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Crisis Team Responsibilities

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Crisis Procedures

Crisis Procedures

Members of the crisis team should ask: Is this a crisis? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you must contact the crisis team. • Have people been hurt or killed? • Has council property been significantly damaged? • Has the council’s integrity been damaged? • Is there a criminal accusation being made against a member of the council? • Are members of our council victims in a criminal act? • Will this event draw attention from the media? • Will a significant number of stakeholders react adversely?

If the answer is yes, immediately begin implementing the plan based on the level of severity.

Role of the Crisis Team Leader

 Assemble the crisis team and update them on the situation. (Note: For Level 3 Situations, also contact GSUSA [800-568-8767] and/or ACA [800-573-9019].)

 Gather the facts of the incident from the Emergency Response Team Leader and create an incident report to distribute to team members and other key target audiences.

 Define the specific goals of the crisis response and share with each team member.

 Develop the strategy for the local emergency response and oversee the actions of all team members.

 Determine if additional financial resources will be needed to address the situation.

 Consult with your lawyer regarding any matters that could influence your legal defense.

 Develop key messages in conjunction with the External Communications Team


 Notify GSUSA if the issue is likely to attract media attention or cause significant internal turmoil.

 Coordinate media interviews with the External Communications Team Leader or designate an appropriate spokesperson based on the situation.

 Notify board members, as appropriate.

 Working with the internal communications team, notify staff and instruct them on how to handle questions.

 Working with the internal communications team, contact family members of those impacted by the situation and offer assistance, if needed. Report to parents, guardians or next of kin the nature of the emergency and condition of the injured. Particularly in the case of a minor, find out the parents or guardians’ preference for medical treatment, hospitalization and transportation. Next of kin must be notified before names of victims can be released by the council. Continue communication with next of kin on the advice of, or in the presence of, legal counsel. In case of a fatality, parents, guardians or next of kin should be informed in person. Depending on the location, time and circumstances, this notification should be done by the CEO or her designee if it has not been done by the police or hospital.

 Determine if additional resources (support counselors) or team support members may be needed to address the situation.

 Constantly review the facts and the local response and adjust your actions appropriately.

 Bring the crisis team together regularly to update each other on their respective actions.

 During and following the event, offer personal feedback to your team members regarding their efforts—your support during this time is critical.

 At the end of the crisis, schedule and lead the post-event evaluation process and update your plan based on the findings of that meeting.

Role of the Emergency Response Team Leader

 Gather as much information about the event as you can and notify the Crisis Team

Leader of the situation immediately.

 Take the necessary steps to protect human lives and property, as deemed necessary.

 Coordinate evacuation plans, if needed, and ensure that proper procedures are followed.

 Gather the names of all individuals involved in the situation and forward that information to the Crisis Team Leader as soon as possible.

 Assess if additional resources will be needed to help respond to the crisis.

 Serve as the liaison with all emergency responders, law enforcement and regulatory officials and other councils.

 Coordinate and lead volunteer activities needed to address the crisis.

 Work with your lawyer to ensure that vital records and documents are secured for possible post-event investigations.

 Determine the extent that other operations will be impacted by the crisis and what steps may be needed to shut down those operations.

 Ensure that those operations that are not impacted by the incident continue to operate.

 Communicate frequently with the Crisis Team Leader and other team members, as needed.

 Task someone to take good notes of the actions you have taken—this will help during the review process once the crisis has passed.

 Participate in the post-event evaluation and adjust the emergency response plan accordingly.

Role of the Internal Communications Team Leader

 Meet with the Crisis Team Leader quickly and gather the relevant information about the incident.

 Along with the Crisis Team Leader and External Communications Team Leader, develop and distribute the key messages and supporting statements to be used during all communication.

 Determine your plan of action and the resources you will need to communicate to: • Employees • Board members • Members • Families • Volunteers

 Carefully consider what tools you wish to use to communicate to these groups. E-mail may be the quickest, but it is not always the most effective. Be smart—sensitive information is best communicated face-to-face. In the event of a council-wide emergency, Salesforce Marketing Cloud will be used to communicate to the entire membership. The council website homepage will also have a banner alert added when applicable.

 Working with the Crisis Team Leader, contact all family members of those involved or injured to update them on the incident.

 If members have been transported to local hospitals, consider sending a representative to the hospital to assist family members with any special needs.

 When appropriate, notify insurance carriers or risk analysis experts.

 Schedule your updates with employees and other key audiences.

 Monitor online chat rooms and the rumor mill to address any misinformation.

 Monitor internal e-mails to determine if changes need to be made to the response plans.

 Communicate frequently with the Crisis Team Leader and other team members, as needed.

 Task someone to take good notes of all your actions—this will help during the review process once the crisis has passed.

 Participate in the post-event evaluation and adjust internal communications plans accordingly.

Role of the External Communications Team Leader

 Meet with the Crisis Team Leader quickly and gather the relevant information about the incident.

 Along with the Crisis Team Leader and Internal Communications Team Leader, develop and distribute the key messages and supporting statements to be used during all communication.

 Once preliminary facts are assembled, an account covering all that is definite should be written. It is important to address what the council is already doing to alleviate the situation. The statement should be cleared with legal counsel before it is released.

Distribute to all team leaders. The prepared statement should include information about cause only if it is known. Do not place blame on individuals or equipment. Wait until the team has conferred with both management and legal counsel and has confirmed the cause. This could take an extended length of time.

 Determine what level of key audiences will be contacted.

 Release confirmed facts to determined key audiences. Provide background information or additional information when available. Communicate positive actions and concern.

 Respond to press inquiries. Your key messages are the answers to every question— stick to them. The more you sound like a broken record, the better. Individuals handling calls should complete the Media Inquiry Report and send it to the External

Communications Team Leader. Keep a log of all calls received during the crisis— including those from the public. This is essential for follow-up. If a statement is prepared, provide only that information.

 Arrange for the council website to be updated regularly—determine what information should be listed on the website.

 Use social media channels like Facebook with caution during sensitive issues management. GSUSA staff can assist in determining when to enact social media.

 In the case of large media coverage, designate a media center and direct the media to this location. They should remain there at all times unless escorted elsewhere by an assigned staff person.

 Notify the switchboard to implement crisis protocols to include forwarding any specific questions to the appropriate team leader. Provide the switchboard with the appropriate script to use to handle all crisis-related calls.

 Notify GSUSA for support if you believe the incident will garner media attention.

 Begin developing the worst nightmare questions and the appropriate key message responses. This document will be used to properly prepare spokespersons. Share with team leaders.

 If necessary, reach out to key donors prior to the media coverage—they will much prefer to hear it from you than from the media. Your key messages should guide your conversations.

 When appropriate, reach out to community leaders and elected officials and inform them of your response to the situation. Stick to your key messages.

 If neighbors are impacted, reach out to them using your key messages.

 Track coverage and correct any misinformation. (That means factually inaccurate or missing information, not differences of opinion regarding levels of importance.) Also, determine what messages are being used and consider adjusting those that are not.

 Be sure to gather and save copies of all media coverage for post-event evaluation.

 Communicate frequently with the Crisis Team Leader and other team members, as needed.

 Task someone to take good notes of the actions you have taken—this will help during the review process once the crisis has passed.

 Participate in the post-event evaluation and adjust the emergency response plan accordingly.

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