Next steps ~ gsccconnect

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A NEW BELIEVERS GUIDE Connecting with God… Connecting with each other… Connecting with those separated from God.


CONNECT WITH JESUS You’ve heard about Him… maybe even read about Him… perhaps you’ve even bumped into Him from time to time… but have you connected with Jesus? In other words… do you KNOW Him? This section of our site is geared specifically toward the most important decision you will ever make – surrendering your life to JESUS! Through these next few pages we will provide you with some easy-to-follow steps in case you’d like to get to know Him more (which we’re thinking you’re going to want to do after you meet Him!) So let’s get to it! Just continue to read below and prepare yourself to meet the most incredible man in the whole universe….JESUS! ______________________________________________________________________ THE STORY OF A MAN NAMED JESUS Over 2,000 years ago, the most controversial figure in history, Jesus Christ, was born in a manger. Though He came into the world in a humble way, that small baby was God’s answer to humanity’s desperate need for salvation. Condemned by our sin, we were separated from God and cut off from the richness of His grace, mercy and love. Because of His great love for us, God wrapped Himself in humanity and came to earth as a simple man – Jesus. He lived and dwelt amongst us and eventually sacrificed Himself all because of His great love for us. The cost of our sin was His life, and He gave it that we might receive salvation through Him and be restored to Father God. John 3:16 declares, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus became the bridge between mankind and God so that we could connect and have a relationship with the Father. He is our Savior, our healer, our friend, our EVERYTHING. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He came in our weaknesses and became our Strength, in our sickness He is our Healer, and in our pain He became our deliverer offering us freedom, peace, power and purpose. Jesus is more than an historical figure or a great teacher who once lived. He conquered death so that we might live an extraordinary life. We don’t have to earn His love and salvation, it’s a free gift available to all who will believe. Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us. All we have to do is receive this gift by faith and come to Him just the way we are.


JESUS…OUR FRIEND Friends may let you down, but Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than any other. He desires that you would know Him and talk to Him as you would your very best friend. Jesus will never condemn you. In John 8:11, He says “I don’t condemn you. Go and sin no more.” Jesus’ promise to you is that He will never throw rocks at you because He is a true friend and is not against you. Though life’s circumstances may make you feel like He is, our prayer at Good Shepherd Community Church is that His word and prayer will help your thoughts to change today. Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life. John 14:6 says “No one can come to the Father except through me.” To be able to have a relationship with the Father, we must first know, accept and surrender out lives to Jesus. He is our living, breathing Messiah and wants to walk with you each day as your Savior and your friend. Sin cut us off from God. But because He loved us so much, God sent us His only Son to bring us back into intimate fellowship with Him. No lines. No waiting. No experience necessary. No password needed. Complete 24/7 access to all He has for us. JESUS…OUR HEALER Jesus is our Savior, but He’s also our HEALER. 1 Peter 2:24 says that, “He bore our sins on the cross and by His stripes we are healed.” Jesus wants us to be whole in our spirit and healthy in our mind, emotions, and physical body. He wants you at your very best! According to Matthew 4:23, Jesus went around preaching the good news, teaching the word of God, and healing every sickness and disease among the people. Everywhere He went He touched suffering humanity and made them whole. Here’s the awesome part – healing isn’t just for people in the Bible. It’s for believers today. Yes, you! Jesus wants to heal you in any and every way you may be hurting. There is nothing too hard for Him to repair. THE SCRIPTURES TESTIFY 1 Peter 2:24 – “He bore our sins on the cross and by his stripes we are healed.” Matthew 4:23 – He majored in 3 things: preaching the good news, teaching the word of God, and healing every sickness and disease among the people. Everywhere He went, He touched suffering people and healed them. Luke 4:18 – “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…” Why was He anointed? To deliver the oppressed. Jesus wants us to be whole in our salvation and He wants to heal us in every way we hurt. Mark 16:18, Jesus commissioned us to “lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” – that’s why we pray for the sick and hurting in every service.


At Good Shepherd Community Church, we want for you to know Jesus in every possible way. By connecting to our services, reading the Bible, getting involved in Connect Groups and serving His people, we know that He will reveal Himself to you in such a way that your natural world will be supernaturally changed by Him. So now that you know a little more about Jesus, will you accept and surrender your life to Him? I WANT TO ACCEPT JESUS AS MY LORD & SAVIOR NOW! The story of redemption is the story of a just and loving God calling lost and rebellious creatures back to Himself. He began writing this glorious narrative of His goodness and grace before time began. We urge you to explore this story further. In the beginning, God created this world for His glory, and it was good and peaceful and offered us the opportunity of everlasting fellowship with Him. However, as Genesis 3 tells us, things went wrong. Because of man’s disobedience, we fell from this amicable state. Sin entered our hearts, and the world became twisted and fractured. The harmonious peace that creation once enjoyed was damaged and fell in disrepair.Since that time, God has patiently and purposefully continued the story of redemption. God sent His only Son, Jesus, who came and lived a perfect, sinless life and offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sin on the cross. Jesus endured God’s wrath and paid the ultimate price for sin. Although it was a dark and horrendous moment of suffering and death, a spirit of peace, beauty, and hope burst forth as Christ rose three days later from the grave. That which was broken God restored through his Son.Through Jesus Christ, we are offered restoration and reconciliation. God takes what is broken and makes it new. He invites His children into relationship with Himself and into the newness of life found in Jesus. What God starts He will bring to completion, and we pray that you would be woven into the narrative. If you feel Jesus inviting you into this story – into restored relationship with Him – turn to Him in repentance. Put your trust in Him and the work He accomplished on the cross. Believe in His power to redeem and save you. If you want to accept and surrender your life to Jesus as your Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord - we invite you to pray this prayer with us: “Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and that you gave your life that I would live eternally. Cleanse me and forgive forgive my sins, make me new and come into my heart today Jesus. Take this life and make it new, lead me in your ways and show me the purpose you have for me. I love you Jesus, and I thank you for first loving me. I want you to be the Lord of my life, savior of my soul, and my help in times of triumph and trouble. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I may be led into all truth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. At GSCC we define our Counseling and Freedom as the ability to respond fully to God out of who He created and redeemed us to be. GSCC offers an adult counseling and freedom ministry for those who are involved at Good Shepherd Community Church. If you have any questions, please email contact the Pastoral Offices we will be glad to help. Call 956-350-8282.


___________________________________________________________________________ I WANT TO FOLLOW JESUS AND I WANT TO START…NOW! JESUS FOLLOWER Congratulations! We’re thrilled that you have taken the step of faith to believe in Jesus and trust your life to him. You probably have some questions about what this means and where to go from here. That’s what this site is all about: starting points for your journey with Jesus Christ. On each page, you’ll find a helpful message, a place to connect with us, and resources to help you take your next steps in following Jesus. Our prayer is that we can help you grow in your relationship with Jesus as you embrace God’s purpose and plan for your life! FOLLOWING JESUS When people encounter the saving power of Jesus in their lives, their worlds radically change. It’s like being able to see things in color for the first time. You’ve encountered and connected with the Savior of the World. Following Him will mean a new way of thinking, acting, and living. Jesus is going somewhere and He’s asking you to come with Him. Publicly proclaiming Jesus as Lord is still not the same as following Jesus. He said in Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me `Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I tell you?” Following Jesus is about listening and doing. It is about putting into practice the things that Jesus taught. It is about a lifestyle of peace and love that sets one apart from others. There are a lot of people who LIKE Jesus. Lots of people believe in Jesus. They just love Him to pieces. They worship and adore Him. They praise His name. They invite Him into their hearts and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. They like the benefits of knowing Jesus. They want access to all the promises and gifts that He makes available to them. But not many people are willing to surrender and follow Him.


Twitter gets modern day credit for the term “follow” but Jesus was the originator of the concept “follow me.” If you’re used to simply clicking the follow button on twitter and feeling good about getting updates from various celebrities and leaders, prepare yourself for something a little more in depth when it comes to following Jesus. Entering into the world of Jesus is similar to twitter’s clicking of the “follow” button. You prayed a prayer full of faith and it gave you access to the world of Jesus. He made all things new in your life just like that! You didn’t earn it or deserve it. You simply asked and He already decided to say “yes.” When you decide to follow Jesus, it’s so much more than signing up for timed updates, you are signing up for a life long journey. Jesus knew that we’d have questions, that we’d want to know more about His world. He knew we would need a roadmap. So He left us His thoughts, His commands, and His perspective in a book that we call The Bible. Every time you open the bible and read the words of Jesus, you are getting real-time updates into His world. His voice isn’t something that you ever want to block or mute from your life. When you follow, someone else is deciding the direction, the pace, the scenery, and the destination. Jesus is our Savior. He’s also a King – The Lord of Lords. He’s the Author and Finisher of our faith. Following Jesus means committing your life to Him. You’re trusting Him to navigate every area of your life. After all, He IS the best possible guide to the abundant life God has planned for you. Following Jesus is a day-by-day journey, which includes relying on Him to lead the way. Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come that you might find life, and life more abundantly.” GET READY FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFE TIME! I WANT TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN FOLLOWING JESUS So you know that you KNOW Jesus… whats next? We’ve put together some incredibly practical steps for you to kick off what is sure to be the best journey of your life! Here you will find great resources for finding a church, reading a Bible, the basics of prayer, and helpful insight into baptism. “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” – James 4:8 We believe that these first steps will prove to be foundational for the rest of your walk with JESUS. Grab some snacks, invite some friends to come along and enjoy the journey of a lifetime! I WANT TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP NOW


GET PLANTED Psalm 92 “Those who are planted in the House of God will flourish in the courts of the King.” God’s approach for bringing people to Himself has always involved the people of God. Jesus called this community of believers “The Church”. When we come together in one place, with one heart, and one goal – to lift up Jesus – “Church” is officially in session! At Good Shepherd Community Church we have one rule: no perfect people allowed. So, one of the greatest things we have in common is that we were all sinners saved by Grace, we were in desperate need of a Savior! After salvation we stand as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! TO “PLANT” OR NOT TO PLANT…THAT IS THE QUESTION… Finding a church you can connect with and commit to is vital to experiencing the fullness of Jesus in your life. Why? Because the Bible not only expresses that being planted in your church will cause you to flourish in your everyday life, but that commitment to “the church” will give you an opportunity to see and support what Jesus is doing in the lives of other people involved in your community of believers. “I will build my Church…and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” – Jesus

Good Shepherd Community Church has HUGE heart for children of all ages. It is our desire to come alongside families to encourage children in developing a personal relationship with God at an early age, serving as a strong foundation for their lives.


The vision and purpose of The Core Student Ministries is to raise up a generation of young people who understand their value in the kingdom of God and are equipped to spread the news of the gospel as they step into the p u r p o s e and the calling that God has chosen them to fulfill.

We are creating a gathering place for a diverse, dynamic mix of high school graduates, college students and 20-somethings who desire to engage in heartfelt worship, compelling teaching, and fervent prayer.

FINDING “THE ONE” Consider this: If receiving salvation is moving to a new neighborhood…then finding a Church home is discovering your new place of living…your address. Its where you feel the most comfortable, where you invite you friends over, and where you house your most precious possessions… Just like shopping for a new home takes time and special consideration, we encourage you to invest the same kind of time and effort into looking for your new church. Visit churches in your area, attend a service or two, understand each church’s vision and beliefs, and take time to pray about where God would like for you to “settle down” and get PLANTED. GOD’S COMMUNITY The Bible shows us that God created us with the desire to connect with other people. After God made Adam, the first man, He said, “it is not good that the man should be alone” Genesis 2:18. God then made Eve as the answer to Adam’s loneliness. Just like Adam needed Eve as a companion and help-mate to tend to the Garden of Eden, we need each other to help us with the struggles that crop up in our own lives.


One of the most fulfilling parts of becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is being part of a supportive community of believers. The Bible says that as followers of Jesus, we are part of ONE body, made up of different but equal parts (1 Corinthians 12). Just like a body uses its various limbs to carry out its duties, the Church and its members thrive when everyone plays an active role in the prosperity and continuity of that community. At Good Shepherd Community Church, we believe that true spiritual growth and discipleship occur when people connect and become planted. If you see a need, then meet the need. Experience the fullness of what God has to offer you by being proactive in your church approach! Instead of sitting on the sidelines, get involved in the game and watch as God transforms your life. ___________________________________________________________________________ MAKING GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY CHURCH, YOUR CHURCH Getting planted at Good Shepherd Community Church is easy. We don’t require a membership test, a dress code, or a religious attitude. All you need is a desire to connect and belong. We are a diverse and welcoming community, filled with real people going through the same things you are. Whether you are a family or single parent looking for a supportive community or a college student looking for a church home, there is a place here for you. At Good Shepherd Community Church, you become a partner united and planted when you engage in these four keys: •

Give – you bring God your tithe faithfully and live a generous life of giving

Serve – you actively serve on a Good Shepherd Community Church team

Bring – you regularly invite and bring new people to Church excited to reach people far from God

Belong – you “do life” with us by participating in a Connect Group

The best part? you don’t have to wait to get your roots into what God is doing right here in the RGV, in fact – we’ve placed everything you need to make Good Shepherd Community Church your new home on our website. From joining one of our many Connect groups that meet weekly in various locations around the city and joining a Servant Leadership Team that serves in our weekend celebration services to bringing your tithe and giving offerings and inviting someone to church by simply sharing the link on your Facebook and Twitter or other social media – Getting PLANTED is just a click away. READ THE WORD The Bible beyond the most published book of all generations, is the primary authority for what we believe, a history of faith and truth, a library of God’s story with us, and a roadmap for the abundant life and plan that the creator of the Universe has paved for us. It shows us how Jesus wants us to live and love others.


Most importantly the Bible is God’s love letter to you.The most amazing thing about this about this letter from God is that it’s a living document. In the book of Hebrews 4:12 it says “For the word of God is alive and powerful.” It’s not just words on a page. It carries with it, the power of God to work inside you and begin to change you from the inside out. Every time you read it, God can speak to you in a new and different way.The idea of reading the bible on your own might seem intimidating, but there’s really no wrong way to study it. You can read anything that’s going to help you. If you’re dealing with anger or fear, flip to the back of your Bible’s concordance and locate those words to see which scriptures talk about those things. The most important thing is that you read it. Here are four tips to help you get started. SET ASIDE TIME Just like you make an appointment to see a doctor for a check-up, make an appointment to spend time studying God’s word. Many people at Good Shepherd Community Church spend time with God’s word in the mornings, but if that doesn’t work for you, find a time that does… even if it’s not every day. If you just start reading, you will see the benefits that regular bible study can bring to your life! GET AWAY In the Bible, many of God’s most faithful servants had to get away from the distractions of their every day lives to a still and quiet place before they could hear important revelation and instruction from God. Nowadays, we don’t have to go to a mountain top like Moses did to hear from Him, but you should have a space in your home where you can be alone to study God’s word. TAKE NOTES At Good Shepherd Community Church we encourage our partners to take notes. Whether it’s a journal you write in daily or a word document on your computer, you should have a space dedicated for taking notes on the bible. Taking notes on the passages you are reading will not only help you retain the information you are learning, it will become a reference you can refer back to when you need insight from God. PREPARE YOUR HEART In Ephesians, apostle Paul tells us that when we open the “eyes of our heart” we gain insight into the person and place God has called us to be (Ephesians 1:18). It’s not always easy, but when you have an open heart to God’s word, you give him an opening to transform your life. Before you start reading His word, talk to God about things you may need to confess. This way you enter your study time in the best position to receive revelation from God. PRAYER Prayer is simply having conversations with God about the good, the hard, the ugly, and the promising. As in in any relationship talking to each other and healthy communication is key. When we need an ear to listen, it’s so easy to go to a friend or family member. However, a lot of times, we walk away from these conversations without the comfort that we are seeking. As


we talk with God, he speaks into our hearts, reveals his truth to us, and draws us closer to him. He wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. The only way God can do that is if your open your mind, heart, and spirit to Him in prayer. Let Him into those deep, dark places that even you don’t want to visit. When you begin to give God complete access, that’s when He can come in and speak to you and give you a peace that surpasses all understanding in every aspect of your life (Philippians 4:7). Intro to Prayer 101 There is a basic model for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. If you are new to prayer and are not sure what to say, you can start with this one if you like. When we say, “Amen” at the end of a prayer, it means, “So be it.” It’s a simple statement of faith that says we believe in the truth and love of God revealed through prayer. But guess what? This is not the only way to pray! Just begin talking to God like you would to a friend or close relative…spill your guts. God will not be embarrassed by your most outrageous experiences nor will He wag His finger at your bad decisions. Trust us…He’s heard it all! Ecclesiastes 1:9 says “…there is nothing new under the sun.” He wants to hear from you. So as you begin to understand about prayer, our prayer, is that through talking with God, you will continue to grow in the faith and love of Jesus. Amen. BE BAPTIZED Now that you have taken the life-changing step of accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior, He asks that you take another big one and get Baptized. Baptism is like a wedding ring – it´s your chance to publicly express the commitment you have already made in your heart. As a new Christian, it might seem intimidating at first to share with a crowd full of strangers the intimate moment you had with Jesus, but members of Good Shepherd Community Church will be there to support you every step of the way. In fact, we can start right now with some answers to a few questions you might have. HOW DOES BAPTISM WORK? The Book of Romans says that when we go under the water, we identify with Christ who went into the grave, and when we come out of the water, we identify with His resurrection. Whether


you’re dipped in a pool of water in our auditorium or submerged into Lake Michigan’s tepid waters, the Baptism process symbolizes what has already happened to you spiritually. Your old identity as a sinner is gone, and you rise a new creature in Christ. WHO IS A BELIEVER? First, believers are those who realize that their sins have separated them from God (Romans 3:23). Next, he or she realizes that God loved them much, that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for their sins, so that they might have eternal life with God (John 3:16). Finally, a believer has prayed a prayer to Jesus, accepting God’s gift of salvation wholeheartedly (Romans 10:9-10). If you have come to this point in your spiritual journey, then you are ready to be baptized. ARE BABIES BAPTIZED? Good Shepherd Community Church offers parents and families the opportunity to participate in a baby dedication ceremony. For this special and historic occasion, Pastors Richard and Sandra pray and dedicate the infant/child to the Lord during one of our weekend worship experiences. Then, we as a church pray that God would protect, provide for, guide, and bless the young one. AM I SPIRITUALLY READY FOR BAPTISM? If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are ready to be baptized. Once someone professes faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, the Bible says they should proclaim this decision publicly. MORE BIBLE VERSES ON BAPTISM “When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun!” —2 Corinthians 5:17 “By our baptism then, we were buried with Him and shared His death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead… so also we may live a new life!” —Romans. 6:4 “For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ.” Colossians 2:12 GIVE YOUR LIFE AWAY You’re getting to know Jesus, you’ve taken those life-changing “first steps”, and now a faith monster has been created! You just can’t get enough of JESUS! We don’t blame you…He’s pretty awesome :) With your newly firm foundation, this section of the site will walk you through the building blocks for experiencing a closer relationship with Jesus as well the practicals for a mature faith


walk in every day life. You’ll get an up-close and personal look at the 4 KEY GRIPS that are actively engaged in the lives of those who call Good Shepherd Community Church HOME. Let the building begin! I WANT TO LEARN TO GIVE MY LIFE AWAY GIVE When we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that He will continue to provide for us. As a new Believer, one of the greatest joys you will encounter will be the power of GIVING to the work of ministry to see the Kingdom of God established on the earth. Whether you are giving of your time, your talent, or treasure…the Bible shares many principles of giving with us that when applied rip the door of life’s limitations of our lives! The Tithe: The word, “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. A tithe is the first 10% of your income. Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty,“and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” This is the only verse in scripture where God directly challenges us to test Him and see the floodgates of Heaven thrown open with overflowing blessings.The word tithe is derived from Hebrew and literally means “a tenth” or 10%. So, give 10% of your gross income and He will bless you. But as with all things in scripture, blessing comes only after our obedience or step of faith. Offerings: An offering is anything you give above and beyond the 10%. SERVE “IF YOU WANT TO BE GREAT, LEARN TO SERVE …” – JESUS At Good Shepherd Community Church we believe in the power and privilege of SERVING in God’s Kingdom. In a world just hitting 7 billion people … its apparent that apart we can do very little, but united together, as one, we can accomplish GREAT things for God. TAKE YOUR PLACE Across the earth, there’s only one YOU. Packed in YOU are gifts, desires, talents and purposes that are incomparable to any other. Maybe you know where you


“fit” … maybe you have NO IDEA … in either case, rest assured everything you need for the map of life is IN THE HOUSE. We constantly receive stories of individuals who started serving in the Church and by investing their time and talent in God’s House have now opened businesses and cultivated NEW facets about themselves that they could have never imagined present. No matter your collection of skills, quality of background or personal vision – you can be SURE that God has a PLACE for you in His House … TAKE YOUR PLACE. THE POWER OF SERVING OTHERS We are a church that is all about connecting with God, who is all about us connecting with each other in order that we can connect with those separated from Him. Beyond inheriting eternal life and having an intimate up-close and personal relationship with Jesus – as believers we get the privilege and power to make a difference in the lives of others every single day. At Good Shepherd Community Church, we dare to say that God didn’t design ministry for just a few people but rather that every member of our church is a minister. Serve and become a fulltime minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by simply seeing needs and meeting them. Our Pastor (Pastor Richard Hinojosa) teaches that the ministry of JESUS could be summed up in 4 simple words … “Give your life away”. In other words, somebody SERVE somebody! “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” – 1 John 3:16-17 JESUS … THE ULTIMATE SERVANT Jesus came to serve. “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (verse 26). Jesus shows us what the Father is like (John 14:9) — not just what he was like over 2,000 years ago, but what He is like all the time. True greatness is not in power, but in service. God sets the example. The meaning of life is not in having authority over others, but in helping and giving to His greatest love …His people. That is the only way that eternal life is going to be enjoyable for everyone. Jesus set many examples of service. A special one happened the evening before his crucifixion. He got down and washed the 12 disciples’ feet as a lesson in humility and service. “I have set you an example,” he said, “that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15). Don’t consider yourself too important to kneel down and help somebody. Leaders in the church should be servants. Paul said that we should “serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13). “Carry each other’s burdens,” he wrote, “and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). If you want to be like Jesus, get involved in His work and begin giving your life away!


GET CONNECTED At Good Shepherd Community Church we “do life together”. Whether its connecting during a weekend worship experience and going out to eat afterward with a new crowd or serving during the week and sharing the latest prayer requests, at GSCC it’s easy to find out that no matter what your background is, you BELONG. If your desire is to get closer to JESUS, staying connected to faith-sharing believers is a must. We serve and love a relational God, so at GSCC relationships are how we DO Church! Not sure what it means to “do life together”? Here are just a few examples: FORCED FELLOWSHIP As someone new to Good Shepherd Community Church , it can be difficult to begin building relationships with other people in the church. That’s why each Sunday, we take time in our service to do what we call “forced fellowship”. For roughly four minutes, people (even those who are shy) are encouraged to introduce themselves to those around them. For your enjoyment, our host team serves water and snacks while you chat and get to know your fellow Good Shepherd Community Church members. ASK FOR PRAYER God wants to be in an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to bring your questions, problems, and desires to him. As you look to God to help you tackle the issues in your life, don’t be afraid to ask others at Good Shepherd Community Church to pray for you, too. Not only will you have multiple people praying to God on your behalf, but you’ll also find great support amongst your new friends! DISCOVER NEW RELATIONSHIPS The Bible says we should build relationships with people who are like-minded (2 Corinthians 2:14). At Good Shepherd Community Church, you’ll find a diverse community of people with one common three-part desire: to reach people far from God, build the Church, and change the world. CCC is a great place to find people and build personal and professional relationships that can extend beyond the four walls of our church. JOIN A CONECT GROUP Life is meant to be shared. After all, GOD said that “it is not good for man to be alone”! Real fellowship is much more than just showing up at services. It is experiencing, or rather “doing life together”. This means unselfish loving, honest sharing, practical serving, sacrificial giving, sympathetic comforting, and more “one another” experiences. That’s why at Good Shepherd Community Church , we encourage you to get into a LIFE group. We offer various affinity small groups – couples’, singles’, workplace, men’s, women’s, etc. No matter where you are in life, there’s something for everybody! “For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20 NIV)


JOIN A CONNECT GROUP: BRING BE A CONNECTER At Good Shepherd Community Church we believe in the power of CONNECTER someone to an atmosphere where Jesus is preached and lives are changed and transformed! In fact, it is a core part of who we are. Jesus is too good to keep to ourselves, so we want everyone to experience and encounter HIM. As Christians, it is up to us to minister and reach those far from God. What better way to do that than to bring them into His HOUSE? CONNECTER 101 Being a connecter does not have to be awkward or uncomfortable. There is no need to prepare a speech and rehearse lines. No need to alter your personality in an a attempt to execute an invite successfully. The best way you can be a connecter is by being yourself. A nice greeting, casual conversation, and invite will be all you’ll need. Start off with your close friends, family, coworkers, and schoolmates. Jesus said, “GO, preach the Gospel and make disciples of all…” From our regular weekend services and nights of worship, to the weekly Connect groups and rally weeks, there is something for everyone at GSCC! JESUS AT THE CENTER While we are connecting, we should never lose sight of who we are an advocate for – JESUS! We are ministers of the GOSPEL and spreading the word of GOD. As believers, we realize that it is not in our power to ultimately save people, but God uses us as His vessel for HIS church. We do all that we can do, then JESUS steps in to do what ONLY HE can do! With that in mind,


we strive to provide every device possible for you to be a connecter. So, whether you give out a cool card from your handy Good Shepherd Community Church “Welcome Handout” or direct them to this website, take heart and REMEMBER it’s all about getting people closer to JESUS. WELCOMED ~ VALUED ~ CARED FOR Good Shepherd Community Church is a lot of things, but one thing is for sure – in spreading the WORD and BUILDING relationships, we are not timid about our love for people. We want each person to feel welcomed, valued and cared for each and every time the come to church. So be audacious, be bold, be yourself…and whatever you do…BE A CONNECTER.


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