5 minute read
Surviving the Job Search Process
Take the necessary steps to ensure your job search experience is a positive one – and that includes knowing when to take a break!
While it’s not uncommon for job hunts to drag on longer than expected – especially now with the global pandemic and recovery from recession – you should also keep in mind that there’s no hard-and-fast rule about the process, and it could very well take longer than you frst expected.
There’s no need to fret, though, so keep your sanity by acknowledging that it’s perfectly fne for others to have vastly diferent job search experiences.
Ataining your ideal career can be a stressful journey, so if you see your peers miraculously scoring desired positons within a month of graduaton, don’t compare yourself to them and let it demotvate you. Shake of that pressure by making your job hunt a positve and productve experience instead!
Right on target
Planning your job search journey can make the process less arduous and more enjoyable.
Make it bite-sized How many resumes and cover leters do you think you should send out in a day? How about in a week? Give yourself achievable daily targets and small deadlines to feel more accomplished and driven throughout the process.
Keep tabs on your progress Keep a journal detailing your job search. Alternatvely, if you prefer lists, start a fle documentng the companies and positons you’ve applied for.
Creatng and maintaining your journal or list will not only keep your job hunt organised, it’ll also drop some hints on which resumes and cover leters are working, and which ones may need a tweak or two. 3
Reward yourself With your daily goals keeping you on track, and your journal or list recording your journey, there’s litle else to do but reward yourself when you hit your targets!
It doesn’t have to be anything big or grand; you can indulge in your favourite game for a few more hours or simply set a date with some friends. This will keep you feeling motvated and ready to meet your next objectve.
Pause and play
“Taking a break can lead to breakthroughs.” – Russell Eric Dobda
Pick up some activities Doing the same thing over and over again with no respite and litle results is enough to drive even the most patent person up the wall.
So leave your home for a bit – go for a short walk and take deep breaths of some much-needed fresh air. Just be sure to keep safe distancing measures in mind! The tme out will help you regain some perspectve. You can also take the tme to run some errands, catch up with friends over a cup of cofee and just take your mind of your job search for some tme.
If you feel guilty about stepping out for a while, don’t be. Taking breaks is rather diferent from slacking – it’s not about avoiding work, but about taking planned breaks to raise productvity!
If you’re in the middle of serving a quarantne order, or are alarmed by the high case numbers, take things virtual instead. Catch up with friends over Zoom pizza or tea partes. Alternatvely, you can keep it simple with a WhatsApp video call.
Get moving, get sweaty When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which can trigger an overall positve feeling. Moving and exercising is thus a good way to limber up your body afer sitng in front of a screen for hours on end, all while relieving the pressure building up in your body and between your temples.
Tailor your exercise to your level of capability – if you can’t run, take a brisk walk through the park or jump rope in your living room. If the very idea of rock climbing gives you chills, setle for an easy game of badminton with friends or do sit-ups in your bedroom to a music playlist. If you’re looking to rid yourself of some frustraton, consider martal arts, such as Muay Thai or Taekwondo. You can even explore the diferent versions of yoga available to you – which, contrary to popular belief, isn’t just about stretching.
Do some good Consider volunteering at organisatons that align with your interests. Not only will it get you out of your house and moving, it’ll also give you the opportunity to think beyond whatever is going on in your job hunt. You can also consider organising virtual charity drives as well if that’s more up your alley, too.
Recruiters have also been known to keep an eye out for passionate candidates, so commitng to a cause close to your heart can help you expand your talking points during job interviews.
Moreover, to make the experience count more, fgure out how you can te in your volunteering stnt with your intended area of work.
For instance, non-proft organisatons usually have volunteer positons for communicatons and IT, so aspiring media and tech professionals can gain some experience there before moving on to the corporate world. 4
Pick up some classes While you may not see the need to dive back into classes so soon afer graduaton, these can help you pick up new skills that may add value to your resume – such as those in languages and coding.
On the other hand, there’s absolutely no harm in taking up leisurely classes in art and craf, or even music.
These classes can serve as a good distracton, engaging your mind in an otherwise challenging tme, and are also good opportunites to pick up skills you may have always wanted to master (but never found the tme to) before you are bound to a job. Moreover, the remote nature of living and learning now means that there are many online courses and classes you can register for, with some even for free!
Switch of Everything. All your electronic devices. This may be the toughest thing to do especially in this day and age, but take the tme out to recharge and ignore all those Facebook and Instagram updates.
There’s also the added beneft of disregarding any negatve feedback passed on through messages or emails that may put a damper on your spirits as you contnue on your journey to fnd a job that suits you!