Judy Kuo_Five Guys

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Five guys

Hui-chia Kuo

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Contents About the Author P6-8 Prologue P9-10 Chapter 1: Start P11-15 Chapter 2: The First Meet P16-21 Chapter 3: Relationships P22-25


Chapter 4: Day and Night P26-29 Chapter 5:Nothing Is Impossible P30-37 Chapter 6: Love Happened P38-44 Chapter 7: Friendship P45-47 Chapter 8: Separation P48-57 Chapter 9: Just Do It P58-64


Chapter 10: The End P65

Beautiful scenery in Delaware


About the Author

Hi, I’m Judy ď Š First of all, thank you to all the readers who are willing to spend their time with my book. I am eternally grateful. Moreover, I should give the readers a brief introduction about me. I am 5

now a fourth year student at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in Kaohsiung Taiwan. I major in English, and I also learn French. Since I am not into reading books, I don’t have much vocabulary and rich ideas to support me. However, I still tried as hard as I could to come up with a good story. As you will see, this story is kind of love story which happened to one of my friends. And it combined both


friendship and conflict, too. I choose to write this because I think this story is very special and exciting. It is just like the plot of a movie that happened in real life! Frankly speaking, the story didn’t develop as I had planned, and I changed a lot of the content of the original story. However, I like the result and hope the readers will enjoy reading it, and also feel satisfied after reading it.


Prologue Things often develop in a different way from which you expect‌ Lucy and Judy were two girls who had never fell in love but have learned a lesson and grew a lot after they had a journey. They met someone who influenced and changed them deeply‌


Love is always there, Around all of us, So‌ Do not be afraid and Do not hesitate to pursue the love which belongs to you !


CHAPTER 1 START It was October and the weather was getting colder. Judy always dreamed about going abroad. She was learning English in school, and was very into it. She wanted to be able to speak to foreigners in English fluently. She was an eighteen-year-old girl who was beautiful and had a good personality. A lot of boys liked her, but she always turned them down. She expected an unforgettable first love, and she desired


someone very special who really cared about her. While Judy was daydreaming again about traveling with her future boyfriend abroad, her telephone began to ring. ‘Hey, Judy, guess what? I found something you will definitely be interested in. It is about working abroad during the summer,’ Lucy said in a very excited way. Lucy was her best friend; they have known each other for almost six years. They swore they would be best friends no


matter what happened. ‘What’s that?’ Judy asked. ‘You can go to America without paying a lot of money because you earn the money there. You can balance your expenses, isn’t that good?’ ‘Wow, sounds great! I always longed to go there!’ ‘Yeah, I know. That’s why I am calling, and maybe we can go there together.’ After discussing the details and searching for the information, these two girls


decided to broaden their horizons. Luckily, they had already been chosen by an employer in Delaware who owned a cleaning company. Delaware was the first state of America, and it was near the coast. The place was very rustic and had marvelous scenery. People there were all very friendly and hospitable. During the next summer vacation, they would fly across the sea and live in America for two months. They were very excited, and they couldn’t wait. Everyday, they would think


about what would happen in these two months. Time fled by and winter had come and gone. Flowers bloomed and leaves were green. Judy and Lucy just finished their final exams, and were happily packing their luggage. The adventure was waiting for them‌ Instead of improving their English skills, they learned other things which were important in their life.


Chapter 2 The First Meet The employer told Judy and Lucy there were three boys who also came from Taiwan and would work for them at the same time. Lucy liked to daydream, too. She thought maybe there would be chances to become a couple or maybe two couples. The two girls always discussed this and then laughed a lot. ‘Maybe they are very handsome. Oh my god! I hope we can get along well,’ Lucy


said. ‘Maybe one of them will fall in love with you, and you won’t be single anymore!’ ‘Come on, don’t be silly, it’s not so easy to find a lover in that way.’ But in Lucy’s mind, she had already imagined a picture. They were just like other young girls who always expect romantic love. They had contacted the boys via MSN, and found out they were very easygoing and friendly, but that was just their first


impression. They hoped the boys were exactly the same as they thought.

The departure day finally came, and the two girls said goodbye to their family, and then boarded the plane. After a thirteen hour travel-worn flight, they finally arrived in America. The three boys did not know each other even though they were all studying in Taipei and were all bigger than the two girls. Two of them, Peter and Larry, met Judy and Lucy in the airport


while another boy, Rice, had come to New York with his girlfriend to play ahead of time. Rice joined them in Delaware, their destination, and his girlfriend went back to Taiwan alone. Even though these five people had just met each other for the first time, they didn’t feel embarrassed. On the contrary, they were like old friends getting together again. Rice was the oldest among them, and he was very sensitive and considerate. He had six ex-girlfriends and kept dating with a new one which


surprised Judy a lot. Larry liked to perform. He studied drama at school. He was a little stubborn, or in better words, he always had his own ideas. Actually, his heart was very fragile, and he used words to cover up his true feeling. As a whole, he was still a nice big brother. As for Peter, he had a gift in amusing other people; he got others to smile from ear to ear all the time. Though he seemed immature, he was actually the most thoughtful and would give the best advice


at the right time. Judy and Lucy discussed this in private, and they thought they were all very nice, but they found it hard to become lovers for many reasons, for example, someone’s personality was not a good match or someone had already had a girlfriend. They would never anticipate the unexpected result.


Chapter 3 Relationships These five people were all teenagers, so they were at the age of expecting love to come. Rice had a lot of experience in the love circle. ‘I just can’t control my feelings. I fall in love with girls easily, and you have to know, I am not the guy who has an affair. I’m the one who is always abandoned,’ Rice always said in a poor way. Now he was seeing a girl who he had


known for a long time, and by chance, they became a couple. He would have a smile on his face when he talked about her. Judy and Lucy envied this girl a lot, and they hoped there would be a guy who could love them like Rice did. Larry was single, and he broke up with his girlfriend when he insisted that he was going to America during the summer. He was very hurt with this relationship, but he, again, hid the sadness and pretended he was strong.


‘I can have a new one if I want. It just depends on me. I don’t give a shit!’ said Larry dishonestly. Lucy couldn’t believe it when Peter said he had had a girlfriend for three years, and after they broke up, he hasn’t had one since then. That was three years ago. ‘I am the kind of person, who had a hard time to discover the advantages of a girl, and I don’t force myself to love, I mean, I don’t care if I am single. Chances will arrive at the right time,’ Peter once told


Lucy seriously. However, Lucy and Judy never had a boyfriend before, and their eighteenth birthday wish was to have a boyfriend and be loved just like a princess.


Chapter 4 Day and Night Two months were not a short period of time, and it was long enough to make changes. Everyday, these five people spent their time together, day and night. They would help each other to get out of bed in the early morning, eat breakfast together, and depart for working. Their job was cleaning other people’s property, or commercial banks. The employer never put them in the same team because she


thought if they were together, they would always chat instead of concentrating on work. Each day would have at least three teams on duty, and they had five to six places to go. There would be a leader and she would drive the van and take employees and their buckets which contained all of cleaning materials from one place to another. They generally worked for about seven hours, but sometimes over nine hours was also possible. Consequently, everyday was a


tiring day. They would share every trifle which happened during work, and laugh loudly or dress down secretly. They all enjoyed the time spending together. When it was time to eat, they would go to supermarkets to buy food and cooked by themselves. It was really fun. Boys would take charge of rice and meat, and girls would prepare salad and vegetables. Each meal was very plentiful and enjoyable. At night, these five people would lie on the bed and chat until one of them fell asleep.


They once said they were just like siblings who had been separated for many years and finally had a reunion. Because they had different work schedule, the day off was also varied. Therefore, some of them had time alone, and they would hand out. They were getting closer and things were starting to get more complicated.


Chapter 5 Nothing is impossible One month had passed, and they would just stay there for one more month. After that, they would come back to their country, Taiwan, and back to their normal routine. Though they all came from Taiwan, they lived in different places, had different friends, and talked about different topics. They were afraid they may gradually lose contact due to the busy life. After all, they were all students; they


could not have so much leisure time to get together. Judy and Lucy would be able to see each other after they came back, and so did the boys. However, it was hard for all of them to get together at the same time. They all understood this, so they cherished each moment. For the rest of days, Rice and Judy always went out alone, and enjoyed the moment. They had something in common, their thinking and personality were very similar, and they had similar opinions on many


things. Larry had a conversation with Lucy when they were alone, ‘Your best friend is a little weird these days, don’t you feel it?’ ‘No, what do you mean she is a little “weird”?’ asked Lucy. ‘I mean maybe she had started to fall in love with Rice,’ ‘Really, I am not aware of that, how can you tell?’ ‘It’s very obvious, can’t you feel that?


The way they are talking, and the feeling when they are looking at each other. It’s all different. Come on, you are her best friend, you should care more about her.’ Lucy started to worry about Judy because Lucy observed their interaction after a talk with Larry, and then realized it was true. She was very stunned by this, and she thought she should try her best to discourage Judy from falling in love with Rice since he had already had a girlfriend. It couldn’t happen. It was forbidden. And


Lucy was a little unhappy because Judy didn’t only tell her the truth but also just pretended nothing has happened. Judy, however, had noticed Lucy’s anger. One day, when these two intimates had their day off, they went out shopping together. When they were on the way to the outlet, Lucy couldn’t help herself and blurted out. ‘Hey, are you concealing anything from me?’ ‘I don’t understand what you mean,’


Judy answered uncomfortable with this question. ‘Don’t try to dodge the question! You know why I’m asking. You need to let me know sooner or later. So why don’t you tell me now?’ ‘Eh… it’s hard to say,’ ‘Try me, we are best friends. We should stick together through thick and thin.’ ‘Thank you. I know you always place yourself in my shoes. I think you probably knew that I have feelings for Rice, I mean,


I like him.’ ‘Ok, so it’s true?’ ‘Yeah, I don’t know what to do. I know I shouldn’t fall in love with hi because he has already had a girlfriend! If you were me, what would you do?’ ‘If I were you, I would keep him at a distance. If you choose to keep this feeling, I think you will suffer from this a lot! I don’t want you to get hurt. So I think it is time to stop,’ a worried Lucy said. ‘Yeah, you’re right. I’ll try.’


‘You should be loved by a better man!’ It is the first time for these two girls to talk about this, and Judy finally confessed her feeling honestly.


Chapter 6 Love is happening Peter found Lucy was absent minded recently. He knew the reasons, but he didn’t know how to help her. Since Lucy discovered her best friend was struggling in a complicated relationship, she had talked to and persuaded her many times, but it was all in vain. Judy just couldn’t stop. On the contrary, she started to enjoy this dangerous love. Moreover, Rice seemed to have forgotten his girlfriend.


He treated Judy very well, and had the same feelings for Judy. He was cheating on his girlfriend who loved him so much and sent a lot of love packages from Taiwan during these two months. Rice admitted that he loved Judy, and he would confess this to his girlfriend after he came back, and everything would be the same. Larry was very angry with Rice. He thought Rice just used Judy because his girlfriend was not beside him, and he thought Judy was too immature to handle


this. After all, she didn’t have any experience! Larry had men’s talk with Rice many times, and again, it was all useless. Peter, however, didn’t give his own opinions about this. He had suggested to Rice that he shouldn’t do that because it was not right. After that, he was just an outsider who kept away from this complicated problem because he thought he couldn’t change anything. However, Judy and Rice, the persons involved,


could solve this on their own. There was another thing which bothered Peter more. He found himself was unconsciously in love with Lucy. He couldn’t believe this at first because it wasn’t easy for him to like a girl. Every time when Lucy was unhappy, he also felt sad. His mood was easily changed by her. They had worked together twice due to the lack of the employees. They chatted a lot when there was a traffic jam, and they talked about their points of view about love and their


previous life. They had similar opinions about thinking and they would solve problems in the same way. They would all choose their family rather than their lovers when their parents oppose the relationship. They all considered family was the most important part in their life; family would influence one person’s personality deeply. The more things he discovered about her, the more feelings he had in his heart. However, he didn’t want to tell Lucy his feelings for her. He would hide this


because he thought it would be hard for both of them if they had a long-distance relationship. Moreover, he did not know what Lucy thought about him. Maybe she just treated him like a brother. As for Lucy, she didn’t discover the changes from Peter. She just admired his humor and she felt very comfortable when they were together, but after they hung out many times and had more time alone, she started to have different feelings too. She, just like Peter, chose to hide her love for the same reason.


They were very much alike and shared many things in common. Things started to get out of control‌


Chapter 7 Friendship Judy couldn’t control herself. She wanted to have this relationship no matter what it took. Even though she understood after they separated, this relationship might end, she just cared about the time she once had. Lucy was tired stopping her. She had no idea anymore. She even felt that Judy had changed a lot. She used to be very considerate and rational. But now, she didn’t care about anything, even being a


third party! Lucy was very helpless. She wanted Judy to be happy, but on the other hand, she was helping Judy to hurt another girl. Lucy started to feel an antipathy toward Judy and treated her coldly. She didn’t want to intervene anymore. Finally, these two girls’ friendship which they promised would stand the test of time was broken. They used to do everything together, but now Rice replaced it. When Lucy cried, Peter would stay beside her and comfort her.


Judy had her dream come true in that there was a boy who loved her, but this relationship was not blessed. As for Lucy, she got to know Peter gradually, but she was afraid to get hurt. Therefore, she wasn’t frank with him. These two girls regretted their decision to join this trip, and now they wanted their life back. They hoped they could still be best friends‌


Chapter 8 Separation In these two months, and a lot of things happened. These five people, who were strangers before, have become very close. They wouldn’t forget this journey for the rest of their life. However, it was time to say goodbye. These five people said goodbye to Delaware where they stayed for two months and had a lot of beautiful memories. They departed for New York


for a seven-day trip. After that, they would fly back to Taiwan and finish their journey. Rice would come back to Taiwan before others because he had to deal with his student loans. Judy was very pensive because her first love was going to end, and her best friend would no longer stay with her. When Rice picked up his luggage and said goodbye to them, Judy wept bitter tears. Lucy was very upset too. She liked Rice except for the thing he did to hurt the two girls. These five people


were all very sad, and they all hugged each other tightly and cried very hard. After all, they got along very well, and they were just like siblings. After this separation, Judy felt very alone, and she hoped Lucy could understand that she still wanted to be her best friend. Because she didn’t want Lucy to worry about her, she chose to keep away from her. Actually, Lucy knew everything, and she wanted to restore their friendship too. In fact, they cared about each other very much, and


they all put themselves in others shoes. When they had a walk in Central Park, Lucy was the first breaking the silence… ‘Judy, you have to know, I just don’t want you to get hurt. I will support you and give you the best advice. But I don’t like to hurt others, either. That’s why I chose to let you do whatever you wanted and stayed silent,’ said Lucy sadly. ‘I know. But I really like him. I couldn’t control myself! I wanted to know what love tasted like. Anyway, it’s over! I won’t


have any further relationship with him, so don’t worry about me!’ Judy explained and was trying to look happy. ‘Come on, your face tells it all. You’re very hurt now! Don’t try to lie to me. I know you! If he leaves his girlfriend and asks you to be his new girlfriend, I am sure you will definitely say yes, won’t you? ’ ‘It’s hard to know, but I guess you’re right,’ Judy replied without any hesitation. ‘Ok. We can never tell what exactly will


happen. If he really does that, I won’t say a word, and I will let you to decide on your own. I hope it turns out all right. And remember, you need to tell me about your trouble. Don’t forget, I am your best friend.’ ‘I don’t know what to say! So you aren’t angry with me anymore?’ ‘I wasn’t angry, I just felt hopeless. That’s all.’ ‘Lucy, thank you for everything you have done for me. I’m really glad that I know


you.’ Judy and Lucy’s friendship, therefore, have renewed and even became better than ever.

The rest of them spent one week in New York visiting a lot of attractions, for example, The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, and Madison Square Garden. They also tasted a lot of delicious food. Each day was very fulfilled and adventurous. They had a


guide book with them and they took the subway to see New York City. A week was a very short period, and the journey really came to an end quickly. The two boys’ and two girls’ flights were different because of their destination. Larry and Peter would leave before them. On that day, Lucy and Judy helped them to pack their luggage and watched them go. They promised each other that they would keep in touch after coming back to Taiwan. At this time, Peter’s departure collapsed Lucy on the


spot when the taxi had left. She suddenly realized how much she relied on him only after he was gone. During last week, Peter went to any lengths to take care of Lucy and was obedient to her without a word. When she was cold, he would take off his jacket and give it to her immediately. When she felt uncomfortable, he would remind her to take the medicine even though she always blamed him for being a busybody. When she was afraid of taking a bath in the dark-tiny bathroom, he would


stay outside and chat with her until she had finished bathing. Under his meticulous care, she became very dependant, and was like a little girl who was just born yesterday, but she enjoyed being a princess. However, it was all too late to discover the deep affection for him, and she regretted that she didn’t confess her feelings sooner‌


Chapter 9 JUST DO IT Time continues to fly by, and now they have all come back and had a new semester. Looking back on these two months, these five people went through a lot of things together. It is no doubt that they all became more mature. For Larry, he learned something from Rice and Judy who had courage to express their love. He wouldn’t hide his emotions anymore. He decided to pursue his love


for his ex-girlfriend and ask her to come back. Rice, surprisingly, had broken up with his girlfriend heartlessly because he couldn’t forget Judy. Therefore, he was determined to go after Judy. He sent mail to her and told her his mind, and Judy accepted it without any hesitation. Maybe it was doomed for them to meet in this situation, and they were meant to be a couple. Though they couldn’t see each other everyday, they were still obsessed with


each other. Lucy was happy for them, but she also hoped that Rice wouldn’t make the same mistake in the future. As for Lucy, she got a letter in her hand which Peter had sent secretly when they were still in America. He admitted all his feelings for her but he didn’t force Lucy to accept him. He understood it would be hard to make a decision, so he would prefer to be friends rather than a couple. More importantly, he wanted her happy, and he thanked her for appearing in his


life. He had no idea what Lucy thought about him until she mustered the courage and gave him a call. ‘Hi, this is Lucy,’ she said nervously. ‘Hi, this is unexpected that you are calling. How’s it going? Is everything all right?’ Peter was very surprised. ‘Yeah! Everything is fine. I just want to tell you that I have received your letter, and to be honest, I already know your feelings. But… I don’t have absolute confidence in myself, so I pretended that I


didn’t know anything on the surface. I’m sorry!’ ‘I understand! Anyway, thank you for telling me the truth. Don’t feel sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t want you to feel stressed.’ ‘I am not stressed at all because I also have fallen head over heals in love with you! I just don’t know how to let you understand, and I am afraid that you are not that into me!’ Lucy had practiced this sentence over ten times, and she finally


said it from her mouth. ‘I can’t believe this! Lucy, listen, I wouldn’t tell you my feelings if I don’t love you so much. That’s my principle. I intend to give you up originally, but now, I know if I don’t seize this chance, I will never forgive myself. Lucy, please take this seriously. Are you willing to be my girlfriend?’ Peter asked sincerely. ‘I would like to say yes, but I am worried that the distance will become the obstacle between us.’


‘I can’t promise you it will worth, but I swear I will try my best to maintain the relationship. We should look on the bright side of things, right?’ ‘I agree with you, so let us try together.’


CHAPTER 10 THE END Just like Lucy’s prediction, there were two couples, and they were very serious about each other. They, unlike other couples, had lived together for a period of time before they fell in love, so they clearly knew each other’s advantages and disadvantages. This might be very dramatically and unforeseen, but it was a true story, and people should believe that there still can be romantic love in the real life.


Written by Judy Kuo of E4A

Composition 1

Instructor Mr. Kenneth M. Smith

Wenzao Ursuline College of Language

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

June 2010


This story started last summer vacation in the U.S, and there are five people involved, three boys and two girls. These five people didn’t know each other except for the two girls who have been best friends for many years. After being together day and night, they became very close and got along well, just like a family. However, after a period of time, something changed‌


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