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6Using Different Platforms (Other Than LinkedIn
Personal Platforms
Platorms such as Facebook, Instagram and blogs take precedence over LinkedIn when when it comes to personal networking. However, because they’re far more personal, the delicate balance between personal and professional is even more precarious.
And although the struggle is real, don’t privatse your accounts or overlook them! Recruiters have been known to look out for potental candidates on these platorms, so clean these possible resources up rather than completely discountng them.
1. Your profle
While it’s fne to keep your personal profles more casual, make sure you stll include some common keywords regarding your career goals or aspiratons in summaries about yourself. This is so that it’ll appear when employers search for potental employees. This will also allow them to get a glance at your professional identty too.
Take note Give special atenton to your name and handle, and use your real name as much as possible to give an impression of trustworthiness and reliability.
For instance, if a media personality named “Beryl Tan” uses @beryltan, it sounds more authentc and dependable than @theber. 2. Your picture
While you should take creatve licence when it comes to your pictures on your personal sites, remember to choose those that show your face clearly.
More than that, to secure a good frst impression, don’t post an image of yourself in a possibly embarrassing setng for the world and prospectve employers to see.
Take note Be wary of picture tags – either disable that opton or untag yourself as you see ft.
3. Control your image
By customising your “friends” list, you’ll be able to control who gets to see who gets to see what posts you make online but also regulate who gets to view what content you have online. This lets you remain honest to your personal identty while also stll maintaining a professional appearance.
Take note Make sure to go through your setngs regularly, especially when the platorms are updated. 4. @tags and #hashtags
Although tags and hashtags are useful in getng your content to the right audience, be mindful not to abuse them! Use them to reach out to certain fgures – much like how celebrites do – or start a discussion.
Take note If you want to start a discussion, share and tag an industry update on an employer’s page. Many employers take note of these posts, so this is one way to make yourself known to them.
Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage
Though there are many other social networking platforms catered to businesses and professionals, LinkedIn remains the premium site for this target audience – so don’t underestimate its importance.
Aplace to showcase your resume, build your network and suss out jobs that suit your skill set, among many others, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for anyone looking to start their career.
But, like all social networking sites, LinkedIn can be a double-edged sword, depending on the user. Read on to learn how to harness its power and use it to your advantage!
Constructing your profle
Profles on LinkedIn act as online resumes, allowing you to mould your personal brand. Choose a profle picture that adequately refects the industry you’re either already in or looking to enter, and include a conspicuous yet explanatory headline on top of a powerful summary of your skills and career aspiratons.
Depending on your sector of choice, weave links into your resume that leads to some of your best works so employers can get a peek at your portolio. But even as you add work experience to your profle, make sure that your career moves are in line with your career aspiratons, startng with what recruiters would be interested in.
To give the impression of an allrounder, add both your educatonal and extracurricular achievements to your profle too!