4th year writing student written books 2013 2014 final draft clara su the legendary treasure

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The Legendary Treasure

Clara Su

The Legendary Treasure Words checked = [5647] Words in Oxford 3000™ = [90%]

-Written by Clara Su of E4A -Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M. Smith -Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages -Kaohsiung, Taiwan -2014

Audio can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY3G dVkWu08


About the Author

Clara Su is a 19-year-old student who studies in Wenzao Ursuline University 2

of Languages. Her major is English and minor is German. Her fourth year English writing class is taught by Mr. Kenneth M. Smith. Although this is her first time writing a novel, she does her best and she hopes that the readers would enjoy reading it!


Prologue In Dream Land, a magic world, there is a legendary treasure. It is said that who finds the treasure will be the strongest magician in the world‌. Owen, an 18-year-old boy, who is a fire magician and wants to find the treasure. While he is traveling on sea, he meets some friends and they travel together. Will they find the legendary treasure? And what the treasure is? 4

Table of Contents About the author----------------------------P.2 Prologue---------------------------------------P.4 Chapter 1--------------------------------------P.6 Chapter 2-------------------------------------P.10 Chapter 3-------------------------------------P.15 Chapter 4-------------------------------------P.28 Chapter 5-------------------------------------P.40 Chapter 6-------------------------------------P.51 Chapter 7-------------------------------------P.70 Acknowledgement------------------------P.82 References-----------------------------------P.83 5

Chapter 1 Dream Land is a magic country which many magicians live. Everyone who lives here also has their own dream. In this background, most of the people want to be a pirate because they want to find the treasure that belonged to the most famous and powerful magician. This magician died several years ago but left a word: ‘I put my treasure in the sea, if you want it, then go get it!’ Although no one knows what the treasure is, it belonged to the 6

most powerful magician in the world, so people guess maybe it is a magic book or magic potion but no matter what it is, it is clear that people want to have stronger magic power and become the next powerful and famous magician! There is a guy in Dream Land named Owen. He is eight years old and is a Fire magician which means he can control fire and make

good use of it. He has an 11-year-old brother named Ace and he is 7

the magician of Ice. Ice and fire are originally in nature in an opposite position, so it is common for the brothers fighting against each other every day. Although they seem in a bad relationship, Owen admires his brother well. Ace is powerful in magic, though, in the nature, fire can melt ice, Owen never wins his brother. In Owen’s mind, his brother is the strongest 8

and he respects him very well! When Ace is 18 years old, he wants to be a pirate and finds the legendary treasure which is also Owen’s dream. But because Owen is not 18 years old yet, he can’t sail on the sea. ‘I’ll catch up with you soon!’ shouted Owen excitedly when sending his brother off.


Chapter 2 Three years later, Owen is now an 18-year-old boy, finally he can sail on the sea and achieve his dream. ‘I would have to find some powerful partners first!’ says Owen. Suddenly a rain storm comes

and because he cannot sail the 10

boat well, he has a shipwreck and drowns in the sea. When he wakes up, he sees a boy with a scar in his left-eye standing in front of him. ‘Are you all right?’ says the boy with the scar. ‘Did you save me? Thank you very much! I should have learned how to swim, I almost have drowned! Hahaha!’ Owen laughs out loud. The boy looks at him and thinks how could someone laughs out loud when he was almost drowned. He thinks Owen 11

is a fool. ‘By the way, my name is Owen, what’s your name?’ ‘Yue.’ says the boy. ‘Do you want to be my partner? I am sailing on the sea and finding the legendary treasure!’ ‘Are you crazy? Do you think that treasure is real? Well, ok, my parents died a few years ago and I have no families now, I am lonely. I think it will be good if I go with you.’ Yue looks sad and Owen puts his arm on his shoulders and also gives him a warm smile. ‘The 12

treasure is true! This is my dream, I believe it! You also have a dream, don’t you? You have to trust yourself.’ Yue smiles back and feels happy. ‘Of course, captain! I would like to be a tender king of this land, though I do not have any magic’ says Yue sadly. ‘That is enough! You can do it!’ Both of them are happy to meet each other, no matter what this journey will be, they have strong faith for achieving their dreams. 13

What unexpected story will happen next? What kind of person will they meet after? To be continued…….


Chapter 3 There are three parts of the sea in Dream Land, the East Sea, which is the weakest part of the ocean, the Center, and the New World, which is the strongest and the most dangerous sea. Owen and Yue are now in the East Sea and the legendary treasure is in the New World. ‘Did you think of a name of our group?’ asks Yue curiously. ‘Salamander Pirates Group! Isn’t it cool? I’m the fire magician, 15

this name means fire dragon. I think it is a good name!’ shouts Owen proudly. ‘Right, captain, it sounds like that we are already the strongest pirate group now!’ Suddenly they see an island close to them, and they hear a really big scream from the island. They look at each other at first and then decide to stop at the island and to look what had happened. When they are closer to the harbor, they see a pirate ship, but on the ship, people are crying. 16

‘What happened?’ asks Owen curiously. ‘Our flag….’ a thin man from the ship cries out loud before he finishes his words. ‘Our flag were stolen!’ yells another man with beard madly. ‘The pirate flag is a very important thing for pirates. You guys know that, too. It’s like a symbol of spirit of a pirate group, but now it was stolen and 17

we don’t even know who the thief was. What a shame!’ continues the man with anger. ‘What had happened before your flag was stolen?’ asks Yue. ‘We are not sure, but there was a lightning, and then…..’ cried the thin man again. Owen and Yue look at each other with confusion, but both of them want to help. ‘Don’t worry guys, we will help you. If we were you, we knew how sad it was.’ ‘We thank you very much.’ shout the men on the ship with 18

tears. Suddenly, a huge wave hits their boat, everyone falls down. And they see a lightning in the sky. ‘It is so bright!’ yells Yue. When the lightning is gone, something bad happens. ‘Hey boys, look at that!’ ‘Our flag!!!!!!!’ yells Owen with his mouth wide opened. ‘Was Stolen!!!!’ says Yue, finishing Owen’s sentence. ‘If I find the person who stole our flag, I’ll burn him into dust.’ Suddenly, it starts to rain. A 19

song from a soft voice comes out and going close to them. ‘Rain, rain, go away come again another day.’ sings a woman and shows up from the sea. ‘Are you looking for these?’ the woman shows them the flag. ‘Our flags!!!!’ shouts everyone, some are surprise and some are angry. ‘Give back our flags.’ Owen attacks the woman with his fire. The woman fights back with water. While her water met Owen’s fire, they become huge 20

water vapor. Both of the power are deducted. ‘You can’t win me, fire boy. I’m the magician of water.’ says the woman with a proud smile.

The guys from the ship shot the woman with guns, but it doesn’t work. ‘My body is made of water, you can’t hurt me.’ ‘Look at my fire punch, 21

woman.’ Owen attacks the woman again. ‘I told you, you can’t win me, why don’t you give up? Stop wasting your power.’ ‘I don’t care if you are water or not. There is no “give up” in my dictionary, the only thing I know is to protect my friends. They are worth for me to fight!’ The woman is totally shocked because Owen is angry and with fire in his eyes. She is scared. At that moment, with hope and faith, Owen’s power is more powerful than hers, his fire turns 22

into a dragon and eats the woman. Finally, the woman loses and falls into the sea. Owen and another pirate group get their flags back happily. The woman is floating on the sea and with tears in her eyes. A huge man suddenly shows up with darkness. He is a scary man! ‘I’m sorry, master. I failed.’ cries the woman. ‘Shut up! I don’t need a loser in my pirate group. How come you cannot win the boy? You are not worth living.’ the man with 23

darkness shot her with his lightning. The woman closes her eyes sadly and waits for the attack. A big explosion appears in the sky. Owen stops the lightning with his power of fire. ‘What are you doing? How can you attack your partner, your friend?’ shouts Owen with great anger. ‘I don’t need a weak person on my ship. Besides, she is not my partner, she is only a tool.’ The man laughs loudly and this makes Owen angrier. Anger 24

makes Owen’s power stronger. Finally the man is defeated. Everyone is happy and dances happily. ‘Nice job, captain!’ ‘Why did you save me?’ asks the woman angrily but with thankful. Tears go down from her eyes. ‘Do you want to be my partner and travel with me?’ Owen invites the woman and the woman is so happy, so she cries out loud. ‘You don’t have to do that! I hurt you and your friends and 25

even stole your flags!’ ‘Ah! It’s ok. Everything is all right now. What’s your name and are you coming?’ Owen gives her a big smile and his hand. This time the woman cries out louder and can’t even say a word, but she gives her hand to Owen. ‘Julia.’ ‘What a good name! Welcome to Salamander pirate group!’ ‘We are friends now! You have to remember this, Julia!’ Julia wipes out her tears and gives Owen and Yue a big smile. ‘Yes, captain, my friends!’ 26

Julia is glad that she has two nice friends and three of their journey continues‌‌.


Chapter 4 After sailing on the East Sea, and gladly having Julia as their new partner, Salamander pirate group now arrives in the Center. ‘What is your dream, Julia?’ asks Owen. ‘I don’t have a dream.’ Julia lows her head and her face becomes red. ‘Come on, everyone on this boat has a dream! Dream is important in life.’ says Yue. ‘I want to be a traveler. One day I would like to draw the map of the whole world. I know it’s 28

strange, but…’ ‘What a nice dream! That’s great, Julia. I know you can do it.’ Julia smiles and is really happy that she has such good friends. They travel happily, but after a few days, something bad happens… ‘Come, Owen, hurry! What’s wrong with Yue? He looks really bad, and he has a great fever. If we don’t do anything now, he will die.’ ‘Calm down, everything would be fine. We should stop at 29

an island first and find if there is a doctor.’ Although Owen says in a calm voice, he is really nervous. He does not want Yue to die. Finally, they find an island near them. The air become colder and it starts snowing when they get closer. Because winter is the only season here, the island is named Winter Island. When they arrive, they find a village, they ask people for help. The villagers are nice, but unluckily, there is no doctor that can help them. 30

Owen and Julia beg for another way to save Yue. One of the villager tells them a way, but it is not safe. Owen and Julia are happy and not afraid because their friend, Yue is worth for risking. ‘There is a house in the forest and a doctor lives there, but I have heard that the doctor is a monster. The forest is named Curse Forest, so I am not sure if it 31

is true or not because no one has been there. ’ says the villager.

Owen and Julia thank to the villagers and quickly take Yue into the forest. The villagers are shock but no matter how loud they yell at them, Owen and Julia do not stop and continue walking. It is dark and ghastly in the 32

forest, while the cold wind is blowing in the trees, the howling sound makes the forest scarier. Suddenly, a big shadow appears but is gone quickly. Julia is worried, but Owen doesn’t care. Suddenly, the forest becomes darker and a werewolf shows up. It is the shadow that Julia had seen just now! Owen and Julia fly a miles away because the powerful werewolf attacks them. They hit a tree and faint. When they wake up, Yue is gone! 33

‘The wolf must has taken him away! We have to save Yue! If I find the wolf, I’ll burn it!’ ‘Yeah, if it hurts our friend, I’ll drown it, too!’ They run quickly in order to catch up on the werewolf and save Yue, suddenly they see the house that the villagers said. The door opens, it seems to welcome them in. They go in nervously and concentrate on their magic in 34

order to attack at any time. It is dark inside the house and when the candles are lighted, they see a man standing in the light. ‘Come on in, your friend is all right.’ Owen and Julia are surprised. They ask the man about the werewolf, how he save Owen and also thank to the man. But the answers are always short or silence. ‘By the way, your house is dark, why don’t you open the curtains?’ while asking, Owen 35

opens them. ‘Stop it!’ yells the man, but it is too late, the curtain is already opened and the moon light comes in. After a big shining light shows up, they see a werewolf standing in front of them. Both of them are shocked and Owen uses his fire quickly and attacks the werewolf. The werewolf fights back and hits Owen. Owen flies out of the 36

house. Before he fights back, the werewolf closes the curtain and turns back into the man. Owen is shocked, Julia is, too. But the man speaks no word. When Yue wakes up, the man shouts at them and make them to leave. Though he pretends to be rude, sadness cannot be hidden from his eyes. Owen notices that. ‘Do you want to be my partner of our pirate group? We need a good doctor as you.’ ‘Stop being nicely, you liars. I’m a monster, you have seen 37

that!’ continue the man with his rude behavior. ‘You saved our friend’s life! Though you attacked us at first, you wanted to help Yue. You were afraid that we wouldn’t give Yue to you because you were a werewolf! I don’t care who you are, at least I know you are not enemy. Come, join us!’ No one had treated the man like this. He had no friends because everyone was scared due to his monster-look, he had been so lonely for years, but now his life changes. He is happy and 38

accepts Owen’s invitation! ‘My name is Toto and my dream is to become the best doctor of the world.’ They encourage Toto and all of them laugh happily. Toto had never felt so warm in his heart before. Now there are 4 people in Salamander Private Group, more exciting journey are still behind….


Chapter 5 One night, at a storming and thunder day, a cloud of purple smoke comes in Salamander’s ship. Owen, Julia and Toto fall down and get into a deep sleep. Five people dress in black come to Yue…

‘Finally we got you!’ says one of the man in black. 40

‘Why are you here? Go away, I won’t go with you!’ shouts Yue loudly. But after the men whisper to him, Yue’s face changes…. The next morning, a sunny day, everyone wakes up. Everyone’s body is hurt because they fell on the floor hardly yesterday. As a captain, Owen checked if everyone feels ok, and then he notices that Yue doesn’t answer him. Everyone suddenly knows that Yue is gone. There is an island near here, 41

Owen decides to stop their ship at the harbor there because he thinks that Yue might be there. ‘How do you know that Mr. Yue is there, captain?’ asks Toto. ‘There is a small boat from our ship, Yue must be there!’ When they get on the island, they see a lot of bubbles on this island, it is named the Bubble Island. There are also rainbows and beautiful spices. When they move forward happily, Owen runs on one person in black and both of them fall 42


Suddenly Owen notices that the man in black is Yue. Before Owen smiles and speaks to him, Yue shouts at him rudely. ‘Go away!’ Julia and Toto hear the loud voice and they come to Owen. Now everyone is too shock to say a word. 43

‘What happened?’ ‘Are you kidding us? It’s not funny! Come on, stop joking, let’s go back to our ship.’ ‘Ship? What ship? Oh, right! We used to be friends, oh no, we weren’t even friends, I was just pretending to.’ ‘How come you say that?’ Without answering, Yue walks to the men in black who yesterday came on the Salamander ship. ‘Where are you going? Who are they?’ asks Julia sadly, but a black thunder from Yue attacks 44

Julia. Luckily Owen saves her on time. ‘What are you doing?! Hey, are you alright?’ Julia nods and this time, Owen gets angrier. ‘What was it? You said that you were not able to use magic.’ ‘Did I? Oh, right. Remember? I said that I was just pretending, pretending to be your friend and pretending that I had no magic. But, oh God! You believe it! Oh dear! I wanted to steal all of your treasure. I thought pirates will steal from others, but unluckily you didn’t. You 45

talked about dreams every time, oh come on, you can’t realize them!’ After leaving bad and sad words, Yue goes to the black men. A purple smoke appears and they are gone. Although Yue hurt them with bad words, everyone still trust him. They don’t think Yue is a bad guy. ‘Are you friends of that boy?’ says an old voice from an old woman. ‘I saw everything what had happened just now. I hope that 46

you forget about saving your friend.’ Owen gets angry and wants to shout at the woman, but Julia stops him and asks her the reason. ‘The men in black were people from the Magic Court. Your friend must has done something wrong. You shouldn’t go and get him back, unless you would like to break the laws and be caught too.’ says the woman seriously. Everyone feels the same, they don’t believe that Yue did something wrong. It must be a 47

mistake! ‘Let’s bring Mr. Yue back! I’m in!’ says Toto. Everyone agrees him, because Yue is their friend, they want to save him. Julia asks the woman where the Magic Court is. ‘Don’t blame me not warning you, you can see that this Bubble Island is beautiful and full of happiness, but at night, everything will change. To make it short, this island is like heaven in daylight but at night in hell. When darkness rises, the Magic Court will appears on the top of 48

the mountain.’

Three of them are nervous, but they don’t change their mind of saving Yue! When the sun sets and the moon rises, the island is just like the woman said, happiness is gone and scary animals come out. The island is full of scare and death. On the top of the mountain, the Magic Court 49

appears. Three of them are ready to go. Would they reach the top? Or will their partners die on the halfway?


Chapter 6 Owen, Julia and Toto are on their way now on the mountain to save their friend, Yue. But things doesn’t seem so easy for them, on their halfway, a group of scary monsters are on their way. Those monsters are strange, some look like wolves but with horns like rhinos and some with alligator’s mouth but elephant’s body. Scary monsters run to them and attack them. Owen and Julia focus on their magic in order to 51

fight back but Toto stops them. ‘Let me do this, let me fight back! You guys go! We don’t have much time to waste. They are monsters with strong power. I think I can beat them up, I’m a powerful monster, too.’ After thank to Toto and wish him good luck, Owen runs and moves forward. But Julia is worried. ‘Shouldn’t we stay and help?’ ‘We have to trust our friend. We are Salamander Pirates group, with faith and with courage, I trust my friend!’ says Owen. 52

Julia wipes her tears and gives Owen a thumb. ‘I trust my friend too.’ Toto howls with a wolf howl, with faith of protecting his friends, he is trying very hard to fight back the monsters. Now Owen and Julia continue on their way. But good luck doesn’t last long, suddenly a woman dress in black appears. ‘I have to say that I admire you very well. You are the first people who challenge the Magic Court. But….you will die soon.’ laughs the woman. 53

‘I’ll fight against her, go Owen! Bring Yue back!’ ‘No, this woman looks powerful, let’s fight her together.’ ‘Remember what you had said? Believe your friends because we are Salamander Pirates group. With faith and courage, I promise you that I’ll win this fight! You are a captain, there are more powerful enemy on top of there, only you can win them, Owen.’ ‘OK, good luck, Julia. I know you can do it!’ Owen runs pass the woman and continues his way. Though he is worried about 54

his friends, he knows that he has to trust them. Now Julia and the woman are fighting, the woman is really powerful, but Julia doesn’t give up. She can’t fail! Because of her courage, her magic power becomes stronger. In the Magic Court, where Yue is, one member of Magic Court shows him a crystal ball, which he can clearly see what his friends happen now. Toto is now lying on the ground and hurts badly and Julia is having a hard fight with the woman. 55

‘Your living is full of bad luck and harm. See, your friends are suffering because of you. It is right that you come with us and accept that we put you in death.’ says the man in court and smiles. ‘I have already accept for my death, stop hurting my friends!’ ‘Well…it is not my business. My co-workers like to fight, I can’t stop them.’ The man laughs loudly and leaves. Yue is in a cage and crying sadly. He doesn’t want his friend to get hurt, but all he can do is nothing. He hates himself from 56

being so weak. Suddenly a large shout from outside comes in the court. Not only Yue, but also the members in the court notice it. ‘Yue! I come to save you! Let’s go back and continue our journey and fulfill our dreams!’ It is Owen! ‘Your friend is noisy. Go out and tell him to shut up and go away!’ shouts the man from the court and pulls Yue rudely out of the cage. When they are at the balcony of the court, Owen and Yue can 57

clearly see each other. Owen shouts at him happily, but Yue is full of sadness. ‘Shut up! You are Owen, right? I’m the master of this Magic Court, and your friend is going to die, is it clear?’ With shocked expression for one second, Owen shouts back, ‘I won’t let you harm him. And why should he die? He didn’t do anything wrong, did he?’ ‘Oh my God, you didn’t tell him, did you?’ says the man to Yue. Yue’s become sadder. ‘He is the magician of darkness. 58

This kind of magic needs a long time to develop, now it is powerful enough and well developed. Your friend is able to use it now, for stopping him to destroy the world, this is why we have to kill him.’ ‘Yue wouldn’t destroy the world. His dream is to become a tender king of this land, he is a nice guy.’ ‘Stop trusting me! I’m an evil, there is no way I would become a tender king! I hate you guys and this world, as a result of dying, this is a perfect ending for me!’ 59

Yue cries, but he doesn’t notice it. ‘You are lying. You like this world more than others. I can clearly tell, every time you stay with us, your smiles are happier than others. I don’t think you would destroy the world!’ ‘I’m just pretending!’ ‘No, you’re not! Otherwise, why are you crying now?’ Now Yue notices it, but he stills say bad words to Owen. ‘Leave me alone. I want to die, I’m not worth living!’ ‘I know who your enemies are.’ 60

Owen left a word shortly and he raises his hand with fire. With a quick sudden, he shoots his fire and it goes through the flag of the Court. After it, everyone is very shocked especially the master from the court. ‘Are you crazy? Do you know the result of doing this? This means you are against the world! You are now the world’s enemy, You must die!’ shouts the master with great anger. ‘Friend is worth for me to do this!’ yells Owen. 61

At the same time, a strong power goes in Yue’s heart. He can clearly feel it, it’s from Toto, a comfortable feeling which is like water, from Julia and finally a warm power from Owen. The power support Yue, which makes him not to scare and brings him hope, it’s a power of FRIENDSHIP! One of the happiest thing in the world is to find some friends who love you so much. Now Yue can clearly understand that. But bad things hasn’t ended yet, because Owen destroy the flag of the Magic Court, with 62

great anger, the master attacks Owen with his greatest power, lightning storm. He is the magician of lightning, anger makes his greatest power much stronger. Rainstorm is like raining, so lightning storm is like raining lightnings. Though Owen also uses his greatest fire to fight back, it doesn’t work, so he is attacked by the lightnings and in great injured. One more attack can kill him. While the master tries to hit Owen with his last attack, Yue uses his power, darkness covers 63

the lightning and it also covers the whole island. But strangely, though the island is covered with darkness, it doesn’t make people feel scary and sad, on the opposite, it’s like the summer starry night sky, warm and comfortable. This is Yue’s magic, though it is darkness, it’s not harmful because he has a tender heart.


Finally, a bright light, which is full of happiness and hope appears. From the light, an old man walks out, it’s the king of Dream Land!

Not only the master, but also other members from the Magic Court kneel down to show their respect and loyalty. ‘My lord.’ says all of them. 65

Yue is shocked, but quickly kneels down as others. ‘My boy, I’ve heard you would like to become a tender king, wouldn’t you?’ says the king. ‘Yes….my….lord…’ Yue is very nervous. The king smiles warmly. ‘You can do it. You are a man with tender heart, I’ve already seen it. I hope after I die, you can make Dream Land much happier and make it more wonderful. Can you fulfill my request?’ ‘Of course, my lord. I promise!’ The king smiles again warmly 66

and then turns to the master of the Magic Court. ‘You have seen that, the kid is not a bad guy, with my request, please let them go.’ ‘Yes, my lord.’ ‘My lord, before your leaving, could you please save my friends. They are all in bad injure, please, my lord.’ says Yue carefully to the king. Without answering him, but with a smile, the king disappears in the bright light, and while he goes, the bright light also covers the whole island. When the light 67

disappears, Yue sees Owen lying on the ground, but there are no wounds, he is not hurt anymore. ‘Go and find the other two people!’ orders the master. When the members find Julia and Toto and bring them back, both of them are not hurt too. The king helped them, he saved them with the bright light, which is his magic. The king is actually a doctor magician. When they wake up, four of them hug each other with laughing, tears and smiles. The master of the Magic Court 68

says sorry to them and sends them safely off the island. After this incident, Salamander Pirate group’s friendship become stronger and their journey still continues‌


Chapter 7 Gladly to have Yue back, Salamander Pirate group moves forward. Now they arrive the New World, which is the most dangerous part of the sea and where the legendary treasure is. Different from the other two parts of the sea, the weather in this sea changes really quickly. Sometimes it’s stormy, sometimes it’s sunny and some it’s blizzard, which means snows a lot. Because of these weathers, shipwrecks happen really often and many pirate groups has 70

failed. So it’s really important to watch out! After a few days, Salamander Pirate group receive a newspaper, which has the latest news of Dream Land. On the breaking news, it said that Ace, captain of the XXX Pirate group died. After reading the news, Owen burns the newspaper and then slams the door of his bedroom. Because everyone doesn’t know that Ace is Owen’s brother, so they don’t know why Owen behave that way. A great noise from Owen’s 71

bedroom comes out, smashing, yelling and crying, everything is destroyed in his room. Toto and Yue come to him and grab him in order to stop him, but it ends up with Owen hit them back and both of them fly away and hit the wall on the ship. In a quick sudden, Owen jumps on the island in the near and gone in the trees. Yue, Toto and Julia are totally confused. The boys get up from the floor with not serious injured but a little angry. ‘Maybe it’s something relates 72

to the news.’ says Julia. Toto goes in Owen’s bedroom and he finds a photo of Ace, who the guy they saw on the newspaper, with Owen standing together in their childhood. In the picture, it is clear that Owen admires Ace well. Now everyone knows that Ace is Owen’s brother, so that is why Owen behaved that way. While they are talking, they see the island where Owen just went burns on fire. All the animals move out the island quickly and some of the trees fall. 73

‘We have to stop him!’ shouts Yue and three of them quickly get on the island. On the island, the fire is so big and it seems it will eat them at any time. They can’t even move forward. ‘Let me do this.’ after speaking, Julia controls the water of the sea and trying to put off the fire, but only a little bit fire can be put off. But it’s enough for them to move forward. When they find Owen, he is not only destroying things around him, but also himself. His body is 74

full of injure and blood. Toto grabs Owen in order to stop him, but the fire on Owen burns him badly. Owen’s power is greater than what he had expected. ‘Go away and don’t touch me, or I’ll burn you!’ shouts Owen angrily. ‘We know that Ace is your brother and we also know it’s a hard work for you now, but you can’t keep hurting yourself.’ yells Yue. ‘This is my body, I can hurt it if I want, it’s none of your business. 75

Otherwise I will fight with you.’ ‘Then Ace’s body is also his, why can’t he die? His death is also none of your business. Though you are a captain and stronger, I don’t think I’ll lose. You are fully mad now!’ In a quick sudden, Yue catches Owen in the neck and increase his magic of darkness, though Owen is struggling, he is not able to use his magic now. ‘Once your brother was a goal to you, because of admiration, you are able to sail on the sea with no scare, but now he’s dead, 76

you lost your goal, fear and frustration knock you down. But don’t think of what you have lost, please think of what you have left!’ shouts Yue. After a minute silence, Owen bursts out tears and he speaks in a light voice, ‘Friends….’ ‘What?’ ‘I still got friends! Yue, Julia and Toto. I also have you guys.’ cries Owen more hardly. Now it’s Julia and Toto’s turn to cry. They hug Owen. ‘Owen, you save me before. You teach me not to scare of finding 77

my dream and teach me what friendship is. This time is my turn to help in return.’ cries Julia. ‘Mr. Owen, me too. Though I’m a scary monster, you accept me. Let us help you get through this pain. We’ll always be by your side.’ cries Toto too. ‘They are right, Owen. You give us strength and courage. Let us pay you back this time.’ says Yue and put his arm on Owen’s shoulder. Finally a light shows up, and there is a man standing in the light. 78

‘Congratulations, you have found the legendary treasure!’ says the man. Everyone is confused. ‘Who are you?’ says Yue. ‘I was the magician who left the legendary treasure.’ Now everyone’s mouths are wide opened. ‘What are you talking about? We don’t see anything?’ ‘You do see it. It’s friendship! Your friendship is the legendary treasure. And this is what I’ve left.’ ‘By working together and 79

helping each other, this kind of friendship is the most precious thing in the world!’ ‘With beautiful friendship, there will be no fear on your way of realizing your dreams. Please do precious it!’ smiles the magician again and then disappears. Four of them are still in shocked, but by looking at each other, they feel happy and warm. This is the most wonderful treasure in the world!


-The End-


Acknowledgement I would like to thank to my instructor, Kenneth M. Smith for giving me this opportunity to write this novel and also the comments which make me improve. Moreover, I would like to thank to my classmates for supporting me. Especially Annie Wang also for helping me with the audio recording.


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http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/332/4/5/ smoke___iii_by_mattthesamurai-d33s193.jpg smoke http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/0/03/ %E5%A4%8F%E6%B3%A2%E5%9C%B0%E8%AB% B8%E5%B3%B6.JPG bubble island http://brivbridis.lv/browse/files/brivbridis_lv/M agic-Mountain-Hotel_trip.worldtravellist.com_fo to.jpg magic court http://sun-surfer.com/photos/2013/11/Starry-ni ght-Geneva.jpg starry night http://images3.alphacoders.com/240/240717.jp g king

http://sifilia.com/wp-content/uploads/20 10/01/28239-Clipart-Illustration-Of-FourSilhouetted-Children-Running-Holding-Ha nds-And-Doing-Somersaults-In-A-Field-Of -Butterflies-And-Spring-Flowers-Over-A-B ursting-Blue-Background.jpg friends


A legendary treasure was left by the strongest and powerful magician before he died. People are crazy about the treasure because everyone wants to be as strong as the magician. Owen is an 18-year-old boy with magic of fire. His dream is to find the treasure. While he is traveling on the sea, he meets some friends. What will their journey be? Will they find the legendary treasure? And what the treasure is?

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