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School magazine



This school magazine is a group project in English class ENSK2OL05 with our teacher GuðfinnaGunnarsdóttir. We created this issue to talk about subjects and topics that have some sort of meaning for us and that we are interested in. Each member in the group chose two topics to write about and we tried to have it as versatile as possible. All of the students in the class created different issues.


• Pros and Cons: Refugees coming to Iceland • Advice column: How to prepare yourself for an exam • A review: Friends TV show • Why is reading a good thing to do? • Travelling by school bus • Halloween: How it started and how it developed


How to prepare for an exam! by Gunnar IngiGuðjónsson


First of all, you can write down some notes when the teacher is talking about something related to the exam and when the exam time approaches, you can go over the notes and it will help you remember. Secondly, if you have to read something for the exam, it’s best to go over the stuff that you were reading and try and see if you remember something from it, also read over it again to help you remember. Another thing you can do is ask for help on how to prepare for an exam. People can give you great advice and guide you in the right direction, ask your teacher, parents and fellow pupils for some help.

A how to guide how you can prepare in the best possible way for your exams. It’s not always easy to prepare yourself for an exam. Sometimes you forget to learn something or you start to get nervous, but these helpful tips can show you what you can improve on and make exams look less frightening.

Finally, relax and don’t stress yourself out too much as it will affect your performance and memory when you’re in the exam and it can make you anxious. There are also some tools that you can use to prepare yourself for the exam, like for example a pencil and paper for writing down notes, a computer for research and note taking as well.

With these tips in mind, any struggle in exams will be erased and you will be a better student. So good luck with your exams! EXAM TIPS’N’TRICKS







Pros & Cons: Refugees in Iceland byKristbjörgHarpa Thomsen

doctors, and a better health care. I think they can help us with that. Also if we do not want to die out because we are so few, we need more people. So by helping the refugees, we are also helping us.

´´Refugees that move to another country and arrive at the same time they refuse to learn the habits and the language.‘‘

Recently there has been a lot of news about the refugees coming to Iceland. However, like most things it has both advantages and disadvantages. Refugees coming to Iceland has a number of advantages. First of all, are they in a safe place and they do not need to worry about each other anymore, all the time, to worry about someone near them dying from hunger, freezing to death or drowning.

It also is a good thing for Iceland. Because there are way too few people that live here, comparing to other countries. We need more people because for an example we need more chefs, better

However, there are also some cons. Firstly in Iceland we do have a lot of racist people. So the refugees might get harassed by the racist Icelandic people that live here. Secondly is that sometimes when a lot of people coming from the same country, speaking the same language, moving to another country and arrive at the same time they refuse to learn the habits and the language. Overall, however, the pros of the refugees coming to Iceland easily outweigh the cons, which is a good thing, so we are at least going the right road.


F.R.I.E.N.D.S A review. By

Anna Lára Árnadótir


It was almost always filmed in front of a live audience

Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe) hated playing the guitar at first

Many of the cast memebers thought that the charachter Chandler was gay

Jennifer Anniston almost didnt agree to film the last season of friends due to the fact that she didnt feel like Rachel anymore

The show was originally called Insomnia café

Courtney cox is actually older then David Schwimmer despite playing his younger sister


Friends is a TV show about six friends, three girls and three guys, who live in New York in the early 90's. It's an American sitcom about Monica who is a neat freak chef played by Courtney Cox, her brother Ross who has been divorced three times and loves dinosaurs played by David Schwimmer, Rachel the suburban princess who has never had to pay for anything her entire life played by Jennifer Aniston, Joey the aspiring Italian actor who knows how to get the ladies is played by Matt LeBlanc, Chandler the sarcastic joker and is often mistaken for being gay who is played by Matthew Perry and finally Phoebe the singer and massage therapist who has gone through some pretty traumatizing childhood experiences and played by Lisa Kudrow. Each character has it's own role and unique personality. The show has 10 series and in each series the characters build new relationships, both with each other and other people and we watch them grow from young adults to adults. It covers every aspect of a young persons life trying to figure out what their purpose in life is. It goes through relationships, career changes, deaths, births and marriages and each character is as important as the other. The show has a mix of witty humor and drama, and is more of an adult content then for children or young viewers. The reason for that is that it has quite a lot of

grown up subjects and jokes, varying from sexual content to infertility and divorce. In the first few episodes the characters are

still being build and finding themselves and the jokes are often a bit too harsh and rude for my

liking. Chandler particularly has a lot of jokes that aren't quite fitting for some of the scenes. But as the show progresses and finds its footing the subjects, jokes and characters all become more whole some and more relatable to the public, which I think really sells the show in the end and makes it as popular as it is. Even though the show aired 20 years ago, and ended 10 years ago, its still has an extremely large fan base that grows everyday. The actors gained immense popularity from the show and the screen writers and producers really made a name for themselves. The show is well written and covers so many relatable subjects and as the years go on it really holds on to how the 90's really were and captured the transition of going into the 2000's. With its nostalgic feel and funny characters I don't think the show will ever die out.



world without having to exactly going anywhere.

Why is reading so fun? By Kristbjörg Harpa Thomsen

Reading is both healthy and a really fun thing to do. By reading you learn a lot of new things, words, languages, how to do this and that, and I just find it really enjoyable thing to do. For example you will see new strange words and you memorize them just because of that. And sometime later on in life you hear

them and you remember exactly that word from that book, at least is that what I do. Also it broadens your perspective, and reading is actually one of the most efficient and powerful ways to do exactly that. While reading you will also travel all around the

I love reading because I find it amazing and beautiful how writers can put those words together to make a story, a book even. The power of writing and storytelling it is just so powerful, and so magical. By reading you get smarter, you get a better imagination, you also travel a lot, learn new things and you just learn so much about everything and nothing. It is just so much fun thing to do. So what I don't understand is that why so few people, few young people especially, read nowadays?

Travelling on the school bus By Gunnar Ingi Guðjónsson

Selfoss has added a shelter next Travelling on the school bus is to their bus stop at school to very nice. I travel from Hvolsvöllur protect you from the weather and to Selfoss and the ride itself takes I think that Hvolsvöllur should about 40-50 minutes tobyget either [Article Author] take Selfoss for example. one of the destinations. The Also, for some people find the bus length of the ride is long enough to be not very comfortable with for someone to take a nap and collect some energy and be ready for the school day ahead! While travelling on the school bus is good, there are some things it can improve on. For example the bus stop on Hvolsvöll doesn’t have a shelter to protect you from crazy rain or snow or a nice place to sit down and relax. Recently,

no good place to rest your arms on and if people are easily carsick then they should probably sit in the front of the bus. The buses aren’t perfect or luxurious, but they get the job done and get me to school. For some it’s too much, the distance is too far and it takes a long time, but for me it’s alright.



Halloween By Anna Lára Árnadóttir

Halloween is a festival celebrated on the 31st of October. It has shifted from being a fright festival where people were to afraid to leave their houses on the night of halloween and into a fun trick‘or‘treat festival where children go around and ask for candy and dress up. Halloween has been around for 6,000 years or since the year 400 B,C and its often said its origin is Ireland. The name Halloween is short for ‚Hallows Evening´ or ‚All Hallows Eve‘ and its said that halloween is a christianized festival and according to some churches all christians must stay away from meat on this particular day, therefore apples, pumpkins, potatoes and other vegetables and fruits are a common symbol for halloween. Halloween is somtimes seen as a christian

serivce day where people would go to church and then go on and light candles at the graves of the dead to celebrate them. Although it is more popular to associate halloween with trick or treating, dressing up, carving pumpkins and visiting the haunted house attractions. One of the symbols of halloween is carved pumpkings or Jack‘o‘lanterns as they are called. There is really no certain source for where the jack‘o‘lanterns originated from, but as said before it is thought to be Ireland. People would carve pumpkins or turnips into scary faces to guide the souls of the dead on the 31st of October as spirits were especially active on that day. The top of the pumpkin is cut open and the insides scooped out. Then a face is cut into the side and a candle placed inside of the pumpkin to light up the face. Some say that having a jack‘o‘lantern in front of your house protects it from wandering

spirits and even vampires, as the light of it was to bright for them. Today the halloween festival is one of the most highest grossing commercial holiday in the world after christmas, with the estimate of 5.8 billion dollars each year being spent on halloween stuff in the USA. In Iceland halloween has become more and more popular each year and seeing as Iceland tries hard to follow in the footsteps of Americans buisnesses are seizing the chance to make money from this festival as well. For an example, in down town Reykjavik nightclubs have incorpreated halloween themed costume parties around this festival and give out prizes for the best costume. Schools, such as FSU have also started using halloween as an excuse to have more balls and parties, and its becoming a bigger scene around it every year. Who knows, maybe Iceland will get on the same level as the USA on this frightening festival and start celebrating it like they do.



Yellow School magazine

Tryggvagata 25 800 Selfoss



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