Arrive at Your Adventure
Dear Parents, Campers, & Staff,
Thank you so much for choosing Camp Sacajawea “Sacy”, as your destination for the outdoors! My name is Christina, Camp Sacy’s Director, and at camp I’m known as Donuts. The Summer Camp staff and I will be with you this summer as we embrace challenge, adventure, and probably a little rain!
This upcoming summer will be my second year as the Director at Camp Sacy, and I am so excited to see what this year holds for us! Through all of our intentional multi-generational camp modules, Camp Sacy is the place to be for everyone this summer, regardless of age or years of camp experience. I am lucky to have chosen a career path that helps me to create memorable outdoor experiences for others, and can’t wait to share my love of cooking and the outdoors with all of you this season.
Our team of wonderful and committed staff are excited to begin new camping adventures and we hope you are too! Our returning staff and new staff are dedicating their summer to bringing the Camp Sacy Spirit! Feel free to reach out at any time at the information below.
Your Friend in Girl Scouting, Donuts
Staff Information
Christina Makofka, Director 856-795-1560 ext. 304
Bruce Skversky, Camp Operations Executive bskversky@gscsnj.org
Registration/Payment Questions
9AM – 5PM | Monday – Friday 856-795-1560
General Camp Information
3064 Victoria Avenue
Newfield, NJ 08334
Camp Sacajawea’s Mission Statement
Our mission at Camp Sacajawea is that we will help build people of courage, confidence and character that want to make the world a better place, to promote personal growth and a sense of adventure, to create a diverse and inclusive environment where campers can discover their talents, connect with others, and be empowered to make a difference.
Our Goals
Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey (GSCSNJ) Summer Camps provide campers with both a sense of adventure and the chance for personal growth. Camp gives your camper the opportunity to meet people of different backgrounds in a safe environment, free of judgements & expectations of the outside world.
We encourage camper participation, personal achievement, and skill improvement so everyone feels comfortable and successful.
A community free of cell phones, campers focus on interacting with one another in a natural setting. Our highly trained staff are dedicated to making sure that your child has a unique experience while they develop skills that can be utilized for the rest of their life. Camp teaches kids to take responsibility. It gives them a chance to step up. It helps to show the importance of meaningful relationships in life. It is where they can truly be themselves and be accepted for who they are.
Our goals, based on the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, help our kids to discover their talents and strengths, connect with others, and take action in their communities.
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Pronouns and Gender Inclusion
At Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey (GSCSNJ) we believe that camp should be a safe space for everyone. With that in mind, we respect all gender identities, including transgender and non-binary identities. As part of our Code of Conduct, which includes respecting others and treating them with courtesy and consideration, an individual’s pronouns should be used correctly. A person’s pronouns (she/her, they/them, he/him, etc.) are directly related to their gender identity/ expressions and are to be respected and never up for debate. We do not force any camper to disclose or discuss these parts of their identity, but respectful conversations around self-identity are welcomed. At our camps, we strive to make room for children, adults, and families to have the choice and opportunity to share their full selves with pride.
On every Monday of camp during group introduction times, staff and campers will be invited to share their pronouns, if they so choose. This helps to foster a community of inclusion, to create a safe space for all of our campers and staff. Campers do not have to share their pronouns if they do not feel comfortable doing so, but should respect other individuals’ pronouns. Intentional misgendering will be considered a form of bullying.
It is important for cis-gender people (people whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth) to normalize the practice of stating their pronouns and asking pronouns of others. It encourages practice and helps gender diverse people feel welcome and safe.
If you have questions, please reach out to your Camp Director!
General Information & Dress Code
At Camp Sacajawea, we always do our best to follow the Girl Scout Promise and Law. It’s an important part of our camp culture, and as Girl Scouts, we always try to be kind to ourselves and to others. Everywhere we travel in camp we use the buddy system, which helps us all feel connected as we share the responsibility of keeping the camp safe and clean.
Camp Sacajawea is a community of limited electronic devices which helps kids and adults unplug and connect with nature and each other. We aim to create a space where we can disconnect to connect. Electronic devices (phones, personal video games, etc.) are not to be visible unless for photos or in an emergency.
Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity for kids to live and work together. Bullying, teasing, and inappropriate behavior will not be accepted at Camp Sacajawea. GSCSNJ reserves the right to send any camper home who willfully disobeys camp or bus rules, or whose behavior towards others is unacceptable.
All adult/children campers & staff sign our Code of Conduct. This is modeled on the Girl Scout Law. The Code of Conduct is found in the back of this packet. Please print it, have your camper sign it & bring it to camp on their first day.
Camp Sacajawea Dress Code
• Clothing should be comfortable and something permitted to play in & get dirty
• Breathable shirt or tank top
• Shorts or pants; skirts are OK, but please wear shorts underneath
• Sturdy shoes or sneakers with socks – no open shoes, sandals, or clogs. Footwear must be worn at all times to avoid injury. Water shoes are to be used only in shower, boating, and pool areas.
• Campers should be prepared to quickly change for pool times. If campers are unable to do this, it is recommended that Day Campers wear bathing suits under clothes with a change of underwear in their day packs to change after pool time.
• Bandanas or hats are recommended.
• Weather-appropriate wear – poncho in case of rain or a sweatshirt on cool mornings.
• 1 or 2 piece bathing suits are permitted as long as the bathing suit provides functional coverage for active water activities.
Ticks & Lyme Disease
Sacy is a forested area and ticks are present. The camp is treated with tick-prevention spray but ticks will still be present during the summer. Prevention is key! Bringing non-aerosol insect repellent formulated against ticks is highly recommended. Counselors will remind campers to re-apply throughout the day. Before camp, speak with your camper about daily self-checks. Campers should check from head to foot everyday, paying close attention to nooks and crannies, like behind the knee. The best time for these checks is during shower time or before bed. If a camper finds a tick, they should immediately notify their counselor or nurse to have it removed. After the tick is removed, watch the area for irritation, including a red bullseye around the spot. When your camper returns from camp, continue to monitor these areas.
Lyme Disease is a tick-borne illness carried by deer ticks. Symptoms include a red bullseye, fever, rash, and fatigue. Should any symptoms occur at camp, you will be notified by our nurse. If they occur after your camper returns home, consult your doctor immediately.
Day Camp Schedule & Details
Accessibility Accommodations
If any camper has an accessibility need that you would like to be known, please contact cmakofka@gscsnj.org as early before camp as possible. Camp Sacy does have wheelchair accessible sleeping accommodations! All information shared with staff will remain confidential. Advance notice helps ensure the most accommodating experience possible.
Typical Daily Schedule
7:30–9:00 AM 9:00–9:30 9:45–11:30 11:30–12:15 12:45–2:45 PM 3:00-4:00 4:15-4:45 5:00 5:00-6:00
Before Care
Opening Flag (Day 1: introductions, unit pictures and expectations on Flag Field)
Group-specific camp activities (groups switch every 45 minutes)
Lunch at unit
Group-specific camp activities (groups switch every 45 minutes)
All Camp activity (varies each day)
Closing Flag
After Care
Typical Weekly Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Receive shirts & Photo Day!
Swim Test
Expectation Setting & Review of Camp Rules
Outdoor Skills Day
Tie-Dye Tuesday
Wacky Wednesday
NEW! Nature Exploration Day
Day Camp Overnight Night Froggers
All Camp Cookout Lunch Closing Campfire*
*Families are welcome to either attend our Closing Campfire on Friday or pick up their camper at 3:00 before the Campfire starts. More information to come via daily newsletter. Friday afternoon programming (Closing Campfire vs. All Camp Activity) is subject to change dependent on weather.
On Monday of each week, a RSVP card for our Thursday Night activity will travel home with your camper. Please make sure to fill out the RSVP card and send it back to camp with your camper.
Each afternoon, keep an eye on your email inbox for a daily newsletter with what to expect for your camper the following day. The newsletter can include any specific items that need to be sent in with your camper for the week, or if your camper will be tie-dyeing so you can dress them accordingly. It will also provide a glimpse into what your camper did during the day!
Campers will have a provided dinner and evening activities. Depending on the level of the camper, they will sleep overnight in one of our many units. Our sleeping units can include platform tents or acorn huts. Breakfast and lunch are provided on Friday. Please see page 15 for the Overnight Packing List.
Tie-Dye Tuesday:
Show off your favorite tie-dyed gear on Tie-Dye Tuesday! Weather it’s a shirt, a pair of socks, or a bandana, campers have the option to participate in showing off their tie-rific style!
Night Froggers:
Campers will get the chance to see camp later in the evening during our Night Froggers! Campers will participate in extra program time and a buffet style dinner in our Dining Hall! Pick up is between 8:30-8:45pm, and all campers must be picked up by 8:45pm.
Wacky Wednesday:
From mis-matched clothes to silly hair styles, let’s get wacky on Wednesday! Campers have the option to participate in this wacky day however they would like, as long as the wackiness is safe and functional.
Packing & Meals
By packing the correct items in your camper’s backpack, you’re setting them up for success at Camp Sacajawea. Campers will travel around camp with their backpacks for most of the day, so comfort and practicality are important when it comes to choosing a backpack. Our Lost & Found will inevitably fill up as camp rolls along, and the first line of defenses against the overflowing Lost & Found is making sure that everything comes to camp labeled with your camper’s name. From backpacks to water bottles – please label everything with a first name and last initial. A few key items to pack in your camper’s backpack are:
• Sunscreen & insect repellent
• Bandana or a hat
• Hair tie for long hair
• A “just incase” complete change of clothes in a waterproof bag
• Towel and flip-flops for swim time
• Rain poncho or jacket
• Reusable water bottle
At Sacajawea, we value Healthy Living – one of the key components of Girl Scouting. Eating healthy ensures that our campers are able to be aware and energized during their time at camp. Our expert Kitchen Staff will provide a morning and afternoon snack each day to help our campers stay focused and ready to take on whatever challenges may arise. We provide drinkable water at multiple locations throughout camp, so be sure to send your camper with a refillable water bottle with their name on it.
One of the most important parts of Summer Camp is trying new activities, and cook-out is a great way for your camper to try something for the first time. All campers will have cook-out on Friday with their Unit. As Girl Scouts, we love to use our resources wisely. One great way to do that is to make sure your camper has a reusable mess kit (plastic plate, bowl, & cutlery in a mesh bag) on cook-out day. Please review the daily email sent home on Wednesday for more information about what your camper will be preparing and eating on their cook-out day.
If your camper is staying for Night Froggers, we will provide a buffet dinner together in the Dining Hall to celebrate the extra time at camp. More information will be provided via daily newsletter. Campers participating in the Thursday night Overnight will enjoy our buffet style dinner in the Dining Hall and are provided breakfast on Friday morning.
Every Friday is an all-camp cookout lunch. Regardless of if your camper stayed over on Thursday night, everyone gets the chance to participate in one of the tried and true camp traditions, cookout on Friday. You will be notified via daily newsletter what the cookout options are for Friday. If you know that your camper will not eat the cookout items, feel free to pack them a lunch for Friday! All other days of the week (Monday-Thursday) lunch is not provided. Camp Sacajawea has refrigerators for each program, so all of the lunches will stay cold until it’s time to eat. Please be mindful that there are no microwaves available for use, so please pack lunches than can be eaten cold!
Day Camp Overnight Packing List
Packing the correct items in your backpack means preparing for Summer Camp success! Campers will travel around camp with their backpacks for most of the day, so comfort and practicality are important when it comes to choosing a backpack.
Sleeping bag & pillow and/or
Twin sheets, light-weight blanket, & pillow
Mosquito net (available at Juliette’s Closet)
Snuggle friend (optional)
Laundry bag for dirty clothes
PJs (summer and mild weight)
Sweatshirt & pair of sweatpants/jeans
Helpful Tip!
By packing everything for the overnight in a large backpack or bag with a shoulder strap, you free up your camper’s hands to hold their other things. Make sure to label all items with your camper’s name.
Camp Sacajawea minimizes the use of electronic devices during camp to help campers unplug and connect with nature and each other. Electronic devices (phones, iPods, personal video games, etc.) are not permitted for our child campers.
Camp Sacajawea and GSCSNJ will not be held responsible for personal items stolen, broken, or lost at camp.
Enough underwear and socks, shirts, shorts for each day – plus a few extra 2 pairs of sneakers
Bandana or hat
Rain gear – poncho or rain coat (Umbrellas are not permitted)
Insect repellent (lotion or cream, no aerosols)
Flashlight (and extra batteries)
Toothpaste & toothbrush
Brush & comb
Journal, diary, or book
Medication (if needed) to be turned in to the Health Director in their original packaging (current date) with directions
Portable battery-operated fan
Leave at home:
Cell phones (if under 18)
Money Valuables
Non-Shuttle Transportation Info
Camp Sacajawea has a dirt road in and out of camp for cars & shuttle use. In order to keep everyone safe as they drop off and pick up their camper, we have created procedures to make everyone’s morning/ afternoon as smooth as possible. There is one entrance/exit in and out of camp and all roads are 10 MPH. The entrance is located at 3064 Victoria Ave – marked by a white sign.
Any cars dropping off should come in through the Main Entrance and follow signs to the main office. Please abide by our speed limits and watch for campers. You will drive your camper to the main office drop off area in front of the Dining Hall. Each day, a designated staff member will be present at the main office drop off/pick up area to check campers in and out. After you drop off your camper in the morning, you will follow our exit road out to the street.
Once drop off and shuttles have arrived, the front gate will be closed to cars. If you need an early pick up, please connect with our Business Manager as soon as possible, either in person or via email at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org. We must be notified prior to your arrival. Please wait in the front parking lot until staff escorts the camper to the front parking lot.
The procedure will be similar for pick up. Do not enter the camp until the front gate has been opened to indicate pick up. All early arrivals must wait in the front parking lot until the shuttles have entered camp.
Anyone signing out a camper must present proper identification.
Before and After Care
Before and After Care are offered every week at Camp Sacajawea. Camp staff stay with your camper to provide activities and supervision during this additional camp time.
Before Care starts at 7:30 AM and After Care goes until 6:00 PM. Please let us know as soon as possible if your camper will need Before or After Care. All campers must be picked up by 6:00 PM, as that is the end of our camp day. If families are unable to adhere to this request, After Care privileges may be revoked. Additionally, no campers will be allowed on the premises prior to 7:30 AM as there are no staff present until 7:30. If families are unable to adhere to this request, Before Care privileges may be revoked.
If you need to make any changes to your camper’s transportation during the camp day, please let us know as soon as possible at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org.
Camp Shuttle Information
Safety is our top priority, so there will always be a Camp Sacajawea Staff member present on each shuttle. Stops have changed from previous years – please take some time to review the shuttle information.
As traffic patterns are unpredictable, please allow a 15-minute leeway for shuttles. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to morning pick-up. In the afternoon, if a parent or approved pick-up person is not in attendance, shuttles will wait 10 minutes before moving onto the next stop. No child will be left unsupervised.
Any adult who is picking up a camper must present an ID that matches our list of approved pick-up people. This list will be pulled directly from the emergency contacts in CampDoc. If you need to change or adjust your list of approved pick-up people at any time, please contact our Camp Admin Team at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org. Any questions prior to camp season, please reach out to Christina, Camp Sacajawea Director, at cmakofka@gscsnj.org.
Routes may need to be adjusted based on registration, which stays open until the week prior. If an adjustment is made, you will be notified accordingly. Up-to-date pick up and drop off shuttle times will be sent the Thursday prior to your week at camp.
If you have any questions prior to camp season, please reach out to Christina, Camp Sacajawea Director, at cmakofka@gscsnj.org.
If you have any questions about transportation during the camp season, or need to notify us that your camper will not be attending camp, please reach out to our Camp Admin Team at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org
WeekDAY Troop Camp & WeekEND Family & Troop Camp
To Guardians & Leaders attending WeekDAY or WeekEND Summer Camp,
We look forward to camping with Troops and families this summer at Sacy! The Staff have planned activities for both big & small campers. Here are some of the things that you may do while you are with us.
WeekDAY Troop Camp:
• Earn your Adult Outdoor Training (optional, $50 additional) or Level 1 Archery Certification (optional, $50 additional)
• All required online work must be completed prior to your time at Camp. If the pre-requisite online work is not completed before attending camp, you will not be able to participate in the certification course.
• Practice and experience planning and executing a Troop camping trip
• Learn how to create enriching outdoor opportunities to build skills that will last a lifetime
• Enjoy meals for you & your group, prepared by our camp kitchen
• Receive Camp Sacajawea fun patches!
WeekEND Family & Troop Camp:
• Enjoy meals for you & your group, prepared by our camp kitchen
• Choose Your Own Adventure activities – camp activities, hiking, games, or relaxation!
• Receive Camp Sacajawea fun patches!
All Adult Campers:
• Enjoy camp activities – rock climbing, boating, fire building, etc. ... and even singing!
• Be present in the outdoors with your Troop and/or family in a safe Girl Scout environment
• Create lifelong memories for all your loved ones!
We are so excited for the summer adventures that awaits us! We know you could have picked any kind of getaway with your Troop or family and you chose us! Whether you are new to Sacy or a returning Sacy alum – welcome to your home-away-from-home!
-Donuts, Camp Director
All adults must review and sign our Adult WeekEND & WeekDAY Agreement. This agreement is found in the back of this packet. Please print it, review, and sign it & bring it to camp on your first day.
All adults must also complete our Google Survey, which will ask site type preferences, accommodations needed, etc.
WeekDAY Troop Camp & WeekEND Family & Troop Camp
Here are some of the expectations for our adults during their time at Camp Sacy:
All Campers
• We value “turning off to tune in” at camp, so non-adult campers should leave cell phones at home. A purposeful technology-free environment, where everyone can fully embrace the chances to connect with the outdoors. Plus, campers calling home often will increase their homesickness!
• Lodging will be based on group size, availability, and accessibility needs.
• Adults may need to call home to check in. On occasion, Staff/Leaders may need to call home for a camper who is having difficulties. For these instances, we ask that phone usage happens out of sight (and hearing) of other campers – morning & evening quiet hours works best. If the concern is a medical one, the camp Health Director must be informed immediately.
• All overnight/supervisory adults will be required to complete a background check.
• There will be a brief meeting on the first day of arrival to go over lost camper & fire drill procedures.
• Troops will be required to cover all Safety Activity Checkpoints including the proper camper:adult ratio. Contact cmakofka@gscsnj.org if you are unable to cover this ratio.
• All campers (regardless of age!) are active participants in making camp awesome! This means being an active and present participant during badge sessions, camp fires, meal planning, cooking, & clean up.
WeekDAY Troop Camp Adult Campers/Leaders
• Campers may be homesick, but we want to do everything we can to help them stay at camp. Have a conversation with families before coming to camp. Gather some ideas on what the adults in your Troop can do if homesickness arises.
• Writing letters to campers is highly encouraged! They can be written in advance by parents and given to adult leaders to be received by campers at assigned times throughout the week.
• During scheduled adult badge work (Archery Cert./Troop Camper), adults will be separated from their unit and trained unit staff will be present with the campers at their activities.
• If a scheduling conflict arises prior to camp that may require a Troop leader to substitute supervision with another Troop volunteer for a daytime morning, afternoon, or evening time period, please contact Christina immediately so accommodations may be made.
• Troop Camper and/or CPR First Aid is not required as we have a Health Director. All medications, including adult medications, will be locked in a secure location and administered by the Health Director.
• Males are welcome but will be given a separate sleeping space – we require ratio coverage for female leaders in the Troop’s sleeping unit.
If you have any questions prior to camp, please contact Christina Makofka, Camp Director, at cmakofka@gscsnj.org.
It is important we all go into the summer with the same expectations. In order to keep the Camp Sacy spirit alive, it is important that we work together as a Girl Scout team!
WeekDAY Troop Camp Info
Troops check in and go to unit
Opening flag and announcements and pictures
Various Camp Activities
Lunch in the Dining Hall
Various Camp Activities
Closing Flag
Dinner in the Dining Hall
Theme activity!!
Shower time
Games, puzzles, crafts at unit Lights out!
Wake up and get ready for the day!
Breakfast in Dining Hall
Opening flag and announcements
Various Camp Activities
Lunch in the Dining Hall
Various Camp Activities
Themed All Camp Activity
Closing Flag
Cook out dinner at each unit
Twilight boating
Campfire with songs and S’mores at the Waterfront
Shower time Lights out!
Polar Bear Plunge!
Campers to pick up pack out breakfast from kitchen
Breakfast and pack up unit, return coolers to kitchen
Opening flag and announcements
Various Camp Activities
Build your own picnic lunches
Open Pool
Open Yard Games!
All Camp Activity and Camp Clean Up Contest
Closing Flag and Awards
Schedule subject to change. This is an example of what your time at Camp Sacy could look like, but activities/times are not guaranteed!
What do we provide in the unit?
• Pavilion with fireplace & lights, picnic tables, fire ring with seating, potable water spigots, low wattage electrical outlets (small devices only)
• Cooking Tools
• Full kitchen cook set (pots, pans, etc.)
What is available for borrowing?
• Cooking Tools
• Dutch ovens
• Pie irons
• Metal skewers
• Large coolers for container food storage
• Water coolers with ice
• Age appropriate activity boxes that can include games, puzzles, craft supplies, sensory items, etc.
WeekEND Family & Troop Camp Info
Typical WeekEND Schedule
Friday (Day 1)
Check in and unpack at overnight sites
Dinner with everyone in the Dining Hall
Theme activity!! - Get to know you games/activities
Unit campfires, showers, family time
Lights out!
Saturday (Day 2) 7:30–8:00 AM
Wake up and get ready for the day!
Breakfast in Dining Hall
Opening flag and announcements
Open pool for all guests
Low Ropes
Rock Wall
Rock Wall
Low Ropes
Lunch in the dining hall with everyone
Open pool for all guests
Nature Element
Tye Dye
Capture the flag All Camp
Closing Flag
Tye Dye
Nature Element
What do we provide in the unit?
• Pavilion with fireplace & lights, picnic tables, fire ring with seating, wood, potable water spigots, low wattage electrical outlets (small devices only), cleaning products, small lock box for family medications & valuables
What is available for borrowing?
• Cooking Tools
• Full kitchen cook utensils
• Dutch ovens
• Pie irons
• Metal skewers
Dinner in Dining Hall (Pierogie Night!)
Twilight boating All Camp & family pictures
Campfire with songs and S’mores at the Waterfront Showers
Lights Out!
Sunday (Day 3)
6:45–7:15 AM
12:45–1:30 PM
Polar Bear Plunge!
Sunrise Hike and waterfront Yoga
Breakfast in the dining hall for all guests
Opening flag and announcements
Pool open for all guests
Pizza making for lunch
Pizza making for lunch
Open yard games and crafts at sports field for all guests
Create your own pizza lunch for all guests in Dining Hall
Open pool for all guests
Lanyard and crafts
Nature Elements
Pack up and clean up units, take trash to dumpster
Closing Flag and Awards
Schedule subject to change. This is an example of what your time at Camp Sacy could look like, but activities/times are not guaranteed!
• Large coolers for container food storage
• Water coolers with ice
• Age appropriate activity boxes that can include games, puzzles, craft supplies, sensory items, etc
What do you need to bring?
• See personal packing list on pages 6 & 7.
• Optional
• Food – snacks or special meals you want to cook on your own, paper towels/napkins
• Entertainment – games, guitar, radio, book, etc.
• Larger lockbox
• Camp chairs
Health Procedures
CampDoc.com is an electronic health record system that helps us consolidate camper health information into a centralized and secure location. Their system will give our Health Director instant access to camper health information, a key component in providing patient care.
The security, confidentiality, and privacy of your camper’s personal health information is always protected. Only the Health Director or Camp Director has access to health information. The CampDoc.com site is secure, encrypted, and password protected.
As summer approaches, you will receive a “Welcome Email” from CampDoc.com with information about how to complete your camper’s health information.
• Click the link in the welcome email to set a password for your account.
• Follow the instructions and complete the health history for your camper.
• Upload any required documents to your CampDoc.com account (contact campsacajawea@gscsnj.org if you have trouble uploading).
• Return to CampDoc.com at any time to make changes/updates to your camper’s profile.
Any adults attending camp at Sacy are required to complete a CampDoc profile for themselves. Uploading immunizations is not required for adults.
All medications, either prescription or over-the-counter, must be given to the Health Director upon arrival to camp. Please be sure that the medication is in the original container labeled with the camper’s name, dosage, and instructions.
Prescription medications require written authorization from the child’s parent/guardian or directing physician to be administered by our Health Director. Administration of non-prescription medication shall require written authorization from the child’s parent/guardian or follow the camp’s Standing Orders from the consulting Physician. Inhalers and Epi-pens will remain with the camper during their time at camp. A secondary inhaler or Epi-pen may be stored in the Health Director’s office upon request.
Please feel free to contact our Health Director to discuss any health-related issues at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org
If your child isn’t feeling well at home, do not send them to camp.
If your child becomes ill or is hurt at camp, you will be notified & our Health Director will seek appropriate medical attention. Emergency numbers listed in CampDoc will be used to contact someone in the case of illness.
If illness occurs during or immediately preceding camp, the following conditions must be met BEFORE your child can return to any camp session. These include, but are not limited to:
• Diarrhea: none for 24 hours
• Lice: nit free
• Strep infection: on medication at least 24 hours
• Conjunctivitis: to be determined by family physician
• Fever above 100° F: no fever for 24 hours
• Chicken pox: all open pox are scabbed
To ensure your child is permitted to attend camp, CampDoc files must be complete, at least two weeks prior to attending camp, including physician information and immunization records.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the sleeping accommodations like at camp?
Campers are placed in sleeping spaces (tents or cabins) with 4 beds. Groups exceeding one sleeping space will be split into consecutive sleeping spaces (based on size). Sleeping spaces will not be shared with non-group members, but sleeping units could consist of multiple families or troops. All campers will be housed in an Acorn Cabin or Platform Tent. No lodges are available.
Can I keep my medications with me at camp?
Family Campers Only – Medications must be locked in the secure location lockbox. Guardians can administer their medications and their children’s medication. All other medication will stay at the nurse station.
Can my camper walk around camp alone at WeekEND camp?
Guardians are responsible for their children at all times. Children (campers under the age of 18) are not permitted to walk around camp without their adult.
When will we receive our schedules for WeekEND and WeekDAY camping?
Schedules will be provided before the start of the camp experience.
What happens if it rains in the summer?
Rain is a part of summer camp. Plan on participating in any weather. Alternative activities are planned if the weather is unsafe. If thunder or lighting is seen, heard, or if alerts are received, we shelter-in-place for 30 mins.
What is your swim test like?
All swimmers receive a swim test. Certified lifeguards evaluate campers’ ability and place the camper on an appropriate swim level, shallow or deep-water swimmer. Campers swim from one side of the pool and back, using any form of front stroke. Campers are asked to tread water. Campers may retake their swim test during their program if needed.
Can I call my camper during the week?
What if my camper is homesick?
We discourage kid campers from calling home. Homesickness is common at camp, especially with first-time campers. Our staff are trained to make the home to camp transition as easy as possible. We suggest guardians send an encouraging letter for their camper to read during camp. If there is a serious case of homesickness, the Camp Director and Troop Leader will contact home.
Do adults complete CampDocs? Do I need a complete vaccination list from childhood?
YES, in order to maintain accreditation with the American Camp Association, we are required to collect brief medical records for all campers on site. NO, we don’t need a complete list of vaccination from adults, just the most recent applicable ones such as flu, COVID, etc.
Are Troop Leaders responsible for completing their Troop member’s CampDocs, transportation forms, Code of Conduct, COVID-19 test, etc.?
No, Troop Leaders cannot complete non-related children’s forms. These must be completed by their guardian. We appreciate Troop Leaders providing reminders to complete forms! If you drive other peoples’ children to/from camp, we must have a transportation form (see page 16).
If you need to make any changes to your camper’s transportation during the day, let us know as soon as possible at campsacajawea@gscsnj.org.
Transportation to Camp With a Non-Related Adult
Any family wishing to have their child transported to and from camp by an adult not directly related to that child must submit this request in writing. Please provide all information requested below and return this page either via mail, email, or by having your camper bring it with them on the first day of camp.
Mailing address:
Attn: Camp Sacajawea Transportation
40 Brace Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Email: campsacajawea@gscsnj.org
By signing below, the parent/guardian(s) recognize that they are releasing their child into the adult supervision of the adult listed before and after specified camp hours.
Camper’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Please select which weeks your camper has permission to be transported with this non-related adult:
Day Camp:
Week 1 (July 5-7): ______________________
Week 2 (July 10-14): ____________________
WeekDAY Troop Camp:
WeekDAY 1 (July 31-August 1): _______________
WeekEND Family & Troop Camp:
Weekend 1 (June 30-July 2): _____
Week 3 (July 17-21): ____________________
Week 4 (July 24-28): ____________________
WeekDAY 2 (August 8-10): _______________
WeekEND 2 (August 4-6): _____
WeekEND 3 (August 11-13): _____
Non-Related Adult’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Non-Related Adult’s Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________
I, ______________________________________________________, agree to transport the camper named above.
Non-Related Adult’s Signature: _____________________________________________
Date: _________________
Adult WeekEND & WeekDAY Agreement
Before Arrival
1. Please review all documents shared with you which may include but are not limited to the Parent Handbook, Welcome Packet with schedule (1 week prior), packing list, etc.
2. Any accessibility needs should be noted to the Camp Director before arrival to ensure your most comfortable and accessible stay. Campers’ privacy will be protected; information will not be shared with non-essential staff members.
3. Complete any required online coursework for the optional Adult Badgework programs (Level 1 Archery Certification/Troop Camper Certification).
On Arrival
1. All groups should check in and out with staff at their assigned arrival and departure time.
2. Each group is permitted to drive one vehicle to their assigned camp site to drop off gear & supplies. After your car is unloaded, vehicles must be returned to the front parking lot for the remainder of your stay. Abide by speed limit signs and WATCH FOR CHILDREN!
During Your Stay
1. Campers should remain with their Unit Leader, Troop Leader, or parents unless given specific permission. If campers separate from the group, they should have “truddies” (3+) & a planned time to return; minors should be under the supervision of an adult at all times.
2. Be courteous to campers & staff –abide by quiet hours, do not enter sites that are not your own, share space in pavilions & refrigerators, etc.
3. Outdoor cooking gear & games equipment is available for borrowing while at camp (included in the price of the program). Please return items to the location you checked it out from. If an item is damaged, broken, or misplaced, please notify a staff member ASAP.
4. Use of campers, trailers, ATVs, or other non-approved electronic or motorized equipment is not permitted.
5. No high-voltage appliances should be used in the pavilion including griddles, high-powered lights, etc.
6. Public use of electronics should be kept to a minimum. Adults are asked to enforce a screen-free environment for children and moreover in public spaces. Adults’ electronic devices may be used for photos of people in their party – please ask for consent before photos are taken.
7. Campers should not go into program areas including archery, low ropes course, and waterfront without a staff member, unless prior permission is given and instructor certification has been submitted.
8. Do not enter any maintenance areas.
9. Keep camp clean. Pick up litter, no graffiti/vandalism, and replace/clean equipment after use.
10. Trash must be disposed of within trash bins. Trash lids must be secured on garbage at all times.
11. Campfires and any outdoor stoves/BBQs/grills may not be left unattended. If any of these are found unattended, participants’ fire privileges will be revoked. Abide by state and local fire restrictions.
12. Camp is a non-violent space. If there are any issues or concerns, please contact the Camp Director.
13. Closed shoes must be worn at all times with the exception of water shoes, sandals with backs, or crocs at the waterfront area and in sleeping quarters. Flipflops are only permitted in the shower house.
14. Swim shoes must be worn in the shallow end of the pool.
15. No alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or vapes are permitted on camp property. Smoking is only permitted outside of the camp beyond the front gate. Children are not permitted in this area.
Adult WeekEND & WeekDAY Agreement
16. All medications & valuables should be locked in a secure place within your sleeping space or car; camp will provide you with a lock box to use in your sleeping quarters.
17. Firewood is provided. No outside firewood is permitted.
18. All food must be stored in secured bins within our pavilion, vehicle, or site refrigerator. Groups should bring their own food bin or cooler for non-refrigerated food. No food in sleeping areas.
19. No firearms or fireworks.
20. Fishing is not permitted on our camp property.
21. No pets are permitted at camp. If a service animal will be present, we ask for the participant to notify the Camp Director prior to arrival.
22. Medical incidents must be immediately reported to the Health Director. On-site care can be administered at Iroquois Lodge. Patients will be referred to local medical care if needed.
23. Any accident or injury while on property must be reported immediately to the Camp Director or Business Director.
24. Day-Only Campers: Permitted for WeekEND & WeekDAY Summer Camp, but they must register for the full program with an agreed-upon daily check in & out time with the Camp Director. No non-registered guests are permitted on site.
25. Overnight Campers: Groups should not leave camp until they are ready to check out. Exceptions are made for personal emergencies. Notify the Camp Director or Business Director before departing for an emergency. Groups or participants who leave without notice will not be permitted to return.
26. Food delivery is permitted but must be pick up at the front parking lot. Please be specific in your directions as there is no cell service at our entrance.
Upon Departure
1. It is the responsibility of the group to dispose of trash in the dumpster, located in the front parking lot, before checkout.
2. Tent flaps must be left down. Cabin doors and windows must be closed.
By signing this form, we agree to abide by the rules highlighted in “Family & Troop Summer Camp Rules” (2023 edition). In addition, I agree to abide by the Girl Scout Law & Promise. I understand if I violate these rules, I or my entire group may be asked to leave without a refund.
All adults in your group must agree to & sign; furthermore, it is the responsibility of adults to convey & hold minors in your group accountable to these rules.
Adult’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Adult’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Adult’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Adult’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Adult’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________