Faye hu the last canon

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Number of Words/Words in Oxford 3000------------2 Contents-----------------------------------------------------3 About the author------------------------------------------4 Characters--------------------------------------------------5 Synopsis-----------------------------------------------------6 Chapter 1----------------------------------------------------7 Chapter 2---------------------------------------------------10 Chapter 3---------------------------------------------------13 Chapter 4---------------------------------------------------16 Chapter 5---------------------------------------------------20 Chapter 6---------------------------------------------------24 Chapter 7---------------------------------------------------29 Chapter 8----------------------------------------------------34 Chapter 9----------------------------------------------------39 References---------------------------------------------------42 Acknowledgement Page-----------------------------------45 Synopsis on Back Cover----------------------------------46


Faye Hu was born in 1993 in Tainan City. She's studying in English Department in Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. Faye likes watching movies, play baseball, traveling and taking pictures. She takes pictures everywhere and she likes to discover new and unusual things.


 Molly: Eugene's wife who got the cancer.  Eugene: A doctor who is always busy.  Ann: Eugene's mom with Alzheimer's disease.  Beatrice: Eugene and Molly's daughter. She is a piano teacher.  Lance: Eugene and Molly's son. A college student.  Dr. Logan: He works in the same hospital with Eugene. Eugene's best friend.  Sean: Beatrice's boyfriend.


Molly has been a housewife for over than thirty years since she married Eugene, who is a doctor. They have two children, Beatrice and Lance. Beatrice and Lance don't spend much time with their family, sometimes, they even think Molly is a little bit annoying. One day, it's found that Molly got a cancer which frightened all of them, and they decided to do something for Molly.


Chapter 1 The Prelude "Hey, dinner is ready. Beatrice, Lance, come down. Honey, dinner is done, put down all your works now." Molly makes dinner every day and Beatrice doesn't come down to have dinner with everyone as usual. "Sweetheart, it's time for dinner, I'm sure you can play it well after you finish the dinner." "How many time I've told you do not knock the door at this time? I am not hungry, alright? Tomorrow is my first recital, I need to keep practicing over and over again! Please leave me alone." Molly closed the door and looked like a little bit disappointed. "As you said you have stomachache quite often recently, don't forget you have a physical checkup 7

tomorrow at one o'clock. I have outpatient services tomorrow, so Dr. Logan will do it for you. Don't be late," said Eugene. Molly doesn't like to do physical checkups, because she thinks it's not necessary and it's kind of waste of money. Molly not only needs to prepare the meal during the dinner time, she also has to feed Ann, her mother-in-law who has Alzheimer's disease. Ann can't stop screaming, cursing Molly and spilling the food Molly fed. After having dinner, Molly also needs to take shower for Ann. Molly is the only who can take care of Ann since she has been taking care of Molly for 15 years. Molly lost her parents when she was young, in that case, she treats Ann as her own mother. Ann thinks that Molly stole her son from her which makes her feel upset and curse 8

Molly always. Even though Ann keeps saying bad words to Molly, Molly knows she is the one who Ann trusts most since Ann cries in death when she is not with Molly.


Chapter 2 The Theme After taking care of all the house chores and having a food fight with Ann during the lunch time, she is ready to go to the hospital. Ann starts crying, screaming and grabbing the clothes of Molly as before when Molly is about to leave. It's a beautiful day. Sun is shiny and wind is blowing lightly. During Molly is enjoying this beautiful view on the bus, her stomach is cramping again for few minutes. Molly arrives to the hospital and have the physical checkup Eugene set up for her. After finishing all the checkup lists, Molly wants to see Eugene yet, Eugene is too busy to meet her and he asks his assistance to tell Molly go home early and take a rest. The 10

report will come out on the day after tomorrow. She leaves hospital after she thanked to the assistance and gave a smile to her. Molly seems to be fine, however, she is not. She is really upset that her husband is a doctor though, he cannot do the checkup for her own wife, and even meet her just for few minutes. Nevertheless, she never complains about it to Eugene. Then Molly takes bus again to the Beatrice's recital after she bought a bundle of flowers. The recital starts at five o'clock. Beatrice plays some famous songs, and she is extremely talented. One of the song she played is Canon which is Molly's favorite song. Beatrice also cooperates with her piano teacher, Sean, who she falls in love with. After recital finished, Molly gives flowers to Beatrice and asks her 11

to go to have a coffee together. "Sorry, mom. I can't. I still have some appointments with others," replies to Molly. Molly knows that the "others" Beatrice mentioned is actually Sean. Although it's not hard to tell, Beatrice barely talk about that with Molly. Molly leaves concert hall and walks down the street. She stops and stand in front of a store of music instrument. She is staring at a little girl who is playing Canon with the piano. She is deeply touched and she is imaging herself could be like the little girl and Beatrice. In fact, Molly wanted to learn playing piano since she was young, but she couldn't due to some reasons. This has been Molly's dream for a long time.


Chapter 3 The Twist "Eugene, may I talk to you for a second? Please, get rid of other things. I do really need to talk to you right away," said Dr. Logan. Eugene walks into the office of Dr. Logan and wants to figure it out what happened. "Okay, uh......, it's not 100 percent accurate," Dr. Logan hesitated and held back, "The report of Molly's checkup just came out this morning. It showed that Molly got the cancer, and......it's terminal. But I suggest that let Molly do the comprehensive physical checkup first. The checkup she did last time is just some particular part. You know, medical appliances can be wrong sometimes, so don't worry too much. And I've already 13

arranged the checkup for Molly tomorrow." Eugene laughed, "I'm sure that it's just there are something wrong with the appliances, you'd better get someone to fix them. I am sure she is couldn't be better though, I will come with her tomorrow. Thanks anyway." After being told this, Eugene can't concentrate on his work and although he thinks Molly is fine, he's still quite worried about the report. After Eugene got home, he insists that Molly need to go to the hospital and redo the comprehensive physical checkup tomorrow without telling the reason to Molly. Molly has no choice. While Molly is talking to Eugene, her stomach is cramping again suddenly, and the pain lasts longer than before. At this moment, Eugene is aware that this must be something to do with the report 14

today and he is more worried about it.


Chapter 4 The Rhythm "I remember the last time we went to your office together has been six years ago. It was just for the bruise on my forehead by mom," Molly said with a smile. "I wish we can take a trip, and live in the village beside the lakeside. Just you and me. We can watch movie together or take a walk on the grass barefoot......" Eugene didn't say anything, and he kept driving. They arrived to the hospital. Molly changed her cloths and she is lying on the machine, looks like anxious.


"You don't have to worry too much. It's just a simple checkup," said Dr. Logan, tried to comfort Molly. Eugene keeps silent and stares at Molly expressionlessly. Dr. Logan did the checkup for Molly steps by steps carefully and Eugene was standing by him. After one hour, the physical checkup finished and its report would come out tomorrow. 17

Eugene got off from work today earlier and asked Molly to have dinner outside. Molly was surprised because this is the first time Eugene invite her to the dinner since they got married. "But.....," said Molly. "I know you will worry about Ann, so I've already told Beatrice and Lance to take care of her tonight," interrupted Eugene. Eugene chose the restaurant where they had their first date. Molly was delighted but a little bit worried because something must go wrong. "Honey, don't you have something to tell me?" asked Molly when they sit down on a table in the corner. "No, I don't think so. Why's that?" "You have acted sort of strangely lately, and I'm just worried about it. "Nothing special, I just want to date with you, just me and you, that's all," said Eugene tried to comfort 18

Molly. They kept talking during the whole night and both of them missed old time a lot. They had a great time. When they got home, Ann had already slept. Molly is still worried because everything went too well which never happened before.


Chapter 5 The Sound Eugene went to work today earlier than he usually does since he wanted to know the result of Molly's report. When he walked into the room, everyone in the office just stopped talking. This made Eugene more nervous. He ran into the office of Dr. Logan, and wanted to know the result desperately. "Eugene, you're here so early today......," Dr. Logan hesitated for few seconds, "Listen, I know it's really hard to take that. I am really sorry. You need to be stronger." "I know you can save my wife, you are the greatest operation doctor in this hospital. You will save my wife, don't you?" Eugene grabbed the sleeves of Dr. Logan and said agitatedly. 20

"Eugene, it's terminal. I would do anything to save Molly, but I can't do surgery and remove all the tumors. It's too dangerous, you know it. I will arrange her to do the chemotherapy with some medicine. I know it will be a hard time for you, but all of us will do our best to help you and Molly." Eugene shut the door, and left the hospital. He was wandering in the hallway. There was a blank in his head, he didn't know how to do. He never thought that Molly would have so serious physical problems. Molly always looks fine and she is a positive person. He had no idea to tell Molly the result of report. Eugene felt so miserable ,so he went to a bar, and drank plenty of glasses of tequila. When he got home, he saw Beatrice and Lance sitting on the couch and watching the 21

TV while Molly was mopping the floor. He also heard the scream of Ann from the bedroom. "Shut up! Enough!" Eugene shouted at that moment. Everyone in the house was frightened, especially Molly. "Why you guys have to do this to your mom? Don't you know how busy she is? Beatrice, I know you got a job but it doesn't mean you don't have to do the house chores. Lance, don't be home too late recently, otherwise, you will be grounded," said Eugene drunkenly. Molly ran to Eugene to make him stop. " What's wrong with you? Why you drank so much? Don't shout at children next time!" Ann started to crying loudly and Molly ran into the room to reassure her. After Ann slept, Molly and Eugene were talking in the living room. "So, how is the report?" 22

asked Molly. "You are fine, there is something wrong with the machine. You are just too tired, so don't be too busy. You need to take a rest. We just hire a health aide to take care of mom or take her to the nursing home." "I knew it, I am always fine. No, absolutely no. Mom needs me and I need her. Mom will be anxious and gloomy when she isn't with me and her situation might gets worse. Besides, taking care of her doesn't make me tired. You know I am alright and I am sure I can take care of mom much better than any other else." Eugene had no idea what to say, and he didn't want to reject it because he wanted to let Molly be happy. " Sure, just do whatever you want, sweetheart," he replied after few minutes and gave her a kiss. It was an unrestful night. 23

Chapter 6 The Beat "Beatrice, you don't have to work today, do you? I need to visit Matt today. Can you take care of your grandma for me? I will be back as soon as possible. Thank you." Molly left home when Ann was still sleeping. Actually, Molly got a phone call that his brother, Matt, was sent into the police because he was so drunken and slept on the roadside this morning. Matt is man who has no sense of responsibility and he doesn't want to get a job. Matt just likes to drinks and hang out with friends all day. He is supported by his girlfriend and always asks money from Molly. "Give me five hundred dollars. I don't have any cash now," Matt shouted. "Not this 24

time, Matt. Every time, you ask me for some money to do some investment, then you spend all the money on alcohol or for entertainment. You have to get rid of all your bad habit and stop living with this kinds of life style. Get a job, Matt." "All I ask is just five hundred dollars. Don't try to give me a lesson. Who do you think who you are!," said Matt, grabbed Molly's purse, took out some bills from her wallet and then, ran away. Molly was trying to take it back, but she was pushed over. She was sitting on the ground and sighing with some tears. Matt disappoints Molly every time, however, Molly never wants to give up on him since Matt is the only family she got. She took care of Matt since their parents died, but the death of their parents made Matt start to degenerate. 25

When Molly tried to get up from the ground, she felt an extreme pain in a stomach again and then she passed out. "......she can't bear any irritation or excitement anymore." Molly was woken up by some people's talking. "Mom is conscious!" said Lance. "Why I am here? What happened to me?" "Don't worry, Molly. You're just too tired and stressful, but I will do some other checkups for you, so you have to stay here tonight. Take this pill, and get some sleep," said Dr. Logan. "Dad, may I talk to you for a second?" whispered Beatrice. Eugene and Beatrice went outside of the ward. "Dad, you're hiding something, aren't you? I know mom passed out not because she was too tired. I can tell that easily, dad. What really happened to mom?" "Well, it's much 26

faster than I expected that you're going to find the truth. She got a cancer, and it's a terminal. Dr. Logan said it's not rosy......I don't want to let Molly know it when she is not ready to accept it , so keep it as a secret to your mom and Lance. I should be aware of it when your mom says she has a pain in her stomach often, in that case, things wouldn't get so far way. I am an incapable husband......" Eugene kept blaming on himself and crying. "Dad, it's not your fault. You shouldn't have to be. At the moment, the most important thing is to make it up to mom. She dedicated to this family more than 23 years. Mom's condition will get worse, so let's realize mom's wishes and dreams, huh?" Eugene agreed and started a plan secretly. 27

At that night, Beatrice couldn't fall asleep. She regretted that she cared less about Molly and she always thought about herself first. She didn't even want to tell about Sean with Molly. When Beatrice was young, she kept saying she wanted to learn playing piano. Eugene refused to it first though, Molly kept trying to convince Eugene to say yes. Beatrice remembered that Molly once said, "It was my dream, but I couldn't fulfill it. I was quite depressed then, but now, you are the one who can fulfill for me." Beatrice cried all night on the bed.


Chapter 7 The Pause Molly is back to home. She does her routine as usual, preparing breakfast, doing the laundry, watering flowers, cleaning the house and taking care of Ann. Sometime she reads music notation also, and she read it too today. "Honey, I need to take on an additional shift, so I won't be home tonight. Don't make yourself too tired, take rest." Molly got a phone call from Eugene. Beatrice has recital in other city, she won't be home either tonight. After taking shower for Ann, it was already one o'clock in the middle night. Molly was reading music books on the bed and watching the video she took on Beatrice's recital. Suddenly, 29

Molly felt painful hugely and wanted to vomit. She ran into the bathroom, bent down to the closestool and spewed plenty of blood out of her month. She felt so dizzy then kneeled down to the floor impotently, so she was unable to call a help from anyone. Someone was back, Molly heard there was someone was opening the door. It was Lance, and he came home in the late middle night as usual. "Help......" Lance noticed that it was Molly calling the help, and he ran into the bathroom. When Lance saw the scene in the bathroom, he was freaked out. It was blood everywhere in the bathroom. Molly was unconscious then. Lance held Molly in his arms, walked out from bathroom, put her on the couch and then made a phone call to Eugene and Beatrice. Eugene drove 30

home in five minutes and then drove Molly to the hospital. Beatrice canceled all her recital performance and drove to the hospital right away. When Beatrice arrived hospital, she saw Lance crying with trembling and sitting on the floor. "What happened to mom? Are we losing her?" asked Lance. "Lance......," Beatrice hold him in the arm and stroked his head, "Mom will be alright. Even it really happens, she will be a beautiful and great angel. Let's do something special to mom but don't mention her condition to her. We still have mom around us right now, so don't cry anymore. We gotta be strong, Lance." Lance nodded his head while he was sobbing. Molly woke up with some cough and seemed to have a headache. Eugene handed a glass of water to her. "Eugene, 31

what kind of disease exactly I got? Tell me the truth!" shouted Molly. "Honey......, I was going tell you about this next week, I didn't mean to hide this from you. It's also hard for me. Dr. Logan said it's cancer, and......it's terminal, but you still have change to get well. Dr. Logan has already arrange some cure program for you and it's going to start on tomorrow." " I just want to go home right away. Take me home. I hate this place and I still need to take care of Ann. She must be scared and anxious now. I won't take the cure program, definitely not. Please, Eugene," Molly kept begging to Eugene. "It would be better that let Molly stay here if there are some emergency," said Dr. Logan. Though Eugene shouldn't take Molly away from hospital, he couldn't say no 32

to Molly when he saw Molly was so helpless.


Chapter 8 The Chorus Molly didn't change after she knew about the cancer. She does the routine as her usual does though she often feels a pain in her stomach. She takes care of Ann all day long like before. Ann spewed the food on Molly, curse Molly as usual also, and she blamed on Molly why Molly threw her away. At one night, Ann got irritated again while Molly was taking a shower for her. "You such a witch, you stole my son away from me, now you want to throw me away, and steal my money, don't you? You never good enough to be my son's wife. Do you think I don't know that you always put some fatal poison in my food?" said Ann and splashed the water 34

which got Molly all wet. Molly didn't say any words and helped Ann get dressed. Molly was staring at Ann while Ann was sleeping heavily. She stroked Ann's hair to face. "Who can take care of you when I am not here no longer? What can I do if the one who replaces me doesn't treat you well? Who can feed you and change the diaper for you?" was thinking about in Molly's mind. Then, Molly took a pillow slowly and covered Ann's face with it. Molly tried to smother Ann. "Just come with me, there is no one who can watch over you." thought Molly. Ann resisted her and made some noise. People all in the house rushed to the room. Eugene separated Molly from Ann, and Beatrice and Lance tried to comfort Ann. "If I die, what about mom?",Molly was kept saying that and 35

crying. Ann who was frightened was crying also. No one could say a word. "I don't want to die. I'm afraid of it actually," said Molly, "Take me to the hospital tomorrow." "Mom, this may be the last time to feed you. I might not able to be around you in the future. I know you are always well-behaved, so make sure when I'm not here, you

need to be nice to others, okay? I love you so much, I really 36

do." said Molly with tears in her eyes. Surprisingly, Ann didn't scream or cry, and she behaved today. When Molly was about to leave, Ann walked to her. Ann tied a silk scarf which is really precious to her on Molly's neck.

"I love you, too," said Ann and kissed Molly's forehead. Molly took all the cure project. Beatrice teaches her playing Canon in the hospital every day and Lance reads the story to her. "Molly, you got visit," said Dr. Logan. It was Matt. "I am sorry, Molly, I shouldn't be so selfish. You are the one I love most in this world. I've already got a job. I am a taxi driver now, and here is the first salary I received," said Matt and passed an envelope to Molly. Molly was too flushed 37

to say anything. She stood up from bed and gave Matt a huge hug with tears.


Chapter 9 The Melody It has already been two weeks. Molly's condition didn't get better, instead of getting worse day by day. It was a beautiful day. Eugene changed Molly's clothes for her and drove her to a village beside the lakeside. They went fishing by the lakeside and had a BBQ. They watched movie together and then took a walk on the grass. Eugene also carried Molly on his back when Molly felt tired. At night, Eugene made dinner for her and fed Molly. Molly was dressed in a gorgeous evening dress. "Where are we going? Are we there yet?" asked Molly when Eugene covered her eyes and led her to somewhere else. It was a room with a stage and there was a 39

piano in the center. In front of stage, there were some audiences, Beatrice, Lance, Ann, Matt, Sean and other friends of Molly. "Mom, you know the song Canon, don't you? Would you like to play Canon for us? It's your recital today." Everyone sit down and applauded Molly walked on the stage and sit down. She took a deep breath and started to play Canon. Molly was the most beautiful woman that night.


"Thank you, Eugene. It's the best night I ever had. You realized all my dreams. I know you will be fine even though I am not with you. You are the greatest husband in the world. My world completed because of you. I love you ever and ever." Molly was lying on Eugene's arms. She kissed Eugene on lips and closed her eyes with the smile. 41

References Pictures: 1.http://tw.image.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A8tUwJgcn7JR yg4AXDtt1gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?ba ck=http%3A%2F%2Ftw.image.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages %3Fp%3Dcanon-piano%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3D%25E6%25 90%259C%25E5%25B0%258B%26fr%3Dyfp%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3 D4&w=1920&h=1080&imgurl=nrkbeta.no%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads% 2F2008%2F12%2Fcanon-piano.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.camera video.net%2Fforum%2Ffaire-de-video-cinema-un-apn%2F13732-canon -7d-what-else-nothing-8.html&size=605.8KB&name=%3Cb%3Ecanon-p iano%3C%2Fb%3E.jpg&p=canon-piano&oid=6aaab76119b99757baf88 9b38f4ca002&fr2=&fr=yfp&tt=%3Cb%3Ecanon-piano%3C%2Fb%3E.jpg 42

&b=0&ni=48&no=4&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=135v6oin3&sigb=13n6gr0d a&sigi=11l3g1rf4&.crumb=6lSCTNeIdQq&fr=yfp

2.http://tw.image.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A8tUwJuboLJR CQQA9ylt1gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?ba ck=http%3A%2F%2Ftw.image.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages %3Fp%3Dmedical%2Bcheck%2Bmachine%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8% 26y%3D%25E6%2590%259C%25E5%25B0%258B%26fr%3Dyfp%26tab %3Dorganic%26ri%3D170&w=530&h=400&imgurl=www.yalemedicalgr oup.org%2Fstw%2Fimages%2F142138.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. yalemedicalgroup.org%2Fstw%2FPage.asp%3FPageID%3DSTW029082 &size=59.7KB&name=Breast+Magnetic+Resonance+Imaging+%28MRI %29&p=medical+check+machine&oid=b88afc1e3974ddb963acb521c4 78d83a&fr2=&fr=yfp&tt=Breast+Magnetic+Resonance+Imaging+%28M 43

RI%29&b=151&ni=72&no=170&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11t34j28d&sigb =143i87hoe&sigi=11e1043op&.crumb=6lSCTNeIdQq&fr=yfp.

3.http://www.google.com.tw/imgres?imgurl=http://img.ehowcdn.co.u k/article-preview-medium/ehow/images/a07/18/63/tie-square-silk-scarf -800x800.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ehow.co.uk/video_7381187_tie-s quare-silk-scarf.html&usg=__Y0xX9R8-SWneruBgGcnsz2IZa9w=&h=100 &w=145&sz=5&hl=zh-TW&start=0&sig2=23gxivq69V18OV2q_nFe9g&z oom=1&tbnid=_4RF7d75C6tuOM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=109&ei=E6CyUbO 7N8OHkwXahYDwCw&itbs=1&ved=1t:3588,r:2,s:0,i:89&iact=rc&dur=9 63&page=1&ndsp=16&tx=69&ty=41


Acknowledgement Page In this semester, I’ve learned a lot though I took long time to adapt myself to a new condition. I was frightened when I heard we need to finish a novel this semester. I thought I couldn’t even write more than five pages. The requisition of uploading the assignment every Wednesday was pressuring for me, but it did stimulate me in some ways. After four months, I get more familiar with the academic writing and how to organize each paragraph well. Thank you, Mr. Smith.


There is a family living as usual until something happened on the mistress. Their lives extremely change and so do their attitudes. Be precious about the people around you always, because you will never know when they will be suddenly gone.


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