2015-2016 Troop Product Sales Manual

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Table of Contents


Who Can Participate?, The Cookie 411


Meet the Cookies!


Important Dates & Deadlines


Where Does the Money Go?


Girl Scout Lingo and Terms & Resources


TPSC Checklist


Sample Cookie Support Agenda


Cookie Marketing for Girls


Cookie Booths, Lemonade Stands, & Tip Jars vs. Donations


Your CoCo Account


Sending Ecards


Using SNAP+


Editing Your Profile & Verifying Troop Information


Favorite Reports


Ordering Cookies


Cookie Share Program


Troop Initial Orders


Cookie Recognitions


Cookie Booth Selection & Scheduling


Delivery & Distribution of Troop Initial Orders


Cookie Cupboards & Planned Orders


Placing Planned Orders


Cookie Transfers


Financials & Payments


Final Recognition Ordering


Troop Cookie Booth Log


End of Cookie Program Processes


Cookie Stop & Check


Dream, Design, Do! Welcome to the 2015-2016 Girl Scout Cookie Program! Today’s Girl Scout is more than a thinker: she’s a doer, a dreamer of ideas, creator of solutions, and a believer in herself. This year’s theme captures the spirit of this creative, proactive girl! It excites her to take action, and encourages her to make her dreams a reality. We hope you enjoy your Troop Product Sales Coordinator (TPSC) Cookie Manual. It is chock-full of great information to ensure your cookie experience is the best it can be. Throughout the manual, you will find links to forms, screen shots of SNAP+ (ABC Baker’s new and improved exclusive online ordering and reporting program), and some helpful tips and tricks from experienced volunteers who, just like you, became troop leaders or TPSC’s to help girls build courage, confidence, and character. Not only is the Girl Scout Cookie Program a large fundraiser for troops, it is also the largest entrepreneurial program for girls in the world - how cool is that? With your guidance, girls will learn 5 essential skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics - aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life. The program is a great tool to introduce girls to running their very own business. Talk about girl empowerment. Girl Scouting takes girls on an incredible journey. It is a movement that empowers them to discover their inner strength, passions, and talents; connect with friends; and take action in their community. The Girl Scout Cookie Program ensures the future of Girl Scouting in our community. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada uses the money generated from the Cookie Program to provide quality programs for all registered girls, to expand financial support to girls who would not otherwise have access to Girl Scouting without financial assistance, and to maintain Girl Scout camps and properties. Your guidance is the key to your Girl Scouts’ success. Thank you for your support! We are confident you will find the experience to be both enjoyable and rewarding.

Good luck, and have fun!

Troop #:


SNAP+ Login: SNAP+ Password: Service Unit Product Sales Coordinator: SUPSC Phone:

SUPSC Email:


Who Can Participate? All currently registered Girl Scouts in the Daisy level through the Ambassador level are eligible to participate! • Participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program is voluntary, but we do require every troop leader to give each registered girl the opportunity to participate in the Cookie Program. • Girls who are part of any pathway (troop, series, travel, camp, or an individually registered Girl Scout)are eligible to participate with adult supervision. • For girls whose Troop Leader opts out of participating, please contact us at cookies@gssn.org and we will help you get started in the Cookie Program as an Individually-Selling Girl Scout! • Cookie Supporters are encouraged to join their Girl Scout to sell cookies, as girls need adult support to reach their goals. Keep in mind though - adults should not be selling for their Girl Scout. Helping a girl sell is wonderful, but she should always take the lead. For example, if an adult is taking an order card to work, a note and a photo from the girl should be attached to the order card explaining why she is selling and what her goal is. This way customers know what the troop is planning on doing with the proceeds. • Troops that do not participate in the Cookie Program are not eligible to participate in any other fundraising activities and girls will not be eligible for any Financial Assistance for the entire membership year. • Troops or girls with an outstanding product sales balance may not sell cookies until the full amount of the debt is cleared with GSSN.

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The Cookie 411


• The Cookie Program runs January 9 - March 20! Part of the appeal of Girl Scout Cookies is that they’re a special treat you can only get 6-10 weeks out of the year. Girls are only permitted to sell within this time frame. Whether these cookies are unsold or paid for and being re-sold, it is not allowed via booth sales or any public forum. You may continue to sell to friends and family anything unsold until June 1, 2016. After June 1, no cookie sales are allowed. • Cookies are $5 per package • There are 12 packages in one case of cookies • • • •

Girls order in packages Troops order in full cases Cookies are non-returnable once signed for by either the troop or girl. Our cookies are baked especially for Girl Scouts by ABC Bakers. There are only two authorized bakers for Girl Scout Cookies across the nation!

Meet the Cookies!

Shortbread cookies dipped in rich fudge and topped with an embossed thank you message in one of 5 languages.

Chocolate chips nestled in a gluten free peanut butter oatmeal cookie

Crispy chocolate wafers dipped in a mint chocolaty coating.

Crispy cookie, made with whole grain, full of tangy cranberry bits and zesty citrus flavor

Savory slices of shortbread with a refreshingly tangy lemon flavored icing.

Crispy vanilla cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating.

Vanilla cookies topped with caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and laced with chocolaty stripes

Crisp and crunchy oatmeal cookies with creamy peanut butter filling.

Traditional shortbread cookies.


Important Dates & Deadlines December 15, 2015 - Each troop should have a Troop Product Sales Coordinator (TPSC) in place with a signed TPSC agreement and have picked up your troop materials. January 5 - Deadline for troops to submit the Troop ACH form online. January 8 - Have a Troop meeting with girls and their Cookie Supporter! Be sure to collect all signed Parent/ Legal Guardian Permission Forms. Signed forms must be turned into your SUPSC.

January 9 - Girl Scouts begin taking pre-order cookie sales. Do not collect money at this time. January 24 - Last day of pre-order cookie sales. January 25 - Deadline to give all pre-order cookie cards to the TPSC. January 26 - Deadline for the TPSC to review all troop cookie orders for accuracy and input into SNAP+ by

11:59 p.m. PST. The TPSC should enter cookie orders by girl and place the Troop order for the first weekend of cookie booths. If the order is complete, the TPSC will commit the order via SNAP+.

Tuesday, February 2, 7 p.m. - Wednesday, February 3, 7 p.m. - Each troop can select up to 2 cookie booths in SNAP+.

Thursday, February 4, 7 p.m. - Friday, February 5, 7 p.m. - Each troop can select up to 4 more cookie booths in SNAP+. Troops who didn’t select cookie booths in the first round can select 6 at this time. Monday, February 8, 7 p.m. - The cookie booth selection process will open for any remaining cookie booths to be chosen. Troops can select up to 40 cookie booth locations! February 11-19 - Service Unit cookie pickup/deliveries from the delivery agent (specific dates, location and

pickup times will be available in SNAP+).

February 11-25 - Girl Scouts deliver all pre-sale cookie orders to customers and collect money. February 23 - Reno/Sparks area cookie cupboard opens.

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GSSN Cupboard Hours: Tuesday - Friday 11 a.m.—6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m.—1 p.m., Sunday closed Outlying Area Cookie Cupboard hours: Listed in SNAP+ for troops to select. No special pickup times.

February 24 - All pre-order cookie order money is due to the TPSC from girls/parent/legal guardian. February 26 — March 20 - Cookie booth sales! March 7 - First ACH (Automated Clearing House) bank sweep. 25% of your cookie orders as it appears in SNAP+ will be deducted from your troop bank account.

March 11 - Last day to exchange any full unopened cases of cookies to any Cookie Cupboard. No returns. March 16 - All remaining cookie money is due to the TPSC. March 22 - Deadline to enter all cookie transfers, girl financial transactions, and recognition order into SNAP.

All entries must be done by 11:59 p.m. PST.

March 27 - Final ACH bank sweep. March 31 - Deadline for all final paperwork to be submitted to the GSSN council. Cookie Booth Logs

(available in SNAP+), any Slow Pay tracking paperwork, and receipts.

May - Troop recognitions should ship directly to SUPSC. June 1 - Last day to order any recognitions.

Where Does the Money Go? • Troop Proceed Plan A: Troops get $0.82 for every package sold if they choose Troop Proceed Plan A. All troops are eligible for this plan. (This plan includes recognitions and patches). • Troop Proceed Plan B: Troops get $0.87 for every package sold if they choose Troop Proceed Plan B. This plan is only available to dedicated Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador level troops. Mixed-level troops would need to choose Plan A. (Patches only). • Girls can learn about and practice philanthropy by donating a portion of their troop proceeds to one of GSSN’s Cookie Share organizations. (See page 25)


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Girl Scout Lingo and Terms


• ABC Bakers - Cookie vendor for GSSN. • ABC Baker Volunteer Toolkit - An online reference manual created by ABC Bakers for troop volunteers. • Abcsmartcookies.com - ABC Baker’s website, complete with valuable Cookie Program information for girls, parents, and volunteers. • ACH – Automated Clearing House is a process that GSSN uses to debit a troop bank account for payments . • Booth Sale Coordinator - A volunteer who coordinates all arrangements for booth sales. • CoCo – Cookie Command Center is an online resource where girls and troops can use marketing tools to reach their customers, establish and track individual and troop goals, and so much more. CoCo can be found at abcsmartcookies.com. • Cookie Booth - In addition to selling directly to families, friends, and neighbors, many Girl Scout troops sell cookies to the public at a “booth” sale located in a public place, such as a grocery store, discount store, or high-traffic area. All Cookie Booths require a minimum of two registered adults at all times. • Cookie Cupboard – A location in your local area where, after troops pick up their initial cookie order, they can restock cookies. • Cookie Kickoff or Rally – An event that girls can attend to work on the 5 Skills, earn her official 2016 cookie pin, meet other Girl Scouts from around the GSSN Council, taste test the cookies, and have a fun day! Most kickoffs or rallies are hosted by your local Service Unit. Visit gssn.org/events to find a Cookie Kickoff in your area! • Cookie Share - A Girl Scout community project that allows girls and troops the opportunity to participate by selling virtual cookies that are distributed to local charity organizations around Nevada. • Flickr - An online resource provided by ABC Bakers where girls or troops can download free art for any cookie-related marketing ideas. Visit abcsmartcookies.com and click on the blue and pink Flickr icon. • GS Bucks (formerly known as Cookie Dough) - A recognition item that a girl can earn once they reach a certain level of cookies sold. Cookie dough can be used for: • GSSN Resident/Day Camp sessions • GSSN Shop/Trading Post purchases • Service Unit Camporees/Events • GSSN or GSUSA Destinations and GSSN travel opportunities • GSSN girl-level trainings and events (Does not include outside community events) • Lemonade Stand – When a girl and her Cookie Supporter set up to sell cookies that are typically held in her neighborhood at a location with a personal connection to the girl. Lemonade stands cannot be near or at a known cookie booth location. • Recognitions - Items that girls can earn, designed to support and reinforce goal-setting and acknowledge each girls’ participation and effort. • Safety Activity Checkpoints - A guide to follow for planning and implementing specific

activities. Always review the checkpoints for any activity that your Girl Scouts want to participate in. You can locate the Safety Activity Checkpoints at gssn.org. • Slow Pay – A parent or troop that has an outstanding debt owed to GSSN. Girls or troops with any outstanding debt cannot participate in a product program until the debt is cleared. • SNAP+ – The online ordering system where you will place all of your troop-level cookie orders, orders for girl recognitions, and girl financial transactions. • SUPSC – Service Unit Product Sales Coordinator. Each Service Unit has one SUPSC who is the main contact between troops and the GSSN Service Center. The SUPSC is your first contact for any help needed by the TPSC. • TPSC – Troop Product Sales Coordinator. Each troop has one TPSC who is the main contact for the Fall/Nut and Candy Program and the Cookie Program. This person is solely responsible for all cookies and money owed by the troop to GSSN. • 5 Skills – The skills each girl can learn by participating in any Product Program. • Goal Setting – Girls set individual and troop goals. These goals help to create a plan and ways to reach them. They also encourage girls to develop cooperation and team-building skills along the way. • Decision Making – Girls help decide how their troop will spend the proceeds from the sale of cookies. This skill will further her critical thinking and problem solving skills that will help her in many aspects of her life. • Money Management – Girls take cookie orders, handle customer money, and gain valuable and practical life skills around financial literacy. • People Skills – Girls learn how to talk to, listen to, and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop healthy relationships and conflict resolution skills she can use throughout her life. • Business Ethics – Girls are honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics reinforce the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout.

Resources • You can find cookie resources, including flyers, posters, and anything you may need for a successful cookie experience at abcsmartcookies.com • Visit gssn.org or girlscoutcookies.org to find valuable resources, including marketing ideas and materials to help you have a successful Cookie Program. • The Volunteer Discussion Board page on Facebook can be a great resource for your troop or Cookie Supporters. Visit facebook.com/abcbakers • For safety tips, check out the Safety Activity Checkpoints at gssn.org.


TPSC Checklist November – December: Training & Troop Prep TPSC’s must complete the following steps to be approved for this position: 1. Register as a Girl Scout Adult Member for the 2015-2016 membership year by visiting your MyGS account located at gssn.org. Most members already have an account on MyGS, but may need to retrieve or update their password to log in. 2. Complete the Background Screening process by visiting your MyGS account on gssn.org. If it has been three years or more since your last background screening, you will need to update your background screening. 3. Complete a TPSC Agreement/Position Description form. The originally signed copy must be turned into the GSSN Service Center prior to the start of the Cookie Program. This form will be provided to you at either a Fall FUNdamental session or at your local Service Unit monthly meeting. All TPSC forms must be completed and turned in to the GSSN Service Center by December 15, 2015.

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Troop Prep:


1. Attend an optional cookie training provided by GSSN or your Service Unit. 2. Complete a TPSC agreement and submit it to GSSN to get your SNAP+ login/password set up. Once a troop is eligible to participate in the Cookie Program, TPSC’s will receive an email with their login and temporary password. 3. Pick up the following troop cookie materials at a Fall FUNdamentals Meeting or at your local Service Unit meeting! • Large white envelope containing Save the Dates • Recognition insert - 1 per registered girl • Cookie Supporter permission form - 1 per registered girl • Money envelopes - 1 per registered girl • Money/cookie receipt books. These are to be used to record all money recieved and cookies issued. A receipt should be given every time cookies are issued or money is received. Only the Cookie Supporter can sign these receipts. • 1 package of Lemonades cookies. These are to be used for your Girl & Cookie Supporter Training meeting. 4. Complete Yearly Membership ACH Authorization Form at gssn.org.

December – January: Host a Parent/Girl Scout Support Meeting Things to keep in mind: • The Girl Scout Cookie Program begins Saturday, January 9, 2016. Please do not take orders before this date. • Have girls set their goals prior to selling cookies by visiting CoCo Direct at abcsmartcookies.com. • Inform Cookie Supporters about which badge your troop will be earning. (Use your Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting to earn Girl Scout Cookie Program and financial literacy badges.)

Things to keep in mind (Cont.) • Help Cookie Supporters set up a CoCo account for their girls. This secure portal will allow Girl Scouts to set individual goals, track the troop’s goal, and even send out ecards to friends, family, and neighbors inviting them to purchase cookies either directly from them, or by placing an online order through the Digital Cookie Program! • Customers can make their purchase online and choose to have the order shipped directly to them, all while supporting their Girl Scouts. • Hand out the Cookie Supporter permission forms. Turn in the white copy of the form to your SUPSC before January 9, 2016. • Review your troop roster in your VTK account for accuracy. Remember, only registered girls are eligible to participate in the Cookie Program.

Sample Cookie Support Agenda • Welcome!

Ask each girl to introduce herself and her Cookie Supporter.

• Important Dates

Create a troop calendar with important dates listed. Some of the dates might include when money is due, when troop meetings will be, and when the troop will be participating in a cookie booth.

• Safety First

Cover the Safety Activity Checkpoints (at gssn.org) and make sure each girl and Cookie Supporter fully understands their importance. Introduce the Internet Safety Pledge. Have each girl work with her Cookie Supporter to review the pledge, and ask each girl to sign her own pledge.

• Troop and Council Goals

Have each girl set up her CoCo page and establish her individual goal. Discuss why it is important to have goals and decide on what the troop goal will be. Create your goal poster that will be displayed at your cookie booth. All troop goals regarding where the money will be spent should be shared with all members and Cookie Supporters in the troop.

• 5 Skills

Introduce each of the 5 Skills of the Product Program. Discuss how each girl will learn the skills so she can earn her 2016 cookie activity pin.

• Resources for Girls and Families

Provide the link to girlscoutcookies.org and decide as a troop which marketing materials you will use to promote your troop, your goal, and what the troop will be doing with their proceeds.

• Contact Information for Help

Make sure each girl and Cookie Supporter has contact information for both the Troop Leader and the TPSC.

• Have Fun!

Encourage each girl and Cookie Supporter to share one thing that they hope to learn during the Cookie Program. Need additional resources? Check out the “Sample Session Plans” at abcsmartcookies.com. 11

Cookie Marketing for Girls December - January: Social Media Did you know… The CoCoDirect Digital Cookie program is a great way for girls to use technology in their Cookie Sale! Your role Help girls (ages 13 years and older) use social media to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program. What can girls do online for Product Sale Activities? Girls ages 13 and older may use their personallyowned Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and also send text messages and emails as online marketing tools to let family, friends, and past customers know about their Cookie Sale! Please keep in mind that girls: • Under the age of 13 cannot independently set up any online marketing or Social Media sites. They may, however, use their Cookie Supporter’s Social Media page with their approval and supervision. Be sure to print out the Internet Safety Pledge and sign it with a parent/legal guardian. • Over the age of 13 may work in partnership with an adult to market products online via any social media site. • Cannot have customers pay online through an external site. The only approved site is through ABC Baker’s CoCo Direct. • May not list their email address, physical address, or phone number to the public. Girls should only list their troop leaders’ contact information. Please note: Regardless of the age of the girl, all Social Media sites must be personally-owned by the girl or Cookie Supporter. Community garage sale pages, homeowner’s associations, community bulletin sites, etc. are prohibited from being advertised on.

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• For girls ages 13 and older • Like us on Facebook at: facebook.com/GirlScoutsoftheSierraNevada for all the latest cookie marketing ideas, cookie information, and more! • Tag us in your photos of cookie booths and use #GSSN to promote the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Pinterest • Follow us on Pinterest at: pinterest.com/gssn • Post photos of your cookie booths or pin cookie recipes. Use the following hashtags so we can find and share them: • #GSCookiegram • #BlingYourBooth • #gssncookies2016

Cookie Order Cards Use the Cookie Order Card to: • Show customers cookie varieties, nutritional information, and Cookie Share options • Track Cookie Share sales • Take orders from customers when you are out of a variety • Capture customer’s information to see if they would like more cookies later in the sale • Create a cookie customer database to use for the next cookie season • Encourage girls to create a personal message that can be attached to the small order card. Please Note: Cookie Supporters are not allowed to sell cookies, but may help their girl market her goals and encourage others to support her.

Promoting Your Cookie Sales Promoting your cookie sales can enhance the opportunities to sell more cookies. Check out these ideas to get you started: • Host a troop marketing party! Have each girl create either a personal or a troop goal poster. When customers see what the girl or troop is working toward, they are more likely to purchase cookies or add onto their existing order. • Purchase marketing items from the GSSN Shop. These items can be used to let neighbors know that a Girl Scout lives at a home or can be used at cookie booths to enhance the appearance of the cookie booth. • One Kind Cookie - Encourage customers to focus on the amazing acts of Kindness that take place around us each day. Visit thinkkindness.org/Girl-Scouts for more information on how you can participate and thank the “One Kind Cookies” in your life. • GSUSA’s Bling Your Booth contest: Plain is BORING! Encourage your troops to “Bling Your Booth,” the 25 troops with the most votes from 1/4/16 - 4/23/16 will have the chance to win $250! Show customers your cookie sale in action by submitting photos to cookies@gssn.org or post photos to social media and use the hashtags #blingyourbooth, #GSCookiegram, and #gssncookies2016. • Wear Cookie Costumes! Girls can use the empty cookie boxes or cases to create personal costumes, or you can check out costumes from the the GSSN Service Center (click here for the Cookie Costume Reservation Form on gssn.org) • Purchase your very own cookie marketing items for Cookie Supporters to sport on their vehicles or front lawns. • Bundle Promotions: Cookie bundles make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and much more. And, they are easy to make! • To create a cookie bundle, take 3 to 5 boxes of cookies, tie them together using ribbon, twine, netting, or another creative way, and give the bundle a name (Chocolate Lovers, Peanut Butter Madness, Girl Scout Favorites, Super Snacks for Super Bowl, St. Patrick’s Day). How fun!


Cookie Booths

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• Cookie Booths run from February 26 - March 20 • All approved cookie booths, dates, times, and locations will be available and selected in SNAP+. • Your SUPSC is responsible for securing booth sale locations within your service unit. If you have ideas for locations please contact your SUPSC. • All cookie booths in the City of Sparks require a selling permit, which GSSN will secure. Troops without a permit can be asked to stop selling by a City of Sparks Code Enforcement Officer. These locations will be noted in a post-it note in SNAP+. It is the responsibility of the TPSC to request a copy of all permits no sooner than two days before the troop conducting the cookie booth. • Need to cancel a Cookie Booth you selected? You can do so at least 24 hours in advance by using the option found in SNAP+. This will allow any other troop the chance to select the cookie booth. • Staff your cookie booth with 2-4 registered Girl Scouts and a minimum of 2 registered adults at all times. Adults must remain with the girls at all times. • Please be respectful of all store guidelines. Stay in designated selling areas, careful not to block any entrances and leave the area looking better than when you arrived by removing all trash and empty cookie cases. Please be sure to park in parking spots only, not next to the cookie booth location. If a dispute arises, please handle the situation in your best Girl Scout manner, contact your SUPSC rather than involving store management. • Respect other troops and leave when your scheduled time is over. If another troop does not arrive by the end of your scheduled shift, your troop is welcome to stay and continue to sell. • Its important for the girls to know why they are selling cookies. Have them in their uniform so they are identified as a Girl Scout. They should be prepared to discuss their Girl Scout experiences, troop goals, and awards, patches, or badges they have obtained. • Please leave tagalongs and pets at home - only registered Girls Scouts and adults should be at the cookie booth. • For younger level troops, consider dividing booth sale times into shifts and adjust shift lengths. • Smile and be polite - your behavior reflects on all Girl Scouts. Say “thank you” to everyone!


Financial Transactions: • Give girls the opportunity to use the 5 Skills by making them aware of the different financial transactions and how to handle unique situations. • Appoint an adult to safeguard your cashbox at all times. • The price per package is $5. No more, no less. • Accepted payments are: • Cash - remember to bring change for cash purchases. • Credit card app - The decision to use a credit card app should be a decision made collectively by all members of the troop. Troops assume all added costs associated with accepting credit/debit cards. • GSSN encourages troops to not accept checks at booth sales. • Two adults should count the money and product in a secure location before departing the cookie booth. • Deposit all money collected at a booth sale immediately into the troop bank account. • Divide the number of cookies sold at a booth fairly among the girls participating. • Complete all cookie booth troop-to-girl transfers in SNAP+ as soon as possible.

Lemonade Stands • Lemonade Stands run from February 26 – March 20 • Lemonade stands may not be conducted at or near a known cookie booth location and may only be conducted during the same time period as cookie booth sales. • Lemonade stands are to be conducted by a Cookie Supporter and her Girl Scout. . Troops may only sell at Cookie Booths. • Cookie Supporters will sell their personal stock of Girl Scout cookies. If additional cookies are needed, cookies should be transferred to the girl and signed for by the parent/legal guardian. • Follow all safety guidelines as you would at a cookie booth. Visit gssn.org to view the guidelines. • Girls should wear their uniform or Girl Scout t-shirt with insignia to identify themselves as Girl Scouts.

Tip Jars vs. Donations Girls and troops may not directly solicit for any cash in the form of tips. However, troops may accept, but not ask for, donations from customers. • All donations are to be placed into the troop bank account and not to any one specific girl. • Donations should be tracked separately from the sale of cookies, and the entire troop should decide how to use those funds. For example, you could use the donations to cover any incorrect money transactions, to cover the cost associated with accepting credit cards, or use donations to purchase cookies the troop has leftover at the end of the program and donate the cookies to a charity of your choice. • Jars of any kind are not permitted while conducting a cookie booth. However, troops may have a display for customers to purchase cookies for donations to a specific group of their choice.

Please Note: Girls or troops who are not following Girl Scout Cookie Booth or Lemonade Stand guidelines could result in a negative consequence for the entire troop, including loss of girl recognitions, loss of troop recognitions, and/or loss of future cookie booth sales.


Your CoCo Account December - January Did you know... ABC Bakers offers lots of resources to help girls and troops during the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Check them out at abcsmartcookies.com. Your Role - Use the tools provided by ABC Bakers to set goals, promote Girl Scout Cookies, and teach girls how they can create their own virtual business and marketing techniques to communicate to friends and family members outside of their local area.

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CoCo - As a troop leader, you can create a login and track your troop goals, share messages with each other, and send cheers to the girls in the troop. Encourage Cookie Supporters to create their own login as well. You can also use the Troop Budgeting Worksheet to teach about financial literacy. Reference: www.abcsmartcookies.com


Creating your CoCo Account Each registered Girl Scout will need to create her own CoCo account by visiting abcsmartcookies.com. This secure account allows girls to have a customized online “business center.� CoCo encourages girls to establish and track goals, create a plan to reach their goal, use marketing tools to reach their customers, and build a custom dashboard page.

Please Note: Girls will need to enter their name exactly how it appears in SNAP+ or on the troop roster, which you can access by visiting your Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) troop page. If a girl has already established an account in CoCo from a previous year, she can easily edit her name so her orders will be correctly uploaded into SNAP+. Once the girls create their login and password, they can set their personal goals, make plans on how they will learn more about the 5 Skills of the Cookie Program, and use the online marketing tools. 17

Sending Ecards

Do you have family or friends who would like to support her cookie sale but don’t live in your area? Just send them an ecard! Every Girl Scout has the option of sending out ecards to friends, family, and customers who may want to make a purchase online using a credit card and have their cookies shipped directly to them from ABC Bakers. This option does not replace the current model of selling cookies, rather, it allows girls to select an additional option of reaching customers who may live in a different area of the US. Customers will still have the option of having a Girl Scout come directly to their home and have their order taken.

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• After the girl clicks on the send button and enters a personal message, the customer will receive an email with a link to her personal CoCo Direct, allowing them to place an order and pay with a credit card. • Once the customer places their order, they will receive another email confirming the order and shipping information.


January: Troop Prep 1. Hand out the Girl Cookie Order Forms to every registered Girl Scout that has turned in a signed Cookie Supporter Permission Form. 2. Next, turn in the signed copy of the form to your SUPSC (you should receive instructions on when/where to turn these forms in directly from the SUPSC). Do not turn them into the GSSN Service Center. Please Note: If your troop is attending a Cookie Kickoff, you may be asked to exchange a signed Cookie Supporter Permission form for order cards while at the event.

Using SNAP+ Visit abcSNAP.com and log in with the SNAP+ ID and password you received via email from GSSN. If you have not received your login or password, please contact cookies@gssn.org for assistance.

Helpful Tips: • Do not use the back arrow while in SNAP+, this will log you out! • If at any time you forget your password, just click on the “Forgot Password” link, and a representative from ABC Bakers can assist you with resetting your password. • If you are the TPSC for multiple troops, just select the appropriate troop by using the dropdown menu and clicking enter. • To maneuver around SNAP+, select an icon located at the top of the screen. • Do not share your login/password with any other volunteer. The TPSC is the sole person responsible for the entry of all data into SNAP+


Editing Your Profile Follow the steps below to edit your profile in SNAP+: 1. The first time you log onto your SNAP+ account you will be prompted to edit your profile. The information listed is based on what you listed on the TPSC agreement. Do not change the first or last name or email address. 2. You can keep the current password or simply type over the asterisks and enter a new password.

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3. If you would like to give us any additional information you may enter it, then click the “Save” button. 4. Once you have entered all the required or optional information click the “Edit User” button. 5. The next screen will ask you to log out and back in to complete the changes.


Verifying Troop Information Before pre-sales begin, GSSN will automatically upload all of the registered Girl Scouts from our database into SNAP+. Please do not request to remove a girl who may not be attending your troop meetings. If she registered at any point of the membership year to your troop, unless the parent requests a troop transfer, she will remain listed in your troop.

Follow the steps below to verify all of the registered girls in your troop are correct.

1. Go to the “My Troop” option and click on “Troop Girls.” 2. Verify that all girls in your troop are currently listed. If any girl is missing, please use the “Contact Us” link at gssn.org, or email us at girlscoutshelp@gssn.org to let us know that someone is missing from your list.


Favorite Reports Did you know... SNAP+ allows you to save your favorite reports!

Here are some of the most used reports:

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Summary Reports: Girl Balance Summary Troop Balance Summary Planned Order Report Available Booth Sales Summary Booked Booth Sales Summary Recognition Order Summary by Troop Recognition Order Summary by Girl Total Troop Sales & Finances by Troop – View 3


Order Reports: Troop Initial Order Girl Internet Orders CoCo Report

Adding Favorite Reports 1. Click “Reports” on the “Reports” icon. 2. Select a report category. 3. Highlight the report you want added to your Favorite Reports, then click “Add to Favorites.” 4. A pop-up will appear to confirm the addition of the report to your favorites. Click “OK.“ 5. Log out, then log back in to save your “Favorite Reports” choice.

Ordering Cookies January 26 Don’t delay! Placing your initial cookie order by January 26, 2016 is the only way to guarantee you will get the cookies you want. • There are no limits (minimum or maximum) to the amount of cookies you order, but remember, cookies ordered and signed for may not be returned to any Cookie Cupboard or the GSSN Reno Service Center. • To determine how many cookies to order for your troop, please contact your local Service Unit or SUPSC. They can let you know the typical amount sold within your area.


Cookie Share Program There are two ways you can participate in the Cookie Share Program!

Option 1:

GSSN participates in a Virtual Cookie Share program, where each girl can select how she wants her donated cookies to be handled. GSSN will give any donated cookies from your troop to one of the 7 nonprofit organizations listed below. To choose this option, be sure to enter the amounts of cookies you would like donated in the Cookie Share column. (Shown in the screenshot below). Blue Star Moms of Nevada Children’s Cabinet of Nevada Food for Thought Food Bank of Northern Nevada

Reno/Sparks Gospel Mission Salvation Army Food Bank NV Citizen Project

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Please Note: This option is only available during the pre-sale period of the Cookie Program. Any other cookies donated from customers can be brought to the GSSN Reno Service Center at the end of the Cookie Program. If your troop chooses to have GSSN give donated cookies to one of the 7 nonprofit organizations, your troop will not receive the cookies, but is still responsible for collection of money from the customer. GSSN retains the cookies until the end of the program and will arrange with the nonprofit organizations for pickup.


Option 2:

Each girl/troop can select a local organization where she would like to donate her cookies! If your troop chooses this option, you will not need to enter any amount in the Cookie Share column in SNAP+. Instead, your troop will be responsible for delivering the donated cookies to the organization of their choice at the end of the Cookie Program.


Troop Initial Orders Follow the steps below in SNAP+ to place your Troop’s Initial Order:

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1. Log in to SNAP+ at abcsnap.com 2. Select the “Cookies” icon located at the top of the page. A dropdown menu will appear. Select the “Initial Order” option. 3. Enter your troop’s initial order by using your tab button to go from one cookie flavor to the next. Please verify that your amounts match and then continue entering each girls’ order. 4. Once you have entered the order for each girl, you will need to place an order for your first weekend of cookie booths. At this point, you may enter full case amounts in each flavor field in the Booth/Extras field just like you did for the girl orders. These cookies may be used for cookie booths or to fill any additional orders that a girl may get after she has submitted her initial order. Troops can place one Planned Order each week if they need additional cookies. Planned Orders can be picked up at your local Cookie Cupboard beginning in late February. 5. After you have entered all of your orders, the total amount of cookies that will be available for pickup in February will appear in the lower right corner. This amount will be in packages and cases. All troops will pick up in full case amounts. 6. Once you have entered your entire troop order, click the “Save” button. This will allow you to go back into the order and make any changes or additions. 7. After saving your order, you will be directed back to the “Manage Order” screen. Once here, you can select the “Initial Order” check box and the “Apply Filters” box to view your order. If you are 100% confident with your cookie order amounts, click on the blue check mark to commit your order. Once you commit your order you cannot make any changes to the order or place another initial order. Troops may only place one initial order. If you do need to make any changes or additions, please contact your SUPSC to assist you. 8. If you do not commit your order, your SUPSC will review the order and they can commit the order for you. Before any order is submitted to ABC Bakers, GSSN will review all orders to ensure that a troop has not over-ordered.


• All orders are due in SNAP+ by 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2016. • After 12 midnight, TPSC’s will be locked out of SNAP+ and will not be able to place an initial order. If this should happen, please contact your SUPSC for assistance. • Troops may place a Planned Order for a later pick up date, however, these orders are based on a firstcome first-served basis and are not guaranteed. Helpful Tips: All cookies come in packages. Please pay very close attention to any messages on the screen that appear in red. ABC Bakers has noted the “Unit of Measure” for ordering purposes whenever necessary. Remember to enter your initial order by packages. If the number of packages is not equal to a full case (12 package = 1 case), SNAP+ will add extra packages to your order. Those extra packages will appear in the “Extra Packages for Even Cases” field.


After Committing your Initial Order:

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• When printing or viewing any report, the “Unit of Measure” option should always be set to Cases/ Packages. • All reports will default to a PDF version, but if you want to view the report in any other format, just select the new format by clicking on the dropdown menu. • No paperwork is due to the Service Unit at this time.


Printing your report:

1. Go to the “Reports” icon located at the top of the page and select “Order Reports” from the “Reports” category option. 2. Then select the “Troop Initial Order” and click on the blue “Go To Report” button. 3. Once the “Report Criteria” screen comes up, click “View Report.” 4. Print this report and bring it with you when picking up cookies on your delivery day! Please Note: If you entered any amounts in the Cookie Share column, the troop will not receive those cookies but is still responsible for collection of the money from the customer. GSSN retains the cookies until the end of the Cookie Program and will arrange with the 7 nonprofits for pickup.

Cookie Recognitions Girls are able to earn unique recognitions through the Girl Scout Cookie Program! Recognitions are cumulative and provide tangible goals for girls in order to acknowledge their participation and effort. The 2016 Cookie Program Recognitions are pictured on the Recognition Insert that each girl should receive once a signed Parent Permission Form has been turned into the TPSC or on their personal CoCo account. • Girls in troops who have selected Proceed Plan A may select an actual item or GS Bucks (formerly cookie dough) if they have reached certain levels. • Recognitions may not be substituted for GS Bucks unless it is offered and selected at that level. • GS Bucks cannot be transferred to another person or used to purchase items for a troop. • GS Bucks will expire March 31 of the following year. • Early Bird and Achievement Bar patches are considered recognition items and are available to any girl selling cookies, based on their sales. These patches and recognitions are not available for purchase. The only exception to this is for girls in troops who have selected Proceed Plan B.Those girls who sold cookies and appear in SNAP+ may purchase one Pewter Figurine at a determined price at the end of the Cookie Program. Please Note: Additional cookie patches like the Cookie Booth, My First Cookie Sale, Goal Getter, Super Seller and Cookie Share can be purchased in the GSSN Shop. These patches are ordered early in the Cookie Program and may not be available past a certain date.


Creating Your Early Bird Recognition Order Create an Early Bird Recognition Order for every girl who sells a minimum of 130 packages between January 9-24, 2016. You will need to place this order by 11:59 p.m. on January 26.

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1. Click on the “Recognitions” tab located at the top of the page. 2. Select “Create Recognition Order.” 3. Select Plan Type “Early.” 4. Click the blue “Create Order” button.


Helpful Tip: If a girl has earned the Early Bird patch, just click on each name featured in red for SNAP+ to confirm that the recognition is available.

5. Click on the blue “Save and Exit” button.

6. The “View Recognition Orders”page will now appear, click the blue check mark to commit your order. 7. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm commit. Click “OK” and your order will be submitted!

Please Note: Troops can only create one Early Bird recognition order. If you have already created an order, but not committed it, you can view the order and make changes.


Cookie Booth Selection & Scheduling Mark your calendars! Tuesday, February 2, 7 p.m. - Wednesday, February 3, 7 p.m.

Each troop will be able to log in to SNAP+ and select up to 2 cookie booths.

Thursday, February 4, 7 p.m. - Friday, February 5, 7 p.m.

Each troop will be able to choose up to 4 additional cookie booth locations. If a troop did not select 2 cookie booths during the first round, they will be able to select 6 at this time.

Monday, February 8, 7 p.m.

The cookie booth selection process will open for any remaining cookie booths to be chosen. Troops can select up to 40 cookie booth locations!

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Did you know... • Every cookie booth requires a minimum of 2 registered adults and a minimum of 2 registered Girl Scouts at all times. • All cookie booths will be selected using the SNAP+ Booth Selection process. Troops can schedule a time at a cookie booth location anywhere in the GSSN Council jurisdiction by selecting a location and time in SNAP+. Cookie booths are scheduled in two-hour time increments and start no earlier than 4 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sundays. • For higher-traffic booth locations that have two entrances, each door will be listed as a separate cookie booth location, increasing the possibility for all troops to have the opportunity to sell at a high-traffic location. Each door will require 2 registered adults and 2 registered Girl Scouts to be there at all times. Adults may not work both doors at the same time. • Need to cancel a Cookie Booth you selected? You can do so at least 24 hours in advance by using the option found in SNAP+. This will allow any other troop the chance to select the cookie booth. The booth sale schedule is shared with the community through several websites, including the national Girl Scout Cookie Locator. Customers searching for Girl Scout Cookies are directed to locations that show as secured in Snap+. Canceling unwanted booth sales gives other troops the opportunity to fill the time slot. A cancelation email will be sent to the Snap+ account associated with that troop. It will indicate who canceled the time slot.

Follow the steps below to schedule your Cookie Booths: 1. Select the “Cookies” icon located at the top of the page. 2. Scroll down to the “Booth Scheduler” option in the dropdown menu, then scroll over to the “Schedule a Booth OR Lottery Request” option. 3. You can then see all of the cookie booth locations that have been secured. Once you decide on a location, double-click on the name of the store to select it.

4. The calendar will open up. If you hover over the blue “available” image, any available time slots will appear. If you want the time slot showing, just double-click on the blue “available” option. 5. Once you click on the available time slot, a dialog box will open. If this is the date and time you would like to choose, click on the “Troop FCFS Reserve” link (Troop First-come First-serve Reserve). 6. Another dialog box will open up to confirm your booth selection, click on the “Ok” button. 7. Once submitted, the TPSC should receive a confirmation email for the location, date, and time chosen.


Delivery & Distribution of Troop Initial Orders February 11-19 Reno area:

GSSN will set up available dates and times in SNAP+ for all troops to pick up their Initial Troop Cookie order.

Outlying Service Unit areas:

Your SUPSC will set up a schedule in SNAP+ for you to select the best date and time for your troop initial cookie pickup.

The TPSC’s Role: • The TPSC is responsible for counting and confirming by flavor that the order matches exactly as it appears on the Troop Initial Order Report and checking for any damaged cases and request a replacement if necessary. • The TPSC should receive a signed receipt from the GSSN representative, SUPSC, or volunteer in charge of the pickup area before departing with troop cookies. Be sure to keep your copy of the Troop Initial Order Report for your troop records. • Take the troop’s order directly home. Be sure to keep all of the cookies away from direct sun, snow, smoke, or pests. The troop is financially responsible for all cookies signed for until signed for by a parent/ legal guardian. Once cookies are signed for, they cannot be returned for credit.

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Please Note: Cookies are insured against fire and theft through the point of delivery to the GSSN Reno Service Center or Service Units. However, once they have been distributed to the troops, the products and related funds are the responsibility of the troop, Cookie Supporter, and girls.


Pickup/Delivery for Troops Troops can log in to SNAP+ and select the best date and time that is most convenient for them to pick up their Initial Troop Order.

Follow the steps below in SNAP+:

1. Click on the “My Troop” icon and select the “Delivery” option in the dropdown menu. 2. Click on “Schedule Pickup.” A calendar with the available dates and times will appear. 3. Click on the “Available Slots” button.

5. A box will appear with all of the available times, click on the green “plus” symbol to select the time you would like to pick up cookies. 6. A box will appear for you to confirm your appointment. If this is correct, click on the green “OK” button. 7. The box will close and go back to the previous page. Scroll to the bottom and click the green “Close” button. 8. If you need to cancel this appointment, follow the previous steps but click on the red “minus” symbol to cancel your pickup time and re-select another appointment time.


Distributing Orders to Girls

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1. Sort the cookies before girls and Cookie Supporters arrive. 2. Distribute cookies to the girls. 3. Have the Cookie Supporter count and sign for their product. Use receipt booklets for all transactions. Please Note: only the Cookie Supporter can sign for product. • To keep your transactions straight, we suggest you write one receipt for the initial order as it appears in SNAP+. If a girl should need additional cookies, use a separate receipt to account for that product. This separate receipt is what you will use to complete the transfer process in SNAP+. We suggest you pick a certain day of the week to enter all transfers of cookies. The initial order will already be transferred to each girl based on what you entered at the time that you placed the initial girl order. Any additional cookies picked up by the girl will have to be transferred from the troop to the girl for the girl to be financially responsible for them and for her recognitions to be generated by SNAP+. (See transfers on page 39 for complete step-by-step instructions). 4. After the Cookie Supporter signs the receipt, give them the yellow copy. Your troop should keep the white copy until 6 months after the end of the Cookie Program. Remember to issue receipts for your own Girl Scout and track all sales for her, just like you would do for any other girl in your troop. These receipts are considered a legal document should any issue of a parent/legal guardian not pay for their cookies. 5. Instruct the girls to deliver all of their cookies and collect money promptly. 6. Give the girls/Cookie Supporter a schedule for when money is to be turned in. If the customer is paying by check, all checks should be made out directly to the troop and deposited into the troop bank account frequently. Checks may take a few days to clear the bank. 7. Remind girls/Cookie Supporter when money is going to be deducted from the troop bank account and allow enough time for all deposits to clear. Any troop with insufficient funds at the time of an ACH bank sweep will have to pay for any NSF charges charged by their bank as well as GSSN’s bank. • If a girl has a particularly large order, we suggest you only give her a portion of her order and let her know that when she turns in money for those cookies, she will receive the remaining portion of her order.


Money is due from each girl on the following dates to allow enough time for deposits to clear before any ACH bank sweep is completed: • • • •

February 24, 2016: Pre-Order money due from the girls/Cookie Supporter March 16, 2016: All remaining money due from the girls/Cookie Supporter March 7, 2016: First ACH bank sweep of 25% of cookie order money owed to GSSN March 27, 2016: Final ACH bank sweep of remaining money owed to GSSN

Helpful Tip: It is important to track cookies and payments promptly. We suggest that you pick a certain day each week to enter all of your financial transactions for girls in SNAP+. Do not wait until the end of the program. These transactions can affect your troop proceeds if not done accurately and in a timely manner.

Cookie Cupboards & Planned Orders Cookie Cupoards open February 23 GSSN Reno Service Center Cookie Cupboard Hours: Monday – Closed Tuesday – Friday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday – 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sunday – Closed

For your convenience, additional product will be available from your local Cookie Cupboard. To order additional cookies, just place a Planned Order in SNAP+ with your assigned Cookie Cupboard beginning February 1, 2016. • Cookie Cupboards will open on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. For outlying area troops, check with your SUPSC for a specific date and time. • Troops may place one Planned Order per week (a week = Sunday - Saturday). • All Planned Orders must be submitted in SNAP+ by 10 p.m. PST on the Sunday prior to when you want to pick up the order. These orders will have priority over any walk-up requests. • Planned Orders are guaranteed as long as the Cookie Cupboard has inventory. • Orders not picked up on the confirmed pickup date are not guaranteed to be available on another day. • Cookies will be issued in full case amounts only. No mixed cases are allowed. • Any flavor is eligible for exchanges until March 11, 2016. • Cookies may not be returned to any Cookie Cupboard. • Troops may exchange any damaged packages or cases for the same flavor. • Only TPSC’s may pick up full cases of cookies. Parents, troop leaders, or co-leaders are not permitted to pick up cookies. • The TPSC is responsible for counting and confirming by flavor that the order matches exactly as it appears on the Planned Order Report and checking for any damaged cases and request a replacement if necessary. Orders may be altered if cookies are available. • The TPSC should receive a signed receipt from the GSSN representative, SUPSC, or volunteer in charge of the pickup area before departing with troop cookies. Be sure to keep your copy of the Planned Order Report for your troop records. • Take the troop’s order directly home. Be sure to keep all of the cookies away from direct sun, snow, smoke, or pest. The troop is financially responsible for all cookies signed for until signed for by a parent/ legal guardian. Once cookies are signed for, they cannot be returned for credit. We love our Cookie Cupboard Coordinators! Our Cookie Cupboard Coordinators are volunteers just like you. Thank you for extending your gratitude, courtesy, patience, and kindness to our coordinators and GSSN staff.


Placing Planned Orders Follow the steps below in SNAP+ to place planned orders:

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1. Click on the “Cookies” icon located at the top of the page. 2. Select the “Planned Order” option in the dropdown menu. 3. Select your Cookie Cupboard and date of pick up. 4. In the “Order Reference” section, enter the time you would like to pick up the order. (For example: 11:00) Please do not enter any other information in this field. 5. Use your tab button to go from one flavor to the next. Remember to enter in full case amounts. 6. Click on the blue “Save and Return to Manage Orders” button. 7. A “Confirm Submit” page will appear, asking if you are sure you want to submit the order. Click “OK.” 8. A “Submit Order” page will appear, confirming your order. Click “OK.“


Cookie Transfers If you picked up additional cookies and a girl would like some of them, the TPSC will need to complete a Troop-to-Girl transfer. • All cookies are transferred to a troop first, then the troop may transfer cookies to a girl. • All cookies are the financial responsibility of the troop until transferred to a specific girl.

Types of Transfers: 1. Troop-to-girl as specific flavors. This option will transfer the financial responsibility for collection of money directly to the girl. 2. Troop-to-girl transfer if a girl attended a cookie booth or had any online sales. This option will just give the girl credit for sales and count towards her personal recognitions. Helpful Tip: Select a certain day of the week to complete all cookie transfers. This will ensure that your record-keeping stays on track and you are not rushing to complete your work at the end of the Cookie Program. By completing your transfers at least weekly, you will be able to print or email reports directly to a girl letting her know where she is at with her personal goal and how much money is due or has been paid.


Troop-to-Girl Transfers Transfering ADDITIONAL cookies from a Troop-to-Girl: 1. Click on the “Cookie” icon located at the top of the page. 3. Scroll down to the “Transfer Order” option and click “enter.” 4. Scroll down to the type of transfer you need to complete. For most transfers, you will be working in the “Troop to Girl Transfer” option. 5. Select the girl in the “To” girl box that is receiving the cookies. 6. Enter the number of packages to be allocated to the girl. Please enter the number of packages by flavor. 7. Once you enter all packages by flavor, click the blue “Save & Go to Manage” button. Transfer orders will now appear on the “Manage Order” screen. 8. Once you complete the transfer for each girl, the amount owed from the girl will now appear in her “Girl Balance Summary Report.” This report is very handy to either print or email directly to the girl/ family any time throughout the Cookie Program to keep them updated on the girl’s progress and financial responsibility.

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Helpful Tip: If you have told the families when money is due to the troop and the girl/family has not turned in money, this report can be emailed with a short request on when and why money is due. After 3 attempts to request money be paid, a Slow Pay Report can be submitted to GSSN, who will then assist with collection of money.


Transfering cookies from a Troop-to-Girl who attended a COOKIE BOOTH: Cookies sold during a Cookie Booth should be divided up evenly amongst all of the girls who attend the Cookie Booth. 1. Click on the “Cookie” icon located at the top of the page. 3. Scroll down to the “Transfer Order” option and click enter. 4. Scroll down to the type of transfer you need to complete. For most transfers, you will be working in the “Troop to Girl Transfer” option. 5. Select the girl in the “To” girl box that is receiving the cookies. 6. Enter the number of packages to be allocated to the girl in the “Booth” field. This option will allocate cookies without creating a financial responsibility directly to the girl. 7. Once you enter all packages, click the blue “Save & Go to Manage” button. Transfer orders will now appear on the “Manage Order” screen.

Did you know... • Completing all transfers in a timely manner allows SNAP+ to create the appropriate recognition, troop proceeds, and any financial responsibility to a specific girl. • When completing a troop-to-girl transfer for a girl who has attended a cookie booth or has any online sales, you will not need to create a financial transaction. All money collected at a cookie booth belongs to the troop and should not be credited to a girl. All online cookie orders are paid for directly from the consumer and will be credited directly to a girl via an automatic process by GSSN.


Troop-to-Troop Transfers/Extra Product • If your troop has extra product that has not been transferred to a girl, you may transfer those cookies to another troop. If a troop should need additional cookies while at a Cookie Booth, the two troops can transfer cookies as well. Please Note: All Troop-to-troop transfers must be done by either your SUPSC or the Product & Customber Care Manager promptly via SNAP+. • If your troop has any extra product, inform your Service Unit to see if another troop is in need of more product. • If you are unable to contact troops in your Service Unit, or no troops are in need of additional cookies, contact your SUPSC or the Product & Customer Care Manager for assistance in finding a troop outside of your Service Unit that needs the product. • Any product not sold by a troop becomes the property of the troop at the end of the Cookie Program and must be recorded on the troop financial report as troop inventory. • Cookies cannot be sold to the general public after June 1, 2016.

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Transfering cookies from Troop-to-Troop:


1. The TPSCs will arrange a time for the physical transfer of the product between the two troops. A receipt for the product being transferred must be signed by both troops and each should receive a copy. Make sure to take note of each troop’s Service Unit on the receipt as well. Troops can transfer in quantities of packages for any flavor. 2. After the physical transfer is complete, the “transferring out” troop should promptly notify their SUPSC that the transfer has occurred. 3. The “transferring out” troops’ SUPSC will complete a Troop-to-Troop transfer in SNAP+. 4. Both TPSCs should confirm the transfer is accurate by viewing the Troop Balance Summary Report. Any discrepancies should be promptly reported to their SUPSC. 5. The “transferring in” troop has now taken the financial responsibility for the cookies and can transfer the cookies to their girls for recognition purposes.

Verifying Transfers 1. Click on the “Reports” icon located at the top of the page. 2. If you saved the Troop Balance Summary Report in your Favorites, click on the report title. If you did not save the Troop Balance Summary Report, just go to “Report Categories” and select “Summary Reports.” 3. In the “Reports” box, scroll down to “Troop Balance Summary Report”, click on “Go To Report.” 4. Leave all of the parameter fields as they are, and click on the “View Report” button . 5. Once the “Troop Balance Summary Report” appears, scroll down to the “Transfer In:” section and check for accuracy of the transfer. If there are any errors, contact cookies@gssn.org.


Financials & payments February 24: All Pre-Sale Cookie Order Money Due

Troops Collecting Cookie Money from Girls • Collect money from girls often and before giving any additional cookies to a girl. • Count all money received in the presence of the Cookie Supporter or another adult. • Troops are required to give the Cookie Supporter the yellow copy of the signed receipt when issuing cookies or collecting money, and the troop should keep the white copy until 6 months after the end of the Cookie Program. • Record the girl’s financial transaction in SNAP+. TPSC’s should select a certain day of the week to complete all financial transactions. • Make frequent deposits in the troop bank account. Troop funds should never filter through a personal bank account. • Checks from customers should be made out to the troop, not to a specific member of the troop. *Write the girls’ name who accepted the check in the memo field. Should the check be returned by the bank, the Cookie Supporter can make contact with the customer to resolve the issue. • Allow enough time for all checks to clear your bank account. This will ensure that the troop bank account will have enough funds to cover the first ACH bank withdrawal. • Continue to set deadlines for when money is due, and communicate those deadlines to each girl and her Cookie Supporter. If a girl misses a meeting, send an email reminding her when money is due. You can use the “Girl Balance Summary Report” to send directly to the girl showing what is owed and when money is due. This communication should be saved in the event that a Slow Pay issue arises.

Troop Proceeds • All money earned during any Product Program is the property of the troop, and not to any one individual girl. • Troops may not track dollar-for-dollar for any Girl Scout and girls may not have an individually-tracked account, per IRS rules. Please Note: It is possible that money credited to a girls’ individual account from the sale of any Girl Scout product would constitute income from services, and could result in employment taxes. gssn.org/cookies | 775-322-0642

Here are a few guidelines—some required by the IRS—that ensure sales are conducted with legal and financial integrity: • All recognitions earned by girls through Product Sale Activities must support Girl Scout program experiences (such as camp, travel, and program events, but not scholarships or financial credits toward outside organizations). • Troops are encouraged to participate in GSSN Product Sales as their primary money-earning activity. Any group money-earning should not compete with the Girl Scout Cookie Program or other GSSN Product Sales. • Troops must obtain written approval from GSSN before a group money-earning event. GSSN requires all troops to submit a Money-Earning Activity Request for approval before any event happens. • Girl Scouts may not use games of chance, the direct solicitation of cash, or product-demonstration parties to earn money. • Group money-earning activities should to be suited to the age and abilities of the girls and consistent 44 with the principles of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Entering Girl Payments in SNAP+ 1. Click the “Finance” icon located at the top of the page. 2. Click the “Add New Girl Transaction” button. 3. Use the “Girl” option in the dropdown menu to select the appropriate girl. 4. Click on the “Transaction Date” field. A calendar will open. Select the date you wrote the receipt for, not the date that you are entering the payment into SNAP+. 5. Click on the “Amount” field and enter the amount of the payment. This can be entered as a whole amount that matches the Cookie Supporter receipt, or you may split the payment into two different amounts, one for cash and one for checks. If you decide to split the payment into two different amounts, you will need to complete one entry for cash and then repeat the process to record the check payment. 6. If you would like to enter a comment in the reference field, you can do so now. Some troops like to enter messages such as: “received money at troop meeting on 9/24/15.” These comments will show up on the “Girl Balance Summary Report.” 7. After you have entered all of the required fields, click the blue “Save” button. 8. You will be taken back to the Finances page. If you have entered the information incorrectly, click on the green pencil to edit the previous entry.


Checks GSSN highly discourages accepting checks, as this can pose a risk to the troop. However, we realize it may be unavoidable from family and friends. Take a look at the following procedures if your troop chooses to accept checks. • Personal checks should always be made out to the troop, not an individual girl, parent/legal guardian, GSSN, or Girl Scouts. • Write the name of the Girl Scout who recieved the check on the check’s memo line. • Submit all checks to the TPSC for deposit into the troop bank account promptly. • Returned checks are the responsibility of the troop to attempt to collect on. The check should be given to the Cookie Supporter who accepted it, and it becomes their responsibility to collect on the check, including the bounced check fees. Please Note: If your troop chooses not to accept checks, instruct the girls and Cookie Supporter of the troop’s decision at your meeting.

Credit Cards The Cookie Program is now a high tech affair! Some troops are processing their cookie payments using an iPhone or Android phone with a credit card reader. Girls can learn new aspects of running a business while providing a more convenient way for customers to make a purchase.

Follow the steps below to begin accepting credit cards:

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• Select a device and program from a company that offers a free credit card reader. • Set up your device(s) and link to the troop bank account only. Parent/legal guardians may not configure a device to link to a personal bank account. • The troop will need to decide how to cover the transaction fees associated with the use of the device. Please Note: Transaction fees cannot be passed along to the consumer.


Counterfeit Bills While it doesn’t happen very often, a troop may receive a counterfeit bill and not even know. To better protect your troop from receiving a counterfeit bill, we recommend the following: • Do not accept bills larger than $20. • Take time to look at and feel the money you receive. • Check for obvious things like duplicate serial numbers. • Check for the security stripe and watermark by holding the bill up to the light. • Use a counterfeit detection pen. (Make sure to only use the pen on money, once it’s been used on regular paper the pen becomes ineffective).

Troop Payments via ACH Debit Process • All monies owed to GSSN will be collected from troops via the ACH (Automatic Clearing House) debit process. ACH is a nationwide electronic funds transfer network that enables banks to distribute electronic charges (debits) to bank accounts and settle such entries in just a few steps. • GSSN will automatically withdraw the amount owed from the troop’s bank account on each troop payment deadline (March 7 and March 27, 2016 – See your Save the Dates document).

Troop Responsibility • Troops must submit an online ACH form prior to getting access to SNAP+. You can find this form at gssn.org. • GSSN will upload all troop banking information (e.g. bank name, routing number, and account number) into SNAP+. • Troops should deposit all money into the troop bank account promptly and frequently. • The TPSC will receive an email from SNAP+ at least 48 hours in advance of any ACH withdrawal letting them know exactly how much will be deducted from the troop bank account. Please Note: Troops that cannot cover the first ACH charge will not be allowed to receive any additional cookies until the entire ACH amount has been received by GSSN.

Changing Troop Bank Account Information • GSSN will pull your troop banking information from the Troop ACH form and upload the information into SNAP+. • If your troop needs to change banks or signers, please complete a new ACH form. • Any bank information that is incorrect at the time of an ACH bank sweep can cause the ACH bank withdrawal to be rejected and a potential non-sufficient funds to be incurred. All NSF charges for misinformation from the troop will be the troop’s responsibility to cover.

Troop Payments • The troop should deposit all cookie money into their troop bank account. • All checks should be written out to the troop, not an individual girl, parent/legagl guardian, GSSN, or Girl Scouts. • GSSN will process troop payments via ACH debit, then upload the troop’s approved payment in SNAP+ after the bank has completed the ACH debits. (This payment will be applied to the troop’s balance owed in SNAP+).


Slow Pay and Uncollected Debt • The adult leadership of troops and Service Units are responsible for safeguarding money and reducing the amount of debt outstanding during and at the end of the sale. • Girls should be encouraged to turn in money on a regular basis (at least weekly) during the Cookie Program.

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• We encourage each troop to establish a clear set of deadlines for when they expect money to be turned in. (e.g. at every troop meeting or on a certain day of the week if the troop does not meet regularly.) • The TPSC should always count the money with the girl or Cookie Supporter and provide a receipt for the amount received. Every Cookie Supporter must always receive a signed receipt when they turn in money. Without signed receipts, the troop is financially responsible for any debt owed to GSSN. • We encourage you to deposit money as often as possible, on a weekly or twice-weekly basis, as well as directly after a booth sale. • Good record-keeping is extremely important to the Girl Scout Cookie Program. It is an essential tool for working with GSSN if slow pay or uncollected debt occurs. If an issue arises, the GSSN Council will pursue legal action to obtain any money owed. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis. • As the TPSC, please be sure to issue receipts for all money received and all cookies issued to every Girl Scout (including your daughter) and every Cookie Supporter.


Cookie Supporters Who Are Slow to Pay 1. Contact the Cookie Supporter promptly if a girl has not turned in her cookie money by the requested deadline. All contact should be documented for future reference if needed. (e.g. phone call, texts, or any emails sent to include the date money is due, when and how the contact was made, and any agreements on when money will be paid.) 2. Girls or Cookie Supporters may not sign out additional cookies until money has been received by the troop. 3. If a girl has a past unresolved debt issue, she may not participate in any individual cookie sales. She may only participate in the Cookie Program via cookie booth sales. Once the unresolved cookie debt has been cleared, GSSN will instruct you on how to proceed. 4. Keep the troop leader informed of all contact made to the Cookie Supporter regarding all outstanding money. 5. Document all attempts to reach the Cookie Supporter by using the Slow Pay Tracking form. 6. Submit the completed Slow Pay Tracking form, signed Parent Permission form, and all receipts for the cookies and/or money received to GSSN after you have completed the required three contacts with the parent. This must be completed and submitted no later than March 31, 2016. Please Note: If a Slow Pay report is not submitted with the troop’s final paperwork, GSSN will not be able to assist the troop with collection and the troop will absorb the loss and be required to pay all monies owed to GSSN by requested deadlines. 7. If the steps listed in step 6 are completed, the troop will only be required to pay the amount due to GSSN, minus the amount due from any Slow Pay Cookie. Please Note: The TPSC is fully responsible for accounting for all cookies issued, all money received, and issuing a signed receipt at all times. By using the finance function in SNAP+ on a consistent basis, it will help to eliminate any surprises to a girl and her Cookie Supporter. The troop leader may not override any policy or procedure that has been provided to you by the Product & Customer Care Manager or by GSSN via any training documents.


Final Recognition Ordering Once the TPSC completes all necessary Troop-to-Girl transfers, either to charge the girl financially or if the girl has attended a cookie booth, the TPSC will need to complete the final recognition order for each girl who sold cookies. Only girls who are listed in SNAP+ are considered registered and eligible to sell cookies and earn recognitions. • TPSC’s will need to order achievement bar patches based on the actual amount of cookies sold by each girl. The rest of the recognitions will auto-generate based on the amount of cookies transferred to each girl. The only time a TPSC will need to make a manual entry is if an “or” choice is needed. • TPSC’s should sit down with each girl prior to the end of the program and discuss which recognition items she would like. Once the recognition order has been committed at the troop level, no changes to the order can be made. Please Note: All recognition orders are final.

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Creating the Final Recognition Order (available beginning March 16, 2016)


1. Click the “Recognitions” icon located at the top of the page. 2. Click “Create Recognition Order.” 3. Click “Plan Type” and select “Main.” 4. Click the blue “Create Order” button. 5. Highlight the girl’s name whose recognition order needs reviewing. Please Note: Girl names in red need to have their order reviewed. 6. Review each item for accuracy or select the appropriate choice if a girl has indicated GS Bucks or an actual item she would like to receive. 7. Continue this process for each girl. 8. Click the blue “Save and Exit” button once you are finished. The recognition order will now appear on the “View Recognition Orders” page. Troops may only submit one main recognition order. 9. If you need to make any corrections to the order, click on the green pencil. Complete the previous steps listed to make any corrections. Once you have completed and are 100% sure the order is complete, click the blue check mark to commit your order. 10. A dialog box will appear asking you to “Confirm Commit.” Click the “OK” button. The blue check mark will disappear. 11. If you make any transfers of cookies to a girl, you will need to update the recognition order and commit the order again.

Troop Cookie Booth Log 1. Select the “Reports” icon located at the top of the page. 2. Select “Summary Reports” under the “Report Categories” option. 3. Select the “Booked Booth Sales Summary Report” under the “Reports” option. 4. Click on the blue “Go To Reports” button. 5. Change the “Select View Type” from PDF to Excel or Text. This will allow you to add information to the report. 6. Click on the blue “View Report” button. 7. The report will open up and you will see all the cookie booths your troop selected in SNAP+. If you attended any other cookie booth or did a Lemonade Stand, you will need to add the information to the report. 8. Delete the following columns: A and I 9. Add a column header called “Amount of Cookie Sold” in column K. 10. For each cookie booth, add the total amount of cookies sold by time period listed in column K. Please do not enter the total amount sold for the day. Our goal is to see how many cookies a troop sold by the hour at a particular cookie booth. 11. Turn this report in to your SUPSC at the end of the Cookie Program.

Please Note: Every troop is required to turn in Cookie Booth Log. Some of our Cookie Booth locations require GSSN to provide them with how many cookies were sold or how much money was raised at their locations. Any troop who does not turn in a Cookie Booth Log by March 31, 2016 will not receive their troop recognition order. 51

End of Cookie Program Processes All transfers, financial transactions, and recognition orders must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 22, 2016. After this date all TPSC’s will be locked out of SNAP+. 1. Verify all transfer entries by viewing the “Troop Balance Summary.” 2. Make sure all Troop-to-Girl transfers are complete. 3. Be sure to enter all girl financial transactions. 4. Make sure all girls have a zero-dollar balance listed on their “Girl Balance Summary Report.” If not, you will need to double-check all of your signed receipts and enter all money received by a girl/Cookie Supporter by using the “Finance” icon located at the top of the page. 5. Make sure every girl who sold cookies has her Final Recognition order submitted. 6. Check the Final Recognition order for accuracy. 7. Make your final troop bank deposit. 8. Complete your Troop Cookie Booth Log.

Paperwork due to SUPSC: March 31, 2016 • Completed Cookie Booth Log emailed to cookies@gssn.org. • Slow Pay paperwork if necessary (all signed receipts, parent permission forms, and proof of all communication attempts where you asked for money to be turned in)

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Receipt Booklet


• These receipts are used every time cookies are picked up by a girl or when money is received from a girl in your troop. Receipts are also used anytime you transfer cookies from one troop to another. • Receipts should not be given to the customer. • Completed receipts are to be signed by the TPSC and counter-signed by the parent/legal guardian. Girls may not sign any receipt. • All receipts are considered a legal document, so the troop should retain the original (white copy) and the Cookie Supporter should be instructed to also retain their receipt (yellow copy) until 6 months after the end of the Cookie Program. • We suggest you use separate receipts booklets for cookies being issued and all money received. This will help with accurate record keeping.

Cookie Stop & Check Our Girl Scout Cookie Program is a fun and rewarding opportunity to fund girls’ leadership experiences, adventures, and goals. Sometimes though, there are some tough questions that we would like to answer so you feel prepared. Please refer to the following pages for information on Selling Issues, Customer Returns, Damaged Product, Fire/Theft/Burlary/Robbery, and tax information. If you have any questions about the following “Stop & Check” guidelines, please email cookies@gssn.org. Thank you in advance for your help!

Selling Issues (early selling, unauthorized booth sales, behavior, etc.) The Cookie Program begins on Saturday, January 9, 2016. No order taking or gathering of sale commitments prior to this date is allowed. Deal with the situation when it occurs. If the problem is widespread in the troop have a girl/parent meeting immediately.

To report a selling issue that you personally witness, please take the following steps: • Identify the girl or Cookie Supporter by name and/or troop number. • Promptly notify GSSN. If a selling issue has been reported on a girl or Cookie Supporter in your troop, you and/or the Troop Leader should: • Notify the Cookie Supporter as soon as possible. Explain the reasons for the rules as it relates to the Girl Scout Promise and Law and business ethics. • Remind the girl and Cookie Supporter not following the Girl Scout guidelines for the Cookie Program can result in negative consequences for the entire troop.

Customer Returns If a customer chooses to return a product, please take the following steps: • Accept the returned product from the customer, even if you did not sell to them. • Offer the customer an even exchange for the same or other variety of product. • If the customer does not want the product replaced, have them call the Product & Customer Care Manager at (775) 322-0642. Please do not give out the phone number without first getting the unwanted product from the customer. Make sure to give the customer the TPSC’s contact information to provide to the Product & Customer Care Manager when they call. • If you give the customer an exchange, please make sure to contact your local SUPSC to find out how you can get a replacement item for your troop. • If a foreign item is found in the product, please notify the Product & Customer Care Manager immediately. The product must be picked up from the person reporting the foreign object. • In case of injury, notify GSSN staff immediately by calling the Product & Customer Care Manager at (775) 322-0642.


Cookie Stop & Check (Cont.) Troops may not separate or transfer during the Cookie Program Troops can sometimes have differences of opinions regarding their involvement in the Cookie Program. If miscommunication or misunderstandings occur, please attempt to resolve the issue or contact the Product Sales & Customer Care Manager for assistance. The staff at GSSN will help to resolve the situation until permanent solutions can be agreed upon after the program. The Troop is not permitted to separate or transfer girls during the Cookie Program.

Damaged Product Sometimes product received may be damaged (dented packages, crushed, etc.) We do not expect any troop to take a loss of troop proceeds because of a damaged item. All damages reported during the Cookie Program will be taken care of immediately.

If you receive a damaged product, please take the following steps: • Contact your SUPSC to schedule a damaged cookie exchange with a local Cookie Cupboard. • Give the damaged product to the GSSN staff or SUPSC you visit. You will be given the exact item as replacement. Please do not wait until the end of the program to handle any damage issues.

Fire/Theft/Burglary/Robbery Products are insured against fire and theft through the point of delivery to the Service Units. Once they have been delivered to the troop, items and related funds are the responsibility of the troop, Cookie Supporters, and girls. Product should be distributed to the girls quickly, delivered to the customers promptly, and funds deposited frequently to help avoid potential issues.

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In the event that product or funds are stolen, the police must be called and a report taken within 48 hours of the incident. The number of packages and/or money stolen must be specified on the police report. The police report must be submitted with an explanation in writing directly to GSSN as soon as it is available. In some cases, homeowner’s insurance will cover the loss. Please make a copy of the police report for your troop records.


Are Girl Scout Cookies tax-deductible? It depends...

No, if the customer keeps the product. Individuals who buy and take the product home or consume it have purchased a product at fair market value. For this reason, no part of the price of a package of cookies is tax-deductible. Maybe, if the customer leaves the product with Girl Scouts. Many Girl Scouts ask customers to pay for one or more packages of cookies for use in their community service project, such as Cookie Share. The customer who did not receive any Girl Scout Cookies will not benefit directly from paying for them and may be able to treat a portion of the purchase price of the donated package(s) of cookies as a charitable contribution. The troop that sold the item(s) should give a receipt for the purchase if the customer requests one at the time of sale. Council will not issue donation receipts for Cookie Share or similar program purchases.

Thank you, Thank you!

We hope the information we’ve provided will help you have a fun and successful Cookie Program. If you have any questions not covered in this troop manual, contact your SUPSC. If more information is needed, contact the Product & Customer Care Manager at cookies@gssn.org. On behalf of the GSSN Board of Directors, staff, and especially the girls of the Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada, we want to express our sincere appreciation for your generous support of the Cookie Program. It is only with dedicated volunteers at the troop level that we are able to have a successful, safe. and fun Cookie Program for girls. Your support ensures that Girl Scouting will continue to offer opportunities for girls of northern Nevada and eastern California for years to come.


Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada 605 Washington Street Reno, Nevada 89503 775.322.0642

Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be Honest and fair,

Considerate and caring,

Observe the Girl Scout Cookie Program starting date of January 9, 2016. Say, “thank you” even if someone does not purchase Girl Scout cookies. Promptly meet deadlines.

Courageous and strong,

Do the right thing even if others don’t.

Responsible for what I say and do, Respect myself and others,

Complete paperwork and deposits neatly, accurately and on time. Strive to be my best at all times.

Respect authority,

Know and obey safety guidelines.

Use resources wisely,

Offer customers the opportunity to order over the telephone, or email. Greet customers with a smile and use manners.

Friendly and helpful,

Make the world a better place, And be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Help sister Girl Scouts.

Check out gssn.org or abcsmartcookies.com for a world of resources available to you and your girls, including craft ideas, goal setting, and much more! For any topics not covered in this manual, please email cookies@gssn.org or call 775.322.0642.

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