Yellow School magazine
Pros and cons of school rules
In recent year in school live in FSu there have been many changes like curriculum and school rules, school rule has both advantages and disadvantage. A school rule has a number of advantages. First is they have organization. Schools need do show the student that they have to behave and be friendly to others in the school. Second is a bounder. There are bound in many school, if some student steps to much over the line it could cost him where much. School rules in FSu have change recently, the new school rules are organization and it has a strict boundaries. Like no smoking or alcohol in the school, no phone in class and it’s not allowed to walk
in the school building on shoes. School rules are to have strict and organization in school. However, they have also a disadvantage. Firstly they are too strict. If school rules are to strict they can be affective to students and can course a rage. Some student could thing of leaving or don’t want to go to school that has strict rules. FSu has one rule that is strict and that is no shoes in building. Secondly is aftermath. Aftermath can be where strict and can affect the students. Overall, however school rules has many pros but also many cons. School rules can organization but
they could be strict and it could have aftermath. KBÓ
cook” and laughs. He id happy about his choice on this school, he thinks the social life is good and he is positive about the future.
How is the dormitory? I talked to a boy from Hómavík. I asked him why he choose FSu and he told me he had chose this school because it was the only school with athletics academia and that he wanted to be near Reykjavík but not in Reykjavík. He likes the dormitory a lot except for the internet he said. He has a good roommate that is also from Hólmavík and they are good friends. I also asked him if he missed his home and his mom and dad, and he said “no not really, my mom and dad live in Norway so there is no home” all his family lives in another country accept for his grandparents, and he goes sometimes to them for the weekends. Then I had to ask him if he was a good cook, he said “of course I’m a good
Student union in FSu
Director of sports: Jökull Hermannsson
Director of new students: Alexander Wiium
The student union in FSu is really activated and there is always something happening in the school. In the student union are twelve position and the kids in the school vote for that person that they want for each position, an this are the position and who is in them now:
Director of writing-group: Harpa Hlíf Guðjónsdóttir
Director: Þorkell Ingi Sigurðsson
Director of technical: Arnór Daði Jónsson
Vice chairman: Elsa Margrét Jónasdóttir
Head of marketing: Jóhann Halldór Pálsson
And all this people take much time to organize all the events that are in the school fx. All the proms and the song competition, charity days, Flóafár and lots of other events. This people take really much of there personal time to do this thinks and everyone should be thankful for that, otherwise it would not be so much fun in the school. It is really much fun working in the students union and you get much experience of this work.
Cashier: Unnar Magnússon
Webmaster: Elvar Guðberg
Director of acting: Elísa Dagmar Björgvisdóttir Director of entertainment: Birta Sólveig Söring Director of debate society: Jóhann Karl
Sports academy in FSu There are five academies in Fsu. Basketball academy, handball academy, football academy, gymnastics academy and athletic academy. This academies are for students that has practice one of the academy but academy can take students that has practices sport like volleyball and there is no academy for volleyball so the students can be in academy although they hasn’t been in basketball. Academy are for students to understand their ability in sport and help them to make a goal in the sport, academy show the student that they need a patience, responsibility and ambition when they have a challenge that will help them in the sport. Students in academy don’t have to buy clothes by their self because academies take care of to buy clothes and the balls. Student can choose if they want to have lunch in academy, its same time as the lunch break in the school and academy kids eats in Tíbrá. In academy there is a deal, that they cannot drink alcohol, smoke or have tobacco, they will be expelled out of the academy if they have drink or be seen with alcohol or tobacco. Academy in Fsu is very good and she shows that everything is possible when students have a goal. KBÓ
Book-‐review SBM The Hunger Games is an incredible book, written by Suzanne Collins. The book is a fictional, futuristic drama, hence the immoral characters, events and weird clothing in the book. The book leads you into a futuristic world where dictation and poverty are separated and poor people suffer greatly for the comfort for others. Even the ones in power bully them and play with their lives in the Hunger Games as a punishment for the rebellion against them. Katniss Everdeen is one of the main characters in the story. She is a 16 years old girl who lives in District 12 in Panem. Her world has been ruled with dictatorship for many years. The people in most districts once rose up against the Capitol to free all of Panem. But the Capitol conquered and eliminated the rebellion. District 13 got obliterated in the war/rebellion by the Capitol, and therefore uses the Capitol photos of District 13 and the Hunger Games to oppress them and as a reminder that they rule over everything and everyone else is under their command. Katniss is the head of her family even though her mother does still live with them. She volunteers as tribute instead of her 12 years old sister, Primrose Everdeen in the reaping for the Hunger Games. Katniss experiences hell while she is in the games, the 24 competitors have to kill each other. There can only be one victor. With her experience from hunting in the woods behind the meadow at home, some help and advice from her mentor in the games, Haymitch and the boy Peeta Mellark from home, they win the games. The Hunger Games is truly an incredible book. It makes you want to read more and more, completely devours you. But it shows you how lucky we are that this hasn´t happened, or at least not yet.
The new school systemThe
A new curriculum system has been launched for high schools (I: menntaskóli and fjölbrautarskóli) this school season in Iceland. It is designed to make it easier for students to select appropriate courses for their study program and explore different venues. Since it is brand new, every teacher and student has been trying their best to adapt to it. Whether it is better or easier to understand and comply with than the previous program, is quite debatable. The previous study program had been used for a long time and was therefore commonly known. This new program brings new names to every course and hence some misunderstanding. This has caused quite a disturbance in many schools. The new system has some drawbacks such as: Students and teachers have had a hard time trying to understand the new names and use them correctly and some teachers even still use the old names instead of the new ones. Because it is so brand new and hard to comprehend, students have been accidentally put in more difficult (incorrect) classes by the school board. This is probably only temporary and will surely be fixed. But this has, understandably, caused some students to get upset. The new curriculum system is without any doubt, a more evolved system than the previous one. The new system offers more possibilities than before, which gives students a greater insight to other courses and what they have to offer. Students get a better chance to find their passion and what they want to do later in their lives. Too many didn´t get that chance in the previous curriculum system. But with this new one, future students (and current freshmen) get a good head start given that both teachers and students adjust well. SBM.
School magazine
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