1968 Annual Report: Guam to the Secretary of the Interior

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GENERAL GOVERNMENT Hi~hli!!l1t of tlw yc-:ir was the p:i~the Elrrti\·,· Cm·rrnor Rill by thr l -.S. SrnaLt'. Tf paSSt'cl liy tlt1:lious1• of Rcpn:.;1•1Hati,·l·~. it wo,;ld u,hcr in a nc,,· er:1 for the people of C11:1m"·ho, durim~· n ;;p:in of 300 yc-ar~1mdcr orgm1in•d ~owrn1111·nt.m•q•r had a ,·oice in thi.: selection of their gm·crnor. H the bill becomes law. thr first ('lcction of clw tcrritory·s chief executive will be !tcld in :'\1.wc111bcr.1970. The bill \\'Oukl rrstrirL :1ny !!0\'f'n10r rrnm srr\'ing more• than two ronscruti\'t· Iyear terms. l"hr bill nlso r:illed for the :ippointmrnt of a (!o,·ernmcnt romptrnllcr by the U.S. Scrn:tarv of Interior. Pend in~ bcforr the Feclernl Conirref..~ wns a bill co inn1·M1·h,· S'.-10 n1illion tlH' authori'l.:ition 11nd<'r1i1:·Gunm Rt·ha1,ilitation Art. Thi.: ori~inal :111thorinitio11of S·l.1 111illionin lo:ins and ~rant~ is soon to he-t·xhaustrcl. Still pendint! in the ~on~rc~s ,,·a~ a hill to a11thorii'<'appropriation of .':i111illin11for the purposc-of arrrlrra1in~ tit<' c\'011011dcdc,·clopmcnt nf the tc-rri1ory. /\ pon ion of I he·a mo111H .~011gl I l ,, i11be 1·nnnarkc·cl for n~ric-ult11ral clc-vrlnpnwnt pro_icc-tsnncl the clc,·clopmcnt nf indu~trial parks. Sc,·cral 111a_iorpit:<"esof le~isla1ion wrrr introclurccl in tlw Ninth C11a111 l.c-gisb111rL'during ir• sra,nd rrc,1br session in January and ,l111w. 1%11. ,\n1011gL11t·111 w1·n· :nliui11i~u·atic>11 hill< tn t'l'<'at<'.1 nrw DrpnrllllC'llt nf Lnhor. •, 111-wlkp:1nn1ent of .-\<lministratio11. ,t new Dcpart111c111 of Revenue :ind

i:a1r<" of


Taxation. and a Department of Corrcl'tions. Other rcor.~anizational lcgislntion \\·a~ tlw c-rc-n I ion of :i go,·cnm1ent of C.mu11Ci,·il Scn·irc Comlllission. The Comm is~ion.comprisi nz of sm·cn members appointed by th~ GO\·cmor and ronfinnrcl by the legislature. assumed all funcrions of the 1,crsonncl board. The rconrnnizationnl studir were prrfor111rd hy thl:' H11r<-auof }vfa11ace111rnt Rrsrnr<'h. a staff office of the Om·<·rno1·.Tht· llurcau al~o prodclrd log-i~tir ~upport to th<• Cid! Service Coll!mission prnding rccrnit111cntof its o\\·11 staff. The Ex<'rmi,·c Br:inrh adoptccl the Fedrr:il (:owrnmrnt·s Planning, Procrnmin!.(, ,111d Bucl_gl'lin{!r PPill syst•,•111. anc.l in linc- \\'ith this conrrpt of long--ran11;1· plnnning. tlw Co,·c-rnor·s Staff Pb11ni11cCounril. rn111priscdof cabi1wt-l<·\'l'I l'<"om,mic and 1to,·crn1m·111alplanrwrs. fonmilatrcl :i :i-~·r:ir eapi1al imprm·c•1111•m prograrn. .\,non({ innorntions during the ~1-nr "·as th,· utiliz:nion of a11toma1il'd:ua pro<Ts,imt in 1hc-pr<'p:iration of 1>ayroll dlt'rk~. Pli111~call for Llw use of tlw rrn11puln sys1c-111i11 other prog-ram area~ in the· near f11nin·. TII<' t!;<'tlC'ral fund rc,·t·1111c stalcmcnl 1t'flc·ctt:dapproxi111atch-S3-I111illion:is li,l\'illg hcc·n n·a I iz<"dI)\· t hr 1t0\·c·rnm1•n L i11 fiscal ,·rnr l~lfiH.This all!ount was S2 1nillio;, II'.s than tlt1· proj,·rn·d fig11n•.Tlw ddil'ic•nn '"" r:111~rrllnrg<'ly b,· ll'H·11111·losses in i111·01nc·lax<'s. liqnid furl taxe~. nnd Fee.feral~r~1nts-in,1id. Tlw arcl'll-ratcd inc-0111ctax rr-

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