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Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage
Growing your online network
Contnuously make connectons on LinkedIn by adding friends and coworkers, and don’t forget to promote your skill sets to get endorsements as well. As endorsements are also popular among employers, get your connectons to write recommendatons for you.
Moreover, as a professional networking platorm, LinkedIn keeps you updated on your contacts’ work anniversaries and promotons, so don’t hesitate to use these opportunites to keep in touch with them.
But as you grow and compile your network on LinkedIn, remain careful – use judgement and discernment on this site just as much as you might on Facebook and Instagram.
Discovering jobs that ft
Afer crafing a profle for yourself, clicking on the “Jobs” tab will bring you to a page where a list of jobs has been shortlisted for you. Based of your biography, these roles are generally relevant to the skills mentoned in your profle.
You’ll also be able to check out who among your contacts work with these companies, so if you decide to gun for some of these positons, you can ask your connectons to endorse you.
Applying for positions
Many job applicaton procedures just require you to upload your resume, though some postngs may redirect you to a company’s site or portal. However, some posts only need you to click on the EasyApply buton, making the applicaton process so much easier.
Even beter, many companies allow jobseekers to import their LinkedIn profles when applying for positons on their website, cutng down on flling up applicatons and freeing up tme to customise resumes and other relevant documents.
Raising your profle
As a graduate actvely looking for a job, you can indicate your willingness to allow recruiters to contact you on your LinkedIn profle. This will come in handy when recruiters sif through talent based on keywords as they will likely come across your profle, and reach out to you if you ft the bill.
State your career goals seriously and honestly, and work towards a perfect profle to get as many matches that are as pertnent to you as possible.
Engaging with employers and groups
Because many employers extensively craf their brand on LinkedIn, follow your dream companies there and reach out to them on occasion; potental candidates willing to engage meaningfully with employers are highly sought-afer, so don’t be afraid to make your presence known.
On top of that, it’s stll a social networking platorm, so LinkedIn also ofers a cache of Pages and Interest Groups overfowing with online communites of professionals linked by sectors or markets. Based on your felds of interests or study, simply use keywords to search for these groups and follow them – you don’t know what opportunites they might yield!
Not in IT? Here are Five Technical Skills You Still Need to Know About
Many businesses embrace some sort of digitalisation at work. This means you need to adapt to using or at least be comfortable with technology at work, even if you’re not in IT.
Because much emphasis is usually put on sof skills, IT-related technical skills are generally not given priority unless you’re working in the sector. However, with technology now playing such a vital and pivotal role in every aspect of almost every industry, you should consider picking up these skills, even if it’s only at the basic level.
Today, coding is almost as important as literacy, and knowledge of programming languages, from HTML to Java, can go a long way in helping your applicaton.
While you don’t need to be able to actually code – understanding the principles behind it is enough – employers have shown a marked preference for graduates who have an awareness of what goes on “behind the scenes” in applicatons and websites.
How can it help you? If you’re in the content creaton sector, or are aiming to enter it, chances are you’ll need to publish your work online. Knowing how to code just makes your job easier and lets your content look exactly the way you want it to on a website.
Computational thinking
Computatonal thinking – or programmatc thinking – is not a new concept, and you’re likely to have engaged in it if you’ve utlised big data before. Moreover, while it’s ofen thought to have robust links to the IT sector, this methodical and logical way of thinking is becoming increasingly common in other industries, such as marketng and advertsing.
Someone familiar with computatonal thinking will have the habit of analysing and organising data in a logical way when reactng to a problem. As this method of thinking relies on data analysis and reason to resolve problems, you can start picking up this skill by viewing issues in a tactcal, structured and organised manner.
An example of this method of thinking is to jot down all your concerns, separate them categorically and then think of ways to solve them as quickly as possible. Afer the issue has been resolved, gather data on the most efectve and efcient methods that helped you realise your goal.
How can it help you? Being able to ratonally think through a problem in a logical manner and come up with a probable soluton is critcal to succeed in the workplace. This is how you can take the frst step into a leadership positon.