4th year writing student written books 2013 2014 final draft ivy lin wander, wonder

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Wander, Wonder By Ivy Lin

Wander, Wonder By Ivy Lin

Written by Ivy Lin of E4B Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M. Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 2014

Numbers of words: 10667 Words checked: 10625 Words in Oxford 3000: 91% Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0JI1hHm1SI

About the Author My name is Ivy Lin and I am a fourth year junior college student. I have always wanted to write my own novel, regardless of Chinese or English. Therefore, thanks to Mr. Smith’s project, which allowed me to realize my dream. I got the idea of this story while I was swimming. Watching at the surface of the water, I saw the reflection of my own, and it suddenly came to my mind a story about the truth and deceit of humanity.


Table of Contents About the author------------------------------1 Synopsis---------------------------------------3 Characters-------------------------------------4 Chapter 1 Hairpin and Lotus---------------6 Chapter 2 Decision and best friend-------19 Chapter 3 Illusion or reality? -------------31 Chapter 4 Task 1 finished------------------42 Chapter 5 The Adventure Continues-----52 Chapter 6 Warning--------------------------64 Chapter 7 Thousands of Eyeballs--------73 Chapter 8 The End of All Thing----------89 References----------------------------------105 Acknowledgement------------------------107


Synopsis Enter a world of trust, darkness, betrayal, and myths. This is a world very much like our own, but in here, no one can be trusted, only‌yourself. Since the disappearance of her father, life of Ortlinde Kettle has changed completely. The world isn’t as it seems anymore. To find her dearest father back, she needs to solve the mystery. What will she face next? Everything is destined. How can you get rid of, your won?


Characters  Ortlinde Kettle An eighteen-year-old girl whose interests are totally different from others. She is calm and brave as her father.  Cedric Ortlinde’s only and best friend who is a nineteenyear-old orphan with a revived god living in his body.  Stan Kettle A clever merchant who never allows Ortlinde to read things about Norse mythology.  Andrea Sanchez (Mrs. Awaiting) The last surviving member of the Order, who is a witch and was punished for doing the forbidden 4

experiment. ď ˘ Lucy The owner of the orphanage who is very kind and usually gives Ortlinde advice. ď ˘ The Order A vicious association that devoted to resurrecting the Norse Gods.


Chapter1 Hairpin and Lotus “Why did Loki betray Odin, dad?� Whenever I asked questions about the Norse gods, my father would become angry and scolded at me. He never liked me to know anything about the North mythology, and he even hid those books and journals somewhere I could not find them. There must be something he was hidden from me, something he didn’t want me to know about. Although I was furious about his manner, I still loved him because he was my father, the only and the most intimate family I had in the world. My name is Ortlinde Kettle, and I live with my 6

dad in a small town a miles away from the capital London. My father is a merchant, and he sails with the mercantile marine and trades with others through the journey. Since he knew that I had a different interest than other children, he often brought me amazing books or stuffs when he came back, especially those from the Eastern world. Yeah, I knew I was different, no, abnormal would be a better word to describe me. I dislike talking with people except my father and Cedric, an orphan who lives in the Sunny Warmy Orphanage next to my house. And children in my town often called me freak because what I do scared them. 7

I would spend hours watching grass with a magnifier on the lawn, and sometimes I even tried the taste by myself. I also enjoy reading books about anecdotes, alchemy or herbal prescription, and I like to draw pictures of pentagrams, goblins and elves. Everyone thought I was psycho, and the priest even said I had devilry dancing in my blood because what I do was out of a children’s imagination. Yet I didn’t care about what they say because I was just being myself. Once my father had asked me about my drawings. “How do you know what an elf looks like? You have never seen one, have you?” I really wanted to tell him the truth, but deeply in 8

my heart, it didn’t feel right. Therefore, I simply said, “they just pop up from my mind.” and my father laughed it off. Surely he didn’t believe me, and his explanation for my weird behaviors was that I was full of imagination. Yet I knew this was not the truth. I started to dream about those creatures since I was seven. That night, after reading a book as usual, I went to bed and quickly fell in sleep. In my dream, there was an obscure figure covering by black mist, standing silently and unmoved. From the mysterious mist I could hardly see what it was, but I didn’t pay much attention to it 9

because it was merely a dream. However, something weird happened. From that night on, I dreamed of it almost every night, with the same figure, heavy mist and ponderous shackles. I had tried to communicate with it, but no answer or movement it made. Yet as years passed by, the figure became clearer to see. It was a young woman, of average height, wearing an embroidered white gown and a red cloak that covered her face. She asked me to call her Mrs. Awaiting, and I did so even though my intuition told me there was something dangerous with this woman. Yet her voice


was so charm that I couldn’t resist her request. Every night, she told me tales from Norse mythology, which my father never allowed me to read. We talked about Idunn’s Golden Apples, which made gods young and fair, the children of Loki, the death of Balder, and the magnificent and beautiful Asgard, the homeland of all gods. I enjoyed listening to those stories, and the part I liked the most is the Ragnarök, the End of the World. Whenever I heard of it, there would be a sense of grief and longing lingering deep in my heart, like a mirror broken in half, couldn’t be complete again.


Dad was going to leave with Captain Brews tomorrow. I shouldn’t be worried. After all, dad had been doing trades for years, yet I had an ominous feeling that something severe was going to happen. Thus, I told dad the story Mrs. Awaiting told me yesterday, an interesting and funny elf. “Dad, do you know that elves aren’t that diligent as fairytales say?” “Really? Why is that?” sounding absent-minded, he was reading over a contract for his business, but I continued my story. “Lazy is an elf, actually a fatty, but every time he plays hide-and-hid with his friends, he always is the winner. Do you know why?” I looked at dad expectantly, but he was still examining his contracts. 12

“Mrs. Awaiting said because he often lay behind a withered bush, and elves would ignore him and thought that he was simply an enormous rock. One time when the game was over and they found him, he was snoring and stretching the ground, biting a stick in his mouth. He was really lazy, wasn’t he? But he hid quite well, and was never found. Maybe I should try that next time…” I was about to say something else, but all of a sudden I heard the creaking sound of the cup. I turned around and saw papers scattering in the air, his face was colorless. “Dad? Are you okay?” I asked nervously. He remained silence for a second, then he said, “Ortlinde, honey, come here.” I ran toward him and he 13

clenched me so hard that I could not breathe. “Dad? Is there anything wrong?” “Eighteen years, so many years…” There were sorrow and tiredness in his voice. “White gown, red cloak, elves and goblins. Andrea, it is you, it must be you, right?” He halted for a second, and his eyes seemed to be lost in memories. “Dad, how do you know her dressing? I didn’t tell…” He cut me off. “Sixteen years, I have tried so hard to protect her, yet you still find her.” He buried his head in my hair, “what can I do?” I remained silence, and I knew it was better not to say anything at the moment although I had hundreds of questions whirling in my mind. 14

Who is Andrea? Why is she in my dream? What’s between her and my father, even‌me? My father quickly gathered himself. He never lost his head even when the situation was intense. He released me and asked me to stay in the room. I nodded and watched him walk away. His sight of back looked haggard and aged. Few minutes later he came back, and he handed me a hairpin. I took it and carefully examined it.


It was made of black sandalwood, about fifteen centimeters in length, and there were a five-petals lotus carved on it. At the end of the hairpin, there was a bead made of jade inlaid on it. The hairpin exuded a sense of eternity. “The hairpin is from my mother. She is a Chinese.” My father said it with nostalgia, and I was surprised about the news because he never told me anything about his family. “Ortlinde,” He firmly held my shoulders, “I know you must be confused about all of this, but there isn’t much time for me to tell you the whole story now.” He covered his hands on mine and said, “honey, I want you to take this with you at any time. Never lose 16

it, ok?” “Sure, no problem.” I put the hairpin in my pocket, feeling on the outside it is safe there. “I’m leaving with Captain Brews tomorrow, and I’ll be back very soon. I promise I will tell you everything then.” “Everything? Including my mother?” This was a question that had been hidden in my heart for years. “Yeah, including your… mother.” There were complicated emotions in his eyes, love, helplessness, indignation, and… hatred? “Remember, Ortlinde,” he firmly held my eyes, “that I am your father, and I will always love you.” He must have seen my curiosity, but he kept repeating the sentence again and again, even when I went to bed. 17

The light of his study didn’t go off, and I was worried about him, but a deep slumber fell upon me, and I quickly fell asleep. In my dream, Mrs. Awaiting was waiting for me as usual, and so did those little creatures. There seemed to have fewer chains around her. I asked her about it, but she simply gave me a smile and said, “Everything is going to be whole and complete again.” I was confused. What did she mean? Why were adults so complicated?


Chapter2 Decision and best friend There's no one to call Cause I'm just playing games with them all The more I swear I'm happy The more that I'm feeling alone Who would have known how bittersweet this would? The melody of this song kept ringing in my mind, with bitterness burying deep in my heart. I watched at the cell phone in my hand for seconds and left out a sigh. Dad hadn’t called me for days, which is quite unusual. Captain Brews and his crew had come back six days ago, and they claimed that dad indeed sailed back with them. “Ortlinde, he really got off the ship and waved us 19

farewell, and we all saw him get on the taxi.” Surprisingly, I didn’t feel frustrated or panic, so now people in my town even called me a cold-hearted demon and the bane of my parents. I walked toward my father’s library and found no body there. Inside, everything was put in apple-pie order and showed no sign of breaking in or burglary, yet I felt uneasy about all this. Just when I was about to call my father again, someone placed a hand before my eyes and darkness was the only thing I could see. “Happy birthday!” A smile appeared on my face as I recognized the familiar voice. “Please don't surprise me like that, Cedric.” 20

The hands that were placed upon my eyes were slowly lifted. His name is Cedric, my only and best friend. He is a tall boy with black hair, blue eyes and a crooked smile. He lives in the orphanage next to my house, and he knows a lot about the Norse mythology, as if he were the person from that time. “I see the light turned on, so I come over to have a look. Good luck for me to find you home.” He gave me a big grin. “Is Lucy in the orphanage? I have got some questions to ask her.” He nodded his head. “Yeah, she is preparing afternoon tea for children. We can walk there. Let’s 21

go.” I silently walked on the trail and didn’t notice what Cedric had been talking until he pinched my arm. “What?” “There’s a German couple coming next week, and Lucy says I have a big chance this time to be adopted!” “Wow, this is… this is great! You’re going to have a family soon! I am glad for you, Cedric.” I hugged my best friend tightly. “Yeah, I’m so excited about it. And…hi Lucy.” A mid-high woman slowly walked toward us. 22

She was in her thirty, with brown long hair and blue eyes. There was a smile always lingering on her face. “It is nice to see you, Ortlinde. Want to have a cup of tea with us?” “It would be my pleasure, but do you know where my father had been? Did he leave any note to you? Did he…?” “Wow, wow, hold on a second, Ortlinde. Lucy can’t answer so many questions at the same time. Relax.” Cedric put his hands on my shoulder and gave me a massage. With a weird expression on her face, Lucy asked, “Ortlinde, do you believe in mythologies and reincarnation?” Cedric laughed and said, “mythologies and 23

reincarnation? Are you kidding, Lucy? Those superstitions are just childish and…” “I believe in them, Lucy.” I cut off Cedric and stared at Lucy with resolute eyes. “Although some people may say they are unrealistic, I still believe in those legends and rituals.” “That’s the smart girl I know.” Lucy smiled and patted me, “here is the envelope your father left for you. A month ago he suddenly came to me and told me that the envelope must be handed to you in person. It seems like that was the last time I saw him.” Lucy paused for seconds and sighed, “he really wanted you to have a normal life like other kids do, but I guess it just doesn’t work for you, right?” “Yeah, no matter what happened to my father, I 24

will definitely find him back, no matter what the cost is.” “Don’t talk like you are going to do it all by yourself. I am going with you.” Cedric said it resolutely. “But you will miss the chance to see that German couple.” I didn't want my good friend to lose this good chance. “Hey, you are my best friend and I am not going to leave you alone facing this what so ever. I can wait for another opportunity for adoption, but you are the only friend I care about. So don’t say that again. I have made up my mind.” My heart felt warm and I restrained my tears. “Thank you, sister. You are the best.” I smiled and 25

hit Cedric on his back. “Yeah, I am your best ‘sister.’ ” He turned me over and tickled me with his hands. “Stop it.” With a stream of warmth in my heart, I got the envelope from Lucy and quickly opened it. Inside was a craft paper writing in blue ink. I read through the letter and nodded. “This is my father’s writing.” “What does he say then?” Cedric peeked behind me at the letter. “Nothing special, just some trivial reminders. There is even a white paper stained with juice.” I handed him the letters with frustration. “Even though drinking juice it is weird of him to 26

drip on the paper. Stan is quite a serious person.” “Serious…stains of juice…wait a minute! Do you have any lighter, Lucy?” “No, but I can go and get one…” “Here you go.” I handed him the lighter. “Why do you have a lighter with you, Ortlinde? What did you learn from books you read?” “Shout up and do your work.” “Bad-tempered…” Cedric murmured and lighted the fire under the juice-stained paper. “What are you doing, Cedric? There is no time for magic shows!” Lucy said frowning. “Ha, ha, wait for seconds and you’ll know.” With disbelief, we stared at the paper and 27

suddenly, something surprising happened—there were words appeared gradually on the juice-stained paper! “Please call me a genius.” “Wow…this is amazing. How do you know this?” I got the paper from Cedric and examined it. “I read it on a magazine. What does it say?” “It says…” Dear Ortlinde, When you get this letter, I might be nowhere to be seen. I am sorry for breaking my promise, but please do not worry about me and do not try to find me. I really wished that you could have a life better than this, but…anyway, I know you will be curious about what had happened, but what I want you to do 28

is stay calm and be strong. The hairpin I gave you is the key to open the myths. There should be five colors glowing from the center of the lotus representing elements of spirit, water, fire, earth, and air. The five elements are separated in different places. When you find one, it will show the location of the next. Once these five things are gathered, they will bring you to the answer of all the myths. The first clue is on the letter itself. Good luck, my dearest daughter, and believe in yourself. Love. Stan


“So what are we going to do now?” Cedric looked at me curiously. Smiling, I tightly clutched the letter in my hand. “Bet on our luck and we need two tickets to France.” Shining under the sun was the picture of countless locks hanging on a bridge.


Chapter3 Illusion or reality? Since the disappearance of dad, Mrs. Awaiting had never come again. Just when I thought everything would be fine and the missing of dad was simply a joke, something weird happened. Every day, at what time I couldn’t exactly tell, my eyes would be out of focus (Cedric said so), and a complex golden threading of lines, which was similar to a magic circle, would emerge in my left eye. During that period, I would have visions, and every time, I got a different one. Sometimes the vision took place in a battlefield, with two groups of people fighting, one with dark hair 31

and the other with light-colored hair. Most of the time the vision would shift to a beautiful and magnificent castle, where the flowers blossom, the earth grows green and lovely, and people are in good harmony. It didn’t bother me watching these visions, you know, it was like watching sequences of movies. I couldn’t recognize any of them, but there was one that impressed me a lot, and that vision had appeared not only once, maybe twice or more. It was not on a battlefield, it was in somewhere like a forest, and most of the trees were swept by devastating flame. Inside the flame stood a young maiden; dressing like a knight, with a silver mask covered half of her face, only revealing her thin lips and a curved jaw. 32

I didn’t know who she is, but whenever I saw her, I had a strong connection with her. Watching her standing in that devastating blaze tortured and chained, I felt sorrow and unfair for her. I had tried to reach out my hands to help her, but there was no use because she was just a vision. She never talks, and her eyes are emotionless, like a frozen ice sculpture. Cedric said, in accordance with the books, the magic circle that emerged in my eyes was a kind of ancient magic from the Elder Age, and it had been lost for centuries. We were both curious, but no answer could we find. Anyway, we were now standing on the Love Lock Bridge in Paris. It was dusky, but there were still 33

numerous people wondering on the street, especially couples. “God, look at that poor bridge. It seems like it is going to collapse at anytime.” “Yeah, but it draws tourists to put locks on the bridge for some romantic stories.” “I think the government should do something to protect it since it is a historical building, and also the Seine. I would prefer swans dancing on the river rather than thousands of keys floating on the river.” “Let’s not talk about this now. We need to search for the element earth.” “Well, where should we start then?” We simultaneously looked at the bridge covered with countless locks and sighed. 34

“Honestly, I have no idea. The range is too wide with little clues.” I took out the letter. “Maybe we should try to find something related to earth, maybe plants or green locks I suppose.” “Ok, I go this way, and you go that way. Let’s meet here an hour later.” We waved goodbye and I walked northward aimlessly.

There was nothing outstanding about the place, and there were abundant green locks hanging on the bridge. My head ached and I squatted down observing those locks, wishing to find something unique. 35

Suddenly, a woman standing a few steps in front of me caught my attention. It was autumn now and the majority of people wore a coat or jacket while walking on the street. However, this woman with long red hair merely wore miniskirt and a tank, and holding in her right hand a can of Taiwan Golden beer. She was tall with good shape and looked about in her early twenties, but her expression was a combination of nostalgia and lament, which was quite unusual for women in her age. She must have noticed my sight because she tilted and gazed at me for seconds. Later, she gave me a charming yet seductive smile, which I quickly averted my eyes, feeling embarrassed. 36

When I turned my eyes back, the woman was disappeared. Feeling awkward, I kept searching for the element. An hour later, I returned to the place and saw Cedric standing with a bundle of green flowers. “Hey, how do you think of these flowers? Any special feeling?” Cedric lifted the flowers in front of me. I looked at them and laughed. “Where do you get those flowers? They are simply roadside flowers.” “Oh, I knew she was deceiving me!” “Who?” “A woman with long red hair gave me this and told me this is the must-buy specialty of this spot.” Cedric grumbled champing with rage. 37

“A woman with long red hair? Did she wear…? Never mind, maybe it is just a coincidence. Let’s go back to our hotel first.” The next morning, we went out searching again along the Love Lock Bridge. “Cedric, I will go and get us cup of coffee. Wait me here, okay?” “Sure, and I want a sandwich as well.” I waved at him and walked to the coffee shop buying us breakfast. There weren’t many people in the morning so I got my meals within a short time. I walked out of the store and bumped into someone. “I am sorry. Are you okay?” I reached out my hand, helping that woman stand up and found her the 38

woman I met yesterday with long red hair. “It’s you!” She didn't say anything but firmly grabbed my wrist. Her touch was comfortable, yet her gaze was so piercing that I felt uneasy and transparent. She suddenly let go of me, bent down at my ear and said, “I await your visit, my dear,” and then she walked away, leaving me standing still and feeling distraught. When I came to Cedric, there was a funny scene going on: “You, bastard.” “What?” Cedric turned left but didn’t see the speaker. “Yeah, you. Don't look around. Who do you 39

think you are?” “What the f…” “You cold-hearted wimp.” “Hey, I am not a wim…” “Do you think you are that good? No, and you will not have any girlfriend in the rest of your life!” Cedric turned right and finally saw the speaker. “Oh you little green creature, come over here and have a real fight with me.” Cedric raised his fist toward the tree next to him. “Cedric, why are you arguing with a parrot?” I watched at them with curiosity. “Ortlinde, it called me a bastard and a coldhearted man who will never have girlfriends!” 40

“Ha… it is true that you don’t have a girlfriend right now. Smart parrot.” “Hey, aren’t you suppose to say something like ‘let’s burn this parrot into ashes and… ” “Oh young man, I apologize if my parrot offense you, but please do not burn it into ashes because it is too much precious than you can imagine.” The sound startled us and we quickly turned around. Facing us, a high and slim woman slowly walked toward us. She looked at me, with a smile on her face, she said, “good to see you again, Ortlinde.”


Chapter4 Task 1 Finished I took out the hairpin, shifted it into the dagger, and placed it between the woman and us. “Who are you? Are you stalking me?” I nervously asked the woman with red hair. The woman laughed and walked closer to us. Patting that green parrot with her hand she said, “I would be grateful if you come with me to my place. We will be eavesdropped if talking outside.” “How can we trust you? You are merely a stranger to us.” “Stan Kettle.” “How do you know my father’s name?” I clenched the dagger more tightly. 42

She chuckled, “I am one of your father’s friends and we used to live in the same community.” She paused and pointed at the dagger, “that is a hairpin, right? From your father’s mother.” Cedric and I exchanged glances and decided to give it a try, although there was an anonymous sound whispering in my ear telling me not to trust this woman. Her apartment was not far from the bridge, and there was something weird about the place. When we entered the room, the lights and heating automatically turned on. At first we thought they were just some state-of-the-art technology, yet if we examined them carefully, we should have find out something odd about it. 43

“Tell me the story you want to say.” I casually sat down on the sofa, trying not to show my anxiety. “Ok. First, my name is Lesley, and I am one of your father’s closed friends. We used to hold a group with other five people living in the same community.” “A group? My father has a group?” I had never heard of that. “Precisely, it is a group started by your mother. She is a smart woman with novel ideas and …” Her voice trailed away into silence, seconds later she started again, “I shouldn’t be telling you this. Anyway, after we grew up, most of us moved out of that community, remaining only Stan and her there. Although we were apart, we often called each other until eighteen years ago; I got a phone call from Stan 44

telling me that the nightmare he had been trying to hold back finally happened. He wanted me to meet him at once, but I was hold up by some business and missed the appointment. Eighteen years ago? That was when I was born. “Since then, I have never seen the couple. Yet in that envelope Stan sent me, he told me that his daughter would come and take the element which each of us kept.” “Each of you? So there are…” “Yes, there are five of us.” “Where is it now?” Lesley pointed at the parrot that was preening its feathers. Cedric poked the parrot’s stomach and asked, “do 45

you mean that the element earth is in it?” “Yes. Just jab it with the hairpin and you will understand.” I gently stabbed the parrot with my hairpin. Surprisingly, there was no bloodshed and the parrot was shining with green light. There was a familiar sensation floating in the air, as warm as the hug of my father, full of security and reliance. “Wait, if we take the gem from the parrot, will it die?” Cedric asked anxiously. As the gleam of light become stronger, the parrot cried and something gradually separated from it. It was a green gem carving with unknown language. “You bastard!” The sound was vivid and powerful as usual. 46

“Oh, thanks for your compliment, you stupid bird.” Although he sounded furious, there was no hiding the smile on his face. “I think we are finished. Thanks for your help, Lesley.” “Oh, the show isn’t over yet. Look.” I followed her gaze finding that the hairpin was coated by a silver mist, seemed mysterious yet attractive. The lotus carved on the hairpin gradually parted itself from the surface and formed a real crystal lotus instead. At the center of it shining the color of green. “This is amazing and so…unbelievable.” I praised the beauty of the artwork. “Yeah, how can a carving possibly become 47

something real?” “This is an old magic from the Elder Age. The carving on the hairpin is a form of rune, which was an ancient and powerful language that the Norse Gods use.” All of a sudden, two more colors, yellow and red, gleamed simultaneously from the center of the crystal lotus. The glowing red light leaped and whirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars, warming the room and my heart, with the soothing wind swirling around us.


“Oh, this is not a good sign. You got to be hurry, Ortlinde. Someone is also searching for these elements, too.” “Who is it then?” “I can not tell you for now, but I assure you that you will find out the answer once you gather all the elements.” “Capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers. Why not search for the spirit first?” Lesley sipped her coffee and said, “because no body knows where spirit is. Each element randomly chooses its host for inexplicable reasons. That is why elements are so precious.” “Ok, then where is the next destination?” As if responding to my question, a string of light 49

shot on the wall from the lotus, making a sizzling sound, and a collection of images appeared and marched one after another. “A donkey…a dog…a cat…and…” “A rooster?” The animals vigorously stood in apple-pie order, as if waiting for someone. At this moment, another image—a shape of a music conductor— walked out from the rear of these animals, taking out his baton and gracefully started to wield. In a wink we were surrounded by blue musical notes, with a mixture of animal sounds came from nowhere. “Well, Ortlinde, are you sure this hairpin is from your grandmother? Isn’t it something from the 26 50

century or what?” “Young man, this is just a part of the old magic. When you get the chance to see real magic by yourself, you will change your mind and wish that you’ve never know it.” Although Lesley was speaking to Cedric, I had a feeling that she was alluding something to me, something that I would rather elude from. “Mmm… it seems like our next destination is not far from here.” I smiled and took out my cell phone to book for tickets. Cedric stood in front of the wall and touched it, “I still didn’t get where we are going.” “Somewhere you can eat sausage and drink beer.”


Chapter5 The Adventure Continues —Arriving at Hamburg, German— “Have you ever been to German, Cedric?” “Of course not, I spend most of my time staying in the orphanage.” “Then how are we going to find the element?” I looked at the Google map but still couldn’t figure out which direction to go. Cedric looked around and suddenly grabbed my arm. “Hey, I have an idea. Let's sneak into that Chinese tourist group and go sightseeing with them.” “But there may be a big chance for them finding out that we are not their members. I …” “Hey, you two. Yes, don’t look around, I am 52

talking to you two.” We swirled around and saw a Chinese man striding to us and grabbed Cedric’s hand. “Come, the train to Bremen is about to depart. Take your luggage and hurry!” Cedric and I gawked at each other and couldn’t help laughing. “See, I told you that the Chinese aren’t that prudent as you thought. Also, you look very much alike to Chinese.” He whispered to me, pointing at my glossy long black hair. Therefore, we followed the Chinese tourist group to numerous famous spots: The Town Hall and Roland on the Marketplace of Bremen, St. Peters Cathedral and some vendors along the street. 53

When the group finally approached our destination, we made an excuse and left the tourist group. “Ok, let’s start our searching.” I examined the status with caution. “So this is the famous Town Musicians of Bremen.” Cedric circled around the statuses and said, “I couldn’t see anything special about it. Simply they were made of bronze, and look at the donkey’s hoof, 54

its color is faded.” I read the guidebook that Chinese guide had given me. “It says that if you closed your eyes and touch the donkey’s hoof while making wish, the wish would become true.” “I guess it’s not going to harp the same string. The element wouldn't emerge if I touch the statue, right?” “Yes, this is not the story of Aladdin. Maybe we should contact Mr. Cool. Lesley said he owned an element.” I contacted Mr. Cool, an artist with unique taste different from others, and he wanted us to meet him at the statue in the midnight. According to him, it was the best time to do something that would be arrested 55

by police. I started to worry for the coming night…

We went to the appointed place at two a.m. in the morning and waited. Two hours passed but there was no sign of Mr. Cool. “Does he forget the appointment?” Cedric sat down next to the donkey and sighed. “I’m not sure. We wait for another ten minutes then…” My ringtone suddenly rang, making an echo in the empty street where there were only few people wondering. I picked up the phone and answered, but… “He hung up on me.” “That’s okay, maybe that is a scam phone call. 56

Never mind.” Yet the phone had been ringing for over five times with nobody speaking. “Now I can prove that somebody is playing prank on me.” I slipped my phone into the pocket and decided to ignore it although it kept ringing. “Oh, please answer the phone this time. I promise you I will answer the phone. Little girl.” The voice of a young man abruptly sounded behind us, yet when we whirled around, there were no people there. “Could you please show up now, Mr. Cool? There was no time for hide-and-seek.” “Answer the phone and I will talk to you. No phone, no conversation.” There was amusement in his 57

voice. “Fine, can we talk now?” I took out my phone and asked. “Listen carefully little girl because I will only say it once. Twenty steps eastward, thirty steps northward, turn four circles, and fifteen steps westward. Look at the back but dig the ground. That’s all. Good luck.” And he hung up on me again. “Is he making fun of us? I’ve heard that artists often have strange interests, and now it sounds pretty reasonable to me.” Cedric groaned in despair. “All right Cedric, if you want to take a rest earlier, then do this quickly. Twenty steps eastward…” We followed the instructions of Mr. Cool but founded ourselves getting back to the same place 58

again—the statue of the animals. “Did we count the steps wrong? We have circled almost half of the plaza!” “Well, although I’m not good in chemistry, I’m still confident in my counting. We seemed to have overlooked some clue…” I glimpsed at the bird that rested on the bottom of the donkey and had an idea. “Yeah, that’s is! ‘Look at the back and dig the ground.’ I suppose the back means the donkey’s bottom.” “And dig the ground means…” I took out a pocketknife and handed it to Cedric. “Ok, now I really wonder what you have learnt from that summer camp.” Cedric took it and started to dig the part beneath the statue. 59

At first there was only soil and grit, and as Cedric dug deeper, there was still nothing buried inside. “Wow, let me take a rest.” Cedric wiped the sweat off his face and drank half of the water in one gulp. “Well Cedric, I think there is no time for resting. The police are coming now…” I pointed at those furious police and said, “I’ll help you.” I shifted my hairpin into the dagger and started to dig. “A group of niggards. Is it illegal to dig the soil under the statue? No, right?” Cedric complained yet continuing digging. “Actually we may be violating the law because this is an official tourist spot and we didn’t applied for permission. Hey, I found it!” I removed the dust covering on the gem and carefully took it out. 60

“It is the water element!” “Ok, there’s no time for examining. The police are now on the opposite of the road.” “Young men, what are you doing?” We hastily ran to the opposite side and trying to call a taxi, but there weren’t many cars at this late hour. Abruptly, I caught a glimpse of a man in white suit slowly getting off his car. I grasped Cedric’s hand, rushed toward that man and pushed him aside. “Sorry, but I am in an emergency. I will return your car once I have the chance.” I pushed Cedric inside the car and settled myself behind the wheel. “Ortlinde, have you ever driven a car before?” Cedric buckled his seat belt and nervously asked me. 61

“No, but I had seen dad driving it. I think I could handle it. It shouldn’t be that difficult, right?” I stepped on the accelerator to gun the engine, but… “Wow, Ortlinde, you stepped on the wrong petal!” Cedric seized his belt shouting. The car moved backward toward the police, making them startled and cursed because I stepped on the brake pedal instead of the throttle. “I’m sorry. I’ll be carful next time.” I apologized, put the pedal to the metal and started to hit the road. When we passed through the man in white suit, he shouted. “The GPS is set and it will lead you to my house. Remember to bring my car back and happy motoring!” Waving, I drove out of the town toward our 62

unknown future.


Chapter6 Warning I had been having a same vision these days. In the vision, I was in a world of ice and snow. I was cold and afraid, yet I felt so familiar about the place as if I had been living here for thousands of years. This snowfield somehow filled me with the strangest feeling I ever had, so strange that I could not find my way home. Just when I was about to cry, a beautiful and elegant bird appeared in front of me. There was gleaming flame swirling around its body, a golden crown on its head, and an exquisite but complicated tattoo on its forehead. It is a phoenix! 64

It stared at me for seconds, and… I suddenly felt unafraid. I ran toward it and wanted to catch it, but it agilely dodged away from me. Whenever I got closer to it, it kept jumping away, but I wasn’t about to give up. The quicker I pounced on it, the faster it ducked away from me. During the chase, I forgot the freezing air and my fear. I followed behind the phoenix laughing out loudly. “Ouch!” When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in front of that sculpture again. “Ortlinde, listen to me, you must not go north.” There was a female sound echoing inside my head. 65

“Who is talking?” I turned around, but there was nobody. Had I imagined it? Or was it because I had been staying too long in the vision? I closed my eyes and tried not to think of anything. “I am right in front of you. What are you, an imbecile?” said the voice sharply. I turned around, but there was only the maiden with silver mask standing in front of me, unless… My eyes widened as I finally saw who was talking. “It is you. But how could this be possible? You are a part of the vision.” I said surprisingly. “I am not TALKING to you verbally. I transfer my voice directly into your mind.” “Wow, that’s amazing. By the way, why must not 66

I go north? I mean, there isn’t any threat or danger in Norway. I have heard that life in North Europe is quite peaceful and marvelous, and that’s the last location of the spirit element.” But somewhere at the back of my mind, a small voice telling me that this wasn’t the truth, there was another reason why I wanted to go north. “Do us a favor, Ortlinde. Do not go to Norway,” said the maiden firmly. “Why? And what do you mean us?” “By us I mean you and I. Just give up, Ortlinde, otherwise our efforts would be in vain.” “But that is my father, my only family in the world. Whether he is alive or dead, I get to find him 67

back.” I shouted angrily. The maiden sneered. “You really don’t know anything, do you? About your father, your mother, the world, and even yourself.” “Stop telling me that! I have been racing around like a headless chicken yet nobody wants to tell me the truth! All of you are the same, my father, Lucy, Lesley and even you. I’ve had it!” There were anxieties and indignation in my voice. I knew I shouldn’t be blowing up at her, but I really couldn’t help it. “Promise me you won’t go north and I will tell you all the whys and wherefores of the matt…” she stopped abruptly. “Someone is trying to break the vision.” 68

“It must be Cedric. Maybe I have been in the vision for too long. Don’t worry, he is my best friend.” I ensured her with a smile. She looked at me for a second. “Believe in no one, Ortlinde. The only one you can trust will always be yourself. Not your family, your best friend, and nor your companions.” Her voice sounded so distant and nonchalant, but I could still sense her grief. There must be a story behind her because at this moment, she looked sophisticated but dignified. The vision became blurry and darkness overwhelmed me.

“Wake up, Ortlinde.” Somebody held me up and 69

set a pillow beneath me. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know who the person was. It was Cedric. I opened my eyes staring out of the window. It was getting darker, and stars were sparkling in the sky, waiting for the complete darkness as their stage to shine. “How long did I pass out?” “Six hours. You have got into that vision for too long. What did you see this time?” “Let’s not talk about this, ok?” I said tiredly. “Fine, it’s your choice.” Standing up, he said unwillingly, “by the way, I have already booked us tickets to Norway. The flight is tomorrow, so you had better get your luggage ready tonight.” “Cedric, can we postpone our flight? I need to think twice for this.” After listening to what the 70

maiden had said, there were heaps of questions swirling in my head. Cedric turned and gazed at me. His eyes stayed fixed upon mine, and there was nowhere for me to escape. “Ortlinde, I don’t know what you have heard, but there is no room for haggling on this matter. The flight is scheduled. That’s is.” He vanished after finishing his words. Throwing myself on the bed, I tried to recall everything that happened. My dream of Mrs. Awaiting, a Chinese hairpin, the disappearance of dad, visions of battlefields, the mysterious maiden with silver mask, five elements and my irrevocable trip to Norway. 71

Everything seemed related to one another, and there must have some details I had ignored. I wished dad were here. He was always so clever and could solve the problem with little clues. I took out the hairpin he gave me the night before his departure and seized it. There were waves of warmth diffusing from the hairpin as if it was comforting me. “Thank you.� I kissed it and held it firmly in my hand, hoping that my journey could be safe and sound.


Chapter7 Thousands of Eyeballs Four days later, we finally arrived in Norway, but looking at the front and then at the map, who could tell me where was I? In front of me was an oriental arch. It was made of stacks of brownstones and was about three thousand centimeters high. Carved on those stones were symbols Cedric called rune, an ancient and powerful language that the Norse Gods use. What surprised me the most was the forest, the one behind the arch, which looked very much like the one my vision had showed me. Was this just a coincidence or‌? Come, Ortlinde, come here. 73

What? “Did you hear that? Someone is calling my name.” “No, I didn’t hear anything. Are we going in or not?” asked Cedric with a little impatience. Come, Ortlinde. I am in the center of the forest. “Yeah, let’s go.” Cedric’s mood had turned bad since we got here. Also, who was calling me? Was that just my hallucination? So odd…

I bent down, wielding the dagger and removed the fiftieth drooping branches in front of me. I had never seen those trees before. They were taller than skyscrapers, with thick and solid trunks and serrated


branches. So far I hadn’t seen any living creatures. “Cedric, are you sure the direction is right? It seems like we have been circling the same place for hours.” Sweating and panting hard, I looked at Cedric and the map holding in his hand. The forest was sunny yet smoldering. “Are you questioning my ability?” he squinted at me. “Give me the map.” I tried to reach out my hands, but he swiftly dodged away. Laughing at his childish behavior, I looked around and examined the place again. This was a place where white lights flickered along with mysterious flowers in full bloom. 75

“This is beautiful. Look, the petals are beaming.” I stabbed Cedric’s arm with delight. “These aren’t ordinary flowers at all. They are…lotus?” “Yeah, they look similar to the lotus carved on my hairpin.” I took out the hairpin. Weren’t lotuses supposed to grow up in water? Yet these flowers made me feel nostalgic the more I looked at them. I wondered why…?


“Is it okay for me to pick one?” I squatted down next to a yellow lotus. “Yeah…it should be fine, since there are many of them here. After all, it’s just one…” I reached out for the flower that was swaying along with the wind in front of me. I held the flower in my hand and severed the stem with a gentle strength. “Ah!” A piercing ray of light started to seep through the stem where I broke off with my hand. The steam of light was rushing toward me.


“Run, Ortlinde!” “No, Cedric, I can not get away!” And I was swept along with the current of light, swirling and twirling amongst it…

I recovered from my unconsciousness and quickly learned that I was in a hole. Yet this was not merely a hole, but an underground tunnel that seemed to have no end. I was falling and rolling at a high speed, and countless stones and pebbles greatly hit my body, with strong winds stinging my cheeks. Finally the tunnel came to an end and I was thrown violently onto the ground by gravity. There 78

were holes on my shirt and jeans, and my back ached like someone had just rolled over me with a tank. I slowly stood up, carefully not to touch the wounds on my back. I tried to look around, but there wasn’t any light in here. All I could see was darkness. “Hello, is anyone here?” I shouted, but the only response was a blast of chilly wind. “What a gruesome place. Who would ever live in here?” I murmured. Abruptly, there was a trail of giggle coming out from my left side, and then another laughter from the right side, and back. I was surrounding by those creepy sounds. “Who is there? Come out and face me directly.” I provoked. 79

Silence. “Who is that little girl?” started a sound like a woman. “What is she doing here?” “Go home and find your mother, child, or else,” “We are going to capture you,” “Cook you,” “Fry you,” “And eat you.” “Shut up. You’ll scare our little guest.” Said an elder sound. “Yes, our little guest.” “Look at her body,” “So young,” “Healthy,” 80

“Beautiful,” “Slim,” “And fresh.” There were numerous different sounds all around me. It looked like there were about tens of, no, maybe thousands of them. I took out the hairpin and pressed the jade-bead. It shifted into the sword in a fraction of time. Clenching it, I felt safer. There was stillness in the air since I took out the hairpin. Was there anything special about the hairpin that I still haven’t comprehended? “Little girl, what is your name? And why do you have that hairpin?” It was the elder woman who 81

previously called to a silence speaking. “Why not tell me who you are first?” “You are calm, girl. I give you the permission to see us. Light.” Numerous glistening rocks illuminated the room. Although it was dim in the room, I could have a better look for the surroundings. “Wow. This is so…impressive?” I breathed in hardly and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Surrounding me were four natural walls, with rocks and traces of acid rain. Its surface was bumpy with innumerable hollows. What startled me the most was that in each hollow, there was one eyeball inlaid in it, and now there were about thousands of them staring at me passionately, as if I were some kind of 82

delicacy. Under the dim light of those glittering rocks, they looked more thrilling and terrifying. “Let me take a closer look.” An eyeball flied out from its hollow and circled me for a few seconds. “Ah, you are the creation of Andrea.” Said the eyeball floating in front of me, which was also the elder woman who previously issued instructions. “What creation? Am I not a human?” I asked with curiosity. “Poor little girl, still doesn’t know anything about her fate.” Cried another woman. “Wait a minute. Why is everyone telling me the same thing? You guys are, the maiden with the silver mask is, too.” Hardly squeezing my cloth, I called out. “So you have already met her. Then, it’s just a 83

matter of time for you to know the truth.” Said the elder woman again. “Tell me the truth now. I don’t want to be a fool that doesn’t know anything that I have a right to know.” “We can’t tell you the truth because we are just the Guardians. As a guardian, we don’t have any right to discuss things from the Elder Age.” The elder woman slowly flied back to the hollow. “Wait, then who should I ask for answer then?” “Your parents. Passing through this gate and you may meet them there. Goodbye, child. Wish you good luck.” The sound of the elder woman faded out, living a faint of music singing: 84

Everything is destined, unchangeable and unavoidable.

Standing in front of the gate, I was trembling. I had a feeling that if I entered, I may discover some unpleasant and ugly truth, and my life certainly would be overturned. “Hey, are you okay?” putting his hands around my shoulders, I gained a sense of warmth and belongingness. Cedric was now staying by my side comforting me, and his eyes were full of regard. “Yeah, I am fine.” I pushed forward the gate and what I saw was— “Dad!” I shouted. He was locked in a cage and he didn’t look fine. 85

He was much thinner than before with a pale face, and there were beards covering half of his face. With those heavy shackles on his limbs, he could only sit on the floor, gawking at the front. “Ortlinde, what are… you doing here? Why don’t you… just stay at home?” Dad simultaneously coughed and scolded angrily at me. Who did this to him? He had become so weak to speak. I rushed toward him, and I heard the shout from both dad and Cedric saying no, but it was too late for me to notice. My body remained unmoved and frozen at the place, and then I saw a woman walking gracefully toward me. 86

She wore an embroidered white gown and a red cloak that covered most of her face. I was far than familiar to this outfit because she was the one that appeared in my dreams before the disappearance of my father. “Mrs. Awaiting.” I said surprisingly, thinking that what kind of trick was she playing now. “One point for our smart girl, but so sad she couldn’t have a feast with us.” Mrs. Awaiting circled around me. She looked cheerful and triumphal. I remained in silence and resolutely behold her gaze. Dad had taught me to be calm and unafraid when facing dangers and sudden changes. Seeing me unruffled, she snorted in dissatisfaction, yet she quickly altered her mood. 87

“Aren’t you curious about whom I am?” she delightedly looked at me. “An actress?” From her outfit I couldn’t really figure out. “No, keep guessing.” “A…” “Stop that, Andrea.” Said my father, who was trying hard to stand up. “Ortlinde, let me tell you who she is.” He closed his eyes, and his fist clenched so tight that I could hear the crackle. I suddenly had an impulse to cover my ears for no reason. “She… is your mother, Andrea Sanchez.”


Chapter 8 The End of All Things “Three thousand years ago, after the Ragnarök, the End of the World, appeared an arcane association called the Order. Members of it were devoted to resurrect the Norse Gods with any cost, sacrifices or witchcrafts. At first, people didn’t pay much attention to them, but as more and more babies and juveniles disappeared out of thin air, people began to notice the seriousness of the issue and started to take action. They hunted the members of the Order, but little could they succeed because those members were tricky and clever. Finally, after two hundred years, members of the Order were annihilated, and the world is peaceful again.” Written in the Book of Wise, by Priest Matt Watson

“She is my mother?” I was calmer than I thought 89

to be. “Yes, and Ortlinde, we both love you. Hadn’t it be that accident, everything would be different and…” “What are you talking about, my dear husband.” Andrea walked to my father and stroked him with her fingers. “What do you mean by ‘accident’? It is not an accident, Stan. The woman you love is Andrea, and I am Andrea, too, just that I am her dark side living in the deepest part of her heart.” The woman, no, the dark Andrea then paced to my front. “And you, my little girl, you are my masterpiece of my life.” “What?” “Didn’t your father tell you anything? Go and ask 90

him, poor little thing.” She ambled back toward the center of the room lighting on a row of candles with a flicker of fire on her fingertip. I eagerly rushed to my father and watched him with curiosity. “Could you tell me everything now? I am here for you.” My father sighed and nodded with tiredness and regrets. “The ancestor of Sanchez family, that is your mother’s family, was the last surviving member of the Order, whose goal is to resurrect the Norse God. 91

There is a trial for each of the women in the Sanchez family. If the woman conquer the trail, she may live a life as an average person, vice versa, the vicious factors of their ancestor of the Order will revivify in her blood and engulfed that woman’s nature.” My father raised his hand and comforted me. “I am sorry for not telling you the truth at first, because I thought I could solve this matter all by myself, I …” “Stan, you seemed to have forgot to tell her the most important part of all.” Andrea turned around, fixing her gaze at me. “Over so many years, no members of the Order 92

have succeeded, yet I am the only one who succeeded the experiment. Do you know why is that?” In an instant she was standing in front of me. She lifted my chin with a finger and said, “because—“ “Please, Andrea, stop. I beg you not to tell her.” I couldn’t believe this was my father. He was always so proud and confident in himself… There was a chilly and devastating smile on Andrea’s face. She bent down and spoke word by word into my ear. “Because I use my own child to do the experiment.” My eyes widened. “And what’s more, the spirit inside the baby is the one that I summoned from the other space time, which means—“ she smiled, moving closer to me and said, 93

“You do not belong to this space time, Ortlinde. You are just a homeless spirit wandering in this world. ” My version became blurry, and I started to feel dizzy. “Wait, girl, don’t pass out. There is something more interesting.” She amusingly looked at Cedric, who was silently standing next to my father. “It’s your turn to speak, if you want to resurrect completely.” “I…”Cedric stammered, and he looked agonized, as if fighting against something with all of his effort. “Tell me, Cedric. What else should I know about?” My body was trembling, but I knew I couldn't show my weakness. 94

“Originally you are merely a …” “Oh please, Cedric, don’t be so shy. It’s not that hard to speak out. If you don’t say it, I’ll do it myself.” Said Andrea impatiently. “I… I am sorry, Ortlinde, that I have deceived you.” “About what?” I murmured. “That there is a revived god sharing the same body with him and you are the nutrition the god needed to digest to complete the ritual of resurrection.” Although I had a little guess about what it could be, the truth was still so unimaginable. “Ok, it is time for the ritual. Come here, my dear, 95

we need to release the most valuable element from you.� I couldn't move as if someone had got the control over my own body. I was thrown hardly onto the ground of the center of the circle, and my vision became blurry. Every sound seemed distant from me and all I could feel was despair, unfairness, anger and depression, but suddenly, all of them turned into a self-queried question—Who am I? Or, what am I?

I knew that my spirit was being split from my body, but what could I do? There was no one needing me, and my existence simply was an error. 96

“There was a value and meaning for each person’s existence, and it is undeniable. Although the world may be cruel and make you suffer, there is one thing we need to uphold—believe in yourself, Ortlinde.” The maiden in silver mask that I hadn’t seen for a long time appeared in front of me. Grabbing my hairpin in her hand, she reached it out to me. “Come, this is our chance. You shouldn’t be defeated because of what others have said. You need to be strong and confident.” “Why are you helping me? There is no one I can


trust out there.” “I am you and you are me, idiot. You are the spirit and I am the body. Combining us we are a complete and whole being.” “Then why are we apart?” “Because Andrea separated us apart to realize her goal, and that is why we need to defeat her and make her plan fail. The Norse Gods should not be resurrected. Just trust me once, Ortlinde. Let’s do this together.” “Could you please tell me the complete story of 98

this all? I know there is something they are hidden from me. Please!” Sighing, she exhaled a breath. “Fine, it is true that it is unfair for you if you don’t comprehend the whole matter.” Although she described the story with nonchalance, my heart felt twisted and disbelieved. After she finished the story, I nodded and tried to gather myself. She was right. I couldn't be defeated and denying my own value. Moreover, there was dad waiting for me out there. Yet when I thought of my father, there were grief and trauma lingering in my heart, but I 99

pushed them back and ignored them. I squeezed the other part of the hairpin and suddenly there were strings of colorful lights covering us. Dense smoke surrounded us and a roar of the phoenix pierced the darkness. The blazing flame of the phoenix burned everything I could see as it flied through the space. “Oh no, not again.� Feeling dizzy, I groaned in my heart feeling unconscious and collapsed.

Someone was shaking me and calling my name, and his sound was full of sorrow and despair. It was my father, the one that had never given me up, the one who had always trusted me and be confident in me. 100

“Dad,” I opened my eyes and hugged him back, “it’s good to see you again.” “Me, too, honey. Never deny yourself, and remember, I will always love you.” This is the moment that I had been waiting for, yet I felt uneasy. “Dad, where is Cedric and Andrea?” I searched around nervously. “When your spirit was going to be split, a phoenix appeared from nowhere rushing toward Andrea and dragged her into the Chaos, where she could never escape from.” “Then Cedric?” “He is waiting outside.” Dad paused and said, “Ortlinde, don’t be angry with Cedric, he simply 101

was infatuated by that evil god, who promised him three wishes if Cedric helps him to be resurrected. And I believe that Cedric didn’t know the plan is going to lead you into a horrible ritual. He really means no harm to you. I could see that from his behaviors and tones.” “I understand that and will discuss with him later. Let’s go home first, dad. I miss you so much.” I hugged my father with all of my effort, afraid that he would disappear again.

Walking together outside of the cave, my father suddenly ceased. “Ortlinde, I really have to go. There is no time for me to remain in this world. You know that better than 102

anyone else, don’t you?” Tears started to blurry my vision and I grasped my father’s hand more tightly. Yet the more tightly I held it, the more transparent he became. “No, I don’t want you to leave.” “I didn't want to leave you, too, but the real Stan Kettle was dead long times ago. What you see in these eighteen years is merely a composition of miss and love of a father. I love you so I want to protect you from any dangers. And now my wish is completed, so it’s time for me to leave.” When he finished his words, his body totally became transparent and shattered into thin air, leaving nothing for me to memorize. “You are so cruel, father.” I knelt down crying, 103

and streams of tears flew from my eyes. Indeed I knew this is the irrevocable result of this matter, which the maiden had told me earlier while I was captured by Andrea’s ritual, yet I still didn't want to face the reality. Now, I really didn’t have a family anymore. “I am sorry for your father.” Cedric approached me, raising his hand to comfort me but put down. “I know there is no way for me to gain your forgiveness, but what I want you to know is, I will always support you and will think twice before making wishes.” He finally laid his hand on my shoulder. “There is a cost and scarification for any benefit, and your father had done his best to induce the harm. So don't be angry with him.” 104

“I know, and I don't blame you at all, Cedric.” I turned around and watched in his eyes. “Everyone makes mistakes, and there is no exception for you.” I stood up and contemplated at the rising sun. “I don’t want to live in regretting and recalling, and definitely my father doesn’t want me to do so. I will start all over again and live out a better life.” I reached out my hand toward Cedric and smiled, “Want to come together, my friend?”


References 1. Book Cover 1: http://www.lauraannebrooks.com/inspiration/ 2. Book Cover 2: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/51122899517234781 8/ 3. Page 15: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=21918780953 4. Page 30: http://jingyolovehaehyuk.wordpress.com/2014/02/ 01/shortfic-l-nc-haehyuk-kyuhyuk-love-withoutresult-chap-6/ 5. Page 28~29: http://www.ooopic.com/pic_11369919.html 6. Page 48: http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/prod/BGAG6QA70428430 7. Page 54: http://www.liveinternet.ru/community/geo_club/po st162944092/ 106

8. Page 63: http://porsche-carsphotos.blogspot.tw/2009/09/porsche-boxster.html 9. Page 99: http://nicolemarie1004.files.wordpress.com/2012/0 8/black-phoenix-bird.jpg 10. Back cover: http://dwnloadwallpapers.com/floral-vector


Acknowledgement First and foremost I would like to thank my mother, who has always been so supportive and has confidence in me, just like Ortlinde and her father. I wouldn’t have such a healthy body after all these tiring tasks without her endeavor. Second I would like to thank our instructor Mr. Smith for giving me a chance to write my own novel. Although it is a painstaking job to complete a novel within limited time, I am glad that I’ve participated in this project, which totally inspired my interest in writing novels.


Wander, Wonder “Andrea, what did you do to our child?” “I did it, I finally did it. Ha ha ha…” “Poor child, there isn’t much you can do. This is your destiny.”

“Ortlinde, I regret, I beg you back… ” “Who… am I ?” This is a world very much like our own, but in here, no one can be trusted, only…yourself. Everything is destined. How can you get rid of, your won?

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