Kelly wu my trip my dream

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My Trip, My Dream

Kelly Wu

My trip, my dreamďƒŞ

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My trip, my dreamďƒŞ

Written by Kelly Wu E4A Composition 1 Instructor: Mr. Kenneth M. Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan June 2012


My trip, my dreamďƒŞ


About the author-----------------------------p.4-p.5 Preview -----------------------------------------p.6 Chapter1----------------------------------------p.7-p.15 Chapter2----------------------------------------p.16-p.24 Chapter3----------------------------------------p.25-p.31 Chapter4----------------------------------------p.32-p.33 References--------------------------------------p.34-p.35 Acknowledgement page---------------------p.36


My trip, my dreamďƒŞ

About the author

Kelly Wu, an eighteen-year-old teenager, now studies at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. Major in English and minor is German. This year is her fourth year, and this is her first


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time comes to novel writing. She was absolutely a fresh beginner. She likes reading, but she is not good at writing novel in English. What she likes to do, finding and enjoying some excitements in her life is her favorite activity.


My trip, my dream

Preview One day, after studying for a long time, Kelly feel really tired and she fall asleep a.s.a.p. then she has a strange dream. In this dream, everything seems the same as in the reality. She could not distinguish if this is dream or not… Kelly has an adventure when she is in a marvelous dream, she meet some famous people and also have interesting conversation with animals… What is going to happen next?


My trip, my dreamďƒŞ

Chapter 1


elly was a talented student that she liked to create something new and she had big

interest in seeking for excitement. One day after reading for whole afternoon, Kelly felt tired then she fell asleep as soon as possible. She dreamed a strange dream. In this dream, everything seems the same as the reality, she could not distinguish if this is dream or not‌ However, there is no doubt, she will have an unprecedented adventure. Kelly had an adventure in a marvelous dream.


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What obstacle she would face? What kind of strange people she would meet? What surprise she may have? Bring up your faith and let us follow Kelly’s step to welcome in her dream. Kelly wandered off on her own. Suddenly, a blue teddy bear stopped in front of Kelly. He wore funny clown attire. “Oh, my droopy ears and fluffy hair! I am late!” Mr. Blue Teddy exclaimed while looking at his watch. “A Teddy bear that could tell time is surely a mystery,” Kelly said to herself. She thought a teddy bear with such noteworthy intelligence would be a


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supremely interesting subject for a story, a tale that would greatly impress her friends. Kelly called out, “Hey, could you stop for a while, I wanted to ask some question? Hey, that blue bear” But Mr. Blue Teddy ran away, crying, “Oh, dear! I am too late for an important meeting! My boss would fire me!” Burning with curiosity, Kelly chased after him. Mr. Blue Teddy suddenly stopped to part the grass at the root of a tree and expose a hole. He gave Kelly a quick wave of his paw as a visual signal and an indication that she should follow him.


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In a bid to show her courage, Kelly jumped into the hole right after Mr. Blue Teddy. The hole dropped vertically, and Kelly felt as if she were falling down a very deep well. Kelly fell past a large map. She imagined falling through the earth to the Antarctic. The place she had not been before, this time she had a rare chance to look for its astonishing scenery. She tried to practice curtsying while falling, but she couldn’t do it because it was simply too difficult to make a curtsy while dropping through the air. At last, Kelly landed on a huge pile of snow. She


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could see Mr. Blue Teddy running up ahead at a very fast pace, and Kelly hurriedly chased after him. Soon, she ran into a large igloo. What a surprising! Kelly looked around and she could not find Mr. Blue Teddy. Then follow the beautiful voice, she walked into a tiny room, she saw The Snow White was singing karaoke with her stepmother happily. Cinderella was sitting next to them and sewing her torn blouse, she was really nervous because she got a lot of work to do, if she could not finish all the things before sunset, she would not be allowed to go to night pub and dance with her dear prince. Rapunzel was leaning


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nearby the window, she was looking forward for her birthday party, which will be held the day after tomorrow. She was counting the amount of her soft blond hair. Kelly screwed up her courage to ask something to eat, after a long distance journey, she felt tired and exhausted. However, no one replied her question immediately. After a few minutes, Kelly became annoyed and shouted to the air. “Is anyone here can answer me, where should I find something to stuff my stomach?” “Oh my dear, I am so sorry that we all ignore your


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request. Here is some delicious food in refrigerator. When I ring a bell, there is a servant who will lead you to the dining room, you can have everything to satisfy your appetite! Enjoy your meal! By the way, I have a premise, after your meal, you have to go out and find a mysterious golden box for me. I will send you a map later! If you do not obey what I say, you would have a great punishment.” said The Snow White. Without thinking, Kelly promised this agreement. Here came a dwarf, named “The giant”. Then he took Kelly to luxurious dining room.


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“Wow, here is so gorgeous, I haven’t seen this kind of house which like palace.” Kelly looked and was full of praise. “Hey! My cutie giant, would you please bring some food for me, I am hungry. Please! ” Kelly said it politely. “That is my pleasure to serve you, you are the guest of ours. Your food will be severed in about fifteen minutes, please wait patiently” the giant reminded Kelly. After the giant left, Kelly lay on the fluffy sofa to relax and read some magazine. She was waiting for a


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long time, and she was thirsty, there are some cups of seaweed juice on the table. “So nice, I love seaweed juice so much, I will drink all the seaweed here! Oh, this kind of life is so perfect.” After a while, something happened. Kelly fainted and was unconscious.


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Chapter 2


ime past so fast, Kelly wake up after five or six hours, she did not know what happened

during the past hours. Her head is a little bit heavy, and she could remember nothing had happened before. She only knew that she was hungry. Everyone she met before were all gone, and Kelly didn’t have any idea where they were. She forgot everything and she didn’t want to go back to the place where she had been before. Suddenly, she sniffed some smell, this smell was from far away. With curiosity, she followed the smell


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and wanted to figure out where it was from, and she had a desire that she could get some food to eat. She walked through a long covered corridor, now she was in front of a steel door. On the door here stuck a piece of paper, on it written… “If you are brave enough, you could come in, or just stay away!” Kelly thought, even I could not taste big delicious meal, perhaps I could find something new and worthy when I get in this door. “I am ready, GO!” Kelly said excitedly. This door was an entrance to a wonderful and


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peaceful garden. Without thinking, Kelly shut the door and locked it. She expected that something extraordinary would happen. “I can’t believe where I am, and what I do. Everything is so special to explain. Hope I can go home safely, that is my only wish.” Kelly kept walking, and then she walked into a big garden. There are many beautiful flowers. Here is a place where can relax, put away your stress and bad mood. It was a good idea to take a walk, and breathe some fresh air, that makes you become more closer to the nature.


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“How peaceful it is!’’ Kelly was astonished at the extraordinary view here. When Kelly walked around, she noticed that here was a person who is sitting under the tree, reading mythology. Kelly came near, and she realized this person was Steve Jobs, the person who she admired so much. She was delightful. She was eager to have some conversation with him. “Hello, Mr. Steve. Nice to meet you, I am your fan even I have not use any apple, product, which was too expensive to afford it. However, you are my super


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idol! “ “Here is a question, why are you here by only yourself? Don’t you have a lot of speech to give to audience? “Kelly had a lot of questions about Steve Jobs. “I am here because I am doing something secretly. I would not like to be disturbed. Therefore, I decided to be distant from crowded. And go here to finish my project.” After a few minutes, Steve Jobs stared at me and his face showed his happiness. “I appreciate your admiring, what I can do is using my intelligence and creativity to give people


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high-tech quality life. I want to have some contribution for people, also I am happy to be a philanthropist.” “How kind you are! I think your speech in Stanford impressed many people and I definitely love your speech. You are so cool!” “Stay hungry, stay foolish. We should learn more as we can, knowledge is power, and there is no doubt. I hope everyone can learn how to be humble.” “You are right, if I have chance, I would like to be your co-worker, even you have bad temper, and you get annoyed easily. On the other hand, I know you are so smart and you have excellent leadership ability.”


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“Oh, you are over praised, I admit that I am stubborn and irritable, but I insist everything need to be 100% perfect before it presents.” “By the way, nowadays, I invent a magical machine, this called The Time Machine. And yet haven’t tried some experiment.” Steve Jobs continued talking about his great invention. “Choose me choose me, I would like to be the first person who experience this machine. So cool, I can’t wait for it.” “OK, but you need to follow my direction, or you will go to the Hades place and never come back. This trip may be dangerous, and I can’t warrant that you can go where you want successfully. But here is a chance to have some spectacular adventure.” “Never mind, I am not worried about getting lost.”


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“I would like to remind you again. First, we do not need to sign a contract because you are volunteer also I do not get any profit from you. Second, here is no any insurance. Are you sure you want to join this journey?” Steve Jobs took it seriously. “It is my pleasure to get along with you, and you are my super idol. I would like to attempt this experiment.” Kelly looked forward to this eagerly. Even Kelly did not know where she will be, but she just wanted to have some mysterious memory. “First of all, you need to concentrate on the place you want to go, your mind needs to be really tough and you could not think about other things. Then you need to recite it repeatedly. The inconceivable will happen right after. This machine will transport you to another place! Are you ready? Good luck and have


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fun!” “Yes, I am ready. Let’s go” Kelly shouted. “Fine, you can start to follow the steps. I am going to press the bottom. Perhaps here is an opportunity to meet you on Mars. See you girl!” Steve Jobs waved his hand with a tricky smile. What is going to happen next? No one knew, just used your imagination to create your story :-) A precipitate impact, Kelly lost her balance in a tiny weird machine. She was going to say some four-letter word but she could not through it out, because the air was too thin to breathe. Thirty seconds past, she landed in somewhere she did not expect. A big country, China, located in Asia.


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Chapter 3


elly was in a big city, which is far away from hubbub, Tibet. There was a crowd of people,

and Kelly is one of them. Kelly felt panic and she almost fainted. Kelly just wanted to run away from here, because she has fear of many people. She walked away and she was going to find a quiet place to have a cup of coffee. After half an hour, finally, she stopped in front of “Starbooks”, she was eager to quench her thirst with a cup of coffee, and she would like to calm down herself. She opened the door and walked into, passed to counter, and she ordered a cup of cappuccino then found a seat beside the window. She sat down, sipped cappuccino with patience. Kelly watched out the window, she was in a trace 25

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from time to time. Kelly stayed in her small own world, with her plentiful imagination. She did not discover there was someone standing behind her. Suddenly, the stranger hit lightly on Kelly’s shoulder. “You startled me. Why you stood behind me without saying any words?” Kelly said it with anger, she did not yet recovered from a fright. “Sorry, I am just looking for someone who can chat with me and I will treat on her meal.” the stranger said, he was a little shy. He always stared at the ground even he was talking to me. “Anyway, I have so much free time. Perhaps I will have some new impression about this guy after talking with him.” “Would……you……mind……if I……?”


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“Never mind, please take your seat!” Kelly interrupted this stranger, and showed him she welcomed him to sit and have a comfortable conversation. At the very beginning, Kelly threw out many questions in order to know this stranger more. However, sometimes this stranger just kept silence and spoke about nothing. Twenty minutes past, a half hour past. Kelly only got a little information about this person. His name is Kevin, and he was crazy about Socrates. What more, he had special ability, he could have communication with different kinds of animals. That is all about him, Kelly was interested in this stranger. “Could you please tell me how to communicate with animals? I was fascinated by it. Please teach


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me!” Kelly begged for this request. “You need to tell some spell at the first, here is a magic book. All kinds of spells are in it. This is the present I want to share with you!” “What a surprise! Thanks you a lot, Kevin. It is my pleasure to meet you!” Kelly praised. She loved this book and she dreamed that if one day she has an opportunity to show this magic to everyone. “Do you know Socrates? He was a person who impressed me a lot.” “Let’s talk about him. I know him and I have done a presentation about him before in my introduction of philosophy class.” “A life without examination is not worth living.” Kevin lifted his glass and said it seriously. This is a well-known saying from Socrates, I knew it


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and I had deep impression about this sentence. I like it because from this sentence I realized something important in my life. If you don't review your experiences and try to learn from them, you won't grow in wisdom. Without that examination, you are little more than an animal, just surviving day to day. “Well… He is knowledgeable. I like his wisdom.” Kelly murmured. “How about having a meditation? Take a deep breath then relax all your body. Then throw out all your worry. Going to a quiet place off the beaten path is wonderful. I suggest that we can take a walk to central park, then it is the time we have to say good-bye. ” “That is a good idea, why don’t we just do it right now?”


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We walked along the street, on the way we hadn’t stop talking about Socrates, we share personal opinions with each other, and we also told some jokes. I felt comfortable when I got along with Kevin, this stranger. After a few minutes, we arrived. We chose a clean place to sit down. Then we started meditation to seek a “soul trip”, to reflect ourselves, to find an inner peace and a brand new beginning. From this unexplainable encounter with Kevin, I had surveyed my life one more time. Afterwards, I made up my mind. “To deal with things earnest and do not waste my time on something nonsense. I need to be positive and have enough courage to pursue my dream. Life is one-way ticket, you don’t have any chance to ask it


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repeat again. What can I do? Hey I have to treasure every moment!” Kelly told herself in a slow voice. Indeed, yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why it is called present.” Kelly totally agreed this sentence, however, from this occasion, she realized more about it. There was a big unexpectedly earthquake hit the central park, and now the ground appeared an excellent wild break. This break divided Kelly and the stranger from apart. Kelly called out for help but there was no answer. Kelly burst into tears because of fear. She could not found where Kevin was. Suddenly, Kelly crashed by a hard strike, then she fell down in a faint.


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Chapter 4


elly awoke from a sound sleep. She rubbed her eyes. She stood up and had a stretch.

“I had slept in front of my desk for a long time, but this dream seems true to me. If everything will happen in a real life, I will definitely be glad to accept it.” Kelly recalled every detail in this dream, there was a shining smile on her face. Everything was too wonderful to be realistic, but she wouldn’t regret to have this marvelous journey even just in a imaginational dream. “It is time to start my study. I wish I could have this surprising dream one more time.” Kelly sighed with emotion. From this dream, Kelly discovered that she needed 32

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a lot of encouragement to face her future, have enough faith to conquer all the difficulties. If there was a dream she wants to pursue, just tried to work hard and make it come true. To seize every chance, do not waste it or you will be disappointed after you lose it. Kelly knew that she had to distinguish the reality and the dream, but she will not lose the utter innocence. She was well prepared and brave enough to meet any exploration.


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References  CMAEq_cVvj9M:&i mgrefurl=http://lifeandothercrises.blogspot.c om/2012/05/when-dream-really-does-come-true.html&docid=qP -k6w-P0MbSXM&i mgurl= 0/T6hl lBLcvlI/AAAAAAAAAaw/fMR_a_sM9Xg/s1600/dreams.jpg &w=500&h=375&ei =5LXOT9PqPMKi mQXMlM2XCg&zoom=1&bi w=1280&bi h=829 1R2ADRA_zh-TWTW470&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=sMoAR XGWrY9tl M:&i mgrefurl= ry-Drea m-127894770&docid=561wmiTiTRP_xM&i mgurl=http://f c01.devi za .jpg&w=1280&h=800&ei=5r7ST4v3L5H2mAWAr9GOAw&zoo m=1&i a ct=hc&vpx=532&vpy=47&dur=871&hovh=177&hovw=2


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My trip, my dreamďƒŞ

Acknowledgement page

Thanks Mr. Smith for giving me a chance to write an English novel by myself, I am very anxious about this, even I have some wonderful ideas, this is a big and difficult challenge for me. However, I am glad that finally I finish this project at the end of this semester. During the process, sometimes I lacked for new and interesting ideas, sometimes I just have a thought to give up. Fortunately, I finished this project at the end of this semester. I am so proud of myself. Best wishes,

------------------------------------------------------ Kelly Wu


My trip, my dream

The End


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