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Appendix C – Quick Response Checklist

APPENDIX C INTERNAL USE Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont



 Attend to the immediate emergency  Provide care to injured; do not move unless person’s life is in danger  Evacuate to safety  Notify proper authorities  Contact GSCP2P as soon as possible to report the incident – 877-331-5904  Ensure safety of others; attend to secondary emergency  Keep responsible adult at the scene  Contain the crisis  Remain calm; do not place blame

Missing Child or Volunteer

 Area thoroughly searched (including bathrooms, cabins, beds, etc.)  Last person to see missing person questioned in a calm manner  Re-check common areas (bathrooms, etc.)  All others accounted for and kept together  Proper authorities notified (law enforcement, camp director, camp ranger, etc.)

Natural Disasters (fire, flood, tornado, etc.)  All girls and adults led to safety (safe zone will depend on nature of disaster)  Account for all girls and adults, note anyone missing  Proper authorities notified (fire department, law enforcement, camp director, etc.)  Keep everyone together and calm  Families discouraged from "rescuing"

Intruder or Burglary

 Account for all girls and adults, note anyone missing  All girls and adults gathered in a safe, central location  Proper authorities notified (law enforcement, camp ranger, etc.)  Secure the area  Keep everyone together and calm

Serious Injury or Fatality

 Provide all possible care to the injured  Proper authorities notified (emergency medical services, law enforcement, camp ranger, etc.)  In the event of a fatality, law enforcement is always notified  Remove those not injured from the area  Keep everyone together and calm  Secure the area and be sure to maintain a high degree of security and confidentiality

Suspicion of Child Abuse

Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont complies with the Laws of the State of North Carolina and the United States specifically in regards to child abuse.

NC General Statue 7B-301. Duty to report abuse, neglect, dependency, or death due to maltreatment. Any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected or dependent, as defined by 7B101, or has died as the result of maltreatment, shall (this means must) report the case of that juvenile to the director of the Department of Social Services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found.

Interpretation – If you have a thought or question in your mind as to whether something constitutes abuse and should be reported, you have to report it. The only time not to report an incident is when the thought has never entered your mind whatsoever. You are offered legal protection from criminal or civil prosecution for making a good faith report even if nothing comes of it.

 Report abuse within 24 hours of observation by calling the North Carolina Abuse

Hotline at 800-662-7030  Locate the information for a county Department of Social Services at www.ncdhhs.gov/dss/local/index.htm.  Report suspected abuse to Kimberly Richards, Chief HR Officer, at 704-864-3245 ext. 3211 or 704-874-1530.

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