2012 GUIDE Outdoor Education Summer Resident Camp
All Girls Are Welcome!
All girls are welcome to attend our summer camp programs. For girls not currently registered as Girl Scouts, an additional $12 membership fee needs be included in addition to the resident camp registration form.
Table of Contents Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary.......................................... 3 Girl Scouts Forever Green................................................... 4 A Few Camp Basics................................................................ 5 Our Camps and Directors................................................... 7 Leadership Opportunities..................................................9 Camp Calendar At-A-Glance............................................11 Camp Open Houses............................................................ 14 Frequently Asked Questions............................................15
June Camp Schedule...........................................................17 June High Adventure Trips................................................24 July Camp Schedule............................................................25 July High Adventure Trips................................................. 34 Fees..............................................................................................35 Cookie Bucks...........................................................................35 Registration.............................................................................. 36 Financial Assistance.............................................................37
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Kn In March of 1912, Juliette Gordon Low formed the first Troop of 18 Girl Guides in Savannah, Georgia. Low believed that all girls should be given the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. With the goal of bringing girls out of isolated home environments and into community service and the open air. Low’s Girl Scouts hiked, went on camping trips, learned how to tell time by the stars, and studied first aid.
Preparing girls for confident living and leadership The experiences available at Girl Scout camp remain familiar across generations and yet singularly important in a girl’s life. In the well-established and excellent camping and outdoor education programs within this guide, Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains honors both the traditional and the innovative experience that appeals to every girl. From weekend journeys exploring the natural world at one of our three beautiful camp properties to week long camps learning horseback riding or trips focused on learning new skills like zip-lines or river rafting – there is something for every girl. Adventure is waiting for you. You don’t have to be a registered Girl Scout to attend camp. We invite all girls in grades K-12 to attend resident camp and have this one-of-a-kind Girl Scout experience. Just imagine… swimming, horseback riding, archery, cookouts, arts and crafts, star-gazing, singing, making s’mores, jumping in the lake, and giggling when the lights go out! We want to give every girl these warm memories. At camp, girls develop courage and confidence by successfully handling the challenges of new physical and social activities. They see their own capacity to act independently, apart from family and established relationships. Immersed in nature and away from the distractions of everyday life, girls have an opportunity to gain self-awareness and learn more about their own strengths and limitations. Finally, in the face of new challenges, girls develop character – acting responsibly and supportively towards one another while persevering in their own attempts to gain a new skill.
Key outcomes for outdoor education 1. Girls will develop self-awareness by
learning more about their own strengths and limitations and
connecting with others in a natural environment apart from the
distractions and concerns of
everyday life.
2. Girls will develop courage and
confidence by taking modest risks in a supportive setting. They will meet and overcome the challenge of
acting independently, away from family and established relationships,
Through camping and outdoor education, Girl Scouts offers its greatest and most lasting impact on the girls we serve. Girl Scout camping gives your daughter an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun—always under the guidance of caring, trained adults. Every girl should have a chance to camp. Join us this summer!
and they will successfully negotiate the challenges of new physical and social activities. 3. Girls will develop character by
maintaining enthusiasm in the face of challenge, encouraging others to face challenges and by taking part
Becky Burton CEO, Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
GOING GREEN with reycled paper!
in activities of modest risk
where acting responsibly with
consideration for the welfare of
others is important.
Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary A year-long birthday celebration… On March 12, 2012, Girl Scouting celebrates
tell time by the stars, and studied first aid.
with them to learn and grow into the
a century of helping girls develop into their
Camping and outdoor education are the
leaders that we need them to be to
best possible selves. Over 100 years ago,
cornerstone of the Girl Scouting
make the world a better place.
Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low assembled 18
experience. Camping has been a huge part of Girl
girls from Savannah, Georgia, for the first local Girl Scout meeting. She believed that
The Girl Scout movement in the United
Scouts’ last one hundred years of fun
all girls should be given the opportunity
States brings girls of all backgrounds into
and Girl Scouts have always been at
to develop physically, mentally, and
the out-of-doors, giving them the
the forefront of environmental
spiritually. A trailblazer by nature, she
opportunity to develop self-reliance and
sustainability. Unique activities
secured property with the goal of bringing
resourcefulness. Today, Girl Scouting has
throughout our council celebrating
girls out of isolated home environments
grown to 3.7 million members. Girl Scouts is
our 100th Anniversary will draw girls
and into community service and the open
the largest educational organization for girls
and members of the community—
air, Girl Scouts hiked, played basketball,
in the world and has influenced more than
check out our website gs-top.org/100th
went on camping trips, learned how to
50 million girls and the adults who partner
for more information.
Every region will have exciting 100th Anniversary events throughout the year.
Thes high e are th light e s!
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains 100th Anniversary:
Key Dates to Remember 100 Days of Service
February 22 - June 1, 2012 Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains has adopted three goals as our focus for community service through the 100 Days of Service project: 1) Reducing hunger 2) Reducing poverty 3) Sustaining the environment
Girl Scouts Forever Green We believe the environment is everyone’s responsibility…at camp we live “green” every day. Taking care of and protecting the Earth is a concern for most girls. When it comes to the planet, girls want to know what they and others can do to protect it. In honor of our 100th Anniversary, our council camps will embrace Girl Scouts Forever Green (GSFG). This Girl Scouts’ 100th Anniversary Take Action Project is a national effort of Girl Scouts of all ages leading their families, schools, and communities in improving the environment and protecting natural resources. Everyone has a part to play. Honor our founder. Honor Earth. Honor our powerful sisterhood. Be part of something bigger than yourself. Don’t miss out on celebrating our 100th Anniversary at camp this summer with environmental projects, sing-alongs, games, activities, crafts, and more!
Troops and Service Units are encouraged to implement service to the community during this time to concentrate the Girl Scout presence and visibility to the world in the days surrounding our 100th Anniversary. We encourage individual girls to implement Bronze, Silver and Gold Award projects around these 3 impact areas during this time. Go to www.gs-top.org/100th/100-days to log your hours.
Stand Up and Be Counted!
March 12, 19:12 p.m. (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.) • Abilene Area Fountain Gate Fellowship Church 909 North Willis Street Abilene, TX 79603 • Amarillo Area Westgate Mall 7701 West Interstate 40 Amarillo, TX 79121
• Fort Worth Area Six Flags Over Texas 2201 Road To Six Flags Arlington, TX 76011 • Lubbock Area Science Spectrum 2579 S. Loop 289 Lubbock, TX 79423
Downtown Guymon TBD
Splash Bash
• Wichita Falls Area Sikes Mall Center 3111 Midwestern Parkway Wichita Falls, TX 76308
www.gVisit s 100th/-top.org / e for all vents t detailshe !
August 18, 2012 Hurricane Harbor • 1800 E Lamar Boulevard, Arlington, TX 76006 Wrap up your summer with a day of swimming and a floating campfire in the wave pool. At 6:00 p.m. the park closes to the public so Girl Scouts and friends and family have the park to themselves!
State Fair of Texas
September - October, 2012 Help us close out our 100th anniversary celebration in a big way at the State Fair of Texas, the largest and longest-running state fair in the country, attracting three million visitors over 24 days. We are also planning a centennial exhibit, highlighting the extraordinary history and future of Girl Scouts.
To learn more about Girl Scouts Forever Green, visit: www.girlscouts.org/gsforevergreen
A Few Camp Basics Living in the Out of Doors Campers and staff live in groups called
buildings are equipped with fans. Girls
Meals are well-balanced, nutritious and
units. This may include platform tents,
also stay cool swimming, wearing wet
served family-style in the dining halls.
cabins or unit houses. Unit staff will sleep
bandannas, and drinking plenty of water.
Girls also have the opportunity to cook
in the unit with the girls, but in separate
Life at camp takes place outdoors, so
out with their unit provided a fire ban is
cabins or tents which are in close
there will be bugs and wildlife to observe.
not in effect. Snacks will be provided daily.
proximity to the girls. Some camp sessions take girls on It is summer time, so life at camp is like
field trips, visiting attractions in
life anywhere else in Texas – hot! Very
the camp area. On these trips, strict
few buildings are air-conditioned, but
safety measures are adhered to and
common areas like dining halls and unit
competent, age appropriate staff lead each trip.
Camp Staff Staff members are selected for their interest and ability to work with young people, to teach and share skills, their willingness to be part of a team, their commitment to the values of honesty, respect, caring and responsibility and their appreciation of diverse groups of girls. All staff meets the age and skill certification standards required by GSUSA. Work history, personal references and criminal background checks are conducted prior to employment. Staff attends an intensive six day pre-camp orientation where they learn or review camping skills, risk management and safety procedures including First Aid and CPR, the Girl Scout Program, human relations, and communication skills.Specially qualified staff directs the pool, horseback riding, canoeing and trip activities.
Camp Buddies Resident camp is a great place to meet new people and make new friends. Many girls like to come to camp with a friend from home. A camper may request one “buddy� on her camp registration form but both campers must register for the same program and session and be in the same Girl Scout grade level. Registration forms and deposits for each buddy should be mailed in the same envelope.
Badge Work Each girl will have the opportunity to work on badges appropriate to her grade level while at camp. Girls may or may not complete an entire badge while at camp due to the wide variety of activities offered. Some follow-up work may be done in the troop or at home. Please keep in mind that weather does have an effect on some activities, especially swimming, horseback riding and the challenge course.
Health and Safety Health centers are staffed with a camp nurse/health supervisor. All supervisory staff is First Aid/CPR trained. For all camps, emergency care is available at a nearby clinic/hospital. All resident campers are screened at check-in: temperature is recorded, feet and heads are checked. Campers will need to have had a physical within 12 months prior to attending camp. The proper physical or health history form, and instructions, are mailed or emailed in the confirmation packet. No camper, child or adult, is admitted to camp without the proper physical or health history form completed and signed. Each camp has procedures in place to monitor and respond to weather conditions to ensure the health and safety of campers.
Campers with Disabilities
Visitors/Phone Calls
The goal of our camps is to provide
We invite camp families to visit during the scheduled camp open houses (see page 14), view the facilities, and meet the staff. Visitors are welcome at that time.
a successful experience for all girls. Parents are requested to communicate with the appropriate camp director about campers with any special needs or disabilities. This enables the camp to make every effort to accommodate those needs with appropriate staff. It is imperative that the camp director has advance notice of the needs of a
During resident camp all campers will be very busy. For this reason, it is not convenient for parents or friends to visit during the camping session. Parents understand that problems develop when some campers may have visitors while
others do not. We know that every parent will cooperate in considering the best interests of all campers. To limit unnecessary interruption in the camp program during resident camp, campers are not permitted to bring cell phones or receive telephone calls. Incoming calls are restricted to emergency calls only.
camper with a disability so that we can
Expected Camper Behavior
adequately prepare for the camper,
Campers exhibiting inappropriate behavior (such as biting, using profanity, bullying, hitting, refusing to participate or to follow directions, or creating an unsafe environment) will be sent home with no refund. Campers will be expected to sign the Camper Behavior Agreement.
if at all possible.
Drop Off and Pick Up Times
All specific drop off and pick up times will be listed for each session in the Parent Handbook.
Our Camps and Directors Camp Kiwanis
Stevens Ranch
5 miles Northwest of Amarillo
Near Glen Rose
On Eagle Mountain Lake
Natalie Stephenson
Heidi Vose
Lindsay Power
www.facebook.com/ GSTOPCampKiwanis
www.facebook.com/ CampStevensRanch
www.facebook.com/ GSTOPCampTimberlake
Director of Outdoor Education/Camp Director • 806-553-3173 • 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 • nstephenson@gs-top.org
Nestled in a secret canyon approximately 5 miles northwest of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle you will find Girl Scout Camp Kiwanis. Facilities include a dining hall, swimming pool, stone and wooden cabins and hot showers. All cabins and buildings are air-conditioned either by evaporative coolers or refrigerated air conditioners. Girls can choose from a variety of session lengths. Activities may include swimming, horseback riding, ropes/challenge course, archery, cookouts, hiking, arts and crafts, sports, star-gazing, singing, and all-camp parties.
“I grew up attending Girl Scout Camps and then became a counselor. This will be my 31st summer as director for Girl Scout Camp Kiwanis. I love the outdoors and love introducing our girls to the wonders of nature and having fun. I want all girls to have wonderful memories to remember all of their lives.” 7
Camp Timberlake
Outdoor Education Manager/ Camp Director • 817-869-0736 • 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 • hvose@gs-top.org
Outdoor Education Manager/ Camp Director • 817-735-5312 • 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 • lpower@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch, near Glen Rose, is open for Resident Camp to girls entering grades 4 through 12. Activities include swimming, crafts, games and singing around the campfire. The camp specializes in horseback riding, archery, swimming, crafts, and more. Girls will stay in cabins, platform tents, bunkhouses or two-person tent units. Each unit has a unit lodge that has ceiling fans, electricity, lights and drinking fountains. Cabins, bunkhouses and tents do not have electricity. All units have latrines and there is a central shower house with flush toilets and hot showers. Girls eat most of their meals in the dining hall, which has soaring ceilings and award-winning camp architecture.
Summer adventures are wild at Camp Timberlake on Eagle Mountain Lake! Get soaked swimming in the pool and exploring the waterfront. The adventure continues on dry land with hiking, outdoor cooking, archery, camp crafts, the ropes/challenge course, and singing. Girls stay in cabins or platform tents in units. Each unit has a lodge with ceiling fans, electricity, lights and drinking fountains. Cabins and tents do not have electricity. All units have flush toilets and hot showers. Girls eat most of their meals in the dining hall overlooking Brownie Bay on Eagle Mountain Lake.
“Stevens is my second home, I love everything about it. Being in the outdoors, nature adventures, and meeting new people. I believe if you spend any time there you will feel the same way!”
“Camp Timberlake has that camp ‘magic’ that comes into the air sometime between sunset and twilight, and lingers long past the time that you’ve left camp. I still feel the same magic now that I felt as a camper. Camp is such a powerful thing for girls and even staff - no matter how long you’ve been coming to camp, you will always leave a little bit better than you were before.”
High Adventure Trips
Camp Accreditation
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains is committed to providing a camping experience that will protect and maintain the well-being of every girl. Our camps are proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association, a private, nonprofit educational organization that provides members with educational and accreditation services. An ACA accreditation indicates that a camp has met ACA standards. This nationally recognized accreditation focuses on a thorough review of every facet of our procedures including healthcare, site safety, and business management, qualified and certified staff for all programs offered and screening and training of all personnel. All GSTOP camps operate under the safety camp management standards established by Girl Scouts if the USA, as well as the Texas Youth Camp Safety Act.
Challenge Courses/Ropes Courses Summer Littlejohn
Outdoor Education Manager/ High Adventure Director • 806-589-5946 • 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 • slittlejohn@gs-top.org
The Association of Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) is recognized as the leading professional resource for those who create safe and effective challenge course programs that facilitate learning and positive change in individuals, groups and communities. The ACCT requires that all member courses submit to annual inspections conducted by certified independent challenge course engineers. Our facilitators have been trained and received certification to operate the challenge courses at our camps.
www.facebook.com/ camphighadventure High Adventure Trips are designed for girls at least 12 years old. With proper assistance and a can-do attitude, girls are bidding farewell to their comfort zones and embarking on amazing challenges. With High Adventure Trips girls will travel with staff and volunteers on unique six day trips.. These adventures and physical challenges set the stage to expand horizons for these young women. After girls have mastered a white water rafting trip or zip lined through canopies of treetops, they begin to wonder if there are other things in their lives they thought they couldn’t do that they can.
“High Adventure Trips give girls the opportunity to experience things that are normally out of their comfort zone. If we never take a chance or risk, we may never know how strong we really are. High Adventure Trips have the power to make you believe in yourself and discover the strength it takes to be a part of a team.”
Liability for Equine Activities Law A Texas State Law titled “Liability for Equine Activities: (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code)” requires operators of horseback-riding programs to inform participants of the warning included in the law. Warning: Under Texas Law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code), an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities from the inherent risk of equine activities. Equine activities are considered a high-risk activity. Participants will follow directions and safety standards at all times. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the session with no refund.
Leadership Opportunities Camp Kiwanis
Stevens Ranch
Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Aide (6-Day Camp)
Wrangler Aide (6-Day Camp)
Wrangler Aide (13-Day Camp)
Have you done it all and are ready to share with younger campers and work on your leadership skills? This is a fun way to help younger campers adapt to camp life. Occasionally, you will get to sleep in a cabin with the younger campers. We will save time for some of the fun stuff just for you!
The Wrangler Aide program is an opportunity for experienced horsewomen to help with and learn our riding program. You will provide leadership to riding groups as you help them groom, saddle, and do daily barn chores. You will also assist the barn staff with ground and mounted riding lessons. You will have a busy schedule but will also have scheduled lessons to improve your horsewomanship skills.
The Wrangler Aide program is an opportunity for experienced horsewomen to help with and learn our riding program. You will provide leadership to riding groups as you help them groom, saddle, and do daily barn chores. You will also assist the barn staff with ground and mounted riding lessons. You will have a busy schedule but will also have scheduled lessons to improve your horsewomanship skills.
An application is required, separate from the registration form, for Wrangler Aide. Wrangler Aide applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their horse skills and knowledge if requested prior to being accepted. For an application, contact Heidi Vose at 817-869-0736 or hvose@gs-top.org. You will be contacted about your approval status after your application and references have been processed.
An application is required, separate from the registration form, for Wrangler Aide. Wrangler Aide applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their horse skills and knowledge if requested prior to being accepted. For an application, contact Heidi Vose at 817-869-0736 or hvose@gs-top.org. You will be contacted about your approval status after your application and references have been processed.
Entering grades 10-12 : DATES Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 OR Sun. 6/17 - Fri.6/22 OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 OR Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
PRE-REQUISITE: Must have completed
FEE: $190
Completed Cowgirl Up? Now what? Come expand your skills and assist with riding instruction both in the arena and trail, teach and assist in horse and barn care. Help with the Rodeo. Shadow the barn staff and prepare yourself for a possible job as barn crew in your future.
PRE-REQUISITE: Must have taken Program
Aide Training and have attended a sixday resident camp session. To specialize as a Wrangler Aide, must have taken a horse program at camp. Indicate WA on registration form. Only 2 WA’s per week accepted. Entering grades 8-10 Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 OR Sun. 6/17 - Fri.6/22 OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 OR Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 OR Sun. 7/15 - Fri.7/20 OR Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27 OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03 GRADE:
FEE: $90
MIN/MAX: 4/6
MIN/MAX: 0/4
Cowgirl Up. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 10-12 Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27
FEE: $400
MIN/MAX: 0/4
SPURS - CIT for Horse People (13-Day Camp)
PRE-REQUISITE: Must have completed
Cowgirl Up.
Entering grades 11-12 DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
FEE: $400
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
Camp Aide (4-Day Camp) Come to Camp Timberlake this summer and have fun while flexing your leadership muscles! Camp Aides will bunk together while working with a unit of younger girls and assist with crafts, daily activities and kapers. All work and no play makes for a very dull Camp Aide, so we will save some of the fun stuff just for you! PRE-REQUISITE: Girls must have completed
Program Aide Training and camped for one six day session of resident camp. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 8-12 Tues. 7/17 - Fri. 7/20
FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Camp Aide (6-Day Camp) Come to Camp Timberlake this summer and have fun while flexing your leadership muscles! Camp Aides will bunk together while working with a unit of younger girls and assist with crafts, daily activities and kapers. All work and no play makes for a very dull Camp Aide, so we will save some of the fun stuff just for you! PRE-REQUISITE: Girls must have completed
Program Aide Training and camped for one six day session of resident camp. Entering grades 8-12 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 OR Sun. 6/17 - Fri.6/22 OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 OR Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 OR Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27 OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03 GRADE:
FEE: $160
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Counselor in Training I (CIT: 6-Day Camp) This program is designed to develop leadership and outdoor living skills. You will learn about group dynamics and develop program planning skills, learn basics of camp life, camper age level characteristics and more. You will work directly with the counselors and younger campers. An application is required, along with registration for this session. You will be contacted with your approval status after we receive your application and registration. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 10-12 Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
FEE: $200
MIN/MAX: 2/8
Counselor in Training II (CIT: 13-Day Camp) This two week program is designed to further develop leadership and outdoor living skills. You will develop program planning skills, learn about specific areas of camp, and will have an opportunity to hold an apprenticeship in an area of your choice. You will work directly with the counselors, administrative staff and campers. An application is required, along with registration for this session. You will be contacted with your approval status after we receive your application and registration. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 11-12 Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/20
FEE: $400
MIN/MAX: 2/4
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Stevens Ranch
Camp Open Houses Spring will be in the air before we know it and that means it is time to start thinking about summer plans. Some of the best fun-filled summer plans you can make include going to camp. Do you want to know what camp is all about? Camp Open Houses are for all campers and their families who wish to visit camp before the summer season begins. The director of each camp and some of the summer staff will be on hand to answer questions and give tours of the camp. Come visit and learn about the unique personality of each resident camp, meet some of the camp staff, and tour the grounds. Each camp offers something different for girls and each location has a gorgeous landscape and surroundings all its own. You are sure to discover which camp is a perfect match for you! • During Open Houses all children must be accompanied by an adult. • Touring camp means walking, so wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes and socks, and bring your water bottle. • Please leave pets at home. • No registration is necessary for Open Houses. For safety reasons, maps or directions to camp are not posted on the website.
Open House April 28, 2012 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Q:Ismydaughterready for Resident Camp?
Heidi Vose
Outdoor Education Ma nager/ Camp Director 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 116 1 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Kiwanis Open House May 6, 2012 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Natalie Stephenson
Director of Outdoor tor Education/Camp Direc 73 -31 806-553 68 800- 7-4475, ext. 2503 g nstephenson@gs-top.or
Camp Timberlake
Visit All Camps! It’s a great way to travel within the network of the GS-TOP sisterhood!
Have you thought about traveling to all of our resident camps? Each camp in our Council has its own unique personality. Venture out and experience the great plains of Texas. Meet new friends as you play along the rolling hills of Camp Kiwanis. We guarantee that girls from Lubbock and Wichita Falls will fall in love with Camp Timberlake on Eagle Mountain Lake! Stevens Ranch is a magical place that that every Girl Scout should see from horseback riding to cookouts, arts and crafts. Camping is a great way to build new skills; make new friends that you might not have met otherwise, form a sense of community, and develop a deep appreciation for nature. There is so much more to explore! Whether you go for a day, a week or longer, Girl Scout camping gives you an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun—always under the guidance of caring, trained adults.
Every girl should have a chance to camp no matter where she lives!
If your daughter has never spent the night away from home, you may want to start her with a day camp or a short stay such as 1 or 2 nights at resident camp. After that she can progress into whatever length of camp she desires. Although age is one factor in readiness for resident camp, a child’s maturity level and personality are more important indicators. Talk to your child. If she is enthusiastic about attending, she will probably enjoy camp. The following questions may help in determining readiness for resident camp. £ Has your daughter ever been away from home for more than one night without family members? £ Can she keep up with her personal belongings? £ Can she take care of her own basic hygiene needs such as showering, toileting, and brushing her teeth without assistance? £ Can she cope with unfamiliar people, new places, and group schedules? £ Does she enjoy making new friends? £ Does she like group situations? £ Does she enjoy being outdoors? Can she see mosquitoes, bugs, or other “nature” friends without being frightened?
Q:Aremyparentsreadyforme toattendResidentCamp? A:
Open House May 5, 2012 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Lindsay Pow
Outdoor Educatio er n Manager/ Camp Director 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ex t. 1205 lpower@gs-top.or g
Not sure where the camp is located? Be sure to call ahead to the Regional Office (before 11:30 a.m. on the Friday before the Open House) and ask for directions.
Parents and guardians sometimes have a difficult time sending their daughters to resident camp. The following questions will help in your decision-making. £ Can you relax and enjoy yourself when your girl sleeps overnight away from home? £ Are you prepared to be away from your daughter for several days? £ Are you willing to have your daughter participate in camp kapers (chores) such as setting tables, cleaning the cabin, sweeping, picking up trash, and cleaning the bathroom? £ Are you confident in your daughter’s ability to take care of herself, make her own bed, and keep track of her own belongings? £ Do you believe that camp provides girls with a fun and rewarding experience that builds self-worth and independence? £ Are you willing to trust the camp staff with the care of your daughter?
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
Camp Aide (4-Day Camp) Come to Camp Timberlake this summer and have fun while flexing your leadership muscles! Camp Aides will bunk together while working with a unit of younger girls and assist with crafts, daily activities and kapers. All work and no play makes for a very dull Camp Aide, so we will save some of the fun stuff just for you! PRE-REQUISITE: Girls must have completed
Program Aide Training and camped for one six day session of resident camp. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 8-12 Tues. 7/17 - Fri. 7/20
FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Camp Aide (6-Day Camp) Come to Camp Timberlake this summer and have fun while flexing your leadership muscles! Camp Aides will bunk together while working with a unit of younger girls and assist with crafts, daily activities and kapers. All work and no play makes for a very dull Camp Aide, so we will save some of the fun stuff just for you! PRE-REQUISITE: Girls must have completed
Program Aide Training and camped for one six day session of resident camp. Entering grades 8-12 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 OR Sun. 6/17 - Fri.6/22 OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 OR Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 OR Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27 OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03 GRADE:
FEE: $160
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Counselor in Training I (CIT: 6-Day Camp) This program is designed to develop leadership and outdoor living skills. You will learn about group dynamics and develop program planning skills, learn basics of camp life, camper age level characteristics and more. You will work directly with the counselors and younger campers. An application is required, along with registration for this session. You will be contacted with your approval status after we receive your application and registration. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 10-12 Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
FEE: $200
MIN/MAX: 2/8
Counselor in Training II (CIT: 13-Day Camp) This two week program is designed to further develop leadership and outdoor living skills. You will develop program planning skills, learn about specific areas of camp, and will have an opportunity to hold an apprenticeship in an area of your choice. You will work directly with the counselors, administrative staff and campers. An application is required, along with registration for this session. You will be contacted with your approval status after we receive your application and registration. GRADE: DATES:
Entering grades 11-12 Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/20
FEE: $400
MIN/MAX: 2/4
Camp Kiwanis Camp Timberlake Stevens Ranch
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1-Day
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
29 30 31 1
2 3 4
High Adventure
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Stevens Ranch
High Adventure
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Camp Timberlake
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Camp Kiwanis
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Camp Kiwanis Camp Timberlake Stevens Ranch
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High Adventure
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Stevens Ranch
High Adventure
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Stevens Ranch
Camp Open Houses Spring will be in the air before we know it and that means it is time to start thinking about summer plans. Some of the best fun-filled summer plans you can make include going to camp. Do you want to know what camp is all about? Camp Open Houses are for all campers and their families who wish to visit camp before the summer season begins. The director of each camp and some of the summer staff will be on hand to answer questions and give tours of the camp. Come visit and learn about the unique personality of each resident camp, meet some of the camp staff, and tour the grounds. Each camp offers something different for girls and each location has a gorgeous landscape and surroundings all its own. You are sure to discover which camp is a perfect match for you! • During Open Houses all children must be accompanied by an adult. • Touring camp means walking, so wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes and socks, and bring your water bottle. • Please leave pets at home. • No registration is necessary for Open Houses. For safety reasons, maps or directions to camp are not posted on the website.
Open House April 28, 2012 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Q: Is my daughter ready for Resident Camp?
Heidi Vose
Outdoor Education Ma nager/ Camp Director 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 116 1 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Kiwanis Open House May 6, 2012 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Natalie Stephenson
Director of Outdoor tor Education/Camp Direc 73 -31 806-553 68 800- 7-4475, ext. 2503 g nstephenson@gs-top.or
Camp Timberlake
Visit All Camps! It’s a great way to travel within the network of the GS-TOP sisterhood!
Have you thought about traveling to all of our resident camps? Each camp in our Council has its own unique personality. Venture out and experience the great plains of Texas. Meet new friends as you play along the rolling hills of Camp Kiwanis. We guarantee that girls from Lubbock and Wichita Falls will fall in love with Camp Timberlake on Eagle Mountain Lake! Stevens Ranch is a magical place that that every Girl Scout should see from horseback riding to cookouts, arts and crafts. Camping is a great way to build new skills; make new friends that you might not have met otherwise, form a sense of community, and develop a deep appreciation for nature. There is so much more to explore! Whether you go for a day, a week or longer, Girl Scout camping gives you an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun—always under the guidance of caring, trained adults.
Every girl should have a chance to camp no matter where she lives!
If your daughter has never spent the night away from home, you may want to start her with a day camp or a short stay such as 1 or 2 nights at resident camp. After that she can progress into whatever length of camp she desires. Although age is one factor in readiness for resident camp, a child’s maturity level and personality are more important indicators. Talk to your child. If she is enthusiastic about attending, she will probably enjoy camp. The following questions may help in determining readiness for resident camp. £ Has your daughter ever been away from home for more than one night without family members? £ Can she keep up with her personal belongings? £ Can she take care of her own basic hygiene needs such as showering, toileting, and brushing her teeth without assistance? £ Can she cope with unfamiliar people, new places, and group schedules? £ Does she enjoy making new friends? £ Does she like group situations? £ Does she enjoy being outdoors? Can she see mosquitoes, bugs, or other “nature” friends without being frightened?
Q: Are my parents ready for me to attend Resident Camp? A:
Open House May 5, 2012 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Lindsay Pow
Outdoor Educatio er n Manager/ Camp Director 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ex t. 1205 lpower@gs-top.or g
Not sure where the camp is located? Be sure to call ahead to the Regional Office (before 11:30 a.m. on the Friday before the Open House) and ask for directions.
Parents and guardians sometimes have a difficult time sending their daughters to resident camp. The following questions will help in your decision-making. £ Can you relax and enjoy yourself when your girl sleeps overnight away from home? £ Are you prepared to be away from your daughter for several days? £ Are you willing to have your daughter participate in camp kapers (chores) such as setting tables, cleaning the cabin, sweeping, picking up trash, and cleaning the bathroom? £ Are you confident in your daughter’s ability to take care of herself, make her own bed, and keep track of her own belongings? £ Do you believe that camp provides girls with a fun and rewarding experience that builds self-worth and independence? £ Are you willing to trust the camp staff with the care of your daughter? 15
Q: What if my camper is homesick? Can she come home? A:
My Camp C
Please include your camper in the decision-making process so that she is aware of the length of stay. Do not promise her she can come home early if she does not like camp in the first couple of days. We will work with your camper to help her adjust; however, if she refuses to eat, stay adequately hydrated, or cannot adjust to camp life after 48 hours, she will need to be picked up.
Camp is a great place to have fun, meet new friends, and learn new skills. At Girl Scout camp you might learn to swim, ride a horse, make a clay pot, paddle a canoe, go on a hike, learn how to create a new computer program or use a global positioning system, make jewelry, or learn about the plants and animals in the area. Camp is a place where you learn to live and work with other girls, and prepare for the challenges of everyday life. Many camps have special themes for each session, and there is always an element of girl planning for every program.
At Girl Scout camp, girls are active members of our camp community and are assigned daily chores or kapers. Kapers may include picking up trash, collecting firewood, setting the table and cleaning the bathrooms.
Girls love to receive mail from home while they are at camp. Parents/ guardians may leave letters with the camp during check-in to be distributed during the week. Mail is distributed once a day. Please focus messages on the positives of camp: friendship, new experiences/ stories, new foods, etc. Families may also register at Bunk1.com to view pictures of their campers at camp, purchase prints of those pictures, and send “Bunk Notes” to their campers! Registration and viewing is free; Bunk Notes and printed pictures are an optional, low cost fee. More information about Bunk1 will be sent with registration confirmation.
2-Day Camps
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis
Q: How can I contact my daughter at camp? A: Q: What kinds of activities do you do at camp? A:
1-Day Camps Horses of Course: Pony Pal Day
GRADE: Entering grades 2-3
Q: What are kapers? A:
June 2012
Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Sat. 6/16 9:00 - 11:00 am
Brownie Girl Scouts get to know horses while learning how to be safe around them, plus share horse treats you make for them as you learn fun horse facts. Enjoy a pony ride with our trained volunteers. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Earn Our Council’s Own Pony Pal badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
Horses of Course: Horsin’ Around Day
GRADE: Entering grades 4-5 DATE:
Sat. 6/16
TIMWE: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Horsin’ Around is for the Junior Girl Scouts who want to learn all about horses. Never ridden before? Just a beginner? This session is perfect for you. Learn basic care, safety, build confidence and have a riding lesson in the covered arena. Come join in the fun and learn about proper western-style riding and safety around horses. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Complete the steps for the Horse Fan badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
My Teddy and Me
GRADE: Entering grades 2-3 DATE:
Thurs. 6/14 - Fri. 6/15
Hey, first-time campers! Are you ready for a fun time at Camp Timberlake? Then grab your teddy bear (or favorite stuffed animal) and join us for crafts, swimming, a tea party and making plenty of new friends! FEE: $80
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Q: What if my camper is homesick?Canshecomehome? A:
My Camp
At Girl Scout camp, girls are active members of our camp community and are assigned daily chores or kapers. Kapers may include picking up trash, collecting firewood, setting the table and cleaning the bathrooms.
Girls love to receive mail from home while they are at camp. Parents/ guardians may leave letters with the camp during check-in to be distributed during the week. Mail is distributed once a day. Please focus messages on the positives of camp: friendship, new experiences/ stories, new foods, etc. Families may also register at Bunk1.com to view pictures of their campers at camp, purchase prints of those pictures, and send “Bunk Notes” to their campers! Registration and viewing is free; Bunk Notes and printed pictures are an optional, low cost fee. More information about Bunk1 will be sent with registration confirmation.
Camp is a great place to have fun, meet new friends, and learn new skills. At Girl Scout camp you might learn to swim, ride a horse, make a clay pot, paddle a canoe, go on a hike, learn how to create a new computer program or use a global positioning system, make jewelry, or learn about the plants and animals in the area. Camp is a place where you learn to live and work with other girls, and prepare for the challenges of everyday life. Many camps have special themes for each session, and there is always an element of girl planning for every program.
Horses of Course: Pony Pal Day
GRADE: Entering grades 2-3
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis
Q: How can I contact mydaughteratcamp? A: Q: What kinds of activities do you do at camp? A:
Choices: 1-Day Camps
Please include your camper in the decision-making process so that she is aware of the length of stay. Do not promise her she can come home early if she does not like camp in the first couple of days. We will work with your camper to help her adjust; however, if she refuses to eat, stay adequately hydrated, or cannot adjust to camp life after 48 hours, she will need to be picked up.
Q:Whatarekapers? A:
June 2012
Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Sat. 6/16 9:00 - 11:00 am
Brownie Girl Scouts get to know horses while learning how to be safe around them, plus share horse treats you make for them as you learn fun horse facts. Enjoy a pony ride with our trained volunteers. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Earn Our Council’s Own Pony Pal badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
Horses of Course: Horsin’ Around Day
GRADE: Entering grades 4-5 DATE:
Sat. 6/16
TIMWE: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Horsin’ Around is for the Junior Girl Scouts who want to learn all about horses. Never ridden before? Just a beginner? This session is perfect for you. Learn basic care, safety, build confidence and have a riding lesson in the covered arena. Come join in the fun and learn about proper western-style riding and safety around horses. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Complete the steps for the Horse Fan badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
2-Day Camps
My Teddy and Me
GRADE: Entering grades 2-3 DATE:
Thurs. 6/14 - Fri. 6/15
Hey, first-time campers! Are you ready for a fun time at Camp Timberlake? Then grab your teddy bear (or favorite stuffed animal) and join us for crafts, swimming, a tea party and making plenty of new friends! FEE: $80
MIN/MAX: 4/32
3-Day Camps
Princess Party
Entering grades 1-3 : DATES Sun. 6/10 - Tues. 6/12 OR Wed. 6/13 - Fri. 6/15 GRADE:
You and your friends can be Camp Kiwanis Princesses! Enjoy making royal jewelry, wearing a crown, learning proper princess etiquette, and having a tea party. Bring your princess costume. Princesses will take a dip in the pool. A counselor or camp aide will sleep in the cabins with these young campers. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Brownie Blitz
Entering grades 2-3 DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Tues. 6/19 GRADE:
Calling all Brownie Girl Scouts: this camp is just for you! You’ll get to experience all the things that make camping as a Brownie fun – arts and crafts, exploring the world around you through nature activities, swimming (weather permitting) and more. Spend a whirlwind three days with us and find out what camping like a Brownie is all about! FEE: $160 MIN/MAX: 4/16
4-Day Camps
Night Owls
Entering grades 2-3 : DATES Wed. 6/20 - Fri. 6/22
GRADE: Entering grades 6-12
This session is all about crafts! If you like expressing your creativity by making friendship bracelets, lanyards, drawing and painting or anything else artistic, this is the place for you! You’ll get to make some awesome crafts to take home and still enjoy a few other fun camp activities.
Be a night owl at camp! Explore Camp Timberlake by moonlight – enjoy astronomy, night hikes, night games and a pajama party. You’ll stay up late and sleep in every morning. Enjoy regular camp activities during the day.
FEE: $160 MIN/MAX: 4/16
Once Upon a Camp
Entering grades 2-3 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Tues. 6/26 OR Wed. 6/27 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Camp Timberlake…sounds exciting, doesn’t it? You’ll write your own fairytale at camp – learn all about fairytales from around the world, play games that children in other countries play and make your time at camp magical! There will still be time for a few other activities, too! Don’t miss out – this will be an adventure to remember! FEE: $160
MIN/MAX: 4/16
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Wed. 6/13
FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Mischief Managed
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Wed. 6/13
Do you wish your school days were full of magic and adventure? Lucky you – you must have some felix felicitus lying around! Hogwarts is bringing summer school to Camp Timberlake! Enjoy a sampling of the classes you’d take at England’s finest school of magic – brew up tasty potions, learn how to “charm” your friends, and compete in a Quidditch game or two! FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/20
Right on Target
GRADE: Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Wed. 6/13
Camp Chic
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Tues. 6/19
Your old socks and t-shirts will go from drab to fab during this three day session. Learn about different tie dying techniques and dye anything and everything you bring to camp – t-shirts, bed sheets, socks – it’s up to you! You’ll also have a chance to try out some other camp activities. By the end of your session you’ll be camp chic! FEE: $160
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Do you love archery? Are you ready to hone your skills and hit the bull’s eye every time? This session will give you a chance to practice your archery skills every day, and even have a shooting competition with your friends! Take aim and get ready, this week is going to be a hit! FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Soaring Among the Stars
Entering grades 2-5
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Wed. 6/13
Explore the night sky and learn all about stars! You will stargaze, play night games, learn about astronomy and even sleep out under the stars (weather permitting)! During the day you will have the chance to try all of the other fun activities camp has to offer. FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/16
June 2012
My Camp C
6-Day Camps
Boots ‘N Bridles
Entering grade 6 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis
Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Camp Kiwanis Horse Program progression: 1) Boots ‘N Bridles; 2) Saddle Up I; and 3) Saddle Up II.
Midnight Madness
Entering grades 4-5
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
Learn to take great photos! Collect your own memories of camp and then be on the camps’ photography staff for the week and post your pictures on the Bunk One website (see Resident Camp Parent Guide in confirmation packet) for your parents to see. In between photo shoots you will have time to ride horses, swim and participate in other camp activities. A digital camera with computer upload connections is required. Please label the camera and cords with your name.
Stevens Ranch
Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Entering grades 4-5 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15
Are you a horse lover and want to learn all about horses and riding? This is the place for you! Girls will ride and/or work with the horses daily, assist with grooming, feeding and corral management. Your day begins at the crack of dawn, the prettiest time of day to ride. Other rides will be the last of the day into the dusk. Additional camp activities included. Occasionally the weather interferes with being able to ride daily. Girls need boots or shoes with a ½ inch heel.
NOTE: This program is a pre-requisite to
Camp Timberlake
Photo Mania
Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Saddle Up I. FEE: $220
MIN/MAX: 10/24
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15
Are you a girl who likes to stay up late and then sleep late in the morning? This is the session for you! There will be late night swimming, exploring the nightlife at camp, raiding the kitchen for a midnight snack and sleeping late in the mornings. You will get up in time to participate in crafts, more swimming and horseback riding. FEE: $220
MIN/MAX: 7/14
FEE: $240
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Rappelling Fever
Entering grades 7-9 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 GRADE:
Are you ready to take the challenge to explore the thrill of rappelling down the rock face of a canyon wall? This group will start out at camp to refresh their skills on the camps’ challenge course and then pack up and spend one night at Palo Duro Canyon ( just south of Amarillo) for the rock wall rappelling. All climbing gear will be provided and certified facilitators will be the team leaders for this session. A sleeping bag is a must. Swimming and horseback riding will be included. NOTE: Must have attended Climbing High
last summer or experienced a challenge course at a camp. FEE: $240
MIN/MAX: 6/8
Hammocks and Ceramics
Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15
Sleep in a hammock by night if you choose to or if you’d like, just enjoy an afternoon nap in your hammock, swinging care free. Enjoy a stress free week being creative, working with your hands, and learning several ceramic techniques. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Horses, Horses, Horses
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 GRADE:
This is the first step in Stevens Ranch’s CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) based series of sessions. Visit the barn daily, weather permitting, and learn to groom a horse, basic horse care, tack basics and basic riding skills. Completion of Horses, Horses, Horses is a pre-requisite for Horse Fan. Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl up. FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Camp Stevens Ranch
Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15 OR Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Some call it fun but you may call it madness. Enjoy the best camp has to offer, a happy camper you will be trying to do it all. Have fun beneath the trees trying a little bit of everything - archery, a horse ride, swimming, cookout, arts and crafts and more. So, camp Stevens Ranch Camp.
Want to experience a little bit of everything camp has to offer before selecting a specialty? This week-long session is designed just for you! Come enjoy riding horses, swimming, archery, a cookout, hiking and arts and crafts.
FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/52
Little Camp on the Prairie
Entering grades 4-5
DATES: Sun. 6/10 - Fri. 6/15
OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to live like the Pioneers? You will learn to churn your own butter, milk a cow, or how to live like they did in times past. This week you’ll get to live in the Farm House and even earn the Farm House patch. Don’t worry; you’ll still get to enjoy a few modern day resident camp activities too. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Trek Out
Entering grades 5-7 DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22 GRADE:
Get geared up to go tent camping at a nearby lake for two nights, enjoy cooking your meals over a campfire or propane stove and watching the stars at night. This group starts out hard and fast to learn tent pitching and fire building skills before leaving for the lake. Take an old swimsuit and tennis shoes to wear in the lake. A PFD will be provided for all lake swimming. Time will be allowed for horseback riding and craft time. A bedroll with a sheet inside is a must for this trip. FEE: $240
MIN/MAX: 8/12
Entering grades 4-5 DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22 OR Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/24
Busy B’s
Entering grade 3
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Hey Brownie Girl Scouts! Come make new friends or bring your buddy. We’ll keep you busy with swimming, hiking, crafts, songs, riding horses and playing games galore while enjoying the outdoors! This week is planned just for you. FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Amazing Race without the Race
Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Amazing Race girls get to have all the fun. Go tubing on the Brazos, fishing, spend one night at Pooh Circle in a tent and play with the horses. But we will do it at a slower pace, because it is just plain fun, without the race. This is a good session for girls who want a noncompetitive adventure and for those who did the Amazing Race in 2011 and want more. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Camp Top Chef
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Let’s get cooking! Help in the camp kitchen and be a part of a cook’s parade! Ingredients: a handful of girls, tasty treats, and enthusiastic instructors. Directions: bring all the ingredients together and blend with different ways to serve your creations. Cooking time: allow one week. Serves: the whole camp. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
June 2012
My Camp C
6-Day Camps
Eye on the Target
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Attention would-be archers and those who want to advance their skills! It’s time to take up the bow, plant your feet in true archer’s stance, ready, aim, shoot, bull’s eye! Sharpen your skills and play interesting shooting games. Never a dull moment! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Horse Play
Entering grades 4-5
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
We’re not horsin’ around! Fourth and fifth graders can come and spend a week getting to know horses while learning basic horse skills. Play horse games with the ponies and even get to paint them. Completion of this session is not a pre-requisite to the CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) horse-focused sessions we offer at Stevens Ranch. FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Going for the Goal!
Entering grades 4-8
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Do you love sports? Love competing with your friends? This week you’ll play your favorite sports and learn a few new ones, too! At the end of the week you’ll compete in an all camp tournament and go for the goal! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Looking Through the Lens
Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22
Do you love big stories? Want to make your own? You’ll spend the week studying epic stories, then you’ll write your own while learning the basics of filmmaking. Don’t worry, you’ll still have a chance to try other camp activities, too. Join us to take a look at the world through a kaleidoscope of creativity and add your own point of view! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Entering grade 3
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
Explore the camp at night! Take a moonlight hike, build a campfire, roast marshmallows, listen to wood fairy and Brownie Elf stories and go to bed later than other campers. During the daylight, after sleeping in a bit late, you can enjoy swimming and a pony led ride at the stables. A counselor or camp aide will sleep in the cabins with these young campers. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/24
Bull’s Eye
Prim and Proper
Entering grades 4-6
Entering grades 7-12
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
Learning how to shoot a bow and arrow is the “aim” of this fun-filled session as you take the archer’s stance, aim, shoot and bull’s eye!! Each day, you will spend two sessions at the archery range improving your skills and then at the end of the week there will be a shoot off challenge. Time will be scheduled for swimming, horseback riding, crafts and a cookout.
Western riding isn’t the only thing you can learn at Stevens Ranch. Spend a week learning the beginning skills of English riding including: proper position, balance, walk, trot, and maybe even canter or experience 18 inch cross ties, while maintaining harmony with your horse. The outfit isn’t the only cool thing about English riding. Come see for yourself. This session is not in the Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression.
Extreme crafting: try your hand at printmaking, making candles, learn how to make paper, do ceramics fired in our kiln, and jewelry making from nature. Put your skills and talents to a test. Show us how crafty you can be!
FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/12
Can You Rough It?
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
Prim is in! This session is in the primitive unit and is recommended only for experienced campers. First time campers might want to try another session first. Learn about primitive camping, lashing, eco-activities, outdoor gourmet cooking, stick cooking, buddy burners, reflector ovens, Dutch ovens and more. Get ready for roughing it made fun! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/15
Make a Spalsh
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
Lounge by the pool every day? Well maybe, but first let’s do water aerobics, synchronized swimming, learn how to perfect your dive, learn steps to lifeguarding, purify and investigate water from the Brazos River, and enjoy lots of water games. Perfect time of year to make a splash and stay cool! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
NOTE: Pre-requisite is Horses, Horses,
FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/8
Horse Fan
Entering grades 7-12 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
Horse Fan girls will have horsewomanship lessons daily, weather permitting. Learn how to saddle a horse, basic horse nutrition, basic horse first aid and expand your horsewomanship skills and riding skills to include a sitting trot. You will also have the opportunity to work on CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) Level 1A skills. Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl up. NOTE: Pre-requisite is Horses, Horses,
FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/24
FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Party at the Palace
Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
You will feel pretty in pink this week participating in activities that will pamper and relax you until you feel truly like a glamazon. Show your inner beauty by helping with a service project. Treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure, try new hairstyles, pamper yourself with a massage, and learn to make candles. Enjoy a fashion parade and dance the night away at our party at the palace. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/32
All the Camp’s a Stage
GRADE: Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
To camp or not to camp – that’s an easy question! If you love expressing yourself, being in the spotlight or behind the scenes and jumping into imaginary worlds, the answer is yes! You’ll learn all about telling your story through drama, poetry, music and dance, and have the chance to shine at the talent show. You’ll also have the chance to experience a few other fun camp activities. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
June 2012
My Camp C
6-Day Camps
13-Day Camps
Brownie Bonanza
Entering grades 2-3
Entering grades 6-10
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/29
Hey Brownies! Are you ready for a fun-filled week of camp? This week you’ll have the Brownie experience to the extreme - you’ll swim, make crafts, learn all about the natural world around you and so much more!
Come be a part of a team and challenge each other to greater heights of skills in “survivor games”. Girls will hone their basic camping skills, learn new ones and be able to depend on themselves in an emergency. A trip to the primitive parts of camp will put those skills into action. Enjoy hiking, riding horses, swimming and experiencing the challenge course.
NOTE: This session is not recommended
for first time campers. FEE: $315
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Camp Like a Girl!
Entering grades 4-12 : DATES Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29 GRADE:
Are you ready to try your hand at primitive camping? Think you can “rough it?” You’ll spend a week at camp living in a tent, cooking several meals over an open fire (weather permitting), and learning about low-impact practices. You’ll also have time to do regular camp activities, too. NOTE: Girls must be willing to sleep in a
primitive unit in tents. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
GI Jane
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 6/24 - Fri. 6/29
Are you ready to push yourself to the max and be a part of a team? You’ll work together to learn what teamwork is all about. Complete every element on our ropes challenge course (weather permitting), learn about health and fitness, and greet every morning ready to run (literally!) FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
FEE: $350
MIN/MAX: 6/12
Saddle Up I
Entering grades 7-10
DATES: Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/29
Are you crazy about horses and gotta ride every day? This group will follow the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) program as girls learn to groom, saddle, feed, and help with corral management. Saddle Up girls will start at the crack of dawn for their first ride of the day and in evenings will ride into the sunset. Occasionally weather interferes with daily rides. Boots with a ½ inch heel are required. Cool dips in the pool are a must. Other program activities will also be included. Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Camp Kiwanis Horse Program progression: 1) Boots ‘N Bridles; 2) Saddle Up I; and 3) Saddle Up II. NOTE: This program is a pre-requisite to
Saddle Up II. FEE: $350
MIN/MAX: 6/13
High Adventure Trips Information
Ever feel like venturing out and doing something extreme? Something like white water rafting, caving or backpacking? Join us on one of our High Adventure Trips!
GIRLS MUST BE 12 YEARS OLD OR OLDER BY TIME OF TRIPS AND BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. Before registering for ANY High Adventure Trip, please understand that there will be additional MANDATORY personal items that each girl will need to purchase. Watch for this information at www.gs-top.org. Please contact Summer Littlejohn BEFORE registering if you have specific questions about the items that will need to be purchased. Additional information about MANDATORY items will be in the confirmation packet. NOTE: Additional release forms and
special packing lists will be sent in the confirmation packet. Girls must be 12 years old by the start of the trip and be in good physical condition.
River Runners
Girls must be at least 12 years old or older DATES: Sun. 6/03 - Fri. 6/08 Here is your chance to test your whitewater rafting skills! Start your adventure at Camp Kiwanis in Amarillo and then head north to the beautiful mountains of Colorado. Prepare for an adventure of a lifetime! This trip is NOT recommended for anyone who has a fear of water. NOTE: Girls must feel comfortable in the
FEE: $475
MIN/MAX: 8/10
HAT Leaders We are currently accepting applications for High Adventure Trip Leaders. (HAT Leaders) must have experience with group trip and travel, must be at least 21 years of age, have a basic knowledge of outdoor cooking, hold current first aid and CPR certification and be comfortable in the out-of-doors during the summer months. If you have a desire to serve as a High Adventure Trip Leader, please contact Summer Littlejohn for more information. Deadline to submit applications for HAT Leaders is April 15, 2012.
Rock Climbing and Ziplining
Girls must be at least 12 years old or older : DATES Sun. 6/17 - Fri. 6/22 GRADE:
Our adventure will start at Camp Kiwanis. We will load up the vans, head to the Colorado Rockies and start our rock climbing adventure. After we finish with the rocks, we will take to the skies and zipline from cliff to cliff between the pine and aspen trees.
Cookie Bucks for High Adventure Trips 200 packages = 1 day 400 packages = 2 days 600 packages = 3 days 800 packages = 4 days 1000 packages = 5 days 1200 packages = 6 days
NOTE: This trip is NOT recommended for
anyone who has a fear of heights. FEE: $550
MIN/MAX: 8/10
July 2012
My Camp C
Weekend Camps
1-Day Camps
Mom and Me
GRADE: All grade levels DATE:
Fri. 7/06 - Sat. 7/07
Grab your mom (or grandma or aunt) and head out to camp to spend some quality time together. Activities will include arts and crafts, campfire, folk dancing and swimming. Participants will sleep in airconditioned cabins. Don’t delay in registering, this activity fills quickly. Use the Adult and Me Camp Registration Form in the back of this Camp Guide to register. FEE: $18 per person
MIN/MAX: 40/70
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Me ‘n My Buddy
GRADE: Entering grades K-3 DATE:
Sat. 7/07 - Sun. 7/08
An overnight fun time for you and your dad (or grandpa, or uncle) to go camping together. There will be fun and adventure, as well as quality time together. Activities will include a campfire, songs, folk dancing, crafts and swimming. Campers and dads will sleep in air conditioned cabins. This activity is a great step into camp for Daisies and Brownies. Use the Adult and Me Camp Registration Form in the back of this Camp Guide to register. Register early, this activity fills quickly! FEE: $18 per person
MIN/MAX: 40/70 *Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
Horses of Course: Pony Pal Day
GRADE: Entering grades 2-3 DATE: TIME:
Sat. 7/21 9:00 - 11:00 am
Brownie Girl Scouts get to know horses while learning how to be safe around them, plus share horse treats you make for them as you learn fun horse facts. Enjoy a pony ride with our trained volunteers. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Earn Our Council’s Own Pony Pal badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
Horses of Course: Horsin’ Around Day
GRADE: Entering grades 4-5 DATE: TIME:
Sat. 7/21 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Horsin’ Around is for Junior Girl Scouts who want to learn all about horses. Never ridden before? Just a beginner? This session is perfect for you. Learn basic care, safety, build confidence and have a riding lesson in the covered arena. Come join in the fun and learn about proper western-style riding and safety around horses. Girls in each session will need to wear long pants – no shorts, capri pants or nylon pants. Girls may wear their own cowboy boots or we will provide them at the barn. Riding helmets are required and will be provided. Parents are not required to attend any of these sessions but are welcome to stay and observe. Complete the steps for the Horse Fan badge (provided while supplies last). FEE: $25
MIN/MAX: 4/20
*Standard Cookie Bucks rate only
2-Day Camps
3-Day Camps
Fairy Myst
Entering grades 2-3
Teddy Bear Overnight
GRADE: Entering grades 1-2 DATE:
Thurs. 7/12 - Fri. 7/13
Bring your favorite teddy bear as your buddy and let’s have fun at camp for one night. We’ll swim, have a teddy bear parade, play lots of games and do some crafts. A counselor or camp aide sleeps in the cabins with these young campers. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $90
MIN/MAX: 8/14
Water Otters
GRADE: Entering grades 3-5 DATE:
Wed. 7/18 - Thurs. 7/19
Play it cool in the pool! Learn water safety and play games. We’ll squeeze in a horse ride too! A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $90
MIN/MAX: 8/16
DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Tues. 7/10
OR Sun. 7/22 - Tues. 7/24
Girls will want to attend this festival to learn about the imaginary world of wood fairies and to enjoy fun activities that the fairies wish to share. There will be fairy dust, crafts, games, songs, dancing, fairy snacks and even fairy wings for the girls at this festival. Fun to be had by all. We will include swimming and a pony led ride at the stables. A counselor or camp aide will sleep in the cabins with these young campers. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Ecology Explorers
Entering grades 4-5
DATES: Wed. 7/11 - Fri. 7/13
Girls will explore the fun of recycling how to’s, work on the Journey “It’s Your Planet, Love It;” discover ways they can make an impact on the environment and how the environment directly impacts animals, plants and people. Time for other camp activities such as swimming and horseback riding will be planned. FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Brownie Blitz
Entering grades 2-3 DATES: Sat. 7/14 - Mon. 7/16 OR Sun. 7/29 - Tues. 7/31 GRADE:
Calling all Brownie Girl Scouts: this camp is just for you! You’ll get to experience all the things that make camping as a Brownie fun – arts and crafts, exploring the world around you through nature activities, swimming (weather permitting) and more. Spend a whirlwind three days with us and find out what camping like a Brownie is all about! FEE: $160 MIN/MAX: 4/16
Entering grades 2-3
DATES: Sat. 7/14 - Mon. 7/16
This session is all about crafts! If you like expressing your creativity by making friendship bracelets, lanyards, drawing and painting or anything else artistic, this is the place for you! You’ll get to make some awesome crafts to take home and still enjoy a few other fun camp activities. FEE: $160 MIN/MAX: 4/16
Junior Jam
Entering grades 4-5
DATES: Sat. 7/14 - Mon. 7/16
OR Sun. 7/22 - Tues. 7/24 OR Wed. 7/25 - Fri. 7/27 Hey Juniors, this session is just for you! Come enjoy a whirlwind three days and see what camp has to offer. You’ll stay cool at the pool, make a craft or two, learn to shoot a bow and arrow at archery and more! FEE: $160
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Lady Bugs
Entering grades 2-3 DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Tues. 7/17 GRADE:
This session is designed for the first or second time camper. Come make new friends, enjoy a campfire, singing, games, hiking, swimming and visit the stable for a pony led ride. A counselor or camp aide will sleep in the cabins with these young campers. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 8/16
July 2012
My Camp C
3-Day Camps
4-Day Camps
Splish Splash
Entering grades 2-3 : DATES Sun. 7/22 - Tues. 7/24 OR Wed. 7/25 - Fri. 7/27
Jump in and have a splash for this short and sweet session! You’ll get to swim, play water games and enjoy a few other camp activities, too. Join us at Camp Timberlake and enjoy your time at camp splishin’ and splashin’ and bopping to the beat!
This short Horse session is just right for the beginning rider. A chance to learn some of the basics, safety around horses and how to sit in the saddle. Girls will ride each day (weather permitting) in the ring and even on the trail at least once, depending on the ability of the whole group. Boots or shoes with a ½ inch heel are needed.
FEE: $160
FEE: $145
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Do you wish your school days were full of magic and adventure? Lucky you – you must have some felix felicitus lying around! Hogwarts is bringing summer school to Camp Timberlake! Enjoy a sampling of the classes you’d take at England’s finest school of magic – brew up tasty potions, learn how to “charm” your friends, and compete in a Quidditch game or two!
Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
FEE: $215
Stevens Ranch
Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Mischief Managed
Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Tues. 7/17 - Fri. 7/20
Camp Kiwanis
Camp Timberlake
MIN/MAX: 8/14
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Horsin’ Around
Entering grade 5 : DATES Sun. 7/08 - Wed. 7/11
Bunny Tracks
Entering grades 2-3 DATES: Wed. 7/25 - Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
Here comes Peter Cottontail will be the theme for this short, fun session. Camp will adopt some bunnies for the girls to learn how to care for and feed. Also included will be time to swim, enjoy a pony led ride and some arts and crafts. A health history is required, not a physical. FEE: $110
MIN/MAX: 8/16
MIN/MAX: 4/32
6-Day Camps
Bull’s Eye
Entering grades 4-12 : DATES Tues. 7/17 - Fri.7/20
Entering grades 4-7
Do you love archery? Are you ready to hone your skills and hit the bull’s eye every time? This session will give you a chance to practice your archery skills every day, and even have a shooting competition with your friends! Take aim and get ready, this week is going to be a hit!
Learning how to shoot a bow and arrow is the “aim” of this fun-filled session as you take the archer’s stance, aim, shoot and bull’s eye!! Each day, you will spend two sessions at the archery range improving your skills and then at the end of the week there will be a shoot off challenge. Time will be scheduled for swimming, horseback riding, crafts and a cookout.
Right on Target
FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Soaring Among the Stars
Entering grades 2-5
DATES: Sun. 7/08- Fri. 7/13
FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/12
DATES: Tues. 7/17 - Fri. 7/20
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13
Explore the night sky and learn all about stars! You will stargaze, play night games, learn about astronomy and even sleep out under the stars (weather permitting)! During the day you will have the chance to try all of the other fun activities camp has to offer. FEE: $215
This is the first step in Stevens Ranch’s CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) based series of sessions. Visit the barn daily, weather permitting, and learn to groom a horse, basic horse care, tack basics and basic riding skills. Completion of Horses, Horses, Horses is a pre-requisite for Horse Fan.
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Crafts Mania
Entering grades 4-8
DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13
Get ready for an arts and crafts bonanza. This week will be filled with arts and crafts using several different materials. Time will be allowed for swimming, horseback riding and cooking out. FEE: $220
Night Owls
Entering grades 6-12 : DATES Sun. 7/29 - Wed. 8/01 GRADE:
Be a night owl at camp! Explore Camp Timberlake by moonlight – enjoy astronomy, night hikes, night games and a pajama party. You’ll stay up late and sleep in every morning. Enjoy regular camp activities during the day. FEE: $215
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Horses, Horses, Horses
MIN/MAX: 10/24
Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl up. FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/32
It’s a Holiday
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri.7/13
Hammocks and Ceramics
Entering grades 4-5 DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 GRADE:
Sleep in a hammock by night if you choose to or if you’d like, just enjoy an afternoon nap in your hammock, swinging care free. Enjoy a stress free week being creative, working with your hands, and learning several ceramic techniques. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Get your calendar out because at camp every day is a holiday. Show how much you care on Valentine’s Day, feel Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, get patriotic on the 4th of July, celebrate your birthday (even if it’s not), and before we leave camp we will ring in the New Year on New Year’s Day. So don’t forget to R.S.V.P. for the party of the year. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/32
July 2012
My Camp C
6-Day Camps
Ms. Woodworker
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri.7/13 GRADE:
Woodworking gives you a feeling of accomplishment. It is a thrill to say, “I made it myself! ” Come learn how to use some basic tools, create some simple woodworking projects, and keep a “level” head about it. Help the planet, learn to use recycled materials in your projects. Don’t worry, you won’t miss out on other camp activities as well. FEE: $315
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Scrap, Scrap, Click Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri.7/13
Capture Stevens Ranch through the lens of your camera. Snap your own photos on a snap shot scavenger hunt with your digital camera and make memories by taking pictures for yourself and camp. Learn basic digital techniques, and learn basic scrapbooking, plus how to use tools scrap booker’s use to embellish beautiful pages. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Join us this week for all things creative – you’ll get to try your hand at ceramics, making advanced friendship bracelets, candle making, jewelry making, drawing, painting and more. Let your creative side shine! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/12
Camp Sampler
Entering grades 4-12
OR Sun. 7/22 - Fri.7/27 OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org
Art Attack
Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 GRADE:
DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13
Camp Timberlake
High Adventure
On a High Note
Entering grades 4-12 DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 GRADE:
Are you a diva? Do you dream of standing ovations after you sing? How would you like some voice coaching and choreography to help perfect your act? You will get to create a CD with your new friends. Learn lots of great camp songs, and finish out the week with a performance for the camp and guests at the rodeo. Listen for the applause! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/20
Not sure what you want to do this summer? Come try it all! You’ll get to sample the best we have to offer at Camp Timberlake – climbing our challenge course, hitting the bull’s eye at archery, expressing your artistic side at arts and crafts and cooling off in the pool. Cook out over an open fire and end the week singing your favorite camp songs and eating s’mores at our closing campfire with all of your new friends! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/20
Camp Stevens Ranch
Entering grades 4-5
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/20
OR Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
Entering grades 2-5 : DATES Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13 GRADE:
We have spirit, yes we do, we have spirit, how about YOU?! Show your spirit at Camp Timberlake! You’ll learn what cheering is all about and even host a camp pep rally. Grab your best pom poms and join us! FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Climbing High
Entering grades 6-8 DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/20 GRADE:
Do you love to rock climb and swing through the air OR want to find out what the thrill is all about? Join us for this week of reaching new heights and challenging yourself. You’ll spend your days at the challenge course learning about climbing skills, the equipment and all of the elements at the course. This is “challenge by choice” and you choose what you want to master or not! There will also be swimming, horseback riding and other camp activities to enjoy! FEE: $220
MIN/MAX: 8/24
Want to experience a little bit of everything camp has to offer before selecting a specialty? This week-long session is designed just for you! Come enjoy riding horses, swimming, archery, a cookout, hiking and arts and crafts. FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/24
Let’s Ride
Entering grades 8-12 DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri.7/20 GRADE:
Be at the barn on a daily basis, weather permitting, expanding your horsewomanship and horse first aid knowledge, plus work on your CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) level 1B riding skills. Learn to halt on command from a trot, posting and standing, two point trot, ride turns, reverses, circles at the walk and trot in correct riding form. Completion of Let’s Ride! Is a pre-requisite for Born to Ride. Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl Up. NOTE: Pre-requisite is Horse Fan. FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/16
DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/20
Some call it fun but you may call it madness. Enjoy the best camp has to offer, a happy camper you will be trying to do it all. Have fun beneath the trees trying a little bit of everything - archery, a horse ride, swimming, cookout, arts and crafts and more. So, Camp Stevens Ranch Camp. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Mirror, Mirror
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/20
You need a fit body and mind to do all your favorite things! So let’s look in the mirror and see what is inside and have fun while we do it! Enjoy a natural make over, examine inner and outer beauty, get a plan to stay fit, find your true colors and do a makeover that this group chooses, with the help of our site manager, for an area at Stevens. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Creature Camp
Entering grades 4-6 DATES: Sun. 7/22- Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
Do you love wildlife? Come explore the wildlife at camp. Visit another area to see wildlife. Study their habits and how they survive. Know anything about raising bunnies? You will get a chance to help care for the camps’ bunnies. Time for swimming, crafts and horseback riding will be planned. FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/24
July 2012
My Camp C
6-Day Camps
Mystery Mahem
Entering grades 6-7
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27
DATES: Sun. 7/22 - Fri.7/27
Do you love CSI? Dream of being Nancy Drew? Then grab your magnifying glass and head down a road of mystery and intrigue. Participants will discover the latest detective and private eye techniques. Maybe clues will lead you to other activities such as swimming, horseback riding and cookouts.
Pamper yourself at camp! Greet the morning with yoga by the lake, get a fresh look with a natural facial, spend time recording your day in a journal and learn about treating your body right by eating a healthy and nutritious diet. Enjoy a spa night complete with healthy snacks, and save some time for a few other camp activities like archery, arts and crafts, and cooling off at the pool. The week will be simply spatabulous!
FEE: $210
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
MIN/MAX: 8/24
Born to Ride
Entering grades 8-12 DATES: Sun. 7/22 - Fri.7/27
FEE: $315
Expand your horsewomanship skills and knowledge while working on your CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) 2A riding skills. Learn riding patterns, while learning how to bridle your horses, your own tack check, and learn the standing two point and posting position trot as well as how to post the correct diagonal in level 2 form. Plus try your hand at the lope. Completion of Born to Ride Is a pre-requisite for Cowgirl Up.
Midnight Madness
Entering grades 6-7
Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl Up.
FEE: $220
NOTE: Pre-requisite is Let’s Ride! FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Wild Wild West
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27
Go wild, playing Cowboys and Indians. We will blaze new trails while having fun horsing around. Enjoy a trail ride, paint the horses and cheer on the Cowgirl Up girls during the annual rodeo. That’s just some of the fun we will have on the ranch. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/48
MIN/MAX: 4/16
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
Are you a girl who likes to stay up late and then sleep late in the morning? This is the session for you! There will be late night swimming, exploring the nightlife at camp, raiding the kitchen for a midnight snack and sleeping late in the mornings. You will get up in time to participate in crafts, more swimming and horseback riding. MIN/MAX: 7/14
Boots ‘N Bridles
A Bug’s-Eye View
Entering grade 6
Entering grades 2-3
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri.8/03
Are you a horse lover and want to learn all about horses and riding? This is the place for you! Girls will ride and/or work with the horses daily, assist with grooming, feeding and corral management. Your day begins at the crack of dawn, the prettiest time of day to ride. Other rides will be the last of the day into the dusk. Additional camp activities included. Occasionally the weather interferes with being able to ride daily. Girls need boots or shoes with a ½ inch heel.
Do you love exploring nature? Is your best friend a caterpillar? This week, we’ll grab our magnifying glasses and take a journey through the world of bugs! You’ll learn about Camp Timberlake’s eco-system on a bug-sized scale. Before you bug-out, you’ll also have time for a few other camp activities, too.
Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Camp Kiwanis Horse Program progression: 1) Boots ‘N Bridles; 2) Saddle Up I; and 3) Saddle Up II. NOTE: This program is a prerequisite to
Saddle Up I. FEE: $220
MIN/MAX: 10/24
Busy B’s
Entering grade 3 DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03 GRADE:
Hey Brownie Girl Scouts! Come make new friends or bring your buddy. We’ll keep you busy with swimming, hiking, crafts, songs, riding horses and playing games galore while enjoying the outdoors! This week is planned just for you. FEE: $210
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Treasure Island
Entering grades 4-12
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
Ahoy, me mateys! Come aboard and sail with us to find treasures beyond your greatest imagination. You will have an opportunity to use compasses and go high tech with GPS to find our treasure. Several fun all camp activities such as shipwreck dinners, scavenger hunts, tug of war and pirate battles will keep you on your toes as we search for doubloons. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Horse Play
Entering grades 4-5 DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri.8/03 GRADE:
We’re not horsin’ around! Fourth and fifth graders can come and spend a week getting to know horses while learning basic horse skills. Play horse games with the ponies and even get to paint them. Completion of this session is not a pre-requisite to the CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) horse-focused sessions we offer at Stevens Ranch. FEE: $370
MIN/MAX: 4/32
Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03
Gimme a Clue
Are you into mysteries? Do you like to play the game of Clue? Are you interested in forensic science? Then come join the Stevens Ranch Investigation Team. Small little mishaps occur around our camp, and we need the best of the best to help solve them. So, pack your magnifying glass and come find out who dunnit’.
Pack light, and be ready for adventures in creative camping. This is not for beginners and is perfect for girls who love to rough it and want to have fun and experience Stevens like no one else at resident camp does. In this session you will spend one night in your unit, and then one night in Pooh Circle, the Amphitheater, the Pool and then finish out with one night under the stars in the North 40! This is a primitive camping session.
FEE: $315
FEE: $315
Entering grades 6-12 DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri. 8/03 GRADE:
MIN/MAX: 4/16
MIN/MAX: 4/16
FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/16
Guard Start
Entering grades 6-12
DATES: Sun. 7/29 - Fri.8/03
Have you ever dreamed of being a lifeguard? Come prepare yourself for a future in lifeguarding while enjoying life at camp! Don’t worry though - you’ll still have time to enjoy other camp activities like arts and crafts, archery and the challenge course, too! The American Red Cross Guard Start: Lifeguarding Tomorrow is a program designed to guide youth through the American Red Cross lifeguarding program by building a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and skills for future guards. This foundation will consist of five categories: Prevention, Fitness, Response, Leadership and Professionalism. The Guard Start program will introduce: 1) the skills needed for entry to the American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course, 2) communication and decision making skills, 3) the basic responsibilities of a lifeguard. THIS SESSION IS NOT A LIFEGUARD TRAINING SESSION. Prospective participants must be able to demonstrate the ability to 1) swim the front crawl 25 yards continuously while breathing to the front or side 2) tread water for one minute using arms and legs, and 3) submerge and swim a distance of ten feet underwater. FEE: $315
MIN/MAX: 4/8
July 2012
My Camp C
13-Day Camps
GI Jane Extreme
Camp Kiwanis Contact NATALIE STEPHENSON: 806-553-3173 800-687-4475, ext. 2503 nstephenson@gs-top.org
Stevens Ranch Contact HEIDI VOSE: 817-869-0736 800-582-7272, ext. 1161 hvose@gs-top.org
Camp Timberlake Contact LINDSAY POWER: 817-735-5312 800-582-7272, ext. 1205 lpower@gs-top.org
High Adventure Contact SUMMER LITTLEJOHN: 806-589-5946 800-530-4957, ext. 2606 slittlejohn@gs-top.org PROGRAM CHANGES
We reserve the right to alter activities and events at camp due to weather conditions, time constraints or other safety issues. Our primary concern is your child’s safety. No refunds or alteration in fees will be made for activities eliminated.
Saddle Up II
Entering grades 5-12 : DATES Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/20
Are you ready to take it to the next level? In this two week session you will complete the challenge course, develop a fitness plan, learn all about staying fit and practice your survival skills over a weekend camp out. You’ll work with your team to overcome obstacles, challenge each other to push your limits and still have the chance to spend time together cooking a few meals over a campfire and enjoying other camp activities. Get ready, it’s going to EXTREME!
Step beyond the level of Saddle Up I and learn additional riding techniques through CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association). You will be responsible for the care and feeding of your mount, as well as corral management. Each day begins at the crack of dawn and ends with riding into the sunset. You may get to help younger campers with their riding sessions. Occasionally weather interferes with being able to ride daily. Boots or shoes with a ½ inch heel are required. Dips in the pool and hot showers are a must.
NOTE: Pre-requisite is GI Jane.
For questions or concerns about any camp, please contact the appropriate camp director:
FEE: $675
MIN/MAX: 2/8
Grease Paint, Song and Dance
Entering grades 6-8
Entering grades 8-10 : DATES Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27
Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Camp Kiwanis Horse Program progression: 1) Boots ‘N Bridles; 2) Saddle Up I; and 3) Saddle Up II.
DATES: Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27
NOTE: Pre-requisite is Saddle Up I.
Wanna be a star? This session is the right place to be. This group will learn about stage makeup, choreography, acting, and creating their own props. Girls will select their own short or one-act play to perform for the whole camp. Horseback riding, swimming and other camp program will be included.
FEE: $350
FEE: $350
MIN/MAX: 8/16
Amazing Race
Entering grades 6-12 : DATES Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
You’ve seen the show, now the Amazing Race comes to Stevens Ranch! Each day teams will try and outsmart each other with clues and compete in adventure challenges such as canoeing, tubing, horseback riding, hiking to the North 40, capture the flag, and Geo-caching. Don’t worry, between road blocks and races against time you will still get to relax and it will be amazing. Not recommended for those who attended Amazing Race summer 2011. FEE: $675
MIN/MAX: 6/12
MIN/MAX: 6/12
Cowgirl Up!
Entering grades 9-12 : DATES Sun. 7/15 - Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
This horse session includes a Stevens Ranch rodeo that you will help plan and participate in! In addition you will work on your CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) level 2B skills, which includes being able to identify leads while in the lope and learning additional fun horse riding patterns - while continuing to expand your knowledge of horse first aid and nutrition. Pre-requisites are Born to Ride completion card or CHA level 2A Certification. Must be able to trot without breaking stride twice around the arena, reverse, circles, and lope once around the arena without breaking gait. Some Horse resident camp programs are designed for Certified Horsemanship Association Certification and must be taken in progression. Stevens Ranch Horse Program progression: 1) Horses, Horses, Horses; 2) Horse Fan; 3) Let’s Ride; 4) Born to Ride; and 5) Cowgirl Up. FEE: $790
MIN/MAX: 2/8
High Adventure Trips Information
Ever feel like venturing out and doing something extreme? Something like white water rafting, caving or backpacking? Join us on one of our High Adventure Trips!
GIRLS MUST BE 12 YEARS OLD OR OLDER BY TIME OF TRIPS AND BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. Before registering for ANY High Adventure Trips, please understand that there will be additional MANDATORY personal items that each girl will need to purchase. Watch for this information at www.gs-top.org. Please contact Summer Littlejohn BEFORE registering if you have specific questions about the items that will need to be purchased. Additional information about MANDATORY items will be in the confirmation packet. NOTE: Additional release forms and
special packing lists will be sent in the confirmation packet. Girls must be 12 years old by the start of the trip and be in good physical condition.
Girls must be at least 12 years old or older DATES: Sun. 7/08 - Fri. 7/13
Our adventure will start at Camp Timberlake. We will lace up our hiking boots and head towards the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas for a few days in the wilderness. Learn that you can really survive for a few days with just the stuff on your back! Girls will need to prepare for this trip with physical conditioning and breaking in hiking boots prior to arriving at Camp Timberlake. FEE: $425
MIN/MAX: 8/10
HAT Leaders We are currently accepting applications for High Adventure Trip Leaders. (HAT Leaders) must have experience with group trip and travel, must be at least 21 years of age, have a basic knowledge of outdoor cooking, hold current first aid and CPR certification and be comfortable in the out-of-doors during the summer months. If you have a desire to serve as a High Adventure Trip Leader, please contact Summer Littlejohn for more information. Deadline to submit applications for HAT Leaders is April 15, 2012.
Cave Crawlers
Girls must be at least 12 years old or older DATES: Sun. 7/22 - Fri. 7/27 GRADE:
We will start our adventure at Camp Post. From there, we will pass through the Chihuahuan Desert and Guadalupe Mountains of the southeastern New Mexico. You might never guess there are more that 300 known caves beneath the surface. We will head underground to experience the wonders of the world beneath us. We will also check out some of the local sites in the area. This trip is not recommended for anyone with a fear of enclosed spaces, heights or getting a little cave dirt in your ears. FEE: $400
Cookie Bucks for High Adventure Trips 200 packages = 1 day 400 packages = 2 days 600 packages = 3 days 800 packages = 4 days 1000 packages = 5 days 1200 packages = 6 days
MIN/MAX: 8/10
Fees Camp Fees Camp fees cover all meals and snacks, accident/illness insurance, leadership provided by specially trained staff, use of camp facilities, and program supplies. Camp fees can be paid by cash, credit card, check or money order, or with Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains Cookie Bucks. Registrations are accepted with at least a $25 deposit for each session. For sessions not paid in full, the balance is due 14 days before the camp session’s start date.
Out of Council Girl Scouts Registered Girl Scouts from outside of Texas Oklahoma Plains’ jurisdiction are required to pay an additional $25 out of council fee to attend one of our camp sessions. These girls have the option to use their earned Cookie Bucks to pay for a session at any of our resident camps (pending approval from their home council). Please call the regional office for the camp you are interested in for more information. Cookie Bucks redeemed for camp fees may only be used for GS-TOP camps and are not transferable for other councils’ Girl Scout camps.
All Girls Are Welcome! All girls are welcome to attend our summer camp programs. If the camper is not currently a registered Girl Scout, an additional $12 membership fee needs to be included in addition to the resident camp registration form.
Cookie Bucks Use this formula to determine your balance:
Session Fee divided by Number of Days in Session = $ Cost per Day of Camp.
If sisters are registered Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains and have participated in the 2012 cookie sale, a one-time transfer of any number of cookie packages from one sister to another can be made.
For example, a $300, six day session would be $50 per day. If you apply 400 packages of cookies toward that camp session, you would owe two days, or $100. Cookie Bucks may not be used to pay the $25 deposit unless the entire camp fee is paid with Cookie Bucks.
Using Cookie Bucks for RESIDENT Camp: 100 packages = 1 day of resident camp 200 packages = 2 days of resident camp 300 packages = 3 days of resident camp 400 packages = 4 days of resident camp 500 packages = 5 days of resident or Adventure Day Camp* 600 packages = 6 days of resident camp 1300 packages = 13 days of resident camp *Adventure Day Camp in Amarillo region only
Using Cookie Bucks for HIGH ADVENTURE Trips: 200 packages = 1 day 400 packages = 2 days 600 packages = 3 days 800 packages = 4 days 1000 packages = 5 days 1200 packages = 6 days
Using STANDARD Cookie Bucks Rate (for select 1-Day and Weekend Adult & Me sessions):
Sister Cookie Bucks Transfer
115 packages = $10 175 packages = $20 260 packages = $30 335 packages = $40 425 packages = $50 575 packages = $70 800 packages = $100 1,000 packages = $150 1,500 packages = $200
For more information about using Cookie Bucks, please contact the Product Sales Staff in your area.
Registration Placement Begins April 1, 2012 Registrations may be sent in at any time. Placement will begin on April 1, 2012, for all registrations received prior to or on April 1. After this date registrations will be processed daily. Registrations may be sent in prior to April 1. Online registration opens April 1, 2012. Additional registrations will be accepted up to 7 days prior to the start date of a session provided a physical exam can be conducted and there is open space in the camp session. The camp fee will also need to be paid in full if registering within the 2 week deadline. Registration for Buddies Both registration forms must be submitted in the same envelope. If Buddy registration forms arrive together but one is incomplete, placement together cannot be guaranteed.
Complete the resident camp registration form, attach deposit or session fee and membership fee (if non-member), and mail or take it to the regional office for the selected camp. Separate registration forms must be submitted for each camper and each session. On each registration form indicate a first, second and third choice of sessions. Space is limited. Please send in your registration forms early. Registrations online cannot process credit for Cookie Bucks. Registrations redeeming Cookie Bucks either need to be mailed or faxed to the appropriate camp.
Attention Registrar Camp Kiwanis 6011 West 45th Avenue Amarillo, TX 79109 Fax: 806-356-0099 Attention Registrar Stevens Ranch or Camp Timberlake 4901 Briarhaven Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76109 Fax: 817-735-5305 Attention Registrar High Adventure Trips 2567 74th Street Lubbock, TX 79432 Fax: 806-748-0769
Session Confirmation During the initial placement process, it may take up to three weeks to receive the confirmation packet. Directions and more information about resident camp life will be included in the confirmation packet. Please do not call to ask about placement, as it slows down the placement process.
Session Cancellation Should Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains cancel a session for any reason, all registered participants will be notified, a full refund will be issued or you will have the opportunity to sign up for another available date. Reasons for cancellation may include inclement weather or lack of registration. Weather notification can be as late as 24 hours before the session is scheduled to begin.
Waiting Lists If your daughter cannot be placed from the choices listed on her registration form, she will be placed on a waiting list for the selected sessions. Participants will be notified if they are placed on a waiting list. If a girl is on the waiting list and cannot be placed, please refer to the cancellation/ refund policy.
Cancellation/Refund Policy Deposits are generally non-refundable. A full refund, including deposit, is made only if a camper cannot be placed in a program or if it is necessary to cancel the program. No refunds are granted to campers who do not show up for the camp session and who do not follow these procedures. Refunds will be issued if notification of cancellation is received at any of the Council’s Regional Offices at least 7 days prior to the event. No refunds will be issued if cancellation is made less than 7 days prior to event. This includes sessions paid for with Cookie Bucks. If you cancel within 7 days of the first day of a camp session a full refund, minus the deposit, will be made for medical reasons only. A written request for a refund, accompanied by a doctor’s statement, must be received within 30 days of the cancellation to receive a full refund. If the camp health supervisor or a physician sends a camper home for medical reasons, a refund will be made on a prorated basis, if requested. If a girl leaves camp early for any reason other than medical, no refund will be made. If a girl applies for, but does not receive financial assistance, and does not attend resident camp, a full refund (including Cookie Bucks) will be made.
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Financial Assistance Our goal for 2012 is not to turn any girl away from camp. We begin building support early in the year so we can actively recruit girls to participate in outdoor experience programs with the assurance that financial aid will be available. GS-TOP depends on the generosity of people like you, in whatever way you are able, to help us make the positive benefits of Girl Scouting available to families that just need a little help with the financial resources to enroll them.
We believe that all girls should have the opportunity to benefit from the lifechanging camp experience. We recognize that it may not be possible for all families to afford camp fees. Depending on available funding, a limited amount of financial assistance may be available to cover part, or all, of the camp fees for a single session of camp.
Applicants for financial assistance must be a registered Girl Scout in Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains. Please submit your financial assistance application and Please consider what your gift of funds registration form with $25 non-refundable might mean to a girl who has never been deposit to the regional office for the to camp and doesn’t think she can afford appropriate camp. Financial to go. Picture her leaping off assistance applications will be a dock into a lake for the processed on a first-come, first time, or hesitantly To give a girl the first-served basis. navigating the high amazing opportunity ropes of a challenge to go to camp visit course while her new gs-top.org/donate Girl Scout friends cheer below. Picture the smile on her face when she achieves something she never thought was possible for her, and her friends fling their arms around her in congratulations. Your gift can open up this world to a deserving girl who has the power inside her to discover the kind of person she wants to be.
All requests for financial assistance will receive a response. Each girl may have only one opportunity to use financial assistance per year.
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Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc. RESIDENT CAMP REGISTRATION FORM Use this form to register a camper in any resident camp session. Please use a separate form if planning to attend more than one session. You may make a copy of this form or download the form from the website at www.gs-top.org.
Last name:
School Grade Level in Fall:
Girl Scout level in Fall:
Camper is in the custodial care of (circle one):
Both Parents
Middle initial: State:
School Name:
Mother only
Birthdate: Troop #:
Non-GS Father only
Custodial parent/guardian name:
Primary Contact #:
Address (if different from above) :
Secondary Contact #:
E-Mail Address (for confirmations): Primary Contact #:
Second parent/guardian name: Emergency Contact:
Primary Contact #:
Secondary Contact #:
CAMP SESSION INFORMATION List sessions in the order of preference. First session choice:
Second session choice:
Third session choice:
Buddy choice: (if applicable) Please place my camper in the housing with: To ensure placement in the same session, mail or fax both registration forms and deposits together. Willing to stay in primative unit?:
Full payment or deposit must be included with registration or it will be returned as incomplete.
Session fee:
Girl Scout membership fee ($12) (if not a registered member of GSUSA)
Out of Council fee ($25)
Total Balance Due
Credit Card type: (circle one) VISA MC Discover Amex
Check enclosed payable to GS-TOP: Cookie Bucks applied ______ Boxes or _____ $
Charge my credit card this amount:
Credit Card number:
$ 25 per person, non-refundable deposit enclosed; OR If applying for a Financial Assistance - $25 non-refundable deposit enclosed PAYMENT IN FULL enclosed.
Exp. Date: Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s signature:
Send form with payment to: Stevens Ranch and Camp Timberlake
Camp Kiwanis
High Adventure
Registration Department 4901 Briarhaven Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109
Registration Department 6011 West 45th Avenue Amarillo, TX 79109
Registration Department 2567 74th Street Lubbock, TX 79423
Office Use only:
Session Placed
Session Fee:
Date Type
I give permission for my camper to attend and to participate in all phases of this program, including field trips, horseback riding and challenge course if applicable. I give permission to take photographs and/or video of my camper for publicity purposes. If my daughter is not already a registered Girl Scout, I give permission for her to be registered as a member of Girl Scouts of the USA. Custodial Adult/Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Date: _______________
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Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc. HORSES OF COURSE REGISTRATION FORM Use this form to register a camper for Horses of Course at Stevens Ranch. Please use a separate form if planning to attend more than one session. You may make a copy of this form or download the form from the website at www.gs-top.org.
Last name:
School Grade Level in Fall:
Girl Scout level in Fall:
Camper is in the custodial care of (circle one):
Middle initial: State:
School Name:
Birthdate: Troop #:
Non-GS Both Parents
Mother only
Father only
Custodial parent/guardian name:
Daytime Phone:
Address (if different from above) :
Cell Phone:
E-mail Address(for confirmation): Second parent/guardian name:
Daytime Phone:
Address (if different from above) :
Cell Phone:
EVENT INFORMATION - Please use this form for Horse of Course ONLY. List sessions in the order of preference. First session choice:
Second session choice:
Third session choice:
LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACT (other than custodial parent/guardian) Name:
Phone Number:
Any specific transportation arrangements:
Session fee: Girl Scout membership fee ($12) (if not a registered member of GSUSA) Total Balance Due
Full payment must be included with registration or it will be returned as incomplete.
Check enclosed payable to GS-TOP:
Camp Bucks enclosed ( for girl portion only) Charge my credit card this amount: Credit Card type: VISA MC Dis Amex
$ $ $
Credit Card number: Send form with payment to: Registraion Department 4901 Briarhaven Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109 * Cookie Buck Camp Value does not apply to day events
Exp. Date: Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s signature: Office Use only:
Camp Bucks
I give permission for my camper to attend and to participate in all phases of this program, including field trips, horseback riding and challenge course if applicable. I give permission to take photographs and/or video of my camper for publicity purposes. If my daughter is not already a registered Girl Scout, I give permission for her to be registered as a member of Girl Scouts of the USA. Custodial Parent/Legal Guardian signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _______________
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Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc. ADULT AND ME CAMP REGISTRATION FORM Use this form to register for an Adult and Me Camp session. Please use a separate form if planning to attend more than one session. You may make a copy of this form or download the form from the website at www.gs-top.org. PRIMARY CONTACT FOR REQUESTED ADULT AND ME CAMP SESSION - ADULT PARTICIPANT First name:
Last name:
Mailing address:
Daytime phone:
Evening phone:
Middle initial: State:
E-mail address:(for confirmations)
Troop #:
CAMP PARTICIPANTS (All names are required at the time of registration. Attach a separate sheet if more space needed.) NAME - Last, First, M.I.
Grade in Fall
Dietary Restrictions or Medical Concerns
Home phone
I understand that by registering my camper I give permission for the above listed camper(s) to attend camp and participate in all activities unless otherwise indicated above. I agree to cooperate with all regulations including refund of camp fees. I give permission for my camper(s) to be photographed and/or videotaped for publicity purposes. I understand that all girls ages 5-17 need to be registered Girl Scouts in order to attend these events. I have enclosed an additional $12 member registration fee for each girl that is not currently registered and give permission to register each of these girls,
Primary Contact Signature:
Send form with payment to: CAMP SESSION INFORMATION List sessions in the order of preference.
Camp Kiwanis
Stevens Ranch and Camp Timberlake
Registration Department 6011 West 45th Avenue Amarillo, TX 79109
Registration Department 4901 Briarhaven Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109
First session choice:
Second session choice:
Third session choice:
Session fee $_____ x _____ # of girls:
Session fee $_____ x _____ # of adults:
Girl Scout membership fee if not a registered member of GSUSA include $12 non-refundable fee times # of girls
Full payment must be included with registration or it will be returned as incomplete.
Check enclosed payable to GS-TOP: Cookie Bucks applied (girl portion only) Charge my credit card this amount: Credit Card type: VISA MC Dis Amex
$ $ $ $
Credit Card number: Exp. Date: Total Balance Due
Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s signature: Office Use only:
Cookie Bucks:
I give permission for my camper/troop to attend and to participate in all phases of this program provided. I give permission to take photographs and/or video of my camper for publicity purposes. Custodial Adult/Legal Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _______________
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Instructions for Completing the Financial Assistance Application All sections applicable to your request are required on the reverse side. This form may be completed by a parent/guardian, a Girl Scout volunteer (such as a troop leader, or service unit manager), or a council staff member. Completed and signed applications must be received in the Fort Worth office at least 30 days before the assistance is needed. No refunds for programs already attended will be granted. The form can be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed to the Fort Worth office, although in order for financial assistance information to remain confidential, mailing the application is preferred. Please note: 1.
Financial assistance is based on financial need and the application should reflect that need.
2. Financial assistance is limited; however, the council makes every effort to provide enough support so that no Girl Scout in Texas Oklahoma Plains is denied participation due to lack of funds. If you have any questions, please call 817-737-7272 or 800-582-7272. INSTRUCTIONS: Please be sure to check the girl or adult box to ensure appropriate processing of application. SECTION I: This section is to be completed for all applications. In the instance of an adult applying for an adult learning opportunity, there may be no troop number and those lines may be left blank. The grade level boxes can be checked for adult applicants, indicating the grade level of girls you volunteer with. The service unit name should be filled in. Juliette Girl Scout parents can use zeros for the troop number, write “Juliette” for troop leader and use the name of their nearest school if they do not know their Service Unit. SECTION II: Household income helps determine the need for financial assistance. SECTION III: This section is used when requesting uniform components and program materials. If request is granted, a voucher will be mailed to you to be used to obtain items from a council shop. SECTION IV: This section is used when requesting assistance to attend a council event. Assistance granted will be applied to the event fee. Amount granted will be included in the confirmation notice. SECTION V: This section is used when adults are requesting assistance to attend an adult learning opportunity offered by the council. Notification of assistance will be e-mailed or mailed within two weeks of receipt of application. NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DUES: To request assistance for these dues, use the form entitled “Request for Girl Scout National Membership Dues.” A gift to the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains Annual Campaign ensures financial assistance is available for every girl or adult who needs help to participate in Girl Scouting. (over) 2012dc
Financial Assistance Application
(Do not use this form to request assistance for National Membership Dues) Please use blue or black ink pen. This form may be photocopied. To maintain confidentiality, put application in an envelope and mark it: Confidential; Attention: Financial Assistance, and forward to Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, as instructed in “F”. NOTE • In order to remove financial barriers to participation in Girl Scouts, limited funds are available to cover some expenses. • Requests are reviewed on an individual basis. • Financial assistance cannot be granted for troop activities. Troops are expected to budget for troop activities, outings, and other needs in their troop treasuries. • This financial assistance request DOES NOT register the applicant for any event/learning opportunity. This request must be attached to the appropriate event/learning opportunity registration form. • The council does not reimburse funds already spent. How to apply for financial assistance A. All CURRENTLY registered girl and adult members are eligible to receive financial assistance. B. A parent, troop leader or other adult may make a request. C. Use one application per recipient. D. Allow two weeks to process. E. Refer to the Financial Assistance Guidelines on the reverse side of this form for more information. F. Complete form and return to: Attn: Financial Assistance Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc. 4901 Briarhaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76109-4499 or Fax: 817-732-1261
Applicant’s name: Girl
Troop #
Check if non-troop affiliated
Service Unit:
Address: City:
Grade Level: Senior
New Member
Adult - Position:
Returning Member Years in Girl Scouting:
Participated in most recent council product sale: Yes
Amount of Cookie Bucks earned: $ Name of Person completing application: Position:
Requestor’s signature:
II. Estimated Household Income: Under $15,000
$15, 000 - $25, 000
$35,000 – 45,000
$25 ,000 - $35,000
$45, 000 - $55, 000
$55,000 or more
Number of individuals supported by this income: Number of dependents living at home: Has any financial assistance been granted this year? No Why is financial assistance needed?
Total Cost: $
Office use Only Date received: Amount approved:$
IV. Program: Fees for council-sponsored events, day camp, or resident camp. Assistance will be granted to cover a partial or full amount of the event fee. Attach event registration form.
Office use Only Amount approved:$
Event Name:
Acct. code:
Event Fee: $
Event Date: Amount Requested: $
V. Adult Learning Opportunities: Includes council-sponsored learning opportunities. Attach learning opportunities registration form.
Office use Only Amount approved:$
Course Name:
Acct. code:
Course Fee: $
If yes, please state amount $
III. Uniform Components, Insignia and Printed Materials: Materials needed:
Course Date: Amount Requested: $
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Now You Can Create “Summerat-aGlance” Digitally Online
Organization U.S. Postage
4901 Briarhaven Road Fort Worth, Texas 76109 800-582-7272 • 817-737-7272 www.gs-top.org www.facebook.com/GirlScoutsTOP
Permit No. 2277 Fort Worth, TX
Printed on recycled paper Girl Scouts is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization. For more information on how you can support our mission through outright gifts, professional goods or services, please call 800-582-7272 or visit www.gs-top.org
Check out our website – you can filter the events calendar to create an always up-todate Summer-at-a-Glance, and it can be customized just for you. • Visit www.gs-top.org/events where you can filter your search by camp type, region, or grade level.
• Online registration for resident camp opens April 1, 2012.
PLEASE NOTE: Registrations online cannot process
credit for Cookie Bucks. Registrations redeeming Cookie Bucks either need to be mailed or faxed to the appropriate camp registrar. (See page 36 - Registration Information) Registrations may be mailed or faxed at any time prior to April 1. Placement will begin on April 1, 2012, for all registrations received prior to or on April 1. After this date registrations will be processed daily.
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• Add sessions to your print list and create your own Summer-at-a-Glance list of sessions you’re interested in. It even saves your print list as a PDF that you can email and save to your desktop.