Go Smart
掌握洞見 Gain Insight & Get Product to Market Faster 將產品更快推出市場 In today’s fast-changing world, the ability to harness data are instrumental for companies to respond to market changes, consumer expectations and business partners’ needs. Advancement of technologies like IoT, sensors, AI, video analytics, enables companies to harvest more data, and by turning those data into actionable insights, businesses are able to track-and-trace products along the supply chain, roll-out products at the right place and time, and thus better predict its profitability and inventory needs.
在當今瞬息萬變的世界中,深耕數據的能力都非常重要,有助公司回 應市場變化、滿足消費者期望和業務夥伴的需求。隨著物聯網、傳感 器、人工智能、視頻分析等科技的進步,企業能夠收集更多數據,並轉 化為可以付諸行動的洞察力,企業便能夠在供應鏈上追蹤追溯產品,在 適時適候推出產品,並可更準確地預測其盈利能力和庫存需求。
In this section, we introduce cases which have adopted GS1 Hong Kong visibility platform, acquired practical skills through tailor-made training or get its solution certified to increase their data visibility, connectivity and speed-to-market.
在本節中,我們將介紹各機構如何採用香港貨品編碼協會(GS1 HK) 的可視化平台、在度身訂造的培訓中學會實踐技巧、或獲得方案認證, 去提高其數據能見度、聯通性和產品上市速度。
An end-to-end cloud-based visibility platform that allows enterprises to uniquely identify, capture, and share real-time data about movement of a particular product from source to destination, providing visibility of information along the supply chain.
是個點對點的雲端追溯平台,可以清晰地呈現整條供應鏈的資訊,讓企 業可以識別、擷取及分享特定產品的實時資訊及流向,由來源地至目的 地的相關資訊都一應俱全。