquar ter s are

Ferragamo Museum will know exactly

housed here , and because I love the city

what I mean. That’s why I love Florence .


the painting donated

P alazzo S trozzi C hina F oundation ( left on the top ) and other paintngs that the Z ou S hichao had to the

realized during his stay aaa in Faaaaaaaaa lorence




A colorful world

Between East and West: the colors and paintings of Zhou Shichao T ext T eresa F avi

Mr. Shichao, what was your first reaction to Florence? A really breathtaking ar r ival: Santa Mar ia Novella, Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signor ia, the Loggia dei Lanzi‌ As a student I always dreamt of touching the master pieces of this city, admired by ar tists of ever y age and from around the wor ld. When did you decide that your future lay in painting? Let me relate a cur ious episode . My mother was once called in to

T he C hinese artist visits the newly founded P alazzo S trozzi C hina F oundation , a project launched to boost F lorence and T uscany as examples of hospitality for C hinese visitors

my pr imar y school by the teacher, because I had not been seen for days. What had happened? My mother didn’t under stand as she had taken me to school ever y mor ning, as usual. Wor r ied, ever yone dashed out to

of art to the foundation, which will

look for me , just to realize that I was

also become a Salvatore Ferragamo

there , behind a cor ner, painting an

foulard. What does it represent?

entire wall of the school. You may

I chose shades of red, representing

under stand that ar t has always been

a good omen in China. In the

my passion, stronger than anything

foreground there’sFlorence and at the

else .

top Shanghai, br ushing against it like

What are the roots of your pictorial

a bird. For us, the bird is the symbol


of fr iendship andit is my wish for the

I became interested in oil paintings

strong bond between Florence and

thanks to the school of Lin Fengmian,

China. The bird also represents r apidly

a Chinese ar tist of the twentieth

passing time , as ever since I met my

centur y and a pioneer of moder n

fir st Florentine , Leonardo Fer r agamo, Chinese painting, blending Easter n and in 1993, dur ing the inaugur ationof the Wester n elements. fir st Salvatore Fer r agamo boutique in You have donated a beautiful work

China, time seems to have flown by...


l u n g a r n o c o l l e c t i o n wo r l d Portrait experience Extraordinary terraces White Iris Beauty Spa by Daniela Steiner


T he

warm , sophisticated style of one of the

P ortrait S uites designed by F lorentine architect M ichele B รถnan


c o ll e cti o n

A c u s t o m-made stay

Portrait, the experience of staying in a bespoke hotel T ext T eresa F avi

A few year s ago, when the Por tr ait concept was created in one of the beautiful meeting rooms of the Lungar no Collection, no one could have foreseen the tremendous success of this idea, evolving from the group’s core philosophy: the style of Salvatore Ferragamo. A style renown for “madeto-measure” creations that enhance the per sonality of each celebr ity customer. Tr anslated into hospitality, the concept is conceived and executed in the for m of a luxur ious Italian town house , where guests feel

A tribute to the genius and style of S alvatore F erragamo , who won over the world with beauty tailored to suit his extraordinary clients

immediately at home . Intimate spaces, bespoke

house . Each suite may be

smiling, and ready to assist in

hospitality with an emphasis on

customized before the arrival

ever ything an individual could

per sonalization and an utmost

of guests according to individual

possibly desire: a last-minute

customization of ser vice for

wishes and preferences: from

pr ivate jet, advice on which

the discer ned tr aveler.The

pillows to bed linen, from dr inks

leading restaur ant suits the taste

name itself, Por tr ait, conveys

to flower s, to per sonalized iPads.

of the guest, the best tables, un-

the idea of “made-to-measure”

Contr ar y to a standard hotel

findable tickets, the exclusive

hospitality, almost like the

suite , Por tr ait guests feel as if

tailor, who wor ks quietly behind

expression of a unique guest

enter ing their own home . The

the scenes, coiffeur s, per sonal

por tr ait. A pr ivate home to

concept of ‘home’ is one of the

tr ainer s, a cigar shop and even

enjoy ones stay, to meet fr iends,

extraordinar y aspects of this

a cr aftsper son for the best

or to indulge in a pleasant sense

understated luxur y hospitality

handmade shoes. More than just

of freedom.

style . No unifor ms, no

a gor geous suite , the Por tr ait

Michele Bönan, the elegant

categor ies, not just one butler,

Roma offer s the most authentic

Florentine architect, has created

but a dedicated team of exper ts:

made-to-measure experience

the atmosphere of a fashion

young, fr iendly, enthusiastic ,

imaginable .


Here ‘La Terrazza’ of the Continentale. Right page, above: the P icteau L ounge ’ s terrace at H otel L ungarno . Below: terrace of Borgo San Jacopo restaurant

T h e s k y is the limit Special moments in dream locations TexT AlessAndrA lucArelli

E xtraordinary

views of the city ,

exciting gastronomy and utmost hospitality

Open air


F rom

left : a suite ’ s terrace at the

P ortrait R oma ;

a suite ’ s terrace of

Hotel Lungarno ‘L a T errazza ’

of the

C ontinentale

Whether you admire the sunset

T he

over the Florentine skyline , as you indulge in a cocktail and relax at the end of the day, or you enjoy a light lunch with an all-round view of the city, the mar velous ter r aces of the hotels of the Lungar no Collection set the perfect stage . Unique

four splendid terraces

L ungarno C ollection : those of the C ontinentale , the B orgo S an J acopo restaurant , the P icteau L ounge and the P ortrait R oma of the

locations that combine unbeatable views with gastronomic exper iences, aesthetic flair, an eye for detail, and atmosphere . Let’s discover them together! ‘La Terrazza’ of the Continentale . The most exclusive meeting point in Florence , situated

a fine view of Ponte Vecchio and

from the exclusive Far macia Santa

on the top floor of the Hotel

Ponte Santa Tr inita. Tables can be

Mar ia Novella. We are moving

Continentale , on the medieval Tor re

reser ved for a candlelight dinner

on to Rome , where the Dolce

de’ Consor ti. The splendid all-

or a light lunch (Bor go San Jacopo

Vita awaits on the terrace of the

round view of Renaissance Florence

62/r, Florence). The Picteau Lounge

Por trait Roma, on the last floor of

stretches from Br unelleschi’s

Terrace. Picasso, Cocteau and a

this r ather unique boutique hotel.

cupola to San Miniato, from Palazzo

unique cocktail of ar t, genius, and

Just a stone’s throw from Piazza di

Vecchio to the Ar no and across to

fascination that pays tr ibute to

Spagna in the hear t of Via Condotti,

For te Belvedere (Vicolo dell’Oro

the 20th-centur y ar t collection

you find an atmosphere of a fashion

6r, open daily from 4pm to 12am

of the splendid Hotel Lungar no

house and film set, created by

midnight). The terrace of the

in Florence , at the hear t of the

Florentine architect Michele Bönan.

Borgo San Jacopo Restaurant.

Oltr ar no. Enjoy ever ything the

With spectacular views of Tr inità dei

Beatr ice Segoni’s gour met cuisine

Picteau lounge has to offer, including Monti, this unpar alled ter r ace offer s

and the exclusive ter r ace make it

a wide r ange of champagne (also by

the perfect setting for magnificent

one of the most romantic spots in

the glass), cocktails, fresh fr uit and

meals and cocktails under the

town: over looking the Ar no, with

vegetable smoothies, or infusions

Roman sky.


T he


P ortrait R oma suite facing T rinitĂ dei M onti terrace of a




F e r r a g a mo-style r itual The ‘total caress’ philosophy of the Continentale’s exclusive spa T ext T eresa F avi




R elaxation

and exclusive treatments at the

W hite I ris B eauty S pa


D aniela S teiner

at the

H otel C ontinentale

I n F lorence , well being starts with your feet at the L ungarno C ollection ’ s W hite I ris B eauty S pa by D aniela S teiner Salvatore Fer r agamo, “The

your self to a special moment

using gold dust, caviar and

Shoemaker of the Star s” as

of restor ative wellbeing,

Ar gan oil; or the Daniela

he was called in Hollywood,

sur rounded by a soothing

Steiner Luxur y Body Massage:

was able to under stand the

atmosphere , elegant décor

a relaxing massage with

char acter of a per son from

and top-class ser vice . Daniela

candle oils scented with the

his or her feet. His intuition

Steiner‘s “total caress”

Salvatore Fer r agamo Tuscan

ser ved as inspir ation behind

exper ience includes luxur ious

Soul fr agr ance . If in doubt, we

the Sublime Feet treatment,

beauty treatments, such as

recommend to star t with the

offered by the fabulous new

the White Gold Beauty Secret,

Sublime Feet treatment. You

White Iris Beauty Spa by

a facial and body massage ,

will thank us for the advice!

Daniela Steiner: a delicate exfoliation followed by a pedicure , a nutr ient mask and a gentle massage of the feet and legs. 110 minutes that will make you feel as if you were walking on clouds! The Hotel Continentale in Florence is owned by the Fer r agamo family and offer s the utmost romantic getaway, including a medieval tower over looking Ponte Vecchio and the Ar no. Here you find this exclusive city spa, a refuge to round off a long day, by treating


food The best of street food in the heart of Florence Cocktail, classics with a twist


H ere : M ariano O n the right page : I no




S t r e e t food

The best of street food in the heart of Florence T ext M aria G iusy R iccetti - P hoto D ario G arofalo

Slow and fast, forgotten and rediscovered – typical street food found in ever y neighborhood corner or piazza of historic Florence . Even though it is relished standing up or walking, the divinely authentic flavor s originate from patience , knowledge and love . We have selected three prime spots in the historical centre , divided into three different categories, that comprise traditional Florentine street food: Vinaini (wine), Paniniai (sandwiches), Lampredottai/Trippai (entrails/tripe). VinAini Typical small wineries, where you can enjoy wine and ancient Tuscan blends, accompanied by tasty traditional

I n search of unique culinary experiences and authentic flavours in the historic center of F lorence

food. All’Antico Vinaio (2, 4), on Via de’ Neri 74, is a pleasant stop, just a

coar sely chopped, salt and pepper, cold

many tasty alternatives. At I Fratellini

few steps from Palazzo Vecchio and

tripe salad, caper s, gar lic and par sley,

(7), on Via dei Cimatori 38/r, you can

the Uffizi Galler y. Here you can sample

butter, fillets of smoked herring or raw

order a warm crispy sandwich with

fine wines paired with a schiacciata

vegetables. The Fiaschetteria Nuvoli

prosciutto (ham) or finocchiona (salami

(bread) with creamed pecorino cheese

(11), in Piazza dell’Olio15, might

with fennel) and goat cheese , and pair

or cream of ar tichokes with sbriciolona

overwhelm you with their passion for

it with a good glass of wine . There are

from Montesper toli (cured meat with

Tuscan cuisine . Tr y the ribollita (bread,

twenty Chianti, Br unello or Morellino

fennel), as well as various crostini.

bean and cabbage stew), the crostini

labels to choose from. In a hole-in-

On via Argentino 16/r, near the San

with chicken liver and the tripe , as

the-wall full of delicious food items,

Lorenzo Mar ket, you find Casa del

well as their fabulous Tuscan wines and

crostini and sandwiches are prepared

Vino (3), a shop linked to the most

Super Tuscans from Maremma.

ancient tradition of Florentine food. A

at Mariano, Via del Parione 19/r. Tr y their classic sandwiches with salami and

must-tr y are the sandwiches with local

PAninAi From the vinaini we move on

cheese , or with tongue , chicor y and

cured meats, tomatoes, anchovies and

to the paninai. Here , the creator s of the

mustard, or Prague ham, gorgonzola

burrata cheese , green sauce , entrails,

Tuscan sandwiches, in addition to the

cheese and Ligurian olives, or even with

gristle , udder, muscle and tongue

classic ones with tripe or entrails, offer

a classical chicken galantine . Between













the Uffizi Galler y and Ponte Vecchio you find the gourmet shop Ino (1, 10), on Via de’ Georgofili 3. A small refuge specializing in sandwiches and rare local and national specialties. Another must-tr y is the signature panino and the gourmet’s kit which includes Dario Cecchini’s Cosimino meatloaf, panini or schiacciata breads stuffed with salami and pesto, with zucchini and saffron, taleggio cheese and finocchiona salami, gorgonzola cheese and fig


mustard, fresh caprino goat cheese and

Palermo. The Trippaio di San Frediano

and potato stew. In the hear t of the

anchovies, aged pecorino cheese and

(9), in Piazza dei Ner li, offer s delicious

city, in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo, you

pepper s.

lampredotto in all of its many forms:

find the Trippaio del Porcellino (5),

the classic ver sion, in a sandwich or on

offering excellent tripe and lampredotto

a plate , spiced, all’uccelletto (tomato

from carefully selected Italian meats. On

lAMPReDottAi/tRiPPAi These typical

kiosks are scattered throughout the city sauce), or included in various Tuscan and found only in Florence . A “poor recipes, such as Trippa alla Fiorentina, la people” food, but a ver y tasty creation: Poppa (mammar y glands), with sausage

sandwich, but if you’d like to stay with

tripe is par t of the cow’s stomach,

and fried polenta, or as a mixed offal

the classics, tr y the lampredotto and

cooked with a mix of vegetables and

salad, ver y typical during the summer. At

tripe prepared according to the season:

traditionally eaten out of ear thenware

the Piazzale di Por ta Romana, Mario (6,

cold, with fresh vegetables during the

container s, today replaced by plastic

8) ser ves delicacies in all its forms, such

summer and ‘in zimino’ (spiced) with

trays. Lampredotto is also par t of the

as tripe sandwiches cooked with beans,

ar tichokes during winter. Should you

Tuesdays you find Francesina (boiled beef) and on Thur sdays a boiled meat

cow’s stomach, cooked in asimilar way to leeks, alla livornese , with ar tichokes the tripe , but eaten in a sandwich,ver y or potatoes; with mixed boiled meats,

happen to pass by, we oblige you to

similar to the ‘u` pan cà meusa’ from

salt and pepper (paper wrap).

stewed cheek, Francesina (boiled beef)


order a car toccino di lampredotto with



C l a s s i c s with a twist Reinvented cocktails, yours to try T ext A lessandra L ucarelli - F oto D ario G arofalo




K areem B ennett

on stage , experimenting and creating cocktails for the

I nvented

F usion B ar & R estaurant

at the

G allery H otel A rt

F lorence , the N egroni cocktail city bests : the F usion B ar offers


represents the

delicious variants of the original recipe

It is one of the latest trends of the


with blackber r ies and licor ice; and

bever age wor ld: taking the most

Legend has it the Negroni cocktail

the alcohol-free ver sion, made

classic cocktail and adding new

was created in Florence . What

with lime , sugar, mint, cucumber

ingredients, decor ations and your

are your variants of the original

and apple . We also have a wide

own contempor ar y twist. The Fusion recipe?

selection of spar klings: spar kling

Bar’s Signature Cocktails, prepared

There is no doubt, that the Negroni

wine-based cocktails with fresh

by exper ienced bar man Kareem

cocktail best represents Florence .

ingredients, such as passion fr uit

Bennett, r ange from cult dr inks to

We offer two ver sions of it: Fusion

and mango purée or cr anber r y

fresh summer cocktails, from the

Negroni, with gin as basic ingredient juice .

spar klings to alcohol-free bever ages, and rosé ver mouth and Cynar ver y popular on hot summer days.

liquor to replace the Campar i and

A few examples of the ‘Twist on

red ver mouth. Or our fresh and

Classic’ drinks on your menu?

lighter summer ver sion, with gin,

In the Fusion Classic section, I

china liquor instead of Campar i, and

recommend the Sangr iento Caliente Car pano Antica For mula ver mouth. cocktail, my per sonal Bloody Mar y

What is your summer time favorite?

ver sion with tequila and a mix of

Our menu includes four different

mustard, hor ser adish sauce , onion

ver sions of the Mojito, the summer

and red pepper juice , instead of

cocktail par excellence . For the

vodka and Worcester shire sauce .

Mediter r anean, we use peach and

Or our or iental-style Manhattan,

pink pepper juice and basil, instead

called Shibuya: Amer ican whisky is

of mint; the Or iental is still r um-

replaced by Japanese whisky, the

based, but contains a mix of spices,

umeshu ver mouth, and decor ated

such as ginger, lemongr ass and

with the nutr itious salted plum

vanilla, a ver y light and feminine

umeboshi, a staple of the Japanese

var iant; there’s our Black Mojito


tips What’s your preference? Are you the Lungarno Hotel or Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or the Portrait? What’s your style? Are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Take our personality test and find out. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile.



F l o r e n c e 2013-14 events The must-sees of art, music, culture, theatre, food&wine, fashion


Cycling Championship 2013. A tribute


Until November 3, 2013. Uffizi Galler y

to the Elegance and sophisticated

October 13, 2013, 9.30 am, Piazza del

The Grand Prince Ferdinando De’Medici

craftsmanship of Florence , but also

Duomo, Florence

(1663-1713), Collector and Patron of

to Salvatore Ferragamo’s legacy.

Corri la Vita

the Ar ts

Extraordinar y black and white

The popular race contributes to

An exhibition dedicated to the

photographs of the most exciting Giro

non-profit public health institutes in

major ar t collector of the Medici family

d’Italia bicycle moments of the nineties.

Florence , specialized in the fight against

and a patron of the ar ts. ART Until December 8, 2013, Academy Galler y From the Fleur-de-lis to the David. Civic Ar t in Florence from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance The unique exhibition showcases the wor ks of ar t that were originally designed to decorate Florence’s public buildings.

breast cancer. SPORTS From September 22 to 29, 2013 in


Florence (Headquar ter s), Lucca,

Until December 15, 2013, Gucci Museum

Montecatini and Pistoia

Joana Vasconcelos

World Cycling Championship

The ancient Palazzo della Mercanzia

Seven days of cycle racing and

houses three wor ks by the Por tuguese

enter tainment, with thousands of fans

ar tist: Red Independent Hear t, Psycho

and tourists arriving from ever y corner

and Lavoisier. The wor ks depict the

of the wor ld.

decontextualization of objects of daily use .



From September 27, 2013 to Januar y 19,


From September 22 to December 31,

2014, Palazzo Strozzi

From March 8 to July 20, 2014, Palazzo

2013, Galler y Hotel Ar t

The Russian Avant-Garde , Siberia and the


Cycling Up

Far East. Kandinsky, Malevich, Filonov,

Pontormo and Rosso

A solo exhibition by Rober to Koch and


The Diverging Paths of Mannerism

par t of the Cycling Up ar t project, titled

The fir st international exhibition to

The exhibition is devoted to the two

In Giro. Curated by architect Simone

highlight the Oriental and Eurasian

greatest exponents of Ear ly Florentine

D’Auria, in occasion of the Wor ld

influence on Russian modernism.







Until March 31, 2014,

Januar y 7-10, 2014, For tezza da Basso

Febr uar y 22 - March 2, 2014, For tezza

Salvatore Ferragamo Museum

Pitti Immagine Uomo

da Basso

The Amazing Shoemaker

The international trade fair showcasts

Danza in Fiera

Fair y Tales about Shoes and Shoemaker s

Menswear Fall/Winter 2014-2015

All about the wor ld of dancing, between

Many off-fair events.

business and enter tainment



December 19, 2013, Teatro Comunale

March 9, 2014, Pergola Theatre

The Christmas Concer t

Hespèrion XX

Lorenzo Fratini conducts the Maggio

A sophisticated music show with

Musicale Fiorentino Chor us

the cooperation of Fundacio Centre

A great exhibition exploring the theme of shoemaking in the imaginar y wor ld of fair y-tales, myths and legends. FASHION Until December 31, 2013, Villa Bardini From the hands of Rober to Capucci.

Internacional de Musica Antiga Miguel de

Molding textiles


The exhibition includes twenty-seven

October 1- December 20, 2013, Odeon

Cer vantes and Musiche del Chisciotte

creations that show the Maestro’s skill in Theatre


using different kinds of fabric to create

50 Days of International Cinema in

March 2014 (date to be confirmed),

over lapping and volumetric effects.


Stazione Leopolda

The wor ld’s longest film festival,



including nine different film festivals and

A trade fair devoted to the best foods,

November 15-21, 2013,

many special events.

taste , and lifestyle



Januar y 23-27, 2014, Stazione Leopolda

April 1, 2014, Verdi Theatre

Vintage Selection

The Black Swan Gala

One of Italy’s and Europe’s most


influential and prestigious trade shows

staged by the American Ballet Theatre ,

of vintage culture and fashion.

Opéra de Paris, Teatro alla Scala

Teatro Comunale The Elixir of Love Opera by Gaetano Donizzetti, conducted by Car lo Montanaro. Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra and Chor us.

of Milan, Maggio Danza and Teatro THEATRE

BALLET December 20-31, 2013, Teatro Comunale Febr uar y 1, 2014, Verdi Theatre The Nutcracker Don Quixote

dell’Opera of Rome . The principal

Performed by the Maggio Danza Ballet

One of the wor ld’s most popular ballets

great dancer s of the international ballet


staged by the Russian National Ballet.

scene .


dancer s of the American Ballet Theatre are the star s of the event, alongside

Creative tips

Gallery Hotel Art Types







Ferragamo, besides a series of must-see exhibitions. The permanent exhibition at the Gucci Museum in piazza della Signoria

Shopping trends Vintage fans will delight in what Florence

while the contemporar y ar t space features

has to offer. Here are a few, ver y special

wor ks by international ar tists. Finally, there

boutiques: A.N.G.E.L.O Vintage Clothing

is the Costume Gallery in Pitti Palace, an

(5) in via dei Cimatori 25/r, Boutique

obligator y por t of call for all style lover s.

Nadine, just behind Vicolo dell’Oro


(Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli), Desii near the San Lorenzo mar ket (Via de’ Conti 17/19/21), Ceri Vintage (Via dei Serragli 5

recounts the histor y of the fashion house,

26/r) and Elio Ferraro (via del Parione 47/r). For up scaled glamour and fashion, tr ust Luisa Via Roma in Via Roma 19 (4), Guya (Via Por Santa Maria 76/r) and Gerard

Happy hour For a perfect star t to the evening, meet for cocktails at the popular

Loft (Via de’ Pecori 34-36/r).

Fusion Bar & Restaurant in the hear t

Lunch time

of the Galler y Hotel Art (6).

Allow your self to be seduced by the tastes


of Caffè Cibreo, Via del Verrocchio 5/r (2). A creation of chef Fabio Picchi, here you

can savor ever ything from in-house products La Giostra is a deliber ately hard-toto the enhancing, redeeming power of herbs find restaur ant. There is no sign up and spices from distant lands.

afternoon Art

Museums where ar t and fashion are


outside the entr ance , but Bor go Pinti 12/r is steeped in the taste of Tuscany culinar y tr aditions, revisited by chef and owner, Pr ince Soldano d’Asbur go Lorena.

inextricably bound up together. The


Salvatore Ferragamo Museum (1) in

Discover the happening bars of the

piazza Santa Trinita houses the permanent

Oltrano, in Piazza della Passer a and

collection of footwear designed by

Piazza Santo Spir ito (3).


Hip Tips







Jogging time


Enjoy Florence at dawn with an invigor ating run along the Lungarni

Visit the retrospective exhibits at Palazzo Strozzi and its contemporar y wing,

the galler y Strozzina. Notewor thy are (1), skir ting the rower s who tr ain on the latest additions of the Uffizi (the the golden Ar no r iver. Blue Hall dedicated to foreign painters Breakfast

and the Red Hall dedicated to the late

At Pasticceria Nencioni (Via

Renaissance) as well as the hidden

Pietr apiana 24/r), the coffee comes in delicate blue cups with shiny profiteroles and baby Sacher tor tes, while the Caffè Giacosa (Via della Spada 10/r), owned by designer Rober to Cavalli, is the fashionistas’ choice .

 Shopping/Lunch Do not miss the perfumes, oils and beauty creams of the Officina

treasures of smaller museums, such as the Stibbert, Marino Marini, and the Bardini 4


night Garga and Nove (Lungarno Guicciardini, 10) are social scenes for the young fashion crowd. If you are in the mood for bistecca, go to Il Latini, Via dei Palchetti

Profumo Farmaceutica Santa Maria

communal tables; waiters who have seen

Novella, Via della Spada, 16 (2)

it all; and no menus (unless you insist).

and the moder nism of Flair, Piazza


Goldoni 6/r (4). Only opened a

Indulge in a drink or cocktail on top

few months ago, Il Borro Tuscan Bistro in Lungar no Acciaiuoli 80/r (5) is already a favor ite amongst the


6/r (3) for an authentic experience: semi-

of the medieval Consor ti tower of the Continentale hotel, where the newly renovated La Terrazza bar (6) offer s unique views of Florence, Ponte Vecchio,

Fiorentine jeunesse dorée , and ideal

the Duomo and the iconic Palazzo

for a Tuscan gour met lunch.




hotel continentale Types


Classic Tips

Hotel Lungarno Types









Culture / Wellness

The Hotel Lungarno (4) offers unique

To combine an afternoon of Renaissance

moments in the intimate atmosphere of a

ar t with time for your self, we suggest

private home. Natural light that changes

to enter the Uffizi for the following

with the seasons and the omnipresence of

highlights: rooms 10 to 14 (dedicated to

the Arno, caressing the hotel as if it were a

Botticelli [2]), 15 (Leonardo da Vinci),

luxurious yacht. Stay at the hotel to enjoy

and rooms 26 to 28 for the wor ks of

breakfast, even in the delightful privacy of your room, whilst Florence awakens outside 5

of your window. Between a hot chocolate from Rivoire (7) in Piazza della Signoria, street corner Vacchereccia, 4/r and a truffle sandwich from Procacci in Via de’ Tornabuoni, 64r (6), treat yourself to some shopping in Via Tornabuoni,

of Urbino’ by Titian). At the end of the afternoon, entr ust your tired feet to the Sublime Feet massage of the White Iris Beauty Spa by Daniela Steiner, at the Continentale hotel.

Florence’s most exclusive fashion street. Shopping Stroll the streets and corners of the Oltrarno district for exclusive finds at the


Cardellino’ by Raphael, ‘Madonna dal Collo Lungo’ by Parmigianino and ‘Venus

Food Experience


the High Renaissance (‘Madonna del


unique artisan shops, typical for the area. A


few suggestions: brocades from the Antico

In the evening, the restaurant Borgo

Setificio Fiorentino studio (3) in Via Lorenzo

San Jacopo (Borgo San Jacopo, 62

Bar tolini n. 4, jewelr y from Alessandro Dari

[1]) welcomes you to its charming

Via San Niccolò, 115r (5), wooden frames

atmosphere with a view over the Arno

from Castorina (Via Santo Spirito 36), and

and Ponte Vecchio. Ideal for romantic

silver from Paolo Pagliai (Borgo San Jacopo,

dinner s, signed by our tr usted Chef


Beatrice Segoni.


MAGNIFLEX TODAY_ParisseDuo_297x420 TR.indd 1

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Stylish Tips

portrait Roma types







with a wide selection of breads and schiacciatas (even with nuts), salamis and cheeses, accompanied by fine wines from their wine cellar.


the small pastr y-boutique Cristalli di


Zucchero (3) in Via San Teodoro 88, you

Stop by Fleur (5) for a tasty drink, in via

Star t your perfect day with a coffee at one of the best bar s in town. At

can indulge in chocolate jewelr y and a creamy cappuccino. Sant’Eustachio Il Caffè (Piazza S. Eustachio 82) adheres


Art Exhibitions

Italian artists of the twentieth centur y


(2-7). A major exhibition at the

The ear ly evening ‘aperitivo’ is a highly

Vittoriano Complex from October 4 th ,

anticipated moment of the Roman day.

2013 to Febr uar y 3 rd , 2014, comparing

We recommend Caffè Propaganda (6),

the wor ks of Cézanne and impor tant

in Via Claudia,15: wines by the glass and

Italian ar tists of the last centur y.

cocktails in the Colosseum’s shadow. Or

Cleopatra. Rome and the Egypt spell,

stop by for a glass of wine at Salotto 42

at the Chiostro del Bramante from

(1), Piazza di Pietra, amongst furniture

October 12 th , 2013 to Febr uar y 2 nd ,

from the 50’s, design magazines and

2014, an exhibition focusing on the

pleasant background music. For dinner,

Among the must-see: Cézanne and


store and a relaxed atmosphere . For

Rome’s best ice cream, tr y Giolitti (4), to its classical wood roasting tradition of in via Uffici del Vicario 40. the thir ties and its original furnishings. This season offer s numerous exhibitions.


Bocca di Leone 46, a modern concept

figure of Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh

do not miss Casa Coppelle, located

of Egypt.

in Piazza delle Coppelle 49, near the

Lunch time

Pantheon, with a delightful dining room

Leave some time for a delicious lunch

and outdoor seating, along with great

to brake up the sightseeing. The bistro

cuisine . The Hostaria da Pietro, a simple

Romeo Chef & Baker in via Silla,26

restaurant with quality food, is found in

is dedicated to fine food & wine

via di Gesù e Maria, 18.


coming soon

portrait firenze

Univer se

collectio n

1H otel L ungarno 2 G allery H otel A rt 3 P ortrait F irenze next opening A pril 2014

4 Continentale


discover. The Ferragamo family-owned

Leica, the inter national photogr aphy

hospitality group unveils Portrait

legend of all times, opens its second

Firenze: this lavish “home” with its

store in Italy, after Rome , at Vicolo

36-suites has been created to celebr ate

dell’Oro12/14 in Florence (official

the great city of Florence from the

store inaugur ation will be October 10 th ,

vantage point of an exclusive address

2013). The concept includes exciting

overlooking the Ponte Vecchio. Like its

projects, that will catapult Florence

precur sor Por tr ait Suites in Rome ,

into the spotlight of inter national

Por tr ait Firenze is designed to provide

photogr aphy, also thanks to the

luxur y Italian-style accommodations

collabor ation with the hotels of the

for couples and families and for stylish

Lungar no Collection. As of September,

and sophisticated tr aveler s. Michele

all Leica photo products and

Bönan, the Florentine designer behind

accessories, as well as products for

ever y Lungar no Collection proper ty,

nature obser vation will be on display

has dr awn inspir ation from the famed

at Vicolo dell’Oro.

cr aftsmanship her itage of Florence and

Photogr aphy fans will appreciate the

from the bir th of Italian haute couture,

per iodically ar r anged solo exhibitions

that took place here in the 1950’s,

and retrospectives of great Leica

to create an exceptional homely

photogr apher s, photogr aphy cour ses,

experience. Expect the same glamour

demos and ad hoc initiatives of interest. to spr ing to life , as Por tr ait Firenze Discover the Leica wor ld of images!

celebr ates the essence of that er a and guests are welcomed war mly with a

New Portrait Firenze

cur ate and per sonalized exper ience

As of April 2014, tr aveler s will have

that only the Lungar no Collection can

a new Lungarno Collection property to provide .


ph. F I R E N Z E - R O M A - M I L A N O - F O R T E D E I M A R M I - P O R T O R O T O N D O - C O R T I N A D ’A M P E Z Z O w Forte w w. F Adei L I EMarmi, R O s A R TMilano, I . C O M Parigi Firenze,


collection The Lungarno Collection Magazine

Florence experience friends Dan Brown Danilo Rea Roberto Koch

N.3 A utumn - W inter I ssue 2013 - 2014

itineraries Florence by Felice Limosani World Cycling Championship Welcome to ‘Inferno’ interviews Massimo Ferragamo Antonio Natali Kerry Kennedy style Cycling Up at the Gallery The Amazing Shoemaker Portrait experience city tips


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