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Experience Registration
Registration for all the experiences in Explore is through our registration platform, gsEvents— event registration, information, and more can all be found in one place, your Girl Scout account!
How To Register
From our website homepage, click on “Activities.” Here you will see a list of all the experiences open for registration. Once you locate the activity you would like to register for, click “Register Now”—this will take you to the event information and registration page.
1. Click on “Register Now.” You will be prompted to sign into MyGS before continuing your registration.
a. Left you will see details of the event selected.
b. Right you will see the sign-up/shopping cart. Use the “+” to select the number of spots.
2. Click “Add Events.” a. If paying with Cookie Credit please submit your request here: https://bit.ly/CC-request. b. If requesting Financial Assistance, please complete an application here: https://bit.ly/FA-request. c. Please allow three to five business days for these payment requests to be processed. Your registration is not complete, and the spot is not held, until processed.
3. Add attendee name(s) from the drop-down menu.
4. Choose your payment option.
5. Click “Submit Member Details.”
6. Click “Review Cart.”
7. Enter payment and billing address.
8. Click “Submit Payment.”
9. You will now see your payment confirmation and order number—you have successfully registered for your event! For additional assistance on how to log into MyGS and how to register for events please contact info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org or call our Customer Service at 877-312-4764.
Assistance Request