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What’s Happening Week of July 26

Dates to Remember Wednesday, July 29 – The Core Student Ministries, Activity Center, 6 – 8 pm Wednesday, July 29 – Connect Leader Team Building Meeting, Room 100, 6:30 – 8 pm Friday, July 31 – Twenties, Activity Center, 6 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday, August 2 – The Surge, 11 am, Room 100 Sunday, August 2 – Promotion Sunday, 9 am & 11 am Services Friday, August 14 – Core Beach Day, SPI, 8:30 am Sunday, August 16 – GSCC Summer Slam, GSCC Grounds, 6 pm – 9 pm 
 One Year Bibles Available for Purchase One Year Bibles in both Spanish and English are available for purchase for $15 at the Information Desk in the lobby. The Core Beach Day 2015
 Calling all High School and Junior High Students! Join us Friday, August 14th for a Beach Day at SPI. We will be meeting at the Activity Center at 8:30 am and returning mid-afternoon. Cost is free to attend however students will need $15-$10 for lunch. Parents, if you are willing to be a driver for this event, please sign up with Manny Alvarez.

Promotion Sunday | August 2
 The Pond Early Childhood Ministry, HERO Kids Church and The Surge are promoting children by age and grade groups in both services Sunday, August 2nd. Please help us prepare your children by encouraging them in advance for this exciting transition.

Connect Groups | We Need You!
 Beginning this September, GSCC is presenting an exciting way to help you get Connected! On Wednesday evenings, while fun and life-changing Children’s and Youth ministry takes place here at GSCC, numerous Connect Groups will meet throughout our city. Instead of one large Connect group here at the church, we encourage you to deepen relationships and receive encouragement in a Connect Group! Groups are forming now, and we need your help! If you are willing to lead, co-lead, or host a group on Wednesday or any day of the week, please mark so on a Communication Card and drop it off at any offering container or contact Jaclyn Hinojosa at the church offices. Get ready to go ALL IN & Connect this Fall at GSCC!

School Of Ministry Info Now Available 
 If you are interested in going deeper in your knowledge and relationship with the Lord as well as earning an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies, pick up a GSCC School of Ministry pamphlet today in the front lobby of the church. Fall 2015 Registration begins in August. For more information, contact the church office at 956.350.8282.

GSCC Worship Team Auditions
 If you have a heart for worship and are interested in being on the GSCC Worship Team, join us Sunday, August 2 directly following the 11 am service in Room 100 for an informational meeting. Lunch will be provided so registration is required. Sign up with Josh Rivera and Crystal Chapa in the lobby today following the services.

GSCC Summer Slam 
 Join us Sunday evening, August 16th from 6 pm – 9 pm for GSCC’s Summer Slam! Bring the whole family and your lawn chairs for a giant cookout with all kinds of games, sports and giant water slides for all ages! Free burgers and hot dogs will be provided! Please bring a favorite side dish or dessert to share. This is a great chance to have a blast while building and strengthening friendships here at GSCC!

90 Day Tithe Challenge
 The Bible asks us to give our first and our best back to God, and He will bless the rest. We return to the Lord 10% of what He's given us because it belongs to Him. If you're not tithing already, a great way to start is with the 90-Day Tithe Challenge. Essentially, it's a contract based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10–11. If you tithe for 90-Days (three months) and God doesn't hold true to His promises of blessings, we will refund 100% of your tithe. Take the Challenge! Fill out the commitment form today!

Operation:Blessing | Back to School Drive
 Last year’s Back-to-School Drive with Benavides Elementary was a tremendous success! Let’s DO IT AGAIN! There are two easy ways you can make a difference: 1.) Purchase supplies and drop the supplies off in the container located in the lobby by Sunday, August 16th, or 2.) Make a financial contribution in any amount to help purchase school supplies. Please make checks payable to GSCC with “Operation: Blessing” in the memo line and place it in the offering container, or donate online at GSCCConnect.com to “Operation: Blessing.”

Night of Worship | August 26 GSCC would like to invite you to a special Night of Worship Wednesday, August 26th from 6:30–8:00 pm in the Sanctuary as we start up the Fall semester of Connect Groups. This will be an incredible time of worship and prayer that you will not want to miss. HERO Kids will also meet from 6:30 – 8 pm.

Connect Leader Training
 On Wednesday, July 29, you are invited to a Connect Leader Team Building meeting from 6:30–8:00 pm in Room 100. This will be a very important time of casting vision, generating leader excitement, meeting new group leaders and getting direction for Connect Groups, so please make every effort to attend! We will enjoy a time of fellowship with light snacks, coffee and refreshments will be provided. Childcare will be provided for your children during this meeting. Please RSVP so Pastor Beth and Angie can plan accordingly.

About Us Good Shepherd Community Church is a Spirit-empowered, non-denominational body of believers. We believe that God never intended for people to go through life alone. God wants us in relationships where we can build each other up and encourage one another. By Connecting to each other, we are better equipped to Connect to God and Connect with those separated from God. We truly believe that “Together We Can.”

GSCC Community Church Builder Register online with our Community Church Builder (CCB) and stay connected with Good Shepherd Community Church. To connect with us, please visit GSCCConnect.ccbchurch.com and create your own CCB account. Be sure all of the information in your profile is accurate by filling out as much information as you can.

Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor: Richard Hinojosa Executive Pastor: Eddie Lafuente Associate Pastor: Rick Hinojosa Children’s Pastor: Beth Lafuente

Check us out Check out our FaceBook page and follow us on Twitter.

Sermons Online We offer the most current sermon messages to you through our website and mobile app. Check out GSCCConnect.com to listen to the latest sermons online.

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