Alice Lin_The Journey

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The Journey

Alice Lin

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The Journey By Alice Lin

Written by Alice Lin of E4A Composition 1 Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M. Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 2010

Content About the Author ………………..…….. 2 Synopsis..…………………………….... 3 Chapter 1 ............................................ 4 Chapter 2 ........................................... 8 Chapter 3 .......................................... 12 Chapter 4........................................... 19 Chapter 5........................................... 27 Chapter 6........................................... 31


About the Author Alice Lin was born in Tainan, Taiwan, in 1991. She wrote this story when she was eighteen years old and studying at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. This is her first novel and she thinks that we should put more focus on people or things around us and cherish them. That is her purpose for writing this story.


Synopsis The story takes place in America in recent years. A 16-year-old girl named Jessica is the main character. She is rebellious, arrogant, and unsatisfied with her current life. Maybe it is time to make some changes‌


Chapter 1 “What if I could leave all this…” said a girl lazily lying on the ground. She was gazing up at the sky, and wondering. That was Jessica Evans, a 16-year-old girl with long brown hair, tall and freckled. As usual, she skipped class and hid in her secret base, somewhere on campus. No one would bother her. “3 p.m. now, it’s time to go,” she though, glancing at her watch. She quickly picked up her school bag and left.


16 years old is usually considered a rebellious age. Jessica was no exception. She didn’t like her teachers who gave homework and exams all the time. If she didn’t finish her assignments or got a poor grade, she would certainly be punished. That’s why she would rather skip class than be in class facing the teacher. Botrato was a tranquil countryside where Jessica dwelled. Her home was about 20 minutes from school. She walked back by


herself every single day. The same scene and view on the same road bored her. Home—for Jessica, it was only an empty house. She was the only child in her family, but not a beloved one. Her parents, Sam and Molly Evans, were always busy at work. They barely spent any time with their daughter. After arriving home, she opened the front door with the key and stood in the hallway for a while. Maybe, what she expected was a bear hug from her parents,


or “Welcome home”-- such simple words. Yet nothing came. There was a note lying on the table, which written with “Jessie, we won’t come back until 11, but we have left money in the drawer.” That was the message from Molly. She didn’t read it, didn’t even take a look since she has already seen this kind of notes for too many times. She just went back to her room and stayed all alone.


Chapter 2 The next morning, Jessica got up early. It was a fine sunny day, and there was no school because it was a Saturday. Her parents had already gone to work. After breakfast, she decided to take her pet Buddi, a tiny white Chihuahua, to a nearby park for a walk. At the park, Jessica felt very pleased to be surrounded by green trees and nature. While strolling with Buddi, she saw her neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and their


three kids, hand in hand. They talked and laughed happily and cheerfully. They seemed like a perfect family. A sense of jealousy and loneliness suddenly welled up in Jessica’s mind. “Buddi, why can’t I just be like them?” She talked to Buddi. Actually she spoke to her pet frequently since she had no siblings and few friends to share her feelings. “That’s enough,” she said. She felt upset and frustrated.


She found a tree she liked and sit down, leaning on the trunk for a rest. “My life is really such a mess…dull and monotonous,” she thought. “I want something different, a new life,” she thought, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds. After a while, something occurred to Jessica. “I want to leave, no one cares about me, anyway,” she said, looking at Buddi seriously. They went back home and Jessica started


to pack and wrote a message to her parents. She meant it. She wanted to leave her parents and everything around her. Nothing was worth staying for. She brought all her savings, pocket money, and took some from the drawer, where her parents left money for her. She thought she was well-prepared for her journey.


Chapter 3 She arrived at the train station and randomly got on a train. She didn’t even know where the train was bound for. With the train traveling farther and farther away from Jessica’s hometown, she felt more and more excited. A whole new journey was waiting for her. Several hours later, the train arrived at a small town named Cualas. Jessica got off the train and looked around. This place was totally unfamiliar to her. It was new


scene, and new people. She felt curious about the new things and started to wander along the streets. The landscape was attractive and the environment was pleasant. There was quiet with only few people on the street. She felt comfortable strolling on the street. However, she didn’t notice that someone was sneakily following and staring at her. This stranger was a poor ragged beggar who was coveting her money.


The beggar suddenly rushed at her, snatched her handbag, and promptly ran away. It all happened so fast. Jessica couldn’t figure out what was going on. She suddenly realized that she was robbed. All her fortune was in her handbag, and now it was gone. “Oh---my---God! What did he do? That’s all my money! Damn it!” She shouted. “I need help!” Yet the beggar had already disappeared and nobody was there at the scene. She was totally helpless and had


no idea what to do. She never encountered such terrible incidents before in her hometown Botrato, where the residents were generally quite honest. There was nothing she could do, she had to keep going. With her mind blank, she walked towards downtown, which was crowded with dwellers. Hunger and fatigue exhausted her. She sat on the wayside, looking miserable and hungry. “Today is really not my day…How unlucky I am!” she thought.


“What should I do now…?” While she was worrying about her journey, which might come to an end soon, an old couple approached her. “Do you need any help, kid?” The old man said with a gentle voice. Jessica inconceivably raised her head and said, “What do you mean?” The old woman answered, “You look weary and frustrated. Why are you sitting here alone? It’s dangerous! Where are your parents?”


Jessica explained to them what had happened and felt comforted that someone was caring about her. After listening to her story, the old woman said, “Then you should go back home and find your parents. They must be worrying about you!” “I’m not going. I just left and I feel good without them!” said Jessica. “You must be hungry now. Come to my house and I’ll get you some food. Is that all right?” the old man said. Jessica


agreed and they left together.


Chapter 4 “You can just call me Lucy,” said the old woman. “And I’m John by the way,” the old man added. “We are old enough to be your grandparents.” “So, what’s your name, kid?” asked Lucy. “My name is Jessica,” she answered. After walking for a while, they all finally arrived at the old couple’s home. Lucy prepared some bread and hot soup. They sat around the table together. Jessica was


starving, so she kept eating quickly. “Slow down, slow down! We have still got a lot for you,” said Lucy. After finishing the food, Jessica felt contented but a little bit embarrassed. “Well, thank you. You are really kind, and generous,” she said. “It’s nothing,” said Lucy. “So, tell me, why are you running away?” John asked. “I don’t feel happy there,” Jessica answered.


“Um, that’s a good reason. You’re brave but naïve,” John continued. “Look at us, we are poor and old, and nobody stays with us.” “Don’t you have any children?” Jessica asked. “We used to have one lovely girl, just like you. Ironically, she also left us,” said John, with a sense of loneliness. Jessica said nothing. She actually thought of her parents but pretended she wasn’t. After a long silence, Jessica suddenly said,


“Could I stay here with you? I will find a job and I can take care of myself, please?” “What? Are you serious? You should go back to your parents!” said Lucy nervously. “I mean it and I won’t go back. Even if I don’t stay here, I’m still not going home. I will find another place,” Jessica insisted. “She has no money, so maybe it’s safer for her to stay with us. I mean, temporarily, of course,” John suggested to Lucy, then turning to Jessica. “You can stay here for a


while, but promise me, kid, once you’ve earned enough money, you will go back home, okay?” “Thank you! I won’t give you any trouble!” Jessica said happily. Since that day, Jessica has lived with the old couple. Day by day, they got along famously and became more intimate. Sometimes Jessica thought of her parents when looking at John and Lucy. Their daughter also came to their mind when they were with Jessica.


John had found her a job in a shelter for the handicapped. There, she met lots of disabled people. Some were deaf and blind, mute, or amputee. A little girl named Shelly, about 9 or 10 years old, was blind and orphaned. She and Jessica were quite close. Shelly liked Jessica and always looked forward to her arrival. One day, while they were chatting, Shelly asked,” School must be fun, right?” “Oh, I don’t like school at all,” said Jessica. “Why? I always want to attend school, so I


can learn and study. But I can’t see, so I can’t go to school just like other children,” Shelly said. “I want to read, but I can only use Braille.” “Do you blame your parents?” asked Jessica. “No, I appreciate them actually. I won’t exist without them. And, I really want to see them…” Shelly said sadly. That night, Jessica couldn’t sleep.

Day after day, Jessica had started to


change. During the days in the shelter, she realized that there were so many people whose lives were worse than hers. She was lucky to be born healthy. She made new friends there, and they were all very kind and friendly. Especially Semih, a young, handsome and humorous Turkish man, who also worked in the shelter. They always spent time together, talking and helping each other. Their relationship was gradually growing.


Chapter 5 “Shelly, I want to tell you something!” Jessica excitedly said while running toward Shelly. Shelly was using Braille and said, “I’m listening!” “It’s Semih, he asks me out tomorrow!” she said timidly. “Really? That’s great! Where are you two going to go?” asked Shelly. “I don’t know. I’m so excited!” said Jessica.


The next day, they went downtown for a movie and walked around, holding hands. It was a wonderful day. Jessica knew that she was falling in love with Semih and they soon became a couple. In the following days, Jessica was spending all her spare time with Semih. She felt happy and fortunate to have him. John and Lucy were also glad to see them together. Jessica thought that they could be like this forever.


Nevertheless, their love didn’t last long. They broke up after a couple of weeks because Semih was in love with someone else. He was actually a player. Jessica felt extremely despaired and heartbroken. Every time she recalled the happy times they had, she would cry bitterly. Shelly tried to comfort Jessica when she wept, but it didn’t work. Jessica ran into Semih frequently at the shelter and that was painful for her. She was tired. The sense of yearning for her parents that


she concealed all along welled up. Eventually, Jessica decided to leave the shelter.


Chapter 6 Jessica was not the same as before. The days working at the shelter and time with John and Lucy psychologically changed her. She learned to be grateful and to cherish instead of complaining and squandering. One day, while they were at the table, Lucy talked to Jassica, “Kid, tell me, do you miss your parents?” “Well, why do you ask this question? I’m fine and, I’m happy to be with you,”


Jessica answered. “We know that and we are glad to see you grow up. You have become more mature,” John continued. “But you need to know that, we can’t keep you here anymore.” “Why? Did I do something wrong? Or…oh, I can find another job!” said Jessica. “No no no, it’s not like that,” Lucy stated. “Look, we love you and we are lucky to have you. But you have your parents, you should be with them. They must be


searching for you.” “And we know exactly the feeling about losing a child,” added John. After thinking and considering for a while, Jessica said, “Yeah…maybe it’s about time.” She decided to go back to Botrato, to her former living place. However, she believed that her life would be different. She had bid farewell to John, Lucy, Shelly and her friends in the shelter. They all felt sad about her parting but were happy to


see her growth. “You will come back to see us, right?” Shelly asked. “Of course I will. You’re just like my little sister!” answered Jessica and they embraced each other. “Take good care of yourself, kid,” John said , giving her a big hug. “Thanks to all of you, I won’t forget the time I’ve been here!” Jessica said. ”Good bye!” and she left, going home by train.


Several hours later, the train arrived at her hometown. She discovered things were now different. The street she used to walk by everyday seemed so unfamiliar. The landscape looked more pleasant than ever. Nervously, she arrived at home. She was wondering if her parents were home and then she opened the front door. “Jessie! You’re back!” Molly screamed. She and Sam heard the sound at the door and rushed to it right away. They were


pleasantly surprised to see their daughter had returned. They embraced tightly and looked at each other. “Where have you been? My little girl!” said Sam. “Dad, Mom, I’m home!” said Jessica. She cried, and so did Sam and Molly. They have been searching their daughter to no purpose for a period of time. They missed Jessica so much and since her leaving, they realized that they always made their work the priority and


neglected Jessica. After going through this experience, they had become a “real” family. They appreciated and cared about each other.

Let me leave you readers with one final thought…“If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?” -- Douglas Noël Adam


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