3 minute read
Figuring Out What You’re Good at
Flourish and bloom
Because you’ll be spending up to 50 hours at work each week – around 200 hours a month – it makes more sense to examine each job ofer carefully rather than chasing one ideal role, all while keeping the four aforementoned questons in mind.
Additonally, do also think of the following three points when considering your job ofers:
Who would you rather work with? Before confrming a job ofer, think back to the ofce culture and environment you managed to catch a glimpse of during the recruitment process. For example, more and more companies are moving towards an open concept when it comes to ofce spaces, so you may have to consider working in that setng and prepare yourself for it. Where would you take on challenges? The workplace is ofen full of challenges, and these challenges can feel amplifed for a fresh graduate with litle to no work experience.
For example, an introvert can carve out a successful career in marketng or sales with self-awareness and a willingness to work in a team while interactng with numerous clients. However, the individual will also likely have to take some tme out every once in a while in order to recharge and refocus.
How can you contribute? If you’re in your element, it’s easy to thrive and prosper, so take your comfort zone into consideraton too.
For instance, if you prefer interactng with others, you can think about pursuing a career in client relatons. On the other hand, if you like working alone, you can consider going into media, design, or the arts.

Beginning Your Job Search
The frst step to starting your job search is to fnd out about the various job portals and application routes available.
There are a number of paths you can look at when looking for a job as a graduate, and one of the most common methods for searching and applying is undoubtedly through the internet.
But don’t confne yourself to just the jobs available online! There’s a variety of other optons available, so make use of them too, and don’t place limits on your search. While social distancing measures do limit face-to-face interactons, there are usually virtual formats available. And as Singapore contnues to keep the Covid-19 pandemic under control, we can expect gradual loosening of the measures over tme.

Go online
With so many career portals online, you’re free to take your pick though you should ensure that the ones you join and subscribe to are those that suit you best. For instance, gradsingapore.com curates both jobs and internships, and is considered a benefcial and helpful resource for those who are in the early stages of their career or are fresh graduates.
Alternatvely, employers may post available positons and vacancies on their own websites and social media pages. So if there’s an employer that you have your eye on, you should defnitely consider following them on their social media. Not only will you be immediately informed of upcoming hiring opportunites and news, these pages also ofer a peek into their work culture, too.
Consider keeping yourself up-to-date with the current hiring trends around the world as well. They may give you an idea on more alternatve job search routes and prepare you for what to expect as you hunt for a job during this unpredictable period.
Going old school
Don’t underestmate the relevance of ofine media; employers do stll place job advertsements in newspapers and magazines. On top of that, graduate hiring schemes are also occasionally featured in these publicatons.
Consider also looking at specialised publicatons, such as gradsingapore’s STEM and Finance guides, which feature internship programmes and the type of job roles available in the market that are specifc to an industry or sector.