Super Troop | One Cookie Kick-off | Cookie Rally

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Super Troop

Super Troop Highlight

One Cookie Kick-Off Event and Participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program

Four Badges or Other Earned Awards

What is a Cookie Rally?

A cookie program kick-off event helps build anticipation and confidence for a very exciting part of the Girl Scout year. These events are usually held in January, before order taking begins. Your cookie program kick-off event might be your regular troop meeting, an informational caregiver meeting, or a special event called a Cookie Rally.

A cookie rally is a high-energy event that can be so much fun! Use games, trivia, cheers, and hands-on activities to help girls discover how to run their own cookie business and to think like an entrepreneur. Girl Scouts can practice their #cookieboss skills with their friends. They might even earn a badge or an award!

The most popular way to organize a rally is with simple activity stations that connect to the five essential cookie program skills. Rallies can be held for a single troop or by a service area for several troops. Ask other volunteers in your service area about cookie rally event options in your community.

One Cookie Program = Five Essential Skills

Goal Setting Decision | 888.747.6945
Making Money Management
People Skills Business Ethics

Cookie Rally Agenda Example

Your cookie kick-off event could include several pieces. Arrange your rally to fit the amount of time you have and the age of the girls.

Announce the theme and mascot. Girls love to see the new mascot and the themed messages and rewards each year.

Review the cookie product line up and any new product announcements.

Highlight the cookie donation program. It’s our council’s service project and it makes so many people happy!

Cover the safety reminders and expectations for digital and door-to-door sales.

Review the 5 skills. Rotate the girls through activity stations or review examples as a group.

Reveal the rewards. If your girls are motivated by prizes, they’ll love this part!

Showcase the digital marketing tools and Smart Cookie app.

Ask caregivers for one hour of time.

Parents are often interested to help their Girl Scouts be financially savvy. Ask caregivers to volunteer one hour to help run a cookie rally activity station. They can see Girl Scouts in action, meet their daughter’s Girl Scout friends, and get the cookie program information they need to help their daughter at home.

Cookie Rally Activity Station Example

Cookie Program Essential Skill #3: Money Management

For Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors

Use some play money and some change. Can you count how much money there is altogether? Would it be enough to buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies? How many boxes could you buy? Practice counting back the change for a purchase.

For Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors

Think of a day trip activity you want to make with your Girl Scout friends. Consider the expenses you’ll incur. For example, activity fees or admission, food, travel, or supplies. Figure out the total cost. Now think about your #cookieboss profits. How many boxes of cookies will you need to sell to earn the money for the trip? Break it down further how many boxes will you need to sell each week? | 888.747.6945

Resources to Help

Attend your service area cookie rally or host your own troop cookie rally. Rallies can be in-person or virtual. Choose the option that’s right for you and your girls. Use these fun resources to energize and educate your Girl Scouts.

• Cookie rally guide, with several fun ideas

• Activity pages for girls

• Cookie Program Family Meeting Guide

• Virtual cookie rally resources

• Forms and documents

• Volunteer training

• Links to many other resources

Council Resources

Badges and Patches

There are several badges and one award that teach girls to think like an entrepreneur. Get a brief overview in the Award and Badge Explorer then read all the details in the Volunteer Toolkit. Just by participating in a cookie rally, girls are likely to complete several steps in these badges!

Award and Badge Explorer

• Cookie Business badges

• Financial Literacy badges

• Entrepreneur badge

• Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin

The fun patches for the cookie program change each year with the theme and the mascot. Troop Cookie Managers can request themed cookie rally fun patches within Smart Cookies, the online inventory management tool, or find non-themed cookie rally fun patches at our Girl Scout shops. | 888.747.6945

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