1 minute read

Elements of Activities: Rationale

Pportunity To Participate In Product Program Girl Scout Traditions

✓ When cookie sales comprise 25-30% of troop activities, they are a very positive experience. Parents recognize fundraising benefits and the skills girls gain, and girls say it helps them build confidence, responsibility, and the ability to take on challenges. (CEM 2017)

✓ The Cookie Sale is perceived as very positive by the majority of girls, parents and troop leaders. (CEM 2017)

✓ Participating in the cookie sale is a significant, though small, driver of girl satisfaction: 69% of girls who sold cookies were Highly Satisfied vs 51% of girls who did not sell cookies.

(GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ Less emphasis on product sales is #1 recommendation of Unsure Leaver Parents to make them want to stay. (GSVC-Par 2017)

✓ 17% of Unsure or Definite Leaver Girls want less focus on product sales. (GSVC-Girl 2017)

✓ Detractor parents are 6x more likely to cite cookie sales in NPS comments than Promoter parents. (GSVC-Par 2015)

✓ Girls cite traditions, like the friendship squeeze, as among the most memorable parts of their GS experience. (CEM 2017)

✓ 88% of K5 girls like their Girl Scout uniform. (GSVCGirl 2017)

✓ Uniforms provide sense of Girl Scout identity and belonging. Girls who agree that they like their uniform, compared to girls who do not, are more likely to feel that they belong in GS (94% vs. 73%).

(GSVC-Girl 2017)

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