WAFSEC Brochure

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ica Security Symposi Third Africa Security Symposim (ASEC)

13-14 December 2017 0-21 June 2017 | Nairobi, Keny Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

On behalf of the organising committee, we are delighted to invite you to participate in the Africa Security Symposium which will take place on the 13 – 14 December 2017 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The event is hosted by the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, with the support of the ECOWAS Commission and working closely with the African Union Commission and organized by GRV Global Ltd, United Kingdom.

i n t r o d u c t i o n For three years the Africa Security Symposium (ASEC) has played a pivotal role in providing a platform for hundreds of security and peacekeeping experts, from across Africa and beyond, for two days of direct engagement, through high-level plenary sessions, social networking functions, a solutions exhibition, and afternoon matchmaking meetings between public and private sector entities. ASEC has become known for its slick production and great customer service, offering a more intimate way of gaining new opportunities - more Face2Face Time and less ‘Talk Shop’. Those that attended the Kenya edition recently agreed that this is now their preferred deal making platform for peace and security in Africa. / UN & AU Peacekeeping Forces, Heads of Army, Police, Intelligence, Senior Officials present challenges and opportunities / CEO’s – Discuss market perspective and provide big picture commentary with audience participation

/ Matchmaking – Lengthy one-onone meetings provide the perfect environment for networking and deal making

“GRV team, I would like to thank you on behalf of Verint and myself for the professional and insightful event you have organized in Nairobi. We found the oneon-one meetings efficient and fruitful. In addition, your personal assistance in introducing us to organizations beyond the official schedule was very helpful and is appreciated.” Moshe Samoha – Verint

what makes ASEC unique / Established high-level Symposium promoting sustainable peace and security across Africa through public-private partnerships (PPPs) and advanced technologies/solutions / Unrivalled networking opportunities, featuring numerous social functions / Attended by the top decision makers from both private and public sectors / The June 2017 Nairobi event was host to 300 delegates, 30 exhibitors, 30 speakers, 15 media partners and 29 sponsors / Excellent global media coverage / Outcomes from discussions at the event will be used with information to assist the further development of the sector

reasons to attend By attending the Forum, delegates will have the opportunity to: / Gain insight from leading public and private sector actors to share experience and knowledge, develop best practice furthering the region’s peace and security efforts. / Meet and network with senior executives from UN & AU Peacekeeping Forces, Heads of Army, Police, Intelligence, Senior Government Officials

/ Identify key investment and business opportunities including strategic investments, training/ capacity building, services, etc / Share experiences and discuss trends / Learn more about specific key stakeholder plans

why Cote d’Ivoire? 1. The UN Security Council has voted to lift remaining sanctions on Cote d’Ivoire. The decision signals the West African country is on the right track, following years of instability. About 6,000 UN peacekeepers and international police will leave Cote d’Ivoire over the next few months and the UN peacekeeping mission will officially close after 14 years in the country. The Security Council also voted to immediately lift an arms embargo as well as travel bans and asset freezes on several individuals. This is a success story that can be replicated throughout Africa and the country will now focus on implementing military modernization and security reforms. 2. Côte d’Ivoire is the the largest marketplace in Francophone Africa. Robust growth is driven by

public and private infrastructure investment. 3. Since the business environment earned IMF praise, Côte d’Ivoire is also becoming very attractive for foreign direct investment. 4. The country is well connected with over 22 million mobile users and close to 6 million internet aficionados in terms of population.

“The quality of the speakers is outstanding. The conference, well-coordinated. Quality presentations relevant to the defence industry and current challenges the continent if faced with.” Idah Mabaso DCD Protected Mobility

invited speakers BRIG. GEN. KASHIF NAVEED ABBASI Force Chief of Staff African Union-United Nations Operation in Darfur (UNAMID)

DR ABDURRAZAQ BALOGUN The Executive Secretary Lagos State Security Trust Fund

MOHAMED ESSEISSAH Chief Commissioner, Regional Coordinator G5 Sahel, Mauritania

BRIG. GEN. ABDALLA ABDALLA MOHAMED Deputy Director Somalia National Intelligence & Security Agency (NISA)

FARAH ABDULSAMED Senior Political Advisor, Conflict & Humanitarian Affairs IGAD Peace & Security Division (PSD)

TAJUDEEN BALOGUN State Commandant, Civil Defence, Lagos

COMMANDER ATONFACK GUEMO CYRILLE SERGE Technical Advisor Ministry of Defence, Cameroon

JAMES NYIRENDA Regional Security Consultant African Development Bank (AfDB)

KHALID AZMI Director of the Department of Counterterrorism Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ADEBAYO AKINADE Executive Secretary Institute of Security, Nigeria

LT COL PAUL “SHOVE” GILBY Chief of Staff International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC)

NEIL ROBERTS Regional Senior Immigration & Border Management Specialist International Organization for Migration (IOM)

JOHN C. DORRANCE Head Intelligence Production North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) HQ

ISMAILA IDRIS PHD Cyber Security Experts Association Of Nigeria (CSEAN)

GEN ABDIRASHID ADEN HERSI Commandant of General Kahiye Police Academy Somali National Police Force; Ministry of Internal Security

MG SALIHU ZAWAY UBA Force Commander United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)

RT HON. ALI MOHAMED GEDI Former Prime Minister Government of Somalia

NAJIM EL HADJ MOHAMED Permanent Secretary G5 Sahel, Mauritania

PANKAJ JOSHI Military Planning Officer United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU)

DR. TAREK SHARIF Head of Defence & Security Division, African Union Commission (AUC); Committee of Intelligence & Security Service of Africa (CISSA)

OLUSHOLA KAMAR SUBAIR Head of Interpol, Commissioner of Police, Nigeria

CDR STEFAN MAYER Assistant Chief of Staff for Future Operations EUNAVFOR

BRIG. GEN. GEORGE M. MUSHAMBA Commander - Force Intervention Brigade UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)

NYALE MUNGA Kenya National Police Service; Head of Anti-Terrorism Unit, Ministry of Interior & Coordination of National Government

COLONEL MASSINA YOTROFEI Director General, Gendarmerie Nationale (National Guard), Togo

invited participants MINISTRY: / Government, Armed Forces (Interior, Defence & Gendarmerie), Police, and Coast Guard of West & North Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso & Mali) ORGANISATION: / Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

/ Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) / North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Emerging Security Challenges Division

/ UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

/ Operational Hub

/ UN Office for West Africa & the Sahel (UNOWAS)

/ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

/ Africa Center for Strategic Studies / African Development Bank (AfDB)

/ Forces Francaises D Cote d’Ivoire

/ African Peacebuilding Network (APN)

/ G5 Sahel Joint Force / Handicap International

/ The Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) against Boko Haram

/ African Union; Peace & Security Department

/ IGAD Peace & Security Division (PSD)

/ U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)

/ CARE International

/ Institute for Security Studies (ISS)

/ Centre for Maritime Law and Security Africa (CEMLAWS Africa)

/ International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

/ Centre for Strategic & International Studies

/ International Maritime Organization (IMO)

/ Centre for Strategic Cyberspace & Security Services (CSCSS)

/ International Medical Corps (IMC)

/ U.S. Dept. of State (DoS); Bureau of African Affairs

/ International Rescue Committee (IRC)

/ U.S. Dept. of State (DoS); Bureau of International Organization Affairs

/ International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of the United Nations

/ U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa / U.S. 6th Fleet

/ Danish Demining Group (DDM)

/ INTERPOL Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa

/ U.S. Special Operations Command - Africa (SOCAFRICA)

/ Defence & Security Organisation (DIT)

/ IOM Regional Office for West and Central Africa

/ U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

/ Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

/ Maritime Organisation for the West and Central Africa (MOWCA)

/ UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)

/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) West Africa

/ UN Development Programme (UNDP)

/ Mercy Corps

/ UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)

/ FRANC / Crisis Group

/ Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Europe and Africa / Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission / European Union External Action (EEAS)

/ National Defense University / NATO Shipping Centre / NATO; Intelligence and Security

/ UN OCHA West & Central Africa (ROWCA)

/ OECD Sahel & West Africa Club Secretariat,

/ European Union Military Staff EUMS/EEAS (External Action Service)

/ Compagnie Europeenne D’Intelligence Strategique

/ UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)

/ Peace Corps / Regional Service Centre for Africa Dakar Liaison Office / The Africa-EU Partnership

/ U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); Bureau for Africa / U.S. Army Africa (USARAF/SETAF) DoD

/ UN Office of the Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) DPKO / UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU) / UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) / UN Regional Centre for Peace & Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) / United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in GuineaBissau (UNIOGBIS) / United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) / UNODC Regional Office for West and Central Africa / USAID’s Office of Civil-Military Cooperation (CMC) / USAID’s Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation / West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) / West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) / WFP UNHRD / World Food Programme in West and Central Africa / World Vision

agenda Sunday 26 November Radisson Blu Hotel, Abidjan: Pre-Event Registration

Event participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass (business card required). Sponsors should also setup their exhibition booth.

Evening Networking Reception An ‘ice-breaker’ opportunity for event participants to meet and discuss the two days ahead in a relaxed and informal setting, whilst enjoying snacks and refreshments.

Monday 27 November Radisson Blu Hotel, Abidjan: Registration & Networking

Event participants may complete registration by collecting their delegate pack & event access pass whilst networking and enjoying tea & coffee (business card required).

Opening Ceremony Andrew Dowell, CEO of GRV Global Dr. Admore Kambudzi Director of Peace & Security Commission of African Union Commission (AUC) General Chikadibia Obiakor (Rtd) Former Assistant Secretary General Military Affairs - UNDPKO and Conference Chair

Opening Keynote Address Government of Cote d’Ivoire

Panel Discussion: Africa’s Border Control

Whilst appreciating the Past, Present and Future... discussing Awareness & Effectiveness, Delimitation & Demarcation, Cooperation & Inter-Agency Communication, Route Clearance, Technology Advancements, Movement & Trade, Climate Change (forcing migration), and Resource Conflict (herders/ farmers) Panel Chair: Gad Attias of PICSIX

anel Discussion: P Counter-Terrorism & Emerging Security Trends

iscussing Strategy & Techniques, Threat D Identification & Radicalisation, Intelligence, Control & Emerging Trends, Law Enforcement, the Impact on Tourism, and on the Security Landscape considering Mass Migration, Criminal Networks/Cells, and Trafficking

Panel Discussion: Maritime Secuiry, Drug Crime & Illegal Fishing Discussing Piracy, Offshore Security, Ports & Facilities, Counternarcotics, Threats & Response, Trafficking, Crime Control, and Illegal Fishing

Africa Sector Matchmaking Meetings

Afternoon session devoted to 1-21 matchmaking meetings between Governments, UN/U.S./international agencies, NGOs, and local, regional & global operators. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique opportunity to discuss continent-wide security matters and solutions.

Cultural Dinner

An informal Cultural Dinner welcoming the Official Delegation and all Event attendees; enjoying local food, refreshments and entertainment. An ideal opportunity for further networking and to discuss the day’s talking points.

Tuesday 28 November Radisson Blu Hotel, Abidjan: Registration & Networking Day Two Welcoming Remarks Keynote Address Panel Discussion: Communications & Logistics

Discussing Coordinating Information, Reliable Communications, Advanced Technologies & Innovation, Improved Efficiency, Essential Movement, and Transportation

Keynote Address

Panel Discussion: Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) & Cyber Security Discussing Preparedness & Response, AntiFraud, Prevention Measures & Impact on Services, Data, National Assets & Public Safety, and Effective Enforcement.

Panel Discussion: Peace Support Operatoins (PSOs) & Capacity Building

Discussing Humanitarian Operations, CivilMilitary Engagement, Conflict Prevention in Complex Regions, Developing Capabilities, Training, Smart Technologies, Strengthening Assets, Testing Methods, and Diversity.

Closing Ceremony

A closing summary of the event’s key discussion points and take-away solutions, with thanks given to all involved.

Africa Sector Matchmaking Meetings

Afternoon session devoted to 1-21 matchmaking meetings between Governments, UN/U.S./international agencies, NGOs, and local, regional & global operators. Schedules are prearranged to provide a unique opportunity to discuss continent-wide security matters and solutions.

“Great event of a kind that would help African Counter Terrorism endeavours.” Amb. Akwoch D. Ding – MFA&IC South Sudan

past sponsors


Commerce International Group Government Contractors

“Thank you for organising a very well-run event that was professionally managed.” Ivan Hughes – Global Helicopter Service

testimonials “I congratulate you and the GRV Global Team on your tremendous contribution to Africa’s peace and security agenda. It was indeed a great honour to support your well-planned, thoughtfully organised and effectively delivered conference. I truly believe that “you are on to something” by your ability to assemble key international government and private sector leaders in one place, to collectively hone in on regional and global challenges. You are making a difference and on a glide path to change the world.” Major General Arnold Fields, U.S. Marine Corps (RET) “We wish to communicate the highest gratitude of the Minister of State of Defence of Uganda, Hon. Okello Charles Engola for the warm reception and hospitality that was extended to him and his team by GRV Global. In particular the excellent presentations by the esteemed and most knowledgeable presenters of the various topics discussed.” Maj Victor Opera, Military Assistant “Very well organised, good contacts, great to have ‘it all in one space’, but, Motorola would have been better off with another 50% space.” Jerry Nachmann, Motorola Solutions “This is a wonderful event, that should continuously be arranged on regular time basis because it provides a platform for security experts to shape the security environment.” Maj Victor Opera, Uganda Ministry of Defence.

“Many thanks for an excellent couple of days in Nairobi at the Symposium. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought your collective approach to it all and your inclusive manner was first class. I found the lectures/ presentations of professional interest to me but the outstanding activity was the ‘speed dating’ which I found both different and rewarding so thank you for that.” Richard Beatson, Pearson Engineering “Thank you for this opportunity to attend the Africa Security Symposium in Nairobi, it was well organized and I had the chance to meet very important companies who will be most welcome in Mozambique for corporation. Therefore, I would like to emphasize my profound thanks for the invitation as I return back to Mozambique.” Armando Chavana, Government of Mozambique “It was a purely exquisite experience participating in the GRV Global event. At all stages, starting with registration and signing up as a sponsor, to setting up to actual event, GRV staff were nothing shy of incredible in their professional attitude and support. Selection of participants was great and indeed only business related, keep it up!” Dmytro Smirnov, Ukrainian Helicopters PJSC “Overall good meeting and great venue, thanks for inviting me. It was a great opportunity to network.” Nick Visconti, SKA

“A note to thank the entire GRV team and the support staff in Nairobi for a superb venue. The speed-dating concept is genius, so keep it up! Looking forward to the review on the event website” Troy Smith Raytheon Blackbird Technologies

“I’d like to thank GRV Global for setting up and hosting the Symposium in this format. Very interesting statements and presentations had been given by relevant stakeholders, followed by short precise discussion rounds. The Matchmaking sessions brought the right people together and were excellent to establish contacts. The venue itself was prepared in an excellent and professional manner.” Stefan Mayer, EUNAVFOR “Of all the events we attend, we found the matchmaking sessions the most rewarding as we had the opportunity to meet, network and exchange business cards, it was very well organised. GRV staff were exceptionally professional and helpful to get us connected to more people on an Ad Hoc basis.” Gerald Mohrmann, Sat-Com (Pty) Ltd

“The event was very well organised in terms of topics, presentations and sessions as well as having the exhibition within the main hall. I have also to commend the organisers on the arrangement of the matchmaking meetings which facilitated the interaction among participants.” Tarek Awaad, African Union Commission (AUC); Committee of Intelligence & Security Service of Africa (CISSA)

travel & accommodation

/ sponsorship & delegate enquiries

Accommodation The Radisson Blu Hotel, Abidjan Airport welcomes guests to Cote d’Ivoire by providing sumptuous accommodation only 500 meters from the city’s airport. Choose from 261 rooms and suites with amenities like Free high-speed, wireless Internet, and enjoy on-site dining options, which provide convenient opening hours and an array of delectable menu items. Larder is an all-day dining restaurant with international foods and an African buffet, and the Lobby Café offers snacks and pastries. Don’t miss a moment in the sun with the Pool Bar, including a pizza oven and a grill. The Lounge Bar & Terrace is the perfect spot for an afternoon drink. Ask the helpful concierge for travel tips, and utilize the business center to connect to the Internet or print any documents you may need. A gym is also available as well as an outdoor pool. The hotel’s exceptional meeting facilities include up to 13 meeting rooms, perfect for delegates who need proximity to the airport. Abidijan-Port Bouet, Route de l’Aéroport d’Abidijan, 2176 Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire. +225 21 22 20 00

Visas / All visitors must hold a passport valid for 6 months. / Visitors to Ivory Coast must obtain a visa from one of the Ivorian diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa exempt countries / Holders of diplomatic passports of China, diplomatic or service category


passports issued to nationals of Austria, Brazil, Gabon, Iran, Israel, South Africa, Turkey and Uganda do not require a visa for Côte d’Ivoire. / Visitors can apply online for an e-Visa http://snedai.com/e-visa/ that, if approved, can be picked up at the Port Bouet Airport in Abidjan. List of documents to be submitted to the airport in Abidjan: 1) The original receipt of payment of fees visa 73 Euros including bank charges; 2) The approval of the DST (pre-visa or leave land); 3) valid passport for at least six months; 4) The international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever

Official Airline Partner Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the fastest growing airline in Africa. In its seven decades of operations, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers. Ethiopian commands the lion share of the pan-African passenger and cargo network operating the youngest and most modern fleet to 92 international destinations across five continents. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning airline registering an average growth of 25% in the past seven years.

For any sponsorship information, please contact our Sales team on: +44 (0)20 3817 5346 | adowell@grvglobal.com

/ media & admin enquiries For media, hotel booking and any general enquiry, please contact our Communication team on: +44 (0)20 3640 8222 | gfitzpatrick@grvglobal.com

/ speaking enquiries If you would like to enquire about making a presentation, please contact our Production team on: +44 (0)20 8123 0548 iwhitty@grvglobal.com

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