Girl Scouts Voices Count 2022

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82% want to engage in science activities 87% want to engage in outdoor activities 96% want to take eld trips in their community

81% want to take Girl Scout trips 86% want to tackle a community service or Take Action project

Impact of Girl Scouting when it comes to how Girl Scouts view school:

98% of Girl Scouts care about doing well in school.

99% will try to learn more when something interests them.

96% will work hard in school.

“Girl Scouts is a fun place because I get to do activities with other girls (I have brothers at home!).”

“Girl Scouts is fun because you get to play and make creative stuff like a picture and a long fun chain.”

Why they chose Girl Scouts for their
77% to gain positive value 76% to
try new things 74%
Coming out of the
satisfaction in Girl Scouts increased 21% with
Field trips 94% Life Skills 94% Sisterhood 98% Cookie Pro 91% Earning Badges/Patches 91%
become more open and
to help
gain con dence
Troop Leaders.
Troop Leaders view as nice to have/need to have in Girl Scouts: “I just love the girls! I have so enjoyed the girls coming out of their shells and seeing natural leadership skills blossom. It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.”
Troop Leader

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