Conversation based on Article from The Huddersfield Daily Examiner purchased on Wednesday 24th of September 2014. Conversation Topic: Article – Bringing a healthier choice to fast food Page 14 written by Neil Atkinson. Conversation Date: 28th September 2014. Participants: Gaynor Thorpe and Michael Jones.
Transcription G- This article like basically when you first read the headline I thought that what’s the point in selling healthy stuff in a takeaway but it’s not that they’re just changing stuff but like on that point there it says offering the option of poached fish instead of deep fried and then offering a diet or reduced sugar drink as an alternative like for me that’s probably going to be better because I’m on Slimming World I’m probably going to want to get that now and again aren’t I when I’m trying to stick to plan, I know everyone’s not like there’s certain diets where it means that people can go out and have a takeaway and they can get fish and chips. Alright the chips might not be as good but they’re having a poached fish there’s less salt in the mushy peas it means that I can like get a diet coke and it means that I can still eat it when everyone else is eating it. Do you know what I mean? M- Yeah, but why would you go to a fast food restaurant to go and get it G- Because it M- Instead of goinging to your local supermarket instead of getting everything fresh. Where everything’s… G- Because it’s like on a Friday night when I finish work at 10 do I want to cook? No I want to go to the choppy and what do I normally do? Buy a full Chinese meal that’s full of god knows what. There trying to get more fresh vegetables in the stir fry’s from the Chinese. M- But yeah why don’t you cook before you go to work? That way it’s ready for you when you get home? G- Because it’s not always that easy and for other people M- No its not G- it’s not just about me M- Then at same time you’re saving money by not going to a fast food restaurant G- But that’s the article is saying that this is happening so why do you think they’re wasting their time so why do you think they’re wasting their time do you think they should just If you’re gonna eat fatty food then eat fatty food
M- I believe that G- And if you’re not then don’t M- At the end of the day if you go to McDonalds and stuff G- That’s the other side of me that thinks it’s daft because it says here that they’re going to like takeaways don’t put like fat contents and calorific contents on menus, McDonalds do but who reads it? Who goes into McDonalds and says let me just check the calories before I get it? M- Nobody G- Hardly anyone. Once I went and checked the syn value and had a chicken salad and it’s the worst McDonalds trip I ever had. So If I’m gonna have it im gonna have it aren’t I? M- Well it’d be like getting a pizza ok it wouldn’t be what you wanted. That’s what I’m trying to get at G- Well I suppose just changing the sugar and salt levels isn’t gonna do a lot like if they’re just changing like putting less salt in it then surely that’s gonna be better cos it’s better for like heart disease and stuff and it’s not gonna change the taste of it that much and its saying there chips that you can put salt on afterwards if you really want it. It’s giving people an option isn’t it M- But in fairness if you want a healthy lifestyle you don’t eat crap food. You exercise as well. You drink properly you don’t go to these fast food restaurants but If you don’t then you have that option to go G- Once in a blue moon isn’t bad is it? M-Exactly this is why I think it’s a bit much that they’re putting a lot of pressure on sort of the food industry to do more healthier things I think it’s up to the human to the person if they want that they can have that. G- Yeah I suppose M-there is G- I suppose it willpower There is other options you don’t have to go to the fast food restaurant there is other options if you want that G- I suppose even sometimes getting M- That’s what I’m trying to get at G- A ready meal from the supermarket that’s better than the takeaway if you need convenience. M- Exactly but that’s just my view on it anyway G- I suppose they’re just trying to make something better that’s already out there but why they’re doing it now when fast food chains have been around for ages M- That’s it G- I’m just torn between the article M- Well that was just my opinion on it anyway.