The gscc connect group leader role description

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The GSCC Connect Group Leader Role Description The GSCC Connect Group Leader Role Description consists of three categories: Core Values, Expectations and Responsibilities. If you are interested in being a GSCC Connect Group Leader, please read over this and ask God if this is the right path for you to engage in ministry. GSCC Connect Group Leader Core Values 1. UNITY (oneness of mind) settling disagreements with one another. We can ask questions, however we should not question each others heart. 
 (Ephesians 4:1-3) 2. SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY Consistent in demonstrating a teachable and humble spirit to those in authority. (Romans 13:1) 3. EXCELLENCE (not perfection- stewardship of facilities, area of ministry, finances. (Philippians 4:8) 4. SPIRIT-CENTERED TRUTH - 2015 a year to come up higher, make disciples, leaders to arise, a year of decisions and personal choices. (Deut. 30) Those who put their confidence in man will fall. We must return to Him, or First Love. We are to live by faith and live sacrificially. (1 Corinthians 2:13) Worship is our passport, Faith is our currency, Love is our mission. GSCC Connect Group Leader Expectations - Expectations are benchmarks that we as GSCC expect of GSCC Connect Group Leaders to touch on or experience throughout the scope of group life. Care - Ensure the relational care of your group members by being actively involved in knowing them personally. Pray - Make prayer a priority in your small groups, and pray regularly for everyone on your group roster. Disciple and Equip - Group leaders disciple group members by investing relationally in people, helping them move one step forward in their walk with Christ. Empower - Provide a supportive and encouraging atmosphere in which people are able to discover and develop their spiritual gifts, releasing them into ministry (coleader, host, worship leader, etc.).

The GSCC Connect Group Leader Role Description GSCC Connect Group Leader Responsibilities As a GSCC Connect Group Leader, certain administrative duties are required to best facilitate the relational care of people in your small group. •

Submit weekly attendance reports online at CCB

Respond to inquiries about your group within 72 hours (by phone, email or text)

Follow up with visitors who attend your Connect Group

Oversee the pastoral care of your GSCC Connect Group members.

Hospital visitation.

Ministry Referral - Know when to refer them to the pastoral staff and counseling teams.

Meals for new moms, funerals, illnesses, etc.

Connect with your Connect Group Coaches

Develop a co-leader with the ultimate goal to multiply your Connect Group

Note: Please realize this list can be overwhelming to one individual, but can easily be handled by a team of people. Establish a team mind-set early on, and empower people in your group to minister.

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