ACRIS Post Event Report

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embedding and financing climate resilience towards africa’s green recovery


16-17 JUNE 2021





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Welcome to the 5th edition Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit (ACRIS V) - a flagship event of the Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Post-Event report. This year’s ACRIS V took place virtually on 16-17 June 2021 under the theme “Embedding and financing climate resilience towards Africa’s green recovery”. It was jointly co-organised by the African Union Commission (AUC), the World Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the African Development Bank and funded by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). GRV Global would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who participated in this important annual event, a series promoting long-term growth across Africa through public-private partnerships (PPPs), focussed on sustainable climate-resilient investment across critical sectors. This report contains a detailed overview of the various plenary sessions and live chat discussions from GRV Global’s virtual platform “PNYX” following a hugely productive two days.



ACRIS V proved to be a great success bringing together a range of African Ministers in the field of Environment, Ecology, Forests, Culture, Tourism, Agriculture, Livestock, Forests and Biodiversity, Climate Change, Seas, Ports, Marine, Transport Research, Planning and Policy, as well as significant development agencies, and financial institutions. We welcomed over 680 local and international participants representing the private and public sectors. We facilitated six high-level plenary sessions, eight keynote speeches & opening remarks, three ministerial addresses, 11 spotlight addresses, and four open chat live discussions from government representatives, NGO stakeholders, UN and regional agencies. Attendees represented 78 countries – 69% of participants were from Africa, 17% from Europe, 10% from Asia, and 4% from Brazil, the USA and Canada. Opportunities, solutions, and challenges in investment and resilience were discussed relating to agriculture, energy, water, infrastructure, cities, and ecosystems - sectors are all susceptible to climate change impacts, and some precious experiences were shared. As a result of this event and GRV Global’s ethos of personable engagement, long-lasting collaborations are sure to result and, ultimately, a more robust ‘Hub’ of actors to support the regional community.


GRV Global would like to pass on their sincere gratitude to the various Government, International and United Nations agency officials who joined our six themed discussion panels and keynote addresses. We are incredibly grateful for their kind time and support during the week of ACRIS V and their assistance during the build-up to the event. GRV Global would like to express special thanks to the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the African Development Bank for all their hard work and diligence, and the entire World Bank team and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) for providing vital and generous support and sponsorship to ACRIS once again. Lastly and by no means least, we would genuinely like to thank our Event Sponsors for their support and attendance without which, events of this magnitude and importance would not be possible. The support shown by our partners and sponsors was emphatic and a true testament to the potential they see for investment and development across the continent. Thank you for joining us online, it was my honour to welcome such distinguished guests and climate change experts, and we very much look forward to welcoming you at ACRIS VI in 2022! WWW.GRVGLOBAL.COM




















While every effort has been made to ensure all details are correct at the time of publication, there may be late additions or changes to the participants. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the organisers and publishers cannot take responsibility for losses resulting from publishing errors, however caused. All editorials published as submitted. All rights reserved. No part of this official guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any means of information storage and retrieval systems without prior permission in writing from copyright owners. Multiple copying of the contents of this publication without prior approval is not permitted.




OPENING REMARKS: H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia SACKO, Commissioner, Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission Mr. Jean-Paul ADAM, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Dr. Simeon EHUI, Central and Western Africa Regional Director for Sustainable Development, World Bank Group

KEYNOTE ADDRESSES: Mrs. Karin ISAKSSON, the Managing Director of Nordic Development Fund Prof. Petteri TAALAS, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization H.E. Mr. Ibrahima Cheikh DIONG, Director General, African Risk Capacity Dr. Anthony NYONG, Regional Director of GCA Africa, Global Center on Adaptation Mr. Michael RATTINGER, Senior Officer – Operations, European Investment Bank


MINISTERIAL SESSION: Hon. Mr. Soares CASSAMA, Minister, Ministry of the Environment and Biodiversity, Government of Guinea Bissau Hon. Mr. Hassan KARNEH, Deputy Minister for Research, Planning and Policy, Ministry for Research, Planning and Policy, Government of Liberia Hon. Dr. Mahad HASSAN, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport, Government of Somalia

PANEL 1 – INVESTING IN CROSS-BORDER ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ENHANCED RESILIENCE This session will bring together a high-level panel of private-sector experts and senior policymakers to discuss obstacles to cross-border energy infrastructure investment, as well as identify policy and regulatory actions to interconnect Africa’s power systems to enhance climate resilience.



Moderator: Mr. Tendayi MAROWA, Chairman of Technical Committee on Energy/ Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant, Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe Mr. Atef MARZOUK, Acting Director, Department of Infrastructure and Energy, African Union Commission Mr. Hancox JAOKO, Regional Energy Advisor, United States Agency for International Development Mr. Nopenyo DABLA, Programme Officer Sub-Saharan Africa, International Renewable Energy Agency Mr. Alison CHIKOVA, Chief Engineer, Southern Africa Power Pool Ms. Nadja HAAKANSSON, Managing Director for Africa, Siemens Energy Dr. Ms. Rafatou FOFANA, Hydrologist, Volta Basin Authority





FIRST OPEN CHAT: MEDIA AND CLIMATE CHANGE COMMUNICATION Led by Mr. Kofi Adu DOMFEH, News Editor, The Multimedia Group. Participants join in with their input.

PANEL 2 – FROM VULNERABILITY TO RESILIENCE: OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE AFRICAN STATES A panel of policymakers and development specialists will speak to the ways in which African countries can overcome the three critical crises that they are facing – economic, climate and health – to build stronger economies and local communities that are resilient to climate impacts and exogenous shocks.

Moderator: Dr. Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Lead Environment Specialist & Regional Climate Change Coordinator for the Africa Region, World Bank Group Mr. Stuart MANGOLD, Senior Policy Adviser: Africa & Bilateral Relations, Department of Environmental Affairs, Government of South Africa Mr. Aklilu FIKRESILASSIE, Director of Thriving Resilient Cities at WRI Africa & Representative of WRI in Ethiopia, World Resources Institute Mr. Raphael SIGAUKE, Acting Deputy Director, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development, Government of Zimbabwe. Ms. Nora BERRAHMOUNI, Senior Forestry Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Mr. Ali Hamid OSMAN, AFR100 Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development, Government of Sudan Mr. Stephen DOREY, Public Health Specialist, World Bank Group

FOLLOWED BY A Q&A SECOND OPEN CHAT: DISASTER RISK REDUCTION FOR RESILIENCE Led by Mr. Luca ROSSI, Deputy Chief, UNDRR Regional Office for Africa, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Participants join in with their input.

PANEL 3 – BUILDING RESILIENCE THROUGH NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS The panellists in this session will exchange views on ways in which nature-based solutions are providing a vehicle for delivering comprehensive and cross-sectoral investments that contribute not only to climate mitigation and adaptation efforts but also sustainable economic development.

Moderator: Mr. Sanjay SRIVASTAVA, Practice Manager in the Environment, Natural Resource Management and Blue Economy Global Practice, World Bank Group Dr. Philip OSANO, Center Director, Stockholm Environment Institute - Africa Center Ms. Teresa Muthoni GITONGA, Kenya Programme Manager, International Tree Foundation Mr. Excellent HACHILEKA, Climate Change Specialist, United Nations Development Programme Dr. Peter MBILE, Senior Field Programs Coordinator, World Wildlife Fund Dr. Elvis TANGEM, Coordinator, African Union Commission Mr. Tabi H. JODA, Nature Advocate, GreenAid International



Day 2 PANEL 4 – BOOSTING FOOD SECURITY THROUGH CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURE Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers an integrated approach to dealing with the challenges of food security and climate change. This panel will look at what kinds of financing and investments are needed to bring CSA to life in the post-COVID era.

Moderator: Dr. Holger Kray, Practice Manager in the Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank Group Dr. Jethro ZUWARIMWE, Senior Lecturer, University of Venda Mr. Yawo Jonky TENOU, Task Manager, International Fund for Agricultural Development Dr. Berhane GEBRU, Technical Adviser, FHI 360 Prof. Afeikhena JEROME, Special Advisor to the Commissioner for Rural Economy & Agriculture, African Union Commission Mr. Epaphras NDIKUMANA, Social and Environment Impact Manager, Long Miles Coffee Project Mr. Kwame Frederick ABABIO, Senior Programme Officer- Environmental Governance and Climate Change, African Union Development Agency - NEPAD



THIRD OPEN CHAT: PLANT-FOR-THE-PLANET Led by Mr. Sagar ARYAL, CTO, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation Participants join in with their input.

PANEL 5 – INNOVATIVE FINANCING INSTRUMENTS AND RISK MITIGATION FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE IN POST-COVID AFRICA In the aftermath of the current coronavirus disease pandemic, African countries will need to intensify their resource mobilisation efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 through climateresilient development planning and implementation. Panellists in this session will discuss the best avenues for achieving these goals.



Moderator: Mr. Jean-Paul ADAM, Director of the Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Mr. Steve GRAY, Regional Representative - West Africa, United Kingdom Export Finance Mr. Gunter FISCHER, Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank Dr. Olufunso SOMORIN, Regional Principal Officer, African Development Bank Ms. Angelique POUPONNEAU, CEO, Seychelles’ Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust Dr. Alain Serges KOUADIO, Director of The Green Economy, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Government of Cote D’Ivoire Mr. Markus REPNIK, Director, World Meteorological Organization Ms. Lucy NYIRENDA, Head of Government Services (East and Southern Africa), Africa Risk Capacity Ms. Eman WAHBY, Grow In Africa Fund, Impact Investment Fund




FOURTH OPEN CHAT: LOW-CARBON INNOVATION PATHWAYS: TOWARDS AN OPEN INNOVATION FRAMEWORK FOR AFRICA Led by Dr. Maruf SANNI, Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow, European Institute on Economics and the Environment, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici. Participants join in with their input.

PANEL 6 – THE AFRICA CLIMATE RESILIENT INVESTMENT FACILITY: SUCCESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND PARTNERSHIPS TO BUILD RESILIENCE IN AFRICA. The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) brings to bear the comparative strengths of each of the partners in integrating long-term climate resilience in investments in climate-sensitive sectors. This session will focus on the lessons learned from the program’s first five years, as well as look ahead to how the knowledge AFRI-RES has generated can be incorporated into other investments.

Moderator: Dr. Linus MOFOR, Senior Energy and Climate Change Expert - African Climate Policy Centre, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Mr. Aage JORGENSEN, Program Manager, Nordic Development Fund Mr. Evans KASEKE, Programme Manager - Strategic Planning, Zambezi Watercourse Commission Dr. Hisham OSMAN, Environmental Engineer, World Bank Group Mr. Jostas MWEBEMBEZI, Executive Director, Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy Ms. Jaehyang SO, Interim Director of Programs, Global Center on Adaptation Mr. Benjamin LARROQUETTE, Regional Technical Advisor, United Nations Development Programme Mr. Alex CAMPBELL, Head of Research and Policy, International Hydropower Association


FOLLOWED BY Q&A CLOSING REMARKS Mr. Jean-Paul ADAM, Director for Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

PRESENTATIONS PLACED ON PNYX PLATFORM: [Pre-recorded and placed on platform for viewing or downloading]

Energy Presentations: Mr. Michael SCHROEDER, President, REE-Energy Ms. Cathy OXBY, CCO, Africa GreenCo Mr. Philip AKELLO, Programme Coordinator - Energy and Climate Change, Royal Danish Embassy Resilience Presentations: Mr. Geoff TOOLEY, Senior Manager: Catchment Management, eThekwini Municipality, South Africa Mr. Diane ABOUBAKAR, Senior Policy Officer, African Union Commission Nature Based Solutions: Ms. Peace Liz Sasha MUSONGE, Founder, Bakatoa Ltd, Biomonitoring Climate-Smart Agriculture Presentations: Mr. Kwame Frederick ABABIO, Senior Programme Officer, Advisory Services, African Union Development Agency - NEPAD Finance Presentations: Mr. Steve GRAY, Head of Export Finance – West Africa, United Kingdom Export Finance Prof. Tom Peter OGADA, Executive Director, African Center for Technology Studies, University of Nairobi Mrs. Cecilia NJENGA, Head of South Africa office, United Nations Environment Programme Ms. Chikondi CHABVUTA, Regional Advocacy Advisor, Care International













CATHY OXBY @ AFRICA GREENCO, CHIEF COMMERCIALOFFICER Thank you to the previous presenters for very interesting presentations and excellent work.








H.E. AMBASSADOR JOSEFA LEONEL CORREIA SACKO Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission (AUC) H.E. Ambassador Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, an Angolan national, is a leading African Agronomist and Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission. Prior to her election in January 2017, she was Special Adviser to two Ministers in Angola: The Angolan Minister of Environment where she also served as Ambassador responsible for Climate Change and advisor to the Minister of Agriculture in charge of Food Security and Poverty Reduction. Ambassador Sacko was also the former Secretary General of the Inter- African Coffee Organization (IACO), Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire for 13 years. In recognition of her meritorious service, Amb Sacko has received numerous awards and recognition. Since 2018, Amb. Josefa Sacko has served as a member of the United Nation’s Champions 12.3-a global coalition of sustainable food champions; At the invitation of the United Nations Secretary-General, she joined the Scale Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group in May 2019 in recognition of her strong commitment to the fight against malnutrition; she was named one of the 100 most influential people in climate policy in March 2019 for her efforts towards influencing climate policy in Africa; awarded the Prix De La Foundation 2019 by Crans, Montana, Brussels Belgium for her efforts to empower rural women on November 16, 2019; and one of the 100 Most Influential Africans by New African in December 2019 for holding African governments to account for their commitment to agriculture and defending the interests of African farmers. Ambassador Sacko is multilingual. She speaks fluent Portuguese, French, English, Spanish and Lingala.

HON. MS. PAULA FRANCISCO Minister Secretary of State for Environment, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Angola H.E. Paula Francisco, an Angolan national, is a leading Environmentalist, Manager and Politics. She was Minister of Environment, prior her appointment as Secretary of State, under Government Reform in 2020, also being the only Secretary of State for Biodiverity and Conservation Areas from 2012-2017. Apart of that she has a carrier within Ministry also thru National Director to Proejct Coordinators and Focal Point and others. In her activities, she represents the country in many nationals and international forum, to which also represent H. E. President of Republic of Angola. In her technical capacity, includes the Managment of the Environmental Fund, GEF GGGI and GCF Unities and serves as Focal Point to many Conventions and Treaties that Angola Ratified, as per Curriculum.

Hon. Lee White was appointed Minister of Water and Forestry in Gabon 2019. A naturalised Gabonese citizen for more than 12 years.


HON. MR. LEE WHITE Minister Minister, Ministry of Forests, Seas and Environment, Gabon

HON. DR. MAHAD HASSAN Minister Deputy Minister, Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport of Somalia H.E Dr. Mahad Mohamed Hassan obtained his MBBS degree from the Benadir University & he did his MPH from UPM as Epidemiologist, He is certified in medicine and public health. He is currently Deputy Minister of ports and marine transport in the Federal Government of Somalia. He director National Humanitarian Coordination Center NHCC 2018-2020. Head of Non-communicable Diseases Unit in the Directorate of Health of the Somalia Ministry for Human Development and Public Service 2012-2017. He was a Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics at Benadir University Faculty of Medicine. He has been a member of the team working on developing the Somalia Health Sector Strategic Plan. He has been working since 2011-2012 with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY as country medical coordinator. Since late 2009-2011, He has been a Physician based at Aden Abdulle Osman Hospital Mogadishu, Somalia, handling mainly patients complaining from NDCs namely Hypertension, Diabetes, Renal failure and etc. He participated in a regional meeting on the prevention and control of NCD & risk factors Kuwait 29-30, 2013 also he attended the 7th WHO-IUMSP NCDs INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, 3-8 June 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. He is a member of the RAN Forum (Resilience African Network)


HON. MR. SOARES CASSAMA Minister Minister, Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity, Guinea Bissau


Viriato Luís Soares Cassama holds numerous degree - Degree in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – 1997, a Masters in Georesources (Natural Resources Management), scientific area (Geosystem) from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) – 2006; Postgraduate in Adaptation to Climate Change, University of Oxford, UK, 2013 and is a Doctoral Student in Global Studies, Universidade Aberta, Portugal. Other numerous positions include being the Director General for the Environment (2016-2020), Project Coordinator of “Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture in Eastern Guinea-Bissau” until February 2020; the National Coordinator of the REDD+ Working Group (2015); Coordinator of the Project “Strengthening the Resilience and Adaptation Capacity of the Agricultural and Water Sectors to Climate Change in Guinea-Bissau” UNDP/GEF (2011-2017); Technical Adviser for Political and Strategic Environmental Affairs to the Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainable Development (2009-2012) amongst others senior positions. He is also researcher in the field of Remote Detection of Changes in Land Cover, Vegetation Cartography, Geographic Information Systems. He was appointed Minister of Environment and Biodiversity, under the leadership of Prime Minister Nuno Nabiam.





HON. PROF. FEKADU ALEKA Minister Commissioner, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change Commission (EFCCC), Ethiopia H.E. Prof Fekadu Beyene Aleka is the Commissioner of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He previously served as Minister, University Professor, researcher, Institute, program and project leader, and also actively involved in the development of Debub University /Hawassa University. He has also served as chairperson and member of several international and national task forces and steering committee

HON. HASSAN KARNEH Minister Deputy Minister for Research Planning and Policy, Ministry for Research, Planning and Policy, Liberia Deputy Minister for Research Planning and Policy at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection Mr. Hassan Karneh has rolled out remarkable achievements the Ministry has achieved within a period of a year

HON. MRS. BAOMIAVOTSE VAHINALA RAHARINIRINA Minister Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests, Madagascar PhD in environmental economics and natural resources, sustainability and passionate patriot at heart, Baomiavotse Vahinala Raharinirina decided to lend a hand in rebuilding her country after 17 years in Europe where she combined research and teaching and Consulting. She did not hesitate for one moment to the call of the President of Republic of coming back to the country to lead the Environment and Sustainable Development Department. Although she regularly came to Madagascar for her teaching and research activities, but also associative and entrepreneurial, making the choice to return definitively to Madagascar may seem surprising when the trend observed among young people in the diaspora is rather to seek to stay in expatriation.

JEAN-PAUL ADAM Panel chair Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Jean-Paul Adam is the Director for Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management in the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Prior to taking on this role, he served in the Government of the Republic of Seychelles in several Cabinet positions. He was Minister of Health from 2016 to 2019. He served as Minister of Finance, Trade and the Blue Economy from 2015 to 2016 where he negotiated a debt for climate change adaptation swap and launched the process for Seychelles to become the first issuer of a Blue Bond. Between 2010 and 2014, he was Seychelles’ Minister of Foreign Affairs, where he advocated for countries to embrace the concept of the Blue Economy, to improve sustainability for island and coastal countries. Before entering the Cabinet, between 2005 and 2009, he occupied several senior roles in the Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles including Director General for presidential affairs, Principal Secretary for the Office of the President and Secretary of state in the presidency. He started his career as a career diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2001 and 2004. He is a holder of a Masters in International Political Economy form the University of Manchester (UK) and a BA in English Literature and French from the University of Sheffield (UK).




DR. SIMEON EHUI Central and Western Africa Regional Director for Sustainable Development, World Bank Group Dr. Simeon Ehui is the Africa West Regional Director for Sustainable Development. Prior to his appointment, Simeon was Director of the World Bank’s Food and Agriculture Global Practice (2017-2019). Since joining the World Bank in 2003, Simeon has held a number of assignments. He was manager of the Food and Agriculture Global Practice for Africa (20152017) and South Asia (2009-2015). Simeon holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University and has published extensively in his field. He is an honorary fellow of the African Agricultural Economist Association, and a Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus of Purdue University.

KARIN ISAKSON Managing Director, Nordic Development Fund (NDF)


Ms Isaksson has 30+ years’ experience from project finance mainly in emerging markets and the private sector. Before joining NDF in August 2019, she served for three years as Executive Director to the African Development Bank, representing the constituency of Denmark, Finland, India, Norway, and Sweden. Previous to this she held the position of Vice President at Business Sweden (the Swedish trade and investment promotion agency) and Director positions at Swedfund (the Swedish bilateral DFI), as well as positions in Swedish ECAs. During Ms Isaksson’s first year at NDF, the organisation has successfully completed a strategic review and closed a capital increase of EUR 350 million from its five Nordic member states, thereby increasing the capital base of NDF to enable NDF to expand the annual work program by approximately 50%.





PROF. PETTERI TAALAS Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Professor Petteri Taalas has been the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization since 1 January 2016 and is now serving his second four-year term in office. Prior to that he was Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Professor Taalas advises the United Nations Secretary-General on issues relating to climate change mitigation and adaptation. He is a leading advocate for increased investment in the basic weather and climate observation and multi-hazard early warning systems, especially in Africa and Least Developed Countries. These are fundamental to achieving the international agenda on climate action, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

H.E. IBRAHIMA CHEIKH DIONG United Nations Assistant Secretary General (ASG) and Director General, African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group, Africa Risk Capacity (ARC) Ibrahima has over 30 years of professional leadership and management experience in Africa, USA, Europe and Asia. He is currently serving as United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Group Director General (GDG) of the African Risk Capacity Group. Graduated from the prestigious School of Int’l and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University in New York City with a Master’s degree in Int’l Affairs (MIA) specialized in int’l finance, public and environmental policy. He also holds a BSc. of Civil Eng. specialized in water res. mgmt from Hohai Int’l Un., Nanjing, People’s Rep. of China. He also holds a diploma in PPP Design.

DR. ANTHONY NYONG Regional Director – Africa, Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) Dr. Nyong, a Nigerian, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography and Regional Planning from the University of Calabar, Nigeria; a Master’s Degree in Land Surveying from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria; a Ph.D. in Geography (Environment and Natural Resources Management) from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada and a Post Graduate Diploma in Global Business (Energy) from the University of Oxford, UK. He is also a Senior Executive Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, USA.

MICHAEL RATTINGER Senior Officer, European Investment Bank (EIB)

TENDAYI MAROWA Panel Chair Chairman of Technical Committee on Energy/ Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant, Business Council for Sustainable Development Zimbabwe.



Tendayi Marowa is a mechanical engineer by profession, and is working as an Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant at Comprehensive Energy Solutions, and is Chairman of the Energy Technical Committee of Business Council for Sustainable Development-Zimbabwe (BCSDZ). Currently, he is actively involved in Zimbabwe’s national programmes.

ATEF MARZOUK Acting Director, Department of Infrastructure & Energy, African Union Commission (AUC) Mr. Marzouk is a holder a Master degree in New and Renewable Energy Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. Over 20 years, Mr. Marzouk has served in the electrical energy production from renewable energy especially from wind turbine, energy strategies and policies, international cooperation, he has held various posts among which: Manager of the Zafaran, wind farm the biggest wind farm in the Middle East and North Africa, in the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Senior Engineer at the Haurgahada demonstration wind farm.


HANCOX JAOKO Regional Energy Advisor, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Hans Jaoko is an international award-winning energy professional with 30 years of experience leading and managing multimillion-dollar projects for organizations across such sectors as energy, environment, and business and entrepreneurship. He is a respected leader of innovative teams, energy projects and corporate communications departments. Hans is currently focused on Regional Power Trade and power pool development and the lead for Geothermal Resource development under Power Africa in addition to issues related to programming development in post-conflict countries. Hans is currently with the Power Africa team based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is currently supporting partnership between the US Government and regional authorities and utilities to achieve the goal of establishing an integrated power market in Eastern Africa for 10 countries in Eastern and the Horn of Africa. He also detailed with USAID’s Development Democracy and Innovation developing evidence base that explains the importance of climate change mitigation activities in emerging economies that do not currently have high emissions, refining USAID’s and global reporting system for greenhouse gas emissions reductions to harmonize global climate reporting as well as support the development of DDI services to the USAID field mission as well as methodologies for USAID missions to develop programming options with the maximum impact on climate objectives. Hans holds Ph.D. in Environmental Science, MSc in Renewable Energy and BSc as well as Postgraduate Diploma in Communication specializing in development support communications and certificate in Project Finance, among others.





NOPENYO DABLA Programme Officer Sub-Saharan Africa, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Nopenyo Dabla is Programme Officer for the Sub-Saharan Africa region at the International Renewable Energy Agency, which he joined in January 2016. He currently coordinates the Agency’s engagement in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. In that capacity, Nopenyo works to support governments, sub-regional and continental efforts and initiatives for an increased uptake of renewables with the view of increasing socioeconomic development that comes with the energy transition. Prior to joining IRENA, Nopenyo has gained experience in working amongst others at the World Wind Energy Association as well as national NGOs working to promote renewables in rural electrification and rural development approaches.

ENG. ALISON CHIKOVA Chief Engineer (Planning & Operations), Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) Engineer Alison Chikova is the Chief Engineer responsible for Planning and Operations at the Southern African Power Pool. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Kharkov Engineering Institute, in Ukraine, having specialised in Electrical Power Networks and Systems. He graduated in 1992. He worked for the Ministry of Energy as an Energy Research and Development Officer in Zimbabwe for 3 years. In 2001 he joined the Southern African Power Pool where he is responsible for technical issues including generation and transmission integration studies for the Interconnected SAPP Grid. He is also taking part in the development of the competitive, balancing and ancillary services markets in SAPP. He has been instrumental in developing transmission pricing arrangements in SAPP

NADJA HAAKANSSON Managing Director for Africa, Siemens Energy (Pty) Ltd Nadja Haakansson was appointed Managing Director of Africa for Siemens Energy, on April 1, 2021. Based in Morocco, Nadja is responsible for supporting Siemens Energy’s business across the continent and developing opportunities to meet the challenges of the energy transition, while improving access to stable, affordable, and sustainable energy. A major focus for her in the role of Managing Director is empowering women and minorities, supporting diversity, and advancing the development of local skills, talents, and industry. Since October 2019, Nadja Haakansson has been the Vice President for Energy Services, Region Africa and Managing Director Morocco and Ivory Coast at Siemens Energy. In her spare time, Nadja loves spending time with her husband and two children, reading, jogging as well as listening to music.

Rafatou Fofana, PhD in Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management at the International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications ( She has a background in Hydraulics with Master degree in water and Environmental Engineering at the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE) OuagadougouBurkina Faso. She has been working in the water sector since 1998 at national and regional level. Since 2020 she has been appointed as the Ag. Director of the Observatory of Water Resources and associated Ecosystem at VBA headquarter in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. Currently she is mainly involved in climate change and water resources issues, especially in flood and drought management at transboundary level in the Volta Basin. She is member of ECOWAS Climate change Expert Group. She is also member of PIDA Water Expert Group ; (Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa – PIDA)


DR. RAFATOU FOFANA Director of the Observatory of Water Resources and Associated Ecosystem, Volta Basin Authority

DR. KANTA KUMARI RIGAUD Panel Chair Lead Environment Specialist, Climate Change Coordinator, Africa Region, World Bank Group Dr. Kanta Kumari Rigaud is a Lead Environmental Specialist and Regional Climate Change Coordinator in the Africa Region of the World Bank Group. She is a leading expert on climate adaptation and resilience and works on climate policy, strategy and knowledge management. She led the development of the World Bank’s Next Generation Africa Climate Business Plan; and is working on programs in Kenya and Uganda and provides advice on multiple other countries. Her passion and leadership is reflected in the pioneering flagship report on Groundswell - Preparing for Internal Climate Migration; the World Bank’s Climate and Disaster Risk Screening tools; and most recently in the Resilience Booster tool. She has a doctorate from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.


STUART MANGOLD Senior Policy Advisor: Africa & Bilateral Relations, Department of Environmental Affairs, Government of South Africa Stuart Mangold currently holds the position of Senior Policy Advisor: Africa and Bilateral Relations, National Department of Forestry and Fisheries and the Environment, based in Pretoria, South Africa since 2007. He is responsible for policy, research, negotiation, as well as monitoring and reporting on African and South-South international engagements. He studied at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa and holds a B.Sc. in Life Sciences, an Honours Degree in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science as well as a Higher Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies. He is a graduate and Fellow of the Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) Programme, an international post-graduate programme for mid-career professionals in environment and sustainable development.






AKLILU FIKRESILASSIE Director, Thriving Resilient Cities, WRI Africa, World Resources Institute (WRI) Aklilu has more than 17 years of professional leadership and technical experiences in the field of Urban Development and Management as well as managing government and nongovernmental programmes. Prior to joining WRI, Aklilu spent 7 years at United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) as a Programme Manager, representing the agency in Ethiopia. while working with the UN-Habitat, among others, Aklilu has successful represented the agency in the United Nations Country Team and played a key role in position the urban agenda in the UN joint plans/programs (UNDAF/UNSDCF). He also worked with UNDP in South Sudan as Planning Specialist and team leader. Further, Aklilu led the bureau of Finance and Economic Development, managing government, bilateral and multilateral programmes.

ENG. RAPHAEL SIGAUKE Acting Deputy Director, Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Development, Zimbabwe Raphael is an Engineer with presentations that challenge audiences to leverage their focus and pay attention to infrastructure development and financing in this climate change era. He has 9 year experience in Transport and Infrastructure development. Raphael has an MSc in Climate change and Sustainable development. His strong background in Civil engineering and Project management makes him a perfect fit in sustainable Infrastructure development. His strong desire and interest are to present solutions in future-proofing Infrastructure ranging from its design, financing, development, and maintenance.

ALI OSMAN AFR100 Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development, Sudan Mr. Ali Hamid Osman Ali has a B.Sc. Juba University 1994 and M.Sc, Gezira University 2009 in the fields of Environmental and Natural Resources Management. Extensive experience in rural development more than 20 years, in the fields of natural resources, forestry, agriculture, poverty alleviation, resilience and human development (including gender mainstreaming) in arid and semi-arid zones, baseline surveying, socio-economic surveying and biophysical surveying, land restoration and food security. He is experienced in Environmental and Social Safeguards ESMF, ESMP and EIA , Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Resilience for about 12 years. He also has a good of experience in in post conflict areas of the African continent for about 6 years. He is well versed in program and project management, with good coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (results-based M&E) skills and the AFR100 Sudan Focal Point under the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

NORA BERRAHMOUNI Senior Forestry Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Ms. Nora Berrahmouni is a forest ecologist, specialized on Drylands. With over 20 years of experience, she is currently the Senior forestry officer and Secretary of the FAO African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, at the FAO Regional Office for Africa. She leads climate action and sustainable natural resources management work in the region. Nora’s interest and focus is the role of forests and agro-silvo-pastoral systems in food security and nutrition, combating climate change, desertification and biodiversity loss. She leads FAO’s support programme to Africa’s Great Green Wall Initiative and AFR100.

Stephen is responsible for the operational and technical work of the Health - Climate and Environment Program (H-CEP) managed by the Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Global Practice (GP). Also coordinating the Cross-Sectoral Pillar (CSP) of the World Bank’s COVID-19 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in the HNP GP.


STEPHEN DOREY Public Health Specialist, World Bank Group

SANJAY SRIVASTAVA Panel Chair Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, World Bank Group Sanjay Srivastava is the World Bank Manager of the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice in Africa. He is a trained Environmental Engineer with more than 30 years of development experience with focus on environment and climate change agenda, including 15 years in Africa and South Asia region; and several years with private sector (manufacturing and environmental consulting companies), public sector , donors and non-government organization (conservation NGO). He has been involved in high level policy dialogue with on managing environmental risks in infrastructure and sustainable development, making a business case to mitigate environmental degradation, protecting biodiversity, and promoting cleaner production process to improve productivity and prevent pollution Currently, he leads a team promoting green, clean and resilient development outcomes in multiple countries and development sectors in West and Central Africa.


DR. PHILIP OSANO Center Director, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) - Africa Center Philip Osano is Director of Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Center. He previously served as Deputy Director, Capacity Development and Partnership, and Programme Leader, Natural Resources and Ecosystems at SEI. His interest is in environmental policy, development, and international affairs. Philip has 20 years of experience in applied research, project coordination, policy analysis, and teaching and has worked in 20 countries in Africa and Asia, as well as Canada and the United States. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board of the United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) in Japan.

TERESA GITONGA Kenya Programme Manager, International Tree Foundation


Teresa Gitonga work with International Tree Foundation as Kenya programme Manager, Previously she worked as a Senior Programme Manager (Gender, Livelihoods and Advocacy) at the Green Belt Movement which was founded by the late Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai. Teresa Studied Environmental Science at the undergraduate level and a Master’s degree in Project Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi. Teresa has 15 years’ experience empowering Grassroot community-based organisations in managing the environment, forest and water resource management, programme Coordination, livelihoods diversification, Resource Mobilization and gender integration in Natural resource management. In her free time, Teresa love walking and Exploring nature.





EXCELLENT HACHILEKA Climate Change Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Excellent Hachileka holds an MSc in Environmental Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Geography. He has over 30 years of experience in Applied Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management, Environmental Science and Management, Climate science and Climate change policy, Development work, Capacity development and in Programme/project development and Management. Excellent is a Climate Change Policy Specialist at the RSCA since January 2015 with a focus on all aspects of climate change action and policy.

DR PETER MBILE Senior Field Programs Coordinator, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Dr Peter Mbile is currently, Senior Field Programs Coordinator at the World Wide Fund for Nature, Cameroon. Peter holds a PhD in Forest Economics and Management from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; a MSc in Resource Management from Edinburgh University, Scotland - UK and a BSc in Forestry and Soil Sciences from University College North Wales - UK. Before joining WWF, Peter has been Technical Coordinator West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change Program, Ghana; IUCN Regional Coordinator, West and Central Africa for Landscape Restoration, Yaoundé; Senior Associate at the World Resources Institute, Washington DC; Associate Scientist at the World Agroforestry Centre, amongst others.

ELVIS TANGEM Coordinator, African Union Commission (AUC) A Sustainable Development, biodiversity conservation, Climate change, & value chains development professional with over 20 years of professional experience in the United Kingdom, Africa, Asia with various National & International Development Organizations including UN FAO, TREE AID International, Watershed Task Group and others in the domains of research, projects cycle, in the sectors of agriculture and forest products value chains, sustainable development, conservation and Climate change, Sustainable Land Management, restoration, amongst others. He has also initiated and been pioneer member of several initiatives including the Cameroon traditional Rulers against Climate; He is currently serving at the African Union Commission as the Coordinator for the Great green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative. He holds a Ph.D., an MSc in Ecology from The University of Edinburgh, and other Higher education certificates and diplomas. Member of the Institute for Environment Science and Certified Development Project Manager.

TABI H JODA Executive Director, GreenAid International - One Billion Trees for Africa Tabi Joda is an award winning indigenous agroforester, author and eco-entrepreneur. He works principally on local communities’ forest restoration, ecosystems resilience and value-chain development. He is CEO of GreenAid and leads “One Billion Trees for Africa,” an initiative that has planted over 3 million trees between 2010 – 2020, restored over 80 hectares of land and created 77 forest landscape restoration (FLR) jobs. He is the winner of 2017 Africa prize for Climate Information Services Innovation by ACPC-UNECA and President Yuweri Museveni Environmental Award 2017. He was African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) Youth Ambassador for 2018 and Africa Great Green Wall Initiative.

Dr. Holger A. Kray is Practice Manager for Agriculture and Food Security in the World Bank’s Africa Sustainable Development Group, in addition to which he also coordinates economic and other policy work related to sustainable development in the region. Holger is an agricultural economist with expertise in agricultural policy and rural strategy reform, climate-smart and sustainable agriculture and public sector management. He has extensive working experience across Africa, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Kiel University, Germany.


DR. HOLGER KRAY Panel Chair Practice Manager, Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank Group

DR. JETHRO ZUWARIMWE Senior Lecturer, University of Venda I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the Institute for Rural Development in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture at the university of Venda. To date I have supervised and successfully graduated more than 22 Masters and 12 Doctorate students and published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals plus 5 book chapters. Currently, I am working on two book chapters on Sustainable Development and Food System in the SADC region. I have worked in three countries of the SADC region- Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia over the past 20 years in government, NGO sector, UN agencies, academic institutions, communities, and private sectors. Besides teaching and learning, I am involved in a number of Community Engagement programmes and consultancy work.


YAWO JONKY TENOU Task Manager, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) M. Jonky Tenou is the Task Manager of the Integrated Approach Program for food security and resilience in sub-Sahara Africa, working with IFAD at Environment, Climate, Gender and Social inclusion Division in the Sub regional hub Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. M. Tenou joins IFAD from UNDP, Haiti, where he worked as Chief Technical Specialist and Head of the Disaster and Risk Management (DRM) Unit. Prior to this, Mr. Tenou worked as Climate Change Specialist and Team Leader of poverty reduction and sustainable development unit with UNDP, Togo. He also served as Head of Division at Ministry of environment and forestry resources in Togo where his was in charge of environment sustainability and climate risks management.

DR. BERHANE GEBRU Technical Adviser, FHI 360


Berhane Gebru is an international development practitioner focusing on climate change adaptation and ICT4D focusing on data systems, digital health, digital literacy, digital inclusion, and social network analysis. Over the past 18 years, he successfully led multiple projects in 40 countries involving digital solutions to improve climate change adaptation action, strengthen health and education systems and build the entrepreneurial capacity of small businesses. Throughout his career, he led award-winning projects including the Climate Change Adaptation and ICTs project that received the UNFCCC’s Momentum for Change Award (2015) and the Mobile Health Information System that received the World Summit on the Information Society’s 2015 Prize.


SPEAKER PROFILES PROF. AFEIKHENA JEROME Special Advisor to the Commissioner for Rural Economy & Agriculture, African Union Commission (AUC) Professor Afeikhena Jerome has over two decades’ experience working on policy issues in Africa. He is currently Special Advisor to the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as well as Visiting Professor of Economics at Igbinedion University, Okada, Nigeria.

EPAPHRAS NDIKUMANA Social and Environment Impact Manager, Long Miles Coffee Project (LMCP) Burundian Epaphras Ndikumana graduated 2013 as an Engineer Agronomist (Ingénieur Agronome Ao). In 2014 started working with Long Miles Coffee Project as a Social and Environment Impact Manager, initiating and coordinating social and environmental projects for their community of farmers.

KWAME ABABIO Snr. Programme Officer, Advisory Services, African Union Development Agency - NEPAD



Kwame Ababio is a Climate Change, Environment Policy and Governance specialist with wide ranging experience at different levels including leading the implementation of many development initiatives in Africa especially on climate change within the African Union system. As Senior Programme Officer of the African Union Development Agency (AUDANEPAD) he oversees Advisory Services and is responsible for the Agency’s Environmental Governance and Climate Change initiatives. Ababio coordinates AUDA-NEPAD’s support to African countries in the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions and has represented the Agency in many international fora. He has authored many publications relating to Environmental Governance and Climate Change.

STEVE GRAY Regional Representative - West Africa, United Kingdom Export Finance Steven, based in Ghana, is an accomplished senior manager, seasoned in 30+ years of demanding multinational roles spanning challenging societal and economic environments across Africa and the Middle East within the trading, logistics, construction, infrastructure and mining sectors. As UK Export Finance representative in West Africa Steven is responsible for originating a pipeline of new opportunities across the West African sub-region. Steven has held a number of non-governmental organisation board positions, including Vice Chairman of the UK Ghana Chamber of Commerce, UK, 2016–Present; as the Governing Board Member of the Western Regional Coastal Foundation, Ghana, 2015–2017; and as Board Member of Invest In Africa, Ghana, 2013–2016. Mr Gray has an MBA from Heriot Watt University; and has completed an Executive Leadership Program on Oil, Gas and Mining Governance from the University of Oxford, The Blavatnik School of Government.

Gunter Fischer is Senior Investment Officer with the European Investment Bank focussing on Climate Action investments and GEEREF, the Global Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund. In this context he is responsible for the sourcing, origination, assessment, negotiation and monitoring of climate mitigation and adaptation investments in emerging markets and developing countries. He has c. 20 years of fund of fund experience incl. from managing the European Investment Fund’s first external mandate Fund of Funds, targeting venture capital and private equity investments in Germany. In this context he gained in depth knowledge of the due diligence and structuring of fund investments. Prior to EIF, Dr Fischer was with the corporate finance practice of Arthur D. Little in Berlin. There he provided corporate finance advisory to a number of industries. Dr Fischer holds degrees in business administration and law from Reims Management School and the University of St. Gallen and a PhD in finance from the European University in Frankfurt, Germany.


GUNTER FISCHER Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank (EIB)

OLUFUNSO SOMORIN Regional Principal Officer, African Development Bank (AfDB) Dr. Olufunso Somorin is a Regional Principal Officer at the African Development Bank. He leads the Bank’s work on climate change and green growth in the 13 countries that consist the Bank’s East African region. This includes supporting countries’ access to climate finance for implementing their Paris Agreement commitments, and mainstreaming climate change in all Bank policies and programs. In addition, he leads policy dialogues with national/ regional governments on developing policy frameworks for managing local and regional economic and social issues, climate change, renewable energy, resilience and inclusive growth. Dr Somorin leads the Bank’s partnership with development partners in the region on climate actions. Somorin holds a PhD in International Environmental Policy from Wageningen University, the Netherlands.


ANGELIQUE POUPONNEAU CEO, Seychelles’ Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust Angelique is a lawyer (Seychelles and UK) and she holds an LLM in Environmental law specializing in the law of the sea and natural resources law. Also, Angelique is a trained climate change negotiator under the AOSIS Climate Change Fellowship Programme at the United Nations. Angelique has worked in different countries in the Caribbean, Pacific and the Indian Ocean on a wide range of projects relating sustainable fisheries, sustainable management of marine biodiversity within and beyond national jurisdiction, and climate change, in particular, climate adaptation and climate finance. Further, she served as a legal expert of the African Group of Sixth Committee in works of oceans and law of the sea at the United Nations. Moreover, Angelique has experience working with civil society as a cofounder and board member for not-for-profit organizations in Seychelles and abroad. WWW.GRVGLOBAL.COM





DR. ALAIN SERGES KOUADIO Director of The Green Economy, Ministry of The Environment and Sustainable Development, Cote d’Ivoire Holder of a doctorate in environmental economics and natural resources, Dr KOUADIO Alain Serges has been a teacher-researcher since 2001 at Nangui-Abrogoua University in Abidjan. He is also an associate researcher at the Swiss Center for Scientific Research (CSRS) in Côte d’Ivoire. Since 2014, Doctor KOUADIO has been the co-president of the African Partnership on Low Carbon Development Strategies (LEDS) and member of the steering committee of the Global Partnership on LEDS. Since 2013, he has been the Director of Green Economy and Social Responsibility at the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Côte d’Ivoire.

MARKUS REPNIK World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Markus Repnik is an international development executive with 30 years of experience gained with the United Nations, World Bank Group, Austrian Government and NGOs. Since 2017 he is Director of Development Partnerships at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), leading a team that in collaboration with development and climate finance partners develops innovative mechanisms for increased and more effective hydromet support, including the creation of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF). Mr Repnik holds a Master of Economics and Social Sciences.

LUCY NYIRENDA Head of Government Services (East and Southern Africa), Africa Risk Capacity (ARC) Acting Programme Coordinator and Head of Government Services for East and Southern Africa. Lucy Nyirenda joined the African Risk Capacity in June 2012 and is currently the Head of Government Services for East and Southern Africa. In this capacity, she is responsible for the daily operations of the Agency and for managing the in-country processes for several ARC member states. Lucy holds a BSc in Agricultural Economics from the College of Agriculture, University of Malawi, and an MSc in Food and Resource Economics from the University of Florida in Gainesville

DR. LINUS MOFOR Panel Chair Senior Energy and Climate Change Expert - African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Dr Linus Mofor is a Senior Environmental Affairs Officer in charge of energy, infrastructure and climate change at the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. His work portfolio at the ACPC includes leading the Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) – a joint initiative of the ECA, World Bank, African Development, African Union Commission and the Nordic Development Fund.

Aage Jorgensen has for the past decade been Program Manager at the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) where he has helped built up a portfolio of climate change projects. He works with community-based adaptation, climate resilient infrastructure and urban development and is responsible for the NDF support to several countries in Africa, Asia, and Central America. Prior to joining NDF in 2009, Mr Jorgensen worked for many years as a socioenvironmental consultant to World Bank, Global Environment Facility, European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank, UN, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Ministry of Environment, and NGOs. Mr Jorgensen holds a PhD equivalent degree in social anthropology from the University of Copenhagen.


AAGE JORGENSEN Program Manager, Nordic Development Fund (NDF)

EVANS KASEKE Programme Manager - Strategic Planning, Zambezi Watercourse Commission Eng. Evans (Pr. Eng.) holds a Master of Applied Science (MASc) in Civil Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Wales’ Saint David’s University College. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) and the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe. He is a Member of IAHS and IAHR.

HISHAM OSMAN Environmental Engineer, World Bank Group


Dr. Hisham Osman is an environmental engineer in the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice at the World Bank. Dr. Osman has an extensive background with over thirteen years of experience in the fields of hydrology, and environmental and natural resources management. He has been involved in a wide range of technical projects and analytical studies that are related to water and environment management in Canada, Africa, South Asia, United Kingdom and Ireland. He has extensive experience in both the academic research side of engineering as well as implementing environmental engineering and design practices. Dr. Osman has a PhD and MSc degrees in Engineering Hydrology from Trinity College Dublin Ireland, and Imperial College London, UK, respectively.

JOSTAS MWEBEMBEZI Executive Director, Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy


Mr. Jostas is currently the Founder & Executive Director of Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA) a not for profit organisation promoting health of people and environment in Uganda. Mr. Jostas has over 10 years’ experience in public health and climate leadership– His expertise has seen him manage exciting missions mainly focused on health systems strengthening, youth and women empowerment programs, Sexual Reproductive, Maternal Newborn and Child Health plus nutrition, HIV/AIDS, TB, regenerative agriculture, climate change, gender-based violence and capacity building.





JAE SO Director of Programs (Interim), Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) Ms. Jaehyang (“Jae”) So oversees programs and resource mobilization at the Global Center on Adaptation, an international organization that works as a solutions broker to catalyze action and support for adaptation solutions. Jae comes to the GCA from an extensive career at the World Bank Group, with a proven track record on sustainable development and finance, including infrastructure, water, urban development, gender, and public private partnerships. As Director, Trust Funds and Partnerships, she led the policy and transactional framework for the $45 billion in external funds under management by the World Bank. As Manager of the Water and Sanitation Program, one of the longest running global partnership programs of the World Bank, she led the strategic vision and increased the Program’s financial mobilization to over $250 million through a new business plan process and resultsbased management.

BENJAMIN LARROQUETTE Regional Technical Advisor, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Benjamin Larroquette is a Regional Technical Advisor for the UNDP Nature , Climate and Energy team, focussing on climate change adaptation. I help countries access vertical funds like GCF and GEF and I have been working among other things on strengthening climate information and early warning systems in countries in Africa

ALEX CAMPBELL Head of Research and Policy, International Hydropower Association Alex directs IHA’s research and policy work, covering a broad spectrum of policy issues of relevance to sustainable hydropower. These include asset management & modernisation, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change resilience, clean energy systems including hybrid technologies such as floating solar PV and hydropower, and fresh water management. He oversees the collection of data and analysis for the annual Hydropower Status Report. He holds an MSc in Climate Change and an MA in International Political Economy.

GEOFF TOOLEY Senior Manager: Catchment Management, eThekwini Municipality, S.A. As a manager of the Catchment Management section, Geoffrey Tooley is responsible for work relating to the rivers in eThekwini (Durban, South Africa) including floodlines, stormwater management plans, master drainage plans, rainfall distribution figures and erosion control as well as adaptation plans related to flooding. He managed the development of the new stormwater management policy for the eThekwini municipality–passed through Council in 2020. Geoffrey is also member of the Business Case Steering Committee overseeing the development of the business case for the Transformative River Management Program, a member of the Water Research Commission reference groups for stormwater related commissions and is currently on the executive committee for the Institute of Municipal Engineers of Southern Africa (IMESA). He currently lectures for SAICE in Durban on Stormwater Design as part of the continued education program.

Michael Schroder was born in Stuttgart in 1981. From 2001 to 2005 he studied technically oriented business administration (BWL t.o.) at the University of Stuttgart. Michael Schroder has more than 10 years of experience in project development, coordination and design. The focus of his projects is on renewable energie


MICHAEL SCHROEDER Member of the board, Desertec Foundation

CATHY OXBY Chief Commercial Officer, Africa GreenCo Cathy has more than 18 years of professional experience in the infrastructure and renewable energy sectors, both as a principal and an adviser. In her role as Chief Commercial Officer of Africa GreenCo, Cathy is closely involved in structuring and implementing the GreenCo business model, which aims to attract more private sector investment in renewable energy generation in sub-Saharan Africa at lower cost and with less reliance on government support through the introduction of an independently-managed creditworthy intermediary offtaker. GreenCo aligns with the ongoing regulatory changes in the African energy sector to promote green growth and target greater regional integration.

PHILIP AKELLO Programme Manager - Environment & Climate, Royal Danish Embassy, Nairobi


Energy Engineer experienced in programme management with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Skilled in Sustainable Development, Energy, Sustainability, Renewable Energy and Climate Change. Strong program and project management professional with a Master’s Degree focused in Energy Technology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

DIANE ABOUBAKAR Senior Policy Officer, African Union Commission (AUC) Diane Aboubakar is currently a Senior Policy Officer for Disaster Risk reduction in African Union Commission, DRR Unit.






DR. PEACE LIZ SASHA MUSONGE Founder, Bakatoa Dr. Peace Liz Sasha Musonge is a Ugandan scientist and social entrepreneur. She graduated from Makerere University, Uganda, with a BS in food science and technology. She has a MS degree in human nutrition and rural development from Ghent University, an advanced MS in water technology and integrated management form Antwerp University, Belgium, Nanodegree in Android basics UDACITY-GOOGLE and PhD in Biosciences Engineering, Ghent University. Peace is a Mandela Washington alumnus at UC-Berkeley Goldman school of public policy and Schlumberger faculty of future alumnus. She has worked for a fortune 500 company PriceWaterhouseCoopers and World Resources Institute DC. Peace was voted 9th in top 40 Ugandan women under 40. She has collaborated on international research projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, South and North America. She has several publications in scientific journals and three as first author. Peace is a mentor of young Africans in STEM. Peace is passionate about developing innovative sustainable green solutions in water-energy-foodtechnology nexus to improve livelihoods of vulnerable communities. Her research focus was on freshwater equatorial alpine rivers, the most permanent head waters for the Nile river in Rwenzori region, Uganda. The Rwenzoris are a well-known UNESCO world heritage site and Global 200 biodiversity hotspot. She developed the first ever biotic index (Rwenzori Score) for ascertaining nutrient enrichment in the Rwenzori rivers. Peace was appointed member of the advisory committee of the Our World Heritage Foundation.

PROF. TOM PETER MIGUN OGADA Executive Director, African Centre for Technology Studies Prof. Ogada has enormous experience from senior management levels in research, university, public and private sector. Prof. Ogada holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Belarusian Polytechnic, Minsk, USSR (1987), PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany (1995) and MBA in Strategic Management from Moi University, Kenya (2005).

CECILIA NJENGA Head of South Africa office, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Ms. Cecilia Kinuthia-Njenga is an Economist/Urban and Regional Planner with over twentyseven years of progressive work experience in international sustainable development, environmental sustainability, climate change and conservation. During the last 23 years, Cecilia has worked with the United Nations, building on her leadership and managerial capacity in programme development & management, inter-governmental processes, strategic partnership building, resource mobilisation and inter-agency coordination.

Chikondi is a passionate climate justice, climate resilient systems, humanitarian work, women’s rights, resilience and right to food advocate. Chikondi is championing different work streams and global and local campaigns on climate change, water rights, food systems, humanitarian and resilience nexus, with a greater focus on advocating for justice and women’s leadership. Chikondi has experience of providing technical leadership and management in the development and implementation of programs and projects, policy analysis, research, advocacy and lobbying at national level and international level to create synergy between different advocacy themes at the grassroots, national and international policy levels. Chikondi is recognized internationally for her contributions made to society through her volunteerism, leadership and management skills especially her rootedness in working with women in communities in Southern Africa in adapting to climate change and working with women and youth in Southern Africa on climate justice, food and nutrition security and social justice in general.


CHIKONDI CHABVUTA Regional Advocacy Advisor, Care International


KOFI ADU DOMFEH News Editor, The Multimedia Group Kofi Adu Domfeh is a multiple award-winning media and communications professional, focused on Development Journalism. He is a Media Trainer, Social Entrepreneur, Environmental Advocate, Climate Reality Leader and a Global Goodwill Ambassador. Domfeh is the News Editor at the Kumasi Unit (Luv Fm & Nhyira Fm) of The Multimedia Group in Ghana. He is also the Ghana Bureau Chief of ClimateReporters, a leading African online newspaper focused on climate change, environment and sustainable development.


SAGAR ARYAL CTO, Plant for the Planet Sagar Aryal is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and member of the board of Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. A climate activist for over 15 years, he is also a co-founder of and founder of the Sano Sansar Initiative. Sagar currently leads the development of the Plant-for-the-Planet Platform, the Trillion Tree Campaign, and the newly developed TreeMapper tool to democratize restoration mapping. Sagar’s work has been featured as one of the “Most Influential Projects” of 2020 by the Project Management Institute. He has also received the WSA European Young Innovator Award in 2020 for his outstanding digital solutions with relevance and immediate impact in local communities.

LUCA ROSSI Deputy Chief, Regional Office for Africa, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

DR. MARUF SANNI Curie Fellow European Institute on Economics and the Environment, Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici.


Environmental Engineer with 20 years of experience in disaster risk management, covering all DRM angles and related phases: prevention, early warning, preparedness, training, international emergency response, post-emergency needs assessment, building back better and capacity development, at operational, strategic, and policy levels. During his career, he worked for International Research centers, the private sector, national Government, and International Organizations.





The Fifth Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit (ACRIS V) took place virtually on 16 and 17 June, 2021 under the theme “embedding and financing climate resilience towards Africa’s green recovery.” It was jointly organized by the African Union Commission (AUC), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and World Bank Group (WBG), with generous funding from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). Day 1 commenced with an Opening Ceremony and a series of Keynote Addresses. H.E. Ambassador Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, DREA, AUC, inaugurated ACRIS V with her strong opening statement, emphasizing the need to build back better for a more resilient Africa. She also announced the AUC Green Recovery Action Plan to guide resource mobilization towards climate change adaptation. These opening remarks were followed by those of Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division of UNECA in which he discussed the critical need for prioritizing climate resilience in investments in crucial sectors for the future development of Africa, as well as the urgency of integrating resilience and investment planning in national and regional long-term development strategies. The final set of opening remarks were given by Dr. Simeon Ehui, Central and Western Africa Regional Director for Sustainable Development

of WBG. He spoke about the uneven recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and how African countries must promote growth-enhancing reforms and steer their economies onto a green, resilient, and inclusive development path because the world will be dealing with the pandemic’s “side-effects” for many years to come. Karin Isaksson, Managing Director of NDF, gave the first keynote address. She highlighted the importance of building back better and greener as a critical part of Africa’s green recovery. Further remarks came from Professor Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), who spoke about how data is fundamental for effective climate action and investments across all African countries. His address was followed by remarks from H.E. Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) and Director General, African Risk Capacity (ARC)



Minister for Research Planning and Policy of the Ministry for Research, Planning and Policy of Liberia; and Hon. Dr. Mahad Hassan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport of Somalia.

Group. He spoke about innovative partnerships, as well as promoting accessibility, availability and affordability of disaster risk reduction instruments to help reduce vulnerability, boost adaptation, and strengthen resilience in the region. Dr Anthony Nyong, Regional Director of Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), announced GCA’s recent launch of the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, during his speech. The program aims to mobilize US$ 35 billion over the next five years to help African countries and governments build back better. Michael Rattinger, Senior Officer of the European Investment Bank (EIB), closed the morning welcome session by giving a Keynote Address on how the EIB supports climate resilience for Africa’s green recovery.



Three Honourable Ministers from various ministries working on climate change gave powerful remarks as part of the Ministerial Session in which they discussed how their countries integrate climate resilience in development planning. These included speeches by Hon. Mr. Soares Cassama, Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity of Guinea Bissau; Hon. Mr. Hassan Karneh, Deputy

The first of six panel discussions at ACRIS V began discussing “Investing in cross-border energy infrastructure for enhanced resilience.” It was chaired by Tendayi Marowa, Chairman of Technical Committee on Energy/Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant Business Council for Sustainable Development of Zimbabwe, and he was joined by: (i) Atef Marzouk, Acting Director, Department of Infrastructure & Energy at AUC; (ii) Dr. Hans Jaoko, Regional Energy Advisor for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); (iii) Nopenyo Dabla, Programme Officer Sub-Saharan Africa for the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); (iv) Eng. Alison Chikova, Chief Engineer (Planning & Operations) for the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP); (v) Nadja Haakansson, Managing Director for Africa at Siemens Energy Ltd; and (vi) Dr. Rafatou Fofana, Director of the Observatory of Water Resources and Associated Ecosystem of the Volta Basin Authority. During this session, the private-sector experts and senior policymakers exchanged views on the obstacles to cross-border energy infrastructure investment and identified policy and regulatory actions to interconnect Africa’s power systems for enhanced climate resilience. Following Panel 1, the First Open Live Chat was led by Mr. Kofi Adu Domfeh, News Editor of the Multimedia Group. The chat focused



on the importance of the media in effectively communicating climate change and how the media has a direct role in engaging the public. Mr. Adu Domfeh emphasized that climate change remains an abstract concept to the majority of the populace, and he also addressed the importance of localizing climate change issues as it affects every facet of society. Panel 2 was chaired by Dr. Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Lead Environment Specialist and Climate Change Coordinator for the Africa Region at WBG, and she and the panelists explored how resilience can be viewed as opportunities for African States. The Chair was joined by: (i) Stuart Mangold, Senior Policy Advisor: Africa & Bilateral Relations of Department of Environmental Affairs, Government of South Africa; (ii) Aklilu Fikresilassie, Director of Thriving Resilient Cities at World Resources Institute (WRI) Africa; (iii) Eng. Raphael Sigauke, Acting Deputy Director of Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Development for Zimbabwe; (iv) Nora Berrahmouni, Senior Forestry Officer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; (v) Ali Osman, AFR100 Focal Point of the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development in Sudan; (vi) Dr. Hassan Agouzoul, Senior Expert in sustainable development and climate change at the Ministry of the Environment of Morocco; and (vii) Stephen Dorey, Public Health Specialist at WBG. Panelists spoke about how African

countries could overcome the triple challenge of economy, climate, and health to build stronger economies and help local communities become resilient to climate impacts and externally caused shocks. The Second Live Open Chat was held directly after Panel 2 and focused on disaster risk reduction (DRR) for resilience. Participants joined the live networking chat to share DRR strategies being carried out in their respective countries, and they explored the need for early warning systems and investing in climate information services, information and communication infrastructure. Closing the first day of discussions was Panel 3: Building resilience through natural capital, nature-based solutions. It was chaired by Sanjay Srivastava, Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy of WBG, and he was joined by: (i) Dr. Philip Osano, Center Director of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)-Africa Center; (ii) Teresa Gitonga, Kenya Programme Manager of International Tree Foundation; (iii) Excellent Hachileka, Climate Change Specialist of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); (iv) Dr. Peter Mbile, Senior Field Programs Coordinator of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), (v) Elvis Tangem, Coordinator for AUC; and (vI) Tabi H Joda, Executive Director of GreenAid International - One Billion Trees for Africa. The panelists exchanged views on how nature-based solutions can provide vehicles for delivering comprehensive and cross-sectoral

The second day of ACRIS V began with Panel 4 on “Boosting food security through ClimateSmart Agriculture (CSA)”, which was chaired by Dr. Holger Kray, Practice Manager of the Agriculture and Food Global Practice of WBG. He was joined by: (i) Dr. Jethro Zuwarimwe, Senior Lecturer of University of Venda; (ii) Yawo Jonky Tenou, Task Manager of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); (iii) Dr. Berhane Gebru, Technical Adviser of FHI 360; (iv) Prof. Afeikhena Jerome, Special Advisor to the Commissioner for Rural Economy & Agriculture of AUC; (v) Epaphras Ndikumana, Social and Environment Impact Manager of Long Miles Coffee Project (LMCP); and (vi) Kwame Ababio, Senior Programme Officer, Advisory Services of African Union Development Agency – NEPAD. The panelists discussed how CSA could offer an integrated approach to dealing with the challenges of food security and climate change along with the financing and investments strategies needed to bring CSA to life in a postCOVID era. Directly following this was the Third Open Live Chat entitled Plant-for-the-Planet, and it was hosted Mr. Sagar Aryal, CTO of the Plant-for-thePlanet Foundation.

The final themed discussion was the Fourth Live Open Chat entitled “Low-carbon Innovation Pathways: Towards an open innovation framework for Africa”, which was led by Dr. Maruf Sanni, Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow of the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), Centro EuroMediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici. Dr. Sanni exchanged views with participants on how African countries and partners in advanced countries should collaborate on efficient and inclusive low-carbon innovations in technology transfer and financing, as well as capacity



building around project management, exit strategies, and evidence-based policymaking. He discussed how the infrastructure, agriculture, oil and gas, urban development sectors are critical in the fight against climate change on the continent. He also emphasized the need for both developed and developing countries to develop an innovative framework that allows for collaboration across all the critical sectors of the economy that are vulnerable to climate change. The penultimate session to ACRIS V was Panel 6: The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility – successes, opportunities, and partnerships to build resilience in Africa. It was chaired by Dr. Linus Mofor, Senior Energy and Climate Change Expert - African Climate Policy Centre of UNECA. He was joined by: (i) Aage Jorgensen, Program Manager of NDF; (ii) Evans Kaseke, Programme Manager – Strategic Planning of Zambezi Watercourse Commission; (iii) Hisham Osman, Environmental Engineer of


The fifth panel on “Innovative financing instruments and risk mitigation for climate resilience in post-COVID Africa” was chaired by Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division of UNECA, and he was accompanied by: (i) Steve Gray, Regional Representative - West Africa of the United Kingdom Export Finance; (ii) Gunter Fischer, Senior Investment Officer of EIB; (iii) Olufunso Somorin, Regional Principal Officer of AfDB; (iv) Angelique Pouponneau, CEO of Seychelles’ Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust; (v) Dr. Alain Serges Kouadio, Director of The Green Economy of Ministry of The Environment and Sustainable Development of Cote d’Ivoire; (vi) Markus Repnik of WMO; (vii) Lucy Nyirenda, Head of Government Services (East and Southern Africa) of ARC; and (viii) Eman Wahby, Grow In Africa Fund of Impact Investment Fund. Panelists examined the need for African countries to intensify their resource mobilization efforts to

achieve the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 through climate-resilient development planning and implementation in the aftermath of the current COVID-19 pandemic.


investments that contribute to both climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, as well as sustainable economic development.



WBG; (iv) Jostas Mwebembezi, Executive Director of Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy; (v) Jae So, Director of Programs (Interim) of GCA; (vi) Benjamin Larroquette, Regional Technical Advisor of UNDP, and (vii) Alex Campbell, Head of Research and Policy of International Hydropower Association. The panel brought together experts to discuss lessons learned from the Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) program’s first five years and look ahead to how AFRIRES’s knowledge can be incorporated into other investments. With all discussions concluded and networking functions enjoyed, Mr. Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, led the Closing Ceremony with final remarks on ACRIS V. In closing, he thanked all the participants and supporting partners for making the event an overall success and contributing ideas on how to increase climate resilience in Africa. He summarized ACRIS V key discussions with the theme of resilience as the missing ingredient for African’s sustainable development while stressing the need for sustainable infrastructure


and investments in adaptation and nature-based solutions as providing immediate opportunities in the Africa development market. He also discussed the challenge in mobilizing resources for climate resilience and channeling financing through innovation in sustainability to tackle resilience with close partnerships being the ultimate solution to climate change. In addition to the six themed plenary sessions, ACRIS V also featured a series of in-depth presentations on energy, resilience, naturebased solutions, CSA solutions, and finance by key private sector experts, senior policymakers, decision-makers, and researchers in the field. n









Wonderful presentations.


LOIC BOUR @ AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE (AFP), MARKETING COORDINATOR AFRICA Really well organized, thank you for the presentations and the diversity of profile. @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021

LISA THOMPSON SMEDDLE @ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT NETWORK, DIRECTOR Very robust selection of topics and very well organised summit! @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021






Thank you So much, really learning a lot. @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021






Nice presentations. @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021

Very insightful presentations indeed!! @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021

We are so happy to participate in ACRIS @GRVGLOBAL • #ACRIS2021





ABANTU for Development Paul Gatemberezi muzungu General Secretary Of Pentecost Church Abdou Moumouni University Aboubakr Gambo boukary Lecturer/Researcher Abibiman Foundation Kenneth Nana Amoateng Director Absa Group Limited Lazarous Banda Cash Vault Custodian ACLAYP-Mauritanian Youth Climate Movement Mousa Sall Action For Integrated and Sustainable Development Lamin Dampha Fisheries Officer Adam Consulting Services Faisal Hashi Managing Director Adaptation Consortium (ac) Monia Braham Head Of Investment Policies and Reforms


Addis Zemn daily news paper Kefleyohan Es Anberber Shiferaw Journalist


Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Ethiopia Hannah Ndungu Emergency Management Director ADVOCACY-ONG Gohoungo Eugène Ahissou Executive Manager Africa Academy of Science (AAS) Obed Matundura Ogega Programme Officer, Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme Africa Business Group Michael Sudarkasa Ceo Africa Centre for Energy Policy Maybel Acquaye Snr Policy Analyst Africa climate conversations Podcast Sophie Mbugua Journalist Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) Martin Tsounkeu General Representative Africa Diaspora Alliance Joseph Masika Oam Deputy President - Australasia Africa GreenCo Group Cathy Oxby Ceo

Africa Research and Impact Network Joanes Atela Senior Research Fellow, Climate Resilient Economies Africa Risk Capacity Chinedu Moghalu Head, Communication & Advocacy


Africa Philanthropic Foundation Stephen Chacha Executive Director

Africa Risk Capacity Lucy Nyirenda Head Of Government Services (East and Southern Africa) Africa Risk Capacity Ibrahima Cheikh Diong Director-General Africa Soil Information Services (afsis) Wilbert Simbila Gis and Data Specialist African Association for the Promotion of Disaster Risk Reduction Abdou Sané Président African Centre for a Green Economy Angua Mao Amis Executive Director African Centre For Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development Unyime Robinson


African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE) Viola Musiimenta Director Of Programmes African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) Pascal Mavoula Managing Director African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Arona Soumare Principal Climate Change and Green Growth Officer African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Dieudonne Goudou Principal Climate and Disaster Officer African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Siham Mohamed ahmed Natural Resources Management and Agriculture Expert African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Muthoni Nduhiu African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Robert Ochieng Consultant

African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Olufunso Somorin Associate Professional Officer


African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Edith Ofwona Adera Regional Principal Officer





African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Innocent Onah Climate & Green Growth Expert African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Balgis Osman elasha Climate Change Specialist AFRICAN EXPORT IMPORT BANK EDMUND Bala-gbogbo Manager Group Risk African Group for Water, Energy, Environment Development Jacques Moulot Coo African Group of Negociator Tanguy Gahouma bekale Chair African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (agnes) George Wamukoya Team Leader African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Developement Ismail Joel Eboa eyoum African Network of young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development Tocko Maloum Patrick Coodinator African Sustainability Academy Lisa Thompson smeddle Director African Union Commission (AUC) Kennedy Mukulia Ayason Policy Officer African Union Commission (AUC) Diane Aboubakar Senior Policy Officer African Union Commission (AUC) Elvis Tangem Coordinator African Union Commission (AUC) Afeikhena Jerome Special Advisor To The Commissioner For Rural Economy & Agriculture African Union Commission (AUC) Atef Marzouk Acting Head Of Energy African Union Commission (AUC) Harsen Nyambe Head Of Division African Union Commission (AUC) Josefa Leonel correia sacko Commissioner For Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission (AUC) Leah Wanambwa Naess Sr. Policy Officer

African Union Commission (AUC) Betelehem Tekelehana


African Union Commission (AUC) Ahmed El makkas

African Youth Initiative on Climate Change Yassine Zegzouti Expert Africas Voices Foundation Samuel Kimeu Executive Director Agence France Presse (AFP) Loic Bour Marketing Coordinator Africa Agence France Presse (AFP) PAUL Omondi Commercial Director- Ea & Indian Ocean Agoda Yanis Chioukh Customer Experience Specialist AISPAR African Institute of Strategic Purchasing and Research Charles Malack Oloo Executive Director Akhbarona Medias Mohamed Slim


ALEKO MEDIA PLC Eddy Patrick Donkeng Director ALEX EKWUEME FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, NDUFU-ALIKE (AE-FUNAI) Robert Onyeneke Lecturer/Scientist/ Researcher/Consultant ALEX EKWUEME FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, NDUFU-ALIKE (AE-FUNAI) Chukwuemeka Emenekwe Alliance of Bioversity Intl. and Intl. Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Yvonne Munyangeri Project Assistant American University School of International Service Jesse Ribot Professor Arba Minch University Fassil Teffera

ASAFE Association for the Support of Women Entrepreneurs Gisele Yitamben Ceo


Artelia Eau Environnement Annie Bonnin Consultant


ATTENDEES LIST Association for Agricultural and Rural Development in Mali (ARD) Sidibe Ibrahim Coordinator Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of Bizerte (APEDDUB) (GNDR) Najoua Bouraoui Head Of Apeddub Association for Sustainable Development Alternative Takele Teshome Demissie Executive Director Association of African Universities Nodumo Dhlamini Director AUDA-NEPAD Mamadou Diakhite Acting Head Of Environmental Sustainability Division (Esd) AUDA-NEPAD Kwame Frederick Ababio Senior Programme Officer- Environmental Governance and Climate Change Azaavi Foods Byron Anangwe Chief Technical Officer


B One Television “Dieudonne “ Muamba Mubenga Journalist


Bakatoa Ltd Peace Liz Sasha Musonge Founder BENKADI project Marie Odile Comlanvi hountondji Gender and Inclusion Expert BLI Global Capital Maria Horne Managing Partner BlueStreams Institute Rodrigue Akohou Policy Analyst & Researcher Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation Penny Lesolle Researcher, Climate Change BRARUDI Heineken operating Company Catherine Bucumi sommer Local Raw Materials Development Manager British High Commission, Nairobi Hellen Kuria Climate Change Policy Manager Build Peace and Development Moise Kitete manala Ceo Burundi, Office for the Protection of the Environment (OBPE) Alphonse Polisi Head of Research and Development

Capital Newspaper Groum Yimer Editor In Chief


Cadi Ayyad University Faissal Aziz Associate Professor

Care International Chikondi Chabvuta Regional Advocacy Advisor Catholic University of Eastern Africa Evans Wabwire Lecturer CCAFS Dawit Solomon CCIS TTA (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Tanger Tétouan Al Hociema region) Rabiah El khamlichi Director CC-Square Consulting Theodore Marguerite Md CEH (Centre of Ecology & Hydrology) Eleanor Blyth Head Of Hydro-Climate Risks


CEN-SAD Ouafa Sahli Consultant Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Robert Nasi Director General Center for Public Interest Law Fabienne Fossuo kengne Program Officer Central African Power Pool (CAPP) AZARAK Mogro Atadet Principal Electrical Engineer, Permanent Secretary CEPARD Center for Education and Participatory Rural Development Mulumba Mathias ssuuna Ceo Certafrik Babacar Salif Gueye Afr100 Focal Point CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Dawit Solomon Regional Program Leader For East Africa

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation Jess Ayers Christian Aid MILTON OMONDI Ogada Project Officer Climate Change Governance


CHALLENGES International Abdou Kadri Agbayizato Executive Director




CISSA Zainab Kotoko Executive Secretary Civil Society Julius Ng’oma Coordinator Civil Society Coalition on Indigenous Peoples Nathan J.G Makuregye Coordinator Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness Nigeria. Adamu Abdullahi Focal Person Climate Analytics Manjeet Dhakal Climate Policy Analyst Climate and Sustainable Development Network PIUS AGAJI Oko Programmes Assistant Climate and Sustainable Development Network Samuel Jinadu Program Manager Climate Change and Sustainable Development Consortium Henry, David Bayoh National Coordinator and Focal Point


Climate Change Network ANTHONY Wolimbwa Technical Advisor - Capacity Building Climate Commission for the Sahel Region Idrissa Soumana Mahamadou Programme Assistant Climate Commission for the Sahel Region Issifi Boureima Coordinator Climate Pal Ltd Geoffrey Kiirnga Co-Founder Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility - CRIDF Leonard Magara Chief Engineer Climate Scrutiny Kit Nicholson Director Climfinance Consulting Chinma George Environmental Consultant/Phd Candidate Club of Rome Mamphela Ramphele Co-President CNAP-Guinea - Primature Alkaly Bangoura Afr100 Focal Point CNRST Burkina Faso Pouahoulabou Korahiré College Boreal Calvin Atewamba Associate Research Fellow

Commission for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Nature Protection of the National Assembly of Gabon Paul Biyoghe mba Mp and Chairman Of The Said Commission


COMESA Edith Tibahwa Programme Manager

Community Environmental Network PATRICK Kimiti Chairman Comprehensive Energy Solutions Tendayi Marowa Chairman Of Technical Committee On Energy/ Energy Management and Climate Change Mitigation Consultant Conservation International Camila Donatti Conservation International- Liberia Peter Gayflor Mulbah Acting Country Director Consortium for Climate Change Ethiopia YONAS GEBRU Gebreegziabher Coordinator CPGU/Primature - Emergency Prevention and Management Unit / Prime Minister Ericka Rakotondratsima Technical Manager Of The Adrifi Program


CPGU/Primature - Emergency Prevention and Management Unit / Prime Minister Nivoarilala Pelanoro Randriamaro Technical Secretary Crédit Agricole du Maroc NADIA Chaouki Head Of Department In Charge Of The South-South Cooperation Directorate Cresco Group Africa Conrad Hefer Managing Director Dakar 2021 Water Forum Bai Taal Special Adviser Dale Agro Limited Evans Kituyi Director Danish Red Cross Adam Bornstein Lead, Innovative Finance and Systems Change

Department of Environmental Affairs; South Africa Funanani Muremi Deputy Director: International Climate Change


Department of Economic Development and Tourism Alexei Allie Deputy Director


ATTENDEES LIST Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Pemy Gasela Director: International Climate Change Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Zaheer Fakir Chief Director Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Stuart Mangold Senior Policy Adviser: Africa & Bilateral Relations Department of Water Resources; The Gambia Tijani Bojang Meteorologist DESERTEC Foundation Michael Schroeder Deslou & Partners Scp Desire Loumou DevDurable Claire Stephane Sacramento Journalist


Development Impact Pathfinders Initiative Glory Amarachi Brendan-otuojor Chief Executive Officer


Directorate of Environment & Climate Change, Office of the Prime Minister Ahmed Yusuf Ahmed Director General DRC Climate Change Network Appolinaire Zagabe kamanyula Executive Director EAC Secretariat James Kivuva Senior Meteorologist East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (EACCIA) Charles Kahuthu Ceo / Regional Coordinator ECA Office in East Africa Soteri Gatera Senior Economic Affairs Officer ECO PROGRESSO SARL Alexandre Cabral Expert In Environemnt, Energy and Development Durable and Climate Change “Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion African center for Innovative and Sustainable Solutions ACISS” FATIMA Arib Director ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE POLYTECHNIQUE (UCAD) Ndiaga Ndiaye Head Of Valorization Department Esp-Ucad Ecological Monitoring Center AMADOU MOCTAR Dieye Technical Director

Economic, Social and Environmental Council Aline Minko mi etoua First Secretary Of The Bureau


Economic Research Unit Tinashe Ndudzo Senior Economist

EDDA Network Together for Sustainable Development Mohamed Elmi ayeh President EFCCC Muluneh Hedeto Senior Advisor Egyptian Embassy in Addis Ababa Fadel Yacoub Minister Plenipotentiary Electricity Regulatory Authority Isaac Vivian Kinhonhi Principal Economist (Planning & Research) Elevate Trust Fortunate Sibanda Student Embassy of Sweden Anna Tjarvar Regional Section For Africa Enda Energie-environnement-developpement EMMANUEL Seck Programme Manager


Enda Lead Afrique Francophone Moussa Mbay Gueye Executive Director Enlighteners in Madagascar ANDRIANARISON Miora National Commissionner Entilata Resources Development Centre Lucas Elius yamat Chief Executive Officer (Ceo) Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change Forum Girma Balcha Executive Director Environment,Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC) Dawud Mume Ali Plan and Budget Preparation,Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate Director Environmental Development Action (ENDA)-Ethiopia Haimanot Desalegne Country Director Environmental Perspectives Center for Information and Sustainable Development Tafraouti Mohammed President



Environmental Protection Agency Andriana Nelson Principal Programme Officer


ATTENDEES LIST Epeya Eco-Energy (PTY) Ltd (IPP) Hidipo Nangolo Chairman & Md ESWADE - Smallholder Market Project Lynn Kota National Project Director - Eswade Climate Smart Agriculture For Resilient Livelihoods eThekwini Municipality Geoff Tooley Senior Manager: Catchment Management Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association Afwerk Hailu Executive Director Ethiopia Electric Power Shumet Belachew Plant Manager Ethiopia Electric Utility Company (EEU) Mengistu Asres Quality Control Engineer Ethiopia Electric Utility Company (EEU) Chala Bonsa Director, Public Relation & Communication


Ethiopia Electric Utility Company (EEU) Ashenafi Girma Wondimu Electrical Engineer


Ethiopian Energy Authority (EEA) Belayneh Gizaw Director, Licensing & Economic Regulation Directorate Ethiopian Energy Authority (EEA) Bahru Oljira Debel Team Leader Ethiopian Energy Authority (EEA) Belaynesh Fekadu Mulat Senior Training Expert Ethiopian Environment Forest and Climate Change Commission Muhammed Ebrahim Public Relation Officer Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency Solomon Tessema Information Communication Directorate Director Ethiopian News Agency Girma Mirgisa Reporter Ethiopian Press Agency ABEBE Woldegiorgis Editor Ethiopian Press Agency ANTENEH Chare Reporter Ethiopian Press Agency TEKALGNE Gebeyehu News Paper Editor Ethiopian Press Agency Tekalign Eticha News Editor

European Investment Bank (EIB) Hellen Meijer Senior Event and Marketing Manager


Etsehiwot Pharmacy & Medical service Elias Ashenafi Genera Manager

European Investment Bank (EIB) Gunter Fischer “Senior Investment Manager –Geeref Operations Directorate Eib “ European Investment Bank (EIB) Michael Rattinger Senior Officer (Secondee), Acp Policy and Planning Global Partners Department Operations Directorate European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Vincent Gabaglio International Relations Officer Expertise France vincent Ondieki Project Officer Faculty of law Sabrine Khaloub


Faculty of Science and Technology of Tangier Jihane Abdessadak Phd Student Fanrpan and Africa-wide Civil Society, Climate Change Imitative For Policy Dialogue Aurelien Atidegla Consultant, Pr?Sident De La Plateforme Des Acteurs De La Soci?T? Civile Au B?Nin FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Benjamin De ridder Technical Officer FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Nora Berrahmouni Senior Forestry Officer FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations Papa Mohamed Niang National Consultant Specialist In Forestry FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Albert Nikiema Natural Resources Officer (Climate Change)

Farm Africa, Ethiopia Ayele Feleke Project Coordinator


Farm Africa Asaye Bitew Project Coordinator


ATTENDEES LIST FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Wondowossen Anteneh Tegegne Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program Officer Federal Ministry of Environment Ibrahim Inuwa Director Federal Ministry of Environment Oghale Ruth Erezih Director Federal University of Agriculture Abiodun Elijah Obayelu Teaching, Research and Community Service Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria Mmaduabuchukwu Mkpado Senior Lecturer FES Jessy Mulengachozi FES Zambia Keith Mulenga Yldp Alumni 2018


FHI 360 Berhane Gebru Technical Adviser


Ficofawe Women Foundation - Preventing Violence against Women Ibrahim Samatta Director Of Project Advocacy and Communication Fiker Leselam Developmental Org Mekbib Zerihun Fiker Leselam Developmental Org Mustapha Mensah Senior Research Analyst Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd Hyrine Munga Sustainable Energy and Rural Development Researcher Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Kay Pfaffenberger Professor, Center For Business & Technology In Africa Fraternite Matin Kouadio Yao theodore Fredrich Ebert Stiftung Felesia Manico Alumni Free Consultancy in Nexus Water-Energy-Food -Ecosystems Henri-Claude Enoumba Head Planning & Studies Division Frique Cities Channel Nathaniel Efik Founder/Ceo

FSD Africa Investments Vimal Parmar Senior Capital Markets Specialist


FSD Africa Investments Kelvin Massingham Director, Risk and Resilience

FSD Africa Investments Anne-Marie Chidzero FSD Africa Investments Beatrice Mubia Gatef organization is (National Sustainable Development Organization) Atef Soliman Engineer GenderCC SA – Women for Climate Justice is a non-governmental organisation Bertha Chiroro Project Coordinator General Directorate for Environment and Climate Euloge Lima Director Of Climate Change Management Geographic Institute of Burundi Prudence Bizimana Environmental Lawyer


Geo-spatial Information Institute Shimeles Tadesse Zelelew Gis Team Leader Geospatial Research International Viola Kirui Director Gift of The Givers Foundation Mohamed Bedrealam Kazi Director Of Strategic Partnership-Corporate and Government GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Komla Mensah Gatonnou Economist Forestier GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Henintsoa Mamy Rabemananjara Technical Advisor Ecology / Forestry Prosol GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Nantenaina Herimanga

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Rolland Maminiaina Randrianarivelo Climate Change Technical Advisor


GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Rinah Zo Nandrianina Rakotonarivo Advisor





Global Centre on Adaptation Anthony Nyong Regional Director – Africa Global Centre on Adaptation Jaehyang So Director Of Programs Global Development and Innovative Services - Africa (GDIS-AFRICA) Ousmane Traore Director Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Liliane Uwanziga mupende Gcf Nap Project Lead Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Joyce Gatera Intern Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Innocent Kabenga Country Representative Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD)/ UN Foundation Karen Bett Policy Associate Global Water Partnership Africa Adolphine Kateka Senior Research Fellow GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U. Gerard Margarit Business Development Manager GREEN BASIN NATURALS Noah Zimba Ceo Green Pot Enterprises Limited Kathomi Njeru Director Marketing and Outreach GreenAid - One Billion Trees for Africa Haman TABI Joda Executive Director GreenPot Enterprises Limited Caroline Kariuki Chief Executive Officer GRID-Arendal Clever Mafuta Head Of Programme - Waste & Marine Litter Grow In Africa Fund, Impact Investment Fund Eman Wahby General Partner GSS-Solutions Limited Max Christian Kala-lobe Founder Guinea National Water Partnership Mohamed Lamine Keita Assistant Technique Haramaya University Ephrem Weledekidane Lecturer and Climate Researcher Harare Institute of Technology Anthony Phiri Director/Lecturer

Harare Polytechnic Soloman Manyere B-Tech Degree Programme Coordinator


Harare Polytechnic Damascus Masawi Btech Lecturer

Higher Council For Enviroment and Natural Resources (HCENR) Imad-eldin Ali babiker Climate Change Adaptation Researcher Hope Beyond Foundation Dorcus Parit Director Hope Beyond Foundation Samuel Sarumbe Program Officer Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre & Network, AAU Tariku Legesse Tura Energy Project Coordinator HydrmaxUSA / Puget Sound Energy Debasu Bayleyegn Eyasu Director Ibn Tofail University Driss Zejli Teacher-Researcher


ICIPE - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Subramanian Sevgan Principal Scientist and Head, Environmental Health Theme ICT Authority, Kenya Ann Ngugi IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development Yawo Jonky Tenou Task Manager IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Ahmed Amdihun IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Abdi Jama Coordinator, Igad Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience Analysis Hub IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Ismael Lutta Climate Data Management Assistant

IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Timothy Ranja Climate Change Officer


IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Philip Omondi Project Manager, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Project


ATTENDEES LIST IGAD Climate Prediction & Applications Centre (ICPAC) Geoffrey Sabiiti Climate Change Adaptation Expert Independent Consultant Kamal Djemouai Independent Climate Change Expert Independent Consultant Jozias Blok Freelance Consultant Independent consultant Bara Gueye Consultant Independent Consultant Ralph Gilchrist Independent Contractor Meskir Tesfaye Senior Expert In Climate Change Independent Contractor Gloria Cheche Independent Contractor


Independent Contractor Pauline Nairuba Business Systems Analyst


Independent Contractor Thabhelo Duve Senior Indian Ocean Observatory Wanjohi Kabukuru Editorial Director Indian Ocean Observatory Wanjohi Kabukuru Editorial Director Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) Chrispen Maseva Chief Environmental and Social Sustainability Expert Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) Veronica Jakarasi Manager, Climate Finance and Sustainability Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ) Rashidi Mudala Manager Project Finance Institute for Policy Research & Social Empowerment Henry Gamaliel Chingaipe ng’oma Director International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Akande Adebowale Director-General International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIAT Caroline Mwongera Scientist International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology Shira Bayigga Mukiibi Business Development Manager

International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) Deborah Murphy Senior Associate


International Hydropower Association Alex Campbell Head Of Research and Policy

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Nopenyo Dabla Programme Officer Sub-Saharan Africa International Tree Foundation Teresa Muthoni Gitonga Kenya Programme Manager IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Joan Kebenei Project Officer IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Charles Karangwa Regional Forest Landscape Restoration Coordinator Ivory Coast Chamber of Commerce and Industry Douagui Jean-Rock Kouadio-kirine Head Of The Territories and Sustainable Development Department Janssen Biologics Khaphilah Adeleye


Johann Wolfgang Goethe-university Frankfurt Am Main, Germany Nsikan-George Emana Senior Consultant Jongis’ Woods Private Limited Lawrence Jongi Chief Entrepreneurial Officer Journal Le Phare Mpolo Muzola Journalist Reporter KenGROW FOUNDATION Faith Njagi Coordinator Kenya Green Building Society June Arunga kimani Kenya Green Building Society Madhur (Muddy) Ramrakha Board Advisor Kenya Land Alliance Faith Alubbe Ceo

Kijiji Yeetu - A Smart Village Platform Hawi Rapudo Director Kilimo Trust Salum Issaka Officer Incharge


Kenya Red Cross-Switch TV Scovia Lukera Communications Officer


ATTENDEES LIST LE BEIC design office Pascal Mavoula Managing Director Lekela Advisors Limited Jennifer Boca Head Of Environmental, Social and Governance Lesotho Lowlands Water Project Leshoboro Nena Executive Director Lesotho Meteorological Services Mokoena France Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources John Kazembe Senior Lecturer LOCAGRI SARL Jean Paul Aka Manager M & E Consulting Engineers David Yuko Principal Engineer Malawi University of Science and Technology Wilfred Kadewa


Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Walter Svinurai Senior Lecturer


Mastertec Environmental Management Solutions Shadrick Kasweka Projects Director Mbarara University of Science and Technology Wasswa William Senior Lecturer Mekelle University Alemu Addisu Asst Prof. Mekelle University Aregawi Beyene Lecturer Mekelle University Baynachew Bargissa Baya Lecturer MELECT Consultancy Ltd Mahmoud Sayed Managing Director MENA Renewables and Sustainability - Menares El Mostafa Jamea Director Renewables and Sustainability MercyCorps Kenya Crispus Njeru Climate Smart Agricultural Advisor Metropolitan Solar Inc. Seydou Washington Traore President MFB Engineering Consultancy Bethel Mekonnen Student

Ministry for Research, Planning and Policy Hassan Karneh Deputy Minister For Research, Planning and Policy


Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) Tedla Mulatu Programme Development and Funding Manager

Ministry for the Promotion of Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption Marcellin Nziengui Deputy Director General Of The Fight Against Corruption Ministry of National Planning Commission JAMES Obakpolor Chief Planning Officer Ministry of Agriculture Sipho Shiba Afr100 Focal Point Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Rural Development Anibal Olavio Expert On Soustainable Development In Fish Community (Resilience,and Adaptation) Fish Inpector Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Deodatus Stanley Kiriba Agricultural Research Officer


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forests and the Environment FRANCISCA Eneme efua Minister Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment Paula Cristina Francisco Secretary Of State Ministry of Economic and planning Palmira Nvo nsue Environment Technician Ministry of Economy & Finance Rakotoarivony Ginette eulalie Head Of Transversal Dimensions Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt Barakat Ahmed Senior Economist Ministry of Energy Faith Wandera Senior Deputy Director Of Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development; Uganda James Baanabe Isingoma Ag. Director Of Energy Resources Ministry of Energy and Power Development Salome Maheya Senior Energy Planning Officer WWW.GRVGLOBAL.COM

Ministry of Energy and Power Development Sosten Ziuku Director For Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy


ATTENDEES LIST Ministry of Environment Stanislas Stephen Mouba Director General For Environment and Nature Protection Ministry of Environment Mohamed Zmerli Unfccc National Focal Point Ministry of Environment Rachid Tahiri Head Of Cc and Green Economy Division Ministry of Environment and Development Durable AIME MARCELLIN Lalason Chief Service Of Climate Change Adaptation Ministry of Environment and Forest, Environment,.Forest and Climate Change Commission Tirhas Hindeya Director, Resource Mobilization and Project Implementation Directorate Ministry of Environment and Forestry Alice Kaudia Environment Secretary


Ministry of Environment and Forestry Payai Manyok John Deputy Director For Climate Change & Unfccc National Focal Point


Ministry of Environment and Forestry Berhanu Solomon Genet Senior Consultant (Environment) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kenya Alfred Gichu Technical Advisor Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Aboua Gustave Aboua Director General Ministry of Environment Environmental Protection Agony Isaac Acquah Afr100 Focal Point Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Munashe Mukonoweshuro Climate Change Scientist Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Tatenda Mutasa Principal Climate Change Scientist Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests Claude Rakoto Head Of Environmental Communication For Sustainable Development. Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests Baomiavotse Vahinala Raharinirina Minister

Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development Ali Hamid Osman Afr100 Focal Point


Ministry of Environment, Forest Development & Climate Change; Ethiopia Fekadu Beyene Aleka Commissioner For Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry Samba Kani Diakite Head Of Climate Change Division Ministry of External Relations, Cameroon Franck Nguini atemengue Office Manager Ministry of Finance Khaled Elbramli Trpoli Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Rene Anthony Gomez Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Officer Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation Zerihun Getu Crge Facility Coordinator


Ministry of Finance Economic Planning and Development Rhino Mchenga Deputy Director Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development; Malawi Nations Msowoya Deputy Director Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development; Malawi Sophie Kang’oma Director For Monitoring and Evaluation Ministry of Finance,planning and Reconomic Development Calyst Ndyomugabi Senior Economist Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Nasr Agn Chair Ministry of Forests, Seas and Environment Lee White Minister Ministry of Health and Social Wellfair Sang Jarju Public Health Officer Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Irvine Chivaura Principal Research Officer

Ministry of Interior Charlotte Norman National Disaster Management Organization


Ministry of Infrastructures, Natural Resources and Environment Gilson Leite Cabinet Director


ATTENDEES LIST Ministry of Land and Environment Fernando Tavares Caniua Staff Officer Ministry of Land, Water & Environment Natasha Banda museba Principal Counsel Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Emmanuel Tijwok Mthew Othow Executive Director Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development BOSSA Sourou louis Deputy Director Of Programming and Foresight Ministry of Mines Energy and Environment Naima Oumoussa Ministry of Mines Energy and Environment SMAHAN Khouribache Environmental Engineer Ministry of Mines Energy and Environment Nadia Zine Advisor To The Minister


Ministry of National Development Planning; Zambia Jean Mukumwa Monitoring & Evaluation Officer


Ministry of Planning Chaibou Dan bakoye Expert In Charge Of Monitoring and Evaluation For Ppcr Niger Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport of Somalia Mahad Hassan Deputy Minister Ministry of Public Works and Transport Mehdya Taallah Deputy Director Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources Maria Dos santos National Director Of Urbanization and Housing Ministry of The Economy, Planning and Territorial Development Jules Leonel Tadong saa Head Of The Monitoring and Control Service At The Human Establishments Sub-Directorate Of Minepat Ministry of the Environment Modibo Sacko Technical Advisor To The Minister Of The Environment Ministry of The Environment Mufutau Jeje Assistant Director Ministry of the Environment and Biodiversity Soares Cassama Minister Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources Wiyaou Hodabalo Gnama Head Of Standardization and Taxation Section

Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development Adelard Kazadi Head Of Environmental Pillars Office


Ministry of the Environment and Forests Alpha Oumar Bah Head Of Protection and Restoration Division

Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development ALAIN SERGES Kouadio Director Of The Green Economy Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development Baba Drame Director Of The Environment and Classified Establishments Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development Mamadou Beye Directorate Of The Environment and Classified Establishments (Deec) Ministry of the Environment of Morocco Hassan Agouzoul Senior Expert Sustainable Development and Climate Change


Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Epaphras Ndikumana The Permanent Secretary Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Beatrice Ndonse Adviser Ministry of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development Nenodji Madingar Deputy General Technical Director Of Forest, Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Development and the Congo Basin Harold Cardorel Milandou Ministry of the Environment, Water and Fisheries Hakim Djibril Director General - Agency For Domestic Energy & The Environment (Aede)

Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests Ahmadou Sebory Toure Executive Director Environment Safeguard Fund


Ministry of the Environment, Water and Fisheries, Chad Oumar Mahamat hassane Comifac National Coordinator




Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs Sanelisiwe Ruth Mamba Planning Officer / Economist Ministry of Tourism and the Environment Borel Hermann Leyono Director General Ministry of Transport Bopang Khutsoane Global Climate Change Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure Development, Zimbabwe Raphael Sigauke Acting Deputy Director, Roads Design Ministry of Urban Development and Housing Ethiopia Bedecha Ware Special Assistant To The Minster / Adviser / Ministry of Water and Environment Callist Tindimugaya Commissioner, Water Resources Planning and Regulation Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation Emmanuel Ladu Parmenas Lupai Undersecretary


Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene RAKOTOBE RAHELIARISOA Holinantenaina Advisor Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection Ayman Cherkaoui Moi University Bernard Araap lagat Senior Lecturer Moroccan Biosafety Association Khalid Temsamani University Professor Moroccan Youth Climate Movement Fadoua Brour Founding President Mozambique Road Fund Sheila Mavie Delegate Of Road Fund In Niassa Province Municipality of Kozah 1 Padabo Kelem Tata Professor Of Sociology Of Development At The University Of Kara Musika Zambia Enock Syankwilimba Operations Manager NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Jacqueline Patterson Senior Director, Environmental and Climate Justice National Academy of Sciences and Techniques, Senegal (ANSTS) Jacques-Andre Ndione

National Agency of Civil Aviation and Meteorology Saifidine Mohibaca baco Responsible Of Agrometeorology and Climate Change


National Agency for Statistics and Demography / National School of Statistics and Economic Analysis ENSAE/ANSD Mamadou Balde Ingénieur Statisticien Economiste /Enseignant Chercheur

National center for Research Mawahib Eltayeb Research Assistant Professor National Centre For Technology Management Maruf Sanni Assistant Research Officer National Centre For Technology Management Gordon Bubou Assistant Chief Research Officer National Consultation of Civil Society of Togo (CNSC TOGO) Yaovi Venunye Azasoo Monitoring and Evaluation Officer National Council for Sustainable Developement Pamoussa Ouedraogo Technical Cordinator


National Council for Sustainable Development (sp / cndd) Do Etienne Traore Permanent Secretariat National Environment Council for Sustainable Development, Niger Kamaye Maazou Executive Secretary National Environment Management Authority EDWARD Wabwoto Senior Legal Officer National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Abela Gloria Mutabiilwa Senior Government Management Officer (The Chair), Compliance and Enforcement NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Moussa Gousmane Advisor On Climate Change National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Abuja- Nigeria Terfa Abraham Economist

National Institute of Meteorology Orlando Mendes Diretor Of Climatology Service National Organization of Rural Women ‘Flowers of Central Africa Guerel Baile Elisabeth odette National President


National institute for sustainable development William Che Senior Officer In Charge Of Sustainable Development


ATTENDEES LIST National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Bethany Speer Researcher Iv-Decision Support Analysis National union of aviation and allied workers Kaumba Clayton Chiteta Secretary National University of Agriculture (Benin Republic) Marthe Montcho Lecturer-Researcher Nautilus East Consultancy LTD Rachel Machua Ceo Networked Intelligence for Development NIDHI Tandon Senior Gender Consultant NewsWatch Newspaper Eugene Ndi Editor-In-Chief Niger Climate Change Network Issa Garba tahirou Executive Coordinator



Nordic Development Fund (NDF) Aage Jorgensen Program Manager Nordic Development Fund (NDF) Isabel Leroux Program Manager Nordic Development Fund (NDF) Karin Isaksson Managing Director OACPS Secretariat - African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Dieudonné Faka Omar Bongo University BIGNOUMBA Guy-serge Responsible For Doctoral Training In Geographical and Environmental Sciences OPERI-RACODAL Rev.mashua Ma shauesh leonard Coordonnateur National Oxfam East Africa Region Muhindo Jackson rukara Resilience and Climate Change Coordinator Pan African Visions Wallace Munodawafa Mawire Correspondent Pan-African Alliance for Climate Justice Gabon section Fabrice Ntchango National Coordinator Parliament of Ghana Emmanuel Marfo Member Of Parliament Paul BIYOGHE Foundation MBA for the Sea and Gabonese Maritime Aquatic Areas, FOMER Paul Yannick Bitome essono Secrã©Taire Gã©Nã©Ral PELUM Participatory Ecological Land Use Management Mary Irungu Programme Officer-Advocacy and Communication

PHE Ethiopia Consortium (NGO) Negash Teklu Gebremichael Executive Director


Permanent Secretariat of the Crisis Management Policy Framework at the center Faneke Dembele Expert In Charge Of Humanitarian Issues

Plant-for-the-Planet Michael Frithjof Finkbeiner President Plant-for-the-Planet Sagar Aryal Cto Platform of Civil Society Actors in Benin (PASCiB) Ernest Comlan Pedro Permanent Secretary Pollinate Group Sujatha Ramani Polycom Development Project Jane Anyango odongo Founding Director Power Shift Africa Lilian Motaroki Programme Officer Prime Ministers Office, Ethiopia Nurmeded Abdelselam Advisory Expert


Pristine Climate Initiative Emmanuel Abam Team Lead, Climate Smart and Resilence Agricultire Program Prolinnova Georges Djohy Volkswagen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow Radio Mozambique/Thomson Reuters Foundation Charles Mangwiro Journalist REDD+ Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation Zana Inzan Ouattara Redd + Component Officer Reflection and Action Center for Integrated Development Vidjinnagni Vinasse Ametooyona Azagoun Renewables in Africa Tony Tiyou Director

Root Tech (Pty) Ltd. Luyanda Vappie Ceo ROSCEVAC Marie-Claire Abogue ndong Gender Coordinator Royal Danish Embassy, Nairobi Philip Akello Programme Coordinator - Energy and Climate Change


Resource Plan, Productivity Improvement and Management Consultants BANCY Mati Land and Water Management Expert


ATTENDEES LIST Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Vignesh Sridharan Research Engineer RUFORUM The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture Francis Otto Manager, Knowledge Hub Rural Electrification Fund Cliff Nhandara Rural Women Network Pauline Kariuki Director Rwanda Green Fund Bright Ntare Head Of Business Development Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy Jostas Mwebembezi Executive Director S&P Global Neesha-Ann Longdon



SADC Southern African Development Community Gina Sithembiso Senior Officer SADC Southern African Development Community Sibongile Mavimbela Senior Programme OfficerEnvironment and Climate Change SAFCOL Leo Long Climate Change Specialist Save The Climat (in Consultative Status With Un Ecosoc) Bernard Lutete di lutete President and Chief Executive Officer SDI GLOBAL CONSULT LLC Fouad Bergigui Regional Project Specialist (Africa) SEND GHANA The Social Enterprise Development Foundation of West Africa George Osei-bimpeh Country Director/Co-Chair SENEGALAISE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGENCY (ASER) SARR Ousmane fall President Climate Change Committee Seychelles’ Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust Angelique Pouponneau Ceo Siemens Energy (Pty) Ltd Nadja Haakansson Managing Director For Africa SMEFUNDS Capital Jubril Adeojo Ceo Sokoine University of Agriculture Japhet Kashaigili Coordinator For Research and Publications

Solidaridad Network Trust Southern Africa Samson Samuel Ogallah Senior Climate Specialist For Africa


Solidaridad Network Trust Southern Africa Nancy Rapando Regional Climate Innovation Specialist

Solidaridad Network Trust Southern Africa Rutendo Happiness Marandure Student Intern Southern Africa Power Pool SAPP Alison Chikova Chief Engineer ( Planning & Operations) Southern Africa Telecentre Network & Zambia Diaspora Foundation Dean Mulozi Executive Director Southern African Railways Association Lubinda Mufalo Sakanga Assistant Director Rail and Road Spatial Development Planning Sylvia Wachira Nrm & Development Planner Spiked Online Media Byron Adonis Mutingwende Editor State Department for Industrialization Nyongesa Wafula Deputy Director For Industries


Stockholm Environment Institute - Africa Center Philip Osano Center Director Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) Rashid Saeed Director Sugur Development Agency (SUDA) Vincent Ocen Executive Director Support Center for Local Development Alternatives (Caald) Gervais Nzoa Coordinator Caald SURA-MAMA INDIGENOUS WOMEN ORGANIZATION MAIMUNA Umaro Women Coordinator Sustainable Development Solutions Network Nigeria Mutiu Ambali Administrative Officer / Youth Network Coordinator Sustainable Development, Forestry and Environnemen Sayeda Khalil National Redd+ Coordinator

Synobel pharmaceuticals company, GS manufacturing and financial consulting PLC Brook Temesgen Ceo Tanzania Forest Services Agency Anna Elisamehe Lawuo Conservation Officer


Synergy of Experts for Environment & Sustainable Development Nakelintouba Nikiema Chairman


ATTENDEES LIST Tanzania Forest Services Agency Juma Ramdhani Mwangi Forest Officer Technical University of Africa COLLINS Handa Lecturer, Ecology and Natural Resources Management Tena kebena Desalegn Fantaye Director Tetra Tech Pepin Tchouate The African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) Balisi Gopolang Meteorologist The African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) Erick Omollo Research Associate (Policy & Governance) The Clean Energy Innovations Partnership CEIP Dmitry Kalinin


The Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative CABRI Shanaz Broermann Senior Pfm Specialist


The Multimedia Group Kofi Adu Domfeh News Editor The National Treasury Peter Odhengo Senior Policy Advisor Climate Finance/Program Coordinator The Nature Conservancy Kevin Juma Africa Forestry Specialist The ONE Campaign Joseph Kraus Policy Director The Resident Coordinator Office, Eritrea (UNRCO) Jack Jones Zulu Economic Affairs Officer The University of Maroua Armel Sambo Teacher / Researcher The World Bank Group Mare Lo Senior Drm Specialist The World Bank Group Frederic Verdol Senior Energy Specialist The World Bank Group Hisham Osman Environmental Engineer The World Bank Group Kanta Kumari Rigaud Lead Environment Specialist, Climate Change Coordinator, Africa Region The World Bank Group Emily Catherine Olsson

The World Bank Group Holger Kray Practice Manager, Agriculture and Food, East Africa.


The World Bank Group Emily Olsson

The World Bank Group Roxanne Bauer Communications The World Bank Group Sanjay Srivastava Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy The World Bank Group Iain Shuker Enb Practice Manger, East Africa. The World Bank Group Stephen Dorey Public Health Specialist Tigray Institute of Policy Study Kahsay Berhane Researcher and Lecturer In Wollo University Traptech Technologies Rajax Jack Pepo Field Agent


Trio Max Environmental Consultants Olivia Adhiambo Program Manager U.S. Foreign Commercial Services Tewodros Tefera Commercial Specialist Uganda Capital Markets Authority Dickson Ssembuya Uganda Capital Markets Authority Keith Kalyegira Chief Executive Officer Uganda Martyrs University Bendicto Kabiito Dean Uganda National Meteorological Authority MILTON Waiswa Manager, Weather System Installation and Maintainence UK Export Finance Megan Rimmer UK Export Finance Steve Gray Head Of Export Finance – West Africa

UN Development Programme (UNDP) Benjamin Larroquette Regional Technical Advisor UN Development Programme (UNDP) Joan Manda Regional Advisor


UN Climate Change Secretariat Paul Desanker Manager - National Adaptation Plans and Policy Adaptation


ATTENDEES LIST UN Development Programme (UNDP) Emmanuel Bernard Muzingwani Energy and Environment UN Development Programme (UNDP) Madeleine Nyiratuza Rta UN Development Programme (UNDP) Abraham Tumbey Nap Project Manager UN Development Programme (UNDP) Marie Claudette Umuhoza nkubito Climate Change Specialist UN Development Programme (UNDP) Joanne Manda Regional Advisor- Climate Change and Innovative Finance UN Development Programme (UNDP) Abbas Kitogo UN Development Programme (UNDP) Excellent Hachileka Climate Change Specialist



UN Development Programme (UNDP) Tafadzwa Dhlakama Partnership Coordinator UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Charlotte Remteng fomum Consultant UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Nonduduzo Ndlovu Climate Change- Climate Resilience & Infrastructure and Sustainable Investments & Finance UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Adama Coulibaly Chief Food Security, Agriculture & Land Issues UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Amanuel Belai UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Robel Wolde UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Guy Ranaivomanana Economic Affairs Officer UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Linus Mofor Senior Energy and Climate Change Expert African Climate Policy Centre (Acpc) UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Medhat El-helepi Economist Affairs Officer UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) James Murombedzi UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Jean-Paul Adam Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division

UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Charles Muraya


UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Mekalia Paulos African Climate Policy Centre

UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Mestawet Misttir UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Nonduduzo Ndlovu UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Charles Akol Environmental Affairs Officer UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Abdelkader Bensada Program Management Officer UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Barney Dickson Director Of Strategy and Policy UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Brian Okoth Advisor To The Board UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Cecilia Njenga Head Of South Africa Office


UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) ETOH Worknesh Mekonnen Gonet Director and Representative To The Au UN-Habitat Oumar Sylla Head Of Branch UNICEF United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund Esther Shaylor Innovation Specialist - Wash UNICEF United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund Zablone Owiti Climate Specialist United Cities and Loacal Governments of Africa UCLG Africa MOHAMED Nbou Director Of Climate Biodiversity and Agriculture Department United Nations Tigabu Adane Ayele Team Leader United Nations Wambua Nzioki Procurement Officer

United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, Africa Youth Commission Bubacarr Singhateh Member United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Julius Kabubi Programme Analyst


United Nations Association In Benin Sessi Gilles Christian Adjahossou Coordonnateur De Projet


ATTENDEES LIST United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) luca Rossi Deputy Chief-Undrr Regional Office For Africa United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Samson Asfaw Tilahun Project Support Officer Univeristy of Sebha Mustafa Soilman Global Environmental Facility Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny De Cocody-abidjan Pauline Agoh Dibi anoh Lecturer/Researcher University Jules Demba kodindo Research Economist University Cheikh Anta Diop Abou Kane Economist, Vice-Dean Of The Faculty Of Economics and Management University Ibn Tofail Faculty of Sciences Driss Belghyti Professor Researcher On Ecology


University of Aberdeen Belinda Asante- larbi


University of Abuja, Abuja Nigeria Sani Mashi Director General/Ceo University of Botswana Opha Pauline Dube Associate Professor University of Brasilia Carlos Lima Associate Professor University of Cape Town (UCT), Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) Mark Tadross University of Connecticut Richard Anyah University of Dar es Salam Adolfo Mascarenhas Emeritus Professor For Last 25 Years Expert On Call From Local and International Organizations University of Dodoma Hector Mongi Lecturer University of East Anglia Jules Siedenburg Research Fellow University of Ghana Amin Karimu Lecturer University of Ghana Daniel Kwabena Twerefou Associate Professor University of Ibadan Anthony Oyeogbe Senior Lecturer

University of Khartoum Muawia H. I. Shaddad Faculty Member


University of Johannesburg Anthony Njuguna Matheri Researcher and Consultant

University of Kwazulu Natal Hassan Kaya Director, Dsi-Nrf Centre Of Excellence In Indigenous Knowledge Systems, University Of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa University of Lagos MAYOWA Fasona Associate Professor University of Mauritius Vikram Seebaluck Senior Lecturer University of Nairobi Marlene Achoki Climate Change and Governance University of Nairobi Tom Ondicho Professor University of Nairobi Silas Oriaso odongo Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant


University of Nairobi, African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS) Jackson Wachira Researcher University of Nairobi, African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS) Tom Peter Migun Ogada Executive Director University of Nairobi, Department of Meteorology and Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) Christopher Oludhe Senior Lecturer University of Parakou Boris Odilon Kounagb? Lokonon Lecturer and Researcher University of South Africa Senia Nhamo Associate Professor University of Tehran/ and Sustainable agriculture and environment. Ahmad Mahdavi Entomologist/ Ecotoxicologist/ Ict For Agriculture and Environment/ Professor Emeritus At University Of Tehran. University of Venda Jethro Zuwarimwe Senior Lecturer

University of Warwick Franklyn Lisk Professor Of International Political Economy Of African Development University of Yaounde I Christian Brice Kamga kam Researcher


University of Warwick Godwin Yeboah Senior Research Fellow


University of Zimbabwe Innovation Hub Tafadzwa Muusha Graduate Intern USAID Hancox Jaoko Regional Energy Advisor Vidullanka PLC Shamil Rupasinghe Electrical Engineer Vijana Think Tank Tajiel Urioh Climate and Environment Focal Point Voice of America DIANE Nininahazwe International Journalist/Broadcaster-Social Media Lead Volta Basin Authority (VBA) Rafatou Fofana Hydrologist Water Resources Management and Planning Department, Senegal (DGPRE) Niokhor Ndour Director WaterAid Tseguereda Abraham Head Of Advocacy and System Strengthening


West African Economic & Monetary Union Zourata Lompo-ouedraogo Director Of Environment and Water Resources


Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki Mercy Kiremu Lecturer Women Environment and Youth Development Initiative-WOYODEV Tosin Apiriola-ajayi Executive Director Women Of Purpose Development Foundation Mabel Onwuemele National Cordinator World Energy Council Elham Ibrahim Vice Chair For Africa World Food Programme (WFP) Alexandra Gonzalez World Food Programme (WFP) Galine Yanon World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Roland Abah Npo World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Markus Repnik World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Petteri Taalas Secretary-General World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Roberta Boscolo Scientific Officer World Resources Institute (WRI) Venkat Iyer Manager, Restoration Finance

World Resources Institute (WRI) Salima Mahamoudou Associate


World Resources Institute (WRI) Aklilu Fikresilassie Director, Thriving Resilient Cities, Wri Africa & Representative Of Wri In Ethiopia

World Resources Institute (WRI) Sean Dewitt Director, Restoration World Resources Institute (WRI) Wanjira Mathai Senior Adviser World Vision International Marie Antoinette Mudibu mukoka Southern Africa Regional Extractive Project Coordinator World Wildlife Fund - WWF Peter Mbile Senior Field Programs Coordinator World Wildlife Fund - WWF Paul Merkert XPRIZE Marcius Extavour Vice President Of Energy & Climate


Yale University Karin Bucht Africa and Blended Training Program Coordinator, Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative Youth Advocates Ghana Emmanuel Ametepey Executive Director Youth Co Green Uganda Edwin Muhumuza Chief Executive Officer Youth Leadership Development Program YLDP Jessy Mulengachozi Student Youth Leadership Development Program YLDP Bruce Chewe Zambezi Watercourse Commission Evans Kaseke Programme Manager - Strategic Planning Zambia Daily Mail Samulela Margaret Journalist Zambia National Women’s Lobby Norman Banda Project Coordinator

Zimbabwe National Water Authority Takudza Makwangudze Project Manager (Zimbabwe National Water Project Implementation Unit) Zimbabwe United Nations Association Kudakwashe Mushonga Programs Officer


Zanzibar Climate Change Alliance (ZACCA) Mustafa Ibrahim Monitoring Evaluation and Learning


embedding and financing climate resilience towards africa’s green recovery



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