1 minute read

Elements of Activities: Rationale

Ask Kimberlee About Gsle

National Program

✓ Parents are more likely to recommend Girl Scouts and be satisfied when girls complete 4 or more than when they do fewer than 4 badges: NPS=48 vs. 6; percentage highly satisfied is 83% vs. 56%. (GSVC-Par 2017)

✓ When girls are doing 4+ badges, over 70% of parents agree that GS offers the types of activities their girl wanted to do, believe in the unique value of Girl Scouts, and can describe the benefits their girl gets in Girl Scouts. (GSVC-Par 2017)

✓ Nearly half (40%) of dissatisfied girls say they have “never” earned a badge or only did badge work “a few times.” (GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ Earning badges is a key driver for the Sense of Self outcomes; girls who earn badges more regularly are more confident in themselves and their ability. (GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ K5 girls who are satisfied and making progress towards the outcomes are twice as likely than unsuccessful girls to have done journey activities regularly (43% vs 21%). (GSVC-Girl 2017)


✓ Making the world a better place is a key element of the Girl Scout mission.

✓ Community Service is a key driver of GLSE outcomes, especially Positive Values and Community Problem Solving. (GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ Girls who do community service multiple times have higher satisfaction than girls who do it only once. (GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ 76% of K5 girls say Community Service is “A lot of fun.” (GSVC-Girl 2016)

✓ Nearly in 1 in 5 parents cite community service when describing the unique value of Girl Scouting. (GSVC-Par 2017)

✓ Parents whose girls completed at least one community service project, compared to parents whose girls did not, were more likely to strongly agree that: Girl Scouts offers the types of activities their girl wanted to do (80% vs 51%); they can describe the benefits of Girl Scouts (79% vs. 46%), and they see the unique value of Girl Scouts (72% vs. 41%). (GSVC-Par 2017)

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